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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
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  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
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  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
1975. A time of struggle for muggles and wizards alike. While the cold war is at its height, the wizarding world is faced with a war of its own. The Daily Prophet has reported nothing but bad news as of late. There have been disappearances, murders, dark marks in the sky, and sightings of strange men in masks. Whispers say this is all the work of the Dark Lord, an enemy so formidable no one dares to speak his name.

A dark cloud hangs over Hogwarts, for even its peace has been disturbed. The promise of a new academic year and its would-be adventures are instead shrouded in unspeakable fear. There are those who come to Hogwarts with dark intentions and even darker magic. No one knows who they are. They stay in the shadows, bearing the faces of old friends or foes, whispering, scheming...

In this age of growing racial prejudice, the well-being of half-breeds and muggle borns hang in the balance.

Hogwarts is no longer safe.
Current Chapter 6: A Solemn Supper

Date: Wednesday, October 8 1975
Time: 6pm
Event: Feast at the Great Hall
Weather: Cloudy

Hogwarts opens its great doors once more, though the students that choose to remain are anything but great in number. If, at the beginning of the school year, the halls were flooded with streams of black robes, it is now reduced to a trickle. And what would customarily be an exited hubbub is now uncomfortably quiet, occasionally permeated by whispers of uncertainty and fear.

Something about Hogwarts has changed. Something more than the Chamber of Secrets being opened then closed once again. Something more than the appointment of the new Headmaster Demetrius Creed, whose very existence seems to be shrouded in mystery. Hogwarts itself seems foreboding somehow. Like some dark and evil spirit has possessed its very walls. For the castle towers now stood frowning upon the encroaching students like it loathes for them to come back. There will be no warm welcome, no semblance of a joyous celebration to be had. There is only the beginnings of an omen.

But even in the darkness, there is hope. The two students who fell victim to the Basilisk are now cured and well, even if the trauma remains with them and will haunt their dreams for some time.

Today, they will be rejoining their classmates who, upon their arrival, are immediately ushered into the Great Hall for supper. There, half the former staff awaits them upon their usual seats at the great table, whilst the other half seems to have been replaced by unknown and unwelcoming new faces. The usual seat of the Headmaster is curiously empty.
Write-up by Adrian | Coding by Adrian | © Art taken from Pottermore

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Ash Caster
Ash honestly didn't know what to say to them, he felt as if he'd been thrown out into the middle of the ocean and was expected to return to land within the day with nothing to help him at all. It was jarring. "I don't see why the three of you aren't enough, I'm hardly going to be of any help." Not to mention that this would completely ruin his future turning him into a criminal targeted by the ministry...he wouldn't be able to see his family without putting them in danger. He didn't want to be known for darkness.

He couldn't help the wave of relief that washed over him as Effie appeared, not only relief but a surge of panic as well. He knew exactly who he sat with now and the idea of Effie being close to that, the obvious anger he caught glinting in Victoria's eyes. He was sliding to his feet before Victoria even had a chance to finish speaking. He strategically placed himself in front of Effie so the action would look natural.

He glanced back at Victoria. His eye's holding conflicted emotions but also looked less welcoming and warm then they use to. "I'm sure we'll speak again soon," He said in a flat tone. With that, he took Effie's hand and quickly lead her out of Three Broomstick's. His hand was tight but gentle on the smaller girl hand. Not threatening in any way, but it was clear he was uneasy. "Sorry about that Effie," He said in a soft voice as he finally released her hand, giving her an apologetic smile.

One glance over his shoulder in the direction they come from had him aware of their little follower. It wasn't hard to realise that he really never had a choice on the matter, that he'd always been a puppet for someone he'd believed a friend. It hurt more than he expected it would. "Did you have a book in mind Effie?" He asked in a lightened tone, refusing to place any of his friends into danger.

Mentions: Victoria Grimm, Damon Blood @~Dark Disney~ - Effie Campbell @Vio
Interactions: Victoria Grimm @~Dark Disney~ - Effie Campbell @Vio
Location: Three Broomsticks/ Hogsmeade street

Interactions: Pedro (@Bubbly Potions ), Kashif (@Kyatto )

Leontios yawned as he tugged his favoured jacket tighter around himself against the merciless cold, eyes drifting around the streets curiously. Like many of his classmates, he had been set on edge by the recent events but it hadn't deterred him from his usual self - much. His usual energy had dimmed only slightly with his concern but a grin was still found often across his features. Though currently, he just looked exhausted but that was because he had decided running around all day was a good idea. Hurrying to where he was meeting Pedro, Leontios hurriedly brought his hands out from his pockets and blew softly into them to try heat them up. His eyes scanned the room before he came across a sight that quickly brought him to tears – laughter erupting from his lips as he wrapped a free arm across his abdomen. Pedro had seemingly gotten himself into a odd situation with a student he didn't know, which seemed to be the most amusing thing ever to Leo at the moment.

"U-urh, H-hey Pedro!" He cackled, tears threatening to spill joyously from the corners of his eyes as he tried desperately to stop his laughter. "You alright down there?"
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Ivar Ragnulf

In an instant, Ivar flushed a deeper shade of red at Elliot's comedic commentary. Subconsciously raked his fingers through the cleanly styled mop of hair on his head. Feeling the softness from his white strands in contrast to the thicker and darker black hairs at the part. "I never try to impress, Graves." He admitted nervously, feeling the need to leave after his comment.

Of course, Graves didn't stop with the crude nature comments, and the normally emotionless Ravenclaw became considerately awkward by the different words. "I'm not peacocking anyone!" Ivar finally exclaimed awkwardly, looking toward the overly energetic boy, then awkwardly looking to the surprised Head Girl whom had sad nothing.

"Ah! I just remembered I have plans." He murmured awkwardly, looking down before scurrying off in the distance. His awkwardness and embarrassment lead to him running toward Hogs Head Pub—hoping for a chance to tuck himself away in the sketchy room he ordered himself. Maybe, he'd have a chance of peace and quiet there…

But the sight that caught him off guard upon entering the Pub. Was Jasper in the company of a girl… Elizabeth Hawthorn…

Shutting the door, Ivar felt a pitiful amount of envy creep into his cheeks. After all, he was so sure he remembered that Jasper was busy through the field-trip. In seeing him with the notable bedwarmer to Tasha, thoughts went to the worst of things, and his emotions swelled in his stomach. His heart sank noting the ever so playful glint in the boy's eyes and then the closeness of the two.

Location: Hogsmeade, Outside Toy Shop ---> Hogs Head Pub,
Mentions: Elizabeth Hawthorn (@Vio ), Jasper Grey (@Ghostly Boo ), Elliot Graves (@Ghostly Boo ), Tasha Wolfe (@Vinn ) & Anastasia Fitzgerald (Me)
Interactions: Elliot Graves

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Morrigan Quinn

Morrigan pursed her lips together collecting the news before—watching the shift in Juniper's positive mood to something dark. It wasn't something that pleased the raven-haired girl at all. She hated how Lysandra held such a power over Juniper, and mental damage. Stepping forward at the end of the Ravenclaw's explanation she pulled her into a fiery kiss.

"No, we prepare no one for a time. They can wait a few more hours." Mor admitted with a heat building up behind her eyes. Stroking her lover's cheek, she removed her glasses putting them on the bedside table once more. Her finger nimbly undoing the buttons of her blouse and pushing it off Juniper's shoulder. "I've suddenly no longer the urge that we must see the little gutter rats waiting for us," Morrigan said with a playful smirk tugging at her cheeks.

"I want to distract you once more," she said pushing the girl back into bed and climbing on top. Feverish kisses were shared, and Morrigan did her best to distract the girl from the foul thoughts—orders, and that beast that ate at her.

Sometime after she found herself huffing lightly, sweat beaming down her body. Drawing Juniper close she kisses her eagerly, then strokes her cheek. "Let's stay here, let them entertain themselves for now. We have better things," Morrigan whispered, interlocking her fingers with Juniper's.

Location: Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade: Inn Room
Interactions: Juniper Murray @Ghostly Boo
Mentions: Victoria Grimm @~Dark Disney~


Joan Lambert
"There you are! I've been looking for your stupid ass everywhere." Joan yelled from across the room, once she had made out Jasper's distinct form sitting at one of the tables. The Hog's Head was not the sort of place Joan would normally visit, but she had heard from others that she would find her friends here. Which she did, sure enough.

But Jasper wasn't alone. At the same table sat another familiar face. It was Elizabeth from her year--someone she had barely exchanged a word with. Joan had always found Elizabeth and her group rather "uppity"; for the most part, they kept to themselves. Elizabeth was the only one out of the entire trio that seemed outgoing, almost normal.

Yet Joan had never liked her... for whatever reason she couldn't quite put a finger on.

Joan took to resting both arms on Jasper's head, as if he were a table. She gave no indication that she had noticed Elizabeth at all, more out of awkwardness than spite.

"So do you still want to go to the Shrieking Shack or not, mophead? Or are you too chicken?"

Location: Hog's Head

@Bubbly Potions
@Ghostly Boo

Theme Song: Fuck the People - The Kills
Art: vurdeM on DeviantArt


"I believe I have an idea on who would help us with a spell. As well as drafts to from another that could stop me from missing as many classes… The group of misfits do have their charms about them. Cyrus though incredibly difficult at times, she's very helpful with her spells. As well her friend Ragnulf, it's as if death is his friend, but he's a talent with potions." She proposed two that she knew well enough to conclude their manner and charms were genuine.

But Alistair, who was not much on the social end of the spectrum, had his doubts. It seemed like it was impossible to trust anyone at a time like this. If they couldn't depend on their own professors, who was to say they could depend on their classmates? Especially if at least two of them proved to be, in fact, Death Eaters?

"No, we will keep this secret for now," He said decisively, "It's as you said. There's no telling who's working for You Know Who and who isn't."

"Ivar has known this whole time though," Percy said looking at Alistair once more, her gaze unwavering from his. "He knew before even you, Alistair. Why do you think I suggested a potion in the first place." She finished with a shaky sigh leaving her lips. "If he really was like them, I would have expected either some scandal to have arisen, or something much more dire to have happened." Slipping off her seat she stood still for a moment before pushing the barstool under the counter.

For some reason, this revelation annoyed Alistair. He let out a long sigh. Suddenly he felt like he could use another drink.

"He knows of the child. Not the chamber though. But, I'd expect soon the professors will start asking their questions… Rightfully so. Parselmouths aren't the most common blood trait." She said with a daze, feeling a wash of uneasiness overcome her with all the talk beginning to take its toll on her. Her head was pounding, and vision almost blurring in and out.

"Next time you ought to tell me first before doing such a thing," He said, though his voice was less annoyed and more exasperated. "This is not the time to take risks. You know this." Though he felt certain there was more to his annoyance than just that. He couldn't pinpoint what it was, however.

"I must excuse myself," Percy said unsteadily cupping a hand over her mouth, and swiftly making a dart for the bathroom. It didn't appear that luck was in her favour though, because before she could even get to the bathrooms down the hall, the sight of that familiar marred face made Persephone stop dead in her tracks. It felt like time suddenly stood still and it trapped her staring at the monster that took so much from her already and then added so much more horror to the meek girl's very existence.

Morrigan stood bored at the bottom of the stairs, watching the settling of fear in the girl's eyes, making a tingle of pleasure appear in her own. "Good day to you, Gaunt." She spoke in a sense of cruelly fake sincerity. It was as if everything about that day in Hogsmeade was turning out delightfully pleasant indeed. Adding the sight of Persephone Gaunt's sanity crumble further into the pits of ruin as one of her many delightful memories to that day.

Persephone found it hard to breathe all in that moment, the words leaving Quinn's lips induced the smaller girl into a shivering state. Her body filled with adrenaline, but she was only frozen there. Pupils dilated, and her eyelids held wide open. She was fixed as if she were a deer trapped in headlights. Percy's chest tightened painfully so, and her lips began to turn a bluish tinge in lack of oxygen.

And with all that Morrigan merely took a few steps towards the girl, and leant forward. "I think you're not quite well, Persephone. Best be seeing someone about this state you're in. It'd almost appear like the beast in Hogwarts has caught you too." She whispered mere centimetres from the girl's lips before withdrawing, her gaze wandering over to Alistair Blackbourne. With a quirk of her brow, she took her leave. After all, it was a private matter between her and the quivering and unworthy Gaunt.

It was only when Morrigan was making her leave that Alistair happened to look in her direction. He had been so preoccupied with his own thoughts that he hadn't noticed what was happening sooner, and for that he cursed himself. When he reached Percy, she looked pale as a ghost. He could only guess what Morrigan had told her.

It was bad enough that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened; it was worse that Percy had no one to blame but herself, even if technically she had been coerced to do it. Alistair had scarcely the empathy to understand exactly what she must be going through, but her face gave it all away. It was bad for her, and bad for the child. And if word were to get out--it would look even worse for all of them.

It wouldn't do at all.

"You should rest," he told her, before paying for their drinks and booking a room in the inn. As he led her up the creaking staircase, the beginnings of a plan began forming in his head. Perhaps… if he were to erase Percy's memories--

No, she would never forgive him for that. Then again, she wouldn't ever have to find out. And this was for the best, wasn't it?

Finally arriving in the room Alistair had paid for, Persephone hugged herself sitting down on the bed. Her body shaking at the chilling lack of remorse in Morrigan's eyes playing over in her head. Though, when the thought about the seclusion the inn room had, gave her a peace at mind once more. Her breathing was no longer rigid, and her eyes no longer shaking from their gaze on Alistair. The privacy allowed her to level herself, and it was thanks to him-- that she could even do it.

"Th-thanks," Percy stuttered getting off the bed for a moment. Shyly brushing down the fabric of her skirt, awkwardly looking up at him. Unable to think of anything else to say, she found herself intrigued by a sight she saw from the window. Little did she know it was the distraction was all Alistair truly needed to complete his personal mission.

He didn't waste a second.

"Obliviate," Alistair whispered, his wand pointed in Percy's direction. Then just as quickly, he stowed the wand away. It was like nothing had happened at all. "Should I get you a glass of water?"

Persephone blinked lightly observing the scene from outside the inn window, it was innocent fun between a couple of third years. Playing in the autumn leaves and trying to throw them at one another. In the success of Alistair's spell, Percy felt a lightness bubbly inside her-- she no longer felt a swelling conflict within her, it was as if it never existed to begin with. "No thank you, Alistair." She answered his question with a lightness in her tone, not full of pain, anger, nor the slight recent she felt for him.

Now, they had another life to live for… Their child. She knew it was a time to begin the healing between them, because of this life solely dependant on her currently-- would need the both of them in the future.

Collaboration with @Adrian (Part 3)
Location: Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks.
Cormorant Garamond
Spectral SC

Henry Chen
Henry had slept throughout the day and had only just woken up about an hour ago. When he didn't have to comply to a strict daily schedule, he felt like he could sleep forever. But recently, he would be plagued by dreams--both the good and the bad--all of them featuring the same person:


The dreams would just put him in a foul mood. It gave him false hopes. It made him wish his best friend were there with him. But still, he dreamt on. Because that was the only way he could see Laurie again and feel her presence.

Henry could not recall the last time he felt like this. He had probably never felt this way before. It hurt. He knew that Laurie wasn't harmed for the most part, but he hated to think she was all alone in the infirmary, frozen and unable to do anything. And what if the thing that put her there in the first place were to come back for her again?

Yet, he felt like these were thoughts he ought to keep to himself. Henry was never much of an open book. He didn't like to talk about things that upset him. He didn't like to feel like he was being pitied either.

And he knew that Laurie would rather see him smile.

So as he walked along Hogsmeade with his friends, one wouldn't think there was anything wrong with him. He smiled as he often did, cracked jokes, staged pranks with his friends. And yet, throughout it all... he was still thinking about her. About Laurie. And how he wished she was there with him right now.

Location: Hogsmeade Streets
@Bubbly Potions
Juniper Murray

Mentions: Morrigan Quinn @Bubbly Potions
Interactions: Morrigan Quinn @Bubbly Potions
Location: Hogsmeade Inn
Juniper huffed a little, Morrigan's kiss briefly drawing her from her thought's for a moment only to completely erase them as the buttons she'd just done up were undone with ease. "Again Morri?" She asked lightly, a brief glint of amusement in her green eyes as she slipped her arm's from the sleeve's of her shirt. "Is that so?" She murmured.

She offered no resistance nor denied the raven haired girl her wish, she'd gladly accept her distraction and the opportunity to waste more time. To lose herself in her lover and what she offered. Or, more accurately, took.


Juniper returned her kiss, her breath's still heavy from their previous activities. She lightly squeezed the other girl's hand, gazing at their laced finger's before glancing at the raven haired Slytherin beside her. She leaned close, slowly kissing the other girl with tenderness before drawing back. "I would really love to, but I don't trust them not to cause an unnecessary mess that we will have to clean," She admitted, reluctantly drawing herself away.

"We will always have later for more..." She glanced at her bare companion. "Relaxation, as soon as this is dealt with," She murmured, gathering her clothes back up for the second time.

Original By: Spectre of the Fade
Edits By: Bubbly Potions
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  • According to Plan
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Reactions: Ardent and Bubs
Piper Ryeland

Seventh Year, Hufflepuff

Mentions: Pedro Giovanni @Bubbly Potions - Megs NPC - Nibbles NPC - Lynn @Mook-LandStrider - Deborah Johnson @Adrian - Leo Castellanos @Sanguine Fox - Kash @Kyatto
Interactions: none
Location: Outside honeydukes

Piper released an embarrassed sigh as she glanced up, only to find the other girl gone without her having even realised she left. Yet again it seemed she wasn't going to be having a great day. First her roommate and...close friend was petrified, then she made a mess and her best friend seemed to have fallen ill with some bug. She missed the company of her little Puffskein...of any of her little companions. She missed her dad.

She scooped another pile of gum ball's into the barrel, reaching under shelves to get the one's that had rolled further way, doing it all herself since the owner had gone to the back to find a new barrel of candies to replace the one's she'd destroyed. Perhaps she should pay for them since she'd no doubt cost the owner quite a bit. "This is a disaster..." She said whispered quietly to herself, placing the last candy back into the barrel before climbing to her feet.

To embarrassed to face the shop keeper, she quickly emptied her pocket's of the few coin's she'd been carrying with her, dumping them onto the counter before quickly leaving the shop. She jolted to a stop just before she tripped over one of the two boy's on the ground, one jarringly familiar as well as the brightly coloured Puffskein resting on the other boy's stomach.

Of course things just had to get worse; of course Pedro had to be outside this whole time, had likely see the disaster she'd caused inside.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Reactions: Ardent and Bubs

Morrigan Quinn

Pursing her lips together at the notion that they really had to get out of bed now made her sigh. Morrigan's heart hammered in her chest, and she took a slow breath. Graciously accepting the kiss given to her, she couldn't help but agree to the lack of trust towards the lower ranks. Sitting up the raven-haired girl watched the blonde remove herself from the bed. Little marks lingering over her shoulders, and chest making Morrigan smile in delight. She'd successfully left her mark.

Laying back in the bed she groaned at the robbing of pleasure their work often gave her. Morrigan feeling an emptiness creep within her when Murray left the room. It left an anger brewing towards the three idiots' downstairs. Finally heaving herself out of bed after some time—that didn't make it so obvious to The Three Broomstick patrons that she and Juniper had just been doing.

Slipping out of her inn room, after briefly freshening up. Morrigan found herself wandering downstairs, to meet Juniper and the others. Though a meek little figure caught her gaze, and a sadistic fire began to burn behind her eyes. Persephone Gaunt—in her most pleasingly weak glory. It had become apparent how quickly the girl was affected by Mor's presence, something the only increased the girl's mood from dark pit that it swirled in.

Although, sadly even that amusement ended with the appearance of Alistair Blackbounre. A presence that sparked questions for the darkly dressed girl, as she moved by them.

Perhaps, Blackbounre would be an ideal pawn? Morrigan thought to herself—a smirk quickly finding itself back to her face. Ordering her own drink, she made her way promptly to the meeting place. Her gaze meeting Victoria in a moment threw a sour taste to the butterbeer she bought herself—though the young woman was prompt to remove herself after receiving a letter.

Location: Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade: Inn Room
Interactions: Juniper Murray @Ghostly Boo & Persephone Gaunt (Me)
Mentions: Victoria Grimm @~Dark Disney~, Alistair Blackbourne (@Adrian ) & the Stone Twins.


Deborah Johnson
After attending to some... womanly errands, Debbie returned to Honeydukes looking rather flushed. She hoped neither of the two girls would question her sudden disappearance.

Thankfully, Piper was the only one that remained. She was standing outside the store now, her eyes directed to a pair of boys who had fallen to the ground and somehow entangled themselves into each other. Debbie instantly recognized the other boy. Pedro.

"So, what's the deal with you and blondie, hmm?" Debbie playfully elbowed Piper's shoulder, the faintest of smirks playing upon her lips.

@Ghostly Boo
@Bubbly Potions
Location: Outside Honeydukes

Theme Song: Again and Again - Holly Brook
Art: Batcii

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Reactions: Ghostly Boo

Making her way to a dark corner of the Three Broomsticks. Victoria opened her letter and read over it. Her hands shook softly as she read through her father's words. He was giving up on being free. Did he not think she could do it? No Did he not want her to? Maybe. Victoria took a deep breath as she read over the letter again and again. It felt like the world had stopped turning. All the light and happiness had seeped from the world and now there was nothing, but Darkness and hopelessness.

Dear Victoria,
My Beautiful girl, you are trying so hard to free me and Yet I feel as if it is in vain. I want you to continue to work on those items and take what you can get from the death eaters. See where there life can get you. I love you, but I do not wish to bring your life any danger. I am your father and I just wanted a better world to own death. Now my girl that is your job to continue to do. I will not Sacrifice both of our lives for nothing. Your life has more meaning and you are on the outside free as a bird. Enjoy the time you have and drop the last name Grimm let the world know who you are. We Grindelwalds do not hide our name. Till I hear from you again. I love you my dear sweet child.
Love Your Father

That's when She figured it out, her father must be talking in code or something. She would reply later. She pocketed the letter and made her way back to the meeting place. Her anger flared when she saw Morrigan. She walked over and swallowed her anger as she ordered a butterbeer and took her seat. She looked at Morrigan and nods. "Hello." She said with a tone of pure dislike. She had trouble hiding her dislike for her. She noticed Juniper and nods her head. "Hello Juniper." She said in a bit of a friendlier tone. Her eyes went to the drink as she paid for it. "The Blood twins should be back soon to join us." She said. As she spoke those words one of them walked back in it was Zarina. "See Just waiting on Damon." She said as Zarina rejoined them and says hello to Morrigan and Juniper.
Interactions: Juniper @Ghostly Boo Morrigan @Bubbly Potions
Mentions: Zarina, Grindelwald and Damon
Location. The Three Broomsticks
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Reactions: Ghostly Boo
Having followed Ash she listened to his boring conversations. Eventually she looked at the time and saw that she needed to start to be going. She left Ahs to talk to the girl and Jade her way back. Her cloak up as she walked. People seemed to move out of her way as she made her way towards the Three Broomsticks. She weaved in and out of other people and students. Finally making her way to the Three Broomsticks, she opened the door and stepped in.

As she walked up Victoria said there she was. She nodded and looked at Morrigan and waves hello as well with Juniper, she liked the both of them and was happy to be joining such a wonderful organization. She grabbed something to drink and joined them at the meeting spot. " I am sure my brother will be back soon. She said and tapped her finger on the cold mug. She wasn't sure what to say you cut the deadly tension between Victoria and Morrigan with knife.

Mentions: Ash @Ghostly Boo Damon
Interactions: Juniper, Morrigan, Victoria, @Ghostly Boo @Bubbly Potions
Location: Following Ash And Three Broomsticks
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Reactions: Ghostly Boo

Seeing her pull out the spider. He laughed and nods. "Alright now that's a good one, do it." He told her and watched. He was one for fun and games and she had the perfect idea. He smirked and watched her work her prank on her brother. He smirked when she placed the spider and pulled her out of the pub to where they could watch and yet still get away with it, without him coming after them immediately after. He watched enthusiastically and shook his head as he saw her brother react to a walking dinner plate spider that had been turned into walking food. It did freak some of the others out as well which was just a bonus.

Ben laughed and shook his head. He looked at Cyrus. "Good one not bad today. That was pretty spectacular to watch considering it freaked out some of the others as well." He winked at her and placed a hand on her cheek, as he leaned in and set his lips upon hers in a soft kiss. He pulled away a moment later. sorry just saw a opportunity and well you are very beautiful. Also kinda job well done." He said and winked at her. He had a small smirk on his face. His arm still kinda blocking any escape she might have.
Mentions: Jesper @Ghostly Boo and those inside the Hogshead tavern
Interactions: Cyrus @Bubbly Potions
Location: Inside and outside the Tavern

Having left the Three Broomsticks, Damon made his way to a quieter place the Hogshead bar. He would go back soon, he just needed a moment. He noticed Ben a Gryffindor Male outside with a same house Gryffindor Cyrus. He rolled his eyes and entered the hog's head. That's when he spotted Lyn. He smirked and looked around before going to grab a drink ands Lyn did. He ordered a drink and looked at the bar keep I got the her drink as well." He said and nods to the man. He nods to Lyn and follows to sit next to her.

"What are you doing in a place like thi?. Hi I am Damon Blood, not sure we have met and you are?" He said and smiled at her. "I was just coming over for some peace and quiet. When I saw you all alone, I figured I come see if you wanted some company. I do have to go in a bit have to meet a friend, but I don't see why we couldn't have a conversation." He said and sipped his drink not directly looking at her only looking at her when he spoke. He knew how to play to every personality type and she seemed to be the type that was very shy. Hell he loved a challenge and the shy ones were always that, but he prided himself on being able to get them to fall for him. Damon sipped his drink and looked at the table.

Mentions: Cyrus and Ben @Ghostly Boo
Interactions: @Mook-LandStrider Lyn
Location: Hogshead

Jasper Grey

Jasper leaned back, enjoining the pointless chit-chat they were sharing, at least until his food arrived with one of his friend's appearing only a moment later. It turned out his ability to go without one friend for a day (Not that he wanted that) was completely nonexistent. He swivelled around partly to shout back at Joan when he caught sight of another friend. Ivar. Whom had been standing by the door in complete silence, a brief look of confusion crossed his expression before Joan's hand's were dropping onto his shoulders and her loud voice speaking too closely to his ears.

"Ah Joan, finally decided to show up, I was starting to believe it was you who chickened out," he cooed with a patronising pat of her hand. He flicked his attention back to Elizabeth and the plate of food before him. Just as he went to push it away and get to his feet, the less then appealing serving turned into a huge ass spider almost the size of his plate. "Cyrus ya little bugger!" He scowled then scooped the spider up into his palm, laughing. "Ye disguise looked like shit just so ya know," He said with a smirk, recognising his sister's magic.

Jasper placed the creature before Elizabeth, grey eye's gleaming. "A pet spider for the spider herself," He teased though it almost sounded like he meant something more. "That is my cue to leave," He scooped up his bottle and got to his feet, taking a swig before winking at the blonde. "Enjoy."

With that he gave his attention to his boisterous friend, slinging an arm over her shoulder. "Hmm this feel's familiar," He said teasingly before giving her a shove toward's the door. "Move along Joan before you really do chicken out." Before he reached Ivar and the door he glanced back at his sister and Stone. "Should be fun getting ya back Rus," He called across the room with a grin. "That's if you an Stone ever decide to stop flirting!" With that he caught hold of Ivar and tugged him outside to join in.

"Not getting out of this one buddy," He said flashing his a smile, he released him only so he could shove his hand's back into the warmth of his cloak a scowl on his face. "Fucking weather," He grumbled. "We need drink's. Unless one of you is offering to keep me warm," He said playfully. "Nope? Then I fully intend to get so pissed that I don't feel the fucking cold."

Mentions: Cyrus Grey, Ivar Ragnulf @Bubbly Potions - Elizabeth Hawthorn @Vio - Joan Lambert @Adrian - Ben Stone @~Dark Disney~
Interactions: - Elizabeth Hawthorn @Vio - Cyrus Grey, Ivar Ragnulf @Bubbly Potions - Joan Lambert @Adrian - Ben Stone @~Dark Disney~
Location: Hogs Head/ Outside Hogs Head

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Reactions: Bubs
Pedro Rowan Govanni
Fifth Year, Gryffindor

Kashif Romane (@Kyatto ), Leontios Castellanos (@Sanguine Fox ) & Nibbles (NPC)
Lauren Harrison (Me), Leontios Castellanos (@Sanguine Fox ) & Piper Ryeland (@Ghostly Boo )
Hogsmeade, Honeydukes

Pedro dragged himself away awkwardly, his gaze low on the seventh year that shared the same extra craticular activities outside of school hours. That being, the Newspaper Club, that was effectively in shambles with everything going on with their leader being in a frozen state. Though some continued with their side articles, or in Kashif's case. Taking shots of here, there and everywhere that suited.

Plucking up his Puffskien from the senior's stomach, Pedro shrugged off the apology awkwardly. "Shit happens," He said in a dry tone watching Piper leave awkwardly.

All he wanted to do was ask if she was okay… That was until his own cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink. Finally, of course… Leontios has arrived just as Pedro's turn of events happened. "Shut up man…" He groaned uncomfortably holding Nibbles in his hand like he was a precious little egg.

"You always turn up at the worst times! I swear," The boy groaned getting back to his feet looking to see Piper now was in company, so, everything was a failure in giving Nibbles back. "Damn, I always mess up…" He scolded himself for a moment rubbing his head awkwardly.
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Kashif Romane
Kash quickly scrambled up while grabbing his camera that fell from his neck. His soft cheeks dusted with a certain periwinkle pink colour. Out of instinct and guilt, an apology bubbled from his throat softly.

"I'm sorry." He gave Pedro a cute smile while taking a picture of him before he could protest and looking at it. "You're just really photogenic... I couldn't help myself." A small laugh emitted from his mouth while smiling ever so slightly. He was still nervous as it seemed several other people, who knew Pedro showed up. The bustle of the shop didn't stop around them as Kash spoke, they probably assumed he'd be much different as he was a seventh year and all. More mean or something along those lines.

LOCATION: Hogsmeade -> Honeydukes
@Bubbly Potions @Sanguine Fox @Ghostly Boo
Cyrus Grey

At the success of the prank Cyrus only pulled a smirk. She didn't even think much about being pulled out of the inn after placing the disguised spider. Giggling at her brother's reaction to the spider—the girl had to stop herself from snorting like a pig in a fit of laughter. It was a sight the girl was sure not to forget anytime soon. Her brother knew full well that it was her, with the added assistance from Ben Stone, but it was something that led him to leave not long after with Ivar.

"It kinda makes the reviews on the Hogshead almost more realistic," Cyrus hinted with a tugging smirk, before flushing at the hand touching her cheek. She didn't know how to react to the sudden leaning in. Before she could step back her lips were caught in Ben's. His kiss was soft to the very touch—and something completely unexpected. Feeling the heat rise to her cheeks she let out a shaky breath at his release.

"Th-that… That was unexpected…" Cyrus admitted lightly touching her bottom lip awkwardly. At his moment of complimenting, she looked to the side awkwardly. There was little chance of escape in the position they were in. After all, she was pinned almost against a wall. It was only her, Ben and the wall. She hadn't even noticed her brothers jabs…

Because Ben Stone had stolen her first kiss.​

Mentions: Jasper Grey [@Ghostly Boo ]
Interactions: Ben Stone @~Dark Disney~
Location: Hogs Head Pub

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Reactions: Ghostly Boo

Ivar Ragnulf

Ivar found himself caught in a never-ending spiral of ill thoughts until Joan busted through the Inn door, proclaiming her challenge to the boy he thought so intimately about. Although his terribly glum thoughts that moment, he couldn't help but smirk at the mophead comment. Shortly after the exchanged between to friends—he couldn't help but notice Jasper's wondering meal, and the pair that only just escaped the Inn: Cyrus Grey and Ben Stone, a pair that Ivar had never seen together because normally it was only Cyrus and Tasha running away from the scene of the crime.

But, something was different about that day, and Tasha was nowhere in sight surprisingly.

Blankly for a moment, he stared at the Australian boy when he noticed how playfully he winked at the likes of Elizabeth Hawthorn. Not even taking notice of the high amount of displeasure it bought him at that moment. Though before he could even realize his feelings, the boy was being pulled from the inn and out into the cool streets. Stumbling across the more surprising scene of Cyrus being kissed ever-so-tenderly by the more devilishly handsome, Ben Stone. Another Gryffindor jokester.

"I think Ben is the one that started it, you know what your sister is like…" Ivar said in a cold and blunt tone of voice. "Or more—who she likes," he said gloomily, tucking his hands back into his jacket pockets. An unpleasant scowl ever-present on his face after witnessing the banter between Jasper and Elizabeth, that made a jealous pit swell inside of him.

Rolling his eyes are Jasper, he followed on. "Possibly a drink would be the best choice, I doubt Joan would want to keep you warm, loser." He said wrapping his arm around the weather hating Gryffindor's neck and ruffling up his hair. "That's not good for your liver…" He groaned looking to him, before casting back to Joan.

"Do you think we should even be considering letting that idiot drink?" He asked softly.

Location: Hogs Head Pub, Hogsmeade ---> Outside Hogs Head Pub
Mentions: Elizabeth Hawthorn (@Vio ), Jasper Grey (@Ghostly Boo ), Tasha Wolfe (@Vinn ), Ben Stone (@~Dark Disney~ ) & Joan Lambert (@Adrian )
Interactions: Jasper Grey

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Reactions: Ghostly Boo