Hogwarts: New Generation

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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BREAKING NEWS: Since Iwaku went through updates, we decided to update and clean around too. ✪☆✪New positions are open✪☆ again after weeding out inactive dead weight and few drop outs!


» Fantasy | School Life | Adventure | Comedy | Drama | Romance | Slice of Life «


"The infamous Marauders and the Golden Trio have passed through our halls.
The era of the Golden Trio has long past, but their legacy still remains."



It is year 2023.
It has been roughly twenty years since the adventures of Harry Potter and his comrades took place, Voldemort and his minions, the Death Eaters, defeated and scattered. These glorious stories have left marks on Wizard World's history, just as also they have left their marks in the hearts of wizards and witches, young and old alike. And these stories are told from the parent to the child, and they serve as the inspirational seed in the minds of the young.

And now it is time of the new generation to arise and write their own history!

Yet again, new semester in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is about to begin. Learning magic again gets everyone excited, it is never dull! (Except maybe History of Magic classes.) Very thrilling things are about to come about; after the last years seniors left, many new positions in Quidditch teams have opened. Fifth years have their O.W.L.s and seventh years their N.E.W.T.s (though not all are very excited about them). New teachers are taking over the retired teachers positions. New first years are coming in and are to be sorted. There are even some new transfer students, how very exciting and exotic! It is time to make new relationships; acquaintances, friends and enemies.

All is well... Or is it?

As the peace have been very prosperous for the past two decades, something stirs beneath the surface... In the minds of some students, as new ideas are born. Because the history is only written by the winners, the words are sugar- and honey coated, and that leaves the ugly truths in the shadows so they can make way for glory. The underground of the wizard world is slowly stirring, growing restless. Lately there has been a lot of talk about prejudice towards muggle borns and squibs in the Daily Prophet too, but the treatment of the half-breeds is being shrugged off, and that is starting to ruffle some feathers (depending of the half-breed, maybe even in the very literal sense) as the ones without a voice are silently screaming in frustration and anger. Maybe the evil that was once defeated... was not so defeated after all? But the question is; who are the good guys?

Something wicked this way comes.



{Read frequently to keep updated on happenings!}


This part will be for RP related announcements, such as what kind of events are coming up and what kind of plot related things everyone's characters should be aware of and so on, limiting and scouting certain kind of characters and other important blabbering that just happens to tickle my and the co-mods pickles. So keep sure to check in here every now and then. Also if you're thinking about joining our wicked team of witches and wizards, so you're up to date with the latest news by the time you get to jump in!

  • Read to stay tuned of the latest goss-- news!

  • My co-mod WishfulNemo has taken over the location and activity blog from me. So you can now find it from here on from here, click! I have also updated the old links to direct them to her blog, so following the old way to it shouldn't be a problem, unless you did it through my name before. Now just do it through Nemo's.

    From here on, she will be more in touch with supervising the activity of the members and will come poking to you about the information she may need to update the blog accordingly. Such as wrongly placed/missing location suffixes etc.


    Absolutely no more characters at the moment with:

    - Following species: Half-Veelas (or full Veelas or part Veelas or any Veelas), Half-Faes or anything that has to do with vampires and werewolves. Also no giants, jorogumos or djinns we already have one for each. And I'd rather not have any part merpersons or sirens or korrigans. Or anything that will have the power to seduce or charm as their abilities. I think our student body is having it hard enough as it is. Give me something we don't already have.

    - Following origins: French. We already have few, that's more than enough. At this rate we'll be having more Frenchies in Hogwarts than they have in Beauxbatons. Viva la France! There are over 200 countries in the world, and even more languages. Be more original, guys! It's okay if the character has studied the language, or lives/lived in a country that has French as one of its main spoken languages, but I don't simply want anymore characters that are actually French, were born in France, live in France, or were transferred from Beauxbatons... Well, you get the picture. Assez, assez! Pas plus! J'en ai assez!
    Japanese. We already have one, that's enough, and I'm limiting it right now on its roots for very obvious reasons. (You get it if you just think about it. Hint: weeaboo kawaii desu nee mysterious unique snowflake) Other Asian backgrounds are still welcome though. In fact, I would love to see other Asian ethnicities like Indian, Chinese, Korean or Philippines (already got one) for example.
    Italian, Turkish, Greek and Bulgarian are also out simply because I want more variety in the ethnic backgrounds.

    - Following school transfers: No more transfers from anywhere as of now, for the given time. We have plenty enough for it to be pretty weird already. I'll let you know in here again if they're open!

    - Following blood statuses: I'm limiting it so that players are allowed to have only one half-breed in their personal cast. No more than one half-breed for a person, thank you!

    - Following abilities or powers: Wandless magic users or nonverbal magic users. They're a hard and rare skills and even some adults can't do them, and seems like every other kid can in this RP. So I'm putting a stop on this now. However, a teacher with this skill is welcome.
    Animaguses. One is enough as it is.
    No more Legilimensies or Occlumensies.
    No more Parselmouths. There's already two.

    - Following wand woods: Elder wood.

    - Following wand cores: Veela hair, Thestral hair, Phoenix feather, Boomslang Venom.

    - Following appearances: I'm done with all of this I'm-So-Special-Snowflake-And-So-I'm-Transfiqurating-My-Appearance-Characters that have dipped their heads in paint jars are popping out of everywhere. They're starting to make America's plastic surgery business look bad. No more. No. Just no. I understand if the appearance is explained reasonably by genetics or the like, and toned down. You guys do understand, that the best characters are ones with great personalities, right? Focus on those.

    (Note: if someone makes a character with these traits listed above, I'm either gonna ask you to edit them out or just flat out reject you. So don't do unnecessary work and write these in the character. You have been warned.)

    We are looking for more characters at the moment with:
    - Following blood statuses: Half-Bloods! We absolutely need more Half-Bloods! They're supposed to be the most common blood status of all, but still we have very little of them!
    More Muggle-borns are also welcome!
    I'd also like couple of more unique half-breeds that haven't been introduced here yet.
    Also we'd like pure-bloods... but that have the supremacist attitudes. We're really missing those.

    - Following Origins: We need more British people. Seriously. We're very serious about this. Also, it would be cool to have some black people, though I understand finding tanned character pictures in the requested style I've asked is either hard or nearly impossible... Which is stupid as hell.

    - Following biographies: Characters with normal childhoods, homes, parents, etc. I understand that making somehow dramatic background story gives the characters sometimes more depth, but you know, kids with perfectly normal backgrounds aren't that bad either. (Wait... No pun intended!) I've noticed that every other character seems to have something wrong with their families, such as are being somehow abused, the other parent hates the character and so on. We can't have every character to be all angsty, okay? I'm not saying that you're not allowed to make characters with dramatic biographies, they're welcome, but characters that would have actually been brought up in happy and loving homes would be a nice change. Yes, even if wizarding families are peculiar, their families can still be nice.

    - Following wand woods: Preferably with woods that no one already has in the skeletons. However the wands are important, so if you happen to want a wood that just fits your character's personality that someone already has, go ahead and take it. It would be worse if you would end up choosing something that doesn't fit the character. I'm just hoping that we would have more varieties when it comes to different wands, so that's why I'm bringing this up.

    - Following wand cores: Unicorn tail hair and some others. Ollivanders uses only three cores (which he calls the supreme cores; dragon heartstring, unicorn tail hair and phoenix feathers) but it doesn't mean his wand shop is the only one out there and other wandmakers use other cores than the already mentioned three. Just know what kind of magical stuff can be used as a core and what can't. Harry Potter Wikia comes as a nice guide again in this matter. Yet again, I'm not saying you can't use dragon heartstring. Just hoping for more variety.

    - Following Appearances: Characters that look relatively normal. Fo' realz, yo.
  • Chapter 6 has been released! Read about it on IC thread's page 18! The new chapter is also stored on 1st page.
  • I just realized I should probably write this info also in here and not just in the PM's or Skype, sorry 'bout that. So yeah, new chapter is coming up, and with it time skip of couple of weeks will take place around the change of the month. New chapter will be focusing on a school day. Everyone should start ceasing their interactions between their characters before the chapter will change or it will be forcefully chopped to an end by the time skip which will be a bit awkward for you to settle afterwards if you don't do it yourself. So big YAAAY for new things that are coming?!
  • Here's an update that will make your life a bit easier if you're someone who is part of this RP! Click here and you'll be able to follow everything more smoothly! This link can also be found in the beginning of the IC thread at all times.
  • The RP thread is now open for players to post! Need help finding the correct thread? Scroll up to the top of this thread and click the Hogwarts banner and it will direct you there! Nice and easy, eh?

  • In case anyone is interested, you can form clubs with your characters whom will become the leader of the formed club. However, the club has to do with something with Hogwarts, okay? Request forming club through me via PM. The clubs will be listed in the Sign Ups & Positions thread under every house's "Academia & Sport" depending in which house the leader/captain of the club belongs to.
    Anyway, so here's the form for the club request and the details I need to know in order to make it possible and official.

    - The name of the club.

    - Your character's name and House.

    - What would be your characters title? Leader, Captain? Something else, perhaps? Or would the leadership be shared in between all the houses? Will the character be already in a leadership position, or will the inheriting of the position happen during RPing?

    - Who is the supervisor of the club? If the club has something to do with a school subject that someone else's Professor character teaches, it would make sense the most if they would be the club's supervisor. However you can't force this onto someone, so talk to the other player about it first and get the permission from them to name their character as the supervisor of the club. Other solution would be a simply name a random NPC teacher to do the job.

    - Where would the club be held? Name a thread, or request me making a thread for it if there isn't already an existing place for it in the RP. Note: The club needs to take place within Hogwarts grounds.

    - During what times would the club take place? Every day after school? On certain weekdays? Or would the club be small and more laidback, and assemble only when the members feel like it and agree on certain days randomly?

    I need all this background info to know to make it work properly. Note that if your character does become the club's leader/captain/founder you are in charge of the club, which makes it a side plot. Also, please search Harry Potter Wikia if there is already an existing club with the name and purpose you're thinking of forming, we don't want to make double clubs.

  • Here is a list of miscallaneous things you should know about Hogwarts when you RP.
  • Phones and laptops don't work inside Hogwarts grounds, there is some magic in the air that disturbs the statics. Where would they even charge their equipment? It's an hundreds of years old castle. There is no electricity. Electricity is a muggle thing. If they need to contact someone, they use owls and letters and other magic related things for messaging each other.
  • Witches and Wizards use traditionally quills and ink to write, even though using "normal" pens is not unheard of. It's just that the magic world is slow to change and they value traditions, and quills have been in fashion for a long time. Also, muggle pens are for muggles.
  • Students should respect their elders. (You know, if they could lose their temper, they could hex you or something.) They should never call their teachers a teacher or with their first name, but add the title of Professor in front of the last name. The Professors can take out points from each House, any amount they want as a punishment which should raise the group discipline among students -- then again, the Professors can give points for good behavior.
  • Every student is required to wear their uniform inside Hogwarts grounds when the classes are on motion. The uniform contains;
    - Plain white buttoned shirt
    - House tie with thin stripes (red and gold, green and silver, yellow and black or blue and bronze, according to House)
    - Charcoal grey knitted v-neck jumper, a cardigan or a sleeveless jumper (with cuffs and waist House-coloured)
    - For boys charcoal grey trousers
    - For girls charcoal grey skirt (around knee-length) with tights or stockings of their choosing (nothing too inappropriate)
    - Charcoal grey socks
    - Plain black shoes
    - Open black silver fastened robe with the student's House emblem on and respective coloured lining
    - Having accessories is accepted, as long as they don't go overboard or too inappropriate
    When the students don't have classes and are on free time, such as during weekends or when they go to trips to Hogsmeade, they're allowed to wear clothing of their choosing. (Again, nothing too inappropriate.)
  • Head Boys and Girls lead the Prefects of their House and practically the entire student body. Head Boys and Grils and Prefects can take points out only from their own House. Them and Quidditch Captains are allowed to use the Prefects Bathroom... even though someone without the title sneaking in with the acquired password isn't unheard of.
  • Students of third year and older are allowed to go to school organized trips to Hogsmeade Village outside of Hogwarts during weekends if they have a written permission slip from their parents for teachers to present.
  • Not all Pure Bloods are cocky and arrogant, but it's not uncommon, and not all Purebloods are filthy rich. Being in Slytherin House does not automatically mean you're evil, the House just has a bad reputation from the past. Nor does being in Slytherin require your character to be Pureblood (lot of ambitious people just happen to be usually from wealthy family backgrounds), the Sorting Hat doesn't sort students there by genetic heritage, but by personality traits. Just like being in Gryffindor doesn't automatically mean you're good, or that being brave means you have to be fearless. There are many different forms of bravery. Not all students can be like Hermione Granger; they come to school to learn, not to know. Being in Ravenclaw doesn't mean you have to be academically on top, there are very different varieties of wisdom out there. Nor being in Hufflepuff means that the character has to be overly kind and sweet and sugary because they are kind and loyal, I know many badass Hufflepuffs.
  • Just like in real life, sad as it is, your status pretty much tells a lot how people see you. Purebloods are respected and lifted in high regard for their untainted bloodline, they usually see the "lower" bloodlines as lower beings and not equal to themselves, even though not all are arrogant about it. Half-Bloods are "normal" class, and Muggle Borns are are usually the lowest... but Half-Breeds are treated pretty much like scum, 'cause they're completely not even human, and sometimes they don't quite even get treated as ones. Of course the Ministry has tried to make everyone stand on equal standards, such as giving equal rights to some Magical Creatures that are seen as intelligent creatures on human standards, and made some laws about their treatment. But sadly, this is not always the case.

  • This is for the Daily Prophet articles that are stored in here so they do not get drowned in the middle of the posts. Keep checking these, some might be relevant for characters plot wise, and some are just for fun!

  • hwco3l.jpg

  • vhtis5.jpg
  • Cultural Issues: The Ministry is on a political haggle with the Australian Ministry about bringing illegal pets over the borders to Britain. This is causing some trouble on both sides, but should be settled soon.
    International Warlock Convention: International Warlock Convention to be held in Brazil! The Brazilian Ministry of Magic is proud to hold this yearly event again this year!
    Scandal! The lottery winner's party got out of hand!: Margaret Slugdew, the winner of this weeks Wizard Lottery, found partying hard with Goblins in her own vault at Gringotts. A guardian dragon was included. See the pictures in page eight!

  • This is for the Hog Topics (the school's official paper) articles that are stored in here so they do not get drowned in the middle of the posts. Keep checking these, some might be relevant for characters plot wise, and some are just for fun!

  • 1zzqdl3.jpg


  • This is for the The Weasel (school's unofficial tabloid paper) articles that are stored in here so they do not get drowned in the middle of the posts. Keep checking these, some might be relevant for characters plot wise, and some are just for fun!
  • 33duija.jpg

  • This is where you can find the notice boards of all the houses. The notice boards are being updated accordingly when needed, and should be checked just in case at least once in every chapter.
  • 24gk4g2.jpg
  • 4v1fzd.jpg
  • 2566atl.jpg
  • 2hf1iwz.jpg

  • This tab is a collection for different request forms so they don't get drowned in the news dates. If you want something, like to form a club in the RP, find it in here, fill it and send it to me in a PM.

  • In case anyone is interested, you can form clubs with your characters whom will become the leader of the formed club. However, the club has to do with something with Hogwarts, okay? Request forming club through me via PM. The clubs will be listed in the Sign Ups & Positions thread under every house's "Academia & Sport" depending in which house the leader/captain of the club belongs to.
    Anyway, so here's the form for the club request and the details I need to know in order to make it possible and official.

    - The name of the club.

    - Your character's name and House.

    - What would be your characters title? Leader, Captain? Something else, perhaps? Or would the leadership be shared in between all the houses? Will the character be already in a leadership position, or will the inheriting of the position happen during RPing?

    - Who is the supervisor of the club? If the club has something to do with a school subject that someone else's Professor character teaches, it would make sense the most if they would be the club's supervisor. However you can't force this onto someone, so talk to the other player about it first and get the permission from them to name their character as the supervisor of the club. Other solution would be a simply name a random NPC teacher to do the job.

    - Where would the club be held? Name a classroom or area of your choice where the members would be gathering. Note: The club needs to take place within Hogwarts grounds.

    - During what times would the club take place? Every day after school? On certain weekdays? Or would the club be small and more laidback, and assemble only when the members feel like it and agree on certain days randomly?

    I need all this background info to know to make it work properly. Note that if your character does become the club's leader/captain/founder you are in charge of the club, which makes it a side plot. Also, please search Harry Potter Wikia if there is already an existing club with the name and purpose you're thinking of forming, we don't want to make double clubs.



― The Journey ―
Hogwarts: New Generation is an ambitious long term role play that has been running actively ever since it opened it's doors for players in May 2013 under my leadership; and before my dictatorship the RP belonged to someone else and originally started sometimes mid 2012. During this time we have had ups and downs, but we have loved and laughed through all of them, because what we believe is the most important in role playing is that everybody has fun while doing it.

However, our journey starts ever farther, around the midway of 2012 from a site that is long gone and dead which was called OtakuZone, where Hogwarts: New Generation originally started. It was owned by an another person who sadly could and did not have enough time to look after it, nor enough interest to do so, so the role play was badly neglected. The only reason it kept running at all was because the players loved it, and refused to give up. After few months the role play was trusted upon Rosie in that site and she revamped it, but unfortunately we never got past the sign ups when the site crashed and died permanently. The move led into Sic Parvis Magna, but never got past the sign ups there either due to some issues that we call illogical parents and unjustified grounding for several months. This would have been the end of Hogwarts: New Generation, would I, the current Game Master Wicked, have not half-reluctantly taken it upon my shoulders. (Really, I was really reluctant in the beginning because I dislike taking responsibilities. Like a true Slytherin, I most of the time believe that sometimes it is better to only stick close to power rather than be in power.) But now I would not trust anyone else run it better than myself. I found a new site for role play called OtakuWorld, and ZehelX as my mental support and second opinion right hand guy, I started the role play the third time.

The previous site was wonderful in the beginning and held much promises with it's forum format that gave us the possibility to have three sticky threads for sign ups and other important things and around forty plus something threads for the role play's different locations. Unfortunately the OtakuWorld that was continuation to OtakuZone and constructed by it's previous member, had people that had no previous experience ever running a site before. I still salute these people for trying anyway. We faced some hardships with the moderators of the site over the year who did not approve of our detailed writing or the romances, and some were just bashing at us simply because they decided not to like us for reasons unknown. I do get that most of these people grew uncomfortable after simply reading kissing scenes, and I have no idea how they would have survived past more than that -- which by the way, is absolutely forbidden in the site, and we never went there. Writing about french kissing apparently was also. Funny, we know. It's kind of really ridiculous, because the moderators could not separate role playing content from cybering, and accused people of cybering instantly if things went "too hot" for them.

Thus after several months of unfair treatment, I grew tired of it. I believed the site was suffocating my freedom of self-expression, and it was giving me anxiety to know that people were paying extra attention to my crew and just waiting for some of us to "break the rules" so they could get at us. I believed there was salvation somewhere else, a site that would accept us as we are and give Hogwarts: New Generation a new home.

And I was right.

And thus, on January 2014 we landed here in Iwaku. We hope that this site is friendlier towards us, and we will get the equal treatment as we deserve. You are nice to us, and we are nice to you too. Treat others as you hope you would yourself be treated, yes? We do not know what happens now, but future looks a bit brighter for the role play. And it's full of new adventures!

So this is us. This is our story. And we hope you will join it.

  • This is where I'm going to introduce you to our lovely crew, Team HNG, so you will get an idea of what kind of people are responsible of making this role play possible. Every member of the crew have their own strong points that they will effectively use to improve this role play on the areas they work, while aiming to keep things as professional and civil as possible. Well, all of us in our own ways, anyway.

    You got a problem regarding the RP? Any questions? Or do you just want to say hello? Don't be afraid to contact any of us! We don't bite. Much. Maybe.

  • 205892.gif

    Hi, my name is Wicked and I'm an alcoholi-- No, wait, that's for the other group. *Awkward cough* Pretend you did just not hear that. Let's try that again, shall we?

    Emotion: Extremely professional.
    Status: Writing this while wearing an actual tie like a boss.

    Hello. Wicked here. The person on top of the food chain that has the final say on everything that goes around here. The final boss, an overbearing control freak that at times tends to have trust issues with people handling the given work and thus trying usually do things alone like an idiot, and the one who will most definitely rip you apart if you try anything nasty on any of the members of this crew or the players of this RP. I'm ferocious like a feral animal when opposed, so be ready to get mauled mercilessly if you step on any lines I don't see fit to be stepped upon. And mind you, I have many lines like that. And so to make things more exciting, they also happen to be invisible. Yes, I have a lot of issues, anger issues being one of the biggest of them. You have been warned. Be naughty on my domain at your own risk.

    Glad we cleared that up.

    So basically what you should know about me is, that if you haven't already noticed, I'm pretty much brutally honest and my tongue is sharp as a razor. I don't sugar coat things, I'm not Willy Wonka. I'm so arrogant that it borderlines ridiculous, and sarcasm is close to my heart. And I have a terrible potty mouth, especially when angered. I lean more to the logical than emotional side, so at times I'm really dense and unable to understand people completely. To me most of the people are just lot of guessing work and headaches. I also happen to be socially awkward person, and thus I'm an anti-social hermit which naturally pushes me into the category for Painfully Introverted. All these things combined and the result can be really hazardous when it comes down talking with me; I tend to upset people on regular basis unintentionally. So approach me at your own risk. I like to bite.

    Glad we also cleared that up.

    Now, onto the more lighthearted things! I'm not actually that bad of a person as the above makes me sound, the people that know me tell me I'm actually lot nicer and sweeter than what the first impression of I-Nearly-Pissed-On-Myself level of intimidating I usually give to people. I have around decade of experience of role playing or something of the like, I stopped counting long time ago, I think it was around the number of seven, but that seven was like couple of years ago so... Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing -- even when it might look like I don't. Sometimes my way of going about things might seem really paradoxical, but trust me, it makes perfect sense to me. I have a lot of love for writing, and my RP posts tend to turn usually really long because I have problems with stopping once I start. One of my dreams is to one day become a professional novelist and have many people read my productions. I also enjoy reading a lot myself, and you can be sure that I read everything that happens in this RP. My working areas are basically being the badass leader that makes the final decisions and gives either the green or red light to the other crew members, supervising the RP that no one breaks any rules, and judging and accepting the skeletons.

    I enjoy role playing with all my heart and it's one of my biggest passions, and I don't mind pushing my characters into trouble. I also like making different relationships with my characters, so don't be afraid to contact me on that area at all if you are part of this RP and either of my rowdy children happen to catch your eye! I'd love to plot together with you, and stir the shit pot.

    Small info that no one truly cares about; My favorite colors are black and red. I love Halloween even though I've never truly experienced it since we don't celebrate it really in my country. English is not my native language, by the way. I also have ADD, dyslexia and (apparently) dyscalculia, so if your writing looks like total shit and you blame it on your dyslexia, I will fucking slap you because that excuse is about as valid as white trash parking on an invalid slot. So there is is, your argument, sitting on the invalid slot for invalid arguments. That's right, now limp away with your weak excuses, they ain't needed here. I dislike my own language so I pretty much refuse reading anything in it if I possibly can. I'm insomniac so time zones don't really matter much; I have plenty of time. I fucking love cats, turtles and snakes. I'm in my early twenties. I'm genderfluid panromantic demisexual so I'm quite open minded and not even half as judgemental than you will probably expect me to be because of my slightly darker personality and tactless sense of humor. And since you probably are by now thinking that how the hell did I grow up so twisted, yes, I had pretty eventful childhood and it's the reason why I am like I am, and no, you will most probably never get to hear about it. One of my favorite games is to make people that don't know me to guess what my gender is. Do you think you have the answer? Either I'm a guy who is comfortable with his slight femininity, or a chick with really masculine personality. Or maybe I'm just pulling your leg right now and in truth I'm completely androgynous person who was born with both genders. Confused enough? Good. Because none of that shit should really matter at all. I don't care what gender pronouns you throw at me, I'm comfortable with all and you don't see me throw a tantrum over them. You choose yourself what you're the most comfortable calling me, and I'll just roll with it. Overall I just don't simply give a shit.

    This is pretty much all I can tell you about myself. Cheers for bothering to read this ridiculous ramble.

    See you at Hogwarts.


  • Greetings there,

    Call me Nemo, or Wawa, whichever you prefer. The joke goes around that I'm the clownfish, Nemo, who is always lost. However, people have always easily found me in ways of contact, so not that much lost. Yes, you may imagine me as that cute, doe-eyed, orange striped fish, but don't be surprised if you suddenly get bitten by a piranha. With that said I hope that this metaphor made it clear that I'm far from a nice person to get along with. If not, then I guess I made that clear now by explaining said metaphor and if it is still not clear, allow this image to explain it to you:


    Okay, now that we have passed the funny part. My role(s) as a Co-Mod is to make sure that all rules are followed and to check up on the activity of the members. I don't like to repeat myself, so you better read the rules carefully and avoid having me PM you too much. The more annoyed I'm with someone the dumber they get in my opinion, so you are on a declining line if you ever crossed my path. Just a fair warning before anyone thinks of skipping the rules, or questioning them. (Don't worry, you can redeem yourself by not repeating said actions too often and having me repeat and explain everything to you too much.) I also help out with writing up new rules if we find it necessary, so that makes it especially worth to read it! I'm in charge of writing out most of the warnings send to members, so a PM from me is usually bad news. Usually. Don't start sweating. Yet.

    As for my other role, mentioned before, as the supervisor of 'Activity'. Once in a while I will do a round with members who have disappeared for a while, or haven't posted for some time. For more details about that you will have to read the rules under tab 2, or check the blog that I took over from Wicked. These should give you a clear view of what exactly my job as the moderator of 'Activity' means. If you ever feel that you are going on a hiatus, or need to discuss your activity in general, you can hit up Wicked or me. We both like to be informed and are generally very understanding about what real life is like. However, don't test your luck too much with us. The rules are clear and apply to friend and foe equally. No special treatment, and if you do think you deserve it, you better motivate it with us. Chances are however that you probably won't get it anyway and that we are eager to kick you out because of said 'privileged' attitude. :D

    With this I believe I have explained what my jobs are, as a co-moderator, and what you can bother me for. If there is anything else you want to know about me, or the role play, you may ask them. (If I answer them is another question, but you will find out soon enough.) I'm generally nice enough to get along with if you don't waste my time too much and if you entertain me. Keep these in mind and I may actually blub around you more~

    So let's create some IC drama together and work next to each other closely as the story advances! I love to hear what everyone is planning and to hear the creative gears overworking themselves. Most of all, have fun! I'm here to enjoy myself as well after all, not to put a stick up into your ass, because that is just disgusting and uncomfortable.

    Best wishes,

  • tumblr_inline_nqwehfu7ns1rw68ip_500.gif

    Greetings peasants! Er-- I mean, my fellow HNG members. It is I, your Queen. Uh...I mean, neighborhood friendly Mod Misa here! I am the Mod that shall make all of your dreams come true! //throws sparkles and diamonds everywhere.



    Haha, only if it worked like that, Sadly it doesn't. I am the Mod in charge of the continuity of the role play. I make sure that the story runs smoothly and if there are any hiccups I fix them. (I also do a little extra and add fanart to the tabs and do commentary. So if you're an artist feel free to message me your stuff and I'll add you in)

    I like to think that I'm super nice and friendly. I don't really know a stranger and I'm a very talkative person. (And Loud, ask anyone here teehee!) My soul animal is the cat, I think it fits me very well. But other than my nice extroverted personality I am the demon lord that will make your life hell if you decide to cross me, or come at me sideways.


    But...that raises my blood pressure so I would rather not have to result to opening up a can of whoop ass and bringing my inner ghetto, sassy, black girl out. So, I'll treat you well if you treat me well. Got it? Good, glad I got that off my chest.

    I love all things Disney related(My signature represents that xD) I'm known as the Drama Queen and I don't mind that title since Acting is a passion of mine and plan to pursue it as a career. (Watch out, you might see me at the Oscars one day) I mean, honestly, if I were you, I would just ask for my autograph now.


    I'm a musician, (but I'm a professional procrastinator and my ADD doesn't help so I don't really practice. I'll stick to acting.) I did marching band in High school. (I was in the color guard, the people that twirled the flags and danced across the field)

    As a Mod I expect respect and in return will give you respect. I'm nice but I'm certainly not a pushover. So push my buttons if you want to. Try your luck if you want to. If your body ends up missing you'll have no one to blame but yourself.


    I know people mess up, I mess up too, I'm human just like all of you. But I do expect you all to follow the rules. I don't like giving answers to things that you could figure out on your own. Like if its written down in plain view, and all you have to do is read, please don't come bug me about it. Grow up and figure it out yourself. Otherwise you'll never learn. It's tough love.

    Anyway, enough doom and gloom. I hope that we can all be friends and enjoy ourselves in this role play. It's supposed to be fun! So let's turn up and have fun! I hope you understand a little bit more about me and about what I expect as a member of the HNG Staff team. Toodles till next time peasants!


    Sincerly, your Queen,

― Contact Us ―
We are generally a really friendly, at times quirky, group of friends who are connected through the love for role playing and especially this certain role play, and the dedication towards our characters. If you have joined the role play and gotten your character(s) accepted and want to be part of the group that knows always the first what is going on, contact some of us via Iwaku's PM's and we'll give you our Skype's if we see you are nice and trustworthy person. We have a large Skype chat group that has almost all of the members in it, and we plan and plot in there when it comes down to our characters and their relationships. Well, we do tend to get distracted at times... Okay, a lot, but we still have a lot of fun anyway!

  • Hogwarts: New Generation can be found outside of Iwaku. If you're interest in us, check us out!

    More to come the more out of hand our love for our characters gets!
  • We have a Skype group which is basically working as our OOC thread. Due to wanting to keep the threads clean on the most part, this is where all the planning and plotting takes place. Also, we like the feeling where everyone is present and quickly available. Once you've created a character in the roleplay, you receive an invitation from the GM to join the Skype group -- but only if you yourself feel comfortable accepting the invitation. Don't worry, we understand if you don't, and respect your decision.

    In Skype we speak to each other pretty much in daily basis, and not all of the discussion is about the roleplay at all. The group chat is a spot for hanging out and getting to know each other better. Sometimes we watch movies or TV shows together, or play games. It's easier to plot together about the characters once you know what the other players like and how well your chemistry fits together.

  • Well. This is where I can honestly say some of us got a little excessive.

    We ended up doing blogs for our characters, and post IC with them. This is a complete alternative universe where the characters have found the wonders of the internet and know each other better than they do in the actual roleplay. The accounts are just for the sheer fun of it. The characters have conversations with each other over the internet (I have never seen so much sassing in my entire life) and blog about things that interest themselves. This is also our own way to get to know our characters better by understanding their interests and what exactly makes them tick. Small details are important too!


    You can follow the blogs of the following characters:

    Jayden Everdragomir
    Kiyoko Oshiro
    Sabrina Gallagher
    August Yilmaz
    Crispin Fairlie
    Aled MacNeill
    Sethen Lockett
    Garaile Scriven
    Madison Van Reeden
    Anice Runeswell
    Stella Prince
    Charlotte Monrova
    Clarisse Sharpe

  • And here's a little space dedicated to all the fanarts drawn by the players of the characters. I'll be putting up everything I get my hands on and displaying them in these tabs! Update: The power of updating the fanart has been given to me! Your neighborhood friendly Mod, Misaou!
  • This is where you can find art by VocaStar. Commentary once by Wicked. Now by Misaou.


    Wicked: Meanwhile in the Slytherin table.
    A doodle done during class.

    August Yilmaz © WishfulNemo
    Jayden Everdragomir © Wicked
    Sabrina Gallagher © Misaou


    Wicked: A doodle done during class. You can see the sanity crumbling in this picture, piece by piece.

    Madison Van Reeden, Sabrina Gallagher © Misaou
    Zoey Black © Rosie
    Lachalan Macryrie © Lily
    Peter Berlioz © Strayed
    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar
    Jayden Everdragomir © Wicked


    Wicked: She uses her skills sometimes for pure evil. Really, don't ask. I'm so disturbed by this.

    Jayden Everdragomir © Wicked
    Shrek © DreamWorks


    Wicked: Anice is so crushing on him, isn't she?

    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar
    Theodore Williams © senpai



    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar
    Theodore Williams © senpai


    Misaou: "Lol Anice is so fat. Uhh.. //sweatdrops I mean adorable hehe! Oh who cares? We like 'em big right? xD"

    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar


    Misaou: "Anice takes forever in the bathroom anyway, what else was Sabrina supposed to do? LOL"

    Sabrina Gallagher © Misaou
    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar


    Voca: "What is there even to say about this picture? After Nemo ruined it...I...I have no words"
    Misaou: "LOL"

    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar


    Voca:"I'm just on my last oreo...and it's your fault"
    Misaou: "Umm >.> People aren't going to understand this commentary"

    Charlotte Monrova © VocaStar


    Misaou: "When you're too attractive xD"
    Voca: "Why the fuck you lyin'? Why you always lyin? Mmmm my God. Stop fucking lyin"
    Misaou: " O_O Whet?"

    Crispin Fairlie © VocaStar


    Wicked: A picture that was made legitly for Misaou's phone case. I will be so jealous of that phone case, and so proud MY SON is in it!

    Bellami Prior © Sapphy
    Theodore Williams © senpai
    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar
    Lachalan Macryrie © Lily
    Sabrina Gallagher © Misaou
    Jayden Everdragomir © Wicked


    Wicked: Kids are cruel, especially to each other.

    Crispin Fairlie © VocaStar


    For once, the turn of speech goes to the creator and her co-creator:
    VocaStar: uhhh...my speech...i would like to thank neri, for creating jay. mora for creating kiyoko, and misa for being so brilliant and thinking up something..//cries// so...beautiful..
    Misaou: //pushes VocaStar off the stage
    I would like to thank Jesus
    and my mom
    VocaStar: UR SO LAME

    Wicked: Yes people, I need to deal with this every day in Skype. Every day.

    Crispin Fairlie © VocaStar
    Jayden Everdragomir © Wicked
    Kiyoko Oshiro © Namora


    Wicked: Am I the only one that thinks that Crispin is so much more attractive as a boy? God, I love that sinister look in his eyes. It totally says "COME AT ME BRO. I WILL MAKE YOU MY BITCH."

    Crispin Fairlie © VocaStar


    Misaou: He's so qute! Blessed by the million of shota gods! xD

    Cirspin Fairlie © VocaStar


    Misaou: "Just gonna casually slip in a photo of my baby, don't mind me hehe~"

    Hazel Mbali © Misaou


    Wicked: Cousins!

    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar
    Sabrina Gallagher © Misaou


    Wicked: Apparently Crayden is now a thing too. I don't even care, this picture is so damn Fine with a capital F. I got this originally in a text while I was at work; freaked out, fangirled and caused a scene, and now my co-workers are even more sure I need professional help than before. Thanks, Voca.

    Crispin Fairlie © VocaStar
    Jayden Everdragomir © Wicked


    Wicked: Crispy Crissy is Crispy. Unleash the shota boy power!

    Crispin Fairlie © VocaStar

    Misaou: Tim's birthday present. Pretty self-explainatory

    Lucas Grey © Faust


    Misaou: All the girls should be offended that a guy looks better as a girl then the girl's do >.>

    Crispin Fairlie © VocaStar


    Misaou: Childrenz, shield your eyes from the sexy xD

    Charlotte Monrova © VocaStar


    Wicked: Anice trying to stay away from the late summer heat under a tree's shadow. Is it bad that I kinda wanna use her chest as a pillow...?

    Anice Runeswell © VocaStar


    Misaou: The Shota King and his slaves

    Crispin Fairlie, Duncan, Lewis © VocaStar


    Misaou: Oh how the boys love their toys xD

    Crispin Fairlie © VocaStar


    Misaou: Da chicks

    Charlotte Monrova, Crispin Fairlie, Anice Runeswell © VocaStar
  • And here's the art by Erranruin! Commentary once by Wicked now by Misaou for your convenience.


    Wicked: Like we all know, Aled is one lovely bear of a man who will listen to all of your worries and offer his sympathy in return, without judgement, as he loves all of his students and would probably adopt every single one of them if he could. In here Bellami is probably sharing bits and pieces about his life.

    Aled MacNeill © Erranruin
    Bellami Prior © Sapphy


    Wicked: Cled feels! Gettin' a lil' bit frisky there, professors... Kids, cover your eyes. The old people are shagging.

    Aled MacNeill © Erranruin
    Clementine Ashton (Flamel) © Namora
  • Art by our lovely Ritual Lobotomy, commentary once by our less lovely Wicked, Now by the almighty Queen Misaou.


    Wicked: Madam Caia chasing after the Golden Snitch. Maybe she decided that the Seeker for whatever team was incompetent and decided to show how the job is done herself.

    Caia Watkins © Ritual Lobotomy


    Wicked: Glesni being hot as hell. 'Nuff said.

    Glesni Helling © Ritual Lobotomy


Credit for the whole Harry Potter world and it's canon characters and part of the plot naturally goes to J.K. Rowling - me or the other players of this RP own nothing of those. We only own our characters.
The credits for the gifs go to people who made them, we don't know to who, since these are just picked up by random Google hits.
Part of the texts are quoted either from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books or from Harry Potter Wikia.
Credit for the sign ups coding goes to Rosie.
Last edited by a moderator:



{And few tips!}

1. Player Level
  • This is an advanced RP, so it obviously means I'm also only taking advanced players. (Meaning no oneline wonders, horrible grammar or Mary Sues or Gary Stus running rampant.) I have no time to babysit or patience to teach you. If your level of experience is not enough, then I recommend joining another RP instead of this one. Note: I can answer some questions via PM's and such, but just don't expect me to hold your hand through the whole character creating session and the actual roleplaying. You're on your own. If you truly are an advanced roleplayer, something like this shouldn't be a problem for you.
  • This roleplay is aimed to people who are older than fifteen, and preferably even older. I want mature people who know what they're doing and what is appropriate and what is not, and don't get shocked by some content that may take place in the RP, even if we do try to avoid going into too much details on certain things. This RP contains some death, swearing, cheesy teenage romances, occasional sexual innuendos and morbid sense of humor among other things. You have been warned. However, if you're younger than fifteen and know you can handle all this, you're welcome to join anyway. After all, I'm not your mom and I don't even wanna be.
  • I simply couldn't stress this enough and I truly hope this is by now obvious, but the traits that I am truly looking for in my players are dedication, creativity, the ability to write posts independently, good grammar (or at least a sign that you are truly trying) and common sense. Hogwarts: New Generation is a role play that gives a lot of freedom to the players to express themselves, make their own plots and relationships, and we do not strictly follow the main plot like nuns and monks follow the Bible in their monasteries, even though the plot overall should affect every character one way or another. And since there is magic, I want people to understand that there are always at least some sort of rules in fiction and that they won't go overboard. And I want to be able to trust you to be able to follow the canonical stuff, and seek out information yourself without me needing to constantly do it for you. I want people that know what they are doing, or that they at least have a half a brain to come up to me and ask me if they are confused over something instead of going out there and wreaking a havoc in the role play which will make the mess even bigger and harder for me to clean up. If you are not able to do this, I assure you it will give me great anxiety, and it might lead into removing you from the RP. If you can, I will love you to bits.

    However, let me make this clear; I will not tolerate people for long who come in here with elitist attitudes and think they are better than anyone else and that their role playing is pitch perfect and that they have nothing new to learn anymore. Sure, it is nice to have self-confidence, but looking down on others and making sure they know you do it, is a complete no. If you are like that, at least try to keep your narcissistic personality hidden. Everyone here in the RP are friends, and I want people to respect one another. Try to keep the OOC drama out of Hogwarts. IC drama however is encouraged.

2. Activity
  • Be ACTIVE. Try to post daily. The more, the better. If you disappear for more than two weeks while in an exchange with an ACTIVE user without notifying me (Wicked) or my co-mods (WishfulNemo mainly, or Princess Misaou secondary), you can be sure your character has mysteriously died or transferred in your absence. You can not leave the counter player hanging, that is just selfish. If you leave for a long time, you need to create an exit for your character. [See Character Policy for more details]
  • We're looking for players who are dedicated. And I mean, really dedicated for a long term role play. I hate nothing more than people who spawn million characters, post few times and then disappear without a trace about two days later. Thus we have established a probation time for the new players. We are going to observe your first ten posts really closely; are they timely and responsive to whoever you are interacting with, whetever they adhered to the standards we expect of our players, and most importantly that any rule violations or obvious problems are corrected by the time the user has gotten that far. Beyond that, we will observe your overall activity and dedication for approximately one month; after that you are allowed to make new characters besides the first one you signed up with, before that it is forbidden.
  • Like stated in the 2.1. try to be active. However, if you do have things hindering you from posting and so forth, just keep me or WishfulNemo informed as too stated before. However, if you also are in exchange with another player, inform that player as well if you don't for some reason make an exit for you character. You have to understand that not everyone is willing to wait for you, and might want to use that time more productively and interact with others instead of twiddling their thumbs. It's not a personal attack towards you, and it should not be anything to get upset about. You surely can interact with that player later on, it's not the end of the world. So while you contact me or WishfulNemo about your hiatuses, don't tell us anything like "oh would you inform this and this about my hiatus" or anything between the lines, because no, we're not your messengers or errand boys. We have about twenty players to look after, we can't remember everything, nor do we have the time for that. So take care of your own ends and we'll take care of ours, and everything should run smoothly.
  • If you do end up going to hiatus, tell me or WishfulNemo on that on the exact moment you want me to put you either on semi-active or inactive status. Don't tell me anything like "next week" or "next month" or even "the day after tomorrow" because seriously, like said before, we have a lot of people to look after in here and just counting on my memory, or Nemo's memory, is one hell of a terrible idea. So tell us on the exact moment you want the status changed so we can do it right away and we won't forget, and contact us again when you want your status back to active. Don't think that if your status is inactive and you suddenly post out of nowhere is that I realize on the spot that heyyyy you're back in action, because some people just push in a post in middle of their hiatuses anyway and then continue their hiatus. (Which I personally can't decide if I'm happy or annoyed about.) Send us a personal message about your comeback, please!

  • Activity definition list by WishfulNemo:

    Active – Role player is reachable through PM's or other means of contact if shared and can reply every day or at least once a week.

    Semi-active – Role player is reachable through PM's or other means of contact if shared, but can reply at most once a week to once every few weeks.

    Inactive – Role player might be unreachable through PM's or other means of contact if shared and can't reply either or infrequently that might annoy the host and moderators.

    Note: All role players will be checked upon by the co-mod or host once a month if they haven't heard of them or if their activity doesn't match up to what they have briefed through with us. (With the exception of these who are waiting for posts to reply to.)

    Note 2: It is to the risk of the role player themselves if they don't share other means of contact with the host or the staff of HNG. We shall not put into special efforts to try to obtain this information or try to reach you otherwise if PM doesn't work. And remember; contacting us is your, and only your, very own responsibility in the first place. Keep us updated, and everyone will be happy.
  • We have (well, mostly Nemo has) made a warning system according to breaking the activity rules to avoid having to deal with constantly disappearing and reappearing people, because that is not alright. Of course this warning system will also include breaking all the rules in general, but it is mainly dedicated towards these illusionist type of players that I'm personally so done with.

    Warning system:
    - Warnings are given by the host and moderator(s) to players for breaking rules.
    - After 3 warnings have been given the role player will be expelled from HNG.
    - The role players in question will always receive a message about the warning with a reasoning why the warning has been issued.
    - The role player is given two weeks after receiving the message to write out a complaint if they find the warning to be unfair.
    - After two weeks any complaints shall be ignored and the role player will be unable to defend their case.
    - Role players are allowed to see their warnings (date and reasons) at all given times when asked for.
    - A log shall be kept up by one of the staff members with all warnings issued, date and time of warning and reason.
    - Warnings will always be issued privately and neither be shared to members to who it does not concern.
    - Warnings will expire one year after date given.
  • Curious about who else might be active or inactive? Where everyone else is? Well click here and you'll understand how helpful it indeed is to keep us informed.

  • IC Character interaction policy.

    Why this new set of rules?
    – We feel like that the obvious isn't as obvious and clear as we thought it to be, unfortunately. This thus means that another new set of rules is heading our way. Nothing big shall change, however, we are going to be stricter and clearer in our actions and thus less tolerant against some.

    As the title states the IC Character interaction policy is all about the interactions between characters in the IC. So, to be more specific, this new set of rules will explain the proper etiquette for members who have characters interacting with each other. It, unfortunately, has come to our attention that several members seem to be neglecting replying in a timely manner, leaving their fellow members to wait for weeks, if not months, for a reply so that their character can move on. Not only is this disrespectful towards the other members, but it also unnecessarily keeps the IC up, causing a chain reaction of people who are waiting. We had hoped, and expected, that the members would find the behaviour to be obvious to reply to the interacted characters as swiftly as possible, however it has been proven numerous of times that we have to regulate this and oversee it in a strict manner.

    However, it isn't only the people who are leaving others to wait who are being chased. This very much goes for these who are waiting as well. Don't become too dependent on the activity of your partner, go and be more aggressive yourself as well. We aren't kindergarten anymore and most of us are high school and university age, or above. We may and we shall expect some independency from you all.

    What does this mean? – This means, that as per the rules of activity the members are expected to reply within days, if not a week, if they are interacting with another character in the IC. If the member feels like they can't meet up with that expectation, the proper reaction should be that the member moves their character out of said interaction as soon as possible. Another option is that they message the member who interacted with them and make sure that they edit their (last) post as such that this interaction never, or swiftly finds place in which they aren't stuck to wait for all too long. If the member, however, fails to message, notify, or move their character out of the interaction at all and leave the other to wait for a reply without further message, they will receive a warning without further notification as well if the waiting period exceeds two weeks. One who feels that they don't have to conform to the rules and or believe that they stand above the respect that is due given to their fellow members will lack such treatment as well. Asides from a warning the member who is interacting with the other will also receive the permission to godmod the character of the member who failed to reply within proper time (over 14 (FOURTEEN) days), as such successfully moving themselves out of the situation. This may cross as contradictory to what we state in our regular rules about role play etiquette, however, know that this is a very exceptional situation and that godmodding isn't allowed before permission is given by the GM or co-moderators, or the member of the character itself.

    At the other hand, to these who are waiting. If you haven't received a reply after two weeks we expect you to assume your own responsibility and message the member in question. Don't run over to us to complain immediately, for we aren't your parent, guardian, teacher, or nurse, but the (co-)GM. There is a difference and the biggest difference is the independency we give you. If you haven't tried to solve the problem on your own we will probably send you back to do so. If you have tried and it failed, then we will take the step to help you out, however, do not expect us to always help you out whenever you run into trouble. The rules are clear on what you can do when the problem arises in which you have to wait for longer than two weeks. Godmod, or message the person in question. If the problem isn't solved then, or if the member is causing a fit over you godmodding their character, then you are allowed to message us with your problems, however, and let me repeat: ALWAYS TRY TO SOLVE IT ON YOUR OWN FIRST.

    And what if you don't take any actions and let the situation as it is? Then you both will receive a warning. The one who leaves the other waiting for reasons stated above, the other for being inactive as well and for being too passive to take their own actions out. Seriously, even rabbits are more forward. Avoid this streak and make sure that it isn't your activity that is suffering because of your own lack of backbone!

    When can we speak of such a situation? – Very quickly actually. An interaction finds place once characters meet and start talking, or engage in some form of action together. We encourage interactions between members as much as possible, however, we also encourage it to make it swift so that the story may advance and move forward. We understand that members have a life outside of role playing and Hogwarts, and that replies aren't always possible on a daily base. However, leaving others to wait for a post for longer than a week (7 (SEVEN) days) is unacceptable unless a reason has been given for this inactivity. These reasons can be very short, such as exams, or moving, hospital, etc… However shouldn't remain for an extended period of time. If one has reason to believe that their inactivity will be for longer than a week they are responsible for messaging the members with whom they are interacting with and make sure that the situation is solved, in which the other gets themselves out of the interaction and thus aren't stuck to wait. Any failure to do so, be it that there is no reason given for inactivity, or that they left without ending the interactions inside of the IC, will be given a warning to. As known from the warning system the member is automatically kicked out of the role play after three warnings. As you can read, this situation can occur very easily, but is even easier to avoid. Be wise, and always message the GM or one of the mods along with the members of the characters you are interacting with and avoid these unnecessary streaks to your name.

    In a nutshell for people who leave others to wait– If you're engaged in direct interaction with another player, move your character away in your next post if you have time to write one. If you don't, then message the counterplayer and ask them edit the post in a way that they make their character move on. Then message the mods with a reasoning why you're taking a hiatus and approximately how long you'll be away. If you fail to do any of these, then you'll receive the warning and your counterplayer is allowed to godmod their way out after they've had to wait for at least 14 (FOURTEEN) days.

    In a nutshell for the people who are left waiting– If you're left waiting by a player who isn't messaging you or showing any signs of life, then you may assume they're dead. You're allowed to godmod your way out of the situation after their time is up and they've left you waiting at least two weeks (FOURTEEN days) or you've come up with some other way to solve the situation smoothly. You have a week (7 (SEVEN) days) to write your way out of the jamming situation. After that we will foresee it so that it affects your own activity and you're lazing around too. Once the two weeks is up, it should be rather obvious that the player isn't posting. Even if we stress that respecting your counterplayer is important and you should wait for them to post so they have their chance to react, but after appropriate waiting time is over it should be obvious that they aren't coming. Same goes with plans with people that happen only in OOC but aren't ever brought to IC. Your common sense should tell you that something isn't obviously going to happen because you've been plotting with a nasty slacker. Take the reigns yourself, adapt in the situation and write yourself out of it and/or make a change in the plans. We understand that this might be hard to some players who are more passive by their nature, but we need you to straighten your back, lift up your chin and roll up those sleeves and get down aggressive sometimes too. Don't expect others to get things done for you in this life all the time. That's not how real life works, cupcakes.

    All in all– Your GM is tired of this shit. Get your act together, guys. Less complaining, more writing.

3. Skeletons
  • Skeletons/character sheets should be written in third person.
  • Don't ask me to reserve you character positions. Especially if I don't know you. In here the early bird catches the worm; the first finished and accepted skeleton gets the available spot. Also, don't post "this spot is reserved for my character" in the thread either, or I will skin you alive. At least post something that looks like you really are working on it.
  • A banner for your character is necessary, and they are used in the beginning of every single post made with that character. It helps other players to distinguish your character easier from the others and helps the flow of the game without the player needing to go back to sign ups thread to read your character every other time. You can make the banner either yourself or ask someone else to make one for you, I don't care who has made it as long as you have one. While making a banner, remember that it needs to match with the character's appearance description, and it needs to have the characters first name and last name at least, other information is just extra and optional. Style is free, and originality makes you about 100% cooler. And keep it smallish and neat in order that the banner doesn't take too much room in a post. You can add larger pictures under the skeleton's appearance where others can view them. The maximum height and width for a banner should be 500 x 250 pixels, but the more compact the better. Remember; wider is always better than taller. Unless you have drawn or GFXed the picture yourself, please refrain from signing the banner yourself and credit the artists if possible.

    Note: I don't want any real person faceclaims in this RP. So no using real people's pictures. I'm sorry but that's just kind of weird and awkward; someone could be doing that to your pictures as we speak and pretend you are someone else while writing with your face stamped on it. Creeped out yet? Please keep to art pictures, preferably something that is styled in manga/anime art style. Unless you're really exceptionally good at drawing, then please just stick to some "professional" artist. I really don't want awkward looking stick figures in here either. Yeah, I'm just that shallow. So sue me.

    Now, here's examples how I expect the sizes to be.



    Example banners by Rosie
  • Skeletons/character sheets must be neat. I like it when they are written long because that means you have seriously made effort, but so you know, the length of the skeleton/character sheet does not define a good character. Quality over quantity.
  • Try to be as original as possible while writing your character, but make a character that pleases you and not us. We want long term characters for this RP, so make one that you like yourself and are comfortable with -- the main point of roleplaying is that you have fun. Try to refrain from making too similar ones that already exist in the RP, so it would help if you would at least skim over the skeletons that have already been posted in this thread. And try to avoid taking same/similar names as other character to avoid confusion. Yet again reading through other skeletons helps you to avoid this. Before making character, or even planning one, we advice you to read the News section of this thread and check the Announcements thread where we inform if we want to limit certain types of powers/abilities, origins, blood statuses etc.
  • If I see a student or teacher character who's blood status or race is either a Muggle or Squib, my reaction will be pretty much this.
  • No overpowered skeletons. If the character has an unique power, balance it. Everyone has weaknesses! Try not to cram the character full with too much cool stuff, or it will start feeling quickly cramped and OP. My advice is to keep a special talent to one (unless you're a half-breed, then having a bit more makes sense depending on the species) or max two depending on the skill set. But the best question you could ask yourself when giving powers to your character is; "Am I giving this to my character because it's a relevant part of them, or am I giving it to them to only look cool?" Depending on the answer to that question, you should know if you should give it or not. Another is to think it through that if you're going to actually use the ability in the roleplay at all. Would it be convenient IC? If not, leave it out and for someone else utilize instead of letting it just hang there in the skeleton like a dust collecting trophy.
  • Making canon characters is okay. Just make sure they fit the new generation theme, like for example Harry's and Ginny's children James, Albus and Lily.
  • When it is about taking positions for characters, such as the Quidditch team, Prefect, Head Boy/Head Girl, Duelling Club Captain etc, please confirm it through me first to make sure it is not already taken or reserved to avoid awkward situations.
  • You can add things, modify and edit your character even after you have gotten accepted. I would actually really like it if you would keep the skeleton updated for things that happen and have an impact on your character, small details and such. Also small things like banner changes in middle of the game are appreciated. Just you know, do not go overboard with the changes -- I can still kick you out of the RP if I feel like it. I will note you if I see some kind of change I do not accept and it requires fixing.
  • About coding your skeleton/character sheet, I want to say yet again this much about originality; try to refrain from copying the coding of others work, since originality makes you about 100% more cooler as a person. I understand if there are similarities since the coding of a skeleton/character sheet can be very limiting, and taking ideas and modelling your style after others is flattering, but you should know yourself where the limit lies.
  • When your skeleton is ready, please inform me personally so I can check it and accept it, so you can have my blessing for starting to post with the character. However, if I tell you to fix something on it, you fix it unless you really have some legit, intelligent argument why you're not doing it. My tolerance for whining, moaning, bitching and stupidity is really low, so watch it. However, I usually explain as of why I want some parts fixed, and I'm pretty thorough about it because I prefer people to learn from their mistakes rather than doing them again. Saves me from further headaches.
  • If the character is not finished within 30 days since its bones are posted in the thread, I'm not accepting it. Yes, I'm procrastinator myself, but I'm sick and tired of watching all these unfinished characters that people leave hanging in here and never care to finish them. If you do not finish the character, delete it. If you do not get it deleted, I will.
  • Avoid color coding your skeleton to white or black. Why? Because of Iwaku's layout system; everyone is able to change and switch them any time they want. Mainly there the backgrounds consist black or white themes, so that's why avoid coding the texts to those colors so they don't blend in with them; for black background users the default text is white, and for white background users the default text is black. We want the skeletons to be readable and enjoyable to all. Sure, there is also such as pink backgrounds and probably more but... I can't go around and forbidding all of the colors, so I'm just forbidding the coding of the ones I think are the most commonly used with the users. So yeah, mainly stick with the default color, and using something else besides black and white for fancying it up.
  • The skeletons need to be readable, so avoid using font sizes like 1 for the whole skeleton and so forth. Also avoid using hard to read fonts, especially on large portions to the skeleton. If I see someone using Comic Sans, I will claim their heads.
  • Save your skeleton(s) in case they somehow end up deleted in a way or the other. If you haven't stored it and it gets deleted during your absence, don't come crying to me how all your hard work was erased into the pixel space. Always take countermeasures. You know, just to be sure.
  • I answer gladly to questions if you feel you need some guidance on how to proceed with some matters, like lore and so forth. But like stated prior, don't expect me to hold your hand through the whole character creation session. Since it is you who wants to join, then take your time to look things up. I'm not your walking Harry Potter encyclopedia. Study things with care. I'm sucker for details, and I will lose my shit if canon logic is broken.

4. Character Creation, Disposal, and Renewal Policy
  • Limit & Creation
    You can not have more than 3 (three) active characters in regard to the fear of overpopulation and frozen posts. This is an advanced Roleplay and I like to keep the flow going without the constant overflow of new characters that just pop up when the fancy strikes you. Keep things professional and keep up with your characters, create wisely.

    Edit June 2015: Since I'm tired of staring at characters that have been created and accepted but never brought out of S/U thread to be introduced to IC thread (at worst a character has been hanging there unused even once for a year), me and my fellow mods decided to set a time limit to this too. Now once you've created a character, you have 30 (thirty) days to activate it since it has been accepted. If the character isn't activated within the deadline, it will be automatically be deleted by the staff. We don't need dead weight to drag us down, no offense, nothing personal. But there might actually be people out there that are interested in being active with the slot you've taken with your character and then left in the corner to collect dust.
  • Disposal
    I understand that you may lose inspiration for your characters and that's fine. Kill them with fire. But it is unacceptable to kill them off and think that you can make another to take its place immediately if all your three slots were already full. Especially if you have barely put any effort into your first characters, or have no background or history in this RP. You must have an absolutely amazing character that fits My criteria of a good character for the current storyline. If its yet another Veela, don't be upset if I decide that it isn't what I am looking for. And in that case you killed off a character knowing good and well that there was only a slim chance that your next would be accepted. Even if you do have history in Hogwarts, and a perfectly good excuse for killing of your character, the accepted/rejected ratio still exists. So be aware of this when making decisions regarding character creation. Options: NPC-ing or Deletion.

    Edit June 2015: We've established that there should be a penalty time whenever a character is disposed to stress the 'create wisely' part in the rules, since it hasn't seem to gone through some skulls in the past and people have been spawning characters like dogs in heat. Now once your drop a character, you are not allowed to create a new one in 3 (three) months to take its place. This will affect all players were your slots full or not, including staff members. No exceptions will be made and no rules will be bend about this no matter who the hell you are.
  • Character Lifetime
    Each character has a "lifetime" of sorts. This lifetime is put into place to control "acceptable" excuses for character disposal. A filter even. Each character has a total of six months before it can be "legally" disposed of. This gives you long enough to get a good establishment with your character for some credibility with us, and allow plenty of time to get rid of the character without any real damage to the story line. With this in mind please try and plan a character disposal a month in advance after the Lifetime ends to tie any loose strings and the like. This lifetime starts 30 days after your skeleton's time stamp of creation.
  • Renewal
    We completely understand if you are unsure of how long you may be gone if you are taking a hiatus from Hogwarts. Being flexible is not a problem, so if in the past you disposed of a character or few for fear you wouldn't be back there is a possibility you can bring them back. One acceptable excuse is that you died and somehow came in contact with a necromancer who brought you back. In that case we will be happy to give your character back. This is called renewal and is only acceptable if your excuse is valid. If you got mad and decided you didn't want to RP anymore... well... sorry since then the positions may have been filled and in that case, well, you are out of luck. So please try and plan hiatuses and only leave with a valid farewell and excuse.
  • Frozen Characters
    Another option to you flighty vacationers, is freezing your characters. If for some reason you are being forced to go somewhere without access to Iwaku you can choose to freeze your characters. This option is perfect if you have no idea how long something (such as punishment, vacation, family issues etc) is going to last. In choosing to freeze your character you basically cut them out of all story ties, ships, etc. In asking us to freeze your character(s) you give us permission to lock them out of the story, and delete them in a three month time period if we receive no word from you. After three months we will assume you are dead and we will return the favor to your characters and let them out of their misery. So please try and get word to us if you realize your three month time period is almost up. Give us a reason and we will renew the freeze frame. If you miss the deadline, then please see the Renewal policy.This option can be used at any time by anyone, but there is a seven day period they must stay frozen. We cant be having you all just freezing your characters any ole time. Also, if you leave last minute dropping us a request to freeze John Doe, we will have all rights to god modding your character if he/she is in an exchange with another character. If you don't wrap it up, we will.

5. Posting
  • Posts should be written in third person.
  • Yes, the character banner needs to be on top of every post. I understand that if you are in a posting heat and on your mobile device when adding a banner is a bit tricky and that you may not have it in a post or two, but don't take it as a habit.
  • You should write the location of your character under or over your character banner to avoid confusion in the RP area, and so people will know what posts to look for without needing to read every single one that is thrown in their way. For example; [Libray: Restricted Section] or [Great Hall] or [Slytherin Dungeon: Girls Dorms] and so on. If you are not sure about the surroundings, study Harry Potter Wikia. It explains them quite well.
  • No "editing/WIP" posts. I have seen enough RP's die because of this. Writing a long post can not take more than an hour of your time and a short one approximately ten minutes, honestly. You either write the post wholly, or you do not post at all. Simple as that.
  • Posts must be neat, and at least two paragraphs (approximately 7 to 8 sentences minimum) long. I like it when they are written long because that means you have seriously made effort, but so you know, the length of the post does not define a good post. Quality over quantity.
  • It is okay to play around occasionally with NPC's, but seriously, roleplaying is a multiplayer game and not a single player game. Interact with other characters! If you wanna write just to yourself and do not interact with others, go write a book, damn it.
  • The posts need to be readable. So avoid using font sizes like 1, or really hard to read fonts, please. Also, if I see anyone using Comic Sans, I will kill you.
  • And last but not least about posts. When color coding your posts, please avoid using white or black in the text. Why? Because of Iwaku's layout system; everyone is able to change and switch them any time they want. Mainly there the backgrounds consist black or white themes, so that's why avoid coding the texts to those colors so they don't blend in with them; for black background users the default text is white, and for white background users the default text is black. We want the posts to be readable and enjoyable to all. Sure, there is also such as pink backgrounds and probably more but... I can't go around and forbidding all of the colors, so I'm just forbidding the coding of the ones I think are the most commonly used with the users. So yeah, mainly stick with the default color, and using something else besides black and white for dialogues.

6. Profanity & Sexual Themes
  • Cursing allowed, but within the limits of good taste, please.
  • Romance allowed, but do not take it into Fifty Shades of Grey degree. Do not go into too much detail. Note that there are young players also present! We don't want to leave permanent emotional scars on people, or something like that. And since this RP is a mixed age group, please take note about Iwaku's rules regarding this matter.

7. Godmodding & Powerplaying & Metagaming
  • No godmodding or powerplaying. Gosh, this should be pretty obvious, and I do not tolerate it at all. Of course, unless the counter player gives you the permission to do so to their character. I know, magic gives a lot of room to godmodding and powerplaying... but you should know the limit. Common sense is a valuable asset in this matter.

  • We do not tolerate Metagaming in the IC, the reasons are obvious if you look up the meaning of metagaming from wiki;

    In role-playing games, metagaming is an "out of character" action where a player's character makes use of knowledge that the player is aware of but that the character is not meant to be aware of. Metagaming while taking part in relatively competitive games, or those with a more serious tone, is typically not well received, because a character played by a metagamer does not act in a way that reflects the character's in-game experiences and back-story

    - From wikipedia on metagaming:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metagaming_(role-playing_games)

    Metagaming is the act in which the player's character makes use of or is aware of information only known in OOC (Out of character). Surely you wouldn't know someone's complete background upon first meeting them, right? Not will you only spoil the story by Metagaming, but it will annoy the other party and confuse the rest of the group! Avoid such unnecessary bicker and avoid that warning we will most definitely give you.

    If we catch you on the act we will make sure to give you a warning and ask you (kindly) to edit.

    [WishfulNemo: See it like this stranger who pretends and acts as if they know all about you. What would be your reaction to it? Avoid confusion and disgust and keep IC knowledge and OOC knowledge apart from each other! Breaking this rule will cost you one warning, I hope you can hire a lawyer to talk yourself out of it~ ]

    [Wicked: This is one of my personal pet peeves, and has been for several years. And every time I come across it, it makes me lose my shit. So in short, metagame and you will get my full rage and "the fuck is wrong with you?!" speech.]

8. Other Notable Stuff of Importance
  • Killing off other player's characters is forbidden, also including important NPC's. This is not that kind of RP. Unless you have a permission from the another player or from me. If you want killing, destruction and despair, go play a war game or something. I've heard Call of Duty has some good elements for that.
  • Know your stuff, please. For example, I don't want to see characters summoning food out of thin air, which is against the basic laws of magic. If you are unsure about Harry Potter world related things, click here. Please try to refrain from completely winging things if there is already written knowledge out there to avoid confusion. (Such as if there is a known spell without incantation, leave it vague and don't go around making one of your own. However if there is no already existing spell, potion etc. you are free to make it up yourself within the limits of good taste and common sense. However if I see these creations as something that I or my co-mods do not approve of for one reason or another, you are to be edit them out when I or they tell you to.) However sometimes, sometimes the wiki gives you two alternatives to go with when it comes down to some things; either to follow the movie or the books, since at times things are done differently. Always follow rather the books. JKR is the creator of the series, and her word is the law. However if there is only knowledge about some things from the movies, follow these guidelines.
  • Keep the OOC posting at minimum... and clean after yourself! (Meaning delete all the OOC posts after they have no use.) But if the OOC's are associated within an actual RP post, then they're fine. If these two are mixed into one post, make sure that they're separated from each other clearly to avoid confusion. Also, keep the OOC posts out of Sign Ups thread. I don't want them there. At all. All the OOC's should be handled in PM's and so forth.
  • If you are getting rid of characters, delete the skeletons to avoid taking unnecessary space. I like my Sign Ups thread neat.
  • I can add more rules or add more details into the ones that already exist if I see it fit. Most of the time I run into these situations when I come across things that I thought were already obvious... but then someone does something against my logic and proves it is not, apparently, that obvious to all.
  • This should be really obvious, but yes, all Iwaku rules also apply in this RP. For further information about Iwaku's rules click here
  • Respect the rules. And me and the co-mods I have named, preferably. Or I will kick your sorry ass.

Last edited by a moderator:

Sign Ups are always open for new players!
~The following thread is viewed best on a black background~




"Hogwarts best, Hogwarts finest
They Guide you on your path so true.
As wizards, as witches,
Professors will always believe in you."

Professors have been chosen among the finest adult and magically trained
wizards and witches in the entire world. Each with their own history, some
even the time honored alumni of Hogwarts itself. The following professors
are the best in their trade, from divinity to transfiguration.

"Registered Professors"

"The richness in life lies just below the soil."

"Those stars, your stars, my stars, they all tell a story."

"This class will take no small amount of charm and intellect."

History of Magic
"Just because the subject was taught by the dead, does not mean it is dead."

Defense Against the Dark Arts - Head of Gryffindor
"In a world of darkness, protection is your only friend."

Transfiguration - Head of Ravenclaw
"The ability to change, does not give you the power to change."

Potions and Alchemy - Head of Slytherin
"Refining properties to their unhindered pure essence is a true art."

"Extracurricular Activities"

Duelling Club Instructor
"Everyone has the right to know how to defend themselves."

Potions Club Instructor
"For those with deeper interest in brewing."

Quidditch Referee & Coach & Flying Instructor
"Brace yourself and ride the winds."
-Madam Caia Watkins-

You may suggest for more positions!



"You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart."

The particular characteristics of students Sorted into into this house
are courage, chivalry and determination. Its emblematic animal is the lion,
and its colours are red and gold.

"In Attendance"
Head of House

Female Students
-two positions open-
1. Melinda Geralds
2. Andromeda Grace
3. Madison Van Reeden
4. --
5. --
Male Students
Sethen Lockett
2. Romeo Cooper
3. Etienne Stark
4. Zedekiah Blackbourne
5. Harley Sullivan

"Academia & Sport"
Head Students:
7th​ Year ♂
7th​ Year ♀ --

7th​ Year ♂
7th​ Year ♀ --
6th​ Year ♂ Zedekiah Blackbourne
6th​ Year ♀ Melinda Geralds
5th​ Year ♂ --
5th​ Year ♀ --

Quidditch Team
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Chasers [3]​: Madison Van Reeden (Captain), Melinda Geralds, Romeo Cooper
Beaters [2]​: Sethen Lockett, Etienne Stark
Seeker: --

Duelling Club
Sethen Lockett
2nd​ in Command: --
Members: Andromeda Grace, Zedekiah Blackbourne



You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
And unafraid of toil.

The most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, patience, loyalty,
and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members.
Its emblematic animal is the badger, and yellow and black are its colours.

"In Attendance"
Head of House

Female Students
-one position left-
1. Charlotte Monrova
2. Stella Prince
3. Raina Summers
4. Clarisse Sharpe
5. --
Male Students
-three positions open-
1. Adam Harrison
2. Felix Bell
3. --
4. --
5. --

"Academia & Sport"
Head Students:
7th​ Year ♂
7th​ Year ♀ --

7th​ Year ♂
7th​ Year ♀ --
6th​ Year ♂ --
6th​ Year ♀ --
5th​ Year ♂ --
5th​ Year ♀ --

Quidditch Team
Felix Bell
Chasers [3]​: --, --, --
Beaters [2]​: --, --
Seeker: --

Duelling Club
Raina Summers
2nd​ in Command: Clarisse Sharpe
Members: Felix Bell



Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind.

Members of this house are characterised by their wit, learning, and wisdom.
Its house colours are blue and bronze, and its symbol is the eagle.

"In Attendance"
Head of House

Female Students
-one position left-
1. Hazel Mbali
2. Maia Alvey
3. Kassandra Castillo
4. Alice Bishop
5. --
Male Students
-three positions open-
1. August Yilmaz
2. Crispin Fairlie
3. --
4. --
5. --

"Academia and Sport"
Head Students:
7th​ Year ♂
7th​ Year ♀ --

7th​ Year ♂
7th​ Year ♀ --
6th​ Year ♂ --
6th​ Year ♀ Kassandra Castillo
5th​ Year ♂ --
5th​ Year ♀ --

Quidditch Team
Chasers [3]​: --, --, --
Beaters [2]​: Alice Bishop, --
Seeker: --

Duelling Club
Crispin Fairlie
2nd​ in Command: --
Members: Maia Alvey



Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means,
To achieve their ends.

Traditionally home to students who exhibit such traits as cunning, resourcefulness, and ambition.
Its emblematic animal is the snake and its colours are green and silver.

"In Attendance"
Head of House

Female Students
1. Sabrina Gallagher
2. Kiyoko Oshiro
3. Anice Runeswell
4. Glesni Helling
5. Aureole Scriven
Male Students
1. Jayden Everdragomir
2. Ryan McCallion
3. Garaile Scriven
4. Averill Trevelyan
5. Alistair Blackbourne

"Academia and Sport"
Head Students:
7th​ Year ♂
7th​ Year ♀ --

7th​ Year ♂
7th​ Year ♀ --
6th​ Year ♂ Ryan McCallion
6th​ Year ♀ Anice Runeswell
5th​ Year ♂ --
5th​ Year ♀ --

Quidditch Team
Alistair Blackbourne
Chasers [3]​: Sabrina Gallagher, Ryan McCallion, --
Beaters [2]​: Jayden Everdragomir, Glesni Helling
Seeker: Kiyoko Oshiro (Captain)

Duelling Club
Alistair Blackbourne
2nd​ in Command: --
Members: Averill Trevelyan



Here are all the clubs listed that do not fall under a singular House.
Feel free to request a club of your own by filling the club requesting form!
Hogwarts Orchestra
1. Piano:
August Yilmaz
2. --

1. Cello:
Glesni Helling
2. Harp: Charlotte Monrova

2. --

2. --

1. Flute & Piccolo:
Hazel Mbali
2. Ocarina: Clarisse Sharpe

Potions Club
Members: Melinda Geralds

Newspaper Club
Head Editor:
Garaile Scriven
Editing Department: August Yilmaz, Charlotte Monrova
Journalist: Kassandra Castillo
Photographer: Sabrina Gallagher

Frog Choir
Romeo Cooper, Charlotte Monrova, Hazel Mbali

Astronomy Club
Club Manager:
August Yilmaz
Members: Hazel Mbali




  • Before you go ahead and choose a skeleton from the following tabs for either a student or a professor character, you might want to read the Rules section point three which has few tips and such. Please try to make a balanced character, everyone has flaws, no one is perfect, and the imperfect character personalities are what makes them perfect. Note that the order of the skeleton I have made is not set in stone. You can switch the information around, play with it and style it as you wish, but all the mandatory is required to read somewhere in the skeleton, and it needs to be clear and readable. If there is optional parts, they should read there and you can simply delete those if you don't want to fill them.

    Note: Please read the latest update about limiting and scouting characters. You can find this in the news section in IMPORTANT DATES tab that is named as June 8th 2015.

    Ready to go? Okay, ready, set, pick! >>>
  • {Banner here}
    (Try to stay with English please! May include nickname.)
    (First years:11-12 second 12-13, etc.)
    (Male or female?)
    House and Year:
    (You may also add the Sorting Ceremony moment that explains why your character got into this certain house, but this is optional. If you add the Sorting Ceremony story, please put it under a spoiler.)
    (Witch, Wizard, Veela, Werewolf etc.)
    Blood Status:
    (Muggle born, Half-Blood, Pure-blood, etc.)
    (At least four traits. Detailed, not listed. Have it match their house, please.)
    (At least ten detailed sentences or more. Prefferably more, but the bio does not have to be long. You are not writing a book, and the character will evolve during the actual roleplaying anyway.)
    (Love interest, family, friends, enemies, etc. Optional.)
    (Takes the form of an animal the character shares the deepest affinity with. Exctinct animals and mythical creature forms are rare, please keep that in mind.)
    (Biggest fear. How does it manifest itself?)
    (An owl, rodent, cat, or toad? Or maybe something more exotic? This is optional, and make sure the pet is something that is accepted in Hogwarts grounds. It can not be something that can be dangerous to other students and it needs to be domesticated. So no wild animals or things like dragons, okay?)
    (Wood, length, core, flexibility and overall wand lore? Please give some serious thought to this, because wands play important roles in the Wizard World. I demand at least the wood and core lores. Length and flexibility lores are optional, but encouraged.)
    (Extra classes or clubs, secrets, etc. Whatever happens to tickle your pickle. Optional.)
    (Describe how your character looks. Make it match the banner. Extra pictures are optional, and need to match the description.)
    RP Example:
    (This is for the players I have not seen play before. You may either write your own here randomly (does not need to even be long, but at least two paragraps please), or just give me a link to somewhere else where you have RP'd before. If you're going to add RP example, please put it under spoiler.)
  • {Banner here}
    (Try to stay with English please! May include nickname.)
    (Well, how old is the character? Needs to be over 20 years, at least.)
    (Male or female?)
    Head of House:
    (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin? This is only for the Professors who are actually Head of Houses. If your character is not, delete this part completely.)
    (What subject?)
    (Witch, Wizard, Veela, Werewolf etc.)
    Blood Status:
    (Muggle born, Half-Blood, Pure-blood, etc.)
    (At least four traits. Detailed, not listed. Have it match their house, please.)
    (At least ten detailed sentences or more. Prefferably more, but the bio does not have to be long. You are not writing a book, and the character will evolve during the actual roleplaying anyway.)
    (Love interest, family, friends, enemies, etc. Optional.)
    (Takes the form of an animal the character shares the deepest affinity with. Exctinct animals and mythical creature forms are rare, please keep that in mind.)
    (Biggest fear. How does it manifest itself?)
    (An owl, rodent, cat, or toad? Or maybe something more exotic? This is optional, and make sure the pet is something that is accepted in Hogwarts grounds. It can not be something that can be dangerous to other students and it needs to be domesticated. So no wild animals or things like dragons, okay?)
    (Wood, length, core, flexibility and overall wand lore? Please give some serious thought to this, because wands play important roles in the Wizard World. I demand at least the wood and core lores. Length and flexibility lores are optional, but encouraged.)
    (Extra classes or clubs, secrets, etc. Whatever happens to tickle your pickle. Optional.)
    (Describe how your character looks. Make it match the banner. Extra pictures are optional, and need to match the description.)
    RP Example:
    (This is for the players I have not seen play before. You may either write your own here randomly (does not even have to be that long, but at least two paragraps please), or just give me a link to somewhere else where you have RP'd before. If you're going to add RP example, please put it under spoiler.)


{Welcome aboard people with the following characters;}

  • Wicked [game master] - Jayden Everdagomir, Andromeda Grace, Romeo Cooper
  • WishfulNemo [co-mod] - Melinda Geralds, August Yilmaz, Garaile Scriven
  • Misaou [co-mod] - Sabrina Gallagher, Madison Van Reeden, Hazel Mbali
  • Namora - Kiyoko Oshiro, Sethen Lockett, Clarisse Sharpe
  • Nougat - Adam Harrison, Ryan McCallion
  • VocaStar - Anice Runeswell, Crispin Fairlie, Charlotte Monrova
  • Ritual Lobotomy - Glesni Helling, Caia Watkins, Felix Bell
  • firejay1 - Stella Prince, Averill Trevelyan, Maia Alvey
  • Mglo - Etienne Stark
  • darkflames13 - Kassandra Castillo, Zedekiah Blackbourne, Aureole Scriven
  • Hyanna - Alice Bishop
  • FieryCold - Alistair Blackbourne
  • Noctis the Devious - Raina Summers
  • ughcreativity - Harley Sullivan

{Players and characters that have dropped out of the RP.}
We occasionally delete the drop out characters and their stories from the list when we see their info is no longer relevant for the RP's storyline.

  • [2013] Zephyr - Azel Raphael; Died by the hand of a troll. Or by its bum, to be more precise; she was sat to death and crushed under its weight. Thankfully she died instantly to her injuries. Then again, if she hadn't, she would have most probably died quickly because of the horrid smell anyway.​
  • [August 2015] Namora - Clementine Ashton; Clemmy is NPC'd for now due to so little actual IC usage. She'll remain as the Potions & Alchemy Professor IC as an NPC for everyone until we happen to get a new one and then I will figure out a reason why she is gone.
  • [August 2015] Strayed - Peter Berlioz, Jack Sullivan, Montgomery Knight; This player is removed due disrespectful behavior towards a fellow roleplayer by bringing in the OOC drama while being fully aware that IC drama is the only thing that I actually encourage. The characters of this player are NPC'd for the time being and then removed from the face of the earth or whatever. I don't have any fucks to give anymore. I'm simply fresh out of fucks. 404 ERROR: Fucks Not Found.
  • [September 2015] Diabolica - Lachlan Macryrie; Done with the shit of this one too. For good. Player removed due to inactivity. Character is NPC'd. Not that his existence mattered much because we barely ever saw him again. And not that we ever will now. For comedic value I feel the need to link this song in here.
  • [September 2015] Bakugou - Aurelia Faulkner; Player dropped out due to inactivity and continuous never ending hiatus due to crappy IRL situations. Character is NPC'd. When and if Baku's situation clears again, I'm willing to welcome them back to us with open arms.
  • [October 2015] the crafty pig - Colin Aiken; Player dropped out due to not meeting the spartan demands of the roleplay. The system isn't there to just look pretty, so either acknowledge it when you join or learn it the hard way. Character is NPCd for the time being and used as a human sacrifice at the first given moment.
  • [October 2015] Erranruin - Aled MacNeill; Player removed due to inactivity. Poor Aled's health was already bad, and after the last case with the seizure, Headmistress saw it was for the best for Aled to retire from his profession and head back home to get better. After all, health comes first.
  • [May 2016] Azzy - Seriphim Brimm, Oswin Ravenwood, Ashanti Laveau; NPC'd all characters due to a player drop out.
  • [February 2016] Umbra - Amarie Connell; Character NPC'd due to a player removal for inactivity.
  • [February 2016] ILovePandas - Rose Pevensie; Character NPC'd due to a player removal for inactivity.
  • [February 2016] UnsightlyTEAstain - Sherlock Aisling; Character NPC'd due to a player removal for inactivity.
  • [February 2016] Gules - Amara Ferguson; Character NPC'D due to a player removal for inactivity.
  • [March 2016] redlemonaide - Briar Black; Dropped out due to real life issues. Addy, you're welcome back once everything settles for you, any time. For now, Briar is turned to an NPC.
  • [ July 2016] Faust - Lucas Grey; Poor Luke, when he hit his head it did a little more damage than everyone thought. In fact, it did some permanent damage, so he had to step down from being Prefect since he could no longer perform as expected. (He sometimes has to miss school because of his condition) Character NPC'd due to a player removal for inactivity.

Last edited by a moderator:


Collection of older banners.


GFXed by me few years ago. This is supposed to be used whenever he is in "vampire mode"


GFXed by me


This one is drawn and GFXed by VocaStar! Thanks!


GFXed by Rosie


GFXed by VocaStar

[glow=green]"I don't need anger management.
I need people to stop pissing me off."


Devour the Day - Good Man

I want to be a good man
I want to see God
I want to be faithful
But I know that I'm not
I want to be a good man
I want to do right
I don't wanna be a criminal
For the rest of my life

N a m e
Jayden Caine Dimitar Everdragomir

Jayden: Pronounced JAY-dən. The name itself is a variant from Jaden, which is sometimes considered variant from Jadon. Possibly means either "thankful" or "he will judge" in Hebrew. This name is borne by a minor character in the Old Testament. Unisex name, but far more common with males than females. Jayden is pretty popular English name for boys, and was given to the boy by his mother who favored the older male twin. And since the first name had already grown on him by the age of three when he was adopted, the Hristovs did not try to change it to a Bulgarian variant one anymore.

Caine: Pronounced KAYN-ɇ. Variant from Cain, and pronounced the same way as the E remains silent. Means "acquired" in Hebrew. In Genesis in the Old Testament, Cain is the first son of Adam and Eve. He killed his brother Abel after God accepted Abel's offering instead of his. The middle name is from Jay's biological father, the True Vampire Caine of the Evernight bloodline of Nottingham Coven. His parents decided that both him and his sister would get their parents names as their second name.

Dimitar: Pronounced Dimi-TAR. Bulgarian and Macedonian form of Demetrius. Latinized form of the Greek name Δημητριος (Demetrios), which was derived from the name of the Greek goddess Demeter. Kings of Macedon and the Seleucid kingdom have had this name. This was also the name of several early saints including a Saint Demetrius who was martyred in the 4th century. This name was given to Jay as a tribute to Caine's deceased long time friend and Jay's great grandfather, Dimitar Dragomir -- may he rest in peace.

Everdragomir: Pronounced Ever-drah-go-meer. Originates from Dragomir. Drag means "precious and peaceful" from the Slavic element dorgu meaning "precious" combined with mir meaning "peace" or "world". Dragomir can be translated as "To whom peace is precious," i.e. "He who cares about peace." Bulgarian origin which is where the Everdragomirs hail originally and still lived just two generations back, which is the reason why Lilith and Caine had some old acquaintances to turn to with their little problem. Ever as in "everlasting, eternal, forever" which was added in front of Dragomir when the old family moved to England, and English influenced them; it was also the first part of Caine's original last name which was Evernight. The Everdragomir twins are the last of their bloodline who carry this name, because all the other family members were hunted down during the First and Second Wizarding Wars which was a tragedy no one dares to speak of since the culprits of these systematic attacks were never caught. The slowly dimming, once bright and powerful name of the Dragomir has been carried by many well known Pure-blood wizards back in the days, and even some Bulgarian royalties few hundred years ago. Jay prefers to be called by his surname by people he does not know too well, does not consider close to himself personally or dislikes. It give a certain sense of distance between him and the others that he prefers to keep up. He feels like these people have not yet achieved the right to express the intimacy with him that comes with his first name. And God help you if you go ahead on your own, because you will receive the most judgemental glare and cold shoulder, and you are thrown back to square one with him really fast.[/spoili]

"Jay" - A casual nickname he prefers to go by rather than his full name. Only reserved to his friends. Anyone else who calls him by any other name than his last name and do not belong to his social circle, will get the nastiest judging glare. He finds this very disrespectful.

"Evers" - For those who do not feel comfortable calling the boy by his first name, but find the last name too hard to pronounce.

"Daywalker" - Among vampires, who like to bitterly refer the dhampirs as such.

"The Bulgarian Dragon" - A nickname for him that goes around the school halls, but rare dares to call him that to his face.

"The Walking Disaster" - Known mostly by this name among the teachers, thanks to his ability to get into trouble with them (and everyone and everything else.)

"Mosquito" - A rather insulting name by the courtesy of his rival, Lucas Grey.

"Little Dragon" - A "pet name" that truly annoys him, cooked by Clementine Flamel alias Professor Ashton.

"The Boy on Fire" - Dubbed with this name due to an incident where he saved a Slytherin Prefect girl from catching fire due to a misdirected spell, but caught fire himself and burned his arm badly.

"Mockingjay" - Naturally something that followed the previous nickname. Because who wouldn't love to make a pun or two about Hunger Games? May the odds forever not be in his favor.

"Jaycon" - Because puns and bacon make everything better. Though he has to admit, the burn scar in his arm does make him think bit of bacon. Gross.[/spoili]

A g e
16 years
Born August 14th, 2007
Leo ♌

G e n d e r
Male ♂

H o u s e A n d Y e a r

Slytherin || 6th​ Year

September 1st, 2022

Transferring schools is never easy. Especially if you leave the previous one on a bad note. Bad enough to make some of the teachers to give you scorning looks even if you have never even talked to them before, like the one that escorted him (A tiny little man, what was he, a part-Goblin?) from the Hogsmeade train station all the way to Headmistress' Study; he had obviously heard why he got expelled. It had been raining just before the train had arrived, and the air was moist after it, with fresh scent and the promise of autumn. Someone else would have probably appreciated it more. But that someone was not him.

So here he now sat, Jayden Everdragomir, fifteen years old, looking reluctant in the Headmistress McGonagall's study with wild black hair that was sticking out in weird angles because he had been sleeping in the train, and was curling from the ends even more than normally due to that stupidly moist air of Scotland. The two adults in the room were exchanging some words that were going in on the ear and out of the other for the teenager, who did not seem to have any interest regarding of his own situation at all. Truth to be told, Jay hated everything about it. He hated Scotland already, because it was so grey and rainy and so damn chilly. He hated the school because it looked even more like a rundown castle than Durmstrang ever did. He hated his peers that had been giving him the odd looks in the station and in the train because they did not recognize him. He hated the idea of having to be that kid that did not fit anywhere, because he had been that already back in his previous school, and now because of the transfer it would just maximize the effect. For a while Jay had been living in the hope that maybe he did not need to go back to school anymore, and just be a sad loser fourth year drop out... But his father would have none of it.

"I know we've had some setbacks lately, son," his father had said in Bulgarian, "and I understand you've been having things hard, trust me, I get it," he would claim and Jay would just nod quietly even though he really wanted to disagree on the understanding part; "but you really need to get back on your feet. We both need to move on. For us. For her. She would not like to see us like this. I know someone who can get you to a new school... In Scotland. It's a bit closer than your previous one, eh? What do you say, sonny? You need to study to get to the Ministry like your old man."

Maybe it had been the hopeful glint in his father's eyes, or the way he had ruffled his hair with a strained smile, or that Andrei was actually expecting a loser like him being able to follow him to Ministry. Jay was not sure himself what it was that exactly got him to nod again, and so it was settled. And that was how a Bulgarian boy had ended up in the rainy Scotland. A Bulgarian boy that was definitely currently second-guessing his life choices.

"Mr. Everdragomir." The Headmistress addressed him, managing to pronounce his name quite well for a first try. Jay looked up from the hands on his lap with a bored expression, trying to convey with a single look just how much he wanted to get this over with already. The elder woman with graying black hair and sharp, feline like green eyes was looking at him sternly. Under that powerful steely gaze Jay was not sure if he wanted to shrink away despite his tall lanky figure, or have even worse attitude towards everything.

"I am Headmistress McGonagall, and I welcome you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on my behalf. I presume your trip from Bulgaria went smoothly. First year students are being sorted shortly, and I must hurry since we both want to be in the opening banquet on time. Now, in this school we have a House system, and that system determines where you will belong for the next two years; to whom you will share your dorms with, to whom you will share your classes with, and so on. Your place will be determined by your own qualities." The woman explained with a curt tone, wasting no extra time or breath. She then proceeded to summarize him the houses and their qualities, and told him about the point system. Maybe Jay was imagining it, but whenever she was saying words like trouble, punishment, misbehavior, group discipline or point loss, she seemed to have a slight, subtle stress on them. Honestly, Jay had no idea what she was trying to hint at. So yeah, definitely imagining it.

After what seemed like an impossible amount of new information crammed into his brain that he was quite sure he would be forgetting in the next crucial two minutes (Seriously, did they have no pamphlets for transfers? Hogwarts 101 for Idiots sounded like a good title.) came the sorting itself. Apparently the staff had all agreed that it would be bad for him to be sorted as the only fifth year among all the first years, and that would make him stand out negatively, so they had decided that it should happen in the office before the Sorting Ceremony. A ragged looking hat that looked like it had belonged to a homeless person from the middle ages was offered for him, or more likely dropped on his head, and then... the damned thing nearly gave him a heart attack!

"AHA!" The hat exclaimed as it woke up from its slumber, making the blue eyed boy flinch in surprise and resist the urge to rip it off his head. "A quick witted one! These ones always entertain me with their perfectly timed retorts. Brave, yes, but not exactly the hero type, are you? You are clever, but lack wisdom, so not quite beyond your years, eh? Loyal, but not to just for anyone..." It mumbled on, seemingly to itself, while Jay kept feeling flattered first and insulted the next every three seconds. "Hard-worker... to a degree. Fair player? Ah, but you don't mind cutting few corners every now and again. A hint of chivalry, hmm. But with a strong sense of self-preservation? What an oddly contradicting combination. Definitely not a Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw... But should I put you in Gryffindor, or...? Ahh, there it is, buried under all of that messy clutter. You should dig it up more often, it will get you far, boy. Nothing wrong with that. So better be... SLYTHERIN!"

The hat exclaimed its decision hard enough to make all the former headmasters in their frames jump. Few of them clapped as the hat was removed upon the youngster's head. Jay looked puzzled, and McGonagall turned to set the hat back on its place to wait for the Sorting Ceremony. The Headmistress charmed Jay's uniform into his new house colors; it had been simply colorless before. Then she told the little man, Professor Flitwick, to escort him to the Great Hall. But as they were leaving, Jay had to stop next to the Sorting Hat, making Professor Flitwick scoff impatiently.

"What was it?" Jay asked from the hat with his accented voice, "The thing you found... buried within me that made you make the final decision?"

The Sorting Hat seemed to smirk knowingly with that rip of a mouth. And when it spoke, it said the word like they were fellow partners in crime, talking about the finest jewel in the vault.


S p e c i e s
Dhampir wizard
Half vampire, half wizard.

B l o o d S t a t u s
Father is a vampire, mother a witch.

In a Nutshell:

His father is an English True Vampire, of the carefully chosen ancient bloodlines that have been passed on for the stolen children through millenniums as the tradition goes. These vampires have been slowly blooded ever since they were newborns through their childhoods, which slows down their growth the more vampire blood they get into their veins from their "parent" or "parents" and prolongs their childhood and adolescence by couple of centuries, making them finally mature somewhere around two-hundred to two-hundred-fifty year old in human years, which depends on the individual and how often and how big doses of vampire blood they get. The recommendation is one droplet every full moon, as the ancient stone tablets instruct in a supposedly dead language that only the True Ones are taught to read. The True Vampire has never known their human parents or human life, leaving their race farthest from their humanity as their kind and thus making the "purest" and the "most true" of the Night Children. In covens the True Vampires are treated like nobility among their lesser kind, due to their far more superior bloodlines and the dark magic that comes with their blood. In covens it is typical to find at least one True Vampire as the Master Vampire of the region. True Vampire families are rarer this day and looks like the numbers are dropping, making it seem like the True Vampires are slowly dying out, leaving the Lesser Vampires spread the vampirism as it is faster and easier way to multiply their numbers.

His mother is a half Bulgarian and half Latvian Pure-blood witch, born in Bulgaria to a Latvian woman and Bulgarian man, and hastily moved to England in the beginning of her childhood. The Dragomirs are an ancient pure bloodline that have had several great witches and wizards through the Bulgarian history, in good and in bad, and even some royalties. They have been obsessed with blood purity for centuries, but due to lethal attacks that suppressed their numbers into almost nothing during the war times, the Head of the Family at the time decided to marry off his grandchild to his long time vampire friend, partially to preserve the family name and what was left of the family and partially as a favor for the True Vampire.

In short, this makes Jayden Everdragomir a hybrid; half True Vampire (but basically throwing him even lower in the vampire hierarchy than a Lesser Vampire) and half Pure-blood wizard (which would make him a Half-blood if his other half would not be vampiric) and thus making him a Half-breed. And his ethnicity would be 2/5 English, 2/5 Bulgarian and 1/5 Latvian. Jay likes to compare himself to a mutt of mixed breeds, as he truly is the multicultural and racial medley. The glory of his biological families is lost on him and his mixed blood, and it does not help his situation that his adoptive father is a muggle-born wizard. Either way, the Wixen Society looks down on him.


Everything that I've done before
Has brought me back down to my knees
I'm crying out to you, Lord
It's getting harder and harder to see
If there's good left in me?

M a g i c a l A b i l i t i e s

Shadow Manipulator
The Vampires have always been known to be the masters of the art of shadows. How they sneak up on their preys, seeming to come out of nowhere and appear from thin air in complete silence, how the darkness seems to grow and the shadows dance in their presence. It is only recently in the past few hundred years come into the daylight (figuratively speaking) how they do it. Turns out, Vampires have the magic of their own, despite the disease that drives them into vampirism to suffocate usually their ability to perform magic like a normal wizard of witch, no matter if they were born as Vampires or turned into one. It is no joke that they are the masters or shadows; they really are the puppeteers of darkness.

There are not many creatures who are able to harness the True Darkness. As a child, everyone has always been afraid of the boogeymen in the dark of their own bedroom. The kids tell their parents to check the closet for Boggarts and the under of the bed for monsters before turning off the lights. And still, when the darkness descents and you know there is nothing in there, the last Boggart that ended up in your closet was driven off last year... you still feel unsure, alert, as if something is either way lurking out there to get you. Even when your common sense says otherwise, you cannot help but feel the need to pull up the covers to hide yourself, because you feel the presence. Some never get over the fear of the dark.

In fact, it is not completely wrong of you to think that there really is something out there with you in the room. It is not the boogeyman, the monster, the Boggart, or even a random serial killer waiting for you to lower your defenses so they can stab you with a butcher knife on that toe that you left peeking under the covers. (Unless you happen to be one hell of an unlucky bastard.) It is not a person, it is not a creature. It is simply a... presence. Darkness is its own entity. It is older than the time itself, a form of Old Magic that has its own consciousness, much like Mother Earth but even older. Darkess has always been there, from the beginning of time, and everything is born from it one way or another. Darkness is not good, but nor it is necessarily evil either; darkness chooses no sides. Its power is raw and mostly untamed, but occasionally its gets intrigued by certain beings and creatures, as if growing a soft spot for them, and granting them the ability to embrace darkness just as much darkness embraces them. Maybe it is because these beings and creatures are not strictly good nor evil either, it is just how they appear to be that they are painted to be baleful, misunderstood most of the time; much like darkness itself. Maybe it finds them similar to itself and thus favors them as its champions. In this case, Vampires.

Not all Vampires are born with the power to manipulate darkness by their own whims; it is a birthright of the chosen ones, a granted privilege by an unknown existence. It is more common among the Pure-blooded Vampires, the True Vampires, who are born from older bloodlines of their own kind and have always been the children of the night and never known the day of a humanity nor seen the sun, as they are chosen by Vampires that have their roots closest to the First Vampire and blooded as infants almost straight out of their mothers' wombs. However, sometimes the darkness recognizes the Lesser Vampires as worthy and grants them the power of control over the shadows during their metamorphosis. While True Vampires have the ability 100% of the time, the Lesser Vampires develop the ability about 10% of the time. And then there is... the Dhampirs.

Now, Dhampirs are a whole different case of their own. Only a fraction is born with this power to manipulate darkness to do their own bidding. The half-vampires are a rare case themselves. When born from a Lesser Vampire as the other half, it is quite safe to say that the offspring will not have the power when the Lesser Vampires themselves rarely develop the power themselves, and their humanity is stronger than the True Vampires. But a Dhampir that has a True Vampire as their parent has a chance to inherit the ability. But only if they are born with their vampirism either nearly overruling their humanity or barely balancing it, making them either dance on the knife's edge or making them more strongly vampire than human, because the Vampire gene is even more dominating than the Magical gene. And in all cases, a child born between a Vampire and a Muggle, the ability to control shadows has not been inherited -- no matter if the parent is a True Vampire or not. Maybe it is the lack of magic completely with Muggles that suffocates the Old Magic out of the child. But a child between a True Vampire and a Wizard or a Witch usually turns out with the shadow manipulating ability. The chances of True Vampires breeding with Wizards and Witches are slim as they are, and the magical folk are already a fraction of the world's population itself... so this makes the Dhampirs with the ability a fraction's fraction. Thus there are rarely any recordings of these kind of children.

Jayden and Constance Everdragomir are that fraction's fraction. Ever since Jay can remember, darkness has always felt rather like a welcoming embrace of a mother rather than a threat. The boy has never been afraid of the dark, but rather feels more at ease in it than in the light. To him, darkness has always been a soothing presence. It has comforted him during good and bad times, been his last refuge when it had felt like there is no one else to turn to than the ever lingering dormant consciousness, always ready to listen to his worries even if it may never answer back. An entity that does not speak, does not breathe, does not truly exists; but still it is there, the presence and the caress of darkness that feels like cobwebs on your bare skin, the existence truest of them all. This power can be manifested in the following ways;

Shadow Puppeteering: This may seem mostly useless ability. Which it ultimately is, due to it being mostly harmless and not having much of a physical reaction to the world surrounding it. But do not be fooled; if you have enough imagination and the situation presents itself with a possibility, it can be used for something useful. Be it entertaining others by shaping the shadows into different forms on the wall, or using it as psychological tool for fear. If Jay wanted, he could start his own little shadow theater and be the sole puppeteer and make the most fantastic shows that could almost rival the muggle movies. But mostly he uses this to far less cute things; to scare his opponents by reshaping his own shadow into something monstrous and then spreading the darkness around them. With the help of air elemental magic, putting out torches and candles is easy and spreading the darkness farther for a bigger impact and strengthening the presence of the lurking darkness. If you did not fear the dark before ending up having Jay have a bone to pick with you, you will be afterwards. Nothing is scarier than the unknown.

Void Diving: Every shadow are their own little alternative universe of darkness, an empty void of absolute nothing but eternal blackness. Depending on the shadow's size, their inner sizes may vary greatly, making them like these little pockets scattered around. It is safe to assume that the shadows are always as wide from within as they are appearing to be in the physical world. However, it is their depth that varies. Diving into a shadow is like diving into a puddle of water on the ground... that just does not seem to have a bottom. Diving into shadows is a dangerous hobby if you do not know what you are doing. Jump too deep within, and you may not be able to ever climb back out. And then you will be imprisoned by the shadow until you are saved or starve to death. Someone who is not favored by the darkness will have this fate if they somehow would manage to trample with shadow magic. But those born with the ability are able to control the shadow within, and move inside of these little dark universes with ease. It is much like swimming, because in the void there is no gravity. There is air to breathe which does not seem to run out, but it feels musty like in a potato cellar, and it feels thicker. It is not like the air in the physical world, but it is not quite like being in liquid either. The darkness feels like it is smoky, or misty, but at the same time it gives the impression of something little more solid. The feeling of the embrace of True Darkness is hard to put into words, but the point is, that unlike in physical world, in the void you can literally feel the darkness. Like a shy caress of a cobweb or thick moist in air. That is just how intense it is.

Now, Void Diving is like stated above, jumping into a pool of deep water in a sense. But what exactly it looks like in the physical world is that the person steps into the shadow on the ground and falls through it into nothing or steps through a solid wall, and no one else but the person with the same power can follow, or the one who is invited by the Power Holder to enter via physical contact with the one with the ability (i.e. the Power Holder needs to hold the co-passenger's hand or carry them.) This makes it seem like the person(s) have disappeared completely from the face of the earth, thus masking their presences completely. So to put it shortly, Void Diving is like playing hide and seek with the ultimate hide-out. However, this does come with a price; Void Diving does not only seem to cut you out of the physical world, it really does cut you out -- almost completely. It leaves the Diver blind in the darkness, unable the feel the physical world, and almost cutting away the ability to hear. But even the noises that echo their way into the shadow sound muffled, like you would be underwater and somebody would be talking behind a wall. Following any conversations within the shadows are either hard even if the person is standing close, or impossible if they are farther away. The main reason for the little ability to hear is to pinpoint another presence within the shadow; the presence of a possible threat and wait until it leaves, or to stalk a prey and wait a moment to strike.

Shade Leaping: This ability is connected strongly to Void Diving. Shade Leaping is the ability to call upon the void and connect the shadows within to create another exits in the darkness, meaning making portals to move within the physical world. True Vampires are the strongest users of Shade Leaping, and can travel for miles. Lesser Vampires have this ability more limited within few hundred yards. Dhampir kids have it the weakest. They can only make links between the shadows they physically see, or feel within about ten yards. But going with the gut feeling is always a bit risky if you are not exactly sure where you want to end up; if Apparition can get you splinched, then Shade Leaping can get you lost in the darkness, possibly forever. Because within the void, there is no North nor West, no up or down, there is no moon and stars to tell where you are. The bigger the shadow, the easier it is to get lost. Jay remembers once been trapped in the shadow for hours until his biological father came to find him, pulling out the crying two year old boy with prolonged canines, even when the darkness tried to soothe the little Dhampir to calm down. Thankfully his gut feeling has developed a lot since then, because nowadays he can sense the direction of the North even with his eyes closed; all Shade Leapers develop this sense of direction, and the understanding that Shadow Leaping is where you are supposed to follow your emotions and instinct rather than your reason, as logic has very little to do with it. But if he looses his focus and panics, it is easy to forget the directions and common sense and succumb to fear; and this makes the power a little unstable, because that is what emotions tend to be unlike cold hard logic and facts. So during Shade Leaping, the boy needs to stay focused. And this is why he rather chooses to leap only to shadows that are within his eyesight; if something he mistrusts and second guesses all the time, is his own judgement.

This is probably the most useful power Jay was born with. Apparition within Hogwarts is not possible unless you are part of the staff, so Shade Leaping is like Jay is given with a little hacking program. He can sneak in and out of the dorm at night without no one noticing, and sneak in the hallways, and get even outside of the castle... and probably even outside of the school borders completely if he wanted. Jay has never tried leaving Hogwarts borders unauthorized, because he knows the school is warded with magical barriers to keep the intruders out and students in. He does not want to risk getting caught after all. Keeping low profile is smart if you want to keep your little sense of freedom to move around after curfew. Only during Hogsmeade trips does Jay Leap over the school borders, but that is because he knows the wards are lowered during these trips, and then he needs to move in and out unnoticed when he smuggles items, so it is worth the risk. After all, coin does not make itself, and what is his ability worth if not to make quick cash?

This boy has his genetics partially after a predator which's main source of nutrition is human blood. And since it's prey is smart and strong, the predator needs to be even smarter and stronger to stay alive. Thus Jay has inherited some natural gifts (or curses, depends how you really want to look at it) from his biological father's side.

Sharp hearing: Extremely sharp senses are what keeps the vampires alive among other things, and Jay's hearing is his strongest sense. However as a downside to this, it makes his ears extremely sensitive to loud sounds that can cause him crucial pain. This is also why the young man finds it extremely awkward when someone wants to whisper to his ear or the like -- well, you get the point. You want this guy to blush and get flustered? Aim for the ears.

Really good sense of smell: Jay can pick out scents and point them out easily like a bloodhound, but it is not as heightened as a real vampire's is. And what his nose is meant for is to pick out the two following scents; fear and blood. Just like animals, Jay can smell fear on people which is caused by human body by starting to emit the strong scent of sweat and pheromones. It's a sharp metallic smell, and he has learned to like it on certain situations. But what allures him, what sends him easily into hunting mode is the scent of blood. Almost like a shark in the ocean, he can smell it miles away -- well, fine, in this case, several feet away. Let's not exaggerate. But yet again, this sharp sense can also be his undoing, as Jay cannot stand the strong scent of perfumes which make him nauseous, and other strong scents like those. This strong sense also makes him more sensitive to different pheromones, such as what girls emit. Certain types of girls who have strong pheromones can mess with him easily, and this is also the reason why Jay becomes completely hopeless when he sees a girl cry. To him, all the females are femme fatales.

Night vision: While his eyesight is just tad bit sharper than normal which could be described as perfect in the terms of human eyesight, but does not make it really anything special... until you turn off the lights. The pair of pale blue eyes are like of a feline in this matter, and the boy sees just as good in the dark as he sees in daylight. In certain lighting, his eyes also reflect the light eerily back like an animal's would. However, he still does need a tad bit light to see, as in complete pitch black darkness he becomes almost just as dependable on his other sense as anyone else would. Also, since his eyes are modeled to living in the dark, it takes Jay usually a bit longer to get used to the brightness unlike other people.

Superhuman strength: This is probably what makes Jay not your regular problem student, as this is why he is considered potentially dangerous, unnerving even to most of the adults. His strength is of an beast, and extremely hard to control, as it tends to be hazardous combination with his anger issues as it is strongly linked to his emotions. He can bend metal, and crush even stones if he absolutely feels the need to -- Jay knows this as a fact, he has experimented on it -- but it works only with fast, extremely strong bursts of strength, and he can tire himself fast if he tries to keep these up very long. Sometimes -- well, more like, usually -- this can lead into breaking objects by accident, and at times hurting people when he does not mean to. Most of he time he just means to, but claims he did not if he gets caught. The guy whose nose broke just now? Oh, his hand slipped...

Fast regeneration abilities: The reason why Jay is not that afraid of throwing spontaneous punches, is because he obviously relies far too much on his abilities to heal. They are not as good as vampires, but good enough to make him sometimes think he is invincible. Wounds stop bleeding in the matter of few minutes, in seconds if they are shallow, and heal without leaving a scar within thirty minutes or faster. As if there would have never been one. Bruises fade quickly, leaving no evidences of a fight. Broken bones? Give him few days, and he is good as new. Broken teeth? No problem, they will grow back eventually. (Creepy, he knows.) Now give him human blood, and he heals immediately. Now this may give him the delusion of immortality, which makes the boy of not being afraid of jumping from high places or doing something else that is perceived usually as idiotic and reckless. The truth is that he is indeed not immortal. He can get hurt, and even though his tolerance towards pain is obviously higher than many others, Jay does not enjoy willingly feeling it. He absolutely hates it when he breaks bones, because being sore is nothing fun. To be blunt, it sucks. He just happens usually come into realization afterwards. He can die, he can be crippled permanently, and he is not immune to things poisonous or fire. Just getting him killed or crippled tends to be slightly harder task. If his organs get damaged, that can also get him killed just like any other person, but his survival rate is few notches higher if the organ does not fail completely or he does not bleed to death before he gets the help he needs.

Swiftness, agility, stamina & concealed presence: Jay is really fast runner. Meaning really fast. Well, at least the first dashes are. Did his outline just blur when he dashed past you just now? Most probably. However he can not move as fast as a real vampire, and definitely not as long periods of time. That outline blurring swiftness can last only couple of seconds, giving him a good head start on occasions, but after that his endurance focuses on keeping his speed stable when he runs, and if we are talking about long runs, it tends to drop to regular person's running speed after few hundred yards. However his stamina makes sure Jay can go on for long, and do other heavy work that requires manual labor with mostly ease. Jay's movements have always been agile, making almost every step look calculated and almost graceful in all of his roughness. But what is the most interesting thing is that when he walks, you can not almost hear his footsteps at all! It comes so naturally to the boy, that he has a bad habit of sneaking up to people and scaring the living daylight out of them if he does not make his presence known. (Jay can not even count with his hands how many times he has been hexed in the face for this.) If he wants, he can be really quiet for a guy of his size which can be surprising. If he wanted, you would probably never realize he would be in the same room with you until he would bother to speak up. But when he does make his presence known, it's something that is extremely hard to miss, as it dominates the room and makes people uneasy, like someone would have placed a wolf in middle of a flock of sheep.[/spoili]

The Living Poltergeist
Because of his blood, some magic related things are twice as hard to Jay. Especially if it is elemental magic related. He is usually very much bound to his wand, which makes the magic channeling easier and smooth. But when Jay gets angry, things tend to get out of hand; small things either blowing up or setting on fire, fragile things like glasses and windows breaking, objects suddenly flying fast in the air by themselves and slamming into walls and other teeny-weeny things like that, which are almost like out of a horror movie. Basically saying, it is completely out of his control. Most of the kids have already been past this phase, but Jay has not, and will probably never be due to his genetics conflicting with each other. This is strongly connected to his emotions, and the magic can burst out subconsciously when he really wants to hurt someone, because these accidents usually happen to people who have just been somehow harassing him or someone close to him in a way that will raise his anger-o-meter to max. Otherwise when he tries wandless and/or nonverbal magic, he usually fails the attempt, or the success is somehow otherwise very short lived.[/spoili]




Is there any good left in... ME?

P e r s o n a l i t y

Rebellious & Intimidating
[glow=green]"Oh, I'm up to no good, and I don't need to swear on it."[/glow]
If the name Jayden Everdragomir is mentioned, people often think of "troublemaker", "dangerous" and "aggressive" would describe him well. Which is completely true; where the Slytherin boy goes, chaos and disaster follows. Always quick to anger, slow to forgive. Ever since Jay's adoptive mother died, bit by bit he learned how to stand up for himself and started to develop problem with authorities. Such as acting during class that everything around him is a nuisance, so needless to say that teachers do not really hold him in very high regard. He is like an untameable feral animal and does not let anyone push him around, or subdues and answers for no one. Jay has a hot temper which is almost legendary and extremely hard to keep under control, which usually leads to violent outbursts when he is angered enough. It is like fire that can suddenly flare and explode without much of a warning. The young man's anger management problems usually keep people at bay, because he is known for being actually dangerous. Jay is not very proud of this, but he can not help it.

Daredevil & Instigator
[glow=green]"I want to live like I know I'm dying."[/glow]
Jay has a brave heart like a lion, which almost made him a Gryffindor. He is a dauntless boy who enjoys life by living it to the fullest. The more dangerous, the better since Jay has always had a knack for trouble. A complete adrenaline junkie, who loves the feeling when it makes him feel more alive when it rushes to his veins, making him feel like he is immortal and that makes him act rashly, sometimes even completely irrationally. Jay provokes easily others to do something absolutely ridiculous, stupid or insane but he is usually the one who ends up doing it himself if no one has the balls for it, just to show that he can. And it seems like there is no end to this until he is really six feet under, because he constantly flirts with death. However, this does not mean he is completely fearless. Just like any other person, Jay has things he is afraid of, but that list is shorter than the most and he rarely shows the signs that he is able to feel fear because of his well trained poker face and nearly perfect bluffing, which tends to trick people to think he is not afraid of anything.

Cunning & Resourceful
[glow=green]"You know, there ain't no rest for the wicked."[/glow]
You want something illegal done, but you do not know how? You want to make some few quick Galleons, and do not care if they were made cleanly or not? You want to threaten someone, but not leave any traces? That is when you come to Jay. He is sly like a fox when he wants to be, and knows very well how to bend the rules without breaking them or slipping past them unnoticed, which is a mere skill by itself. And if he gets caught, he knows how to wriggle himself off the hook because of his quick wit. How does Jay know all this? Well, from all kinds of questionable experiences, of course...

Shrewd & Creative
[glow=green]"Everyone's entitled to be stupid, but some just love to abuse the privilege."[/glow]
He is very clever boy, but he is not book clever. Studying does not interest Jay one bit, and he has problems with focusing on things that he does not care about, so he does poorly at some subjects. Especially the ones that require following strict rules and leave little space for creative thinking. But when he finds something interesting, such as Potions class, he can suddenly stand out of the other students like a sore thumb. He is known for thinking outside the box and coming up with the craziest ideas and shenanigans. He could pull O's easily out of most of the subjects if he simply wanted to, since he shares the same smarts as his Ravenclaw twin, even if he can be quite dense at times when it comes to certain things such as socializing, relationships and feelings. Thus his intelligence is something that can not really be measured academically, it is more complex than that. So in a way, you could call him idiot savant, which roughly means stupid genius.

Arrogant & Sarcastic
[glow=green]"I'm allergic to stupidity, so I break out in sarcasm."[/glow]
Jay may seem very self-confident from the outside to people who do not know him. Sardonic comments and sarcastic jokes are his trademarks. Sassy as a fire-cracker, Jay seems to always have the words ready when he needs to shoot them at someone. Especially when he needs to insult someone or otherwise look down on the person, either for real or half-jokingly. As someone who has really mastered the art of snark, he can quickly make someone feel stupid about themselves. Outspoken in a way or the other, he is not afraid of letting someone else know what he thinks of the person, or afraid of the consequences after he opens his mouth. He does not even always mean anything bad by the words that leave his mouth, it is just the way he tends not to sugarcoat his words at all that his brutal honesty may come off as arrogant and rude. Jay enjoys casual bantering with the people close to him, even if he may not outwardly always show it, he really does appreciate it when he comes across with people as witty as he is that offer him a verbal challenge, and maybe even sometimes beat him in his own game. He smiles rarely, and when he does, it is usually that cocky bad boy smile that promises that he is definitely up to no good. A smile that is sweet like shark's which is about to bite your head off.

Headstrong & Unyielding
[glow=green]"Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway."[/glow]
Because of Jay's violent childhood, he has known from very early years that the world is a hard place. He knows that real life is nasty. It does not care about heroes or how things should be. That in real life, bad things happen. People die, fights are lost and evil often wins. But this is the reason why Jay has become so strong mentally. Since he has experienced the rough life from early age, there is not very many things that would make him break down and he can handle loads of pressure and stress, much more than normal person could. The parts that make him vulnerable make him in fact strong, but the parts that make him strong makes him also vulnerable; it is a two-edged blade. Subduing Jay is like trying to put a wolf on a leash and call it a lapdog. Which, in this case, is not very recommended move. But what also gives him respectfully strong will, it also makes him one hell of a stubborn boy. He can be extremely hardheaded when it comes down to some things, and to make it more complicated, his pride makes it worse. Making Jay admit his mistakes out loud, especially after he has taken the stance and defended his views first, can be really hard feat. Getting an apology out of this one is like going to war, and when you finally defeat him to it, he will probably only say the five lettered word reluctantly through clenched teeth. As if lowering his pride to do it is physically hurting him.

Territorial & Possessive
[glow=green]"If you can hear what I'm saying right now, it means you're currently invading my personal space."[/glow]
The boy can be at times more than a bit demanding, and definitely overbearing. He likes things done in certain ways, and appreciates when he is given enough space to do so; but enter that space uninvited, and you have a very agitated young half-vampire up against you. Privacy has always been a big thing for Jay, who gets easily upset when it gets disturbed. Naturally secretive nature that has grown on him makes it hard for him to share things about himself, and since he was a child that had things taken away from him, he tends to fight for the things he has. Were it an object, or a person. And since Jay does not have too many people in his close circle, he gets jealous of them easily, afraid that they will be taken away. It is hard to share, and most of the time he bluntly absolutely refuses to do so, making it quite obvious for others with his actions... Well, at least that is what Jay thinks himself, not always understanding that other people might not get what is going on inside his head if he does not actually word it out loud. The further he is being pushed on the matter, the less likely he is able to see reason, and the more hostile he starts to act towards whoever the poor soul is who happened to step upon whatever invisible landmine Jay had declared for himself. The wisest move would probably remove your foot, hoping it will not blow up, and back off slowly.

Sadistic & Ruthless
[glow=green]"We stop looking for monsters under our beds when we realize they're inside of us..."[/glow]
Under certain circumstances or some certain type of people will cause all the warmth to leave from the eyes of the young half-breed. It might have been something you said or did that triggered the switch inside that head of his, but whenever you hear that snap, you should probably be running. Words like mercy or civilized behavior will quickly become meaningless to Jay, who turns into a merciless savage in a flash. He can and will take pleasure in inflicting pain on his chosen victims, feeling the need to walk the beast every so often or he fears it will eat him from inside out. Due to his PTSD, Jay is sometimes unable to feel sympathy completely towards some certain people or groups of people, which may show how he treats them. Fighting them makes him feel like he can slay his demons inside his head and dreams, or at least subdue them for a while until they come back to haunt him again. Because of his sadistic needs, he may be seen smiling when he causes unnecessary pain on someone, or feeling excited seeing them humiliated. He likes it, and he feasts on it when given the chance. However, do not think even for a second that he is not freaked out by this side of himself at all, as it actually scares the living daylight out of him. Jay is aware that this obviously is not normal behavior and that he must be fucked up in the head, but he is not sure how to deal with it the right way, to channel out the pent up frustration and anger in a way that he would not have to get anyone actually hurt in the process. How do you talk about that to anyone anyway? Who in the world would listen? Who would understand? Which is why he does not. He simply does not talk about it, and keeps on walking the road slowly down to his own sadistic self-destruction. Because one day at this rate, it is the demons that are going to slay him instead.

Ambitious & Intense
[glow=green]"Am I a failure if I got nothing to lose? No, I'm not a failure, I got something to prove."[/glow]
Even if Jay does not care about what people think of him in general, he has the burning need to prove himself, and maybe only for himself if not for no one else. That he is alive, that he is worth something, to say "I am here." That he can also do something, he can also be good at something, that he is not just a waste of breath and space, demanding to be recognized. So much life flowing in his veins, the need to be somebody just like anyone else, and not to be forgotten into the grey masses of people. The need to prove that he is also human is strong, and most of the time Jay tries to prove it more to himself than anyone else that he is not just some kind of blood thirsty beast. It is almost as if his whole life is a courtroom and all the other people the jury while he is the accused. And his lawyer? He himself in all of his viciousness. This is ambition in it's purest form, but maybe it is at the same time a subconscious cry for help.

Realistic & Cynical
[glow=green]"It doesn't matter how cynical I get towards life, because it never seems to be enough."[/glow]
Jay is the type of boy who looks at life from a very realistic point of view. He appraises the situation rather with logic than with emotion, because he feels that messing feelings into things really throws him off. He tends to see things as they are; like this he is able to see the potential, but also the negativity that could follow. It makes him able to consider more options, but he tends to expect the worst just so he does not get disappointed too easily -- especially with other people involved. This cynicism draws from different negative life experiences which makes Jay stand on his toes constantly, making him have some trust issues with others and hard time opening up. Others might say he has a bit of a pessimistic side to him, but that is him being misjudged. He might have a little negative approach in life, but he is able to peer through the darkness to see the light too. Cynics like him are often misunderstood to believe to be generally negative people, but in truth their logicality refrains them from attaching themselves too much into the feelings of the situation like an optimistic or pessimistic would do; it is their paranoia after the bad experiences that makes them consider the negative consequences as more logical outcome and simply take it into consideration more seriously. A realist considers the situation with cool calculation, and sees as things are instead of believing with utmost hopeful fool's sincerity that it will be better just to get hurt later for it, or dwell in the most terrible extreme horror scenario that would prevent him from ever getting anywhere with his life. As a realistic cynic, he is careful in relationships with people instead of charging into them without wearing an armor, and instead of wearing his heart in his sleeve he guards it with care. Whenever Jay does not give into his emotions like his anger, he remains usually rather rational and practical.

Impulsive & Spontaneous
[glow=green]"Speak when you're angry and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret."[/glow]
The Slytherin is full of restless energy. He gets bored rather easily, and hates being stuck doing tedious tasks for a long time. He grows anxious within time, feeling the need to seek a thrill to wake up from the numbness. This makes him do things on impulse a lot, and act spontaneously in a way where he leaves the thinking for later. More than often the consequences have slapped him in the face afterwards, and that is when he tends to regret not thinking things through. But he enjoys the adrenaline and the feeling of jumping into the unknown, and being surprised. Who knows, maybe even positively sometimes. This shows especially with his relationships, as he can spontaneously draw other people into his silly games of dare, or surprises people who have judged him to act only a certain way and breaks through the mold quickly set for him. And he still sometimes manages to surprise the people who claim to know him the best with his actions.

Withdrawn & Insecure
[glow=green]"Caring is not an advantage."[/glow]
Jay is not exactly the easiest person to talk to or get along with, because he is so unstable and anti-social as a person. Talking with strangers is usually out of his comfort zone and he has trust issues with others. He has a twisted image of himself and his self-respect is really low, and he usually thinks that he is not equal with the people that he cares about and they are far above him, most of the time referring to himself that he is not worth the bother. This is due to his past experiences, and can be in high contradictions with his ambitious traits; he wants to want the good things, but he is not sure if he deserves any of them. Jay seems usually like an arrogant and sullen teenager to the others, but not many know that he is actually very insecure young man... Or what he holds within his head; fears and horrible memories so strong, that they still keep haunting his dreams. Fears and memories so terrible that it is almost a miracle that the boy is not more damaged than he already is. Jay is deeply traumatized by his early childhood, which is the main reason why he is so full of anger, unsure where to direct it or how to handle it. He is like a ticking time bomb, more eager to make his fists talk than his mouth. Getting to know this young man takes time and patience, but in the end stands the reward... even if he can be a bit dishonest with his own feelings.

Socially Awkward & Introverted
[glow=green]"I don't break the ice. I make it."[/glow]
Jay is not very good with people. He knows how to insult them and throw witty comments to keep them away, but when it comes to letting someone close, things tend to get awkward really fast. He is honest when it comes to showing his feelings of anger, or his opinions towards something or someone that usually goes along the lines of being so directly blunt that it could just as well be an insult, but showing and receiving feelings like love are unfamiliar for him. Jay has no idea how to react when he receives a compliment, so he can end up acting very dishonestly about his feelings, usually blurting out something he does not mean at all, even if it shows obviously from his face and body language that he is happy about it. Very easily flustered, and due to his paleness the blush on his face is easily seen, which makes the boy very self-conscious because he is almost painfully aware of it. Due all of this, he may suddenly appear almost... timid.

Surprisingly Gentle & Thoughtful
[glow=green]"I'm not being nice to you, okay? I'm not! This is just... special circumstances!"[/glow]
Now, brushing aside his timidness and denial about ever being nice to anyone, Jayden Everdragomir, is in fact, a really nice boy under that thorny outer appearance. You will find out that behind all of that tough exterior lies a big, warm and well guarded heart. When you get him to warm up to you, he will turn from the feral animal to a domesticated cat who will enjoy the occasional scratching behind the ears. That is when he will start to smile and joke around the people he cares about, and overall relax, showing a side of himself that not many would ever expect him even having; that he actually is just like any other boy out there. So when you get past the glaring looks and sharp tongue and get to gradually know Jay, he will turn out to be a really good friend. He will be constantly worried about that his rough personality will hurt others feelings and how to word things without sounding like an ass, so even if he might not show it very well, he is at least trying to be thoughtful around you. And when you brush aside his slight fear towards women, he sees girls overall as something to be treasured and treated like a flower on your palm. And thus he will turn out to show another, a bit less obvious side of himself that also makes him a borderline Gryffindor; chivalry. Jay can not stand seeing girls cry, so he will always try to solve it with the best of his abilities. Well, if the problem can not be solved by dicking the source of the problem in the face, then he is a bit out of luck and ends up just fumbling awkwardly around with his words.

Dorky & Immature Side
[glow=green]"You have no idea how sad it makes me when people don't get my movie or TV show references..."[/glow]
Like mentioned before, when Jay relaxes in the company of others he will start to joke around. Due to living with his father in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, mostly in unplottable environment but really close to the muggle society, Jay has been exposed for the muggle culture for several years now. (His adoptive father is also a muggle-born, so electricity and technology has always been there) And from there he has found the internet, and from internet he has found several things that fascinates himself and what we would just overall simply call; geeky. Movies, TV shows, games, books, comics; these are how Jayden Everdragomir has spent most of his summers without friends. We are talking about thousands of hours of fiction being sucked in to his brain visually. So it is no wonder how the boy ends up throwing some kind of dorky jokes, making movie references and so forth. Unfortunately, since they are very muggle things, most of the people in Hogwarts do not know these and they go past their understanding, leaving his audience staring at Jay with blank expressions while he himself is chuckling quietly to whatever he just said.


Is there any good left in me?
I want to be a good man
Is there any good left in me?

B i o g r a p h y


Woodkid - Iron

Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away
Where innocence is burned in flames
A million mile from home, I'm walking ahead
I'm frozen to the bones, I am...

1941, England
The Global Wizarding War

Gellert Grindewald had been in power for some time, terrorizing Europe while muggles were having their own war, the World War II themselves. The shadows also reached the neutral country, Bulgaria, and death did not leave this country untouched either -- but we shall get back to that eventually. Wizards that were speaking in the muggles half were punished, humiliated, tortured, killed for standing up for what they believed was right by Grindewald's underlings. These were the dark times where your friends were your enemies and your enemies were your friends; walls had ears and shadows had eyes. Who could you trust? This was the time when people learned that that the world has teeth.

But the world that we are going to look back to has teeth even sharper. This one has fangs.

Caine Evernight was a young upstanding True Vampire, merely two-hundred-twenty-one years old, passionate and naive of how the world works after been born and raised in the coven of his great kindred. His "mother" and "father", millenniums old, urging him to leave the protection of the coven and learn the harsh world as it was. Surely there had to be more to it than the underground tunnels, coffins and the dust and moths, and occasional terrorizing of villages and drawing blood when they were hungry. Well, not that the latter one would not be exciting but... For someone with so much time in their hands things like that tend to get boring eventually, especially to someone who is considered still young, and when that young starts complaining and whining eventually someone gets bored of it. So the elder vampires insisted for young Caine to go and see for himself how the world was and learn; for Nyx's sake, maybe there would be quiet for couple of decades, centuries if they would be lucky.

And so young Caine set off for new adventures, and the elders could sigh in relief. But as vampires are not interested in what is going in between the mortals, they were not exactly aware what was going on in the world as they thought it did not, could not touch them in any way. Vampires had been laying low quite the while, there had not been any massive hunts for some time and they had let themselves relax far too much, lull themselves into the false feeling of security; for ignorance is a bliss. And that little Grindewald fellow was focused in enslaving the muggles anyway and fighting his own kind that went around waving those sticks they call wands which was taking place few countries over, it had nothing to do with the children of the night. And least of the Evernight coven.

...Well, until they sent their youngest out there to bring the trouble back home, that is.

1943, Bulgaria
The Global Wizarding War

The young, handsome vampire of sharp glacier blue eyes and fair platinum blonde hair, angled facial features and tall build had now been travelling all around the world for couple of years, and he was infatuated with it's great vastness; he had tasted it, smelled it, touched it; blood, smoke and gunpowder, and death. His experiences with it were exhilarating! Did people really go around killing each other like this just for fun? It was like a sport how they went out there and finding out different ways to tear each others apart! You definitely did not see things like these in the coven. Feeding had been quite easy when humans were dying all around him, and they barely questioned how it happened. So if Caine wanted, he could drink humans dry and leave only empty shells behind. Oh, joy!

But it was a tad bit too easy. Caine wanted more challenge, and the humans with guns could not offer it. Lately he had been showing interest towards the conflict that happened in between the ones with magic, and he craved to taste their blood. But the wands made the wizardkind dangerous, they could get him killed easily if he was not careful. And there, right there, was the challenge he was looking for.

But to get close to his new prey meant making this a game. This meant he needed to get to know them, study them, mingle himself with them, learn their ways and make them trust him before he could strike. Now the story Wolf in Sheep's Clothing was awfully spot on. So Caine chose as a setting of a country which was not experiencing as much muggle war as the other ones. One that was more innocent, more unsuspecting than the others. And Bulgaria seemed like a perfect choice as it was near the center of the hectic wizard war.

In Bulgaria it seemed like things were much less eventful than they had been in England, Germany or in France for example. The wizard wars were far more subtle, happening mostly in the shadows. Feeding was more challenging thing to do when you had to hide your trail, meaning you could not go around killing as you wished, but it motivated the vampire to reach his goal further. He had to learn the language, but it took him only few months to become fluent. So eventually he started meeting wizards and witches after seeking them out. It took him few weeks, those wards and other illusions were such a bugger. But what changed the vampire's mind about his whole plan eventually was this one fateful meeting with one certain wizard.

A soldier on my own, I don't know the way
I'm riding up the heights of shame
I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest
I'm ready for the fight and fate

1945, Bulgaria
The End of Global Wizarding War

Dimitar Dragomir was a young wizard of excellent Pure-blood background, upstanding reputation, and typically the habit to look down to muggles as lesser beings, meaning he was speaking for Grindewald's cause with great passion when asked about his opinion. He was married to Ekaterina from another Pure-blood family when they both came into the age of seventeen, as it was a tradition. So Caine approached Dimitar one night, and these two men, or man and a half, got to know each other. For what Caine had not been expecting about studying his prey was not that he could start feeling affection for these creatures whose life burnt fast and bright. And before Caine knew it, he had become friends with this dark haired Bulgarian man. And now he did not dare to even think of hurting him, or his family. Maybe it was because he was apart of his own coven and his own kind that young Caine was craving for... socializing, friends, and family. For vampires are creatures that enjoy living in packs the most, just like humans do.

A friendship between two Pure-bloods of different races were established over the year. Things changed however when Dimitar decided to step into the ranks of Grindewald's men and take part in trying to turn England's Ministry around; muggles would be enslaved, and the wizards would raise as the superiors for once! No more hiding! No more secrecy!

Least to say that things did not quite go as planned, since we all know that Grindewald was defeated in a duel between him and Dumbledore, and imprisoned in Nurmegard for greater good. His minions were defeated and scattered, or hunted down so they could face court. This meant Dimitar was in trouble, and the whole Dragomir bloodline was in danger of losing face and ruining it's reputation. Thankfully he had a friend to have his back. A friend who was master of secrecy and shadows, and hiding trails. So Caine took care of hiding Dimitar's part in the whole horrible farce, and saved the wizard. This included making sure certain people were silenced... permanently. And friends remember the favors, and Dimitar would always remember Caine's help. And one day he would compensate it. One way, or the another. When the time would be right.

But Caine had not been careful enough... For there is always something to be missed. And we all know death brings only more death. And in this case it brought... rats. And the ones who thirst for revenge are always one step ahead of you.

1971, Bulgaria
First Wizarding War

One day, Caine received devastating news; his whole coven in England had been hunted down. Fire, they said, in the underground tunnels. They had no ways of surviving, they said. Burned to death, they said. A horrible accident, they said. This meant Caine was the last of his own bloodline, the last Evernight to walk the earth. And he had no coven to turn to. Desperation, sadness and loneliness would have driven the vampire to meeting the dawn to join his family, had it not been for Dimitar. The wizard, now in his forties saw his old friend's desperation and supported the vampire with the best of his abilities. Yet he did not know how to help Caine other than being there for him. Dimitar and Ekaterina had a son, Grigor, now that was in his teens, and they had already chosen a fiancee for the boy. So several years passed for Caine mostly in withdrawn depressed seclusion as he mourned.

Meanwhile Grigori, just as passionate as his father, was speaking loudly about the war. However, unlike Dimitar, Grigori was actually speaking for co-existing with the muggles and lesser bloodlines. (Hey, it was the seventies. Even wizards had their hippies!) And this ruffled some feathers while Lord Voldermort was raising in power. Dark times were upon them again. And the Death Eaters would hear and remember everything. And before the Dragomir's knew, they were marked as muggle sympathizers. And that was not looked upon kindly.

The sound of iron shocks is stuck in my head,
The thunder of the drums dictates
The rhythm of the falls the number of deaths
The rising of the heights ahead

1981, Bulgaria
End of First Wizarding War

Odd deaths had been occurring in the Dragomir family over the decade. It was starting to be quite worrying, especially when the more the bodies piled, the less odd they started to get and more obvious who was behind them, as the arrogance grew with death and power. It had started from the branch families, and it seemed like it was reaching out to the main family slowly. Dimitar, now the elder of Dragomir family, saw the darkness that was reaching out towards them because of his son's mistake over the years of running his mouth about things that should not be talked about in public. Grigori and his Latvian Pure-blood wife Lilita had a couple of years old daughter with raven black hair just as the rest of the family, Lilith. Dimitar assumed this was the end of them if he would not do something; there was no stopping the Death Eaters who were practically upon their doorstep. This meant fleeing the country, but Dimitar was reluctant of leaving his home and land behind. Call him old and stubborn, maybe it was that, but he did want to save his family. So he approached Caine once again, now asking for Grigori and Lilita to join them in an emergency meeting.

What exactly happened behind the closed doors is still unclear to the public. The old servants talked about loud arguing, maybe even of a magical duel between Dimitar and Grigori but that might be just a rumor, Lilita's sobs being heard through the door, and Caine's eerie silence. All people know is that it ended with Grigori swearing Unbreakable Vow to Dimitar that Caine would marry his daughter when she would come of age if Caine would get them out of Bulgaria and somewhere safe for a while. It was Dimitar's last favor and gift to Caine for his help years ago; to assure companionship after his own departure. So where would it be the most safest for the Dragomir's to hide, where the Death Eaters would not know to look? Right under their own noses of course, so they set off to England. As they reached the country, they reached the devastating word of the death of Dimitar and Ekaterina Dragomir, just months before Lord Voldemort was defeated miraculously by a mere little boy.

This left Grigori, Lilita and Lilith as the last three of the Dragomir bloodline. The family tree was starting to look scarce.

1996, England
Second Wizarding War

Lilith Dragomir came of age, marrying Caine Evernight to keep her father alive, for if she had not married the lonely vampire the Unbreakable Vow would have claimed Grigori's life. It was not a very romantic marriage, and the two married only in order to keep Grigori alive, and they married as family friends -- but family friends mostly by name, as Lilith was very bitter about the whole situation. And since Caine was a vampire, and Lilith was a witch, their marriage was already a bit different. So they decided to mix their names, as Lilith's first name was already global and they lived in England and the girl was fascinated by the English influence. And thus they became the first Everdragomirs. The times were yet again dark, Lord Voldemort had come back, and the Death Eaters were hunting down their old enemies even more aggressively than before. The air smelled of death once again.

From the dawn of time to the end of days
I will have to run away
I want to feel the pain and the bitter taste
Of the blood on my lips again

1998, England
The End of Second Wizarding War

Grigori and Lilita were killed in their own homes by Death Eaters during the war. This left the nineteen year old Lilith as the last of her bloodline, and Caine knew well enough how it felt to be the last of your family. Their original plan had been to stay married for some years until they thought it would be safe to divorce so the Unbreakable Vow would not affect them anymore... But now as Lilith had no family, and Caine had no one either, they decided to stay by each others sides and support each other. Slowly the cold relationship turned into a friendly one, and before they knew, the friendly feelings turned into romance over the years. And this romance was a seed to two children nine years later, one of them being a boy we know already very well. So this is where the story of Jayden Everdragomir finally starts.

The steady burst of snow is burning my hands,
I'm frozen to the bones, I am
A million mile from home, I'm walking away
I can't remind your eyes, your face


Blue Stahli - Ghost of Love

Strange, what loves does
So strange, what love does
So strange, what love does
So strange, what love does
When you're all alone
Strange, what flies with ghosts of love
Ghosts of love

2007, England

Two dark haired children were born on a midnight of August 14th. They were twins, one boy and one girl, Jayden being born first few minutes before his sister Constance, making him the older brother. Dhampir children are unusual and Dhampir twins are even more so, but not completly unheard of, so people do not have much information about how to grow them. When it comes to mixed blood children, the path to adulthood tends to be inevitably rocky.

Even at the time when they were small, their identical look was remarkable; both had the exact same hair color, and almost same eye-color, but Jay's was more lighter and sharp colored, taking strikingly after his father's piercing eyes. They played together nicely and got along well, and everything seemed to be perfect... until their third birthday.

2010, England

Jay still has a fuzzy memory of his first bloody meal, but he can not remember who he had bitten and where, or how old he exactly was. He only remembers he was left with a deep craving; he had bitten his own sister.

Dhamphir blood is rare, and powerful. It grants the drinker with more physical and magical powers for a short time, depending on what is the amount of blood that has been drunk and how often. The most longest effect written in the history is three days, which ended up badly -- both the Dhamphir and the drinker died. So the only thing making sure that Dhampirs have not all been caged up and put into tubes so everyone could be super human, is that drinking the Dhampir blood comes with a price; it comes with a blowback. A blowback so strong, it could get you killed -- more surely if you are human. Because as powerful the blood is, it is also poisonous. Painful cramps, sudden high fever, dehydration and constant vomiting, which can last two days at it's worst and it has no known cure. Vampires and other Dhampirs are known to be attracted into Dhampir blood even more than into human blood, due to the more robust power it seems to emit; but it is like a honey trap to flies. Even a Dhampir or a Vampire stomach can not digest that blood successfully. There is a reason why Vampires do not prey upon other Vampires too.

So Jay had nearly drawn her sister dry by the age of three, and suffered the consequences that nearly took his life just as much the blood loss nearly took Constance, leaving their parents shocked and out of options. By letting them be together, this could lead into another dangerous incident, and the next time the other twin would not surely be as lucky. Not to mention how Caine had started to feel insecure around his children, feeling the urges to feed on them, which got stronger the more the kids grew. He could not trust himself not to harm them in the future. So Mr. and Mrs. Everdragomir came into decision after long nights of tears. They had to separate the children from each other, and from Caine. Caine had proposed an option where he would leave the family so at least one child could stay by their mother, but Lilith refused to leave her husband's side, even though she loved their children dearly.

Adoption. They would have to give their children away for them to be able to have more safe futures. Constance was sent to one of their old friends in Devon, England. But in Jay's case... they contacted one of their old friends in Bulgaria, who they knew well and knew they had been trying to have a child for years without a result -- the Hristovs. Andrei Hristov was a muggle born man who was working for the Ministry in Bulgaria, while Aneliya was a half-blood descent of a maid family that used to work in the Dragomir Manor.
Maybe with them the boy would be able to live somewhat normal life, without the twins endangering each others lives simply being in the same room, or their father accidentally losing control.

Oh, if they would have only known...

Strange, what loves does
So strange, what love does
So strange, what love does
So strange, what love does
When you're all alone
Strange, what flies with ghosts of love
Ghosts of love

Jen Titus - O' Death

Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,
Won't you spare me over til another year

But what is this, that I can't see
with ice cold hands taking hold of me

2010, Bulgaria

August 25th, eleven days after the twins third birthday, Jay was standing on the threshold of Hristov's home with his father, not quite understanding what was going on, and why were they here with these unknown people he had never seen before. Even the language they spoke with his father was something he did not understand, and it was highly frustrating. The fair haired woman with hazel eyes regarded the small dark haired boy with a warm but nervous smile, which made him step behind his father and clutch his old fashioned travelling cloak. Soon the discussion was over, and Caine knelt next to Jay; "Son, thee are staying here with these kind people for a while. Be a good boy, now."

"But I want to stay with you, dad!"
"Jayden... Thy should not make this harder than it already is."
"But dad--"
"Enough. Become a fine strong man and make your mother and father proud."

And without further words, his father disappeared into the night, leaving his son standing under the porch light, angry and bitter for being abandoned. Maybe it was Caine's tactic to try and make the boy resent his biological parents for being so cold, so Jay would never try and come to find them and meet up with his sister. But most of all, he hoped that over time he would simply forget. Which he did, since he was so young, but the feeling of expectation was left lingering in his mind. Become a fine strong man and make your mother and father proud. This turned the boy to look towards another male figure now in his life later on.

Days went by, then weeks, then months, then almost a year, but the boy would not let the Hristovs anywhere near him. He spoke only when absolutely needed to, mostly just staying quiet and rather being on his own than engaging himself into a discussion with the two. Aneliya had been hoping for a very different relationship between her and Jay, and she started to get frustrated. At first she had hoped that the boy would open up sooner, but it seemed like it was not the case. Andrei told her to just give the boy time, Jay would come around eventually, but Aneliya believed deeds would make a difference. Thus she confronted him when Andrei was at work, trying to do something motherly for him... but it led into the young dhampir going full rampage, breaking vases and screaming that she was not his mother and would never be one. It upset the woman deeply, and she hit the boy. It quieted the nearly four year old, shocked for being hit by an adult, never had anyone raised their hands against him. Opening his mouth to argue, and Aneliya lost it. Something just clicked off the place inside of her, and she hit the boy again, and again, and again... Until he was quiet and obedient. To beaten into complete, utter submission. The child healed fast either way, leaving no evidence behind. Discipline was the key in upbringing anyway... right?

Abusive relationship was built between the boy and his adoptive mother, who did not know how to handle the boy. It started off small with slapping cheeks or pulling ears or hair. But somewhere along the way, like usual, it got out of hand. Then came the belts. He hated the belts. And at some point it was about discipline anymore at all, it was just taking your own misery into the weaker, and enjoying it without remorse. And then came other methods that made the belting seem almost merciful.

Jay was too young and too scared to tell Andrei, fearing that he might do the same -- or worse. His trust in adults was gone on the most part. And he did not want to burden the man, in whose presence Aneliya smiled and never hit him. Jay started building quiet respect towards Andrei, seeing his presence as something that kept him safe from harm. Another reason eventually for not sharing the beatings with Andrei was that Jay was starting to be afraid of disappointing him. Jay wanted Andrei to be happy, because when Andrei was happy, Aneliya was more happier and did not pay that much attention to him. But when Andrei left for work...

The toys in Jay's room were left mostly untouched. Somewhere along the way he had stopped playing.

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold,
who will have mercy on your soul

Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death

2013, Bulgaria

Years went by, and it only got worse. Not only on the beatings behalf, but the personal hell Aneliya had created for herself in the process. The happy family she had wanted was a sham, and that made her miserable. She got depressed but hid it well. Until a breaking point was met and her sanity seemed to start slowly crumbling. Sometimes Aneliya got seizures that needed to be tended at the Bulgarian Wizardry Hospital. They had to drag her screaming and crying to the hospital few times a year, and pump her with mood lifting potions to create artificial happiness. Her mentality started suffering, as she hurt herself as she hurt the boy who's mother she wanted to be. And the more she hurt the boy, the further away they got from each other. But she could not stop, as she started to blame Jay for her misery and just seeing him started to grow hatred inside. And anything he did could set her off. Andrei was lost what was going on, and it broke him to watch his life companion drift away further and further, unable to stop what was happening in front of him.

She was deeply depressed and unstable, had medication but usually denied taking it, saying that there was nothing wrong with her. And when no one was looking, she blamed it on the boy, punishing him for every little mistake she could think of and with most cruel ways, justifying it with discipline and whatever her twisted mind came across with.

2017, Bulgaria/Northern Sweden

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

Oh, Death,
Well I am Death, none can excel,
I'll open the door to heaven or hell

By the time Jay turned eleven and was sent to Durmstrang Institute to study, he was already showing signs of being emotionally unstable. The anger within grew year by year, sometimes showing itself outside, which led into more punishing back home. He had trouble making friends, trouble socializing, trouble expressing himself. No one wanted to approach a boy so closed off when he himself was making it difficult.

Back home there was also times where instead of hitting, Aneliya would caress the boy, asking for forgiveness with a shivering tone when she had gone too far with her anger. Pet his hair and cry and kiss his cheeks while Jay would just stand there, feeling numb and unable to respond or comprehend. During these times, he would let her do whatever she wanted and pretend everything was fine because then she would not hit him. As long as he was just quiet and obedient, Aneliya would not hurt him.

Until something in these touches changed. Not for violence, but just the opposite. Aneliya would first try to touch him like a mother would, with tender care. But due to her sick mental state... the longing care for a child turned slowly into something else. Jay was growing up to be a man day by day, with rather pleasing features. Much like Master Grigori back in the day, the man she had looked up to as a child. Handsome like his grandfather, with similar dark hair and straight nose and... Andrei had not held her for some time. Jay noticed that sometimes the look in her eyes would change, and so would the touch. It would linger longer, caress his neck, or chest. It was all very confusing, and made his stomach turn into tight sickening knots and skin raise into goosebumps and gaze to turn to look away, but these touches never lasted long so he let them happen. As long as she did not hit, it would be fine.

Just... fine.

2020, Bulgaria

By the Christmas Jay was fourteen, Aneliya killed herself. Just like that. No warnings. No notes. Nothing. Andrei was devastated. And what was even more horrifying, was that his son had witnessed the whole thing. It had taken a full day for Andrei to find them locked in the cellar. There had been no lights, not because they would have burned, but because every bulb in the room had shattered, littering the cement floor with sooty glass shards. So with the help of his wand and Lumos spell, Andrei first saw the fallen stool on the floor. Then the boy curled into a ball in the corner, back turned away, unmoving. And then... there was the legs. Her legs. Hovering over the fallen stool.

Andrei was a broken man, and Jay was a broken child. He did not speak in months, not even with the professional help he got. No one was quite sure what had happened between him and his adoptive mother, and nobody managed to get anything out of him -- probe too much, and the boy would start throwing punches and he needed to be forcefully sedated or he would have ended up hurting someone or himself. The doctors thought about Obliviating his traumatic memories when Jay refused to eat at first, but eventually when he started showing progress in healing, they decided to leave the memories be; no use creating holes that could just trigger further complications in the future, and this one seemed to be rather strong. Many would have crumbled for good in his shoes. Andrei supported his son in the healing process, but he was not much better either. Especially with the nagging thoughts that told him that if they would have never adopted Jay, Aneliya might still be there with him. There must have been a reason why the boy was locked there with her body in the first place. So Andrei would not have to spend so much time with his own thoughts and sorrow, he turned to his work once his son was released and sent back to home.

This turned another chapter in Jay's life. The woman he resented, hated and feared was gone. All the pain she had inflicted on him had ended. Everything had ended.

But now he was out of control, and the bottled up anger exploded with hazardous results.

Oh, Death, оh Death
my name is Death and the end ïs here...



Woodkid - Run Boy Run

Run boy run! This world is not made for you
Run boy run! They're trying to catch you
Run boy run! Running is a victory
Run boy run! Beauty lies behind the hills

2021, Bulgaria/Northern Sweden

"We don't know what to do with him! He is dangerous to other students, and he refuses to talk!"

The spring of Jay's fourth year in Durmstrang ended in vicious group fight, leaving bunch of kids hospitalized and him getting expelled from school. Jay had not talked a word for months after witnessing first hand the suicide of Aneliya, and his adoptive father was deeply depressed, sometimes getting treatment for it all the way in Saint Mungo's Hospital in England, because he barely remembered to eat. Andrei however got the boy into Hogwarts with his connections, and the Headmistress decided to give Jay another chance in school after hearing his story from Andrei.

Run boy run! The sun will be guiding you
Run boy run! They're dying to stop you
Run boy run! This race is a prophecy
Run boy run! Break out from society

2022, Scotland

So next September Jay started his fifth year as a transfer student in Hogwarts, coming back to U.K. first time after being sent away from his original home. During that year Jay met few people (including his rival, and at times a friend, Lucas Grey and Rose Weasley who became his first crush), and started to talk again. He also met his twin sister, Constance. The meeting was everything biological parents had feared, but neither of them hurt each other surprisingly, and the meeting triggered some old memories -- call it a twins connection, but they recognized each other soon enough. Through Constance, whom had managed to seek out her original family inland, Jay learned many things of his past, and has come to accept it... even though bitterly. Due to the bad relationship with his sister, Jay has at least not yet tried to come into contact with his biological parents. Sense of fear might also play a big part in this.

During that year he managed to get into many fights again, but this time he learned how to hide his trail, and at the end of the year he started a little smuggling business to earn some pocket money, since he did not dare to ask anything more from Andrei. The man was taking everything hard enough already, and Jay wanted to support his father with the best of his abilities. And since Jay realized he could not trust himself of not getting into trouble, he should try and be smart about it and keep low profile so Andrei would be happy, and maybe Jay could make him proud. The fifth year was eventful as you can just imagine it to be in Hogwarts, but for Jay it was surprisingly peaceful if you just ignored all the fights he got himself into when no adults were watching. He spent the Christmas in Hogwarts since Andrei was busy with work, but went home for summer because it was required.

Tomorrow is another day
And you won't have to hide away
You'll be a man, boy!
But for now it's time to run, it's time to run!

Run boy run! This ride is a journey to
Run boy run! The secret inside of you
Run boy run! This race is a prophecy
Run boy run! And disappear in the trees

2023, Scotland

The sixth year seems to be however very different, bringing new acquaintances. There is the smell of change in the air, if not even revolution. Something is stirring, but no one yet knows quite surely what it is. All everyone can feel that something is coming. And it's going to be big. Well, at least the paranoid ones feel it, and the ones who are perspective enough; these people are just not usually listened until it is far too late.

What exactly will be Jay's part in all of this, is still unknown. For now his biggest problem is getting through the Transfiguration test this year without failing... But sooner or later he will start to miss the time when trying to get through Transfiguration test without failing was his biggest problem.

Tomorrow is another day
And you won't have to hide away
You'll be a man, boy!
But for now it's time to run, it's time to run!

Tomorrow is another day
And when the night fades away
You'll be a man, boy!
But for now it's time to run, it's time to run!





I want to be be a good man
I wanna be a saved
I want to be a free man
But I feel like a slave
And I'm crying out to you, Lord
It's getting harder and harder to see
If there's good left in me?

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

General View of All Students and Professors

[glow=green]"No one really likes me, but I don't really like no one either. I guess the feeling is mutual."[/glow]
Nonpoint - Everybody Down

With the whole school, Jay has a bad reputation going around for him with all the students and most of the teachers. He has been trouble since day one when he transferred because of his attitude; he keeps fighting the other kids, and has gained the nickname of the Bulgarian Dragon among the students, which comes from his uncanny ability to get constantly into trouble, his Bulgarian background and partly from his last name. Teachers pretty much call him the Walking Disaster because the boy just can not go for a day without wreaking a havoc of some kind, or so it seems.

Lately, however, it appears like the boy has... calmed down? It is not that much of a huge change however, where the teachers would expect him to start getting perfect marks and join the Frog Choir. But it is big enough for people to realize that something has changed. There seems to be far less violent outbursts as of late, and Jay seems like he has lately been doing his homework and even taken part in some class situations -- and has gained friends. Sure, he might have not joined the Frog Choir, but he did join the Quidditch team, and that is quite the big leap for someone as angry and anti-social, to actually go his way and join organized sports and redirect that angry energy in a Beater's role. Last year the boy did get into several frays, and some of them even the teachers had to step into, along with one in the beginning of this year, but maybe the job as a Beater is a good way to channel all that violent energy out in a way that nobody outside the Quidditch Pitch doesn't get hurt. And most of all... the gazes seem to turn to a certain girl, who by the looks of it, has somehow managed to tame the beast and make these changes possible.

Andrei Hristov || Adoptive Father
Bulgarian Ministry Worker

[glow=green]"It's... complicated. I don't really wanna talk about it."[/glow]

Pearl Jam - Alive

Jay has a very complicated relationship with his adoptive father with whom he lives with in Bulgaria during the summers and Christmas breaks, Andrei Hristov, who blames subconsciously Jay for his wife's suicide; the late Aneliya Hristov, who made Jay's life a living hell, and under whose mercy Andrei abandoned his son many times without knowing... Without knowing what was happening behind the closed doors when he was not there to witness the cruelty what a woman who can not bear her own children and then loses her sanity can do.

Due to Andrei knowing from the start that all the kid needed was space and time, Jay came to respect and like the man. Over the years this respect grew, and eventually Jay started looking up to him, and developed a bond with the man which made them into a father and son. Jay accepts Andrei's flaws, knowing that he is only but a man, and does not blame his father what he went through with Aneliya. For that, Jay only blames himself, thinking that he only deserved it. So despite Andrei basically turning his back on him as of late, Jay still looks up to him, cares for him, worries for him, cooks for him while they are under the same roof and makes sure Andrei is somewhat comfortable when they are home at the same time. When they are both in the same space, Jay makes sure to behave, not to rise his voice, not to disappoint Andrei.

Their relationship is in somewhat fragile state right now. They are both being careful around each other, their talks are very few worded and awkward. Andrei is slowly getting better, but he there is this unspeakable elephant in the room with the two of them. And then there are these moments where one of them steps out of line, mostly Jay, and loses their temper. That is when both of them raise their voices and everything turns into shouting competitions and both of them say hurtful things to each other. It usually ends up with the more emotionally fragile Andrei crying, and Jay bolting out of the room in shame and guilt for making his father cry, unsure what to do about it. These nights ends up with either Jay's room door or the outdoor slammed shut.

However there is still the love between father and son. Andrei is doing his best not to feel the need to blame Jay for what happened every time he sees him, tries to talk to him, sends letters asking how school is going. And Jay tries his best to be a good son despite how much of a fuck up he is. Despite how much he screws up. Despite for being just as guilty as Andrei feels he is.

Aneliya Hristov || Adoptive Mother
Deceased House Wife

[glow=green]"Nie ne govorim za neya. Nito sega, nito nyakoga."[/glow]

Fever Ray - If I Had a Heart


She used to smoke Marlboro cigarettes, make beef steaks herself, wear brown leather belts over light blue jeans and crimson lipstick that complimented her brown eyes and fair complexion.


Her presence is always there in the back of his mind. The harsh teachings still applying to his every day life. The belts in someone's hands still making him cringe, the knives making him take a step back, the smell of cigarettes making him uncomfortable. Sometimes when he is alone, you can see him rub a certain spot in his neck like trying to get rid of a stain that nobody else sees.


He, who has her always the center figure of his nightmares, to this day. The root of his fears that still control his life. The source of discomfort he feels when somebody touches him. The lost trust in adults in child's eyes. In his eyes blue like winter skies and broken promises.


She is dead to the world. But not to him. Not to him.

She is an ever living fear. For what he fears the most, is to become her. And as the days go by and the anger grows, the more resemblance he sees. The more of the violence that has been taught since small he finds within. The hand that used to strike him, now strikes others... through his.


Her immortality. Her vessel. Her presence.

His fear. His demon. His shadow.

Caine & Lilith Everdragomir || Biological Parents
Both Still Keeping Low Profile in Nottingham

[glow=green]"I never really knew them. I don't even remember their faces. I now know that they're still out there but... they gave me up. I'm not really sure if I'm supposed to seek them out. I'm not sure if I want to. If they want me to."[/glow]

Devour the Day - Oath

Everything Jay has heard of his biological parents is vague. He has never seen a picture of his father, because cameras can not capture a True Vampire. He has, however, seen recently pictures of his mother. Andrei has talked something about the two when Jay has inquired after his biological parents, but the man seems reluctant to talk about them. Maybe he is afraid that Jay will leave him if he finds them. He does keep his promise to Caine that night when the little boy was brought to his doorstep; to raise Jay as his own son. And he did. How well he has succeeded so far, that Andrei is unsure about.

Andrei has told him the reason why his parents gave him away; that they loved him, and they did not give him away because they would have not. That they surely still love him, even if they have not seen him in thirteen years. The very reason they gave him up was out of love, and that it broke their hearts, but it had to be done. For the presence of all of them could have ended up in tragedy. Sometimes, the ones you love the most can also hurt you the most. These kind of fates with vampiric families are probably the reason why there are not many half-breed offsprings to begin with. The reason why they stay with creating their own kindred from humans, blooding them, infecting them. To avoid cannibalistic tendencies, to put it bluntly, that might endanger themselves in the process.

Due to circumstances, Jay has not at least yet tried to look for his parents. He knows that the last Andrei heard from them, they were living in Nottingham. Constance refuses to spill the beans, so trying to get her to share information is impossible. And then there are the excuses as of why he can not. All for insecurities and fear become the anxiety of What Ifs. What if they do not want to see me? What if they do not like me? What if I am not the son anymore they left on that doorstep? What if the only thing I am to them is a disappointment?

And then there is the warning Andrei told him, reminding him why they gave him and his sister away; "Caine might lose control and tear you apart. Please, for your sake... Don't look for them. When they are ready, and they think you are ready, they will come to you."

Constance Everdragomir || Twin Sister
Ravenclaw // 6th year // Half-Breed

[glow=green]"I always thought the 'good twin, bad twin' was just a joke, until I met mine..."[/glow]

Breaking Benjamin - Away

Constance Lilith Ekaterina Everdragomir. A name that invokes fear all around school, very much like her twin brother's does.

The two were separated when they were three years old, so they barely have any memories of each other and they did not have the chance to develop the feelings of siblinghood towards each other. When they learned of each others existence, it was in their fifth year when Jay had just transferred, and everything went pretty much crashing down after that.

Constance Everdragomir is most definitely standing for everything Jayden Everdragomir loathes.

Petty, gossiper, cruel. These are the three adjectives that can sum up the Ravenclaw's whole being in Jay's opinion. The only way she seems to be able to talk to him is to talk down on him, to make sure Jay knows who is the more smarter, liked and dominant -- who is the more superior being. Jay doesn't, of course, much appreciate this. So he avoids her most of the time, unless he feels the urge to really seek her out and try to fish information of their biological family that he cannot find in the old history tomes in library. And even then Constance, or Connie as Jay used to call her when they were small, makes sure that he is only a mere vermin and the only reason why she even acknowledges his presence is because she decides to humor him for a while. But because of Constance's ultimate belief that she is the smartest creature in the room, Jay has found that overconfidence is easy to play against her. And thus, he often pretends he's more stupid with her than he actually is, and Constance laps it up like milk and cookies. And thus, both of the twins have learned ways to manipulate each other in different ways to gain their ends with each other.

Kiyoko Oshiro || Girlfriend & Blood Donor

Slytherin // 6th year // Pure-Blood // Captain & Seeker of Slytherin Quidditch Team

[glow=green]"As lame as it is, I'm going to quote something I read once; 'I fell in love like you fall asleep; slowly, then all at once.'"[/glow]

Finger Eleven - Paralyzer
Thousand Foot Krutch - New Drug
Papa Roach - ...To Be Loved
Puddle of Mudd - Blurry
Starset - My Demons
Placebo - Running Up That Hill

Jay had always been quite careful with his little secret, but when Kiyoko Oshiro (Slytherin, 6th year) stepped in, she messed things up within five minutes. Not that Jay could have known, but she actually had been having a hunch of him being something vampiric just simply by the chilling look in his eyes that is pretty much trademark vampire thing, even before she cut her hand during the Opening of Term Banquet and made Jay who was sitting next to her very awkward, because he tried not to jump on her and rip her to pieces. However, one thing leaded to another, and they ended up chatting a little and introducing themselves to each other and so everything started.

The next day Jay had been on his way with Sabrina to the Kitchens for some pig blood, when they waltzed upon a situation where Kiyoko was being mugged by five Slytherin boys in the dungeons. Probably unnecessary to say that Jay was very mad about it, and the counter party might have suffered some casualties after the dhampir unleashed his wrath upon the muggers. Thus he ended up saving the Japanese exchange student, even though it was not quite what Jay had meant to do, it just kind of... happened. It confirmed Kiyoko's speculations of Jay being what he is, and Jay admitted it, quite unwillingly however even though he had a feeling from the very beginning that he could trust this girl. Maybe because she already had befriended a full vampire, Jay's mentor and teacher, Professor Van Abaron... Or maybe because Jay recognizes a kindred spirit in her. Something that is almost as damaged from the inside as he is.

Soon after the incident in the dungeons, Kiyoko saw how uncontrollable Jay was because of his thirst, so she made him follow her in the Forbidden Forest and confronted him about it, not letting the boy go in the class before he would have fed on fresh animal blood. However, everything does not tend to go as planned whenever Jay is in the picture, and he ended up feeding on her blood instead of some animal's, and nearly drained her in the process. Nevertheless, Kiyoko is set on becoming his blood donor, no matter how dangerous it is. Jay was a bit against it in the beginning, but he had to admit that a chance like this may not occur a second time for him. So he keeps breaking in the Potions master's storage room, stealing ingredients and brewing Blood-Replenish Potions for her to keep her healthy, because blood loss should never be taken lightly.

And just few weeks later, he realized that he was addicted to her blood, finding himself being attracted to her... but is it truly just for the blood? Kiyoko's presence makes him feel weirdly anxious, agitated, fluttery, nervous and... well, you get the picture. She kept popping into his thoughts constantly, and sometimes Jay catched himself staring at her. Strange, is it not? Well, he thought so too.

Everything made suddenly sense when Peter Berlioz stepped into the picture, said few words to Kiyoko that Jay misunderstood as flirty, making him jealous and bam, he came to realize he was in love with the girl in middle of abusing a chicken leg during dinner. Of course, since Jay had been taught to think that caring is not an advantage, he was obviously not very happy of this new found revelation. In fact, he tried his best to get rid of his own feelings, going as far as hoping he could grow to hate her, and failed miserably immediately. It was impossible, absolutely out of the question, she is everything he wants and needs. Even if everything was flipped over and all Jay's beliefs and philosophies needed to be rewritten, he would have not wanted it any other way. So few things lead into another, and he kissed the girl, Kiyoko confessed with words while the boy showed his feelings more with physical contact. Their feelings were mutual which was like a dream come true. And since neither of them have ever been in any kind of romantic relationship before, they are both very new to the situation. Some things still needed to be cleared between them, such as what does being in love with each other exactly mean for them and were they now maybe... dating? Or maybe not? What is the definition of lover and what exactly does it mean for either of them, since they both have different cultures behind them? Not to mention that all the awkwardness is nowhere near quite gone, even if they have become just a bit braver around each other.

The final push to officially ask Kiyoko out came in a form of Sabrina Gallagher, the half-veela who had been having her own problems with her love life. Few careless words lead into a situation which made Kiyoko angry at Jay's insensitive choice of words, and while the boy apologized with the best of his abilities he ended up asking the girl out, who agreed. Now Kiyoko Oshiro is officially Jay's first girlfriend, and probably last if things go well, because like his Patronus the Timber Wolf, Jay falls in love hard and most probably mates for life. So he is not lying when he says he is ready to fight for her and never give up. However, the new found obsession might come with few downsides, such as hardcore jealousy and possessiveness. Who knows, if things go down Jay might get a broken heart and end up even more hurt and bitter than before. This is a gamble of love, but is he ready to take the risk?

Heh, who are we trying to kid? This is Jayden Everdragomir. Risk is his middle name. This is probably the moment he would flash that cocky smirk of his at you and say; "All in." With a perfect bluff like an old poker shark. He has guts, we have to give him that.

Sabrina Gallagher || Best Friend

Slytherin // 6th year // Half-Breed // Chaser of Slytherin Quidditch Team

[glow=green]"Oh, Gallagher? She's definitely interesting character, and quite melodramatic. But she's fun."[/glow]

The Used - Blood On My Hands
The Cardigans - My Favorite Game

When someone mentions Sabrina Gallagher (Slytherin, 6th year) to Jay, the first initial thought would be "Well, she's hot." Part-veela's tend to have that effect on the opposite sex, and Jay is no exception. But that is all he knows about her, since Sabrina has kept her distance (probably because she is afraid of ruining her reputation if she talks to him) and Jay has kept his, as he does with most of the people. Even if Sabrina is pleasant sight for sore eyes, Jay has not felt the urge to approach her like many other guys have. Maybe because Jay is as half-breed himself and has more resistance against her natural Veela charm, or because his willpower to resist is greater, who knows? But what happens, when the girl everyone adores approaches the boy everyone is afraid of? Nothing good, or that is what Jay thought.

Push became a shove, and somehow they became... friends? Or something like that, Jay was not quite sure how to determine their relationship, and he did not yet quite trust her, still thinking that she had some kind of ulterior motives. But she had grown on him in the short time, and he had started to actually like her a bit. Sometimes even a bit more than was appropriate, but that is because she is a half-Veela, you can not really blame the boy for that.

The relationship between the two took yet another turn when Sabrina confessed her feelings indirectly to the boy after an incident that considered some rough slapping publicly. Jay has not yet been able to quite wrap his head around the fact that someone could be interested in him in any romantic way, and he does not yet quite know how to cope with her. So after that, he has pretty much... ignored the confession ever happened. Cold and cruel, he knows it himself. But what should he do then? He does not feel anything else towards the girl other than friendship and occasional lust because of her charms. Everything is so messed up![/spoili]

Clarisse Sharpe || Comrade Designated by Fate

Hufflepuff // 6th year // Half-Breed // Duelling Club 2nd​ in Command

[glow=green]"Sharpe; a cinnamon roll too good, too pure for this world."[/glow]

Sick Puppies - Monsters
Manafest ft. Trevor McNevan - Impossible

Jay and Clarisse didn't start off with the good terms. Which really isn't a surprise at all, as we are talking about the Everdragomir kid here; when did he start off good with anyone? It was all really a misunderstanding. Like normal, Jay was paranoid and fast to jump into conclusions about others, thinking everyone out there had their own motives and reasons for wanting to hurt him somehow. So how it all really fell on him, while Clarisse did her best to be the good kid that she is.

September 2022, Jay's and Clarisse's 5th year. Jay had transferred in only recently, and was in bad place in his head and social situation than he is today. He had social anxiety, his gynophobia was still running pretty strong and his PTSD was making him shut everyone down. He avoided all direct eye contact with everyone and immediately shrunk away when someone as much as brushed him when walking past in the corridor; he really disliked being touched. He wasn't interested in building social bridges, because he simply figured he'd burn that said bridge when he'd get there. So why bother with something that wasn't simply going to pan out anyway? Nobody liked him. He himself didn't even like him, so why would anyone in this new shithole of a school think any different. So it was all very simply; just keep to yourself, try to avoid problems and survive through the rest of the couple of years until graduation. Couldn't be so hard, right?

Enter Clarisse Sharpe. Blonde, Hufflepuff, overly-friendly kid with a thousand watt smile and a passion for baking sweets. Everything Jay wasn't and everything he couldn't stand. The sweets part especially. And she was committed in trying to make him eat her stupid goddamn cookies. When he goes down to memory lane, Jay is fairly sure he decided the cookies must have been either poisoned or pumped with some weird potion to humiliate him. He refused the cookies, with some harsh and callous words too. Clarisse was surprised and hurt, but Jay didn't really have sympathy for her or anyone else. He just wanted to get away from her and avoid unnecessary attention.

He thought it was solved then. But she came back the next day. And the next. And the day after that. And the day after that. Every time with those goddamn cookies, the whole goddamn first week. She just wasn't giving up! Not until Jay outright told her he simply didn't like sweets, or anything sugary at all. Clarisse was crestfallen, and retired from trying to feed him with sweets after that. Jay was glad, deciding that he must have succeeded in driving her off. She would leave him alone now.

Wrong. Clarisse Sharpe hadn't given up on being friendly to him. In fact, she was just getting started. Instead of offering him sweets now, she would come to him in hallways, class, eating hours. Anywhere and everywhere, just to try and strike a conversation. Jay tried simply ignoring her presence at first, but she kept chattering like it wasn't a problem that he didn't talk much; she just figured that was simply the way he was. After few days when he realized this tactic didn't work, he started avoiding her. Whenever he saw her from afar, he would immediately change his course and turn the other way. When Clarisse caught up to what he was doing, she would try to catch him by running after him. But unfortunately for her, Jay was very fast and agile boy, be it the long legs or strong leg muscles, he was really an artist when it came to disappearing out of sight. And this seemed to frustrate the Hufflepuff.

She started really cornering him in classroom settings. She did detective work to find out where his detentions were being held to come and chat him up whenever he was cleaning something. And the chase in the hallways continued. And it continued for few good weeks.

It ended abruptly when Jay decided he had simply had enough. There was a line and his patience was very short lived. The last time they had the chase, it was about to turn into October. The weather was getting cold, and it made the half-breed boy especially irritable. So when she tried to pursue him again, he simply turned around and snapped at her. For one, Jay wasn't the kind of boy who spoke much so she had heard him speak before very little, usually in one word answers or simple grunts. And second, his tone was always rather low whenever he did happen to open his mouth. So it would be the understatement of the year to say Clarisse was a bit surprised, maybe slightly scared even by the sight of now furious Jayden who raised his voice at her in anger and sprouting insults. She fell back on her bum on the ground and stared at him bewildered until his outburst was gone. And then, for the first time for the whole month, he actually looked her straight in the eyes to make a point that he was serious.

And that triggered something unexpected in the Sharpe girl. Her eyes did something creepy, the grey irises turning into black pools of nothingness and black veins popping up like someone would have filled her with black ink.

Jay jumped back and exclaimed out loud, demonstrating his eloquence; "What the fuck was that?!"

Clarisse just sat there, too stunned to speak. And then she started to tear up. On that moment, something in Jay clicked, and he felt guilty. Guilty for snapping at her and speaking harshly at her. She was a nice girl, she deserved better than try to befriend trash like him. She got up, asked him not to tell anyone what he had just witnessed, apologized and scurried off real fast. Leaving the Slytherin standing in the empty corridor in confusion, alone.

A week passed since then, and Jay figured she wouldn't come to him ever again after what happened. He was ambivalent about it; on the other hand, it was good that she wouldn't but on another note, he had been a total jerk to her. And now suddenly that nobody was bothering him, he had to admit, he almost missed her pesky presence. And just as he thought that was it, she came to him again. This time to apologize her behavior and explain it in very short, vaguely chosen words, and then thanking him for not tattling to anyone about what he had seen her eyes do. Jay simply replied to her in a matter of fact kind of tone; "Of course I didn't, it's not mine to tell." And he meant it. He also figured it was not his place to pry, so he didn't ask further questions. Clarisse didn't offer further explanation. They were both content with that, came into a mutual understanding, and it was all forgotten.

However, after that, the little Hufflepuff had popped up on his radar as a blonde plop. Jay started to pay her some attention, and even bothered to humor her with some casual conversations at class or during eating hours. Without him even realizing it, Clarisse Sharpe turned out to be one of his first friends. She had just crept in without Jay noticing, and now he didn't mind enough to drive her out.


Fast forward in time, and some incident happens after dinner hours in the beginning of February. Most of the students had scurried off, the professors had left the hall and only a handful of students were loitering about. Jay showed up late to get some scraps off the dinner before heading back to his room to stare at the ceiling wait for sleep to come and claim him. He had only barely sat down and started gathering food on his plate when Clarisse and few others were about to exit the hall. Their conversation had been rather heavy, but Jay had tuned it off as "not interested" and directed his attention to his food as "this I'm more interested in." There were students in that group from pretty much all the houses, a good dozen students or so making a move to leave the Great Hall. However, the whole situation took a whole different turn when one of the Slytherins whipped out a wand and used a tripping jinx on Clarisse. Few giggles ensued.

Jay raised his eyes off the plate at the sound of whole human weight hitting the stone floor, chewing on a piece of bread as he watched what was going on. He saw Clarisse pretty much sprawled out on the floor, and he wondered what happened to her. Was she that clumsy?

But then one of the kids poured some juice over her. Their peers made "OOOH" sounds all over the place, some chuckled at the sight. Another glass was emptied on her lap. At some point, Jay's jaws had stopped the chewing motion, and he was now only looking at the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

"Oops, oh geez. I'm so sorry." Jay's housemate sneered at the soaked girl on the floor. "You're nice though.. so you'll forgive me, right?"

You gotta be kidding me. Of course she wouldn't--

"O-o-of course I'll forgive you! Thank you for apologizing." Clarisse quickly responded in a wavering, chipper tone, "I better go clean up."

...You what?

Spine? Where? Do you have one, Sharpe? Why would you late them just walk over you like that. Stand up. Stand. Up.

As the girl tried to get up, she was jinxed once again to trip over. This time people were now outright laughing at her. Jay felt his stomach do an uncomfortable twist and a cold feeling settle in.

The girl looked like she had been struck. She looked around in what seemed like panic, for someone to help her. Jay remained seated and looked away. He shouldn't get involved. It wasn't his fight. Besides, look at where it got him the last time he stood up a girl for being bullied? He had been expelled from Durmstrang.

Don't get involved. More laughter erupted, loud and taunting. Not just for her, but almost like to him as well; taunting him for being a coward and turning a blind eye, for making the conscious decision to be a coward. The laughter, like howling of bloodthirsty hyenas, circled around in the hall. From the corner of his eye, he saw Clarisse being pushed back down on the orange juice puddle for trying to leave, pushed back on the floor in the center of the circle of ridicule. Slowly, he looked up, feeling sick for yet again witnessing the worst sides of humanity. And he saw the girl, curled up on the floor, at the verge of a panic attack, covering her eyes as if to block away the reality around her, small and fragile and cracking and shattering, the annoying thousand watt smile like it was never there in the first place.

There was a loud bang and then a clatter that echoed in the hall. Everybody stopped laughing and turned to look at the source of the noise.

Jay had struck his fist hard on the table even before he could have stopped himself. It was impulsive, angry reaction of someone who had now had enough. When the laughter stopped and everyone realized who they were looking at, the kid who had always caused some scary stir at school in his first couple of months, glaring at the group like he was planning to make them all disappear through the downstairs kitchen in separate bags. And now seeing their horrified expressions, Jay decided that it was definitely worth it. Screw avoiding the attention, he wasn't very good at it anyway.

There was an eerie silence, during which Clarisse crawled away from her bullies. Good, she needed to use that chance. And to make sure that these suckers wouldn't follow her, he had to distract them...

Few minutes later, a professor had needed to be summoned to the Great Hall to break up a tussle. Some spells had been flying about, and apparently Everdragomir had threatened some of them and shoved them around, even punched someone. He was called into the office to discuss his punishment for unwanted behavior, and then assigned some detention.

After awhile when all the hassle was over and done with, Jay made sure to visit the Hospital Wing. He suspected Clarisse had been suffering from an anxiety attack, and had probably seeked help for it from the Matron. Which she had indeed done, now lying in a hospital bed. Jay peered inside from the door, but didn't come inside, feeling that he shouldn't. There was a man by her bedside, someone older than them, a young adult. The man noticed him, and Jay made a point to leave. She seemed alright enough, and he wasn't needed here.

After the incident, about a week after Clarisse had began to re-attend classes Jayden received a strange piece of mail sealed in black wax with the crest of the Ministry on it...

'Dear Mister Everdragomir,

It has been brought to my attention by my daughter that in recent events
you sided with my daughter and helped her when she demonstrated a need of it.
I wanted to personally thank you for your intervention and would like to inform you
that should you need anything, and it is within my means to provide it, I will do so.

Also, I feel I should mention that this favor be kept a secret. It is yours and yours alone,
and because of that the paper had been enchanted. If anyone else tries to read it, it will
simply look like an old newspaper clipping, that way no one can try to cash it in in
your stead.

With much gratitude,
Jasper Sharpe'

Jay wasn't sure what to think about the letter, figuring it was some kind of hoax probably. He didn't take it very seriously, and shoved it away into the drawer of his nightstand and simply forgot it just few days later. And the letter is still there, in the nightstand, even after all this time.

Clarisse and Jay remain as casual friends. Nowadays bullies have mostly left Clarisse alone, thanks to Jay who has taken it upon himself to rough them up without her knowing, whenever he would find out someone gave the Hufflepuff any hard time. Clarisse is simply too nice to stand up to herself, too nice even, to a fault. So Jay figured he can be mean enough for the both of them and stand up for her. And it seems to be working.

Raina Summers || Kindred Spirit & Bartering Partner

Hufflepuff // 6th year // Half-Breed Pure-Blood // Duelling Club Captain

[glow=green]"Summers? What a fucking snob. She can't even tell the difference between a bezoar and a rock even if one hit her in the face."[/glow]

Thousand Foot Krutch - Incomplete

Jay met this one first time in his fifth year soon after transferring. They shared the same Potions class, and only few weeks after the first semester started, their professor assigned all of them partner projects; to brew a long term potion successfully together. And due to unfortunate twist of fate... Raina ended up being his assigned partner. And no-one can be too sure which one of them was having it worse.

Jay was very withdrawn and quiet in an intimidating way. Raina was very straightforward and haughty. Both just as brutally honest and stubborn, with equally short fuse.

Turns out, Potions wasn't Ms. Summers strong suit. At all. Within the first fifteen minutes into the project, Jay came into conclusion that she has no grasp of the basics of brewing, no delicacy when handling the ingredients, no hand to eye coordination when she is given the knife because Jay moved out of the way just in time or she would have stabbed him by accident, and that she can't brew anything beyond complexity of a cup of tea. Yet, she acted like she had superior knowledge of the topic while she overcooked the potion, and she didn't stop mumbling and grumbling, mouthing at him whenever given the chance. Within forty minutes into the project, the brew was about to be a total failure. Eventually, they drifted into the sheltered harbor of the Slytherin's patience.

"Keep your goddamn hands on the table where I can see them and do not move until given permission." Jay snapped at her without even looking into her direction, long fingered hands working as quickly as they could while trying to salvage the work they had.

It was probably the longest sentence the Everdragomir kid had said since transfering schools. The whole classroom full of students stopped what they were doing and turned to look and listen, because it was the first time anyone actually got to hear what the Bulgarian kid sounded like when he actually spoke.

However, Raina Summers barely even batted an eye at his outburst.

"Who the hell do you think you are telling me what to do?!" She retaliated angrily, the volume of her voice rising into offended but astonished higher pitch that somebody dared to tell her off. The whole roomful of teenagers stirred and gasped, their eyes now turning from Summers to Everdragomir how he would react. Was he just going to take that? The said individual had frozen for a heartbeat with a frown. And then the Hufflepuff launched into an angry rant, while Jay settled the heater's flame into low and leaned back on his chair and squeezed the bridge of his nose in silence. To be honest, he didn't know what he had expected.

At first, he thought that maybe she would run out of juice quick. Turned out, she didn't. She just kept going with the rant, and eventually Jay just felt the urge to shut her the hell up because she was about to give him the biggest headache he had had since hitting his forehead on a marble kitchen top. So he snapped at her again, starting to point out all her failures and mistakes with the potion. Surely stating few facts would--

But no. Oh, no, no. She refused to budge, even when facing the truth, still claiming that she was right even when she was in the wrong. Eventually, they were both standing up and snarking loudly at each other's faces. The whole situation had grown out of proposition and gotten out of hand, and now turned into a full blown argument.

The only moment that got them to realize they were still in class and other people were around them when the Potions Mistress finally lost her patience with the two troublemakers and got their attention. And took ten points off each of them and sent them to stand in the dungeon corridor for the rest of the class for disturbing it. Neither of the two was happy, and they stood there in silence, refusing to even look at each other's general direction.


Few days go by, and by the next lesson they met again in Potions class to continue the project. Except this duo had to start completely from the scratch; in previous class, their potion ended up completely ruined. Jay glared at Raina when she even tried to reach an utensil to work with. The class continued in bitter silence between them, where Jay worked and Raina simmered as much as their brew did. But since the Slytherin really seemed to know what he was doing, she held back. By this time, Jay managed to almost catch up with the rest of the class.


Third lesson rolls in in the beginning of next week since the start of the project. By then Jay had been having a whole weekend to think about how he wanted to proceed with Summers. He couldn't afford to get a T from this project, but if only one of them worked on it, surely they would get a lower grade from the professor. She seemed to see everything. As they sat down, Raina didn't even try to go for the materials this time, assuming the boy would just tell her off again if she tried. However, to her surprise, Jay requested her to give him an ingredient and knife. As she did, he took it from her and proceeded to show her how to cut it properly, then telling her to proceed like that with the rest of the patch. Raina, for once, did as she was told. (Though, not happily and not without some moaning and groaning.) Rest of the class seemed to go without an incident, both of them working in harmony, only speaking to each other when absolutely needed to.


Couple of weeks later, their brew was ready. Jay had taught Raina few tricks here and there, and hammered down some basic knowledge about brewing into her thick skull. Few snappy comments had been shared between them, but otherwise they had found a way to co-exist through this project. As they turned the finished product in, they ended up getting the highest marks in the whole class, to everyone's surprise. Even Jay's, who wasn't completely confident about the result even if he did know it was pretty good given the circumstances. Everything ended good and nice, and the two exited the class with some good house points and good marks.


Now Raina Summers had popped up in Jay's personal people radar. Occasionally, he found her in the crowd and paid attention to whatever she was doing. Observing her, Jay found out she was very good with magic part when it came down to handling her wand and casting spells perfectly. Unlike him, she was in perfect harmony with her inner power and her wand. This was a bit of a frustrating find, especially when he was sure she was really enjoying seeing him struggle during DADA classes where she excelled at. But what could he say, he really did love to see her face covered in soot whenever she did explode her brew during potions class. Maybe even chuckle a little and then mask it as a cough.

It took them few months, but eventually Raina seemed to come up with an idea. Their OWLs were growing closer, and they were both struggling with school. Raina was about to fail Potions class. Jay was about to fail all the subjects that required casting in the exams. She approached him one evening after classes in Moving Stairs, greeting him with her typical casual tone.


And she presented him with the idea; if he would help her out with Potions... she would offer him some lessons in casting and magic control. Jay didn't seem too taken with the idea at first, not liking the idea of having to be tutored by Raina Summers. Not that she seemed to be anymore keen on the idea of being tutored by Jayden Everdragomir. So she bartered; an hour a day of potions and he would get an hour a day in casting right after. To her surprise, Jay bartered back; two hours of potions every two days and two hours of casting every other. Eventually they settled on having two hours of both every other day and every Sunday off. Like this, they probably saved each others asses and made sure they graduated the fifth year together to the sixth. Raina got an E from Potions and Jay got passing grades for all of her OWLs, some of them even surprisingly high marks.

Since then, they have learned that they can exchange favors from each other, regarding basically any matter, for the right price. Now don't get them wrong, no actual money is ever included. But neither of them expect anything from each other for free; they answer favors for favors. When this goes down, they approach each other with a greeting of a casual insult, before cutting down to the business, and barter each other.

"If you help me out with this upcoming DADA exam, I'll write your next Potions essay."
"Do you take me for a fool, Everdragomir? You promise me three essays, and I'll think about it."
"That's complete robbery! Okay, listen. Two essays."
"No, I said three. Three or we don't have a dea--"
"Two of three pages each and a box of Chocolate Cauldrons."
"...If you agree, I might throw in a Chocolate Skeleton or two. Take it or leave it."
"Bloody hell, fine."
"I knew you'd come around, Summers. It was nice doing business with you."

Of course, these said favors aren't limited to school work, but it's what they prefer to go for as they abuse each other's strengths and weaknesses in that area. It's all the matter of supply and demand, and meeting the criteria for them. However, nowadays they constantly like to test each other's limits when making deals. After all, it isn't the stupid one who asks, it's the one who agrees.

Jay and Raina have found ways to co-exist with each other outside the potions project of their fifth year now, and despite butting heads every now and again, they tolerate each other nowadays pretty well. The two have also taken into greeting each other with casual insults, because saying a polite "hello" is way too mainstream. Jay has learned to know from the tone of her voice whenever he approaches her in what mood she is for the bartering, or if she isn't on a good mindset for one at all. But just because they've learned to get along, it doesn't mean they don't run their mouths at each other still -- because they totally do snark at each other whenever given the chance. However, Jay has learned to kind of enjoy their banter a bit. It's refreshing how someone doesn't seem to be scared in his presence and flinch away when he happens to say something a bit harshly. But instead, returns it back with full force, or worse. Also, she seems to be as witty as he is and that's really something. Finally, an appropriate challenge.

As a witch, Jay has learned to respect Raina's skill in magic. She is a force to be reckoned with, and a force Jay will wisely decline to duel if she ever did challenge him for some reason. Even if they do still clash here and there, their silent agreement to not tell anyone they are helping each other out and the unspoken understanding to not ask personal questions from each other whenever they notice something off with each other. For example, Jay is quite sure she noticed him flinch few times back in fifth year whenever she accidentally touched him for reaching the same item. For his relief, she never asked what was his malfunction. Just like Jay never asks how she knows so much half-breed magic blockages and control. As long as she stays out of his business, he stays out of hers.[/spoili]

Clementine Flamel || Oppressive Teacher

Potions & Alchemy Professor // Head of Slytherin // Half-Blood

[glow=green]"Yeah, she is young and hot looking, but let me tell you... it's all a trap. In reality she's an old hag in disguise. I'd rather hook up with a Dementor than this one."[/glow]

Papa Roach - Not Listening

At first their relationship started well as a teacher and student, and it looked like Jay had actually found a teacher who did not immediately judge him as a hopeless case. She actually expected good things out of the boy who had a natural knack for Potions, the subject she teaches. But that was until Jay started breaking into her ingredient storage basement and stealing from her, and got caught on his second time. And it would have not been half as bad if he would have not overheard things that were not meant for his ears.

The Slytherin boy found out that "Professor Ashton" actually had a double identity, her real name being Clementine Flamel, the last living offspring of the Flamel bloodline. It was quite the shock when it turned out that she had the Philospher's stone with her, even when it was supposed to be destroyed decades ago, and she was frigging two-hundred-and-forty-three years old. Now that is quite... something. So Jay got caught while he tried to escape unnoticed, which lead into him getting very tied up -- literally. Not only because he was suspended from the ceiling by an magical rope by Clementine, but because she started blackmailing him. One would have thought that Jay would have been the one who would have had the advantage since Clementine could not really kill him without raising suspicion, but the tables turned the very moment the woman told she would make sure Kiyoko would get into very deep trouble if Jay would spill beans to anyone. Actually, he did not even need to tell anyone, all that needed to be done was that even if Clementine would catch even the slightest of rumor about her and the stone, she would execute her plan. So not only does Jay now have to make sure he does not slip anything, but he practically also needs to make sure that absolutely no one will find out about Clementine, making him do the wretched woman's dirty work of silencing others if needed.

Not only that, but Clementine also promised that she would punish Jay somehow for everything, just because she can. Needless to say that the boy is quite bitter towards her now.[/spoili]

Lucas Grey || Rival & Frenemy

Ravenclaw // 6th year // Half-breed // Prefect // Seeker of Ravenclaw Quittich Team

[glow=green]"...Do I really have to waste my time and breath talking about him?"[/glow]

Thousand Foot Krutch - I Get Wicked

Lucas Grey (Ravenclaw, 6th year) and Jay met during the first Transfiguration class in their fifth year, when the boy was sitting in front of Jay. Lucas' hair color intriguied Jay, and that leaded into a situation where the two started bickering. This seemed to leave both of them with bad aftertaste towards each other. But the way they act around each other is filled with contradictions, because they seem to somehow tolerate each others presence so they could be called frenemies. Jay has acknowledged Lucas as his rival, and also someone amusing to toy around with to pass time. Jay also never calls him by his first name, but rather coolly calls him just Grey.


Sethen Lockett || Source of Annoyance & Awkwardness

Gryffindor // 6th year // Pure-Blood // 2nd in Command of Gryffindor Duelling Club // Beater of Gryffindor Quiddich Team

[glow=green]"...I really don't like it how he flirts with me. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay people. I just don't like it if they approach me like that. It's just weird, annoying, awkward and... Just really weird, okay? I think he's doing it on purpose, too."[/glow]


Peter Berlioz || Roommate

Slytherin // 6th year // Muggle-Born

[glow=green]"...This guy..."[/glow]

Gorillaz - 19-2000 Soulchild Remix

Open, straightforward, merry, polite, reliable... All the things that Jay is not and throw him off easily, all in one package called Peter Berlioz, a new transfer student from France. The new kid became Jay's new roommate since all the other rooms in the dorms were full, and since he owned a room meant for four people, it did not really leave the staff much choices; he was shoved in the mercy of the infamous Bulgarian Dragon without him even knowing. While everybody else waited for a complete butchery of the poor, sweet Peter... He surprised them all, including Jay who has absolutely no idea how to cope with this new guy. Not to mention how Peter's personality itself is completely throwing Jay off his game, but because of his bad habit of making assumptions and overbearing personality a misunderstanding was created, yet again regarding Kiyoko Oshiro. Thanks to Peter, Jay came to realize something really important within the first twenty minutes of the French boy's appearance, without Peter even doing anything particular himself. It was simply enough for him to exist. Best wingman ever?

Peter Berlioz. A name to be feared... but not really. He is far too nice for that.[/spoili]

Want to have a relationship?
PM me or post at my wall and we will see what we can do about it.


Is there any good left in me?
I want to be a good man
Is there any good left?
I want to be a good man
Is there any good left in me?
I want to be a good man
Is there any good left?

P a t r o n u s
Timber Wolf
The wolf is a noble creature that finds comfort in packs as well as by its self. Its bravery, cunning, and stealth are unmatched. The Timber Wolf, being the largest of it's kin, resembles Jay the most. He is a lone wolf, an one man pack that awaits or needs no acception of others and just as feral. It is a very formidable patronus to have.

The wolf is a bit of a darker and mysterious soul, with the strength of a fighter. A person with this patronus has had a lot happen in their life, and due to that they wear a mask over their emotions. They do, however, have a very big heart that is full of both passion and fire. They have a lot of emotion within them that they are willing to give, but only once they completely trust you, and since they have been made cynical over the years this can be difficult.


B o g g a r t
Adoptive Mother Aneliya Hristov
Aneliya might be dead, but the trauma and fear is very much alive. The Boggart manifests itself by taking Aneliya's form and it comes in different stages, and depending of the amount of fear her form may vary from a normal looking woman in her forties who just has a very disturbing look in her eyes, to a hectic raging one with disheveled looks that may be holding onto some of Jay's more minor fears such as knives, fire in some form or belts meant for whipping. If the fear is strong, and if Jay's mentality tilts enough the Boggart can feed from his fear enough and overpower the boy by taking the form into a complete new level where Aneliya stops reminding human, as the memory and opinion of her is distorted to something monstrous, grown bigger and scarier over time than she really ever was. But the final stage of that fear is... something that no one ever expects after seeing the previous ones.

P e t
Jay has no pet. Why? Because he himself thinks that if he can even barely look after himself, how could he take care of a pet? In a way, this is very responsible way of thinking from a person who is very irresponsible. However, mostly the reason behind of not owning a pet is actually that animals do not get along with him. At all. Most of the time they are dead afraid of him, sensing the bigger predator and threat in the room. Most of the time they either keep out of his way or run at the sight of him, but animals with bigger prides either coldly ignore him or might actually try to outright attack him if they feel threatened enough by Jay's presence.

W a n d
Ebony || 13½ inches || Dragon Heartstring || Rigid

This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is the most famous of the Dark woods, although not the most powerful. However, for visual impact and power, it is amongst the best. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. The ebony wand's perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.

Dragon heartstring is a powerful wand with a lot of magical "heft." As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. It is not the core you want for subtlety, but for sheer power it is definitely the best. Dragon wands tend to learn quicker than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. Although it is the most common core among Dark Wizards, Dark Wizards are most certainly not their most common users. It is also the most prone of the three Supreme Cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental. It also tends to be lethally hazardous if combined with certain woods. Dragon heartstrings are by far the most common wand core amongst Slytherins, but their power often bonds to Gryffindors and Ravenclaws as well. However, they tend to overwhelm the archetypal Hufflepuff personality.

A rigid wand will only give its complete loyalty to an owner who has faced great personal tragedy. It is particularly good for practical magic use, and thus usually doesn't perform well for magic that is frivolous or silly. Rigid wand owners are cautious and have difficulty trusting others, but they are not usually unkind people. Generally, they prefer to be left alone so that they can do what they want to do, regardless of what anyone else says.

Thirteen and half inches is length wise very fitting for someone as Jay's stature of six foot and one inch, who still shows promise in growing an inch or two. The length of the wand is a little bit taller than the average (which usually lies between ten to twelve inches), indicating usually that a wizard may grow past the average height as their chosen wand may predict. However, the numerical prediction of thirteen, which is often pointed out as the most unluckiest number, seems like an ill omen. This may be linked to how Jay seems to lacking in the luck department, as it looks like he was standing in the wrong line when it was given out when you look at his life events. Maybe the extra half an inch that nearly makes it fourteen inches and prevents it being thirteen inches exact is why he still has not kicked the bucket, and occasionally seems to gain some pity from Lady Luck herself... before she abandons him again. The number thirteen is also seen as the number for evil sometimes, which may also implicit to Jay's occasional needs to sadism and unnecessary cruelty, though these in actuality resonate from the depth of his consciousness; a psychological side effect to domestic violence, that he would need professional help for, rather than the prediction of two numerals slapped together. But then again, who knows? Is it really just a coincidence?





Pull me from the darkness
Lift me back into the light
Fill this empty vessel
Fill this hole I have inside
Am I worth forgiveness?
I can't make myself believe
Show me that you're listening
And tear this devil out of me

O t h e r

Transfer Student
Like mentioned before, Jay originally studied in Durmstrang Institution of Magic, but due to some complications with the school, he was expelled and transferred to Hogwarts where he begun his fifth year. Now Jay has studied in Hogwarts for a year.

Dual Citizen & Bilingual
Born in Nottingham, United Kingdom and adopted to Bulgaria makes the boy a dual citizen in both countries. And thus he is naturally also fluent in English and Bulgarian, though his Bulgarian is slightly better than his English. With the Slavic language also comes the knowledge and expertise of how to write with Cyrillic alphabet. Sometimes Jay's quick notes can be seen written with it, but the only notes he writes fully in Cyrillic alphabet in Bulgarian are his personal ones that are not related to classes and are about potions and such.

Foreign Accent
Has barely audible Bulgarian accent, which gives his speech an exotic curious touch without making it sound too awkward, and makes English flow somewhat smoother than a person's who has born and lived his whole life in the U.K. but roughs it up during certain kind of words which makes his pronunciation to stand out. The accent sits well with his already naturally dark and low boyish voice that has a rough and sharp edge to it. This is all due to him living most of his life in Bulgaria, and of course attending to Durmstrang Institute of Magic after turning eleven years old. But because Durmstrang is located in Northern Scandinavia and it has many students all over the world, the main language spoken there is English, which is the reason why Jay never forgot the language and is still fluent in it.

Orthodox Christian
Even though Jay has never been one for religions, they hold a great grip over Bulgarian culture. Before Jay was adopted he was living with his biological family in England for the first three years of his life and they were Atheists with a little Orthodox background in his mother's bloodline. And after adoption to Bulgaria he was brought up in the Orthodox ways, with a little sprinkle of Bulgarian pagan customs. These surface rarely, and probably the only thing that links the boy to his religion is the old broken rosary which's crucifix was made into an earring that now hangs from his left ear, and during March when people can see him wearing a very simple martenitsa bracelet around his wrist. Despite mostly seeming to have forsaken his religion and God, claiming of not holding any sort of belief of God's existence, lately Jay has been wavering and wondering.

Jay does not really go around the school yelling about his perinola tendency to vampirism, but he does not frankly try to keep it too well as a secret either. In fact, by now most of the school is aware of it. However this does not mean that Jay is any more comfortable with the subject, since he is dead set trying to prove to others that he is just as human as anyone else. The more he tries to hide his nature, more obvious his actions seem to be. His canines get longer as they push out and turn into fangs when he is either feeling blood lust or otherwise very excited. And when he is in danger of losing himself to his inner beast, his irises start to turn red. And when he completely loses it, they practically glow crimson.

Just like any other kid, Jay eats mainly normal food to fuel his system. But unlike other kids, his system also craves for blood. He needs to feed on human blood at least once every three months to keep himself sane, otherwise he is going to go mad with his thirst of it. Animal blood does not do, it is like feeding tofu to a carnivore, it is not satisfying the same way as human blood on a long term. (Though occasionally you may see him snacking on such things as warmed mug of pig blood in the kitchens; if it is fresh, he takes to it like a warmed mug of milk that helps him sleep, but if it is taken from a source that has been dead for a long time, you may see a rather dramatic reaction that will result to gagging and having hard time holding it down. The animal blood needs to be as fresh as possible, and same goes for human blood. You would not eat rotten food either, would you?) When Jay has just fed, his physical health improves immediately and he can control his bloodlust easily for weeks, even if he would be standing next to a bleeding person. But when he has not fed for a long time, he is constantly on the edge and drinking blood is something that also invades his thoughts constantly besides other things that go typically around teenage boys head.

Nocturnal & Insomniac
Well, his vampire genes are quite dominating even if Jay has flipped his sleeping pattern upside down. He is a horrible morning person that instills fear with a single cranky glare. It can take hours until he can get a proper sentence out of his mouth. Before that, he just mostly communicates with cranky sounding mumbling and growling. Until he has properly had breakfast and a mug of tea to wake up his brain and get proper nutritions to start his day, you may not speak with him. But the more closer the night gets, the more awake he feels, and thus it can be quite the problem for him to fall asleep during night. Not to mention that his nightmares often also keep him awake, so it is not surprising to find Jay wandering around the Slytherin common room or the hallways during night. Because being an insomniac means you have a lot of time on your hands, and Jay is the type that gets bored easily.

Weakness to Fire
One of the biggest downsides of being a partial vampire, is the Achilles heel that comes with it. Jay might not take damage from the big fiery blazing gas ball that glares down from the sky, or as we usually like to refer as sun, that can turn full vampires into dust in the matter of seconds, which really makes the Pure-blood vampires jealous towards the boy who is known as Daywalker as they sometimes refer to dhampirs. However, he is really sensitive to the damages what fire can make to him. Sure, it is harmful to almost anyone, but Jay is more used to the fact that he can heal fast due to his regenerating abilities. But when he gets burned, the wound has problems with healing, and usually it requires some kind of treatment, and they leave nasty scars. If left untreated, the burns get easily infected and that can come down as high fevers. And when someone else would get just a little burnt for something else, Jay's skin takes that damage at least double. For what he is thankful is that his skin does not exactly act like vampires skin when it comes to fire, as they can lit up like brittle paper, and burn to dust fast if it is not extinguished immediately. But Jay has enough of bad experiences with fire, so that has left him with a healthy caution towards it.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Due to being exposed to intense domestic violence through most of his childhood, it has left some mental scars and deep fears towards certain things, and has gone untreated for years. Some of the most traumatic memories are vague, shrouded by blank spots in his memories if he tries to remember, but in truth the boy tries his best to avoid doing so. Jay re-experiences some of his traumatic experiences usually through dreams which has leaded to insomnia, simply because he is too afraid to sleep. However, some of these old memories come to him via flashbacks that can be triggered with similar situations that he has experienced in his childhood, or simply seeing certain objects or things that make him instantly anxious, agitated and nauseous. For example, Thestrals are creatures which Jay has never been much of a fan of when he learnt the reason why he can see them and others can not. Other such objects that stimulates either flashbacks or simply the feeling of fear and anxiety can be either large knives or cigarettes. (On a bright side, Jay will most probably never become a smoker himself.) Thus he tries his best to avoid situations which could trigger memories, thoughts or feelings, or talks which are related into his past and its events. PTSD also comes with the decreased ability (and sometimes complete inability) to feel certain feelings, and with Jay it shows the lack of sympathy and charity towards certain groups of people, and processing feelings like affection and devotion towards others is hard. Other symptoms that are also linked to this syndrome are most probably his inability to concentrate at school, and probably the most notable of all, the problems with his explosive anger. Even if it has been untreated for so long, Jay has learnt to cope and live with it. However there are times when PTSD keeps weighing him down, such as causing occasional depression or numbing, complicating his relationships and socializing, and academics. Occasional anxiety attacks are not uncommon either.

Personal Space
A loner very much like his twin sister, Jay prefers the company of his own more than the company of others. Due to years of domestic violence, which was probably more close to actual torturing, has left more than physical scars on him. He does not like when someone stands too close, especially if the person is a female, and touching makes him instantly tense up. There are certain areas that he dislikes being touched on more than the others, such as his back, and Jay has never been too much of a fan of the friendly game when someone sneaks behind you, covers your eyes and asks to guess who she or he is. Doing that might be a bit... risky, and consequences hazardous.

Slight Gynophobia
Everyone is afraid of something, and everyone has secrets. And sometimes, their fears are their secrets. And Jayden Everdragomir has many secrets, and many fears, and he guards all of them carefully. And this is one of them; gynophobia. As mentioned above, Jay is not exactly... fond of the female gender. (Not saying that his own gender is much better, though. When it comes to people, he equally dislike everyone by default.) The boy is a victim to violence that was inflicted on him by a middle-aged woman for a decade, so it has left some psychological scars on him too. One of this happens to be the fear of women. Though he has been getting better as of late, and in fact, improved a lot in the past few years of getting over it. People tend to think that he is just shy around girls only because he has the tendency to clam up and articulate poorly in some cases, which most automatically link just to your regular social awkwardness; it all really depends on the female. A certain kind of air around a girl can really freak him out and drive him into instant submission, which can surprise a lot of people. This is simply due to the fact that his father taught him since small that girls should never, ever be hurt. That a man who hits a woman is not worth a man at all. Very chivalrous thought, but turned against him very fast, as he feared because of this to stand up to himself when his adoptive mother abused him. And anyone who finds out about this, may use this against him -- just like his twin sister occasionally does, as she found out rather fast just how much she could strike fear in him by simply touching and using a certain kind of tone while speaking. Nowadays Jay is more comfortable around girls, as he has received some 'shock treatment' from his close friend Sabrina Gallagher and his girlfriend Kiyoko Oshiro. Occasionally, and especially if the girl is a stranger, you may notice the boy tense up when touched even the slightest. This is an automatic reflex that Jay tries his best to unlearn, but without success so far. It still sometimes happens even around the closest of his female acquaintances if they approach him unexpectedly and he is not mentally prepared. Jay does not speak about this, as he is very ashamed of this said fear, and tries his best to hide it from the eyes of others. Despite being alone with it and struggling, Jay has managed to achieve a lot just by himself. Today you could never even guess that he is still a little bit afraid of girls, as he has gotten far beating the fear almost completely.

ADD & Dyslexia
It is rather natural occurrence that kids like Jayden, who have been victims to domestic violence, develop some learning disabilities. Due to his ADD, Jay has hard time focusing in a class environment, and he gets bored and distracted easily. This affects a lot of his grades, and it shows especially in subjects that do not interest him at all; he is usually either failing or almost failing these classes and is in dire need of private tutoring. Despite how it may seem, Jay also has a mild dyslexia. People rarely figure it out because he actually likes reading; he just needs more time and surroundings where he does not get distracted so he can focus. Because of this he struggles with writing essays and sometimes outright refuses doing them at all. Writing comes easier for him in Bulgarian because Cyrillic alphabet is more familiar with him, so he makes less mistakes then. However with common alphabet Jay has found out that he makes less mistakes if he simply writes in big blocky letters, which makes it look like he has forgotten his real life Caps Lock on. Because of this, his handwriting that is usually a bit messy scrawl, is easier to read for others and for him. It is also very easy to distinguish from other students handwriting; just point out the one that looks like someone is constantly yelling on print.

Quidditch & Other Athletics
Jay has always had a knack for sports. His body is designed for endurance and moving around a lot, and it shows just how easily he seems to be able to build muscle mass for someone his age. It is like he was born for tasks that require a lot of stamina and strength. And Jay feels like if he remains sitting around for too long doing tedious things like classes that demand only academic skill, he starts building up restless energy in his body. When he gets to let this energy out and exhaust himself, he can relax again. Nothing helps him sleep better than a good long run or few hundred push ups. And because he dislikes automatically by many unhealthy snacks that contain too much sugar, he eats pretty well too that helps him remain fit. (Though who would not love a good burger or a pizza every now and then?) But since he is an obvious carnivore, he tends to eat more meat and protein products than vegetables, but he tries his best to eat balanced meals most of the time. (God bless the person who invented roast beef. But damn the one who thought up salads. That is for rabbits.) Sometimes you can see him take a run around school premises after classes (because no way in hell will he wake up earlier to do that before school) or find him in his room exercising during the night in attempts to exhaust himself so he could sleep. And then of course, there is the Quidditch team that he is nowadays part of, and its relentless practices which Jay is grateful of because they keep him busy.
It was quite recent that Jay became part of the Quidditch team of his own house; and quite scandalous also, as it cost one of his secrets. To become a Beater, Jay had to come out about being a half-breed publicly for others as he demonstrated his strength while using the Beater's Bat. That said bat is already enchanted for extra strength, and since it definitely is not something this young man in question does not need, he left a small crater in the Pitch. At least, it left a lasting impression. He was already aware that someone would find out about his little affliction either way, because the more he has noticed himself to grow and having to deal with his puberty, the less control he has over himself. So if he was going to go out, he would at least go with a bang. Literally. But that monstrous strength is what got him the spot as the previous Captain was more interested in harnessing it for their house as a weapon rather than spending his time in fear of it. Thank God for rational and calculating minds with an unquenched thirst for glory.[/spoili]

Smuggling Business
When there is a demand, there is always someone who is smart enough to supply and make some profit out of it. And that is exactly what Jay realized to do in his fifth year, and have done ever since. He is able to use his shadow travelling abilities to smuggle items that are forbidden into the school grounds with ease. Most of the time it contains items like Firewhiskey and other Wizard liqueurs that are off-limits from under the age of seventeen, which makes good money. And it would make even better, if Jay would have actual socializing skills to get more customers. A business partner with sharp wit and charismatic personality that would make the coin actually move would most definitely come in handy.

Because of his vampiric heritage, channeling magic does not always go very smoothly for Jay. Sometimes the spells end up doing something completely different instead of what they are supposed to be doing or nothing simply happens at all, especially if the spell is complicated. Thus Jay does not really feel very comfortable doing magic and tries to avoid using it most of the time. This makes his school grades suffer a bit at times, so Jay usually crams for theory exams and such to save himself from repeating a year.

Potions Prodigy
His absolutely favorite subject is Potions. It is the class where Jay usually shines above others, while on the other subjects he either falls to the slot for average or under it. Mostly because it is fairly easy for him to understand and it requires very minimal magic using. Partly because brewing potions is not that much different from simple cooking, which surprisingly to most of the people, Jay is really good at because he has gotten used to looking after himself. He enjoys experimenting on his own about the matter, and even has set up his own little brewing laboratory in his own dorm room.

Fun Facts
Vampires are considered as sensual creatures, and there is no doubt that they would not seek to pleasure their needs with different ways. This usually means very close physical contact with another person. To human the experience of a vampire bite seems to remind them of them of a sexual experience due to the venom in the vampire's fangs that activates the pleasure sensors in human brain and kicks them into full gear, usually leading into blissful feelings -- mental and physical -- and some level of arousal. To vampire, this is not far away either, but to a vampire the feeding is still different, and they might not view the feeding as anything sexual at all; to them it might just as well be like consuming food and nothing more. However the line between feeding and sex is thin, and easily crossed or fused. Vampires are still able to distinct their bloodlust from regular lust. Now, we are only talking about a full-bred vampire here. Dhampirs are not as fortunate in this area, as they are too human to be able to comprehend the fine line between these two different types of lusts, which usually leads into combining them very easily. So to those half-vampires who are shy by their personalities even by a whiff, their feeding experiences tend to turn quite awkward and quite fast. Jay being a perfect example of this; a boy who does not like to be touched, straight by sexuality and timid when it comes to anything intimate. Give him another male with a bleeding wound, and let the horror of momentary sexual confusion unfold.

When aroused greatly by anything sexual, Jay's fangs tend to react faster than his lower half. Usually taking the kid by surprise too, tending to stab the sharp tips into his lower lip. (If you take a close look, the inside of his lip and gums have some scarring for these numerous occasions that have happened since puberty hit him.) So if you see the dark haired individual staring at you, and then suddenly flinching with a brief pained expression, you should feel flattered. That most probably means that you have just been found seriously attractive. No lie.

The moment Jay falls asleep, he does not move at all through the night nor make even the lightest of sounds (unless his night terrors take over) and gives almost literal meaning to "sleeps like the dead." This must be some kind vampire thing. It must be.

His ethnicity is mixed. Jay's father is British and mother half Bulgarian, half Latvian. So this means he is quarter Latvian, but seems to barely ever remember this fact or care much. Due to the upbringing in Bulgaria, Jay feels his roots are the strongest in there. But he also feels a nostalgic connection to his English roots, which might explain the obsession with British flags and tea.

Is obsessed with geeky things which surface occasionally. Enjoys especially making movie reference jokes. Too bad only about 5% of his peers in Hogwarts seems to understand them. This disappoints the dhampir boy greatly.

Seeing how the boy has indeed lived most of his life in the warmth of Bulgaria, it should not be surprising that he is not used to cold that well. The four years in Durmstrang did give him pretty good idea how cold the north can be, as the winters can be very harsh in there, so when Jay transferred to Hogwarts to begin his fifth year the Scotland's weather felt like something he could somehow survive better. However, this still does not mean that he would not complain just as much about the cold, or the snow, or his dislike towards winter in general. (Or how the sun never seems to shine and how it "rains all the fucking time.") Jay starts shivering easily, so during the winter months the boy can be found seeking warmth near the Slytherin common room fireplace and taking long naps under a blanket, hugging a hot tea mug in Great Hall in the mornings like his very life would depend on it, or looking for other ways to keep himself warm. This may even lead into desperate measures of pushing away his dislike for physical contact and huddle close to another warm body.

Loathes anything that has to do with Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, and most of the other fiction where vampires are seen somewhat ridiculously for Jay's tastes. "What is with all these sappy romances anyway? And sparkling, are you fucking kidding me?" Jay would describe if questioned of the matter; "We don't do romance, we eat people, okay? That's like falling in love with your own goddamn lunch." How ironic that he used to say that in the past, is it not? Never say never, right? Lunch can be quite lovable, especially if it has pretty green captivating eyes...

Can not start his morning properly without a nice cup of black tea. Funny as it sounds, he is very addicted to tea, very much like a person who is addicted to morning coffee and its caffeine. Probably a British born trait. He enjoys his tea with some milk and small spoonful of honey, or without sweetening at all.

Jay is a bit allergic to garlic. Yes, to garlic. Ironic, is it not? Eating garlic makes Jay's throat feel itchy and irritated, making him cough a lot and his eyes water due to that. It is not like he can die from it, but it is so unpleasant that he tries to steer clear from it as much as possible.

Dislikes his own first name; it sounds too formal to his own ears, and thus he prefers to casually be called Jay by the people he considers close. The dislike towards the first name is also partially because it is an unisex name, and Jay hates is when someone comes giggling stating to him that it is a girl's name or that they know a female by the same name. The boy will answer those with a stale expression while judging the person's intelligence.

Finds it respectful to call other people by their last names, especially if Jay does not know the person well, which gives the sense of distance; getting into first name basis with someone happens extremely rarely. He expects this favor to be returned automatically. If not, the person will most probably be facing disdain, as he dislikes getting too chummy with strangers. The moment Jay will start calling you by your first name, you will know you are officially then in his close circle.

Does not really get Wizard Chess, or normal chess. Jay has the general idea about the rules, but there is so much of them and the game requires so much strategic thinking and is too uneventful that it would keep him interested long enough. The only reason why Jay would play the game in the first place would only to see the pieces shatter each other, as it is the only high peak of the game. However, even that tends to get boring quickly. So do not expect a serious game partner of this boy, as his game tactic tends to be rather half-hearted.

Jay has never been really into sweets. Candies, pastries, chocolates... He leaves even biscuits untouched. Tea is probably the only thing he adds a small amount of sweetening in; just one small spoon of honey at most. This is due to his tongue being tuned for more robust tastes, because obviously he enjoys the taste of blood while someone else might not. He likes salty over sweet, but still stays away from chips and other things like that. One would be surprised how healthily he actually eats. However Jay can still stand the sweetness of fruits, but not all the fruits, kiwis being too sweet for example while an apple goes down without any complaints.

Knows how to cook, surprising several people with the ability to make a meal out of seemingly nothing. Give this guy a kitchen on his disposal, some random ingredients and a growling stomach to fill, and he will make miracles happen. To Jay, cooking is actually very uncomplicated task; he has been taking care of his own meals for several years now when he is alone at home, and he is alarmingly good at brewing potions which is about hundred times more difficult than cooking, even though they are surprisingly similar to each other. Having really good sense of smell helps him out in this matter too, and he has a good intuition and imagination when mixing together spices and flavors.

Is really attracted to red haired girls. There is just that something in red color. No surprise probably that it's one Jay's favorite colors, green being the other one.

Used to be really small and scrawny just couple of years ago, before reaching his growth spurt. He used to be one of the shortest boys in the class back in Durmstrang, and because of that and his silent nature he was easy target for bullies. And every single time the bullies got taken aback by the amount of strength that small kid held within. Jay was left alone soon enough, especially when he reached his growth spurt by the age of thirteen, and by the age of fourteen he was above average height, and by the age of fifteen years falling in slot for the tallish boys when he was around 5'11 and reaching for 6'0 by the next spring. Now he is 6'1 and no one could ever believe that he was as short as he was back in the day, especially when he is still growing.

Is a big fan of the Bulgarian Quidditch team Vratsa Vultures.

Jay claims that if God existed, he would have not let him go through the things he did. And if God does exist, he is a child with ant terrarium and a magnifying glass. Despite having lot of resentment towards God for not coming to his rescue in the past, Jay still finds himself calling out to him sometimes or sending little prayers in his mind for whatever reason. Old habits die hard.

Because the geek that he is, Jay has a tumblr account, and he can be found by the name of i-am-not-jayden-everdragomir

His MBTI (Myer-Briggs Type Indicator) personality type is ISTP. He falls in the slot for a very stereotypical one for the most part.

Jay can dance really well. Because he is athletic and knows his own body really well, he has a great knack for almost spot on body control naturally. He has the sense of rhythm and can move to the beat, and imitate the movements of the dancers he sees in TV or elsewhere and make their movements his very fast. However you do not really see him practice this much at all. Much due to his insecure feelings towards himself, and the dislike to public attention. Dancing also requires a lot of joy from within to express itself on impulse, and you have to admit that in the past this boy has not really had very many reasons to be happy. Not until recently when things have started to get better.

Before puberty hit him really hard, Jay used to play acoustic and electric guitars as a hobby that he picked up on himself and learned by ear. However once his teenage years really smacked him hard, he had to drop the instruments from his life. Not because he would have wanted, but because he could not control the strength of his hands and kept breaking the damn strings all the damned time. Do you have any idea how much it hurts when a guitar string snaps and cuts you? Ouch. Jay has been thinking that he might pick up the guitar again once he is older and he has his strength under better control. But for that he needs to wait almost ten years.

Despite being musically talented on dancing and instruments, Jay can not sing to save his life. In that matter he is completely tone deaf. And especially now when his voice drop has been rather recent (came around when he was fourteen), and it may still crack here and there.

His favorite classes would be in this order; Potions, Astronomy, Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Care of Magical Creatures would be there somewhere too, would the animals not be so intimidated by him that they constantly run away or try to kill him. Which is why Jay had to take another class instead. (Too bad, because ha actually likes animals a lot.)

Jay has bit of a case of 'sticky fingers' and not because he would have pushed his hand into a key lime pie, but because he took that key lime pie without your consent. He does not call this stealing, as he thinks it's such an ugly word for it, but rather refers to it as long-term loaning. Jay sometimes steals little tidbits of things from others; quills (do you know how many he accidentally snaps in two in a year?), books (he can not afford quite all of them, and sometimes his own get lost in the chaotic but controlled mess of a dorm room for awhile, so he needs to borrow someone else's), homework (you really think that he bothers doing all of the essays himself?), ingredients (how else could he brew potions, that stuff is not free and he is poor as hell.) Nothing too serious, but annoying enough for his victims. He makes a point of not ever taking anything too expensive because that would quickly cause suspicion and if he ever gets caught, then at least he does not get sent to Azkaban for it. So in a sense, his low-key kleptomaniac tendencies are still innocent... so far. And hey, sometimes he even returns the items to their rightful owners.

The best way for Jay to learn things is when he gets to learn them on practice. He has a "hands-on" learning style, where his muscle memory does a better job at remembering than his actual brain seems to do. This is the reason why he seems to pick up athletics easily and classes that require him to rather actually do things more than stare at dried and yellowed pages of books.

Because of his tendency to clam up about his own problems and finding hard to talk about them, Jay is way better listener than talker. Once you win his loyalty, none of the burdens you share with him will ever be spread to others.

He is not only quick at snarky commentary like he would have been born with a shotgun for a mouth, but can also make quick and effective decisions. This shows very well under stressful or otherwise pressuring situations that demand fast thinking and reflexes. This makes Jay excellent in crisis situations, or fast paced games like Quidditch.

He freaking loves turtles. Sea turtles are his favorites.

He also adores cats a lot. Too bad they seem to be determined in trying to chew his fingers off or scratch him if he comes too close.

Sometimes during the night when Jay can not sleep, he picks up his telescope and sneaks to the Astronomy Tower to stargaze. That is, if the night is not too cold for him to handle.

Jay may be considered as a rule breaker that refuses to be part of the blind sheep, but he has his own personal moral code that he follows very strictly. He does his very best trying to avoid breaking it, and gets very anxious and guilty if he has to bend it even a little bit.

To listen to the soundtrack list for Jay, click here.


I want to be a good man
Is there any good left in me?
I want to be a good man
I want to be a good man
Is there good left in me?
I want to be a good man
Is there any good left in me?

A p p e a r a n c e

Jay is 6'1'' (185 centimeters) tall and still growing. But his growth has slowed down so he probably will grow just an inch any more, or two if he is lucky. He has a slender but muscular figure, looking like he possesses athletic and lithe strength like a jaguar, with broad shoulders and thinner waist, making him more mature looking than most of the kids his age. But unlike many other kids who are still uncomfortable in their bodies as they have grown too fast, Jay seems to be comfortable on his own skin and knows his own body well, which shows from the way how confidently he moves and wears his posture. His pale, but very handsome facial features (which he seems to be completely unaware of and thus does not know how to use as his advantage wittingly -- yet) and unnaturally sharp colored, piercing icy blue eyes favor his father, and hardly ever behaving raven black hair favor his mother. His dark, strong eyebrows seem to be constantly knitted together into permanent scowl, making his striking eyes have a glaring look like fifty attack dogs in a single leash, which makes the boy seem constantly a bit sullen. There seems to be dangerous, bad boyish charm in him, that fascinates some people which seem to draw them to him like moths towards the light. And him being a lone wolf and not a very good people person seems only like a fuel to the fire; a fire that tends to burn these little moths if they are not careful. To most he tends to appear rather intimidating or outright scary, than the fascinating troublemaker you would want to try your luck on taming.

It is said that scars tell the stories of life. If this is the case, Jay has a lot of stories to tell. Because of his vampiric blood, his wounds heal quicker than normal humans (and instantly if he feeds on blood), but if the wound is deep enough or he gets wounded many times on the same place, or if it has anything to do with fire, that will leave faint but permanent scars. There is small cut in his hairline, just above the forehead which came from hitting his head against a marble kitchen worktop by the age of nine. His knuckles are scarred in both hands from fighting over the years. There is a faint long scar running along his left forearm after being slashed with a kitchen knife, and a scar left from a deep stabbing wound on his left shoulder from the very same knife when he was twelve. In the soles of his feet, there are few small round scars from cigarette burnings which was a punishment when he was four. But the worst ones are on his back; his whole back is covered in small white scars that zigzag across his skin, all from belt whips when he was a kid for whatever misdeeds he might have or might have not done, being hit so hard and long and so many times over the years that the leather started eventually tear the skin from his back. There is so many of them that it is impossible to count them all. The latest addition would be a large burn scar in his right arm that he got just this year under All Hallows Eve during an accident in DADA class. It's quite large and ugly, jagged around the edges and still fresh and healing. He is quite self-conscious about it still and how it looks, so he mostly walks around with some gauze wrapped around it or wears long sleeved shirts to hide it.

Dress Style
When Jay is not wearing his school uniform and robes, his normal attire usually considers muggle clothes. Dark low grade jeans and black tennis shoes (or black combat boots during winter to prevent his toes from freezing off) are the normally chosen ones, which go well with his tops which usually consider simple shirts and hoodies, which he also favors in dark colors even though other colored tops are not completely unheard of. Also, he likes almost anything with British flag design.

The Crucifix
He always wears a silver hanging crucifix earring in his left earlobe. He has always had it, as long as Jay can remember, but no memories where he got it. It used to be a rosary which he wore around his neck when he was younger, but it broke. Later on Jay made it to a earring and pierced his own ear with it. No one is sure if it's a fashion statement or if he just tries to keep up his cool act, but it is a statement of a kind, yes; "Screw your old, ridiculous Christian beliefs. See? Am not burnin' up, am I? Or sparkling either." But it is also a memento. The only, last connection he has to his biological family, he believes, which is why he feels the need to keep it close so he does not lose it. If he ever did, he would probably freak out. The earring is one of the few jewelries he wears, but most of the time he does not bother with the rest. He has few masculine necklaces and simple metal rings that he wears on some occasions when it happens to strike his fancy.

Play some voice samples for Jay under this spoiler!
Play "Time to start some trouble."
Play "Someone's day's about to get wrecked."
Play "We'll do it the hard way!"
Play "I could make this hurt less."
Play "Should've walked away."
Play "Good a time as any to act reckless."
Play "Haha... you never see this coming."
Play "All out of warnings."
Play "Last chance to be anywhere else."
Play "Keep pushing me."
Play "Never had luck. Never needed it."
Play "Let's make them notice."
Play "Doubt me - I love that."
Play "No-one keeps me down."
Play "Time doesn't heal all wounds."
Play "Tomorrow's the last of my worries."
Play "Never look back."
Play "I do my own stunts."
Play "Every rule needs a break."
Play "Patience? What's that?"
Play "I hate being responsible."
Play "I'd rather make mistakes than make nothing at all."
Play "I owe them nothing."
Play "I finish what I start."
Play "If there are limits... I haven't found them yet."
Play "Let me be honest - I have no idea what I'm doing."
Play "I already calculated your odds. Sorry."
Play "I've seen your future - and it's got broken bones."
Play "Won this fight already - doing it again for fun."
Play "You're in the wrong neighbourhood."
Play "Last warning: go home."
Play "See? You're part of the problem!"
Play "I like you better on paper, poster boy."
Play "Nice face - shame if something happened to it."
Play "I'll never be like this guy."
Play "So, uh... how about that weather?"
Play "You used to be cool."
Play "Yep... that went exactly how I didn't want it to go."
Play "Let's not do that again."
Play Jay laughs.
Play Jay laughs.
Play Jay laughs.
Play Jay laughs.


P i c t u r e s






































Credits for the art goes naturally to NTDevont/Danzzila from deviantArt
Wandlore is quoted from Harry Potter Wikia and here
Most of the quotes listed under personality are dug up either from internet, song lyrics or books
Voice samples from a Riot Game's League of Legends character Ekko
Last edited by a moderator:


[glow=red]My skin has changed from porcelain, to ivory, to steel... [/glow]


[glow=red]Kiyoko Oshiro
大城 清子[/glow]
[glow=red]― The second daughter of the Oshiro Clan ―

[ Etymology ]
清子 Kiyoko: A japanese name meaning 'Pure Child' A reference to the 'purity' of her family's blood line
大城 Oshiro: Meaning 'Big Castle'. Of the five Okinawan kingdoms', the Oshiros, Kiyoko's blood relatives had the biggest castles of the five.

[ Nicknames ]
"Yoko" - By Close friends and some family
"The Snake Whisperer" - Reserved for the very few who know her parsel tongue secret
"Poison Tongue" - A name a boy known as Ignatius Carmicheal gave her while she spewed venomous insults. The poor boy was struck with a bad charm during duelling club practice (Kiyoko happened to have stopped in at the time too), and has been sent to St. Mungo's for recovery.


Icon for Hire - Make a Move

Somebody make a move
Somebody make a move
Please Somebody

Test my reality
Check if there's a weak spot
Clingin' to insanity
In hopes the world will ease up

[glow=red]― A g e ―[/glow]
Sixteen // June 22nd // Cancer ♋

[glow=red]― G e n d e r ―[/glow]
Female ♀

[glow=red]― H o u s e & Y e a r ―[/glow]


Slytherin House, 6th​ Year

[glow=red]― S p e c i e s―[/glow]
Witch [ Illegal Animagus ]

[glow=red]― B l o o d S t a t u s ―[/glow]


Try to make it look like it's all somehow getting better
'Cause I know how to play it pretty good against the measure
Everyone started out a little insane
But we learn pretty quick how to fake it for the game
But some of you never learned to drop the act
So under that skin of yours: a heart attack

'Cause everybody's so scared
We don't wanna go there
We don't wanna make a move
We got all our lives to lose
Screaming in the dark while we just play our part out
I play along
Like I don't know what's going on

[glow=red]― P e r s o n a l i t y ―[/glow]
[ Arrogant // Proud ]
Pride has been embedded into Kiyoko's very skull since before she can remember, the very day she was born and every waking moment after that she learned that she and her family were superior to all others, she was taught biasly that partially blooded wizards, mudbloods and muggles were all lesser beings. They held pure magical creatures and even pure muggles in high regard due to their hate of mixing bloodlines. It is truly entertaining to see how bloated the ego's of some of her family members are, it's amazing their heads haven't burst due to their immense size. Though she hates the vanity and boastfulness of her family one cannot simply grow up in a household like hers and not pick up some of the negative traits that are on display all around her, her family's arrogance is one such trait, she tends to think of herself as superior to many though she keeps her thoughts and opinions to herself. She walks with a faint high and mighty aura about her and her head always seems to be held rather high.

[ Calm // Collected ]
Kiyoko constantly keeps a cool, tranquil aura about her, even when under great emotional or physical strain and knows how to stay cool under pressure. She knows getting worked up, worried or panicking will never help a situation so she trained herself out of the habit. It is rare that she will ever allow her well-mannered and mature mask break unless she's truly been agitated or annoyed to the point where she can no longer keep her emotions tied up and gagged behind a pretty face and soft voice.
She knows very well how to keep her head cool when her anger is growing; she also is good at not reacting in an overly dramatic fashion. If her feelings are hurt or she's simply an emotional wreck she can keep her sentiments hidden and in check until she can bring them out into the light to dissect what she's thinking. If she comes across a feeling she doesn't comprehend she's able to keep any panic under control long enough to drive it from her mind for a short time.

[ Quick-Thinking // Reactive ]
Kiyoko has always had a good response to anything she's been faced with, mentally and physically she can move with impressive speed. For example, if a spell was cast and shot in her direction she would be able to counter, not with something over elaborate but enough to protect herself. She knows how to spin a tale if forced to, but the situation must be truly dire for it to be convincing in the slightest, Kiyoko rarely freezes up or stalls unless she's thrown something completely unexpected and because of her perceptive abilities, she's always conscious of her surroundings. It is difficult to sneak up on or scare unless her mind wandering aimlessly elsewhere. Kiyoko has always been rather fast on her feet, she can plan out how to react and move, as well as execute the movement in a mere moment. Kiyoko can move in an almost snake-like manner and her every step can seem to flow, her attacks as well as spells reflect that, they are brisk yet powerful. Kiyoko can respond or counter any rude statement that another can come up with, without the need to think of a clever remark, an adequate insult or response will simply roll off her tongue.

[ Loyal // Devoted ]
Kiyoko has rarely in her life had companionship inside the walls of her school, many stayed clear of her due to the fact that her family refused to allow her to spend time among those of mixed bloods, but the young girl tried to take after her sister, embracing everyone for who they were, in order to begin she joined the quidditch team and for the first time, experienced friendship outside her own family. Her new group of loved ones were soon very important to her, she always ensured never to do anything that might betray them, if she was given a secret to keep she would take it to the grave. Something notable about her is that when Kiyoko finds something that interests her she pays it a great deal of attention and then right under her nose she gets hooked, she tends to go to extremes in everything she does, the girl lives a very unbalanced life. When it came to quidditch that was all she did, every moment she could find she was out flying, then she became engulfed in friends and finally she was consumed completely by the responsibilities and homework bestowed upon her school and family.

[ Aggressive // Hostile ]
Kiyoko has the farthest thing from a short temper; she can remain composed during almost any situation she can get herself into. It isn't typical for her to lose her temper, however it is possible, for example, if she or someone she cares for is insulted or teased in a manner that may bring down their spirits... A time when this was shown would be during one of her matches as a second year in quidditch, some members from the opposing 'Girudo' or Guild were picking on some of the smaller players, for a moment, instead of pursuing the snitch she veered to the side and slammed into the small party. Since then she's learned to control herself and thought her hostility is not as forward as some it's in duels that she truly becomes rather aggressive. It's only when the matter is taken personally or someone is simply dancing on the girl's last nerve, that she loses it and when she does manage to get angry she's heart stoppingly frightening. The only other time this somewhat violent nature may surface is during a duel or battle. She can't stand the mere thought of losing, especially to someone of a lesser bloodline, this desperate need to win was what aided in her success as a quidditch player.

[ Clever // Devious ]
Kiyoko knows how to get what she wants, she's learned and adapted from a young age on how to do so, the girl knows how to word her sentences in order to manipulate those around her and if she gets herself in a bind she can always find a way to worm herself out of trouble. If she somehow manages to gain a deep loathing for another she's able to plot and find a sneaky and underhanded way to harm them or get at them. If ever she wanted to achieve something, a high goal or future plan she'd be able to find a way, the only problem is that she doesn't know what she wants, she hasn't the slightest clue.

[ Reserved // Silent ]
Kiyoko is the kind of character you would notice once you walked into a room but wouldn't approach, she has this bizarre feel to her that kind of sets some people on edge and has others wavering with admiration. Unless she is asked for something or she truly feels she needs to voice her opinion she will keep her thoughts in check and to herself. However, if you do ask you had better be prepared to hear the truth in it's entirety. Kiyoko has often kept to herself throughout her entire life time, she was rather shy as a child and if her cousin had not been so persistent in becoming acquainted, the two would not have been so involved with each other. In essence she's never been much of a social butterfly and it was when her mother discovered that she had gone against her wishes that Kiyoko truly started pulling away from the few friends she did have. Now that she's transferred she wants to make friends and participate in everything she couldn't while at Mahoutokoro, she's just not sure on how to go about it.


Somebody make a move
Somebody make a move
Please somebody make a move
We all know
We all know what's going on

And if I had the answers I'd have written them out
So I can tell you what to do and what this thing is about
But all I've ever learned comes second-hand
And I dare not preach what I don't understand

[glow=red]― B i o g r a p h y ―[/glow]

Kiyoko Oshiro was a girl born shackled to her name, and from her first cry she had expectations placed on her tiny pale shoulders. As a member of the Oshiro Clan, one of the seven most influential and powerful pure-blooded families in Japan, she had a responsibility to her family and herself, though she was not the son her parents wanted she was an Oshiro. Kiyoko was the second born to the Oshiro and Tsukino clans, she had a single older sibling, her sister Kamiko who was her senior by four years. The age difference however, did not stop the two from becoming as close as they did. There is not a memory from her childhood that she can recall where her sister was not good to her. Kamiko was a kind-hearted and sweet sister, though she was the more rebellious of the two siblings when it came to their parents, namely her mother. Their mother, Madoka, was a strict woman, a beauty who cherished the finer things in life, when her husband was present she was almost sweet and tolerant of her daughters' faults. Their father, Takashi, was a loving man; how this nature had come forth from the home he'd grown up in would forever be a mystery to his daughters. He was kind and gentle, always instructing his girls to try their hardest and be themselves no matter the cost or setbacks -- something that set him on a pedestal in their eyes. He was often away on business trips, visiting the vast world outside of Japan and when he would leave her mother's true nature would surface. She was cold and cruel to her children, believing that the only way to get them to behave was to 'train them' while they were young. Kiyoko's sister, Kako, as she called her, was extremely protective over her younger sister and when Kiyoko messed up her sister would always take the blame for her. An action that would often bring down her mother's hand, her childhood was filled with watching her mother mercilessly scream, scold and beat her sister but no matter what she'd been forced to endure Kamiko would always have a smile for her sister.

Years went by as they always do, slowly at first, then in a rush as you look back, and as she progressed in her life she gained new knowledge every day, sometimes many experiences at once. For example, it was during her seventh birthday that three things happened, the first, was that she met her cousin for the first time, Yuu, a handsome, playful and impish boy who was two years the senior of Kiyoko... the two got along magically. The second was that she flew a broom for the first time, thanks to the influence of her cousin [It had only been two hours since their meeting and he was already getting her in trouble.] and the third was that her sister revealed to her their family's opinions on those without 'Pure' blood. Her sister explained that she was what was called a metamorphmagus, a being that could change it's appearance at will, her eleven year old sister explained that because of this, their mother and even her father, who, though kind, still valued purity, had a resentment toward her, they viewed it as an impurity in the bloodline the same way they view Kiyoko's eyes as a worrisome gene. She was a disgrace and because she was what she was, all the responsibility and expectations of their parents would fall upon Kiyoko, for that Kamiko cried and apologized numerous times in between sobs for being what she was. The young and incredibly mature child, well for her age anyway, only hugged her sister and told her it wasn't for her to apologize, she adored her no matter what her parents believed.

The following year her sister was to be sent away to Mahoutokoro, the prestigious academy of the Magically Gifted. That same year, at the age of eight Kiyoko was forced to begin her studies. The two children, spent the majority of their days wasting away behind scrolls and charts, studying the stars, the phases of the moon, the transitions between science and magic and brewing potions meant for wizards far beyond their age, but in the events that they could manage free time for themselves the three of them often plotted to meet on before dawn, after dusk and anytime they could salvage in between their studies and school work at the forest that was the closest each of the children's home's were located. When they possessed free time that couldn't be spent with one another (much to Kiyoko's displeasure this happened far too often) they would find ways to waste their available time. For Kiyoko this was practicing something called transfiguration, which she excelled at, in her studies she'd stumbled across something that intrigued her, something known as animagi. The girl made many attempt to master the skills for years, and often resulted in nothing, or shifting some part of her body (every now and again she would end up with a set of fangs, a pair of ears or a furry white tail, problems that were fixed by the household elves.

Her failures remained secret from her mother and sister, and she made no effort to bring up the embarrassing moments each time the trio met each other, for fear of looking stupid, they were close knit and valued each other more than anything else. During the summer break of Kamiko's third year her mother would not allow her to come home due to a 'low' grade. It was this year, at ten years old that Kiyoko discovered a special gift... even though Kiyoko was told not to make contact with her sister the three decided they would not stop meeting even during the break so Yuu, Kamiko and Kiyoko continued to enjoy each other's company. But on the day Kiyoko had reserved in order to spend the day at the Mahoutokoro grounds her broom disappeared, the only answer... it had found been found, and disposed of accordingly... she would get an earful and a slap for that later on. After all, the woman had banned her daughters from the practice and discovering a broom, she'd be in trouble without a doubt. Kiyoko had no means of transportation and so as she looked out toward the distant trees and began to walk. While on her way she was met with a troubling obstacle, the guardian of the school's grounds stood in her path.

The dragon-like creature was one of enormous stature, it looked down at her and seemed to smile through it's growl, it's tongue short out in a snake-like manner 'A trespasser… no, lunch' she heard him say, the little girl looked up, her limbs frozen in place. As he lunged to devour her she scream "Stop!" as commanded he halted. For a moment he observed her curiously, circling her a few times 'You can… understand me…?' She nodded, a motion that was barely recognizable, it resembled more a twitch than anything 'Human… why is it that you can speak with me… Why do I feel compelled to listen…?" "I-I'm not sure" she replied in a small voice 'You've got a strange scent to you, you smell a faint bit… like myself… because of that I feel sick at the sight of you… I'm going to eat you and get rid of that atrocious smell' He growled, as he rushed toward her once again Kiyoko jumped weakly to the side, landing on all fours, when she tried to recover and run she found that she could no longer stand, her skin felt coarse and as she looked down as her hands her heart stopped 'What… what is this, I—' Her eyes widened as she realized something. She'd done it, she'd finally done it! Her victory was short lived, and was cut short at the dragons tail came reeling toward her and slamming her aside. For a moment she couldn't move and the dragon slowly approached and nudged her 'Do you still live…?' Her jaws moved before her mind and she bit down, piercing the flash hidden beneath the dragon's white scales. He roared and went to strike her but Kiyoko was scurrying away by this point, she was so close to the school, so close to the cover of the trees surrounding the grounds. She could hear the dragon's thundering steps behind her, he was catching up, and quickly. He was about to crush her underfoot when a sharp whistle obstructed both her own as well at the dragon's thoughts.

He stumbled slightly and his weight was redirected onto Kiyoko's arm and leg. She cried out, as the bones broke beneath his weight. The dragon began to lean in to devour it's prey as it whimpered and hissed, trying not to pass out from the pain but he halted at the sound of the woman's voice, a human's voice. Kiyoko had been prepared to bite the dragon once again once he went to eat her. Because of the whistle and the mind numbing pain, feeling dizzy and disoriented, she snapped her jaws shut trying to bite the multiple white scaled legs that seemed to spin with the world around her. She tried to stand once again but lost her footing and fell to the ground, he breathing heavy. She lay at the feet of a woman in a glorious blue kimono, she looked up, feeling the canine form fade from her skin, leaving only the human child in it's place. She could barely hear her sister's voice until Kamiko was only a few feet from her, her ears were ringing, so painfully loud. Her sister leaned over her, Yuu right behind her "Kiyoko!! Kiyoko, no Yoko stay with me, you hear me, I won't let you die. No! don't you dare close your eyes on me!" "Calm, let her rest, she's been put through a great ordeal today" Their words were blurred and nearly drowned out by the ringing, Kamiko stood and began to scream at the laid back and collected dame "How dare you, she's my sister, look at her, and you're telling me to be calm, help her!" She watched the woman slap Kamiko, hard enough to knock her off her feet "Leave… Leave Ka... ko alone" Kiyoko managed to sputter along with a few bits of blood, she saw her sister begin to weep and fall into the arms of Yuu before the world went dark.

Kiyoko awoke in the infirmary it took her awhile to realize just where she was but as her head moved and tilted from left to right observing the area around her she saw her mother at her bedside "You're at the medical branch of Mahoutokoro… Three days Kiyoko, you've been unconscious for three days… why do you hate me, you made me worry for three days" Kiyoko forced herself to sit up, her body was sore and every movement stung but eventually she was upright "Mother I don't hate you… I love you very much… but I love Kamiko very much as well… please never try to keep Kamiko away again, I don't care what you say… Kamiko is a good sister, and trying to leave her alone at an empty place like this… it's cruel… simply heartless…". Her mother looked as if she were about to cry, she raised her hand and struck the bedridden girl across the face. The woman stormed away, and a few moments later Kamiko entered, her cheek enflamed. She rushed over to her sister's side and embraced her, sobbing uncontrollably, blubbering on about how she'd thought Kiyoko had died. The one thing Kiyoko continued to replay in her mind was the instant she saw her face, young cuts and bruises that hadn't been there at their last meeting stood out among her features. The right side of her face was red and swollen, resembling when she was sure her own cheek looked like now… Years passed and Kiyoko herself attended Mahoutokoro, she went through the typical times of a regular student, mastering her abilities and skills with the help of the many teachers at the institution. The year before her graduation Kamiko traveled throughout Europe, as her father continued to do.

During her adventures she met and fell for a muggle man, when it became evident that she was serious about wedding him and bearing his children her family disowned her, Kamiko appeared once more before them in order to see Kiyoko. During the visit she offered her a choice to leave behind everything, their parents, the pressures they bestowed upon her, the rules and regulations, for a better life and for reasons unknown to herself she refused. Why she chose her parents over one of the only two people she'd every cared for is something she's never understood. The hurt in Kamiko's eyes broke her heart that day and she's never quite been the same. She hasn't heard from her sibling since that day, two years have passed and from the moment Kamiko left she's feared her sister's hate of her. A week prior to the summer break of her fifth year Kiyoko was called forth to the Headmistress's chambers. When she arrived the witch addressing her, wore a bright red kimono, elegant and exquisite before her, the woman whom Kiyoko has feared and admired for so long spoke "Oshiro Kiyoko-san, your application for transfer has been accepted, it's a shame we're losing you... you remind me of myself when I was a young student here. I've watched you carefully and Hogwarts will be lucky to have you…" "Your words are too kind My Lady…" Kiyoko replied curtly. After talking for a short while longer and receiving a parting gift Kiyoko left her rooms. That day Kiyoko returned home to tell her mother of the news, she spent the summer with her before traveling to join her father in Scotland…


You and I; we share the same disease
Cover up; compromise what we grieve
I've let more than my share of revivals die
This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight

'Cause everybody's so scared
We don't wanna go there
We don't wanna make a move
We got all our lives to lose
Screaming in the dark while we just play our part out
I play along
Like I don't know what's going on

[glow=red]― R e l a t i o n s h i p s ―[/glow]

[ Notable Family Members ]

[ Madoka Tsukino & Takashi Oshiro; Parents ]
[glow=red]"Ever present in my nightmares"
Let Go - Red & Wasting Time - Red

まどか Madoka: Meaning 'Circle', referring to magic circles used for casting,
月野 Tsukino: It means 'Moon field'. The field really has nothing to do with the importance in the name, the moon is often vital in spells and to the workings of magic in general.
隆 Takashi: Meaning 'Elevated or praise-worthy.'
大城 Oshiro: Meaning 'Big Castle.'

Madoka was a strict woman, a beauty who cherished the finer things in life, when her husband was present she was sweet and tolerant. Her father, Takashi is a man who hates to feel confined, he can never sit still or stay in one place for too long, because of this he travels constantly and his daughters did not get to see him very often, his absence is mostly thanks to work, being Japan's ambassador for the country's Ministry of Magic has it's perks... When he was away their mother's nature would surface more often than naught, at this point in time it's been years since Kiyoko last saw him, two long years in fact.

Madoka is the wielder of a yew wand, the wood is a powerful wandwood. Due to its poisonous sap, it has Dark leanings, and is particularly good at Transfiguration. It's core is Acromantula web. Using a wand with this core has been illegal in Britain since 1782, after it was discovered that the wielder of an Acromantula web wand has particular ability with Dark magics, especially the Imperius curse. There are certain diplomatic exceptions, as it is a traditional core for Asian wands, but even those are temporary, and many wizard diplomats on long-term assignments find themselves compelled to procure replacement wands for their stay.

Takashi hones a Kaya wand, a lovely yellow wandwood of Japanese origin, it is extremely rare in British wandmaking. However, those bonded to Kaya wands will find their abilities in logical arts, such as Potions, Astronomy, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy, boosted. It's core is Basilisk skin, Basilisk wands are incredibly rare, as the beasts are rare to begin with and hard to kill. Due to the rarity, they often are passed down from generation to generation, so basilisk-core wands are either the heirloom of Slytherin-type Pureblood families or reforged wands from family cores. The occasional new basilisk wand will almost always bond to a Parselmouth or Budding Dark Wizard. Very little good comes out of wielders of basilisk wands.

Madoka Tsukino portrayed on the right.[/spoili]

[ Kamiko Oshiro; Sister ]
[glow=red]"I would have lost my mind long ago were it not for Kako"
Right Here - Ashes Remain

神子 Kamiko: Meaning 'Superior child.'
大城 Oshiro: Meaning 'Big Castle.'

Kamiko is Kiyoko's older sister. Kiyoko has always held a high respect and deep love for her sister, she had always been there, protecting and defending her, wiping her tears and hushing her cries as an infant, there's nothing she could say about her siblings aside from praise. Kako was gentle and patient and loving with her, always willing to listen, as if she were her true mother and the older woman living with them was nothing but a cruel stranger who scolded and screamed at them and beat them if they refused to listen. When they were young the two would often dream of running away from everything together, just forgetting their family's expectations and bringing no one with them except Yuu. But when the time finally came for them to leave Kiyoko refused. Since then she's been unsure of her sister's feelings for her, unsure of whether or not Kamiko hates her, and fearful that she does, deathly afraid that she truly despises her sibling for the betrayal and will never forgive her. Currently Kamiko is presumably married to the muggle man she met a couple of years ago. In truth, meaning Kiyoko is unaware, her sister is currently living in Hogsmeade with a young child of a few months, unfortunately her husband departed soon after finding out his wife's oddity as a shape-changing, what he called, monster.[/spoili]

[ Yuu Tsukino; Cousin ]
[glow=red]"God, I can't even not smile when he's around"
Forever - Fireflight

悠 Yuu: 'gentleness, superiority' or 'distant, leisurely'.
月野 Tsukino: It means 'Moon field'.

The playful and carefree son of her mother's brother is one of the people Kiyoko cherishes most, he's the only thing she misses about departing from Japan. He's most well remembered by his cousin as a immature boy who seems to attract trouble like a magnet. He can almost always be caught with a goofy grin, so long as his father is not present, the man who raised him has never approved of his son's childish nature and often tried to force him to grow up. Since the day she met him Kiyoko has adored her cousin, faults and all, though her mother does not completely appreciate him being near her children, teaching them to be free-spirited of 'Rebellious'. Because it was her sister's brother's child she was forced to deal with their socialization, during which time Yuu taught both girls to fly a broom, read tea leaves and tarot cards when she was younger. For a long while Kiyoko was certain she was in love with the boy but has since then written that off as a childish delusion due to having a serious lack of boys to hang out with, a stupid fantasy.[/spoili]

[ Friends & Others ]

[ Jayden Caine Everdragomir; Boyfriend ]
[glow=red]"Amazing guy... He has a smile to die for, don't tell him I said that! It'll just feed his ego"
Core of my Addiction - Fireflight
What Have you Done? - Within Temptation
Beauty from Pain - Superchick

On her first real banquet of the year, the Start of Term Banquet, Kiyoko had sat herself next to the Dhampir simply because no one else wanted to take the seat. Everything was going fine and the meal had just started when Peeves, the poltergeist of the school, spooked the girl by having his head protrude from a turkey that Kiyoko was cutting meat from in an act of revenge for hexing him whilst she was wandering throughout the castle in late hours... She had been distracted and when she had looked back he was there grinning madly, much to her shame she was startled by the act and in her shock the blade she was using slipped and slit open two of her fingers. The scent of blood attracted Jayden in her direction rather than her pretty face and until that point the two had not spoken. Through a bit of talking, as well as a confrontation and rescue when she was in trouble the next day, an unlikely friendship bloomed. Over the month the two grew closer, quiet feelings grew inside of her, weeding their roots into her heart, however it wasn't until transfer student Peter Berlioz came into the picture that things got... strange to say the least....

Jay was acting far more defensive around the boy, though Kiyoko had no idea of what. One thing led to another and eventually they got into another feeding, or at least the beginnings of one. They moved somewhere more private, and that's when things became, well.... quite intimate. It was during this time that her secret feelings came to be known to even herself, and before she knew what she was doing these sentiments came right out into the open during the heat of a moment. Miraculously, and to the relief of this girl's pained heart she discovered he felt the same way. The actually blood-letting went down afterward and eventually the two made their way back to the Slytherin common room, stopping by Jay's room for a blood replenishing potion, the pleasant evening took an unexpected turn when the two entered Jayden's dorm room to find his room mate in bed, the more shocking part was someone was under the covers with him, and that someone turned out to be Kiyoko's dear friend Zoey Black! Who has an idea of what will happen next in this twisted game of love and laughter?[/spoili]

[ Sabrina Lucinda Gallagher; Friend Knat & Ex-Love Rival ]
[glow=red]"Our getting along and our disagreement just kind of... happened I suppose"
「私たちは一緒になって、私たちの意見の相違はただちょっと... 私が思う起こった」
Better than Revenge - Taylor Swift
(More so Sabrina's original point of view toward Kiyoko)

Sabrina and Kiyoko are --or at least they were-- two of the lovely ladies in competition for Jayden's heart, even if he bites... Their first meeting was at the Start of Term Banquet, there was no exchange of words but her being a partial Veela (yes, even on a glance that's very noticeable) was enough to get on Kiyoko's bad side, having been raised in a Pure-Blooded home, all of which members despised cross-breeding, she was used to discrimination in that sense. It was considered rather disgusting to her family, though she's more relaxed about the policy. The two didn't actually speak until later that night when Kiyoko had been planning on sneaking out and noticed Sabrina's tendency to sleep walk. The Veela girl had made it to the common room before collapsing in horror at what she was envisioning, Kiyoko ended up peeking into her pretty little head and seeing what Sabrina saw, herself with Jayden striding away from Sabrina while she wept on the beach. In a moment of pity she woke her up, telling her it was only a dream and realizing she didn't dislike the girl, not even because she was a half breed, it had been because she'd seen something that she didn't like, something she hated about herself. Until that time she hadn't been interested in the boy and until a short while ago she really wasn't aware that she liked him, but his smile, his perfect smile in that one moment as he looked at her in Sabrina's little dream was the sale, so in a way Sabrina made her own enemy as they always tend to do... The two girls were friends for awhile, but there were always little things that irked Kiyoko, the way Sabrina acted and held herself. Her superiority and the way she seemed the think she was god's gift to humanity, everybody owed sabrina Gallagher a living, and Kiyoko was disgusted by that. Steadily the feelings built up, and when the blonde slurred an insult at her in a drunken state Kiyoko figured she'd had enough. It was one thing tolerating her on an equal level, but kneeling to an insect like that was by no means an option, and accepting that would have been kneeling. After her pointed words Sabrina did her best to hurt her back, of course it didn't scratch. Now the veela-girl lingers in her life, a constant reminder and nuisance, a pest buzzing around Jayden. For him, Kiyoko will do her best to stand her existence, but hellfire will rain down upon the veela's head if she forgets her place, the pureblood will ensure that. [/spoili]

[ Zoey Victoria Black; Close Friend ]
[glow=red]"She kicks ass.. quite literally..."
Loves me Not - t.A.T.u

Kiyoko and Zoey became acquainted with one another during the English girl's summer visit to Japan in means of studying martial arts, the two girls trained under the same teacher, one excelled while the other struggled with the most basic of concepts. Kiyoko was the one who lacked skill and as a result was paired with the class's top student. At first Kiyoko had great difficulty, but no matter how many times the older girl would knock her down she would get back up, spirit unwavering and fearless determination aglow in her bright eyes. The girl began to go easier on her, which obviously required a lot of holding back. More classes came and went and the two were close as can be. At the end of one of the lessons Kiyoko requested the Black girl attend on of Madoka Oshiro's many parties, the girl agreed. Zoey was invited on multiple occasions back to the Japanese manor on less formal terms and often the two ended up in a sparring match, trying to improve Kiyoko's form and just about everything else she does wrong. Because of the girl's assistance the Asian girl has become better, even if she's still mediocre at best. Now summer must come to an end, as we all know due to unfortunate experience and Zoey returned to England was a heartfelt goodbye from her new friend, two more summers came and ended the same way.

Kiyoko never thought to ask about what school she attended during the academic months and was quite pleasantly surprised to see Zoey in the halls of Hogwarts. Recently things have taken a turn, probably for the worst, yes running across Zo was such a nice surprise but when she went about mocking Sabrina Gallagher, a borderline friend of Kiyoko's at the time, and the girl asked her to stop. Zoey took it as Yoko taking sides against her and since then the two had not spoken. It now looks like she overdosed on drugs or some kind of potion and so the pinkette spent the night completely out of it, sleeping in the male Slytherin Dormitory because they couldn't get her to the Gryffindor tower at that time of night without being flagged as completely suspicious and losing a billion and two points. Zo awoke only to discover Mr.Berlioz not far from her. It started out as confusion, anger and then she succumbed to the odd desire to kiss the boy while Jay was out at breakfast with his Girlfriend . Kiyoko and Jay walked in on a rather hot make out session. Soon after Zoey made the discovery of Kiyoko being a Slytherin! Though the asian herself has been there for more than a month this detail has only just caught her attention and now it may cause problems in their currently rocky relationship but it's nothing that Kiyoko views as unmeandable, she won't give up on Zoey if Zo is still willing to stick with her...[/spoili]

[ Peter Berlioz; Housemate & Acquaintance ]
[glow=red]"Damn Baguette"

Kiyoko Oshiro has rather mixed feelings about her boyfriend's room mate Peter Berlioz, and not without due cause seeing as one of her first most memorable impressions of him is when she stumbles across her dear friend, Zoey Black, beneath his covers. The girl was in something of a comatose state, conclusions were draw and assumptions were made based on the little bit of explanation the French boy gave. By the end of it her respect for the seemingly kind boy had dwindled. He explained the situation later on the next day, and regained the lost shred of fondness she had for him, only to lose it again momentarily when he gathered the gall needed to threaten her. He'd picked the pieces up and put them together, in regards to Kiyoko and Jayden's feeding sessions, and in concern for her health told her he would go straight to the faculty if she did't stop. Jayden hasn't fed from her since.

[ Professor Aled MacNeill; Teacher, Friend & Councilor ]
[glow=red]"His company is like wine, it simply gets better with age-- oi n-not like that! Whip that grin off your-- ohh forgot it"

Professor MacNeill was one of the first people that Kiyoko met when she first transferred to Hogwarts, while most teachers were busy with organizing classes and sorting out other personal problems Aled almost went out of his way to make her feel welcome and integrate her into the society they had founded here. He offered her a tour which she gratefully accepted and gave her the information that was covered in previous years so she could look it over and review, therefore avoiding being left behind. Not only that but he set time outside of his schedule to invite her to tea, the two talked and meet up again, gradually warming up to each other, Kiyoko growing more comfortable in his presence each time. The two often meet and talk over tea even now that the semester had started, he provides her with a sure-fire person to discuss, whether to topic be personal or regular politics, and always seems to have an interesting story to share. Of course Kiyoko is simply a teenager, one with a lack of people she trusts at this point. Whenever she is unable to voice her concerns to Jayden or someone else she knows she will seek him out, or even if she can manage it with another she'll still mention it to him if it is nagging at her heart or mind. She enjoys his company and appreciates whatever advice her gives her, the man, though older and rather new, has already been grafted into her weekly life and deemed irreplaceable.[/spoili]


Somebody make a move
Somebody make a move
Please somebody make a move
We all know
We all know what's going on

Pointing my fingers the problems still linger
They keep getting bigger and I hold the trigger
Running with fire, I live like a liar
Please somebody make a move

[glow=red]― P a t r o n u s ―[/glow]
[ Arctic Wolf ]
When summoning her patronus three rays of light come forth, shapeless mist until they meet, uniting to create a single creature. The creature is a smaller species of wolf when compared with other breeds, and tends to shine a tad bit brighter due to it's color. Wolves are feared, powerful yet graceful animals who are able to draw from their own strength or strength in numbers. The animal brought forward is in remembrance of the time spent with her sister and cousin; they were their own little wolf pack who drew happiness from each other's company.

[glow=red]― B o g g a r t ―[/glow]
Her Mother, Madoka Tsukino.

[glow=red]― P e t ―[/glow]
[ Mahouko the British Bombay Cat ]
Her personal choice was a cat, a thin silky furred feline, rather stereotypical for a witch considering her companion is black in color. His name is Mahouko "Mako" for short and Kiyoko's had him for a mere few months, her companion's most charming and noticeable feature when your regard him is his brightly colored irises which are less electrifying in compared to Kiyoko, though only by a few hues. When receiving mail one of the Ministry of Magic's owls deliver


[glow=red]― W a n d ―[/glow]

[dash=red]Wood: Cherry
Length: Twelve and a Half Inches
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Flexibility: Brittle

The wand, sold to Kiyoko years prior to when she was supposed to have obtained a wand, came from Wakahisa's, a well established family business in Japan known to sell some of the best wands throughout Asia. Kind of the equivalent of Ollivander's shop in England. They sell typical wands, as well as some with cores that borderline legal. The shaft is pink-ish red in color with that brown tint that cherry wood tends to have, the handle of the piece is adorned with a dozen or so small cherry blossoms have been carved out, each one barely a centimeter across.

Cherry Wood - Cherry is very rare wand wood that makes for a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core - though if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind.
Dragon Heartstring - Symbolizes Power and Wisdom. Those who are strong, wise, compassionate, dedicated, relentless, resilient, bold, strong-minded, head-strong, powerful, ambitious, highly determined and driven (to obsessive), have strong desire and/or stubborn would have this wand core. Having such a wand core suggests that you can be bossy at times, but also have a fiery disposition and have firm convictions, which will lead you down the road to leadership, as well as being devoted and selfless. This is the best core to have for Hexes, The Dark Arts and all manner of Elemental Magic. It is a core predominantly found among those of House Slytherin, but can also bond well with those of House Ravenclaw and House Gryffindor. As a rule, Dragon Heartstring cores produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. wands with Dragon Heartstring cores tend to learn more quickly than other types. In Elemental Magic, Dragon Heartstring cores are the most flexible of all the common cores, being that they work well with all manner of Elemental spells, but no doubt that Fire spells are among the most potent with this core type. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. Such wands also tend to be easiest to turn to The Dark Arts, though they will not incline that way of their own accord. Such wands are also the most prone to the 'three cores to accidents', being somewhat temperamental. Dragon Heartstring cores are a powerful wand core with a lot of magical "heft". They are not the wand core you want for subtlety, but for sheer power, they are definitely the best. Although they are the most common core among Dark Wizards and Dark Witches, they are most certainly not their most common users. Dragon Heartstring cores are by far the most common wand core amongst Slytherins, but their power often bonds well to Gryffindors and Ravenclaws as well. However, they tend to overwhelm the archetypal Hufflepuff personality.
The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental. It also tends to be lethally hazardous if combined with certain woods.
Brittle - A wand with this flexibility tends to attach itself quickest to owners who have insecurities, and its level of loyalty is often dependent on how loyal the owner is to it. Should it become very loyal to its original owner, new owners often won't get the chance to earn the wand's loyalty before it breaks. Brittle wands are best suited to subtle and delicate magic, such as transfiguration and non-verbal spell-casting. Because they break easy, their owners should be careful to avoid magic that is unnecessarily flashy or explosive, especially if the wand also has a dragon heartstring core. Owners with this wand flexibility are usually contemplative, clever, and somewhat cynical; they tend to be an "underdog" type of person and perhaps even a little bit unlucky, which could lead them to becoming resentful of their more successful peers. If a brittle wand owner perseveres and manages to get over their insecurities, however, he or she will often become a "great success story" that never ceases to amaze and inspire others.


Somebody make a move
(I'm pointing my fingers)

Somebody make a move
(The problems still linger)

Somebody make a move
(I'm pointing my fingers)
Somebody make a move

'Cause everybody's so scared
We don't wanna go there
We don't wanna make a move
Screaming in the dark while we just play our part out

I play along

[glow=red]― O t h e r ―[/glow]

[ Mahoutokoro ]
All the details that have been provided.

[ Animagus ]
The ability to shift to and from one's animalistic form is one that many magic users can master with great effort. The oddity is not in the skill itself that Kiyoko is able to perform, but rather the age she came to perform it with amateur training [Eight] as well as the creature she takes the form of, an arctic wolf. When in her wolf state she bears white fur and her trademark bright green eyes.

[ Quidditch ]
Since a young age Kiyoko has been able to fly a broom, she found the skill unbelievable and awe-striking, the ability to fly was one that was above all marvels she could summon to mind, but her parents, namely her mother, called it barbaric and refused to let her daughters take part in something so wild. The siblings however, for the first time (well Kiyoko's first time anyway), disobeyed their mother's authority. This sport, it was theirs, their own thing to have, hold and hide, something secret they could keep to themselves and with the help of their cousin they were not discovered for a great deal of time She joined the Quidditch team during her second year at Mahoutokoro and that year the team qualified for The National Quidditch Competition of Asia, with the lean, aerodynamic second year as their seeker they had climbed their way up the ranks... that is until her parents found out about it. Once they caught wind of it she was immediately pulled from the team and for a month no one heard from her, she returned after that with healing bruises and scrapes, from what most students can tell that's when she began to pull away from other students and cherish time by herself.

[ Potions Brewing, Charms and School work in General ]
Her fervent study of spell casting, alchemy as well as potions and many other aspects of magic Kiyoko has become quite gifted in the aspects, often when her fellow quidditch players would whine saying how they wished they had her skill she would stop for a moment and stare at them with an expression that defined misery, she would then go on to say "I'd do anything to trade places with you" and turn back to her work.

[ Multiliguist ]
Kiyoko is fluent in three languages, Japanese, English and French, her parents thought it important to be able to speak a wide variety of languages. One of which had to be English, a widely known and treasured language that many cultures decided to educate themselves in. The French was her choice, she'd always found the accents of French folks rather nice, the French are also seen as rather elegant and classy, which is most likely the reason her mother agreed with her choice, a rare occasion indeed. One thing that should be noted, is that though English and French are not her first languages, her speech in either language is flawless, this is because of her years of practice. The main reason behind this was to prevent mix ups in language and to break the stereotype asians tend to have trouble rolling some letters off their tongue. Though she struggle with pronunciation at first Kiyoko has mastered it since then.

[ Strong-minded ]
The reason behind why her wand chose her is due to her strong mind and stubborn determination. She is held at a high rank among the Mahoutokoro students due to the wood of her wand, the combination of her wand's wood as well as it's core is what truly surprised students when they first heard of her. It's well known that the wielders of cherry wands are a rarity but those with dragon heartstring cores are nearly impossible to find due to the fact that wands of such power are only to be paired with a wizard or witch, if the one possessing it has extreme self-control and strength of mind. Something that Kiyoko lacks at times.

[ Family Information & Scandals ]
Kiyoko's family is a strict one, above all else they value and cherish the opinions of others, both in the magical world as well as the muggle. Yes, that much is true, the Oshiros do not mind muggles so much, they just view them as... lesser beings that cannot help but be inferior. The one thing the family cannot stand is crossbreeding, the idea of mixing bloodlines such as Japanese with Irish or any other nationality is one that is frowned upon but the mere thought of mixed magical lineages such as pure blood with muggle or even half blood is one that could send them reeling back in horror. Like all families they have their faults, but their perception of flaws are ones in regards to disobedience and unfaithfulness. Trip ups in the Oshiro's line have been covered up throughout the years, one such act was the lack of faith from Kiyoko's father's grandfather toward the girl's great grandmother. Yes, that's right folks, Great grand Papa Oshiro slept around with with a lovely young European Pureblood whose eyes were just are stark as Kiyoko's, coincidence, I think not darlings. A baby was produced from that little act and it inherited the Oshiro name, every child from that bloodline thus far has been a Parseltongue, though they try to keep that much hush-hush. This means that Kiyoko's dad... is a snake-talker and he knew that his daughter would be as well, but when he tried to talk to the small child of three, little Kamiko couldn't understand a word, well that gave away Madoka's secret affair as well. He is quite the violent man when he's angry and it rubbed off on his wife after a good year of beatings, then Kiyoko came around, thrown into the mix. Her dear father hasn't had the courage to test out the ability on a child for fear of being let down again.

[glow=red]― A p p e a r a n c e ―[/glow]

[ Body ]
Kiyoko stands at 5'5" tall... or 5'5" short, your choice. She's thin but not in a sickly sense, her body is toned and elegant and though she may not look it she does possess some physical strength. Her eyes are an almost violent and obnoxious shade of green that shifts from emerald to viridian, an oddity that her parents and grandparents find rather unnerving, due to the fact that it's not common in their family at all and may be a sign of 'tainted' genes. Her hair is thick, a dark bistre brown, a shade that looks almost completely ebony until out in the sunlight, it is leaning far more towards the black side and falls to her mid back. Her hair is pin straight by nature and she usually leaves it out unless it will be bothersome or gets in the way, in which case she'll tie it up in a high ponytail with her bangs out and in her face.

[ Dress Style ]
Kiyoko's ability to choose clothing is... lacking to say the least. Not that she is given much opportunity to wear anything aside from her uniform, but when she does she can be a shade unsure. The girl rarely wears actual wizarding robes, in fact, the asian girl tends to port yukatas to bed or when lounging around the house, and kimonos for special occasions. She also tries to find time to wear the muggle things her sister has sent her over the years, but feels very conscious of herself when she does so.

[ Pictures ]








































































































































Kiyoko and Crissy



Kiyoko and her Father





Kiyoko, love your daddy, won't you?!

Lil' Kiyoko

The bracelet Famulus, Orochi.



[ Gifs ]






















'Cause everybody's so scared
We don't wanna go there
We don't wanna make a move
We got all our lives to lose
Screaming in the dark while we just play our part out
I'll play along
Like I don't know what's going on

Somebody make a move
Somebody make a move
Please somebody make a move
We all know
We all know what's going on


Somebody make a move
Somebody make a move
Please somebody make a move
We all know
We all know what's going on
Last edited by a moderator:


**Banner GFX'd @darkflames13 **
Collection of old banners




You want a perfect girl?


Meghan Trainor - No

"I think it's so cute and I think it's so sweet!
How you let your friends encourage you to try and talk to me
But let me stop you there (oh, before you speak...)


N a m e
Sabrina Lucinda Gallagher

A g e
Sixteen || May 13th​ || Taurus ♉

G e n d e r

S p e c i e s
Half-Veela || Half witch, half Veela

B l o o d S t a t u s

H o u s e & Y e a r

Slytherin || 6th​ year
Sorting Ceremony ]
The young and ever beautiful Sabrina tapped her foot impatiently waiting to be called for her chance at the Sorting. Her thoughts drift back to the train ride earlier this morning. She was so excited to be coming to the infamous Hogwarts. Where the legendary trio once studied. Her eleven-year-old heart couldn't handle all of the excitement she was feeling. She met others who felt the same way she did. Now that she was here she lost all patience she had earlier. Was she going to walk in the path of the legendary trio like she had dreamed? As usual Sabrina wanted her answer now. But before she left she remembered her mum's wise words. "Once you step foot in Hogwarts the world as you know it will change.

You won't be able to do things like you're used to. You will have to abide by the rules. And most importantly you won't always get what you'll want like you do here. But in every situation no matter how upset you are find the positive things."
She could still feel the kiss on her forehead that her mother had left after that statement. She was lost in her train of thoughts when she was snapped out of them by the sound of her name being called. She walked forward and sat on the stool. This was the very seat the legendary trio sat on. And the hat was placed upon her head. It was silent for a while until a loud cackle broke the silence. "Whoo, look at what we have here!" exclaimed the hat. " You're something that's for sure, girl." Sabrina had no idea what this hat was talking about. It made a humming sound as it searched deep within Sabrina Lucinda Gallagher. " A fiery heart with a sharp tongue and scary determination, mix those all together and what do ya get?" Sabrina was silent wondering if it wanted her to answer. " A Slytherin that's what. You are a Slytherin!" Sabrina felt her jaw drop.

No, no this wasn't suppose to happen. The hat was suppose to say "You are a Gryffindor!" She was suppose to end up there. Sabrina felt the tears well up in her eyes. Then she recalled her mother's words. She thought about it. Being a Slytherin couldn't be that bad. Right?




"My name is no, my sign is no
My number is no, you need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no!
My name is no, my sign is no
My number is no, you need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no!"


P e r s o n a l i t y

[ Cunning & Smart ]
"Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects, and discovering other people's weaknesses."

Just because she has blonde hair doesn't mean she's just a dumb bimbo and just because she's smiling doesn't mean she caring and kind. There's usually an ulterior motive to Sabrina's actions. She's always working some angle in which the outcome will benefit her in the end. But that's not where it ends, she also puts her quick thinking to good use should she ever need to cover her tracks. Basically, this blonde shouldn't be underestimated because she's always thinking 10 steps ahead of everyone else. She doesn't usually care about how she achieves something she wants as long as she gets it.

She has no shame in using what the universe gave her. And since the universe seemed to favor her a little more than others she will gladly use this gift(curse), whatever you want to call it. Now some might fight this behavior unbecoming of her, but then again she doesn't really give a shit. There's no reason for her to deny the fact that Sabrina uses her charms, her wit, and dashing good looks to get what she wants. It's not like people can stop her from doing just that anyway, so there's really no reason to hide it.

Sabrina's not just cunning but she's book smart too. She gets good grades even though she could care less about doing her homework. Still, in order to do what she does without drawing too much attention to herself, she needs to balance her grades. Besides, mama didn't raise no fool and she refuses to portray herself as such, unless making herself seem dumber than she really is let's her get access to something she wants. Sabrina has a photographic memory as well to help her out with things. Another thing that could be considered a blessing or a curse. She usually needs to see something once to remember. But this has become a bit of a bother. She's usually good at remembering faces but not taking the time to remember names that don't matter to her.

[ Witty & Audacious ]
"Bitchcraft; the art of pissing people off while smiling sweetly."

She likes to think of herself as the Queen of Sass, always having an answer to something, regardless if the situation calls for it or not. (Especially if the situation doesn't call for it) When someone really gets to know Sabrina (sometimes not even that long) this side of her can be shown. Of course, as a result of not being able to hold her tongue she has rightfully earned the title of 'bitch' from some of her peers. She plays it off like she doesn't care, but in truth, what person want's to be disliked? Still, she can't help but occassionally spilling the tea, (and that's saying something since she's British and loves her tea). Sometimes, the opprotunity is too good to let it go to waste, and other times her mouth moves before she can really think about the consequences of her words.

Not that those consequences would've stopped her anyway. Sabrina isn't aftaid of doing whatever the hell she wants, whenever the hell she wants to. Princesses don't ask permission to the peasents if they can do something, it's the other way around. Still, there are times when she has to check herself, but normally she just does as she pleases. Not afraid of a challenge or conflict.

[ Feisty & Hot-headed ]
"I hope karma slaps you in the face before I do."

Rina is a very emotional person. That being said, when she's angry, she is fucking angry. Now sometimes she has those dangerous moments where she's in a silent rage, those are the worst kinds because no one knows when or where or how Sabrina might pop, or retaliate. They're left guessing, on the edge of their seats. Normally she would be flying off the handle, getting physical or yelling, something that lets other people know she's angry. But when the half-veela goes silent one can assume all hell is going to burst loose.

Sabrina is rarely found without something to say, so when she's silent, she's boiling angry. The type of angry that can make her stay heated all day. Not to mention Rina holds grudges. If anyone has done anything wrong to her in the past she won't forget it. She believes in karma but she also believes karma might need a little push in the right direction, and she isn't afraid to get the karma ball rolling in her enemy's direction.

[ Tenacious & Rebellious ]
"Well behaved women rarely make history!"

Never backing down from a challenge, Rina stands her ground when the going gets tough. Sometimes this can be a good thing and sometimes it's not. Sometimes she really should just withdraw but she can't help how stubborn she is. Not to mention she hates being restricted or when people tell her what to do. SHe's independent and can make her own decisions. That's her mindset anyway for the current point in time. She doesn't even stop to consider maybe whoever is giving her orders is doing so for her own safety. It's like she's naturally rebellious.

On the bright side, she's a hard worker and she has her friends backs when they need her to.

[ Spoiled & Manipulative ]
"If you're gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty."

Well, this is pretty straight forward. As a child Sabrina never really needed anything. She was her parent's little darling so they would shower her with all her desires. They would tell her anything was possible if she reached high enough and that maybe even she could touch the stars. They wanted her to know that even though she was different that didn't make her less than anyone else. What they probably weren't expecting was for Sabrina to take that literally. That's right, she wasn't like anyone else, she was better.

Now Sabrina had her share of unfortunate run-ins since she was different and those moments took a blow to her pride and confidence, but she refused to let herself look weak. Her pride wouldn't let her. So, to say she was used to getting what she wanted, when she wanted was a bit of an understatement. She realized soon enough though that the real world wasn't as easy as it was when she was living with her parents. If she wanted sometime, she might just need to use others as her stepping stone to get there. And she had no problem doing just that. It was a dog-eat-dog world out there, survival of the fittest, and Sabrina refused to be over taken by those that were beneath her.



"First you gonna say you ain't runnin' game, thinkin' I'm believing every word
Call me beautiful, so original, telling me I'm not like other girls
I was in my zone before you came along, now I'm thinking maybe you should go
Blah, blah, blah, blah
I be like nah to the I, to the I, to the no, no, no!"


B i o g r a p h y

[ Different ]

[spoili]Being the daughter of a wizard and Veela already qualified her as being different. She wasn't like the muggles she was surrounded by. That's right, she was surrounded by muggles. Her family preferred to live in the muggle world rather than the wizarding world. To this day Sabrina doesn't understand why this is. But her mum didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that she was different. In fact it seemed like she was proud. And why shouldn't she be? She was gorgeous. She could see why her father fell in love with her. But her papa always claimed it was because of her personality ((and he was forced. She would always hit him here )). Not only did she feel she was different she grew up being told she was different. She was a witch. And the people around her were not. Sabrina didn't know how she felt about this. But it explained why the kids wouldn't want to play with her on the playground. She soon abandoned the idea of having muggle friends. Her father began teaching her magic at a young age in order to keep her mind off of her disappointments.[/spoili]

[ Curiosity ]

[spoili]Growing up Sabrina was hardly the one to sit down and be quiet. She would always has to go out and explore or get into trouble during her free time. She was only still when she was given a book. Sabrina may have been a hyperactive kid she loved to read. When she opened up a book it was like she was leaving the muggle world she had learned to hate. (( because they hated her first )) One day she was looking around the house for a book to read. Her papa had promised he would get her a book soon. But soon wasn't now so she decided to get one for herself. She snuck into his study and took one of his books. First of all she wasn't suppose to ever go into his room but she did so anyway. She was such a rebel back then. Turned out his book happened to be about Alchemy. Her father had no intention in teaching her this type of high-level magic. Yet she learned it pretty quickly. Her father was shocked at the speed her daughter could pick things up. He even tested her to see if it wasn't just an accident. He decided her would send her to Hogwarts at the age of eleven to get proper training.[/spoili]

[ Safety ]

[spoili]Her mother would always tell her stories about people who were different just like her. It made Sabrina want to meet them. She was tired of feeling different and for once wanted to feel like someone else. She used to hate herself because she was different. But it was her mother that turned that around and Sabrina ended up being very confident about herself. One thing she couldn't wait to do was go to Hogwarts. She would finally go to the place where there were people like her. She wouldn't be an odd ball anymore. She wouldn't be alone. She hated being alone. Sabrina was a social person and when your surrounded by people who hate you all you have to talk to is your stuffed animals. And they don't make very good tea time pals.[/spoili]



"All my ladies listen up
If that boy ain't giving up
Lick your lips and swing your hips
Girl all you gotta say is..."


R e l a t i o n s h i p s :

[ Family ]

[spoili]Sabrina has a pretty good relationship with her family. She loves them more than anything and they her. She probably cares for her parents more than the typical teenager would. She isn't afraid to open up to them and speak whatever is on her mind. They have always given her whatever she wanted and she is grateful for that. Which is why she won't let anyone badmouth them or they will have to deal with her wrath[/spoili]

[ Hogwarts ]

[spoili]She's pretty popular at Hogwarts. And not in a bad way. This time people accept her more and look up to her instead of judging her strictly on her appearance. She is a good student and gets good grades but she can be rude at times and her temper is bad. She's the type of person that has already established her legacy at Hogwarts and people know how she operates. She does what she wants to get what she wants.[/spoili]

[ Lucas Lorethan Grey || Friend ]
"Ah, darling is quite fun to be around and tease."

Some people - especially Lucas - find it strange that Sabrina has such a strong interest in Lucas. Since she's popular and all. Well it's quite simple really. He has something she wants.

Since she has a rival that she can't beat by "natural" means she'll work extra hard to win. Sabrina doesn't just lose anyway. Or give up rather.

They met for the first time in D.A.D.A. class in 3rd year. Lucas was showing off and it happened to catch Sabrina's eye, and everyone else. But they were too scared to approach him about it. Well everyone except Sabrina. Sabrina wasn't looking too closely at his outward appearance like most of the kids did. They figured he was scary and such. But Sabrina wasn't easily frightened by a "tough boy" act. She was attracted to him by his knowledge and power. It didn't matter if he wasn't social, Sabrina would learn everything she could from him. At first he didn't want anything to do with her but Sabrina can be quite the persistent one. Even more so when she wants something badly enough. Call it stubbornness or persistence it doesn't matter she never gives up.

Eventually he gave up and they ended up friends. But they are always arguing and getting on each other's last nerves. But its not so bad that they would stop being friends. She's always asking him a load of questions but he refuses to answer. She's determined to make him answer one day.


[ Jayden Caine Dimitar Everdragomir || Crush Part-time-knight bus-part-time-damsel in distress-once in a lifetime Best Friend ]
"Daddy? He's an idiot the majority of the time but he gets me....like no one else does..."

Sabrina's known of Jayden ever since he came to Hogwarts. Why? Because they belonged to the same house, Slytherin. Her first impression was that he was the bad-boy type.

Just like every other boy she met. But something was different. Something was off about Jayden. When she finally realized it a great deal of time had passed by. He was the real deal.

The first person that ever made Sabrina afraid to approach, was Jayden. Sabrina just doesn't get "scared". She had to deal with her mom who was a full Veela. Nobody knows fear until you've seen her mother's face when she's upset. That was what made Sabrina tough. She thought she could deal with anything. That went out the window when she met Jayden. Of course they never "met" met but she knew of him. He was just as popular as her. But in a different way. He had a reputation going for him, a bad-boy reputation. She knew he was dangerous. She had that gut feeling but there was something about Jayden that made her want to get closer to him. She had a pull towards Jayden that she's never felt before.

Her mother warned her that there would be all sorts of men attracted to her but to stay away from the dangerous types. But that didn't stop her from being attracted to him. After a year of watching him and trying to sort out her feelings she finally decided that this year - her 6th year - she would approach him. But now the question was how?

Well the answer was quite simple, corner him and charm him over. At least that's what she did on the train ride to Hogwarts. Even though they haven't been talking to each other for long it seems like their relationship has improved drastically. Not enough for Sabrina to shout for joy but enough.

But oddly the guy was stubborn. In fact her charms didn't see to be working on him at all. Then that Kiyoko had to pop into the picture. Jay seemed drawn to that girl more than the drop dead diva herself, which seemed ludicrous to her. So Sabrina came up with this master plan to make Jay fall in love with her, it backfired of course but instead of getting him as a boyfriend, she gained a close friend.

And because the big guy happened to be her best friend she cared about him a lot. She refuses to become between him and his relationship with his girlfriend, despite how destructive that relationship is. (Like, he's whipped. He would probably be willing to do anything for her, even if that meant dropping everything just to be with her, which, if she had to be honest , it scared her because Jayden Everdragomir was her best friend in the whole world at the moment. Someone who understood her better than anyone. Who just...got her. Losing him, and this friendship that had grown so important to her over the last couple of months, without her knowing, would end her.) She wants her friend to be happy but also be in a healthy environment. A partner in a relationship shouldn't require you to cut ties with your friends, that's signs of an abusive relationship and that would be the last thing that Sabrina wants to happen to Jayden.

Does that mean she'll play nice when Jay's girlfriend is around? Probably not. And knowing that is enough to let her know that she should remove herself from those kinds of situations if they arise. Still, she'll continue to be herself around him. She's shared things about herself with him that she hasn't told anyone before. He's probably the only one in this entire school that she trusts more than anything. Of course, he probably won't know that anytime soon. They don't do sappy stuff like this, they're too cool for that.

[ Kiyoko Oshiro || Rival Enemy/Asian Hitler/World's worst Dictator ]
"Don't be fooled by that smile of hers, she'll rip your heart out in a second and have no remorse"

She first met this girl at the banquet they held before the start of the at Hogwarts. Just looking at her pissed her off. And when she realized this girl was fighting to get Jayden as well things got a hellava lot worse. It's not that Sabrina hates her it's just that Sabrina see's her as a threat. She can't trust her and in fact she feels like she losing in the game of love. A game that Sabrina was quite familiar with and should be the best at. Sometimes Sabrina finds herself enjoying Kiyoko's company but then she quickly reminds herself that she is the enemy.

At least that was what she thought for the longest time. Until her goal was no longer Jay she couldn't see how much they were a like. Though as of the recent blow-up between the two, some words were exchanged that left the two quite battered and bruised. All the somewhat positive feelings she had towards this girl has now vanished. Sabrina had tolerated Kiyoko for Jay, hell she might've even liked her, but that went all out the window once Kiyoko decided to give Sabrina a piece of her mind, hurting her in the worst way. Sabrina will never forgive her. She no longer cares about playing nice with her for her friend Jay's sake. Kiyoko Oshiro is now dead to her.

She could honestly care less if she's being the immature one here. What happened between them was yet another reason why Sabrina believed she should've trusted her gut in the first place. That Asian transfer was never good news and would never be good news. What happened reminded her why she despised purebloods. Though of course there were exceptions to that rule, like her roommate Anice, but that was about it. Despite how Kiyoko tried to fool herself she would always be what she was, a self-righteous pureblood. The worst of the worst actually. How she might try to hide the fact that she fits the stereotype to a 'T' Sabrina saw through her facade and saw the true demon she really was. Everyone else just failed to notice. And dating a half-breed didn't automatically let all her transgression be okay. She was the overall enemy and Sabrina needed to protect herself from those like her, ugly on the inside with a heart of freezing black ice.

Now does this mean war? Of course not, she won't act unless the Asian transfer has seemed to lose her mind for a moment. Sabrina had fast reflexes, and she was really good at cleaning up and taking out the trash. But that all lies within the future.

[ Daniel Park || Ex-Boyfriend ]
"Oh, the one who sexually harasses me..."

They just met and it wasn't on good terms. He was a jerk to her and they were total strangers. But he seems to be nice to everyone else(Kiyoko! curse her). Sabrina thought she had this guy figured out until his she broke his glasses. Then everything went downhill. He started acting different and then he stole a kiss from her. Her first kiss! And then another. Who knows what will happen next. She hasn't had time to truly think about it but what causes a guy to do a 360 attitude change?

Well turned out this little pervert wormed his way into Sabrina's heart, making her fall for him harder than she every fell for anyone before. Not that she had much experience in the whole love thing.. Still through her "mastermind" plan she ended up learning she liked Danny more than she thought. But alas all good things come to an end.

Danny turned out to be a jerk, not a huge surprise, he was a jerk when she first met him. But he was below, low now. Turned out Sabrina was just a goal for him to gain so he could get some sort of "prize" and when he had gotten his goal he just up and left Hogwarts without telling her anything. Sabrina is now left confused and seriously hurt by this guy.


[ Anice Caroline Runeswell || Roommate/Dress up doll/Daughter ]

"I honestly don't know who our daughter takes after because she surely doesn't take after Jay or I"

Sabrina has this thing, a radar almost, that lets her know if she's around a pureblood. Being around Anice was no different. So of course, seeing her bad luck with purebloods, she assumed Anice was no different. Besides, she was forced to room with her. Sabrina had specifically requested this room for herself and now a couple months after that, she was roomed with someone. (She swore the headmistress had it out for her) So of course, their relationship was off to a rocky start. Sabrina made sure to clearly express how unhappy she was with this arrangement. At first this Slytherin Prefect was nothing more than a nuisance, a thorn in her side who was cramping her style.

At first...

Sabrina decided one day she was going to stop making it hard for Anice to live with her. Of course, she had some incentive for making this decision. Besides, having a prefect on your side was never a bad idea. So with that in mind she started going easy on Anice. Now-a-days she found herself liking being around the prefect. She certainly made things more interesting. Plus, a little well-placed bribe can go a long way. Anice might just be the only pureblood that Sabrina doesn't hate with a burning passion. And that's saying something. She doesn't know why its Anice of all people, but it is and she's okay with that.[/spoili]



"My name is no, my sign is no
My number is no, you need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no!
My name is no, my sign is no
My number is no, you need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no!"


P a t r o n u s
[ Red Fox ]

A red fox fits Sabrina's image because she is sneaky and quick. All while being cunning. Something that is envied for because of it's sheer beauty and fur. This little rascal of a animal is hard to catch. Same applies to Sabrina. Despite her outside appearance she isn't all looks she has brains as well. And she doesn't always use them for good deeds.



B o g g a r t
"Like a broken porcelain doll that can never be fixed, I'm afraid I'll end up like that too."

Pretty much Sabrina is afraid of being ugly. Or in some way "broken". Sabrina's lived as something beautiful all of her life. She's known for her beauty. If that's taken away from her what does she have left? Nothing. So that's her biggest fear.

P e t
Diablo has been around with Sabrina since he was a pup and she was a mere toddler. This dog has pure white fur and scarlet eyes. They are like best friends. She tells him everything and in turn he protects her with everything he has. Sabrina named him Diablo because when she first saw him she thought he was a ghost of the devil, he lived in a graveyard at the time. He doesn't go to Hogwarts with her though, but stays at her home with her parents.

W a n d
[ Rosewood || Veela Hair || 9½ inches || Inflexible ]

Her wand is was brought to her during a trip to France over the summer, to celebrate her acceptance to Hogwarts. It was a custom-made to her by a local French wandmaker. It's made out of rosewood. This wood has a strong sweet smell, which persists over the years, explaining the name "rosewood." It's light and semi slender with a piece of Veela hair for it's core donated by her mother. Veela hairs make for "temperamental" wands, so it's rarely used in Britain. However, it seems to suit Sabrina very well, as she and her wand are like two peas in a pod. She has very rarely had problems with it.

O t h e r
[ Trivia ]

Sabrina has lived in London, England her whole life so her accent is strong. She is confident in her looks and her body. Well everything except her chest.

She isn't that strong in hand to hand combat but she is agile and quick-footed.

Hates the sight, smell of blood. Faints when she see's it or get's sick. But when she's in battle she toughens up a bit.

M a g i c a l A b i l i t y

[ Transfiguration ]

When she was young Sabrina's father began teaching her magic. Way before Hogwarts was even a thought to her. She was always fast at learning things. Her father was sure she would make it in Ravenclaw, which is why he started her training early. She easily picked up this skill. Changing the properties of an object like turning a desk into a pig or applying bunny ears on a human came with this skill.

[ Divination ]

When Sabrina was taught this it took a little bit more work than when she was learning Transfiguration. But soon enough she got well at this too. She prefers to use tea leaves and dream interpretations to perform her predictions of the future. She happens to like this class and the skill very much so. Some people prefer to bicker back and forth about whether this is a relevant magic to learn. Sabrina doesn't care anyway she just wants to continue to have this class.

[ Alchemy ]

Learning this type of magic was completely bu accident. Sabrina was a curious and sneaky child. She called herself searching for her "lost" toy when she was really snooping around in her father's library. She found a couple of books that were lying around. She took them and snuck them to her room to read. Sabrina loved reading. She ended up finishing the books in no time. But it wasn't a typical book. It was teaching her about something. Alchemy was something foreign to her. She never would've imagined learning such a thing so quickly. And only through reading. After practicing it for a while she honed her skills and she is quite good at this.

[ Playlist ]
Porcelain Fists : Ingrid Michaelson

Rain : Hollywood Undead

Primadonna Girl : Marina and the Diamonds

Dark Horse : Katy Perry

Trade Mistakes : Panic! At the Disco

Girls chase boys : Ingrid Michaelson

The way I am : Ingrid Michaelson

Almost Lover: A fine frenzy

Lips are movin' : Meghan Trainor

Credit: Meghan Trainor



"Thank you in advance, I don't wanna dance (nope!)
I don't need your hands all over me
If I want a man, then I'mma get a man
But it's never my priority
I was in my zone, before you came along, don't want you to take this personal
Blah, blah, blah, I be like nah to the ah to the, no, no, no!"


A p p e a r a n c e

Sabrina is 5'7 not very tall but that's okay. She doesn't have a midget complex or anything. She has a slim, model-like body with fair skin, naturally rosy cheeks, and full lips. Her physical features are pleasing to the eyes. This is because she is Half Veela. Her father was a wizard and her mother a Veela. Veela's are said to be derived from the Greek mythological creature, the siren. They can lure men in by their looks. It might even result in those of the opposite sex bragging about themselves. Example, one man night brag to her that he has a broom that can fly her to Jupiter to impress her. She inherited this trait from her mother. But unlike the Veela when she is angry she doesn't turn into a bird like creature. Her voice is soft and light sort of like a lullaby and is clear like the ringing of bells. If there was one part of Sabrina that she was ashamed of it would be her chest. Unlike most girls her age she doesn't have a modest size chest like them. This topic happens to come up a lot in girl "idle" chat. She hates being made fun of because of this fact. Other than her chest Sabrina loves the way she looks. Some of her more outstanding features would be her silky smooth blonde hair (currently in a cute bob) that she inherited from her mother along with her crystal blue eyes. Some say her eyes are the mirror of the ocean. She knows she's different from other girls. Her beauty sets her apart from the rest because her beauty isn't normal. A Veela is far more beautiful than some normal muggle or witch. The same would apply to a half-veela.

Other than wearing her normal wardrobe which consists of her school uniform and a robe, her "normal" clothes are limitless. Sabrina loves to shop and when she shops she does a lot of it. She has two walk in closets full of just summer and spring clothes. She has found a new found fascination in muggle clothes. Sabrina has a diamond tear drop necklace that was passed down to her from her great-grandmother. She cherishes this. It is her most prized possession. She never takes it off.


"I'm feeling...
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling...
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling...
Untouchable, untouchable
(Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no...)"

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[glow=cyan]"Keep your eyes on the stars, and feet on the ground."[/glow]


*Collection of old Banners*




Lorde - Glory and Gore

[glow=cyan]There's a humming in the restless summer air
And we're slipping off the course that we prepared
But in all chaos, there is calculation
Dropping glasses just to hear them break
You've been drinking like the world was gonna end (it didn't)
Took a shiner from the fist of your best friend (go figure)
It's clear that someone's gotta go
We mean it but I promise we're not mean[/glow]

[glow=cyan]M[/glow]adison [glow=cyan]V[/glow]an [glow=cyan]R[/glow]eeden

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Nicknames [glow=cyan]][/glow]
Madi - Casual nickname.

The Braveheart - Due to her being known for embracing her house qualities very often, and it also matches her roommate's nickname as both of the girls are quite plucky. Nobody is quite sure who was named first and which followed after.

The Humanoid Typhoon - Because when she gets mad she's like a force of nature.[/spoili]

[glow=cyan]· A · g · e ·[/glow]
16 years || October 31st || Libra ♎

[glow=cyan]· G · e · n · d · e · r ·[/glow]

[glow=cyan]· H · o · u · s · e · & · Y · e · a · r ·[/glow]


Gryffindor || 6th​ year

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Sorting Ceremony [glow=cyan]][/glow]

The short eleven year old Madison Van Reeden grunted as she stood up on her tip toes, trying to see past the hoards of students eager to get sorted into their house. This was Madi's first time at Hogwarts and she was missing out on the best part. She couldn't see a thing, which began to disappoint her ever so slightly. Cursing her short height, she begins to shove through the crowds mercilessly. Ever since she was little she had dreamed of this moment. Her parents would tell her about the wonderful place called Hogwarts where young wizards and witches like herself would come to learn magic. The place where the legendary Golden Trio once studied. She was way too wired to calm down or be patient any longer. She hardly slept the night before and she couldn't nap on the train. Today was her special day.

All her sisters had gone through this process- sorting, studying, graduating- years before herself. They would tell her their stories about Hogwarts but none of those compared with what she was seeing right now in front of her. She would daydream about this place all the time. But now that she was here she realized there was no way her imagination would do this place justice. They were using magic on the ceilings to project what the sky looked like for crying out loud! Madi would no longer live through her sisters stories of Hogwarts, she would finally be able to make her own. One day she would share her story with someone special too.

Suddenly, her name was called, booming through out the hall. She freezes in response as all eyes turn towards her, questioning and curious. The moment of truth had come. Her other two sisters before her had been sorted into Slytherin and Ravenclaw. It was only expected, those two houses were the best for a Van Reeden. Her family was reknowned for their wit and cunning; everyone expected Madi to be the same. Madison herself had no idea what she wanted to be- as long as she wasn't a Hufflepuff, she would be fine. That house just didn't appeal to her at all. What was their purpose again? Madi couldn't remember for the life of her. She felt a light shove in the middle of her back to get her started. Had she been standing there a long time? She can feel stares boring into her skin, searching for a weakness, a reaction.

How did her sisters ever deal with such a feeling? Madi felt like she was naked. She made her way to the stool and sat down. She held out her hands a little to see if they were shaking, true enough they were. The sorting hat was placed upon her head and Madi gulped. It all began now...

For the longest time, all that accompanied her arrival was silence. The hat didn't make a sound, nor did it move the slightest on top of her head. She was beginning to think of herself as a failure when the hat began to hum, searching for a response. Madi squeezed her palms harder; they were starting to sweat.

"Tricky, very tricky indeed. With your brains my dear you could easily be in Ravenclaw, but, that's not the place for you. Hm,"
Madi gulped again, she really wished the stupid hat would hurry up and drop the suspense, her heart wouldn't be able to take much more of this.

"Alright, alright no need to be rash." The hat said as it answered her inner thoughts, "Yes, Gryffindor would be the perfect match for you. You're brave and your determination is admirable." A second later the hat bellowed, "GRYFFINDOR!" and that was that.

Madi wasn't sorted into the house like her other sister's, and to be honest she was glad. She wouldn't be in her sister's shadows anymore. She would be able to write her own story and live her own life. Somewhere, in the back of her head, Madi knew that the news would be disappointing to her parents, who were so bent on getting her into Ravenclaw. For the moment, Madi couldn't care less about their opinions. Her happiness was all that mattered, right?

[glow=cyan]· S · p [/glow][glow=cyan][/glow][glow=cyan]· e · c · i · e · s ·[/glow]

[glow=cyan]· B · l · o · o · d · S · t · a · t · u · s ·[/glow]

[glow=cyan]· M · a · g · i · c · a · l · A · b · i · t · i · e · s ·[/glow]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Defense Against the Dark Arts [glow=cyan]][/glow]
It pretty much speaks for itself. Madi is good at this class, mostly because she finds it the most important subject ever at Hogwarts. She must learn how to protect herself and others. She must always be ready and quick to act. If she focuses, she can not only show off but be ready for real life confrontations with the enemy. It's not like she's anything special she just works very hard at this class, thus getting good results.[/spoili]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Transfiguration [glow=cyan]][/glow]
She's always found Transfiguration's to be a fun class. Changing the properties of an object just amused her. It was like putting bunny ears on someone. Cute and most certainly amusing. She enjoys the class and it comes quite naturally to her. She easily keeps an O in the class because of her skills.[/spoili]


[glow=cyan]And the cry goes out
They lose their minds for us
And how it plays out
Now we're in the ring
And we're coming for blood[/glow]

[glow=cyan]· P · e · r · s · o · n · a · l · i · t · y ·[/glow]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Brave [glow=cyan]][/glow]
"I laugh in the face of danger...hahaha.. No seriously, I'm not easily scared."

Madi lives up to the Gryffindor name. When danger approaches she's the first to step out, not for herself but to protect her friends and others nearby. She forgets about herself and immediately moves to protect others. She's quick footed and her reflexes are sharp. She's had this little habit ever since she was little. Her parent's tried to teach her that rushing to help others would only lead to your demise, though Madi just couldn't drop this particular trait of hers. In the end Madi would protect what she wanted to protect, regardless of what others thought. Honestly, everyone has opinions, and Madi knows that. However, just because they have an opinion doesn't mean she'll let it affect her.

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Aggressive [glow=cyan]][/glow]

"I'm fine with whatever you do to me but the moment you touch my friends it on."

Madi has a lot of patience for a girl her age but as soon as you push that wrong button she's long gone. Madi is the textbook definition of wrath. You wouldn't want to see her get to that point. Once you mess with her friends, she won't hesitate to hold back the frustration that has been bottled up for so long. Some people wouldn't expect this girl to suddenly rage like this but she does. In fact when it comes to herself, she hardly ever gets upset but when it's others or her friends she gets seriously heated. It's mostly due to the fact that she has a strong sense of sympathy.

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Hard-working [glow=cyan]][/glow]

"I won't give up till the job gets done."

Madi knows that you have to work hard in life to get what you really want. True satisfaction comes from finishing a difficult task. Because of this little fact she lives by, she works hard to achieve big results. She doesn't easily give up even when the rest of her is telling her too. It's almost like she can't. When she feels herself getting close to giving up, she finds some hidden source of strength to pull through and finish the task.

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Loyal [glow=cyan]][/glow]

"I'll have your back even if you don't have mine."

Madi's loyalty doesn't just lie within trust. She's loyal to her morals as well. If she feels in her heart that she should do something, she will do it wholeheartedly. She won't betray her gut; in the end she knows it will work out. Even if she can't see the outcome now, it will work out in the future. And even if it doesn't, she will stand beside her decision with pride. Not only are her morals set in stone, but so is her undying friendship and support towards others. If she says she'll do something she'll do it. If she makes a promise she'll keep it. Madi says what she means and means what she says. She also doesn't just say things half-assed. If she doesn't feel it then she won't say it. You can trust that Madi's words are truth.

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Playful [glow=cyan]][/glow]

"They say laughter is the best medicine. I believe it."

Madi might not seem like it but she has a humorous side. She loves games and goofing about. She's not serious and strong all the time. There are many times you can catch her doing the silliest things with her friends. Madi loves a good laugh more than anything. That blood rushing to your face, stomach muscles clenching together tightly, tears streaming down your face, feeling is the best thing in the world. She enjoy's a good tease too. She feels that through laughter great memories can happen. So why not love this feeling?

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Competitive & Athletic [glow=cyan]][/glow]

"Work hard. Play hard. Or go home."

Madi's always had superior physique and endurance. She loved running around working up a sweat more than anything. She also had a bad habit of being a sore loser when it came to competitions and games. ( Which is why she tries to beat Zoey ) Over the years she's calmed down with that bad habit but when it comes to Quidditch she is still the same girl. She just can't help it. She works hard and she want's a reward for it. Sure, winning isn't everything but it sure doesn't hurt to have those bragging rights.


[glow=cyan]You could try and take us (oh-oh)[/glow][glow=cyan]
But we're the gladiators (Oh! Oh!)
Everyone a rager (oh-oh)
But secretly they're saviors
Glory and gore go hand in hand
That's why we're making headlines (Oh! Oh!)
You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But victory's contagious[/glow]

[glow=cyan]· B · i · o · g · r · a · p · h · y ·[/glow]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Early Years [glow=cyan]][/glow]
Being born into a pure blood family is a true struggle indeed. Being apart of the Van Reeden family is even more so. Some people can be so proud with their noses held up so high they're stuck staring at the sky instead of watching where their walking. The struggle is real, truly. Still, Madi Van Reeden, the youngest girl in her family, loves her snobby family. She just dislikes when they force her do things that go against her personality. Some pure bloods are taught to hate everything other than pure bloods. Or at least think of them as dirt. Madi doesn't think that way, she just see's them as people. This doesn't please her parents at all. From the start of her birth they knew that she wouldn't be a "normal" child. She just doesn't bend to the will of her parents like her other sisters do. For years they tried to train her in the way they thought pure bloods should act but Madi just resisted. They couldn't bend this stiff rod. In the end they gave up and let her be who she was. Still, they try to keep some sort of hold on her but she officially has more freedom than her sisters.[/spoili]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Adventures [glow=cyan]][/glow]
Her parents have always wanted the best for her daughter. So what better way to do that then surround her with pure blood family's. That way she could see how they act and adopt their habits. That's what her parents were hoping for anyway. But much to their dismay, Madi wasn't easily persuaded. She stood her ground no matter who she hung out with. Other pure blood family's found her strange because of this. Her parent's were embarrassed but what could they do? Meanwhile Madi was surrounded by pure blooded kids. They were all like her sisters and she was starting to get a little annoyed. That was till she met two special people. Seth and Melinda. Both from two different family's but Madi liked them all the same. She got along better with Seth though. She would play with Seth a lot growing up and they became close. Really close. While Melinda was a little stand offish. When Madi was around those two she realized that she was finally starting to have fun. This led to fun and beautiful memories. Ones that she will treasure for the rest of her life. Not that she would tell them that. Seth and Mel Mel were both important people in her life of course but they weren't the only ones. In a last ditch effort to try and mold Madi into what they wanted her to be her Parents put Zoey Black and Madi together. It only mad sense, since the Black and Van Reeden family were really close. In fact Zoey's mother was Madi's mother's best friend. Zoey was something else that was true. Upon seeing how she carried herself Madi was interested, but she was another pure blood. But for some reason Madi felt the need to beat Zoey in some sort of way. Her parents were always comparing the two of them anyway. Madi always admired and liked Zoey but with that admiration she strived to be better herself too.[/spoili]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Growing Up [glow=cyan]][/glow]
Growing up was something unavoidable. Madi had no desire to leave her childhood behind. Not when she was having so much fun, but sadly time doesn't slow down for anyone. Madi had to face the facts, she was getting older and she had to put childish ways behind her. As she grew older she became more mature as well. Seeing this her family felt that it was time they made a decision. They needed to keep their bloodline going so Madi was supposed to be going through an arranged marriage. Of course she wasn't too thrilled about this but there was nothing she could do. It was the beginning of the end. For years she lived with knowing she would be married into the Lockett family. That was until recently. Her marriage to Nicholas Lockett was broken off because of his epic failure. The whole troll incident caused this and the marriage was cut. Madi felt that she could finally breathe again. She wouldn't have to worry about this whole arranged marriage thing. But just as quickly as her marriage was dropped she was to be engaged again. Only this time to Nicholas's little brother, Sethen, her childhood friend. She was shocked. For one, her parents worked fast and two, she couldn't marry him. There was no way. She doesn't want this whole to happen. Even still she tries to focus on Hogwarts but it's hard when you have to see your fiancee every day.[/spoili]

[glow=cyan]· R · e · l · a · t · i · o · n · s · i · p · s ·[/glow]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Casadey & Jeri Van Reeden || Parents [glow=cyan]][/glow]
"They're a piece of work but I love them."

They've tried to raise her to be like her sisters but it was obvious from the beginning that Madi wasn't the type of girl to follow simply. Even though she doesn't seem to like the lessons they taught her they still love her dearly. They just wanted the best for her and they tried to give her that in the only way they knew how. Their relationship is good compared to other people's relationships with their family[/spoili]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Jacey & Jenna Van Reeden || Twin Older Sisters [glow=cyan]][/glow]
"Put them together and you have trouble."

These two live to breathe down Madi's neck. They love her but they love to tease her too. Just because she's an easy target. When someone's differen't it's easy to point that out to them. Even still they do it playfully. Of course they do have their fights and sometimes it gets physical but that doesn't change how they feel towards one another. Unlike Madi herself, her sisters think and act like proud pure bloods. They followed their parent's teaching correctly the first time.[/spoili]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Sethen Lockett || Childhood Friend & Fiancé [glow=cyan]][/glow]
"I love to be around this guy, I just can't think of being married to him."

Yes, Madi is engaged to none other than her childhood friend Sethen. Even though she's engaged to him he see's her as nothing more than a friend. Which is how she likes it to be. She doesn't want things to change, she likes them the way they are now. Just friends. But sadly, parents don't always listen to reason. It's quite obvious that they don't see each other in a romantic way yet Madi's family is hell bent on having her marry Seth. Why? She has no clue. Aside from all that drama they still have a solid relationship. Like normal friends would. She was orginally supposed to be engaged to his brother but he screwed up with whole Troll incident that cost a student their life. So now she's engaged to Seth. She's still in shock from this whole thing.[/spoili]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Melinda Geralds || Childhood Friend [glow=cyan]][/glow]
"I've known the elf since childhood. She's still hasn't taken much of a liking towards me..."

Madi and Melinda's family's get along pretty well since their both pureblood family's. But even if that's so Madi and Melinda are polar opposites. Madi refuses to think like a pure blood while Melinda acts like a true snobby pure blood. Since they've been together for so long Madi knows a couple things about the little elf here. Like her boggart. Melinda's Boggart happens to be cool with Madi. In other words her "demon Nanny" adores Madi. Why? Because Madi doesn't treat her like a pure blood should. The two seem to tolerate each other but that's about it. Madi doesn't expect anything more, it's already tough as it is. Besides she's used to Melinda.[/spoili]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Zoey Black || Childhood Friend [glow=cyan]][/glow]
"Born on the same day, parents were best friends, It's only natural we compete against each other all the time."

Madison and Zoey were born on the same day.(Uterus Buddies) There's still a debate about who came first but all in all they share a birthday. Their parents planned to have them on the same day because they were all best friends. (Melinda's mom sort of failed at the same day birth thing though). Ever since that day the complete with everything. EVERYTHING. But no matter how hard Madi try's she's always second compared to Zo. It used to tick her off really bad but you sort have to get used to it after years of dealing with it. But that doesn't stop her from trying to beat Zoey Black. Zoey and Madi are alike in many ways, which is why the butt heads so much.

[glow=cyan][[/glow] August Yilmaz August Yilmaz || Complicated [glow=cyan][/glow][glow=cyan] [glow=cyan]][/glow]

"Who? August? He's a good guy, it's just that...er...our relationship is...complicated,"

August and Madi got along right away. Madi just felt at ease around him, she felt comfortable. And that was more than she could say about some of the other company she kept. She felt like she could tell August anything, and that he wouldn't judge. He was an amazing listener too when Madi just needed to rant out some things, things she couldn't rant out to any of her other friends. At some point along the road, though, Madi started to develop a crush for her close friend.

Now, Madi, not wanting to mess up their relationship, rejected her feelings for him for a long time. Not that it did any good though if anything it just made matters worse. Her feelings for him grew while she kept telling herself that there weren't any feelings in the first place. Finally, she just gave up on holding back and decided to tell him how she felt. It was the single most embarrassing moment in her life, or at least it was. Madi didn't think she would get any further than a confession. In all the years she had known August she had never seen him in a romantic relationship.

Much to her surprise, though, August didn't reject her and they began going out in their 4th year. Now for a while things were going fine. It was as if nothing changed, and that was fine for Madi. She wasn't really into all that PDA stuff anyway. She enjoyed the time she spent with August, except now he wasn't only her close friend, but boyfriend as well. Though she did notice sometimes he would tense up when she initiated something intimate with him but she never thought much of it. She just figured he would make the move when he was ready.

It wasn't until someone asked her about their relationship that she realized they had been dating for a year and he had never kissed her. That they had never done things like what couples do. Time had flown by and she hadn't even realized something like this. Now, this wouldn't have bothered her if it hadn't been for that someone making her feel insecure about her relationship. So that made her start asking questions. Knowing that she could usually talk to August about anything she made up her mind to confront him about this topic.

She hadn't realized how much it had affected her till she started talking about it with him. Though the longer the conversation went on the more aggravated and tense and scared she became. What he was saying wasn't making any sense to her, he was beating around the bush not really giving her clear answers until she was fed up and demanded one. When she got her answer she wasn't expecting it to be what it was.

This moment suddenly took place as the single most embarrassing moment in her life.

She felt betrayed like August had stabbed a dagger through her heart and she wasn't quite sure what to do. Madi, doesn't cry in front of people, she usually does so alone, but in this moment, she couldn't help it. She had so many questions in her head, she wondered why he had used her like this and how he could be such a terrible person. Why he had agreed to go out with her in the first place when he hadn't even felt what she had, and why he let it carry on as long as he did. They had been together for a year after all. Not being able to take the embarrassment anymore Madison fled the scene.

From that point forward she made a point to avoid August. How could she trust him again after all? He had played with her emotions and broke her heart. For a while, she just needed time to get herself together, and then that turned into her being afraid to ever approach him again. Still, she had moments when she would miss how they would talk. And whenever she found herself needing to talk to someone, but having no one to turn to, she would really miss him then. Because of this incident, Madi has been a bit more reluctant to get into a relationship. Not really sure she could ever really trust another person with her heart ever again.


[glow=cyan]Delicate in every way but one (the swordplay)[/glow][glow=cyan]
God knows we like archaic kinds of fun (the old way)
Chance is the only game I play with, baby
We let our battles choose us

[glow=cyan]· P · a · t · r · o · n · u · s ·[/glow]

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Cougar [glow=cyan]][/glow]

The cougar is a symbol of power, swiftness and balance. It is one of the most beautiful creatures in North America and will protect you with its powerful claws. Cougar Patronus says that its bearer is a quick thinker who leads a very balanced life. This quick thinking and balance cause this wix to often be chosen as a leader. However, they should be careful not to let that power go to their head to ensure they will turn out to be excellent witches or wizards.


[glow=cyan]· B · o · g · g · a · r · t ·[/glow]
Arachnophobia: Basically what it says, Madi is terrified of spiders. She just can't deal with them around. If she see's one she either starts to hyperventalate or she faints. She had a bad experience with them and now she's scared sick of them.

[glow=cyan]· P · e · t ·[/glow]
Jasper is a black and gray stripped cat with greenish-blue eyes. She's had Jasper since he was a kitten, he's been by her side for a long time. He sticks with her and no one else. In fact he's feisty around everyone else other than her. When he's around Madi he's the biggest sweetheart. Everyone tells her how beautiful he is and that's because he's a pure breed. A pure blood with a pure breed. He's not too big, just the perfect packing size for Hogwarts.






[glow=cyan]· W · a · n · d ·[/glow]
Madi can proudly do a limited number of nonverbal spells. It took her forever to get this point. She proud of herself for getting this far. Most people can't do what she can. Madi's wand is made from the wood Holly. It's 10 inches long with a phoenix feather for a core.

[glow=cyan]· O · t · h · e · r ·[/glow]
Madi was born in France and stayed only for a little while. Then her family moved to England while she was still little. While the rest of her family tends to have French accents, Madi has the British one.

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Quidditch [glow=cyan]][/glow]
Since the Captain of Gryffindor team transferred, Madi was chosen to replace her. Madi has been on the Quidditch team as a chaser since her 2nd year. She was chosen by the captain then because of her skills. Madi is glad she found something to be so passionate about. Quidditch is a fun game which she adores. She works and trains hard, she also has great leadership abilities, making her an asset to the team.

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Personal Defense [glow=cyan]][/glow]
Madi was always attracted to physical activity. Just the thought of pushing your own body past it's breaking point appealed to her. The adrenaline you got from it was her drug and she was addicted. Her childhood friend Zoey took that feeling to the next level. It was something Madi admired about her. So Madi bit back her pride and begged Zoey Black to teach her what she knew. And she did, making Madi into a new person.

[glow=cyan][[/glow] Voice Claim [glow=cyan]][/glow]

Madison's voice claim is the wonderfully adorable Emma Blackery So check out her stuff so you can understand what Madi sounds like. Yes, Madi's a tomboy but she's not so butch that she dropped her voice. She likes some girl things to alright guys ;A; (sobs) xD Oh and Emma's accent is spot on so, Madi literally sound's like Emma.


[glow=cyan]No-one round here's good at keeping their eyes closed[/glow][glow=cyan][/glow][glow=cyan][/glow][glow=cyan]
The sun's starting to light up when we're walking home
Tired little laughs, gold-lie promises, we'll always win at this
I don't ever think about death
It's alright if you do, it's fine
We gladiate but I guess we're really fighting ourselves
Roughing up our minds so we're ready when the kill time comes
Wide awake in bed, words in my brain,
"Secretly you love this do you even wanna go free?"
Let me in the ring, I'll show you what that big word means

[glow=cyan]· A · p · p · e · a · r · a · n · c · e ·[/glow]

Madison is somewhere around the height of 5'6, with dark brown hair that falls in layers at her shoulders. Her hair seems black to the "natural eye", but when brought to the light one can see that it is indeed actually brown. Her eyes are light crystal clear blue. Her body shape is a slightly over sized hourglass figure. She has a rather large chest and nice hips. Her lips are full and due to her pale skin any color that shows up on her skin is seriously noticeable. Her normal clothes range from shorts and a t-shirt to ripped skinny jeans with a band t-shirt. A sweater and such when it gets cold, hoodies, jackets and such. She doesn't try too hard to be super girly. She does own some fancy dresses for special occasions but she's comfortable in her shorts and or ripped jeans, t-shirts, and converses. If you haven't noticed. Her Anime Face Claim's character doesn't have the right chest size as Madi, use your imagination~

[glow=cyan]· P · i · c · t · u · r · e · s ·[/glow]















[glow=cyan]· G · i · f · s ·[/glow]


















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[glow=#F75D59] "You had something to say?"[/glow][glow=#F75D59][/glow]

Music List:
Priscilla Ahn - Fine on the Outside


[glow=#F75D59]Melinda Geralds[/glow]

Mel - "Did I ever allow one to call me that?"
(miss) Geralds - "Manners; mind your place, I shall do so as well."
Melinda - "Neutral. However, still a little too cosy."

16 [Sixteen] | November 1 | Scorpio | ♏ | 2007
Female | | Pureblood | Witch



[glow=#F75D59]Gryffindor | 6th year[/glow]

[spoili]The chit chat of the first years irked her, Melinda was way too anxious to be able to hold on a decent conversation without snapping at anyone. While her eyes shifted over the crowds she couldn't spot a familiar face at all. None, and that made her frown a little.

"Hufflepuff," the hat spoke, deciding on the dorm of another soul she would never remember the name of. Some students snickered a little, looking down on the dorm represented by the badger, but she knew better. Her sister, Lorene, the perfect little creature, had graduated as a Hufflepuff and she had received much more praise than Melinda ever had for her courage and talent she had shown as a witch. Lady-like, gentle... Just to name a few traits she had yet to acquire.

"Melinda Geralds." The next name was announced as the raven haired girl looked up, nodding as she strode forward to the chair where the hat would be placed upon her head. Tension filled her being as her shoulders felt somewhat heavy, she wouldn't deny it, she was nervous.

"Oh, that child will definitely be a Slytherin." Melinda could hear the displeased voice of her nanny ring inside of her ears. "So vicious and that arrogance. M'lady, if you know what is good for her, you will make sure not to go too easily on her." Her memory was speaking, not helping the anxiety that Melinda went through as she recalled the little conversation she had eavesdropped on when her nanny left.

"Hmm... I see various treats in you," the hat spoke, but they went one ear in and out the other.

"Oh, Clarissa, I'm sure you've educated her well enough. And it wouldn't matter too much where she ends up at. After all her father landed on his feet, right?" the soothing memory of her mother's voice relaxed Melinda as she clenched the newly pressed skirt in her hands.

"Gryffindor!" In an instant Melinda flicked open her eyes, taking a while to realise that it was she who was being sorted. Gryffindor, it sounded good, no one in her family had been part of that dorm. Yet. The dorm of the heroes, the courageous. A smile appeared on the girl's pale face and Melinda jumped off, striding off towards the dining tables of her new dorm.[/spoili]



Brave / "Can't have some prudent fear hold me back."
A characteristic that many Gryffindor students share and here it sets off the base to Melinda's character who is despite her small posture big in character. Fear isn't something that will keep her back, for she doesn't like to be perceived as weak or something in need of protection. Independence i what she strives for and in order to do that she holds up a strong heart that will face her fears to work away the obstacles. Though, still young and inexperienced the female knows that there is prove to be delivered if she wishes to be worthy to the emblem of the lion. It is the same courage that makes Melinda act up when she feels that a great wrong is committed, or when she finds that she needs to hold out a helping hand. A little impulsive, but it shows that she is determined to jump in when she observes and thinks that help is needed.

Blunt / "I rather have the burning truth over the hurt of a lie."
A sharp tongue that isn't afraid to say what she has on mind. Sometimes a little impulsive, but often enough they are sharp comments meant to hit and perhaps as far as to belittle another. It makes one think why Melinda wasn't set up to be a Slytherin, but it seemed that her courage was greater than her bloated up character, besides, Melinda is far from cunning. Unafraid to make herself heard, opinions will be given. That if she feels the need to share it and or wants to cut off the conversation. Sometimes there are misunderstandings over her words, being a little more cold and insensitive than she was meant them to be. Part of an impulsive strike she possesses and the lack of fear she has as how she is perceived when she speaks.

Impatient / "Hurry up and get to the point will you?"
There are times that Melinda can't stand people, which is actually most of the time, and especially when she is in a hurry. Cryptic speakers, chit chatters, she is no fan of them as they only take longer to explain something than needed. Straight to the point, to the source and perhaps elaborate on the vague points. Don't ever stray off as Melinda finds her time to be too precious and rather learns as much as she can within a small amount of time over repetitive substance. It irks her, but sometimes she will have to sit through, especially with friends, but then there is no help in it. Most often the female will just show that she is bored, act annoyed and won't listen unless she hears something of interest that does pique her curiosity, but that has been proven to be difficult once her attention is lost.

Haughty / "Faked modesty graces no soul."
Extremely proud she is of her bloodline as well as she perceives herself to stand above these who aren't pureblooded within the community. Melinda isn't exactly an accepting person when it comes down to muggleborns and muggles in general, but she isn't intolerant of them. She can stand them near her presence, but to actually initiate a relationship with them will hurt her pride and arrogance and thus she leaves them off to ignore. Sharp words will brazen the air again as she finds them to be too overbearing for herself, but that doesn't mean that she isn't willing to help them a hand when needed as that would grace her arrogance even more. Prove of the fact that purebloods are indeed better than mixed breeds is what she thinks and she won't hide that thought.

Anxious / "Sometimes I can hear silence scream."

Impulsive / "... I call it... hasty..."



Early Childhood

[spoili]Born from a long line of wizards and witches, Melinda was born to become proud of her untainted blood. Not that she took much interest as a child. She liked it more to run around in pants, bully her siblings and pull the skirts of the maids of her fortunate household that stood high in the society of the magical world. Never had she seen the human world, not that she had any interest inside of humans who they referred to as 'muggles', but her mother took her when she was six to show her the 'muggle' world of these so-called 'humans' who couldn't perform any magic and how they lived. For Melinda that was unthinkable when she travelled down to the place and still she finds it rather unthinkable that someone could live without any magic at their side at all. To her, humans were like cavemen. They lived an era behind of them, they had no clue of the real world and she found herself to be superior. Not that her single day experience inside of the 'muggle' world left much of an impression behind on her either. Savage words that were exchanged to which Melinda had no idea what they meant. ("Mommy, what does 'fuck' mean?" "Don't listen to them, child.") There also seemed to be a lack to the rules on the road, lights that were supposed to make the road safer seemed to be widely ignored, resulting in the little family trip to be one of many screams and "Look out!". All by all Melinda couldn't say that she had enjoyed the day when a car had rushed pass her and sprayed her with a pool of water, to make matters worse she wasn't allowed to use magic to protect herself or dry herself up, resulting into the reason why they had to hurry for a store where she had to buy some muggle clothes to stay warm.

This bad encounter that she could only mark as educational if it meant to prove that muggles were savages, soon led to confrontations when she met with half bloods, taunting them for their mixed blood and for the very fact that they had a muggle for a parent, or somewhere had a muggle in their line. Worse off were the muggle bloods and once she found out that her nanny as well was an half blood she thought that she could drop her respects towards her. Big mistake as she had paid for it with bruises and a lecture how they were in no way standing under her feet. Though till today the girl had understood no word of the meaning of 'equality' between human, muggle and half breeds she has limited down her practices, not quite the bully she once was anymore.

Nanny Clarissa always had been one who believed in fists, at least with these who caused as much trouble as Melinda did. Her sister Lorene could do no wrong, as she was of a calmer personality than the hotheaded Melinda. Melinda could literally explode at the smallest reason as a young child. Jokes on her length, jokes on her pale complex, jokes on her name, jokes on everything weren't taken on very well and being armoured with a sharp tongue didn't make matters any more easy. So in short, nanny Clarissa had a reason to think that Melinda was an impossible child. Odd actually, for Melinda was the second and middle child of the family and it would mean that she was either the shadow or the one overlooked at. Though perhaps it had to do with the reason that her character was more dominant than that of Lorene and her pride that reached out into nowhere that wouldn't let itself be bend down by her nanny.

In anyway it was to say that the times Melinda spend with her nanny were unpleasant, but it didn't mean that it didn't change her entirely. She did learn to behave a little for example, her hotheaded attitude slinking away for one could only rebel so far without being broken, learning to fear pain and that the pain she inflicted on others fired back on her as well. One could say that the bully finally learnt how it was to be bullied, even if it was by the hands of her own nanny and she couldn't say that she got out of it completely unscathed.[/spoili]


- Tried to mingle with muggles as a young child. After all, wizard villages like Hogsmeade were rare and so were pureblood families.
- However, because her family was perceived as 'weird' by muggle society she was bullied a lot.
- This taught her to hate the muggles, for they didn't accept her while she had to accept them. The fact that she had to hide away her talents from them wasn't met well with her either.
- Was mostly home schooled as a child. Nanny Clarissa looked after the education and care of the young Geralds children.
- Melinda was a handful, the anger at her muggle peers and her own naturally tomboyish personality made it hard to handle her.
- Nanny Clarissa certainly wasn't the kindest and didn't take easy on Melinda either. Who as a result became even more convinced that the 'impures', as the nanny was a half-blood, were no good.
- The fact that she was constantly compared to her older, more perfect sister, made it so that the girl had a lot of pent up frustrations, which she took out on the youngest of the family, her little brother Patrick.
- As a result he grew to fear her, just like the muggle kids did soon enough as she terrorised them through 'unknown' means.
- This until a peer broke their arm from falling out of a tree by her doing. This was when Melinda reached a turning point.
- Her dislike for muggles remained, however.


Just like every other kid who had some magic inside of their fingers, Melinda as well was sent off to a magical school to complete her studies and learn how to control herself. By now Melinda had learnt how to behave a little, the little pest that tortured her peers being gone for now and being replaced by a more anti-social exterior. She was still small and yes, still pale and her tongue hadn't grown blunt, yet. However she did become calmer, less hot headed and more reasonable. As far as one could count her beliefs to be reasonable. Her opinion on muggles standing equal to savages still firm, but she knew when to shut up.

Tagged along with her childhood friends Melinda just in general enjoyed her first few years, studying together, having fun as far as she would allow it and joining clubs such as the Quidditch team. It was just a very normal school life for the young witch, only with a few insecurities like when her brother started to ignore her or when she heard her sister was to return to Hogwarts as a professor, but she either learnt to cope with it or they solved itself very quickly. There was however one case that wouldn't solve itself that quickly.

In the sixth year of her education at Hogwarts Melinda witnessed the horrible ending of one of her classmates. A Slytherin from her year, flattened and sat upon by a troll, though some whispers mention that the student had been stabbed and pierced by the armours of her own house first before being sat upon. All by all the death was very gruesome and left quite the impact on Melinda, more than on others for it was believed that it was by her cause that the troll had fallen down and sat upon her. Which is sort of the truth seeing as how she had released a spell onto the troll to make it trip. It had truly been an impulsive action as all she was thinking of was to get rid of the smelling troll, away from their stairways and gone from the school, scolding whoever had brought the creature in. However she did had vaguely seen the couple just near them, but had not registered how close in the danger-zone they were until she had released the spell and saw the next events flash by in slow motion. Needless to say the troll only missed the second student by a hair, but he as well was left with quite a trauma and send off for mental treatment. Also by the cause of Melinda and all she could do was feeling horrible.



Mother : Helena Marrison - Geralds | "My gentle mother, I wouldn't dare to disappoint her."
Some whisper that the wild personality of the daughter comes from the mother. Though that is something Melinda would disagree at. She looks up to her, full of grace, gentle and kind. Inside of the eyes of the girl her mother is the epitome of 'how to be a lady' and thus she feels like she is often unreachable for her. At the same time the lady of the house is also the one who has sent the owl 'Valentino' after Melinda, seemingly as if it was a present for her daughter for making it into Hogwarts, but her true objective is to look after the hotheaded, wild girl who in truth does take after her younger years.

Father : Arthur Geralds | "A loving father, but a bragger."
Had Melinda taken more after him she would have surely ended up in Slytherin. Manipulative and cunning, though he has long been told to lose his tails, Arthur can't help it but to relive his days as a students once in a while. The very reason why his wife had bothered him to assign a nanny for his children to spread the fear over them. You could say that the household of Geralds is to be ruled by the lady instead of the sir, though that is only what the insiders know off. A traveller at heart and a 'trash taker' as his wife muses it often enough when he takes home another piece of dragon scale or mystical stone because 'it reminded himself of home'.

Nanny : Clarissa Fitzpatricks | "She was horrible. Period."
The all feared nanny, it wasn't the idea of the father but more of a recommendation of mother along with a little persuasion. She truly was to be feared as she handed old fashioned methods to teach the children of the Geralds household the 'ways of society'. With a stick she would often correct their back and with books she brought them the knowledge they required to know to be accepted by... Extremely proud she was off Lorene, the eldest child, looking down was she at Melinda who just couldn't lose her ways. Fortunate enough she was dismissed when Melinda had grown old enough to attend Hogwarts sparing her brother an extra year to spend with the awful nanny they all had grown to fear and despise.

Older sister : Lorene Geralds | "I'm just a shadow cast by her."
She has many reasons to envy the older girl. Responsible, popular, and just plainly put, everything she had wished to become. Melinda often has the feeling that she is being looked down upon or forgotten because Lorene exists. Her seemingly perfect sister.

Younger brother : Patrick Geralds | "He ignores me, it stings, but it was my own fault."
Perhaps the one he fears the most isn't his nanny, but his sister Melinda. The young girl had decided at a young age that he was to be the centre off all her teases. Made fun of, being called names, bullied, humiliated. It is no wonder that he later on grew so afraid of the girl that he avoids her like the pest at school and refuses to give out his last name to share any connection with her. Something that pains the girl a little as she finds she truly has changed for the better now that she attends Hogwarts.

Quidditch Teammate : Bashful friendship : Etienne Stark | "A giant with two left feet."
The beater of the team. If she has to be entirely honest she felt freaked out by his height with their first encounter, thinking that he was a senior. Though he turned out to be from her year and even from her own dorms. Why she had never noticed such a figure before is a question, though now she can easily spot him inside of a wide crowd. Their friendship is a strange one, Etienne being a giant of 7ft and she a small brat of barely 5 feet, it is natural for others to be surprised that they talk. However their relationship is even stranger. The raven haired female wouldn't be the one to say that they are friends, seeing as she still looks down on him for being a half blood, they do get along in some way. He is sensitive on his tall length, she is fussing over her own small build, in some way the female appreciates his large presence. Though she would never admit that.

Gryffindor housemate : Close friend : Sethen Damon Locket | "He used to be a wimp, still is."
It is odd to see how the two of them are befriended at all. As Sethen is a heartthrob inside of the school and Melinda easily overlooked at. However, due to a few events surrounding the two, and the connection of both being rejected by their siblings, Melinda felt in a way connected to the guy, who she then slowly befriended after meeting each other in their first year of Hogwarts.

Gryffindor housemate : Scarred childhood friend : Madison van Reeden | "We've grown apart over the years."
From a young age onwards they had met, their family friends from long ago and so they hoped for their children as well. However as her nanny Clarissa was more fond of the young girl than Melinda it soon grew a little strained. Where she grew more and more scared of her own nanny she placed a wall between the two of them. Not wanting for the other to be involved.

Gryffindor Housemate : Childhood friend : Zoey Black | "The alpha, I always felt our friendship to be mandatory."
Like Madi, Melinda grew up with the pinkette as friends from a young age. Their parents were good friends, and if it wasn't for the one minute that made Melinda to be born on November the first, they would have been uterus friends. Or something along the lines of the joke that Lorene had lovely pasted upon them. Alike to Madi, Melinda has grown apart from Zoey as well in the years that passed. However, the difference between the friendship of Madi with Melinda, and Zoey and Melinda was the way how their friendship was enforced. Were Madi and Melinda were both mere pureblood families, Zoey hailed from the Black house, England's most infamous wizard family and the heiress as well. The younger female always felt forced to befriend the female and stay befriended with her, for her status, but she is determined to cater her courage and finally stand up, just to find out what she really wants with her 'friends'.

Gryffindor Head : Nosy teacher : Aled MacNeill | "He reminds me of my nanny, but less violent."
The DADA professor and head of Gryffindor. If it wasn't for his 'filthied' blood she wouldn't have been so reluctant to admit her respect towards the professor. However, for now she is only willing to give him the most basic of all respect, and leave him to be when she is scolded another time for her 'conservative' views on the wizarding world. A nosy person who can't help but to butt into her opinions, though she supposes that it is a trait that all Gryffindor share.



Pole fox​
Playful to the extent that it is always chasing something when called upon. It reveals the hidden personality of Melinda, the side of hers that wishes to have friends and run around freely. However she has hidden it for a reason, reasons that she doesn't like to mention as well as reasons she knows will be laughed at if revealed. The thick fur of the animal along with its bigger posture makes it recognizable from other foxes as well as its bright colour due to the white colour the animal naturally possesses.



When the young female had started her studies her biggest fear would always have been her nanny Clarissa, the one to who she didn't carry the most pleasant memories with. Now, entering her sixth year of Hogwarts the female has encountered her share of scares in the first quarter of the school year. In special light the troll incident where Melinda was partly to be blamed for the death of one of her fellow schoolmates. Though friends and teachers tried to assure her that she wasn't a murderer the whispers of her classmate and her own believes have convinced her otherwise.


Church Owl

Valentino, or so she calls him. A calm animal that hides wisdom from beyond her years, often enough you can hear the girl speak against the owl when she has no one else to share her thoughts with. Gifted to her by her mother when she started her years at Hogwarts as a way to keep an eye on her.



English Oak | Coral | 11 inches

A fine wand made of an old English oak that was once hit by thunder and grow a new bast. Thirty centimetres and slim for the smaller hands. The core of the wand consists of a coral that is a heirloom which has been passed down in the family for years. Since Lorene, her older sister, has refused the wand as her own, finding it hard to use the wand has been passed down to Melinda.

Many do not know that coral can be fabricated as a wand core and little of its characteristics are known. Following that coral is a marine animal it is assumed that it is greatly affiliated with water. Easy on the flow coral is easy to choose their holders, like water adapts itself to the owner of the wand. However, to bond with a wand with a coral as its core requires emotional growth as water symbolises emotions. Whether that bond of the owner with its core is to be presented negatively or positively is entirely to the owner's own experience and growth. Water gives and water takes, owners of a wand with coral as its core are mostly noted on the characteristics to drown inside of their thoughts and trying to stray away from their own feelings after they suffer misfortune.



Quidditch team : Chaser | You could say that like her playful patronus that loves to run after imaginable objects that Melinda has a certain fetish of chasing objects she can see and move around. Though you could also say that the seeker, who has a similar role to that of a chaser, was much more suiting to the small girl with her length of below of the 160 cm. However in the end it was decided against her to become a seeker, Melinda simply doesn't possess as much agility as the one who currently holds the title of seeker, that at first. The second reason would be with Melinda herself who doesn't like the glamour that comes along with it. Arrogant as she is, she doesn't need anymore attention than she receives right now for her 'sparkling' personality.

Water based spells | Strong on water based spells, charms, jinx or curses, Melinda assumes that it has to do with the core of her wand, however, nothing has been proven yet as she is yet to find someone with a similar core to hers.

Prefect | Surprisingly for many, Melinda happens to be the Gryffindor prefect. Despite her short stature the girl apparently exudes enough authority to be taken seriously amongst her peers. She supposes that she has her reputation to thank for it. However, lately she has been struggling with her responsibilities and dragging it all out a little. The troll incident has caught her quite in her grasp after all and she isn't to recover from it soon.






Made by Rosie


Made by Rosie



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Despite her big mouth and arrogant gestures Melinda is really small. Standing on 150 cm tall (4'11) she is just avoiding the line to be officially called a dwarf. That doesn't mean that others can't call her one, no one really has avoided it to insult her length one way or another. Slim shoulders, short limbs, Melinda doesn't have anything going for her to prove her age and strength. Only her arrogance that is off the rockers makes her appear and sound bigger than she is in actual truth.

Like most of the UK citizens Melinda is also pale in colour. Having faced little sun and much rain while she grew up. Contrasting to that is her dark hair that frames her face, making her look paler than she actually is. Along with a sharp glare and grey orbs that seem to permanently frowning the 'hobbit' is ready to set and snark her way through her school career.


RP Example:

[spoili]Had she known that this would lead to the disaster in front of her?

"You insolent little..." The voice of her nanny sounded through her head as she lowered her eyes to the ground, too afraid to look up.

"I ..." she mumbled, but the words seemed stuck in the back of her throat. "Didn't meant it to go ..." she never finished her sentence as Clarissa grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look up before a burning sensation was felt at her right cheek.

"What? You didn't expect it to go wrong?" the elderly woman haunted at her with wide open eyes as she couldn't believe the amount of folly residing inside of the girl's head. "What did you otherwise expect if you push someone out of the tree! That they would land on their feet like a cat?" she continued to rage at her as Melinda felt the fear burning up inside of her chest while she had trouble standing, the tip of her feet barely touching the ground as she was forced up by the nanny.

"S..Sorry!" she whimpered out, loud enough to be heard, but that seemed to anger the woman only more as she let go of the child in disgust. "Sorry? You are apologizing? You little..." and again the sentence was cut off as a wail was heard behind of them, completely forgotten for what this scene was about.

"My arm, my arm!" the young boy screamed. Melinda felt how she flinched again, hearing the pain that she was responsible for. Why hadn't she thought her actions through? Why did she had to lose her temper again and hit the boy? He had, what had he said again to make her so annoyed? She couldn't even recall and the red of shame was slowly growing out into something more crossing her face as Clarissa was helping the boy up before showing her another glare. Certainly not her first one, but it still made the girl flinch in fear as she backed away a little when they passed. Afraid that she would be pinched or hit again by an invincible third arm of her nanny.

However nothing happened as she was left alone in silence. Her friends standing away from her as they stared at her, the parents whispering while the nannies tried to pull the children away from the scene and the tree she was standing beside at.

Was she a monster? Melinda couldn't recall her parents ever telling her that she was any of the sorts. Though at this very moment she felt like one, a ugly one that resided inside of a human-like body, trying to be one with the crowd, but failed miserably. A sickening vomit like taste appeared inside of her mouth, her stomach scorning at the thought that she would once again be the talk of their neighbourhood. Not only the neighbourhood, but the dinner table as well and that she feared the most were to be the jolly responses of her father that would tell her that he had done worse. She knew the stories, but she didn't wish to be like that in any way. Her fear that her mother would view her with disappointment. Oh, her graceful gentle mother, the kindest of all hearts that had forgiven her so many times for the mistakes she had made. She couldn't bear it to see that face of her mother break once again into something so unpleasant to watch as sadness while staring at her, aimed at her and meant because it was her she was disappointed at. And while she stood there beside the tree praying for time to turn back she bawled up, crying, but there was no one who bothered to help her. [/spoili]​
Last edited:
- May update later, but the same counts for Melinda. -​


[glow=yellowgreen]"Music is the strongest form of magic." [/glow]

- Marilyn Manson​

[glow=yellowgreen] Music List:
Owl City - Fireflies
Adam Levine - Lost Stars[/glow]

[glow=yellowgreen]August Yilmaz[/glow]

Full name: August 'Gus' 'Rayif' Yilmaz

August - Means 'great' or 'venerable' and is derived from Latin 'augere', which means 'to increase'. A title given to the first emperor of the Roman empire. Because his parents could quite agree on which name to call him by they settled to give each twin an English name instead as to resolve their arguments.

Gus - The Greek diminutive for 'Constantine', usually used by Greek expatriate. Not to be mistaken as a shortened version of his first name. Though, it also happens to be one of his nicknames. A witty move from his mother to give her at least some sense that she won the aforementioned argument with her husband over the naming of their child.

Rayif - Turkish for 'most merciful, most kind'. It is a wish from his parents that he may grow up to be just like that. It was actually his grandparents who gave him this name as his father had already settled for the English name. However, just to get back on his wife for outwitting him, Ceyhun then decided to make it official as well on the birth certificate. Shortly put, a name not really thought through.

Yilmaz - Turkish for 'Dauntless'[/spoili]

Sugust - "It was only one accident with sugar."
Gust - "Rarely used, don't expect me to react."
Su - "A secret nickname from Sera"

16 [Sixteen] | January 1 | Sagittarius | ♐ | 2007
Male | | Half-blood | Wizard

[glow=blue]Ravenclaw – sixth year[/glow]
Sorting Ceremony

"A brief moment, but it set down my fate."
The group of first years still standing for the sorting ceremony was small. Over the time it had slimmed down as name after name was summoned, sitting down on the chair and then being sorted into one of the four houses. As usual they would go down the alphabetical order based on surnames, it was thus to no surprise that August was one of the last left.

Tables cheered every time another student was sorted. The old ragged hat knew how to move a crowd, despite its appearance saying otherwise, but to that August paid no attention to. He was thinking, deeply, almost frowning to himself as he repeated the words of the hat inside of his head. Inside of his mind, the young boy was comparing the characteristics, belonging to each house, and his own personality. While these who weren't sorted yet, were busily chatting and nervously twitching, the male was unusually calm, his mind clear as he sighed to himself in impatience to this grand event. If it was for him, the whole ceremony was overrated, or rather said too crowded for his tastes as he much rather had it on a smaller scale.

His father had once mentioned it, the housing system of Hogwarts caused separation within the school instead of a feeling to be one, separation caused by the base of talents and characteristics. A waste it was in the opinion of the young male, to separate promising students within one school by evoking rivalry, but he supposed that it also contributed to the competitiveness of the students attending Hogwarts.

With a loud and booming voice, the boy's name was called, hinting on his turn for the ceremony, as he took place on the seat. His face showing signs of being bored, indifference, and slight impatience. "It seems that you've already determined where you belong." the hat mused, but received no response of the young foreigner, he knew that there was no need to. He just wanted to hurry up and confirm his hypothesis.

"Impatient aren't we?" it followed, again no answer, but there was no time given for that as the ragged hat took in a breath and announced: "RAVENCLAW!" Cheers erupted, coming from the blue and silvery table, the usual reaction for any of the newly sorted house, August supposed that it was part of their way of saying 'welcome' to the first years. Jumping off the seat, the hat was taken off, off to the next student who was being sorted. Finally August was able to move on to the next stage of his life, to that what would be six years of his life.​



"Because knowing opens the door to a greater path."
Nose in the books, August is a curious being who wishes to know, almost demanding knowledge to become one with his mind and fill his soul. He wouldn't call himself a nerd, just interested in subjects unknown to him. He likes to research, to open his mind and think over the reasons why and the matter as of how they were formed, to what they were based. In a sense you could say that he is on an eternal search for wisdom and knowledge, looking for the source, the spring of intelligence. There is never a thing as 'knowing too much' for him, except in certain cases where one can speak of 'too much detail'. August wishes to know for the sake of knowing, not for the sake to perform, or for the sake of manipulating, just to know, to know that he knows. To August knowledge is something sacred, something he can never reach and grasp fully as he can never know everything. He is aware that he set himself off onto an endless path, that there will be no end to his journey, but that is what inspires him the most. He isn't focussed on finishing, or seeing the end, just in the journey that he is taking. A trait worthy to Ravenclaw who are known for their eternal thirst to understand and August is a strong example for that.


"It only makes sense, it should make sense."
Some might consider it as impatience, the way August likes to get down to the core of everything. Others find it a form of arrogance, as he tends to take over the lead when no one else does. However it all follows his logic, his reasoning. Gathering, organising and listing down the information needed, evaluating, observing and reasoning their next steps. For August rationality is the best way to work with, it causes the least amount of disturbance, produces the best quality of work, and has them work the most efficiently. That it is perceived as rash or arrogant by some is to his great spite. However the male has found, that these who think of him as such, are usually these he doesn't like so much himself. It really is simple, without tiptoeing around he likes to plan out a schedule that will lead him with the best results, relevant information, and efficient work. No need for flamboyant figures or elaborated, purple prose to get his point. The honest and raw truth and quality.


"Maybe it's the difference in culture?
An exotic accent, foreign appearance, and mannerism that isn't found within the rest. It might be his upbringing, partly growing up in another culture that influences his way of moving, talking and appreciating the world. It also might be the split between the muggle world and the wizarding world, where he is stuck between. Him belonging to bother worlds and at the same time not, belonging to two cultures and at the same time neither. It gives way to a lot of possible combinations, an accent that still hints at the roots he comes away from, a few odd choices of words and his way of moving around and saluting, it all hints and gives away that August is somewhere stuck between different worlds, giving him a somewhat unusual appearance and image.


"I'm indifferent on the subject of gossip, fights or other needs that people feel the need to flock together for."
Little to no interest at all is there shown by the male when it comes down to relations. He does observe them, but he feels little to step in and become one with the event. Gossips, silly rumours, name callings and fights, August rather has his face hidden behind his books and ignore the ordeals that teenagers have to overcome. Silly he finds it, to obsess over some emotions and trivial matters that happened within the school. It makes him choose the side lines, passively watching over how everything unfolds himself, distance himself from others and put a wall between them. August doesn't see much of a reason to get close to someone, unless it just comes that way, but never would he go out of his way to get along with someone. Such friendships, friendships in general, should come naturally and never be forced with him. However, never make him choose a side, he would only detest the one who would force him to such.


"One makes a suggestion, two has an idea, three have the knowledge to lead a greater troop."
He has his own opinions set, however August is always open for the opinion of others, willing to debate them as to compare and see what the arguments are to defend their believes are. He might disagree, but he wouldn't flick them off as if they were entirely wrong, respecting his fellow peers for the differences that there may be. He is interested into hearing the different perspectives that there are, that exist, as it is prove of their own thought process and their view of the world. It might shed a new light for him, open up a new path and a new point of view to the world, details he likes to explore and find more about. To him, meeting someone with a clashing opinion is refreshing and a challenge, he isn't there to convince anyone of his truth, neither to be convinced of their truth, but to see what the thought and idea behind of it was. To August, meeting someone without their own opinion would be the most frustrating, as he can't go down what their position is and or view of the world might be.


"There is no secret if more than six know."
Just as his lack of interest to engage himself in drama, gossip and rumours August feels little need to yell around whatever he has on mind. One would call him reserved, but it is not shyness that he doesn't share, he just couldn't care much and neither does he think that sharing will contribute to anything at all. From nature he isn't much of a speaker, unless he finds something of interest, but then he would mostly nose his books first before opening his mouth. Along with his lack of willingness to participate in rumours and gossips it makes August a perfect keeper for a secret, though then the secret must be in his opinion non-contributing. Were it a secret about releasing the trolls inside of the dungeons of Hogwarts he wouldn't be as willing as to keep that to himself. He wages the consequences, the wishes and wants against to each other. To August it is of great importance that he can objectively define what would be the best option to make. Of course he is aware that rationality doesn't always necessarily lead to the best solution, but it reassures him a lot more than having to rely on his emotions, which he finds greatly unreliable.



A Greek witch and a Turkish wizard, how did the two meet? It was a long blabbing story that August never sat through. His father's version was heroic, sweet and cheesy. His mother's version was clumsy, cute and romantic. It is to be guessed, the two parents met in university and fell in love hopelessly. Gave birth to August and his twin, and then proceeded to retell the story so often, a different version each time that he holds an unfortunate disdain towards the pink tainted, heart filled stories of his parents. Neither of them came from a pureblood family, having interacted with muggles and even lived between the muggles for long periods of time. His mother was a muggleborn whilst his father had a muggle for a father. Asides from their backgrounds his household was also rather known for their casual relationships with muggles. Both parents having found jobs in the muggleworld and thus naturally building their lives there. Even August wasn't spared from it, having spent his first eleven years of his life between muggles and having muggle friends. He was told to keep silent, for muggles didn't understand the concept of magic and would freak out if he were to try to show them. It was something that couldn't be explained to them as muggles were too adjusted to what they called 'technology' to believe in something that couldn't be explained by science. Though through patient explanations the male could always hold his tongue, not minding it too much to hide his true powers. He had never been one to show off and so he believed his sister to be as well.

Born and grown in Turkey, officially August holds the Turkish nationality. Mixed with Greek by blood and some other ethnicities that may have been forgotten. Not only was August, and his sister Lucine, considered a half blood to the wizarding world, but so he was to the muggles. His father is a professor at an university, lecturing the historical phenomenon of magic through 'muggle' history. His main aim being to unconsciously introduce the muggles to the magical world behind the fence. Of course he knows better than what history reveals and tells, but he isn't one to tell them that yet, wishing to slowly warm the muggles up towards the idea of witches and wizards. All in all it was due to his job and a promotion that August eventually landed in the United Kingdom, eventually attending Hogwarts as well. A transfer offer to a prestigious 'muggle' university made was too good to pass up and his father didn't hesitate to accept it as well, moving his whole family to a different world. Of course problems were expected, as both August and his sister Lucine were grown with the Turkish language and thus barely spoke English. Though that was soon helped when he made new friends, albeit a little slowly at first as the boy had never been one to interact a lot with strangers.

Luckily he wasn't alone on his journey to learn English. Along with his mother and his twin sister, Lucine, August journeyed the road to learn the new language with the other two. The friendship that was formed with Theodore from the neighbourhood all sped it up a little as he was a true British boy. The three of them got along greatly, albeit both boys had an introvert personality while Lucine was more outgoing. She forced them all to crawl out of their shell a little, never knowing shame or humiliation as she ran in front. However, when August was invited to attend Hogwarts it was soon found that Lucine would never follow. She was a squib, like her parents had already assumed before due to her lack of magical affinity. It didn't make her any less worth to the family, but it did affect Lucine in some way as she felt a slightly jealous of her brother August being able to go.

August on his turn felt a little regretful to leave, his language skills still not up to par yet and his confidence flowing somewhere below average. Promising Lucine to teach her everything he was taught at Hogwarts he thus had to leave for a new school where there would be no familiar faces. Or so he thought. Never would he have thought that Theodore, the neighbour, would be attending Hogwarts as well as a first year. Neither would he have guessed that they were to be dorm-mates. It relieved him greatly and along with that relief half of his worries, creating a slight gap between his comfort and confidence that enabled him to be a little more relaxed inside of his new environment. Something he is thankful for until now where he is a sixth year for it has brought him many new relationships to forge.


It was only when he entered Hogwarts that he was surrounded by people alike to him, and it was at first something he had to adjust to. Suddenly he had people around him who would understand him if he told them about the little accidents of magical outbursts he had as child. After all wizards children are known for their incompetence at controlling their magic and August was no exception to that. His parents who had always told him to keep silent about their magical background towards his muggle friends suddenly encouraged him to set out and explore with the new friends he made at Hogwarts. It was confusing at first, having to remind himself that he doesn't need to keep the discretion anymore since they were alike to him, but enjoyable as it was the part of him he took the greatest pride in.

His first years on Hogwarts were difficult however. The language barrier he had to face along with the taunts of his peers. It all did a number on his already weak confidence. Fortunately there was a music room in Hogwarts where a piano could be found. A place he often escaped to when the students would taunt him again. It was from there that many of his relationships started. Some he cherished deeply and others more fleeting and acquainting, but nonetheless precious to him.

Now after all these years the young boy has finally learnt how to properly speak. His heavy accent long gone as he is understandable now, but a slight nuance always stays. It is less noticeable though, being the heaviest when he is flustered or just nervous, but that rarely happens. Now six years into Hogwarts and the male has made himself rather comfortable at Hogwarts, joining the orchestra as their pianist, making a few new friends along the way. He has, so to say, an enjoyable time on the boarding school, only hopping back home when allowed and cherishing his piano again. As always he still lives in the same neighbourhood as he has moved to after Turkey, his father still lecturing the same course at the university, but yet change is felt in the air, the news following each other up faster and faster.


Ceyhun Yilmaz

"My father, professor Yilmaz."
Their relationship is reserved, or so August perceives it. Both of them are somewhat similar in character, though his father is more romantic than August is. The two of them both show a curiosity that lusts and thirsts for knowledge as well as a discrete character that rather observes than speaks. It is because of that similarity that the two of them have no idea what to do with the other, a little awkwardly staring off to the older or younger figure and wondering how to handle their presence. Usually they solve it by just silently acknowledging the other and proceeding with whatever they were doing.

According to his father, he [Ceyhun] and his mother got together in the most romantic way possible. Or, romantic in his [Ceyhun's] opinion. If it wasn't for the bold advances of Delia who was tired of waiting for the ever so slow professor the two of them might have never confessed to each other. It is a story that August rather passes over, but is the main reason why he would never catch an apple thrown at him.

Delia Efias-Yilmaz

"They say that I took after my mother."
In appearance they look like each other, in personality they differ and perhaps that is for a greater good. A fierce independent woman Delia is who likes to laugh loudly and dance all day rather than drinking tea and being patient. An explosive character, but tamed by the presence of her husband who is more rational than the Greek. Clear, emerald hues, like August has, and soft long strands of chestnut coloured hair. It gives her the soft features of a shy lady, but that is a deception.

Delia was liberal, free in everything and open to anything. It serves thus as surprise to many that she would marry the ever so calm Ceyhun whilst she seemed to be living as if it was her last day on earth. However they had a chemistry, an attraction towards each other, and hadn't she thrown an apple to her husband's head they might have lead completely different lives now.

Lucine Yilmaz

"I suppose my other half?"
His twin sister, the squib half of the two. Sometimes referred to as Augustine, a nickname she likes to use to pretend she is August. Lucine is what August would be if he were to be born a female, August would be what Lucine would be if she were to be born a male. The more extrovert half of the twin, the brighter one, as well as more cunning and manipulative than her brother. The two of them are close, despite being unable to spend much time together. A prankster and a joker, when they meet again in the summer Lucine always demands for August to tell her about Hogwarts, while the latter asks about the curriculum of the muggle schools on his turn.

She was quite bitter when she found out that her bright eyed brother was a wizard and she not. That she lacked that talent even if both her parents had it. Delia usually calms her down by saying that it might be her roots, for Delia was a muggleborn before she discovered the magic inside of her. Lucine doesn't want to hear any of it however and is still secretly wishing for the day to come where her magic suddenly springs forward.

Theodore G. Williams

"I suppose you could call him a friend."
Somehow these two anti-social personalities met each other on the day that August had moved into his new house after migrating from Turkey to the U.K. Living in the same neighbourhood and both having a parent who had matched them up to be playmates. Somehow they got along with each other, if not reluctant at the start. However after the summer spend over at each other's places they somehow grew friendly, accustoming to each other's antics. Though both had no idea from each other to be attending Hogwarts after the summer. Which was much of a surprise. If not a pleasant one for August as he at least had one familiar face inside of a strange school set inside of a foreign country.

Glesni Helling

"A fellow musician"
They met in the music room, both having decided that they wanted to play their music. Coincidence of course as it happened more often with other students. Though she had left an impression on him for boldly playing an improvised piece after he finished, something that required talent and though they didn't speak much they seemed to get along. Recognizing her as a fellow musician he immediately invited her to the orchestra, hoping to hear more from her music.

Saskia Maclean

"We sit on the same wavelength."
Though both of them were sorted into Ravenclaw they never really took any particular interest in each other. Of course the male had noticed the feathers in her hair and wondered why she would have chosen such peculiar decoration, but it stayed with silent observations. That until they met each other in Divination class, they both seemed to have a knack for it and encouraged by their teacher they started to interact a little more, coming to understand that they held a lot in common. So was their wand wood the same and did they both possess the talent for legilimency and occlumency. It was the start of a precious friendship for August as they slowly grew closer, even though they had never expressed the wish to become such.

Garaile Scriven

"A piece of work, that guy."
The two of them met under bad terms. Garaile's name had already reached August's ears before, but he had never quite paid him any attention, until the weasel decided to approach the foreigner. Why it had to be him was beyond the boy's imagination, but that he didn't like it was clear. What Garaile approached him for August doesn't want to share, but that his dislike for him was set in stone, that much August makes clear.

Lucas Grey

"We started off a little rocky, but he is an all right guy."
The two Ravenclaw students were roommates from the first year. August who was still struggling with the language at that time didn't receive a very good impression of the blue haired guy. Constantly being corrected in the most rude manner, without little sympathy. It didn't help either that the young boy had been staring at the bright blue hair he had, which irked the other. However, after an outburst from the Turkish male they grew more sympathetic to each other. Though neither would say they are close friends they were close enough to share their room another time, it seems. It is mostly genuine respect between the two, not going out of their way to see each other.

Seriphim Brimm

"Sera is kind and talented, but lacks confidence."
August met her in his first year of hogwarts, inside of the music classroom. While escaping the Great Hall from his tormentors due to his strange accent and incomplete grasp of the English language, the boy heard her play the violin. Thinking that she was greatly talented and curious on who she was he gathered up his own to talk to her. Who had known that the girl might actually feel more nervous than he did? Nonetheless August was interested in the girl and wanted to convince her into joining the orchestra. From there on out a friendship bloomed up, in which the boy tries to lift Seriphim's confidence up a little, whether it is for performing in public or for the sake of a certain crush she had.

Romeo Cooper

"Bir kahvenin kirk yil hatiri vardi."
(A cup of coffee commits one to forty years of friendship.)
It is odd really. August would never willing go along with someone who puts his life as much in danger as Romeo does. Yet he still hangs around this Gryffindor. Secretly it is a appreciation and lust for danger and adrenaline, but that is something the Ravenclaw would never admit. He met Romeo in his first year, in the music room like how most of his relationships started. While the foreigner was being taunted by his peers he had sought to let out his anger on the poor instrument. It was then that the young Gryffindor had found him and suddenly started to sing, much to his surprise and shock. From there on everything went fast, like everything does around Romeo. August was recommended to the Orchestra conductor, made the first string pianist, and forcefully taken into the many adventures of Romeo Cooper and visits to the hospital wing. Least to say, he still wonders why he hangs around the guy.

Colin Aiken

"Not close enough to be a friend, but not as much as a stranger to be an acquaintance."
The only moment that August would ever admit to being shy, or even slightly close to it. Colin and he have shared the same spot in the library for years, studying their nights away before the foreigner gets up and bids him a goodnight. This went on for four years until Colin entered the library seemingly frustrated. Whatever the case was August originally didn't want to interfere with, but after a while he started to get bothered, thus inquiring his fellow Ravenclaw about what was the matter. The glassed boy was surprisingly open about it, sharing his worries about the bullies who tormented him. It reminded the Turk of how he had been tormented once and he shared his thoughts and opinions. Ever since then they have returned to the routine of before, but something has changed. Whatever the case August isn't sure whether Colin is to be considered a friend or just a mere acquaintance, but doesn't dare to ask such for it is silly next to awkward. Asides from that he wouldn't want to offend his study partner, as he had dubbed him, in case the other did believe that they were friends.

Madison Van Reeden

"It is complicated. Very complicated.
They were friends. Once. The two of them could get along well enough, slowly growing out into close friends. August had never seen her as more than just a friend, but it seemed that Madi had different opinions about that. Around their fourth year she had asked him out, confessing her crush on him. Not thinking too much of it August just agreed. He had no reasons to reject and it sounded like a good chance to gain some experience. So they started dating and seeing each other as girlfriend and boyfriend. The foreigner however always felt a little awkward to call the Gryffindor such. He was even more awkward when it came down to showing affection like couples usually did, flinching away or freezing up when Madi would initiate such an action. This went on for a good while until the female confronted him halfway through their fifth year, asking the sharp questions about why he had ever said 'yes' to her at all. At that point the male was still confused about what he was doing and that it was wrong, but the thought started to grow as he saw her crying. Now, another half a year later and in their sixth year he is slowly realising what mistakes he has made. Though he has no idea how to confront Madison as the latter seems to be avoiding him, just like how he thought that it was for the best to leave her alone for now. To make matters all the more worse, they never officially broke up with each other after the last conversation they had that ended up with Madi in tears, thus leading for the Ravenclaw to be confused whether they ever broke up or not.

Briar Black

"She may be blind, but sees sharper than any of us."

Kassandra Castillo

"Tutoring back and forth."

Sherlock Aisling

Amara Ferguson

"The senior who suddenly dropped out"

You can PM me for a relationship with the guy.​



The firefly symbolises spiritualism, the lights inside of the darkness called nights that were supposed to lead the death to the other side. Though this only speaks of the image that popular cultures pasted upon it there is also another side to it. At day a firefly is just an ordinary bug, it doesn't look anything special, however when night comes the lights dance and one will finally see what distinguish this little being from the many other species that populate the globe. August is much like the same, he is one of the many (half-blood) wizards, but his wand wood speculates an ability that many other wizards and witches have discarded as 'unreliable'.



"To be robbed from my freedom."
The fear to be trapped somewhere, often confused with Claustrophobia, the fear of small spaces. August's fear is triggered when he finds himself locked inside of a room, be it of any size. The knowledge that he is locked inside of a room, robbed from his freedom to go where and when he wants, it scares him. Though, if there is a window present that gives him a view outside it will calm him down a little. The reactions are worse when there are no windows, or other ways of escape other than the door in front of him that blocks his way out. It is obvious thus that his boggart manifests him into a room, where there are no windows and the only one way to escape through being barred or locked.

However, when the ridikulus is cast this fear of him turns into a single door, with no wall or frame for it to stand into. Just a single door that he doesn't even need to open for him to pass, rendering the door useless that was previously holding him back.



August sees little sense in taking a pet to a place for studies. Even though he knows that he is allowed to do so and it might give him the company on his 'lonely' days, August rather reads a book for enjoyment than having to bond and actually give it his 'undivided' attention.


Silver Lime | Augurey tail feather | 13 inches

This unusual and highly attractive wand wood was highly fashionable in the nineteenth century. Demand outstripped supply, and unscrupulous wandmakers dyed substandard woods in an effort to fool purchasers into believing that they had purchased silver lime. The reasons for these wands' desirability lay not only in their unusually handsome appearance, but also because they had a reputation for performing best for Seers and those skilled in Legilimency, mysterious arts both, which consequently gave the possessor of a silver lime wand considerable status.

 Adopted from the Wiki page about the wand wood Silver lime​

Augureys, or Irish phoenixes, were once associated with powerful Dark wands, as their cries were thought to signify an upcoming death. However, they were in reality never a strong Dark core, and were more accurately a powerful core for Divinations. Misunderstood students may find themselves bonded to an augurey wand, although these wands are altogether quite rare.

Source: Wandlore - Pottermores Chosen Few


Divination class

One of the classes where he excels at. Though many witches and wizards are sceptical about this form of magic August finds that it is just often misunderstood by many and thus disregarded as 'imprecise' or 'vague'. Divination is the art of magic that tries to predict the future, or at least try to gather insight to the future, however, for August it is impossible to predict the future. He doesn't possess an Inner eye that does that for him and neither is it to his believe that humanity --to which witches and wizards also fall under can predict the future at all. Fate isn't set, he knows it very well and accepts it that a human mind changes heart by each event that happens. To him the branch of divination isn't time bound, neither bound at all, it is a matter of understanding, observing and waiting till the signs come around, which then calls for a new prediction.


The study of the magical properties of numbers, it involves predicting the future with the help of numbers and numerology, as vaguely described. However it goes beyond that, much more challenging and harder. Though August sometimes finds trouble with the homework given, he only sees them as challenges that pickle his brain. It excites him to see something difficult, hard to understand and cast off as impossible by others.

Study of Ancient Runes

A more theoretical subject, something that August is good with and thus finds fairly easy to handle. The male mostly chose this class because of the promise of studying another language, albeit one that isn't in use anymore in the modern world. It entrances him, languages, learning them and figuring out what the history behind their creation is. He also likes to decode, which was another motivation to choose the class as an elective. All by all the Turkish male greatly enjoys this class, as it might as well be considered as one of his favourite subjects.

Core Classes

None of his core classes were dropped, as August likes to gather knowledge to expand his own expertise. He wouldn't see why either, as he has no particular trouble with any of the classes. Though he wouldn't go as far as to say that he is an honorary student either. He could always do better, and of course there are also subjects he has seemingly less talent for than others. Classes such as Astronomy, History of Magic, Muggle studies, would be classes he excels at. Transfiguration, Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, would be one of his more average subjects, as he has to put in a little more effort to keep his grades up. At last the classes such as Potions and Herbology would be considered as one of his worst classes, as August doesn't possess the patience or the care to be able to brew a potion or grow plants properly. Surely he would find this patience when in class and when his grades depend on it, however the male is likely not to follow through in this outside of class.

Music - extra curriculum activity.

With his first twelve years of his life spend between muggles August also participated popular muggle activities such as soccer, music classes and scouting. Especially the music classes were greatly enjoyed by him, as August found that muggle music was very interesting due to its constant chances of style. Something that isn't found inside of the traditional world of the magicians. Classics from Mozart, Liszt and Bach to the presently very popular Nicky Minaj to Lana del Rey as well as Adele. Undiscriminating he is on the grounds of music, the dynamic chances within and between, intrigue him to no end. It is one of the reasons why he decided to follow music classes in his extra-curricular program when given the chance at Hogwarts. Of course then it shouldn't be left in mystery what instrument it is that he plays as he very fondly takes on the piano for his matter.

By far his favoured instrument. The piano has been a company for many years and a companion to which he could always return to when he was in a slump. His grandfather, who was a musician in his younger days, taught him how to play it, seeing how August showed great interest in the instrument from a young age. Though many would consider him a talent, and August spends a great deal of time with music as it is one of his passions, the boy never entered a competition of sorts. Odd actually as it is common for muggles to compete in recitals when they show a talent and wish for a career in the industry. The boy however shows himself to be perfectly content with keeping music as a hobby instead of making it his career.

Other instruments
Asides from the piano the boy also plays a little accordion, courtesy from his grandfather as well, but as he finds the instrument much too heavy on the shoulders and hands he has always hold an bias towards the other. Along with that he has a nifty feel for rhythm, which thus makes him also capable of playing percussions. Though the vibrations of the drums can hurt harm his hand as a piano player he sometimes takes over as a stand in within the orchestra when there are no percussion players. At last he also plays the Turkish traditional instrument dilli düdük, which is a small flute usually played by shepards in Turkey.

Leader of the Astronomy club
How this happened he has no idea. He only showed slight interest in the club for Divination also makes use of the stars. Other than that he didn't have much interest to stay up until the late nights. However, it thus so happened that the few meetings he had attended made him a loyal member already. It most likely had to do with the fact that there weren't so many students who were willing to diligently attend these classes and meetings. Suddenly he had been elected, first jokingly by his friends, and later on so by the rest and even the teacher leading it. Overwhelmed by the support the boy thus agreed to take on the leadership of the club, thus missing a few nights of sleep per week. As long as he was granted his coffee, sleeping on the days after the club meetings, and if it didn't interfere with his Orchestra duties he was fine with it. Music always comes before Astronomy with this guy.

Legilimency & Occlumency
It isn't taught at Hogwarts, for it invades the privacy of the human mind, August is aware of it and it wasn't one of the professors who taught him this art of magic. It was his father who taught him, where he was taught this magic he doesn't let on, but he passed on the knowledge to his son and August is grateful for that. In a way. Holders of a Silver Lime wand are said to be talented at legilimency and occlumency, however, it is also the kind of magic easily misused for the wrong goals and ideals, which is something that August rather tries not to abuse. Both forms of magic were taught to the male, invasion as well as blocking his mind from invasion. His father reasoned that if one is taught to invade, they ought to know how to block thoughts.

His young training days started when he entered his first year of Hogwarts. After that Lucine, his twin, was revealed to be a squib his father had decided to favour August with some extra training as he knew the wizardly world to be hostile in some ways. Especially to these who favoured muggles as much as his family did between the few remaining conservative purebloods. His father started with occlumency, at first announcing when he was going to invade August's mind and warning him so that the inexperienced boy could prepare himself. However, after a while, as the boy made progress Ceyhun would slowly start ambushing his son, catching him off-guard and forcing him to learn to always be prepared. August seemed to have a knack for occlumency, for he had always been good at hiding and concealing his emotions, a trait much favoured and needed when it comes down to learn this art. The expense for the art is, however, that August never really knows how he truly feels as he never allows his emotions to grow, dismissing them into apathy before they can seep out. Currently August has, after six years of training, reached the level in which he can repel attacks of legilimency even unconsciously and detect lies of people around him. However, due to his own inability to recognise his own emotions he has a harder time altering them into another truth to confuse his attackers.

Along with occlumency August was also taught legilimency by his father. However as there is a law on underage usage of magic August was never allowed to practice it himself out of school. His father would show him how it was done, using August himself as an test object. Through that the boy gained some experience, but never actual practise, and as he didn't want to invade the thoughts and privacy of his friends or fellow classmates he never used it on them either. Instead the boy opted to practise on animals, thus the pets of the students on Hogwarts. However, as he didn't speak animal language and had no idea what they were saying, he also soon gave up on that. He had no idea if he was chanting the magic correctly on the animals and looking sternly in the eyes of the animals was an odd thing to do that wouldn't go unnoticed by his fellow students. Besides from that the animals didn't seem to like it either that he invaded their minds, making it so that he had been scratched and bitten to quite a few times as well. Another reason for him not to take a too great of a liking towards animals. Right now August is still at the inexperienced level in which he needs eyecontact and his wand to perform legilimency, thus the first stage. However, he hopes that after he graduates and thus allowed to practice magic more freely he will grow in his own abilities.


It is to be noted that August was born and grown in Turkey, Izmir, till his tenth year. After that his father got relocated because of a job offer at some university in the United Kingdom. It was, least to say, a culture shock for him to move from the sunny Turkey to the rainy U.K. It is a complaint he frequently makes, even after years of moving. August still greatly misses his fatherland, especially his grandparents who had always so carefully looked after him and fed him the most delicious dishes and fruits, but understands that he has no live left there anymore. A shame he finds, but even the Ravenclaw has noticed how his heart has been changed into that of a British boy.


With a Greek for a mother and a Turk for a father one has to wonder what language will be taught to the child. Born in Turkey, grown up in the United Kingdom from the age of ten. Naturally he had been taught to speak Turkish, as to be able to communicate to the muggles and his grandparents in Turkey. It is also his native tongue, as he feels most comfortable speaking Turkish. Next to that he speaks on an average level Greek, having been taught some from his mother's side as they, on occasions, see their family in Greece. It has never been much more than the common house circle language that he is able to speak.

Until his tenth year, when August moved to the UK, he hadn't spoken much English. Knowing a few words and speaking a few full sentences laced through with a heavy accent the boy was forced to make an immense jump of progress to keep up. However so now five years later he has developed himself much more, speaking it on a daily base and slowly accustoming himself to the strange accent of a country were it seemingly rains on a daily base. As of the current situation one can say that this accent of his has disappeared for the greatest part, but it is still apparent, very slightly. His accent grows even heavier when he is being embarrassed or tired, forgetting his own slur of words.


As a true Turkish citizen August loves to drink coffee like the Brits love to drink tea. He is quite picky as well, liking his coffee dark and bitter, made from the best beans that create the strongest flavours. It is like the Turkish proverb states: "Kahve dediğin cehennem gibi kara, ölüm gibi sert ve aşk gibi tatlı olmalı." [Coffee should be black as hell; strong as death, and sweet as love.] Which means that the coffee should be brewed from the best beans, with no milk and a few spoons of sugar. A quote he likes to make whenever he is being questioned by his coffee habits.

Future Profession

Unlike his father, who is a professor of mythical creatures at a muggle university, August isn't planning to follow his footsteps. Where his father chose a safe route August longs for freedom, travelling and adventure. Perhaps it was because of the influence Romeo gave him with his wild and impulsive escapades, but August is longing and working towards becoming a curse-breaker. A job that will have him run into many historic magical objects and learn about hidden cultures while at the same time give him the thrill he has become addicted to. It is how he has chosen his set of electives as well, trying to be as future-orientated as he can.


Half Greek from his mother's side, half Turkish from his father's side, August has a Mediterranean look. He has a fair skin, slightly tanned from the sun he grew up with and chestnut brown hair, thick, soft and untamed, a bed hair that he doesn't bother to comb. His hair is a slightly longer than average male has, ending just a little above his shoulders. Usually tied up in a low ponytail and out of sight and attention from most. The most prominent feature of August are his eyes, a clear emerald colour, bright like the lights of the fireflies dancing in the night and perhaps that gives off the mysterious edge many describe him for, his eyes seem to illuminate inside of the darkness.

However recently it seems that a little accident in DADA burned his hair a little, enough for him to have it cut off to the short do he has now. At least now it reveals the piercings he has in his ears.

Standing on 180 cm (5'10) August is of average length, not tall neither small, just in-between and still growing. Other than his eyes August doesn't have any special features except from having an exotic appearance to most of the students at Hogwarts.

Extra: When out of school and in casual wear August can be found wearing an earpiece, however when at school he usually avoids wearing piercings for it is against the school protocols.

Voice claim: Felipe Mathhes [Under discussion, up for change if I find something better. :D]






Faceclaim: Spain from Hetalia

Role play Example:

London. Rainy, cold and far away. The grey clouds thickly packed together in the sky as the rain came down in a never ending stream. Like the pipes his grandfather smoked back in Turkey. Sunny, dry and warm Turkey. It was supposed to be summer, but the sun was playing hide and seek and the wind was blowing coldly past his skin, forcing him to wear a coat outside. The young boy couldn't believe it, in the middle of the summer and he had to wear long sleeves and a jacket. If he had stayed back in Turkey this would have never been the case. It was to none of their surprises that the longer August was stuck inside of his new house the more he was disliking the place. The place smelled weird and their new house felt empty. Surely much more spacious than it was back in Turkey, but that was because his grandparents weren't there to fill in the empty spots. Granny's kitchen that always smelled of the most delicious spices, making it all too tempting to sneak into the kitchen and steal a snack or two. Grandfather's water pipe that he was always lurking at, sometimes the old man would offer the piper to August, however after his first and last encounter he always politely declined. Hoping that perhaps when he was older he would enjoy it better and that his lungs were stronger.

"August, please don't sulk any longer, you will like this place soon enough." his mother smiled at him, her emerald orbs looking into his as the boy pouted a little. "No, I want to go back." he declared, for the umpteenth time of today while the movers were carrying the boxes into house. Boxes with stickers on them, describing where they belonged, to who and in what room. Some of them were marked with 'fragile' signing the glass work that they had taken along with them from abroad. Most of the boxes could be easily carried by one man, but for example the furniture needed help from two or three man, so also the piano that was carefully carried in by three. It was amazing how such a fragile instrument needed this much of manpower to be moved around. Looking up to the movers that were helping them today August guessed that he needed muscles bigger than his head if he ever wished to help with anything at all. For now his father had ordered the young boy to sit on the stairs of their new house and not get in the way of the men. Something that had displeased him even more as the boxes that were surrounding him weren't comforting at all. It only signed that he truly did move out of the country with the mountains and the sun. How he loathed this place the more the rain clattered down on the ground. And all he received from his mother was a sigh, knowing how upset the young boy was with the new promotion of his father.

"Couldn't dad find a job in Turkey?" he mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest as the child he was. He missed his grandparents, the sun and the good weather where he could eat ice all day and not feel like an ice cube himself. "It is cold and wet here and the people speak so oddly; as if their tongues have swollen up." the boy followed, complaining about the strange British accent as to the weather while he waved his hands around. "I don't like it here, I miss granny." he sighed, ending his complaints in defeat as the child knew that no matter how much he complained and ranted they wouldn't return. His mother only smiled ever so gently again, patting the boy on his head. She missed the place as well, but she knew that the boy would be send out for his studies. The wizard in him was calling and it was time that he was learn what a true wizard was. Unfortunately both his parents didn't possess the gift to teach him on all the subjects and it just happened that the UK had one of the most famous wizard schools of the world. Hogwarts, where the great Harry Potter had graduated from. However that would be after summer was over, which would mean that the boy had to sulk for a little while longer. Unless he was to find a playmate, but knowing August he wouldn't go out and look for friends on his own. There was no starting in it unless some miracle came in front of their door, asking to play with August. However, the chances that it were to happen was unlikely as the young boy continued with glaring into the direction of the movers who brought in more boxes.

'Toys', 'clothes', 'fragile', 'books', 'miscellaneous'… The boxes kept on coming in and were dropped in the living room or the chambers upstairs. Sometimes even the bathroom that was by now filled up with the boxes. While the movers were moving around his mother was unpacking the boxes, trying her hardest to organize the greatest necessities to give them the slightest feel of being 'home'. However to August home was only to be found in Turkey, with his grandparents and the gigantic garden. Staring out of the window here there was only a small field of green that served as a 'garden'. Grass, weed and some more plants that didn't matter. Another sigh escaped August as he felt horrible just having to miss the strawberries of this year or all the other sweet smelling flowers and fresh fruits that they had to leave back there. They couldn't take the weather of London and August could understand why the plants wouldn't want to live here. He refused to do so as well, but unfortunately he wasn't rooted into the ground like they were. For that he felt a little envious as he was worrying whether he was going to get enough vitamin D. After all it seemed that the sun disliked this place as well. Only rain and clouds were in sight, forever going on suiting the mood that the young wizard was in.[/spoili]

- Just needed an excuse to post that Kid!August banner.
- Excerpt from the PRP exchange with Ko.​
Last edited:

[ Finished for now ]



Carnivore - Starset
Animal I have become - Three Days Grace

I can't escape this hell
So many times i've tried
But i'm still caged inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself

Sethen Damon Lockett

Sixteen // August 21st // Leo ♌



Gryffindor, Sixth Year


Pure Blood


So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal
(This animal, this animal)

[ Courageous // Daring ]
"I'm a Gryffindor, aren't I? There has to be a reason for that"
Sethen has a fearless streak to him, meaning that he may hold a small fear within him but he refuses to allow it to dominate and rule him. He has a tendency to throw himself out comfort zone and now it's expanded enough that you really can't throw him off or make him nervous in any way. Something to point out about the boy in regards to self worth, when someone he cares about is put at risk Sethen becomes completely ignorant to his own well-being. When he was young he would have thrown himself head first into danger in the blink of an eye just as he did with is his brother, even looking back now he realizes that what he did may have been stupid, but he would do it again in a heartbeat.

[ Stubborn // Hard-headed ]
"Once I've made up my mind, you can't change it"
He's persistent and stubborn, overly so in fact. In this sense he is rather unchanging and once he's found his resolve he will simply not give up. If you punch him in the face, he'll go reeling backwards, wipe the blood from the corner of his lips and come at you again. Kick him down he'll force himself back to his feet. To those who he believe has earned it he'll show unfaltering loyalty and even if all the world and evidence is against you he won't stop fighting for your sake.

[ Playful // Flirtatious ]
"Babe, babe, babe... you know you want me just as much as I want you... Maybe a bit more, heh"
Sethen has a habit of making fun of others, he likes to tease and taunt but it's always in good fun, he never means anything malicious by it. When doing so he'll talk in a sing song tone, or with sarcasm dripping off his words, at times he might go circling someone or coming from directly behind and whispering into their ear with a playful edge to his voice, a devilishly handsome grin playing off his features, silver eyes gleaming with amusement at the reaction of his victim.

[ Ambitious // Driven ]
"I'll have a great life! I'll be rich, with or without our family's fortune..."
Sethen wants to become a doctor, he's had his heart set on it from the first time he picked up a book on healing spells and potions. He's studied the properties of magical herbs fervently and pays attention in herbology, charms and potions the most out of all his subjects. His goal is pretty high up there and hard to achieve on an even playing field, but with his unfortunate occurrence during the full moon and how the wizarding world regards him getting employment at all would be a miracle. He's quite bitter about his likeliness to get to his goal but doesn't allow it to show often and refuses to let himself be swayed or give up entirely.

[ Possessive // Avaricious ]
"What a Lockett wants, a Lockett takes and what a Lockett takes, a Lockett keeps"
Seth-- no, actually the entire Lockett family-- has a problem with their possessive nature. When he gets a hold of something he wants the boy claims it as his and will not relinquish it willingly no matter what the circumstances unless of course something better comes along. Like a toddler with his toys he refuses to share what is his unless it's with something else he also claims as his own, when his possessions or friends are threatened he becomes violently protective at times, it's a kind of animal instinct he's inherited from his time as a wolf. Something to be noted is that he doesn't think of one as his possession on purpose, he'll just find himself reasoning and justifying his actions with 'I'm protecting what is mine'...


I can't escape myself
(I can't escape myself)
So many times i've lied
(So many times i've lied)
But there's still rage inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself

Sethen's childhood was rather normal, or at least as normal as childhood gets for a wizarding family, however, instead of having a single parent working while the other remained at home both Athena and Castor Lockett continued to pursue their careers even after children came along. Castor works in the Ministry of Magic's mystery unit while his mother was an auror, though her husband does not completely agree with her choice of career he keeps his opinion on it to himself for the most part. like all parents his fought, more so that was typical among couples. It was only when they were certain their boys wouldn't hear that his parents argued, though they fought louder than they had originally though. It was common as they grew up to fall asleep to the sound of his dad yelling a word that rhymed with witch toward his mom. Simply put, he and his brother hated it but at least his mother and father cared enough for the two of them so as to not argue in their presence or to their knowing on purpose.

It was specifically at night that all their parents frustration came out at one another because they were both gone for the most part of the day, Seth and Nick grew numb to it, tuning out of the argument by going outside and that's where things went down hill. After the werewolf incident the Lockett's pumped up their security ten fold and Sethen was examined and found to have been bitten, it was too late for him, there was no hope and now whenever the moon went through it's cycle they would have to be on their toes. a look he'd never seen in his parents eye before alarmed him, they were scared of him, and all three of his family members kept their distance for a short while as a simple precaution. He grew accustomed to it, just as he and his brother had turned a deaf ears to the disputes between his parents he adapted.


So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal

[ Family Members ]
[ Athena & Castor Lockett; Parents ]
"We.. uh, well we don't talk much"
They were loving to a point, for Sethen's parents it was work work work for the vast majority of the time, and the money they made was what loved the boys they left behind at home. He never had any reason to hate them, but he did wish they would show more concern in regards to seeing their kids grow up. He never voiced these thoughts, he and Nick simply enjoyed the overabundance of freedom given them and went on without worry or care. Of course life likes to bite you in the butt due to simple pleasures and it was this carelessness that got Sethen in the position he's in today.

[ Nicholas Ares Lockett; Brother ]
"He's such an asshole, but he's family"
For years in their youth the two were inseparable, the younger boy stuck to his brother as small siblings tend to do. Simply put Sethen was a follower, a boy who looked up at his older brother with admiration and Nick was one who loved positive attention and feeling superior.They would spend all day and night with one another, exploring, play fighting and practicing a sport that both had been infatuated with since they had first caught a glimpse of the sports section in the Daily Prophet. After the run-in with a werewolf at nine Nicholas looked at his brother with the same expression his parents held, fear, though he gradually began to realize it was the same Sethen he'd always known. The two still played together but then school came around and at Hogwarts everything changed.

When the younger boy approached his sibling after the sorting ceremony the blonde boy pretended he didn't know who he was. After insisting that he should stop kidding like that the older boy began to tease him, calling him names and making references that only the two of them would understand such 'Bone breath', 'Mongrel' and 'Mutt'. When Sethen still wouldn't leave him be the boy shoved him away and ran. Meetings such as that continuously happened throughout the school year and eventually Sethen realized that life would simply never return to being the same as it always had and he left himself give in. The boy still clung to the weak hope that his brother might overlook house prejudices but the dream slowly faded with every glare and taunting remark from his brother in the hallways. Eventually he built up a wall of arrogance and indifference, when his brother would call him an animal he would simply reply 'only in bed, you can ask your girlfriend about that'...

[ Friends & Others ]
[ Melinda Geralds; Dear Friend ]
"Ahh, my little midget, love her to pieces"
A lovely lass, who approached the boy and comforted him after witnessing the constant and very public rejections by his brother in his first year after having been sorted in the enemy house of Slytherin. Their acquaintanceship and eventual friendship developed prior to when he realized that the girls of Hogwarts found him attractive, before he gained both confidence and arrogance. Even when he grew into the playboy that he now is the two still stuck together, he treats her differently namely because he doesn't look at her the way he does most women. Because of this he shows her at least some form of respect, she's been, as one would say in the muggle world 'Friend zoned' and the feeling is mutual enough. Of course he's well aware on the fact that she is quite pretty, you would have to be blind not to notice, but makes no move on it and even in those times when he's delusional and think about trying to venture out of his friend bubble he quickly forces himself to remember that this is Melinda they're talking about, Midget Melinda is not dating material... right?

[ Madison "Madi" Van Reeden; Childhood Friend & Fiancée ]
"She's a sweet girl, just not my type... it's like dating your sister... Too wrong, even for me"
Sethen and Madi, practically grew up together and for all the time that they've known each other Madi has yet to discover his darkest secret. Their families were close, 'because in times like these pure-bloods have to keep together or the last remnants of true wizards will finally die', or something along those lines, that's what his parents always went on about. Purity this, purity that, he's listened to all this since he was a kid and gained a tad bit of arrogance because of this. He's better than everyone else because he's a pure-blood, that's how life went. Since their playtime as children she's grown up, matured physically and Seth will admit he checks her out but he would never act on it. Originally she was engaged to his brother but after Nicholas screwed up with the trolls his to-be bride got dumped on him. He's not very happy about the arrangements and is looking for a way out... any way out!

[ Clementine Ashton Flamel; Teacher & Savior ]
"I need certain potions... she provides them..."
The young and rather pretty teacher ensures that Sethen is equipped with the necessary potions so as to make sure that it is safe for the students of Hogwarts to be so near him. Obviously Professor Ashton is well aware of Sethen Lockett's small problem and she was assigned to brew potions for him that allow the boy to act in a lucid manner while in his werewolf state so as to not harm anyone while he is transformed. She has, however, decided to try and aid him further, she offered him to opportunity to become her test subject and after listening to her sales pitch he warily agreed, trying to keep himself from hoping but finding that he believes she just might succeed. She has years of research, but the odd thing about that is, that each document is unmistakable in her handwriting. Weird right?

[ Jayden Caine Everdragomir; Reluctant Plaything ]
"Oh the little dragon is so much fun"

[ Sabrina Lucinda Gallagher; Friend, with potential benefits ]
"Darling, she is the definition of Beauty"

[ Stella Prince; 'Secret' Friend ]
"We don't talk much during the day. But she... yeah..."


Somebody help me through this nightmare
I can't control myself
Somebody wake me from this nightmare
I can't escape this hell

Sethen, due to being bitten by a werewolf as a child, is unable to summon a complete patronus, he struggles to find memories happy enough.

Losing control over his darker self

His feathered companion is a strix nigrolineata, or a black and white owl that goes by the name Galen. He's been in the family for years now, it was originally a gift for his parents to his eldest brother but the two share the creature when sending mail. Sethen has a way with animals so, 'Gale' as he likes to call him, seems more affectionate to the darker haired sibling in contrast to the handsome blonde.

Wood: Red Oak
Length: Eleven inches
Core: Phoenix Tail Feather
Flexibility: Unyielding

Red Oak Wood - You will often hear the ignorant say that red oak is an infallible sign of its owner's hot temper. In fact, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand. Less common than English oak, I have found that its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive, trademark spells, and a good man or woman to have beside one in a fight. Red oak wands are among the most handsome.
Phoenix Tail Feather - Symbolizes Resurrection and Renewal. Those who are very kind, brave, courageous, noble, wise, willing, self-sacrificing, bright, strong-willed, out-going, friendly and/or loyal would have this wand core. Like Dragon Heartstring cores, such cores bond well with those wizards and witches that are exceptionally powerful. Having such a wand core suggests that your loyalty and courageous nature is much admired amongst your friends. This is the best core to have for Evil Repealing spells and DADA (Defense Against The Dark Arts). It is also among the best for Elemental Magic involving Fire spells, Air spells and Metal spells. It is a wand core predominantly found among those of House Gryffindor, but can also bond well with those of House Ravenclaw or of House Hufflepuff. This is the rarest of all the labeled 'common core types'. Phoenix Tail Feather cores are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either Unicorn Hair cores or Dragon Heartstring cores to reveal this. Phoenix Tail Feather cores show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. In Elemental Magic, Phoenix Tail Feather cores associate best and most powerfully with Fire spells, Air spells and Metal spells, though depending on the wand type it is paired to, it can work (though not as effectively) with other types of Elemental spells. Wands with Phoenix Tail Feather cores are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. Wands with Phoenix Tail Feather cores are also the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiances are usually hard won. Despite their rarity, Phoenix Tail Feather cores are a popular wand core due to its versatility and power. Their main strength lies in Defense Against the Dark Arts, although their adaptability can wrench them to Hexes and Jinxes if need be. As with the Dragon Heartstring core, Phoenix Tail Feather cores are common amongst Light Wizards and Light Witches, but their users are not necessarily always Light Wizards and Light Witches. This core may specifically impede Dark spells, so they are not common amongst Slytherins. However, they are by far the most common Gryffindor wand core, and are not unusual amongst Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

[ Quidditch ]
"They call me 'Demon'... and with good reason"
Sethen plays as one of Gryffindor's team Beaters, and he's one hell of a player. The boy's spirit of competition is quite strong, he's a bit of a sore loser so simply he will ensure that he doesn't lose, if he gets too close to failing then he becomes completely ruthless, probably the most slytherin-like Gryffindor you'll ever find, he was a total border-line choice for the sorting hat, it was his unfailing nerve that got him in with the crimson and gold crew. His middle name is Damon and if you don't call him by Seth or Lockett then that's what he instructs, but 'Damon' has been exchanged for 'Demon' more than once after some saw him play like the devil himself.

[ Werewolf Transformation ]
The boy was infected at a young age, as a child of nine. He and his brother had been exploring the woods behind their country-side manor when the beast emerged from dark woods and attempted to bite the young Nicholas. Seth actually stepped into the way of the attack so his brother could run to safety and get help. The creature had not been there to kill oddly enough, this became evident when it didn't finish off the prey it had in it's grasp and turned to pursue the escaping child. The injured boy clung to the wolf's hind legs, slowing it down enough so he could reach the house. It fled once realizing that the blonde one was out of it's grasp.

[ Dueling Club ]
"I'm Captain, because I'm awesome, it's a simple fact"
He received word that he would be Gryffindor's Dueling club Captainjust before summer vacation began and needless to say that her parents were proud of the boy for his accomplishment while his brother, The Slytherin Team Quidditch Captain, was jealous for the attention given to his 'freak' sibling. Sethen's wand is known to be one of the best in regards to dueling wands, it's almost like he was born for it. He loves dueling, mainly due to his skill as well as the rush he gets when he gives his all. He's been dueling since his second year and is quite accomplished now that he's reached his sixth.

[ Bisexual ]
"I roll both ways, don't like me for it? Well let me change your mind" //winks
Sethen's main goal in life isn't to be the best son possible, in fact due to cold treatment from his family he couldn't care less about their opinion on his, Another thing his parents disapprove of quite strongly would be his flirtatious personality... and interest in both genders, making out and sleeping with both boys and girls of all blood statuses is not the way to get another Pureblood heir out of the Lockett line.

[ Innocence ]
"Uh... don't tell anyone, okay?"
None of his guy friends are aware, and even if they did know they wouldn't really believe it, hell it's hard for even himself to believe but the boy is still a virgin. Of course he's had many many opportunities to take advantage but has never actually gone through with it. He's simply held back because it didn't real right or he felt the urge to keep both himself and the girls from growing up too quickly and coaxing them to do things they'd regret. Overall that little chivalrous voice won over in his head. Touching is about as far as he's taken it, but he won't admit it due to how much that would take away from his reputation.

[ Medical Magic ]
"I get hurt.... a lot, and usually it's my fault"
Sethen hits on a lot of girls--and boys--...A whole hell of a lot and often these girls have boyfriends or are simply not attracted to members of the opposite gender. However, even if rejected many a time, he'll continue to make advances, but not overly physical ones. Unlike his brother he can respect one's personal space but not enough to keep them completely in their comfort zone, his forwardness is both charming as well as bothersome and irritating depending on who he's dealing with. Because of his actions he tends to get punched, a lot, and due to his constant injuries he taught himself medicinal magic, because of his expertise in this specific subject he aspires to be a doctor that specializes in wizard treatment but has experience in the muggle aspect of health as well.


So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal
(This animal I have become)

Sethen is tall for his age, standing at exactly six foot, ebony locks, piercing silver eyes and a smile to die for. Simply put, Sethen is an attractive guy, a total heart throb, rumors are always going around that his charm, sociable nature and drop dead gorgeous looks comes from a distant veela lineage. That is untrue considering his family is one of very renown pure blooded magic users, he doesn't particularly care about the rumors but even if you do believe it don't let his brother hear you, being a partial veela means having impure blood and suggesting such a thing is the most insulting things one could do to a pure blood. Seth is in possession of a flawless complexion and lean yet muscular build as well as surprisingly soft skin this is not not tanned nor pale, simply a perfect balance between the two. It's not often that he takes off his shirt, namely because his seemingly perfect body has very noticeable scars across his back courtesy of the claws and fangs of the werewolf that turned him.


















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"It's easier to hide."

b. Friday, April 13, 2007


House and Year
Hufflepuff, 6th year
"Adam Harrison."

Adam took a deep breath, forcing his legs to move forward. Step by step towards the front. He was sure he'd fall. Trip on air. He did that a lot. It would be so embarrassing too, to do that... He was being watched by everyone, after all. It was terrifying, to be there, even if Adam knew that somewhere by the Gryffindor table, his older sister was sitting. Like a sort of mental support.

Somehow, Adam made it to the stool. He sat down on it, and without missing a beat, the hat was placed on his head. It fell over his eyes, but Adam didn't move to fix it. He felt that he'd be doing something wrong if he did. Besides, it probably wouldn't take long.

'Ah, I see you wish to be Gryffindor. Perhaps you will become brave in the future. But not under the wing of your sister. Truly, there is really but one house that will fit you, and that can only be HUFFLEPUFF.' The last word rang out, clear and final.

He was a Hufflepuff. Adam stood up once the hat was taken off his head, taking slow steps the table of yellow and black. He wasn't sure how he felt. The Hufflepuffs weren't people he necessarily respected. He didn't really have a bad opinion of them, but... It just wasn't what he wanted.

Still, Adam smiled uncertainly at his housemates, sitting down at the table as they welcomed him. At least they were kind.


Blood Status


"It's not that I don't want to lie sometimes---I mean, that would help me a lot."
Well, this is less because he wants to and more because he can't be anything else. Adam is an extremely honest boy, simply because he finds it extremely difficult to lie. He simply gets flustered too easily to lie to people. Though he can keep quiet about things just fine. It really depends on whether you consider silence to be a lie or not.

-Kind in His Own Way-
"I'm going to help you, but you owe me for this!"
For some reason, people have decided that to be kind, you need to be all smiles and be ready to do whatever for people. Adam is kind. He is friendly to people, and he's willing to help. Just don't expect him to act all happy, because he isn't one to do that. He does small favours for anyone who doesn't irritate him, even if the favour is extremely annoying and difficult. Then he'll just complain a lot, but he'll get the job done. If he actually cares about a person, then he'll probably do small things for them without them knowing. But the amount of times he complains about things makes him look bad. Then again, he doesn't do favours to look good, he does them because he gets annoyed when people have problems. Though being appreciated is nice too.

-Erratic Memory-
"I forgot... Yeah, I know you just told me five minutes ago."
It's not the same as being forgetful, per say. Adam tends to remember some things, and forget others. For example, if you were to tell him something, he'd forget immediately. If you had him read something, he'd be left with some vague impression of the details. Probably not enough to make sense of things, which is why he really tends to have difficulty with things that require listening or reading, like potions. He seems to remember things best if it's just a movement. A casual thing that he'd do every day. Then he'd remember immediately. But things that do require some attention to detail, he still will have difficulties getting those details correct. It's quite awful.

"I made of story about a beast with no beauty to save him."
When Adam is alone, with nothing to do, he likes to just lay down and think. When he was younger, he did that too, spending the moments when he was alone just making up stories for himself. They weren't stories of brave heroes who saved the day. In general, they were stories of ordinary people thrown into awful situations, who, on occasion, didn't get out of them.

-A Hard Worker-
"I'm sure I can do it. It'll just take time."
You don't get things by sitting around and twiddling your thumbs. That isn't how things work in life. In life, you have to work hard for it. Unless you are some super genius, things don't just come to you. You habe to read about it, you have to try it, you have to be willing to spend time on it. Which Adam does. He always tries his hardest, though things doesn't always seem to reward him for his efforts. If they don't he'll just keep working.

-A Touch of Insecurity-
"Well, you are better than me at this..."
If you asked him, Adam could probably make a whole list of reasons to be insecure. Well, come on. He's not too tall(though not as short as some girls, luckily), he's pretty bad at school, and he's such a pushover that he's a source of free labour to his cousin who is smarter than he is and, though eccentric, could still be a poster child for a perfect pureblood child(though his cousin isn't a pureblood). He couldn't make it into a house where the students were more than just nice, and speaking of that, he wasn't too nice. See, focusing on the bad in himself is just so much easier, especially if to no one tells him about the good. Unless he manages to save the world or something, people probably won't talk about the good, since bad things are always more noticeable than good things. It's some messed up shit. It's also life, though.

The Harrison family was a normal enough wizard family. They weren't a particularly well-known family, though Jane and Colin Harrison probably worked hard to become known. Still, though they weren't too known, they got by. They even had a house elf, and she took care of the housework that Jane and Colin were too busy to do. Jane and Colin had children as well, a girl named Peyton and a boy named Adam.

Adam was a sweet child. He had a bit of a temper, perhaps, and was rather possessive, but was a cheerful and energetic child as well. He often went out to play with his older sister and the other children in Tinworth, Cornwall. He didn't just play with the wizard children either. After all, they lived right alongside muggles. Isn't it just a bit rude to exclude them? Of course, some people didn't think that. His sister constantly went out of her way to distract him so he wouldn't try to look muggle children to play with. She would explain to him that he might frighten him if he accidentally did magic, and he accepted that answer. Looking for muggles didn't last too long.

But he became a bit too dependent on his sister. He wasn't too great at making friends, really, because his sister had been the one who showed him who to be friends with. She was the one who entertained him when he was bored, and helped him when he did something idiotic and hurt himself.

Then when his sister turned 11, she was sent her acceptance letter to Hogwarts. And off she went. That was rather heartbreaking to Adam. He really needed his sister by his side. But you know what? It was just for 2 years. Then he would be able to go to Hogwarts, and he could see his sister again.

His sister was an intelligent girl, and over those two summers when she came home for vacation, she was often praised by her parents. She was praised for how much she learned, and how brave and determined she must be, if she was placed in Gryffindor. Bravery and determination would surely help later in life. Adam really wanted to be in Gryffindor too, and to get good grades, so he would be praised like his sister was.

But right from the start, it didn't work out quite as he hoped. Not the brave Gryffindor his sister was, Adam was instead placed in Hufflepuff. He wasn't too good most of the subjects, so that really frustrated him. He was a bit awkward, so it did take a bit for people to be his friend. But he did end up making friends, who were completely willing to listen to him rant and were around to joke around and make him laugh. He also had his cousin, a little bit older than him. It comforted him that he still had relatives near him after his sister had left to get on with her life.

So, despite a bit of a bad beginning, and some rather bad things that are bound to happen when you have adventurous wizards and witches in your midst that happened over the school years, Adam had quite a fine time at school. Not wildly popular, but not a complete loner either. Perhaps he didn't get praised like his sister did, but it was fine.


-Jane Victoria Harrison|| Mother-
Adam's relationship with his mother isn't the best. She gave birth to him, that's all. Even when he goes home, he spends more time puzzling over schoolwork than speaking to his mother. Well, his mother is busy, anyway. He needn't disturb her when she's busy. Adam takes after her, looks-wise. He has the same hair, eyes, and short height.

-Colin Thomas Harrison|| Father-
Adams relationship with his father is the same as his mothers, except his father is a tad busier and tries a tad less to talk to his son. Not his fault, he probably has a lot on his mind, and Adam doesn't attempt to speak to him either. His father has more angular features than his mother does, and has white-blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

-Peyton Elizabeth Harrison|| Sister-
While Adam used to be quite close to his sister, he's learned to give her some breathing room. He still cares a lot about her, and he's quite good at reading her emotions, but he doesn't get depressed if he doesn't see her for a few days(that is honestly quite lame). His sister is a headstrong young woman, and she seems to have a knack for arguing about every little thing. Opinions are nice, but she should tone it down a bit. She is an intelligent person, and she's sometimes willing to help Adam with schoolwork. His sister takes after their father in looks.

-Ryan Jae McCallion|| Cousin-
Adam's cousin is a 12 days older than him, and he never actually met him until he entered Hogwarts a year after Adam did. Adam isn't sure if it was a conscious choice his parents had made or just an accident that he never met him until then, but he wouldn't be surprised at either. Ryan is a half-blood who lives in Tutshill. Adam finds him a tad odd, as he never seems serious about things and treats Adam like a source of free labour, but his company is refreshing. He has no idea how he got into the house he did, or how he managed to be a prefect, a lot, really. Maybe if Adam spoke to him a bit more, he would know.

-Andromeda Grace || Friend-

-Montgomery Knight || Tutor-

-Glass Wing Butterfly-
A butterfly represents femininity, something Adam doesn't quite agree with. But they also represent freedom, change, and creativity, which does represent Adam quite well as a person. Of course, this butterfly, with it's clear wings, can also represent transparency, which suits the expressive Adam quite well. His happy memories will be when he was younger and happily played with his friends, before studies started and he found himself so often frustrated by his inadequate work.

-Atelophobia || A fear of imperfection; of not being good enough-
Perfection is an important thing. But sometimes people are just bad with it. Adam sets standards for himself. He compares what he does to what other people do, and then he just realizes... He isn't that good at things. So that's why he works so hard at things. And when bad things happen, he can't help but freeze up, he can't do anything, no matter how useless thay makes him. He's so useless. And he can't do anything about that.

The boggart appears as a mirror. Just a simple, handheld mirror. But it isn't Adam's reflection he sees in it. He sees what he fails at. He sees people, those so much greater than him, he sees them with their expressions twisted into horrid scorn and disappointment. It's terrifying. Once he casts the charm, it turns into one of those funhouse mirrors. He thinks they're pretty funny. He, after all, doesn't really have problems with his looks.

-Does Not Keep One-
He doesn't find himself capable of caring for an animal. As much as he likes them, he feels like he'd probably do something awful like forget to feed them. He does have a dried starfish though. It's dead, but it used to be alive.

-Willow||10"||Unicorn Hair||Swishy-
'Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and Garrick Ollivander noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. The willow wands there have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn.

Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard.

Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing.' -Harry Potter Wiki

The base of Adams wand has a swirling design, almost like a snake. That's how he connects it, as he had heard from somewhere that a symbol of healing has a snake in it. It seems to make sense. The wand isn't completely straight, curving at some places in a way thats hardly noticeable.


-Nervous Energy-
Adam has quite a lot of nervous energy. He tends to tap his foot when he's sitting, or play with his hands, maybe tap whatever is in his hand on something, or flip it in his fingers. When he walks, he always needs to have his hands in his pockets. He feels immensely awkward if he has to stay still while sitting or standing, and when he walks with his hands swinging freely at his sides. It just doesn't feel right.

-Hot and Cold-
Adam hates it when the weather is either too hot or too cold. That's one problem that he's always going to have to deal with, as every country will probably have a temperature he deems too hot or too cold. Of course, it's problematic during his school years. For example, Hogsmeade trips. He loves them, of course, but the problem is the fact that he has to freeze half to death every time they make a trip there. That problem doesn't stop him from staying there for as long as possible though.

-A Bit Below Average-
He's really not that bad. However, in all of his classes, Adam would probably be a bit worse than the average student. He is quite good at Care For Magical Creatures though, and he enjoys it quite a lot. Transfiguration is his worst subject.

Adam is 5'6" tall. He finds himself rather short compared to a lot of the males his age, though it helps a bit if he needs to hide. Still, it works for him, if he were taller, he would've looked like a stick due to his slim figure. That body type of his really won't change, no matter how much he may eat or exercise. Neither fat nor muscle mass will be added on.

His shaggy brown hair makes it look as though he'd just rolled out of bed. He does come it, but it tends to stay messy anyway. He doesn't particularly care. His hair matches well enough with his eyes, which are a few shades lighter than his hair at a sort of beige. He likes his eyes quite a lot, their colour isn't seen often, but they aren't some strange oddity like some other eye colours.

When he isn't wearing his uniform, Adam won't stray far from a pair of jeans with a white t-shirt, a jacket, and a pair of sneakers. When it's cold, he'll add a coat and a strange rainbow-coloured hat that Ryan had given him, and when it's hot he may decide to wear shorts instead of jeans. But other than that, his clothes don't change much.​
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[glow=red]Anice Caroline Runeswell[/glow]

(pronounced: uh-neece)

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance.
And up until now I have sworn to myself
That I'm content with loneliness.

Because none of it was ever worth the risk.

(Paramore- The Only Exception)


[glow=red]A g e [/glow][glow=red][/glow]
16 (January 11th)

[glow=red]G e n d e r [/glow]

[glow=red]H o u s e & Y e a r [/glow][glow=red][/glow]


6th year

[glow=red]S p e c i e s and B l o o d S t a t u s [/glow]
Witch : Pureblood

[glow=red]P e r s o n a l i t y[/glow][glow=red][/glow][glow=red]

Stuck-Up and Princessy
On the surface, Anice is very arrogant and often holds herself above others. She loves to pretend she is much more mature than others and refers to others as children; even when they are older than her.

When Anice first began attending Hogwarts she made sure to keep her distance from other students. Everyday since her first day there she repeated the same schedule: attend classes, study, sleep. Whenever she had free time, she locked herself in the dorm and studied. That was all she could think to do to keep herself from mingling with other students. Though she was lonely, she considered it the only way to keep others safe from her "curse." (see "elaboration of curse" in other)

Easily Embarrassed
Although Anice pretends to be big and bad, she cracks at the slightest hint of flirtation. Since Anice has not had a ton of social contact (and is rather afraid to) the smallest act courtship causes her to turn beat red and stutter. She does her best to keep her composure but will eventually just snap and run away if continued to be pursued.

Anice is always paranoid that her "curse" will cause havoc at any random moment therefore secludes herself. She doesn't show it but she is constantly worrying and trying to stay calm and collected. She looks like she's got it together, but in actuality she's very vulnerable and rather afraid.

Neat Freak
Anice has a taste for finer things and hates dirt and grime. When not studying, you may find her cleaning or tidying up. Not only does she like to keep her room clean, but also her image. Anice has never had a single drop of alcohol or any substance that would "taint her name."

Being the daughter of filthy rich purebloods, Anice has always gotten anything she desired. Her mother has an obsession with trying to make her daughter like herself and often spoils her much like her parents did. Even though she'd buy the world for her, Anice was still not satisfied, not wanting to be like her mother. But, in the end she had the satisfaction of knowing whenever she needed something, she would get it.



[glow=red]B i o g r a p h y[/glow][glow=red][/glow][glow=red][/glow][glow=red]

The Runeswell Siblings -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Anice's mother, Marina, was 1 of 3 children. Her older sister, Vivian, and her younger brother, Matthew. Marina was very beautiful and Vivian was a much more accomplished witch then either of her siblings. Their brother Matthew was the brains of the family but was always more adventurous and hated the traditional pureblood customs.

Vivian had always been envious of her younger sister and always wanted what Marina had. So when a handsome pureblood named Garrett Greene entered Marina's life, Vivian couldn't help but fall in love with him. She tried endlessly to obtain his heart, but ultimately failed. He married Marina happily and Vivian scorned them. She then plotted to take revenge on her sister who had taken everything from her.

Cursed -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vivian came up with a scheme to brew a potion that would affect the flood of ones magic chaotically. When the potion had finally been perfected she snuck it into her sister's drink before dinner. When Marina had consumed the poison that night, Vivian was shocked to find that Marina's status remained unchanged. She began to fear the potion had failed, but then Marina made an announcement that she was to give birth to a child.
It was then Vivian realized why the poison had not affected Marina; it had instead taken root inside the fetus. Vivian was mortified at her mistake, she had never wanted to curse an innocent child. Unsure of what would happen if she were found out, she decided to flee from the family and live in hiding. When she was not found by her family, she was deemed missing.
The poison had mutated in the fetus and increased the child's magical abilities into monstrous and uncontrollable ones. The poison especially heightened the child's abilities in telekinesis, making it the most dangerous and likely to spiral out of control.

Since Anice was small she could tell she had a special "ability". It was no coincidence that objects would go flying or go missing whenever she was having an emotional high. She considered it a gift and was rather proud of the fact that she knew a little magic at such a young age. However she kept it secret from her parents, unsure of what they'd think.

Fyn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

One day while Anice's parents were away, Anice saw a muggle boy fall in a pit near her house. The forest that her house was located in was rather dangerous and had many traps, which was why muggles did not enter it often. Unsure of what course of action she should take, she reluctantly decided to go help him. As she toed the pit she heard the boy call up to her. She assured him she was going to help and lowered a rope. When he was finally pulled from the pit, Anice asked what he was doing in such a dangerous forest. He explained that he was running away from an orphanage of a nearby town, though he had no idea where he was going. Seeing that he was clearly hungry, Anice invited him into her house and offered him food. Looking to impress the hungry stranger, 6 year old Anice told the boy (who by now told her his name was Fyn) that she had magical abilities and could move objects with her mind. The boy laughed and called her crazy. Angry at his skepticism, Anice was compelled to prove herself. However she was unable to do so by command, which sent Fyn into a fit of giggles. Anice grew enraged, causing a teacup to fly off the table and shatter against a wall. Fyn was utterly shocked and began asking her all sorts of questions. She explained to him all that she knew about the wizarding world (which was not vast) but intrigued Fyn greatly. Anice was very happy to have someone who showed so much interest in her, and Fyn found himself fortunate to run across such a magical world. When Anice's parents returned they were absolutely mortified at the muggle snacking and laughing with their pureblood daughter. They immediately sent him away and scorned their daughter for such a mistake. However, Anice was not swayed and found much joy in her time with Fyn, so she sent an owl to Fyn with a letter to a place in the woods that was secluded and her parents wouldn't find them. They began to meet there nearly everyday, she'd bring snacks and they'd talk and play for hours at a time. When Fyn turned 8 he accidently turned a table yellow in his orphanage. Completely and utterly blown, he ran to Anice to tell her, taking much risk in coming to her house and throwing rocks at her window. She quickly responded and scolded him for taking such evasive maneuvers. He explained to her what had occurred and tried to reenact the trick, but failed. Anice watched with bated breath, but nothing occured. Fyn tried to reassure her that he had in fact done what he said, but Anice assured him that she believed him, however she couldn't deem him a wizard until she saw some proof. Later Anice asked her parents about such a scenario, they explained to her over again the different kind of wizards, stressing the inferiority of muggle-borns. Meeting again the next day, Fyn excitedly showed her a puddle that he had accidently turned purple when he stepped in it. Anice became very excited, jumping up and down and assuring Fyn he was a wizard. Fyn was unsure of this claim but couldn't hold his excitement at the potential truth. Anice was so excited to have her best friend be a magical being like herself.

Hogwarts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On Fyn's 11th birthday he recieved a letter to Hogwarts. Being a year older than Anice, he invited her to see him off. The two excitedly waited for the train that morning. Fyn wanted to have a souvenir to remember the moment, so he asked Anice to snap a picture of him on the train platform. As she prepared to snap the shot they heard the train whistle as it made it's way up the tracks. In her excitement a pulse of telekinetic energy was shot and knocked Fyn off the platform onto the tracks. In the next few seconds all that was heard was Anice's deaf scream drowned out by the passing train.

Anice never forgave herself. She soon realized that her gift was a curse and promised herself she would never hurt anyone again by isolating herself. When her 11th birthday came, she recieved a letter to Hogwarts. She accepted in hopes that while she was there she could learn how to control her "gift". When she obtained and learned to use her wand, she began to find it easier to control it. But when her emotions began to rise, her powers began to lose composure. She still hasn't fixed this quirk and is worried and paranoid that she may hurt someone.


"I'm a fly that's trapped
In a web
But I'm thinking that
My spider's dead
Lonely, lonely little life
I could kid myself
In thinking that I'm fine"

(Panic! at the Disco- Always)

[glow=red]R e l a t i o n s h i p s [/glow]

Marina Runeswell-Mother
"She's much like a wolf in sheep's clothing,"

When Anice was little she wanted to be just like her mother. She tried her very best to mimic her mother's beauty and poise, though it was rather obvious she had taken after her father. Marina was always very caring to her daughter, and taught her lady-like behavior. Though Marina seemed a saint to many, she was far from it. Even when she was very young it was obvious that she was the favorite of her parents, she was very spoiled and learned to become very manipulative through her beauty. As Anice grew older she noticed this and decided she did not want to be dependent on a singular characteristic, such as beauty, to obtain the things her heart desired. Anice loves her mother greatly but disagrees with her on many topics.

Garrett Greene-Father
"If he'd just grow a spine already..."

Anice could tell since she was young that her father was head over heels for her mother. However it was rather obvious he was weak to stand up to her and simply gave into everything she asked from him. Anice couldn't help but pity her spineless father. He wasn't abused, but Anice felt the balance of power was shifted. She found her father was very strong and assertive against almost everyone else except her mother. However she had comfort in knowing he'd never leave her side and that he'd forever remain loyal to his family.

Fynipher Beloffe-Childhood Friend
"The person I loved the most, and the person I hurt the most."

Fyn was Anice's beloved childhood friend. He was a muggle-born wizard and Anice's parents disapproved of their friendship. But, despite what they thought, Anice found other means to meet him. They had many misadventures together and became the very best of friends. He died in a horrible accident that Anice blames herself for.

Sabrina Gallagher-Roommate
"She really is rather childish."

Anice was roomed with Sabrina Gallagher when her room had been taken by first years. She had never had a good opinion of the Veela half-breed, but didn't mind it too much. That was until Sabrina spouted rude and childish comments at her as she threw a fit about not having her room to herself. On top of that she stereotyped Anice as a pureblood. After that, Anice couldn't possibly have good feelings towards her. She had a hard time understanding how someone so unpleasant could be as popular as she was. Though, after a month of rooming with the veela, they seemed to have formed a truce of sorts. Anice still wouldn't call the blonde her "friend", but at least they're constant fighting had become rare.

Jayden Everdragomir-Acquaintance
"I try to avoid Everdragomir but we seem to be running into each other a lot lately..."

Anice had never found the need to strike conversation with her Slytherin classmate. Whenever they had interacted in their earlier years, it was when Anice scolded him and deducted house points. Before she was a prefect they didn't even talk. When it was made public that he was half-dhampir, Anice couldn't help but jump on the bandwagon and avoid him. It wasn't that she had a problem with half-breeds or anything to do with his blood. But rather for what he was. Since she was little, dhampir's were what plagued her little 6 year old nightmares. When she found out what he had in him, she couldn't help but be afraid. However she found that since Everdragomir was a close friend to her roommate, he was becoming rather difficult to avoid.

Garaile Scriven-Headache
"The source of all my pains..."

When Anice was younger, Garaile Scriven was just another Slytherin student that was on her list of names to memorize. Little did she know how much she'd want to erase him from her memory in the future. From the moment she met the flamboyant journalist, she knew he was trouble. He was loud, rude, and nosy. He loved to torment her and tease her as a prefect. Even worse, docking house points seemed to have no affect on him. Unlike when other guys flirted with her, she found his flirtations irritating rather than embarrassing. Not to mention his horrible article in the paper "The Weasel". For the most part, Anice tries to ignore his taunts and fulfill her prefect duties, but with her short fuse, their meetings don't usually end well.

Lucas Grey-Fellow Prefect
"Lucas has much to learn as a prefect, but he definitely has the heart."

Anice had met Lucas in 3rd year. She had caught him setting a prank and quickly scolded him. Though she was young, she was as dutiful as ever. Ever since then she kept a close eye on her classmate, trying to catch him every time he tried to pull a prank. After a while it became like a game of cops and robbers. She was shocked to find that he later became a prefect, and took it upon herself to train him in all the ways of being a successful prefect and enforcing the rules. It took a few beatings and he didn't always listen, but in the end Anice found a friend in him and he became important to her.


[glow=red]P a t r o n u s [/glow]
Anice's patronus is Beaver
Hard-working and dutiful, the beaver spends many hours working, building dams, canals and lodges. Always working and controlling their environment, it's no surprise the strict prefect's patronus is a beaver. Anice is dutfiul and strives to maintain order in all aspects of her life.

[glow=red]B o g g a r t [/glow]
Anice's biggest fear is chaos. She can't stand not being able to have complete control over a situation which is why her own curse terrifies her so much. Ever since the loss of Fyn, she found that she needed to have control over every situation she's put in. This is why she tends to have anal tendencies and paranoia. She lives in a constant fear that her world will plunge into chaos if everything isn't perfect.

[glow=red]W a n d [/glow]
constructed with Black Walnut | core is Dragon Heartstring| exactly 12 inches

Less common than the standard walnut wand, that of black walnut seeks a master of good instincts and powerful insight. Black walnut is a very handsome wood, but not the easiest to master. It has one pronounced quirk, which is that it is abnormally attuned to inner conflict, and loses power dramatically if its possessor practices any form of self-deception.

If the witch or wizard is unable or unwilling to be honest with themselves or others, the wand often fails to perform adequately and must be matched with a new owner if it is to regain its former prowess. Paired with a sincere, self-aware owner, however, it becomes one of the most loyal and impressive wands of all, with a particular flair in all kinds of charmwork.

^From HP wiki

Anice's wand is a strange shape. Flatter than most, it actually looks like a ruler. It even bears a mark every inch, making it perfect for measuring and tracing, along with casting magic.

[glow=red]O t h e r [/glow]

Elaboration of Curse
The hex that was placed on Anice is chaotic telekinesis, the curse grants a child immense telekinetic abilities that are out of their control. However the severeness of it is judged by the strength of a given emotion. Example: If the host is very upset, the telekinetic energy will be stronger and more destructive than if the host is only a little sad. the stronger the emotion, the stronger the energy and the more destructive it becomes. Since the potion used became mutated and was never tested on a fetus before, the cure is unknown. The older the host gets, the more uncontrollable the curse becomes.

Candy Addict
Ever since she was little, Anice has had an unhealthy lust for sweets, especially candy. Whenever she's around it she loses her strict composure and will not be able to focus on anything but the delicious treat. She refers to it as her weakness and can't control herself around it. She often keeps lollipops tucked behind her ear to snack on throughout the day. Embarrassed about her obsession, she keeps it secret, though it is not difficult to find out. Many people who have discovered the fatal weakness of the Slytherin cop often use it to bribe her.

Outstanding Student and Prefect
Since Anice has spent so much time studying, she is one of the best students in her year and has amazing magical abilities. Her grades have always been at the top and her tests unmatched. She has very good control over magic and knows countless spells. Because of this she is also a prefect. However she is not just any prefect. She is notorious for enforcing the rules. Having memorized Hogwart's entire code of conduct, she dreams of becoming Head Girl of Slytherin House and is as strict as can be when it comes to maintaining order in Hogwarts.

[glow=red]A p p e a r a n c e [/glow]

Anice was never known to be "exceptionally gorgeous" like her mother. Instead, she was much more like her average father. Born with boring brown hair and brown eyes; the only characteristic really exceptional about her was her skin that seemed nearly flawless. And even that took work. When she was smaller, she was always insecure because many other pureblood girls had sparkly eyes and pretty hair, while she sat with her boring appearance. It was obvious her mother was aware of her daughters lack of beauty and often tried to pizzaz her daughter in other ways, even trying to transfigure her at times. Though, Marina's lack of magic expertise led to many failures and mistakes when she attempted such experiments.

However, as Anice grew older, she realized how fickle and obsolete beauty was. Many people spent so much time and money chasing after it, and in the end could only win false love and affection that could never last. Everyone would outgrow it at some point, so it would be a waste in the end. She decided to find other things that she could love herself for, such as her love of reading and her ability to learn things quickly. However, once she found her curse to be dangerous, she found it difficult to love herself with the danger that she was to others.

Anice has always taken exceptional care of herself. She's very fit and is an average height of 5'7. She's always been rather curvy, though she'd much rather be thin and delicate. She is sure to keep her image clean and to exercise daily.

When Anice isn't wearing her uniform she usually wears clothes that are similar to her uniform. Button-up shirts and cardigans paired with a skirt and tights underneath. Of course she strays from that mold many times, but generally that's what she wears. Never being the fashionable type, Anice often wears clothes that mismatch.


[glow=red]Pictures [/glow]

Theme: Turn off the lights-Panic! At the disco

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Glesni Helling2.jpg
(Made by a skillful hand of @Ectre that keeps coping with my annoying requests. Love you honey <3)

Glesni Helling

Gles for short
(Used by her family and friends. She doesn't appreciate any other nickname)

Sixteen (16)
Born on 10th of August
(Ascending Zodiac Leo; Descending Zodiac Taurus)


House and Year:
6th Year


Blood Status:



Calm and Collected
"Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath."

Glesni Helling is more or less the queen of a cold and indifferent "bitch face". Most of the time she won't change her facial expression for the sake of letting anyone else know how does she feel. Many of her emotions are calculated and dosed depending on a situation because her indifferent and cold attitude was learned for the sake of handling her troublesome wand and not something she was born with. From time to time, her true impulsive nature and a short fuse swim out in the open, but usually, she keeps it steady regardless the situation because she rarely allows anyone else to read through her intentions and feelings. She could be hating or loving your guts and all you would get at that moment would be a solid and calm "Very Well". When she seems to be hardly interested or just not paying attention, it is more than certain she will note the happenings around her with a surprising accuracy and when it comes to the life threatening situations, she prefers thinking it through over charging pointlessly. Even though her fear of death is reduced to a minimum, due to a line of unfortunate events in her not so glorious past, she is not the one to put her life on the line before she thought it through and went through all the options she have at that point.

"If you do things well, do them better. Be daring, be first, be different, be just."

Even though that she comes off as someone that hardly accepts any kind of change, Glesni will never turn down a decent and worthy dare. She is more than willing to try out a bunch of new things if she thinks of them as worth enough to bother. Dares given by people she doesn't find trustworthy will be taken with a great deal of caution, but chickening out is no option for her. She is rarely intimidated by an idea of the leadership and help as long as it revolves around her field of knowledge and she knows she can handle it. Known for her rude and cold attitude it hardly expected for her to take a stand for anyone but herself though she is more than willing to do so, knowing how it is to be hated or bullied. In that case, she makes up for the small built with a fair enough of snark and sarcasm, but also walks the walk if she is supposed to do so. She is more than harsh words and a bitchy attitude.

Self-confident and Proud
"You are either alive and proud or you are dead, and when you are dead, you can't care anyway."
Spending almost her entire life surrounded by people that thought they knew better than her about what is good for her, she at one point learned how to bow her head and say "I am sorry" for the things that weren't her fault but she for sure got better. As a side effect of "I am out of this shit" came a great amount of self-confidence and pride. No matter the insult or the humiliation she copes with, Glesni has just about enough will to laugh it off. She learned the hard way not to give any satisfaction to people that would love to see her down. If the humiliation is overwhelming, she tends to act like it didn't affect her at all and resolve it on her own, away from everyone else. Often, her proud stand and behavior seem quite cocky to the people, but as long as her defense mechanism doesn't it's job, she isn't the one to complain about it. No matter the situation, she will rather fight and even risk her life than accept to be controlled by someone if it would come to that. Therefore, besides being overly cautious, she prefers to enjoy an unquestionable freedom of opinion and considers being controlled as a form of danger larger than death.

"Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Yes, miss Helling does prefer being on her own over spending her free time with a bunch of pointlessly talkative individuals. "Lone doesn't mean lonely" completely works for her and she is more than happy to spend a quiet afternoon with a good book, cello or her pet, instead of engaging into the wide social activity. Even so, she has a pretty admiring and classy conversation skills and she is neither boring nor too overwhelming in it. The ability remained from the numerous family parties and similar that she went through as a kid. She will always rather start the conversation with one or two individuals of same or similar interests, than waste her time on the topic she isn't familiar with or if she just couldn't care less. Teamwork is something that is hard to avoid in the school years and she learned to adapt to it effectively even though she would take a solo work over a group work any day.[/BCOLOR]

"I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."

[BCOLOR=transparent]Even though many people like to believe she is simply a pretender, Glesni can't help but sound cruel and cold while commenting on the topic. She is simply overly realistic when it comes to a certain things that matter and she chooses to say a harsh rational truth more than a sweet lie. Deaths of random people hardly leave any emotion and do not upset her at all, leading some people to believe she alone was connected deeper to death than previously thought. Her being able to see Thestrals make sit no easier for the judgment. She also takes a lot of time until she is socially or emotionally connected to the person and rarely anyone would bother as much for so little to get. However, once she is connected to the person, she is ready to go long distance to make them happy. The world is a cruel place, and she knows it.[/BCOLOR]

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Being sent into the Durmstrang Institute as a young witch, she was pretty much thrown to the wolves with no previous knowledge on how to defend from envious classmates and all other that meant her harm because the way she looked; fragile and small, and partially because of her great potential that was easily seen by professors on the Institute, including her own aunt. Road from hot-headed and aggressive teenager to a disciplined and calculated young witch was rocky and hard, but eventually, Glesni had learned to channel all of her anger and negative emotions, turning them into a pure magic power that allowed her to cast some highly damaging spells. With this in mind, she is always aware that keeping her emotions steady and mild was a must. Part of it simply goes off through the stress relieving whether through reading a book, playing a cello or taking a walk, and a part of it accumulates and is later used as a powerful weapon. Even though she doesn't always agree on every rule, she goes with the flow most of the time. From time to time, she allows herself a rebellious walk in the park and avoid the rules being careful not to get in too much trouble. Dueling and casting is something she takes really seriously and she doesn't approve of it being used for fun.[/BCOLOR]

"I am not mean, I am blunt. Not wanting to hear it is a little bit too late to decide once you had asked."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Asking Glesni for an opinion means getting a honest answer no matter the cost of it. Once you asked, Glesni couldn't give less damn about your feelings when she respond that your clothes suck and similar. She has quite a rude, somewhat dark sense of humor that can turn out quite perverted from time to time, but even so, she always reply with a calm face and indifferent attitude, leaving people to wonder was she serious or was she joking.Depending on the subject's status, she alters her approach, being more polite to the professors and a lot less polite towards the people she really does not appreciate a lot. If miss Helling would lie for someone, it means that someone really left a great first impression or simply means a lot to her.[/BCOLOR]

"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."
[BCOLOR=transparent]There is nothing odd in Glesni being considered too odd to handle. Whether it is the way she is thinking or the way she acts, it is hardly fully understandable to other people. At the point where you expectit the least, she will burst out laughing or flash a smile as well as get mad out off her shoes and kick your ass. Being highly unpredictable, she can come off as intimidating from time to time. It takes a lot to figure out the pattern of her behavior and she herself enjoys it, kinda sadistically, watching others trying to do just that. She also tends to test personality of others and pay a really close attention to their behaving pattern, pushing the limits and playing with their patience, sometimes more than others would consider healthy.[/BCOLOR]

"Most people are too silly to be truly interested in any thing. They herd together like cattle, and do not know what is good for them."
As much as she isn't afraid to be different, Glesni is quite comfortable with questioning everything and everyone. She will rarely accept anything as a "done deal" without thinking it through. Her skepticism makes it difficult for anyone to gain her trust as easily and even when she is acting friendly to someone, it hardly means anything else but "I can tolerate you". Most likely, she is the one to question even the general truth if she doubts it even for a bit which makes her a lousy risk taker. Miss Helling is one of the people that prefer enjoying their scripted day rather than facing the stressful and sudden changes. This, however, doesn't mean that she isn't ready to react spontaneously when needed, but even that is already with already determined reason, whether it is to save a life or fix what is broken. Skepticism often makes her a good tactician and a researcher because she prefers hearing as many sides of the story as possible, before deciding to believe.

"After years in utter darkness, I force my eyes into the light. For I must retain my sight, that I might view the wholeness of the void, objectively."
Glesni is so good in reading people, that she could be considered clairvoyant. She is usually capable of deciding whether a person is up to no good and whether their actions will work based on somewhat psychological analysis. She is not the one to put her nose into things where it doesn't belong and yet, she will most certainly remember things that reach her ears, just in case. She somewhat enjoyed the entire process of putting the actual personality behind the new face, giving them life and meaning. Combined with skepticism, asking her for opinion on how things will go without realizing that she is not prone to making things look and sound pretty, means a lot of mental pain. Ability to somewhat predict the people's behavior serves her very well while predicting the outcomes in the game of Quidditch or chess. She almost never jumps to conclusions and she prefers testing people's patience and coolness limit before they would react, finding certain amount of amusement in it.



Early Age
"The only sin is the sin of being born"
- Samuel Beckett

Glesni Helling was the first-born child in decently wealthy, British Helling family. As a daughter of muggle father and the pure-blooded witch mother, before she even knew about her existence, she was torn between two strong currents in her family. Her father's side of the family never accepted the fact that their son married a witch, due to their religious beliefs. With that, they insisted that the child is pulled to their side so they would react and "chase the devil" out of the girl while they still had a chance. Her mother, as well as her father strongly rejected them, turning them into his own enemies, causing them to disown him. Ever since, Glesni grew up without any knowledge about her grandparents. She was raised like any other child by her parents and her aunt that tended to visit from time to time, leaving a major influence on Glesni's development, without her sister, or her brother in law, knowing it. Glesni's connection with aunt Ravena grew rapidly and soon it was noticeable that Ravena spent more and more time with their baby.

Ciera, Glesni's Mother, didn't approve it. Even though they were of same blood, they were never really getting along. Ciera simply was always a "goody-two-shoes". She was an example of successful and promising student, talented duelist, and among all a great Chaser of her Quidditch team. However, Ravena was a special cookie herself. Typical, almost stereotypical Slytherin student. Even though her Quidditch or her learning skills weren't even close to parry her sister's, Ravena's duelings skills were significantly better, making her a highly respected duelist. Her love for the unknown soon dragged her to the dark side. Being of that generation, she was very well familiar with Death Eaters and their intentions, and dark arts that she tended to work on in her "free time", didn't help her case. Right after the dust was settled, she moved to eventually become the Dark Arts teacher in Durmstrang Institute where she was gladly welcomed to to her pure-blood status and her tendencies towards the Dark Arts. It is unknown if she had any role in the actual wizard war because she tends to avoid the subject.

Glesni started showing her magic abilities intensively after she turned four and was able to resonate and understand things clearly. What worried her parents most, is that her expressive magic tended to take on destructive and aggressive turn due to it's unusual strength. Even though little Glesni was aware of what she should or shouldn't do, she always seemed to find a great pleasure in pranking people or doing mess with her abilities.

Preschool Years
"There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in."
- Graham Greene

As soon as tiny miss Helling turned eight, afraid that she might be even more aware of her power, her mother insisted on turning her attention to something else. The fact that her sister was at that time absent for another wizard school year, made it easier to make her daughter do as she wanted her to do. Among all the things she tired to do to "fix" her daughter, only the music lessons and a good game of chess seemed to be doing the trick. In love with the music, Glesni seemed to be finding a great deal of joy in practicing violin and singing with her muggle teacher, and her father was more than delighted to show her how to play chess, first insecurely and later on more leaning towards winning. As it was proven before, any attempt to send Glesni anywhere in muggle preschool program, turned disastrous and their daughter ended up locked in the house with only certain people visiting her. Her contact with kids of here age was close to none. No matter how much her muggle father complained about it, her mother remained firm in her belief that it was for the best. Knowing close to nothing about the ways of wizards and witches, Tom Helling had no choice but to back down and watch his half-blooded daughter spending her days away from any longer contact with a random, everyday people.

In the winter of the same year, the news spread of Ciera having another baby. The pregnancy itself was hard on her, and she was often prone to arguing and getting annoyed really fast. Considering it somewhat normal, her husband preferred to stay out of her way, but when it came to her older daughter, she didn't seem to mind nor care about her condition. Taking after her mother, Glesni was always ready to argue back even at such young age and every high and aggressive tone that would usually make other kids back away, caused miss Helling to argue even more. Ciera was the one to back away several times when their arguments ended up with the uncontrollable expressions of anger through the non-verbal magic her daughter was still prone to when upset. Realizing that her daughter's aggression turned for worse each year, she began to fear for her other daughter's safety. Admitting her fear to her husband made their relationship much worse with Tom silently blaming her for what their daughter had turned into. The entire family surroundings started falling apart even then, even though Tom was still by his wife no matter what and considering he was the only one that was able to "handle" their feral daughter, Ciera appreciated it a great deal. Being a young mother, she somewhat indeed believed it was her fault and that she had no idea what she was doing in the first place. Being a witch didn't mean you knew how to raise one. In desperate need of any help from the magic world, she once again turned to her older sister for advice.

Ravena never had kids and he never wished to have any, but so far, as a Dark Arts professor at the Durmstrang Institute, Ciera believed she knew what she was doing. As far as she knew, Durmstrang was where all the bad kids went. Willing to resume her connection with the girl, Ravena got back to London, offering her help. As long as her sister remained in the house, everything seemed to be normal and calm. The only reasonable thing to do was what any parent with a magical kid supposed to do. Instead of insisting on the usual school, sending their daughter to the "specialized" school was the only option they had if they hoped to see any improvement. As expected, Ciera demanded Hogwarts as the only possible solution, being the student herself years ago, but surprisingly, Ravena refused to agree, insisting that Durmstrang was the only real solution and that no matter how good they were in Hogwarts, they would under no circumstances know how to deal with their daughter. Insulted by her sister's proposition, Ciera once more had a severe argument, showing her sister the way out and no way back in. Ravena obediently left their home, but it was somewhat certain they would see her again.

Months after, Glesni's young sister, Duff was born. As much as she wanted to see and take care of her sister, Ciera thought of all kinds of excuses to keep her away. It caused new turbulences in their family and as soon as their younger daughter turned one, their father ended up appearing rarely at home with the excuse of being too busy with the new research. As her mother was being busy with her younger sister she never had a chance to meet as she should, Glesni ended up building relationship only with her music teacher.

Future at the doors
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
- William Shakespeare

By the time Glesni turned eleven, her family already fell apart. Tom moved out, making the life on it's own, struggling to get a right to get his older daughter under his custody and if someone had asked Glesni about it, she would move straight away. However, her witch mother yet again insisted that with her father, she could only get worse. As determined by their lawyers, their older daughter had to be sent for schooling and for the best to be handled by a third side. Since their families had little to no interest in girl that was a black sheep of the herd, Ravena once more had the opportunity to walk back into their lives, this time her intentions protected by law itself as her mother remained against. Glesni was moved to cold Scandinavian area, under the care of her outcast aunt. There, the treatment she had was far more different, more enjoyable. For the first time she was allowed to do what she wanted to do, under circumstances her aunt calmly explained to her and only then was she able to understand things that were happening to her. Instead of worrying about pleasing her parents like the obedient pet, Glesni embraced the fact that she was different and worked her way to turn the tide of the magic in her advantage. Her love for music and chess remained as she continued to practice both successfully. Her aunt was somewhat musical herself and once Glesni saw how magnificent she looked with her pretty aged cello, he insisted in learning it herself. It was a love at first sight and one of rare things that calmed her heavy temper down.

All the time of turmoil in her family didn't hit her as hard as they expected to. Being intelligent as she was, even at young age she was able to understand the nature of relationships between the people she knew so well. Unlike her mother, her aunt encouraged her to use her magic as much as she felt it was needed and whenever she felt was needed. Mesmerized by the new opened possibilities, Glesni used every chance to study her aunt's books and scripts, learning more about magic and it's ways, though she had always shown talent and interest especially in dark arts. It somehow made her feel at ease and her aunt couldn't be prouder.


Durmstrang Institute
"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."
- Aristotle

As Ciera lost the last nerve to pressure her sister in taking care of Glesni and doing what is best for her, Ravena had the opened path to make Durmstrang Institute richer for yet another ignored and mistreated talent she considered Glesni to be. Excluding the fact that she looked especially ridiculous in the Institute uniform, she soon emerged as one of the most promising students, especially in the fields of astrology, potion making and sinister dark arts. During her school years in Durmstrang, she was everything but loved and respected by her fellow students. Hardly any of them even wanted to try anything but setting her for the fall. It didn't take as much intelligence as she had to realize that she will never be able to lean on anyone but her aunt there. She was the one that encouraged her to do her best every day, even if that was hard to do when many things worked against her. Encountering a lot of hate, Glesni had a hard time controlling her anger and often got herself in trouble, which was from time to time greeted by a certain amount of professors that considered hierarchy a part of student's evolving. Only way she was able to sustain from actually hurting others was through the magic practice and later on Quidditch.

Her Quidditch practice seemed to be working for her, and being assigned as a beater, had many advantages since all her anger went into a pretty heavy blows she was giving out. Year by year she was working on the discipline and decency in approach, no matter how insulted or annoyed she may be. She learned to tolerate more than ever. As she got older, she leaned more and more towards the powers that not many dared to challenge and with handling her anger, her non-verbal spontaneous magic was taken down to it's minimum that wasn't as harmful as before. However, it find it's way through her wand that was hardly made for what she represented and it often disobeyed her during her dark arts practice. Learning to keep it patient and focus with the wand that wasn't the ideal one was a major challenge that she seemed to be handling pretty well. Later on, it was a feature of hers that was noticed and appreciated from more than just her aunt. Sadly, in a bad way.


Love and hate
"This time I wouldn't forget him, because I couldn't ever forgive him - for breaking my heart twice."
- James Patterson

The field collision wasn't as bad as she had expected it to be. However, her angry side took it's toll once he shoved him away and yelled at him as he just stood there in disbelief. Without even apologizing, Glesni picked up her broom and walked off the Qudditch field that day, Blood running from the back of her shoulder, down her back, and through the tear in her Quidditch equipment. Her broken pride hurt more than a severely damaged shoulder. It was planned and she was convinced they felt sorry only for not damaging her more. However, she hardly expected it to be executed by one of the most popular students of the Institute. She would always expected it to be someone from the shadow, and hardly someone she silently admired. Zander Nordskov was, till that day, high on her list of people she had nothing against. And the list was short. Tall and athletic, with light brown hair, icy blue eyes, proud stand and a wide smile, he hardly looked like a troublemaker to those that knew nothing about him. But laughing as hard as he did that day, was anything but admirable. During her visit to the infirmary, she let no sound as her wound was taken care of. Being emotionally exhausted, she considered no pain big enough to cry about. The scar that was left behind remained visible and she was only thankful that it was hidden under her clothes. It wasn't a must to say anything about it out loud. Most of the Institute was already aware of the scene she caused and it hardly did much to help her already bad reputation.

She was wrong to think that he would just simply leave her alone. As much as she avoided him every time he tried to approach, he was as persistent. Not believing his story about good intentions, he slapped him the last time he approached her to supposedly apologize for what had happened before. She struggled even more to ignore all the messages and signs of affection he sent to her. The more she refused, the more interested he was. Unsure herself, when exactly it happened, Glesni soon ended up in a romantic relationship with Zander, somehow feeling the intense connection they shared even with all the anger she threw at him. Even with her aggressive attitude, he never gave up on her and it was something that finally tore down her walls that she was building up for so long. Neither of them were in need of sharing their relationship with others and they mostly remained secluded and away from the eyes, acting like nothing is going on. A year after, she seemed to be getting too attached to her supposed lover and Ravena noticed there was more between them, not being at all pleased about it. Not understanding why that would be any of her business, Glesni ended up in a sever argument with her aunt that claimed he was no good for her. Once she realized the amount of stubbourness in Glesni's head, she simply let her make the worst (or the best) mistake of her life.

Spending more time together, during the fourth year, Glesni was the first one to notice that the one she loved more than herself changed. He became more mysterious about the magic practice he was doing, closed up, cold, but still charming enough to keep her around. The more she tried to help him and reach out, he drifted away faster and further. Mentioning all the sinister things her aunt warned her about, at the verge of being obsessed with them, made Glesni question his sanity. As time passed, not only his overall success suffered, but their relationship as well. Glesni became nothing but the rag doll he would yell at when he would be in a bad mood which happened more often than ever before. He insulted and physically attacked her, which made her loose all of her trust, leaving her with the broken heart. Once she was convinced she wanted nothing to have with him, she did her best to resume what she was there for, again patching up the broken relationship with her aunt. During several months, she heard nothing of Zander and by the look of the faces of other students, she was convinced none of them did. Only then did she realized her feeling for him weren't as dead and she was suddenly determined to find him, no matter the cost.

Avoiding to tell anything to her aunt about it, she skipped her class and went to search for him without letting anyone know her plans. Later on when asked, he had said that her gut feeling was precise once she found him on the spot the used to visit. What she found was just a glimpse of the boy he knew before, a tall, handsome and promising pure-blooded wizard. He was now a skinny and unrecognizable man with a devious look on his face. There she regretted all that she taught him and all that she showed him months ago. It was all that she was to him.A tool for a greater knowledge and more power in his devious magic practice; his insane idea of being the new "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named". It devoured him alive and drank up all the good that was, or it seemed to be in him. Once her aunt became aware that she was missing, she set out to search for her with a couple of other, older teachers that were already worries about her connection with the student they considered a bad news, even thought he seemed to be as perfect as it gets. Their expressions involuntarily turned to those of disgust once they had found her. She was kneeling in the puddle of mud and blood beside Zander Nordskov's lifeless body, sobbing, with her wand broken beside her and his blackthorn wand shaking violently in her hand.

I, Murderer
Injustice in the end produces independence.
- Voltaire

It has been settled that it was to be considered a self-defend both by the Ministry of Magic representatives and the Headmaster of the Durmstrang Institute after a detailed conversation with the girl. Getting a legitimate ownership over the wand as the duel winner, made her the only person that was capable of handling it without a violent response. Putting Glesni under stronger surveillance, caused a lot of questioning among fellow students. Those that had no idea about her connection with the missing student wondered what she would have to do with it at all, and those who did, wondered how deep in the gutter did she go. Finding out that their son, a promising pure-blooded wizard had died a violent death, caused a great rage among Nordskov family ending up with a demands to arrest and put on the family court the half-blooded, filthy female they blamed for his death. Finding it outrageous that Zander would have anything to do with the witch that had a "filth" in her blood, his parents went as far as accusing her for deceiving and murdering him with her motive being jealousy. Mentally exhausted from all the pressure, miss Helling did little to none to defend herself under the light of their accusations. The said story of murder out of jealousy was certainly good and scandalous enough to inspire many versions that found their way into the circles of students and even though Ravena went a long way to protect her niece, it was just a matter of day when a disaster would strike. For a while, teaching her discipline and patience worked like a charm under those stressful circumstances, but it was only as much as Glesni could handle without a violent defend. Eager to drive her insane and annoyed by her proud stand regardless the situation, the group of students, already know for making a rumble with the another student, later expelled, made sure they harass or TRY to harass her every step of the way, firming up the overall image of her being a liar and even worse; a murderer.

After it escalated into an almost lethal argument with Glesni's wand casting out of control, heads of the Institute decided that they have had enough. Instead of looking to punish every student that made her life hard enough, and sick and tired of constantly getting into highly unnecessary arguments with the grieving family that was alone responsible for the success of the Institute as it's patron a great deal, they decided that one student wasn't worth it. Regardless Ravena's protests against it, she was given just about enough time to find her niece a suitable schooling replacement. Without the protection of the Institute, her niece would find herself in a situation where expelling her meant death sentence that would for sure be influenced by the pure-blooded and highly influential Nordskov family. Aware that no wizard school is likely to accept a student as Glesni, Ravena had no choice but to resume her long time frozen connection at Hogwarts, honestly not expecting to resolve anything. As expected, the Headmistress Minevra McGonagall was more than surprised to hear from her in such light, knowing how troublesome she was herself. The story itself hardly did any good for Minevra's positive decision, but hearing about things given to her in a full discretion that put some sense into her ex student's plea made her rethink her decision. Soon enough, the transfer was arranged and miss Helling was on her way to continue her schooling in Hogwarts. Hearing that her daughter was finally on the right track, Ciera was delighted. So delighted that none that knew, had a heart to tell her the true reason behind it. Arriving at Hogwarts had it's ups and downs. As long as everyone there was leaving her alone, Glesni couldn't be happier. Eventually she would get a chance to fully devote to what she was there for. However, she was soon about to see that things that worked in the Durmstrang Institute weren't taken as lightly in Hogwarts.




Known Family:
"My family isn't what you would think when you see them. They are not happy, they do not get along, they are not perfect. No, they are not...but they are mine. You touch what is mine, I am willing to drag you to hell, following if I need to."

Tom Helling (The Muggle Father)

Glesni and her father have a sincere "father-daughter" relationship even after their family fell apart. Tom is an average British gentleman, tall and slender always of proud stand and a wide smile. Working as a scientist, allowed him not only to have a decent life, but to escape from his problems as much. Always a family guy, he was deeply devastated after his own parents disowned him for dating and marrying the witch. Happening accidentally, their relationship was always somewhat tense and stressful with all the obstacles a young couple had to deal with. Trying his best to maintain the peace between the two sides of his family finally took it's toll once it all fell apart and he left the family house. As a father, he is highly in love and connected with both of his lovely daughters but somewhat silently, he always adored his older daughter a little bit more.

Ciera Helling/Gelson (The Witch Mother)

Relationship between Glesni and her mother is tightened up from time to time because forgiving her for "ruining their family" for her own "selfish goals" is still hard for Glesni to do. However, it doesn't reduce her obligation and respect towards Ciera as her mother. Ciera is a wonderful and tiny pure-blooded witch with long and tidy chestnut hair and silver eyes. Her flawless posture and confidence always managed to suck in some admires from the surroundings. Always the loudest one in her plans and ideas, it was no wonder she was one of the most admired students of Hogwarts through her schooling years. One would think that being a skilled seeker, a perfect and an overall smarty-pants would be too much for one witch to handle, but a workaholic like Ciera always found a great deal of pleasure in her obligation. Even till this day she is trying to stuff some sense into her older daughter's stubborn head.

Duff Helling (The Squib Younger Sister)

Even though both of them went their separate ways, Glesni is always ready to help her whenever she is in need for it, no matter how far away she might be. Duff is one of rare people that Glesni would even gave her life for. Being kept away, Glesni never truly managed to meet Duff. However, she made up for it during her forced lock down in her family house in a span of two weeks. Who would have thought that detention could be as fun? Duff is somewhat slender for her age, already threatening to be much taller than her older sister, taking after her father with a dirty blonde short hair and cheerful blue eyes. Even though she is yet to understand the meaning of her sister's absence and her parents' split up, she is already showing a great deal of intelligence, but only that of an average muggle child.

Ravena Gelson (The Witch Aunt)

When she had it the hardest, Ravena was there to dedicate herself to Glesni and bring her to the right path, teaching her to use her full undeniable potential and believing in her when nobody else would, including her mother. Ravena is Ciera's older sister, ridiculously tall with a raven black and waist long hair. It was certain that Glesni had a lot originating from her aunt when she took the raven black hair and emerald green eyes along with a gentle but somewhat serious facial features in her heritage. Unlike her sister, Ravena was neither patient nor willing enough to compete or study. However, where Ciera couldn't shine, she had it covered. Being a complete opposite and being sorted into the Slytherin when her sister was a Gryffindor, she took over position of the dueling club leader; something that her sister wasn't as good at. She was as well more prone to solitary activities like music as a cellist, reading a book or playing chess. Realizing she was especially gifted in the area of DADA and the dark arts themselves, she was gladly accepted as one of a Durmstrang Institute highest ranking professors.

"I don't need to meet you in person to know you, because my knowing methods never fail. However, I am more than willing to meet those that are willing to meet me."

August Yilmaz - That beautifully strange Ravenclaw

Saskia MacLean Shacklebolt - The nature loving colleague

Aled MacNeill - Respected professor, great wizard and patient teacher

Sethen Lockett - Mister "happy-go-lucky" with the side of charm

Crissy Fairlie - Strawberry blond enigma that you just can't miss

Madison Van Reeden - Interesting and somewhat amusing Miss Sassy

Jabari Asim - What is with that first impression again?

Lucas Grey -

"People I can feel for. Those I consider my extended family."


"That one person that you can't get out of your head, that makes your heart beat faster and your walls crumble. Once they do, you feel their pain as well as their happiness, but even so, you wouldn't give it away for the world."


"There is a major difference between a rival, hater and an enemy. Rivals I respect, haters do not concern me, enemies are my priority."

Zander Nordskov (Formerly/Deceased)

There is absolutely nothing easy in making your love your worst enemy. As much as their romantic relationship raised the dust, so did their way to becoming the biggest enemies. Turning love into hatred worked as a fuel for violent and tense duels that finally ended up with Zander's death. Even though deeply regretting it, Glesni also can't help but feel somewhat at ease for removing him from the face of the earth for her own and a sake for all other wizards and witches that were threatened to feel a piece of Zander's insanity.


A Wolf Spider. Referring to her artistic nature, ability to see sometimes hidden patterns and having a sixth sense for trouble, knowing it will happen and precisely determining her odds. It shows her intuition and independence almost on a verge of being an eccentric. Sometimes, for a sake of perfecting her work, she can easily forget about everyone and everything around her, and completely focus on her goal. Wolf spiders are members of the family Lycosidae, from the Ancient Greek word "λύκος" meaning "wolf". They are robust and agile hunters with excellent eyesight. They live mostly solitary and hunt alone. Some are opportunistic hunters pouncing upon prey as they find it or even chasing it over short distances. Some will wait for passing prey in or near the mouth of a burrow.


Glesni is almost extremely pupaphobic (Pupaphobia is fear of puppets), and any contact with puppets of any kind makes it quite difficult for her. Most of people find this really funny and childish, which opens more possibilities to give her a hard time. Her Boggart comes up in a form of a puppet or a ventriloquist dummy, depending on her state of mind at that point. The term pupaphobia derives from the Latin word pupa, meaning "doll", and the Greek phobos, meaning "fear". Almost all cases of pupaphobia originate from childhood, because puppets are mainly directed to children. Sufferers would believe that puppets are real animated objects just like living things, even though they're not real. One of the causes include terrible nightmares about killer puppets. Sufferers would panic and hide when seeing a puppet and would avoid watching shows where puppets are used.

Spectacled flying fox named Brach. He is quite large for it's kind, but completely harmless. He is a megabat baby that is still small enough to go around hung from the inside of Glesni's coat, on her back and similar. They are also called fruit bats, Old World fruit bats, or, especially the genera Acerodon and Pteropus, flying foxes. Compared to insectivorous bats, fruit bats are relatively large and, with some exceptions, do not navigate by echolocation. They are herbivores and rely on their keen senses of sight and smell to locate food. The head and body length is 22–24 cm, forearm 157–181 mm, weight 400–1000 g. A large spectacled flying fox has pale yellow or straw-colored fur around its eyes. The mantle is pale yellow and goes across the back, neck, and shoulders. Some have pale yellow fur on the face and top of the head. After he reaches his adulthood and full size, Brach is expected to be a size of a smaller owl.




12 inches

Blackthorn wood
(Prunus spinosa)

Dragon heartstring


"Blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior. This does not necessarily mean that its owner practises the Dark Arts (although it is undeniable that those who do so will enjoy the blackthorn wand's prodigious power); one finds blackthorn wands among the Aurors as well as among the denizens of Azkaban. It is a curious feature of the blackthorn bush, which sports wicked thorns, that it produces its sweetest berries after the hardest frosts, and the wands made from this wood appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to become truly bonded. Given this condition, the blackthorn wand will become as loyal and faithful a servant as one could wish."
(Pottermore - Blackthorn)

Glesni's wand is a 12-inch-long, consisting of Dragon heartstring core and blackthorn wood. It is stiff and firm in all his length and it's body is black, ending with the silver handle that fits snuggly in One's hand. The wand itself is quite temperamental and explosive while it "feeds" of wielder's strong feelings like anger and fear. It takes a calm hand and disciplined mind to make it behave. It is sensitive to the change of owner and tends to misbehave greatly if tried out by anyone but it's owner, especially if the wielder is non-experienced.



Even as a kid, Glesni showed an incredible talent for music and she spent most of her young schooling years additionally learning to play violin and having singing lessons. Even though she was extremely talented on violin, she soon replaced it with much more loved cello, influenced by her talented teacher. She has been playing it ever since and having around ten years of experience, she is almost always confident enough to improvise and play what she thinks can fit in, not necessarily following the music sheet. Violin is her second instrument she knows how to play, but rarely does so and is much less experienced in it so she rather leaves it to those that mastered it. As far as her singing ability goes, her voice ranges from mildly deep to high but more powerful than squeaky. Even though she has an admirable knowledge of singing, dragged down by what life has brought her, she was left with little to no reasons to sing and she can be rarely heard doing so.

Another one of her favorite hobbies she enjoys is a good game of chess. She founds it productive and a good way to waste your time and she always appreciates a smart and worthy opponent though she doesn't mind playing against herself either. Either way, she will never be the one to let you win because you do not know how to play. She finds loosing and harsh rules the best way to become good in things you do.

For the love of the written word:
Glesni often finds a lot of school books simple, plain and non interesting whatsoever. However, even though she is not a fan of directed education, she is a book lover. Not only that she reads them with great pleasure, she also is prone in showing a high amount of respect towards a book of any kind, keeping them all nicely ordered and in flawless condition regardless of their age. She enjoys a good book on a rainy day whether it is a fiction or some interesting and open-minded scientific book. Being a fast reader, she is able to read large books in just a couple of days, depending on the time she has, as well as reading several book at once, flawlessly arranging plots where they belong, regardless of their number. If there would be a fire or any kind of danger where taking the things of value with her, it is certain she would reach for her book collection first.

Darker than black:
Being a major fan and a talented practitioner of so called "Dark Arts", Glesni sees nothing wrong in their usage for certain things, therefore being not so favorite and always under surveillance. Even so, she is always happy to use that side of magic whenever she is capable to express her true feelings of anger that she learned to keep hidden for the sake of taming her still somewhat feral wand that seemingly feeds off the negative energy and adrenaline rush. She soon realized that Dark Arts aren't as welcome in Hogwarts as they were back in Durmstrang institute therefore forcing her to compromise with only low level jinxes here and there, leaving her practice of stronger spells for during the vacation when she has an opportunity to make up for it with the careful and helping hand of her aunt that is now not only willing but obliged to keep and eye on her troublesome niece. This practice allowed Glesni to gain admirable control over even some of the stronger dark spells and also allowed her to gain an easy knowledge on D.A.D.A. having a solid base in Dark Arts. In eyes of some wizards and witches, it makes her a risky student, capable of coming up with a decent amount of counter spells and dangerous behavior overall. However, Glesni never showed any will to do harm regardless of high possibility of succeeding in it and she is determined to keep it that way even though she is aware that she isn't anyone's favorite but everyone's to be blamed.

Ad Astra:
When it comes to the usual knowledge in magic, Glesni is deeply attracted to the Astrology and it's abilities to predict and describe, especially the things of future. She strongly believes in a zodiac sign influence and ability to predict people's behavior, bordering astrology with psychology and behavior analysis she is prone to even unintentionally.

Wolf in sheep's clothing...or the other way around?
Prone to manipulation, it is sometimes hard to say whether she is up to something good or up to something bad. She knows how to get what she wants by adapting to the situation and coming out without being scarred. It sometimes make her seem two-faced, but she is still sustaining herself from making any bigger trouble that way for anyone. Being useful as it is, it isn't always just for the sake of manipulation to gain and it is often used by Glesni as a defending mechanism against the attacks where she determines she can't win. She is not the one to back down and walk away with her tail between her legs, but she is neither the one that will foolishly put herself in an unpleasant or even dangerous situation. Confusing the opponent is one of her main tactics in both physical and mental duel.

Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee:
Keeping it steady and calm when it comes to being disciplined is sometimes really hard even for someone that is not naturally as hot-headed and with short fuse as she is. When simply learning to keep it inside wasn't enough as it started to make her feel uncomfortable, she turned to a different kind of exhausting it, other than through the magic she wasn't as free to preform as before. She found her release in Quidditch, first off as a hobby and soon enough as a team player back in a Durmstrang institute. Even though an unusual position for a female, she became a valuable beater of the team. Laughed at for her fragile built, she was hardly considered as worthy, until she proved otherwise, turning all of her anger into a powerful blows that were able to parry any male beater she had encounter. Being mad about many things, she never lacked anger to do so. Being easy on the broom, she moves fast through the pitch and is agile enough to avoid many of the incoming bludgers. Being assigned to Hogwarts' Qudditch team in the house of Slytherin, was more of a precaution measure after she almost caused a disaster as decided by the Ministry and the Headmistress. Even so, she couldn't have asked for better treatment. From the day of her return to Hogwarts, she became an owner of the Firebolt Supreme broom, as a gift from her thoughtful aunt.

Scarred for life:
In general, Glesni is a healthy young witch with no significant health issues. Hell, she doesn't even wear glasses! Her body being seemingly fragile and small is surprisingly healthy. Only thing that is visibly off on it is a long and deep scar going across her upper back, between the shoulder blades. She earned this scar on one of the Qudditch matches, when a rival player, "accidentally on purpose", ran into her, showing the tip of her broom into Glesni's back and knocking her off the broom to the ground. Healed quickly by magic, it stopped the bleeding, but it left a visible scar in that area that can only be seen when she takes off her shirt and lifts her hair up. The fall was long and the landing was harsh, but being fed up with being treated like crap, she refused staying in the infirmary any longer that absolutely needed, proving to be stubborn, determined and proud. Maybe even too much for her own good. Instead of stopping it from playing, it only made her will to play higher and her game better.


Glesni is 5.8 ft /1.77 m tall built slim and somewhat curvy with pale skin and dark hair that is long and wild, but always tidy. Her eyes are emerald green and clear, a bit narrowed with long lashes and nicely shaped eyebrows. Her face is calm and gentle along with tiny nose, medium thick lips and long neck. Constantly wearing her school uniform (usually loosen tie because she hates feeling of being choked) just like everyone else, piercing on her lip that she usually never takes off except if it is required for the sake of the practice and class. Free of school uniform, she tends to wear unusual and somewhat dark but decent clothes that are always tidy and complimenting her proud stand.

Voice claim: Lzzy Hale





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Caia Watkins2.jpg
(More work done by @Ectre <3)

"Let the fire enter you
Let the anger start to brew
Let your instincts break the rules
Let it rise and rise in you."
("Fire" - Lacuna Coil)

Caia Watkins ("Ginger Fury")



Quidditch Referee & Coach & Flying Instructor

Human Witch

Blood Status:


"I'm feeling Invincible tonight,
I'm alive
Take a look into my eyes,
This time I'ma take you for a ride,
I'm Invincible tonight!"
("Invincible" - Adelitas Way)


"I might never become the best of the best, but I for sure can do a lot better every day."
Caia is probably the most dedicated person one will ever meet. Although she can be quite dedicated in being lazy if she feels like it, when it comes to Quidditch she is prepared to alarm her teams at early hours to practice. Every broom-free day is usually a day wasted...except for actually studying. "BUT...it also could be done on a broom, Couldn't it? Anyone?"

"Only when you decide to stay lying on the ground, you lost shamefully."
Even though she encountered some great difficulties in both her life and Quidditch career, she always refused to admit the defeat. As a former Gryffindor chaser, she got knocked down both mentally and physically many time but she would always get back into the game, whining only after she won. Sour looser? Maybe.

"The sky is green. Because I said so. Can you prove me wrong? I think not..."
No, she actually doesn't think the sky is green. It is just the way to express the level of her stubbornness. And if someone knows something about being stubborn as a god damn mule, it's miss Watkins. Yes, she knows how to admit that she is wrong, but just after she manages to convince the other side to give up or give in.

"Where there's a will, there's a way."
From persuading, to winning a tournament, Caia tends to push herself and her team to the limit if their reputation as team of Hogwarts is jeopardised. Though her reputation matters to her as well, she always put her team before it. Satisfied team and hard work means victory in a long term. With that energy, she is willing to work with even the clumsiest youngsters that wish to learn no matter how long it takes...and no matter how hard she must yell at them to do it properly.

"I(t) never killed anyone so far. Did I(t)?"
On the field it is only natural to obey the rules. But hey, game passion is allowed. In her usual encounters with people that annoy her guts, she will turn aggressive if she believes her players, herself or even Hogwarts is targeted with mockery or even physically. Even though she dedicated her life to Quidditch, she is quite skillful with her mischievous wand that cast in the range of the funnies prank hexes to true attacks depending on rational need. Aggression in addition of being over protective from time to time is a bomb ticking.

"Mind over matter, head over heart, pride over pain."
That is what Caia always says to the players before they start the match, whether it is between the houses, or Hogwart's finest versus everyone else. She strongly believes what she says and sticks to it. What she believes and think is stronger to her from what she might see. She never allows her emotions to drag her away from thinking straight when it is crucial. And last but not least, no matter how tough something is, she would never let it show.

"To those that respect me, I give my all."
Weather if they are just young students or the oldest professors in Hogwarts, it is all the same for her. Respect is followed by respect at least. Even though the way of respecting these two groups is incredibly different, Caia seems to handle it very well. She is always there to assist without hesitation if needed. At least she is dead serious about this. With her teams, she is as close to a friend for them as a trainer can be. She treats all teams and players, no matter which house they're from. It takes guts to get out on the pitch, and she understands it more than anyone.

"I just happen to notice seemingly unnecessary details around me. My blessing and my curse."
Training since her young age, improved her crucial senses and perception in global, allowing her do pull out even the most difficult situations in a match, notice great amount of fouls that might usually go unnoticed and correct mistakes of beginners in flying on broomstick. If she is personally involved in game, she is quite skillful in dodging and controlling her broom in the tightest of situations. Something she hopes her students will use one of these days.

"It is all in good fun."
In her free time, when she is not uptight about approaching match or things related to that, she enjoys loosing up and showing her joker side. Although her jokes are pretty much of teasing and sarcastic manner, she has a talent of selling them, along with some extra bad puns, to even the grumpiest people of Hogwarts and surroundings.

"It is all about being terrified, and yet doing it the best you can anyway."
No matter if it is about sports, duel, knowledge or physical encounter, Caia is the last to retreat. She has no problem and it's not bothering her to defend weaker ones just as she would defend herself. She is fast to accept challenge of any kind which usually leads other teachers and staff to think of her as an immature brat that likes to show off. For students the game is the same. One should think twice before challenging the "Ginger Fury", if they look for an easy win.

"Master your dares. They go the longest way, while the truth is just coming around the corner. After you dare, truth itself is obvious to those willing to understand."
If it would be considered a game, Caia would called it "Dare or dare more?". All talk and no walk is what she genuinely hates, especially when it comes from mature people. She has some tolerance for raging teens, considering they're not in a position to do anything about it in a first place. However, she is quickly annoyed by a constant yapping (mainly that of girls that break their nails), and she tends to ignore it, or use her "teenage lives friendly" method to make them stop. Even though she used to accept every dumb challenge as a youngster, she is at least a bit too mature for it now... or at least others hope so.

"Being vain is bad, but allowing people to run you over with your humility is even worse. Pride is a well determined middle of the two."
Even though she is far from a vain person, Caia will never think twice before she firmly stands for her rights and pride, as well as the pride of students, friends, school, and everyone else she finds important. Prideful teammates are sometimes way too hard to deal with, but being one of their kind she pulls it through. Along with her pride comes the emotional coldness, for she would hardly admit that she was vulnerable at given point. For that, she is usually considered hard to handle among those that aren't close to her.


"Can't check myself at all
Break my fist on the fucking wall
Because raw instinct is all I know
And it suits me just fine
Convince myself that
My actions aren't received as spite
Then passionately is how I go
And it suits me just fine."
("Insatiable" - Atreyu)

Early Years
Caia Watkins is a pure British lass, born in Oxford, England. She was born in a common mixed family of her muggle mother and the wizard father. Even in her early years, Caia started to express her love for physical activities and sports. She could never sit in one place longer than a minute, and her attention on things that were boring to here was pretty much none. Unlike her older brother that was eager to always know something new, Caia was mostly interested in being outside, doing exciting things and listening stories of her grandfather Fabius Watkins. Finding nothing wrong with that, her father Rowan took her for broomstick rides late at night and often.

Her mother always disapproved it, wanting Caia to be in bed by ten and trying to make her focus on important stuff like reading and writing. Even more with knowing that if they were ever caught flying around, there would be some serious trouble. Even so, it was two against one and all she could possibly do is to ignore her husband getting out of the bed after ten, grabbing his broomstick and sneaking up to Caia's room where she would probably always wait for him wide awake. She knew all that, but only seeing them having so much fun, prevented her to vote against it.

Thanks to the early flight training with her father, by the age of eleven she was already able to fly on his Nimbus broomstick alone and doing some loops that made her father's heart stop both in fear and pride every time. Not to mention her mother never dared to go and see her doing it as well. Soon, as her father predicted, she was invited to Hogwarts. her mother hopped for it to never happen, since already her son left their home five years before. A bit of reasoning by her husband, and she agreed to sign the paper and let her little girl go.

Years in Hogwarts
As any other first year student in Hogwarts, Caia was truly confused by her new environment, endless corridors and new faces. Seemingly a weakling in her group due to her confusion, Caia was ignored by others that were all great in almost every subject there was. As usual, she simply didn't want to sit and listen about history and similar. It was not before practical work, duels and sports that she had shown her real potential. The year she got accepted in Gryffindor Quidditch team, was a year when everything changed for her. Becoming more popular and appreciated, allowed her to open up and start developing personality she has nowdays. Most of all, she was proud to represent the Watkins name as it should have been presented.

Soon afterwards, she improved her studies as well knowing it was the main thing to do if she wants to play further. As her grades were improving, so did her status. She was voted for Hogwarts school team and was definitely assigned to chaser's position due to her agility, sharp senses, speed and strategy. After winning her first big tournament, her father gave her Montrose Magpies badge that her grandfather used to carry. She kept it by her side during every match and now that she has an obligation to train youngsters. She believes it is some kind of good luck charm. So it seemed since her team won a lot of tournaments. Even while she was a student herself, Caia began to share advices about the game, broomsticks and flying techniques that became her speciality for years to come.

Twenties and Nowdays
Even though a person should probably grow more serious through the years, Caia practically stayed the same with only minor adapting to the mature people surrounding her. She graduated from Hogwarts with impressively high grades considering how fond she was to studying. None, that is. However, even though there were many witches and wizards above her with their high average grades, she graduated as one of memorable students, mainly for her Quidditch school career, though she wasn't a bad witch either which she proved several times.

Caia was at a time offered to fill up the chaser position in a lot of professional teams, but all the advertisement, glamour and profit made of it simply disgusted her. There was not sign of real Quidditch in those "new aged, glitter-loving, sissy teams" that only thought that it was cool to get paid for (pathetic excuse for) throwing a ball around and all the love with occasionally falling of the broom and rolling around. Because of her determination to kick that glamour picture out of young delusional minds, she agreed in filling in a spot for Quidditch Referee & Coach & Flying Instructor in Hogwarts, trying to drag out players, and not just another pretty face waiting to be wrecked by a bludger...which was pretty funny. But still...

Miss Watkins is now 27 years old and still doing what she does best. Quite a few successful team trainings, exciting matches and winnings later, Caia is preparing to get her hands on yet another generation of young Quidditch hopes of Hogwarts. After seeing them doing their thing, she is more than convinced that it will be one hell of a good year. As in previous generations, some of them are stubborn and hard as rocks, others are too insecure and gentle, but they all have their potential without any doubt. She is there to drag it out one way or another. In the end they might hate her or love her endlessly, but either way she will forge them into "the best there is" of Hogwarts, making them fight for themselves and what they do. Caia believes those features are of the exact same importance in wizardry and witchcraft, once they encounter difficult situations in life.


"I know the only words that you have for me
Are give up and get out,
You'd like to think, that we've been beaten
But we're here to stay, forever and always."
("Devil's Night" - Motionless in White)


Fabius Watkins - Grandfather (Deceased)
The famous wizard and Montrose Magpies catcher that died in an accident

Maria Watkins - Grandmother (Deceased)
Was pure-blooded witch and Astronomer

Rowan Watkins - Father
Mid-aged, pure-blooded wizard, one of veteran soldiers of Ministry of Magic

Rose Watkins - Mother
Mid-aged muggle house wife, a loving mother and wife

Arthur Watkins - Older Brother
Half-blooded wizard and a know all, currently doing something somewhere in Asia (no really, it is what he said the last time she called him)

Aled MacNeill - Really important and deeply appreciated friend
Ridiculously tall and muscular old boy, that teaches D.A.D.A., a good friend that goes few years back, and simply perfect partner in crime, since no one suspects a thing regarding him. One huge and warm "care bear", that Caia always can rely on, no matter what (yes, even if it means taking her ass out of the trouble she caused herself).

James Malone - Friendly rival and a helping hand
Fellow chaser ever since they were both attending Hogwarts and Caia's biggest rival. Even though he turned to more magical ways becoming Charms teacher, his knowledge of Quiddich is not to be taken lightly. Even though they still never cease to make others roll their eyes at their challenges and dares, their friendship was never at stake.



Fearless, assertive (okay, aggressive), and tenacious. The best at whatever she choose to do, because she gives herself no alternative.


Caia is great with broom and heights, but has no damn clue about swimming. She would sink like a rock even in shallow waters seemingly. Even so, she never became hydrophobic. However, once during her school days, she encountered a bunch of cocky Slytherin house students that pushed her into the Black lake, not knowing she would drown. Even though she was luckily dragged out on time, while underwater, she encountered a Merperson that was everything but friendly, while young Caia was completely helpless. Sometimes she tends to transfer her fear into hate, but it is still there.


Peale's Falcon (Garry)
Even though it's nature is temperamental and that of a predator, Garry is pretty much harmless to anyone but small animals in forests of Hogwarts. Along with the behaviour training, he is a great replacement for an owl. He obeys and is able to send out letters and small packages, flying in a great speed. He enjoys flying with his owner and napping in her office. Caia would never forgive herself if she had cadged such beautiful bird, so he is always free to go wherever he wants, always coming back to check on his owner.


Wand Wood: Dogwood, springy
Length: 12 inches
Wand Core: Dragon Heartstring
Wand Lore: Thanks to the dogwood that it is made of, Caia's wand is quite hyperactive, loud and mischievous, simply enjoying the prank hexes Caia casts here and there for fun. Even though it enjoys all the fun, it's firm connection to the owner allows it to cast some serious and powerful spells in hard times and tricky situations. His energetic nature allows it to cast fast. Dragon heartstring core gives the additional grasp on wand's bond to Caia. It adds the temperament and fiery attitude to the wand making it a perfect match for miss Watkins.



- Caia is an expert when it comes to broomsticks and anything related to that. She is able to match brooms with riders and tell if the broomstick is malfunctioning (or the rider is just awfully clumsy with it)
- She sometimes likes to replace player's broom with a bad or mischievous one so she can see how good they really are
- Loves spicy food
- Likes to drink from time to time when "off duty"
- Caia is a neat freak in every aspect except on the field. There, she is not afraid to get herself dirty
- She is usually seen trying out new broomsticks and other new equipment at Spintwitches Quidditch Supplies, driving the store owner crazy from time to time
- She loves all kinds of muggle sports as well, mostly volleyball
- She can whistle so loud even player arguing on the highest altitude in the range of Qudditch pitch can hear it clearly
- She rides an altered Moontrimmer broom herself


Caia is 5'8 ft tall and slim with decent curves and long limbs. Her skin is really pale, and her hair is naturally ginger colored, paired with light brown, almost golden eyes. Her hair is shoulder length and neatly cut. Her stand is straight and proud with her head always up and facing forward. She usually wears casual and comfortable clothes, but not too baggy and wears flat closed up shoes.
In occasions when she is out of the court and just spending her day with boring paperwork, she allows herself a bit tighter clothes and decent high heels that can be worn all day without dying in pain afterwards. She also knows how to dazzle in special occasions when formal wear is required, but it is only when she really has to. On training with her team, she wears full Quidditch uniform, or simple clothes with the black cape over it, and her heritage badge pinned to it's left chest side.
As a sporty, she is not much of a fan when it comes to accessories. Only thing she always wears is a black leather choker with a pendant that holds protection enchantment as a gift from her father when she was about to go to Hogwarts. Even thought it was made after her mother insisted on it, it is still a valuable sign of her parent's care first, and protection second.

Voice claim: Tarja Turunen
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  • Love
Reactions: senpai


"How foolish of us to believe we were made to love."

Crispin Oren Fairlie

Crispin: as a boy's name is pronounced KRIS-pin. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Crispin is "curly-haired".

Oren: A Hebrew name meaning Pine tree

Fairlie: the meaning could be either 'the fair feld' or the 'fern covered feld'

|| Age || 16
(June 2nd)

|| Gender || Male

|| House and Year ||

6th year

|| Species || Wizard

|| Blood Status || Muggle born



|| Personality ||


Crispin watches people very closely. He studies them like animals; he looks to see what makes them tick, what are their strengths and their weaknesses. He pays close attention to small details like movements and instincts. Anything that will help him get inside their heads so he can tear them down from the inside out. He has since learned certain traits that people have are closely correlated to certain interests. Though, he is not always spot on, he can closely pinpoint someone's likes, dislikes and weaknesses based off certain personality traits and instinctual habits. Most of the time, people don't realize he's even assessing them.

Crispin enjoys the misery of others. His hatred is more forwardly directed towards males. He has a goal to crush the heart of as many men and boys as possible. He waits until they have fallen head over heels for him, all the while him leading them on, and then once there, steps on their feelings and throws them away. Doing this gives him great pleasure and satisfaction. Even though his hatred is more directed towards males, he still holds a vendetta against females. He had his fair share of female tormenters and still tries other ways to bring them down. Usually, he is simply passive aggressive; though his thoughts are much more vulgar and rude. The pain of either men or women, it does not matter, if they are hurting, he is happy. Although he prefers to inflict the damage himself, pain, whether it be emotional or physical, by any means is usually quite entertaining to him. He prefers emotional, since he sees that as a deeper more permanent pain.

By the off chance you do catch Crispin's fancy (because it is not impossible) he is very possessive over his friends. He considers his friends to be his, and does not like to be replaced or ignored. If he is unsatisfied with the attention he receives from his friends, he will find the source and do his best to eliminate it. And if you would not like to be his friend anymore, then you will probably become number 1 on his "people to destroy" list. He becomes easily jealous over others and will throw tantrums, pout, give you the silent treatment, pretend he doesn't care while he plots the end of the offender, and may act violently towards the offender. You don't touch what is Crispin's. Crispin will kill you. One way or another.

If your reading this list, you probably think Crispin is a little devil. That's because he kind of is. However he does have a sense of humor. Albeit a dark sense of humor. He uses sarcasm extensively and will make smart comments and witty jokes. He laughs at awful things and makes disturbing jokes, though he thinks they are hilarious. This side of him often peaks out of his "Girl disguise" when he can't contain his laughter over a joke about dead babies, or seeing an actual dead baby.

Since Crispin was little, what he lacked in muscle he gained in intelligence. He was often brighter than most of his classmates, which didn't help when he got beat up. However, all the time he spent alone, he only got smarter and more deceitful. Sometimes pulling well thought out pranks on his classmates. However, the fact that they never knew who was behind it took out some of the enjoyment for him. So he eventually let up, finding it pointless.

Crispin doesn't see the harm in using other people for his bidding. He doesn't exactly see people as "people" but rather as toys. And he sees no problem in using toys for his own needs and wants. If he thinks you will be useful in a plot of his, he will find a way to make you cooperate. Be it black mail or flattery. He is usually sneaky in his methods, but if he must use force, then he will.

Crispin will usually say his opinion and not care whether it hurts your feelings or destroys your soul. He would prefer that anyway. He usually is only blunt about negative things. Usually his positive opinions he keeps to himself, unless he is disguised as a girl, in which he'll give compliments that he doesn't mean or sometimes he does. But if you have ugly hair, he will tell you that. If you are annoying, he will tell you that. If you are concieted, he will tell you that. And many times he'll say these things, even when he knows they're not true. But to make someone self conscious and make them freak out.


Crissy is well known around the school, she talks to a lot of people and has many circles of "friends". Although, most of these people aren't very close to her and know little about her. With these relationships that she forms, she obtains useful sources of information on many people. She has sources all over the school.

Crissy is very talkative and enthusiastic that people are naturally drawn to "her". She nearly glows with charisma and is very kind and uplifting. She speaks in a cute voice that often makes boys swoon and even the toughest of men blush. Many people look up to her because of her spirit and she is a bit of a leader figure in the eyes of younger students.

In order to find more information, Crispin uses his disguise to be curious and ask questions that seem harmless and playful. Sometimes, he'll come off as "stupid" which works in his favor to make people less aware of his true intentions. He plays it up quite extensively too. He uses his charm along with innocent curiosity to ease people out of their safe corners and out in the open where he can see them, and swoop down on his prey.

Most of all Crissy is friendly. She is kind to everybody and gives out a lot of compliments and praise. Though many and most times she doesn't mean it. Because of this, many people have a good opinion of her. Though there are rumours of harsh break-ups and how she leaves a trail of broken hearts behind her, but with that face? Who can blame her? It's probably not her fault, she's way too nice to do that on purpose.



|| Biography ||

Horrible Kids-Set it Off

"So he sat on his bed
With the thought in his head
With wishes that
they all were dead"

Crispin is the only son of Rebecca and Bryce Fairlie. His mother went through a very difficult labor and Crispin turned out to be rather sickly and fragile. He was born with ocular albanism, making him susceptible to other eye problems. Growing up, he was always significantly smaller than other kids, and kids being kids, picked on him for it. As he grew older, the teasing evolved into intense bullying. Many boys (and girls) who were much larger than Crispin would commit acts towards him, such as beatings, public humiliation, Social isolation, and others. He'd been pushed to the point of being violated and even traumatized by a certain experience he has never spoken about. Crispin quietly took it all, not wanting to disappoint his masculine father. Crispin's father always urged him to be as manly as possible. Though, Crispin was aware this wasn't the problem. Still, he tried his best to brave the assaults led on him by his peers; letting his hate simmer and boil inside him.

His mother, however, was not okay with the severe bullying her son was put through. When she found out the atrocities her son had experienced, she demanded that they move. His father reluctantly agreed and they decided to leave they're hometown and move to a new area. Crispin was not upset to go; yet, he realized that a new place wouldn't change human behavior. There was no doubt in his mind that his new home would prove the same as his old one. And he was set to make sure he didn't ever relive those experiences.
"Then he saw the light
Gained the will to fight,
Saw that victory was in sight
But soon they all will see..."

Crispin considered many ways to avoid being bullied in his new school. When he decided to pose as a girl, his father was outraged and refused to let him take this route. His mother was more leniant, and suggested they let their son make his own choices. Crispin didn't care what they settled on, he would have carried out his plan either way. Posing as a girl was the simplest way for him to avoid being harassed because of his non-masculinity. Girls never got bullied because they were fragile, or small, or dainty. He found it to be a very viable solution. He didn't mind it either. He learned to hate men, and the monsters they could be.
"Oh my,
Feels just like I don't try
Look so good I might die
All I know is,
Everybody loves me"

The first day he walked into his new school, he was showered in greetings and friendly welcomes. People wanted to show him to his seat and be his friend. Girls and boys alike asked him many questions and were exceedingly nice to him. It was something he'd never experienced before; and he didn't want it to end. As he spent more time at his school, he found something else to be rather interesting; boys had crushes on him. And it wasn't one or two boys; several of them were seeking to catch his eye. He would play with this: leading them on and then dropping them flat. Savoring they're misery. He found great satisfaction in the pain of his victims, feeling they should feel the torment he felt. He learned that women could hold quite the power over a man's heart, and with this power, destroy them.

Crispin's life up until that point wasn't exactly "normal"; but things got weirder when a strange man came to his door and informed him and his parents that Crispin was a wizard and would be attending Hogwarts, a school for wizards and witches. His parents were convinced it was a prank, Crispin himself didn't believe a word of it. That was until the man waved a small stick around and turned all they're furniture blue. His parents were then very welcoming of the man, and the idea that their son was indeed a wizard. Crispin's life at Hogwarts didn't differ tremendously from his old schools. The biggest difference was the curriculum and all the new material that he'd never heard of. But, he continued to trample the hearts of his avid admirers.



|| Relationships ||
Rebecca Fairlie ★ Mother
The World is Ugly-My Chemical Romance-"The world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me,"

Crispin's mother is one of the reasons he still has faith in women. She may be the only person Crispin cares for and would do anything to protect instead of harm. She has always taken exceptional care of him and, when he was younger, played with him when no one else would. Like Crispin, she's very sickly. Because of this cannot hold a job. She spends a lot of time at home, giving her a lot of time to spend with him. She and Crispin are very close and he confides in her and has a deep bond with her.
Bryce Fairlie ★ Father
When We were Younger-You Me at Six-"When I was younger, I used to care, about everything that my father said."

Unlike his mother, Crispin does not have a very good relationship with his father. His father simply cannot understand Crispin's situation or Crispin's choices. In many ways he is the exact opposite of Crispin. A built man who is very strong, yet lacks intelligence. He disapproves of Crispin's cross-dressing and even shuns him for it. Sometimes refusing to acknowledge him as his son until he "takes off those god damn clothes!" Crispin in turn refuses to acknowledge him as his father. They don't talk very often and his mother wants nothing more than for the two to get along. However they both are stubborn and refuse to comply. Even though Crispin would never admit, he needs a father figure in his life, and the absence of his own does not go unnoticed.
Elizabeth Silsbury ★ Close "Friend"
Popular-Wicked (The Musical)-"We're gonna make you pop-u-lar!"

Crispin met Elizabeth Silsbury his first year at Hogwarts. The girl accidentally knocked Crispin over when turning a corner, causing him to drop a couple things. Even though the flustered girl apologized repeatedly, Crispin just joked with her and assured her everything was fine. Of course it wasn't okay, but as Crissy he wouldn't tell her to fuck off. So he smiled warmly at her. That was that. He didn't expect to meet her again, but he did. He found her being bullied by a couple of guys, surrounded and vulnerable. Crispin isn't a heroic, but a part of him that he thought died pulled him over to the scene. "C'mon now boys, don't you have better things to do?~★" the rest was a blur, he barely remembers the boys' names, he only remembers their faces after he had ripped their hearts out mercilessly. Anyway, at the moment they left the poor girl alone. Crissy smiled at her and introduced herself to the girl. She told her that her name was Elizabeth Silsbury. A cute name. With that, they became rather close, Crissy always offering to give the girl a makeover and constantly giving her advice on boys and fashion. They seemed as close as any two girls could be, sharing gossip and painting each others nails. Crispin still hasn't found a use for this girl in his armada of souls, but for now she makes an interesting friend. After finding out that she has a connection with Montgomery Knight, he may find a use for her after all...
Madison Van Reeden ★ Latest Project

Oswin Ravenwood ★ "Friend'

Jayden Everdragomir ★ Pending
Don't Cha-Pussycat Dolls-"Don't Cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me"

Hazel Mbali★Pending

|| Patronus ||
Crispin's patronus is a red fox. Foxes are symbolically known to portray tricks and deceit. Much like a fox, Crispin plays games with is victims before devouring them wholly. Foxes are also very beautiful, which is obviously correlated.

|| Boggart ||
Crispin has crippling fear of water. Be it the ocean, a lake, a pond, a pool, or whatever the case. He never learned how to swim and when he was younger, was pushed into a deep pool by a bigger boy. He doesn't remember a lot about the experience, though he's positive he passed out. A neighbor came to the boy's rescue when the tormentor was scared that he had killed him and screamed for help.

|| Pet ||
Crispin does not currently have a pet. Though, he had a couple hamsters, 2 cats, and mice in the past. Yet they mysteriously disappeared. When his parents ask him what happened, he either claims they ran away or they died. But maybe something else caused the disappearance...?

|| Wand ||
Honey Locust wood |:| 13.5 inches |:| Unicorn Hair

Protective and strong, Honey Locust can be challenging to work with. A mighty wand of protection and bindings. Use while working with the fairy realm. Some use this wood with spells that deal with beauty and physical appearances. It is strongest during the dark of the moon.

Taken from http://gorfwands.webs.com/magic-properties-of-wood



|| Other ||

-To be clear: Crispin does not have MPD. He pretends to be a girl.

-Crispin has a weak immune system. Ever since he was young he's always caught sickness very easily. Though it's strong enough to fight off deadly diseases, he still catches a cold during summer.

-Crispin owns a pink 3DS along with a number of games. Mostly strategy games.

-Believe it or not, Crispin has had a first kiss.

-He hates excercise. Yet he would have liked to play quidditch, though his fragile body probably couldn't take it.

-Crispin is very good at crying at will, which he often uses to his advantage.

-He has an IQ of 160

-He is not currently in any clubs.

-Crispin has a deep love chinese food.

-Crispin's eyesight is pretty awful, so he's supposed to wear glasses. However, he doesn't like them and never actually wears them.

-Loves science, his favorite being anatomy. Though he doesn't mind a little quantum physics on the side.

||Magical Abilities||
Nonverbal and Wandless
Once Crispin found out he was a wizard at the age of 11, he took a great interest in the magical world. There was this new fascinating way to protect himself. He immersed himself in knowledge about the magical world, trying to coincide his findings with his prior knowledge of science. Looking for reason between the two worlds he had a straddle on. With his higher understanding, he found that using magic was relatively easy, especially when one had the elements of scientific principles in mind. Though he was young, he was knowledgeable and casting came naturally to him. He was in 3rd year when he began to cast nonverbal magic willingly. With lots of practice and study, he became skilled and can now do it with ease and precision. He has also been trying his skill with wandless magic, though he hasn't mastered it.

Dark Magic
It should come as no surprise that Crispin has experience practicing dark magic. He practices in private and rarely uses it in real life situations as it hasn't become necessary. Not only does he know curses and hexes but also has given extensive study into more dangerous and forbidden incantations, such as the unforgivable curses and others. No one can say if he's able to perform these however, as no one has seen him attempt them.

Defense Spells
By far, Crispin's become extremely accomplished in defense spells, as he found it the most important. The best offense is a good defense.

Ever since Crispin had come upon the abilities of "legilimency" and "occlumency" he found it very necessary to protect his mind and his secrets. He started training in occlumency and found that he was rather gifted in it because of his skill to suppress feelings.

|| Appearance ||

Crispin has curly strawberry blonde hair. He's actually got more from his father, though you would never tell, since they're quite different in muscle mass. His skin is very fair and he has ocular albanism, making his eyes purple. He has a very small frame and doesn't grow any hair other than what he was born with: eyebrows, eyelashes, and his head. He currently stands at 5'0. His small body and his long eyelashes allow him to pass off as a flat girl. However, he uses makeup to enhance his look. When he goes out casually he usually wears loose fitting dresses and knee high socks along with baggy cardigans. This is mostly to hide the fact he is a guy and not a girl. The loose clothes helps conceal that.

Voiced by Sam Tsui
Ask Sam Tsui to talk in a British accent and bam! Crispin.

|| Pictures ||










|| Playlist ||
Theme: ★The Music or The Misery-Fall Out Boy

In the Dark-Sam Tsui cover
Hurricane-Panic! At the disco
★Kill of the Night-Gin Wigmore
★Horrible Kids-Set it Off
★Everybody Loves Me -One Republic
★How to be a Heartbreaker-Marina and the diamonds
★Bubblegum Bitch-Marina and the diamonds
★Joshua-Simon Curtis
★Bite my Tongue-You me at Six
★Duality-Set it Off
★Poizon-Chris Jay
★Animal-The Cab
★La La-The Cab

★Mad Hatter-Melanie Martinez
★I Want Your Bite- Chris Crocker

★ Dark times-The Weeknd ft. Ed Sheeran
★ S&M- Rihanna
★ Savages-Marina and the Diamonds
★Girls-Marina and the Diamonds
★The Baddest-Krispy Kreme

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[glow=blue]** All Credit for Hazel's art/banners goes to my best friend @VocaStar! She's a boss and I praise your holy art making skills. Yas! Love it! **[/glow]


[glow=blue]Theme Song:[/glow][glow=blue] Chandelier : Sia Cover : PVRIS [/glow]

[glow=blue]Alternative Theme Song: Ur Cool Acoustic : Saara[/glow]


[glow=blue]"Do I dare disturb the universe?"[/glow]


Hazel Grace Mbali


"Hazel": Commander and Tree (but everyone likes commander better right? XD )

"Grace": Derived from the Latin word Gratia which means God's Favor

"Mbali": Flower in Zulu

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock : T.S. Elliot

[glow=blue] "LET us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky, Like a patient etherized upon a table;"[/glow]



16 || Sixteen ||September 21st || ♍ ||Virgo



House and Year:


Ravenclaw 6th Year

[spoili][glow=blue][fieldbox="Sorting Ceremony, blue, solid"]

"You'll really fall in love with Hogwarts! There's no place like this place! Yup, that's Hoggy for you! We're glad to have you aboard here Miss…uh..Miss.."

"Hazel. Hazel Grace Mbali" Hazel said in a rather slow manner. She yawned and brought her small fingers to her lips.

"Ah…Yes…That's very exotic sounding. You're from Brazil correct?"

"Mozambique, South Africa actually. I did study in Brazil for a bit though."

The Professor seemed surprised that such a well-rounded scholar was now present in Hogwarts. Still he continued to talk about Hogwarts ecstatically. Hazel could honestly care less. He wasn't offering her information she didn't already know so she really had no reason to continue to listen. So, Hazel just started to tune him out as they continued to walk down the empty corridors to the Headmistresses' office. Hazel had a date with a magically enhanced hat that would tell her what house she would be spending the remainder of her years at Hogwarts. That part got Hazel pretty excited. There were millions of possibilities for her, different paths the hat could take to sort her into any one of the 4 houses. She basically already had an outline of what she figured the hat would do. She took into account her attitude, personality, and the information she had about the four houses. The Ravenclaw house is what she predicted she would be sorted into. It made the most sense. She also hoped she would be put in that house. She would be surrounded by those who had a thirst for knowledge like she did. People who didn't behave like children 24/7 (hopefully) and were mature and wise for their young age. She felt she would be able to fit in that house the most so that is where she wished to be put.

Maybe finally being put in something like this would help her learn and experience true friendship. That was always something she wondered growing up. That sounds really depressing but Hazel wasn't too bothered by it. It's to be expected when you don't exactly fit perfectly in with one group. It's like that piece of the puzzle that almost fits in the spot but it's still not the right piece. With that thought in mind the Professor and Hazel walked into the Headmistress' office. Even though she was whisked away to a chair her eyes caught every detail, from the subtle dust in the room to the wrinkles in the Headmistress' skin and the slightly tattered leather of the hat that would be in charge of sorting her. Hazel yawned again, this time tearing up a bit. The hat was placed upon her head, or rather tossed on her head. Seemed as if the Headmistress was in a rush today. The hat was quiet for a bit before it started to hum a strange tune. Hazel had no idea how long this would take so she started thinking of other things. For some reason the Headmistress' saggy wrinkles came to mind. Suddenly the hat let out a loud old man cackle.

"Hahahahaha...oh...oh...dear god you are a funny one! Hahahaha...phew!"

That's right, Hazel had forgotten the hat could tap into her thoughts. Hazel smiled at this, who knew what was next in Hazel's mind.

"God would I like to know. Hmm, I think I have the perfect place for you my dear grasshopper." The hat began, "RAVENCLAW" the hat bellowed a moment later.

The grin on Hazel's lips widened. "I knew it!" Hazel was fired up now. She was ready to start her adventure at Hogwarts and tackle the hurdles ahead. She looked forward to her new life. Hopefully Hogwarts had something to offer her, to fill the void. If not Hogwarts then what? Then who?

[glow=blue]❤"Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets, The muttering retreats, Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels, And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells: " [/glow]



Blood Status:




[glow=blue][/glow][glow=blue][/glow][glow=blue]Hazel has some layers so, once you peel back some you get to meet new things. Purple traits are what you get at face value while blue traits are the ones you get after getting to know her for a while.[/glow]

|| Perceptive & Observant ||

[BCOLOR=transparent][glow=blue][/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Knowledge is the key to opening doors but if you can't see the door how can you unlock it."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/glow][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Though she is blessed with above average book smarts it takes more than pencil pushing and book hitting skills to get into Ravenclaw. Ever since she was young Hazel had been wise for her age. Her parents wouldn't have to tell her not to do things more than once. It was common sense not to touch a burning stove or to stick her finger in a electrical socket. While her parents had to worry about her older brother Hayden they could trust that Hazel could handle her own. It's quite obvious who the small family trusted the most out of the two. As she grew older she learned, though the hard way, the value of thinking before you speak. [/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Slowly she learned to just hold her tongue instead, choosing not to speak even when she had many opprotunities to. Because of that she became a better listener and picked up on more things than she ever did before. It was amazing how much someone could miss when all they do is run off at the mouth at will. [BCOLOR=transparent]She learned many thing by doing this, her eyes also became fine tuned to noticing the finer details. Changed your bangs slightly? She noticed. Wore contacts one day? She noticed that too. Hazel is slow to speak and slow to anger. She takes in all details at once, listens to everyone's side before she makes an unbiased opinion. [/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

|| Gulliable & Stubborn ||

[glow=blue]"Hmm, I thought that would've been a good idea. Oh well."[/glow]

Even though she has common sense and street smarts, sometimes Hazel is just too trusting. She is quick to believe the things other people, or things tell her. She has no reason to believe that they're wrong so she takes what they have to say as gospel. There have been so many times she has done something stupid because she thought it was true. All because so and so told her. Or even worse, she's been in more trouble than she would like to admit because of this little issue. It's a problem that Hazel can't really fix. She tries, but it's not that simple.

If that wasn't enough, Hazel is the most stubborn person she knows. It doesn't matter if someone breaks her logic, even when it's clear she's most likely wrong, she'll hold her pride in her hands with an iron grip, and refuse to back down. She's a strong-willed girl that's used to just taking care of herself. When things don't go her way or she's put in a situation where she doesn't like the outcome she sees, she'll shut down and resist.

|| Lazy & Disciplined ||

[glow=blue]"I know I have responsibilities...but...can't they wait a little longer?" //yawn[/glow]

With a yawn and a stretch, Hazel goes through the day slowly. Feet dragging, breathing soft, heavy eyelids, monotone and quiet voice, you get the point. You almost get the feeling that Hazel is disinterested in everything which simply isn't the case. Hazel just happens to be tired 24/7. During the school year she lacks the energy to continue on for so long. Unless it is something she is really excited about. The majority of the times though, you can fine Hazel trying to make it through the day the best she can.

As long as she has her "unlimited" supply of caffeine tablets she should be able to last the day. Even though Hazel tends to be quite the lazy and weak person she is very responsible. She knows right from wrong and tries to do the right thing. She's dependable because she's consistent in what she does. Hazel is hard working and gets the job done right the first time. There is no rushing through something with Hazel, nothing is overlooked and everything is done with perfection in mind.

|| Passionate & Curious||

[glow=blue]"Curiosity didn't kill the cat. It killed the white bitch." [/glow]

Transformation is inevitable when Hazel is faced with something she feels a strong pull towards. Her entire demeanor changes when she is faced with something she loves. Her sluggish self melts away and she suddenly becomes animated. Its like looking at a totally different person. Once the emotionally dead girl that had been dragging her feet is now ecstatically attracting attention towards herself. She just can't help herself when she get excited about something. Emotions fill her up and she can't control them.

Hazel is a curious little fella indeed. She's always trying to find new things or get new information. She'll put her nose in other people's business because of her curiosity. Her million questionnaire game begins when something peaks her interests. Hazel is curious yes. But there's also a limit. Hazel hates being scared. If something is going on that's scary she will nope the fuck out of that situation so quickly. If someone here's a noise in an abandoned ally don't ask Hazel to go with you to find out what it is. She'll just respond with a, "Bitch this isn't Scooby Doo" and run away.

|| Innocent & Kind ||

[glow=blue]"Hey, I'm all ears. Well not literally of course but you know what I mean!"[/glow]

She's not innocent in the sense that she's never experienced a thing in her life, nor is she innocent like she can't stand up for herself. Because she has gone through some things and she can defend herself, very well actually. Her innocence, is something more pure, and childlike. From her views on literature, to her live values, her life mentality is light. She isn't childlike in an immature way it's just refreshing that she can have such a positive outlook on things, when the world can be such a negative place. She's a bit of a nerd with the things she likes. She enjoys a good laugh and having fun. Her sense of humor is funny too. She's the type to make terrible puns and laugh at them herself. You just have to get to know her to see this side of her.

Hazel is a normally nice person. She doesn't see any reason to be otherwise, that is of course if you piss her off. But other than that she's good to get along with. She listens to others, and gives them time to speak, not just because it's manners but because everyone should be heard. There's a time to speak and a time to listen. Hazel just chooses to listen the majority of the time.

|| Over Thinker ||

[glow=blue]"This can't be the answer right? It must be like a trick question or something right?"[/glow]

Just like what it says, Hazel tends to over analyze things. That's both probably a good thing and an annoying thing at the same time. She just has to look at every angle, she won't be satisfied until she does so. It becomes an issue once she thinks so much that she over looks things, which defeats the purpose over thinking. Usually over thinking lets you cover all the angles. For her, she ends up short-circuiting her brain or something. Because of this she misses valuable things that could be of use to her. She still hasn't learned to overcome this little set back of her's but she's working on it.

[glow=blue]❤ "To lead you to an overwhelming question….Oh, do not ask, "What is it?"Let us go and make our visit."[/glow]



[glow=blue]✖ Origin ✖[/glow]

[spoili][glow=blue][fieldbox="Parental Advisory Required, blue, solid"]❝ The crazy start to my crazy life ❞

This story will begin with Johnathan Blackwell and end with Amber Chamberlaine. All in all this tale of lovers might be something you find in a book but it's still true to this day.

Johnathan: Blackwell. A name that once held power in the Wizarding world. Blackwell's were a line of pure blood wizards. Arrogant ones at that but that arrogance came with the scary amount of power they had behind their name. Things were great back then, but as we all know all good things must come to an end. And that it did. As times moved forward the Blackwell line slowly started to lose their power. Soon they could see the end coming near but it was too late for them to do anything.

This is where Johnathan comes in. His parents Mary-Margrett and Christopher Blackwell had been trying to have more kids than just one, in hopes of saving the name. Of course as fate would see it, Jonathan was the only child they had. Realizing their doom they constantly told their son that the fate of their family names was now on his shoulders. Johnathan, of course wanted nothing to do with this burden. After all it was just a name right?

As Johnathan grew up to be a strong and powerful wizard his parents grew weak. Weaker and weaker as the days past. Seeing their baby boy to grow up strong was such a blessing to them but it was such a disappointment that Johnathan didn't want to follow in the foot steps of his parents and family name. Knowing that he was alas a lost cause, they gave up on the future of Blackwell named and spent their last few moments together making memories. They died when Johnathan was 23.

That was it. Johnathan was all alone now, his entire family had died out and he was the "only heir", It was rather lonesome. So, Johnathan, always being a fan of adventured, took this opportunity to create a new identity for himself. To become someone new and not be shackled by the "Blackwell" family name. Johnathan wasted no time packing up his things and taking the first plane to Mozambique, South Africa. He wanted to get as far away from the wizarding world as possible. He had always had an interest in muggles anyway.

Carolina: Carolina was a born in the proud United States of America. In sunny California to be exact. Now Carolina was gorgeous. Perfect tan complection, blonde hair(That was dyed of course. Her actual hair color was black) (She has her dad's side to thank for the hair) and blue eyes. She has her latina blood to thank for that. And of course her dad's side since she's mixed. Amber's mother had died during childbirth so she never had her mother by her side, but she was raised by her father and her mother's parent's. She turned out pretty well. Carolina was smart, despite that people thought she was the typical dumb blonde. She maintained a perfect average throughout her middle school and high school years and got a full scholarship to any Ivy League school of her choosing.

She chose Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. A big move considering she was going to the other side of the US. Still, she was a woman that knew exactly what she wanted to do. Solving mysteries always made her happy. She always wanted to be the first to know things, she considered herself a mini Sherlock Holmes. Also, she never was one to get scared at simple scary movies. Blood, gore and guts didn't bother her. So watching murder mystery shows got her thinking, maybe she was cut out for the job, and indeed she was. Carolina graduated summa cum laude and then was off to some place that offered her great adventure. She didn't think it would be in the USA, though she is very patriotic.

She soon packed up her things started to travel the world. Soon she found herself in Mozambique, South Africa. She felt something special with this place. A connection she never felt anywhere else she visited. It also helped that she found a guy, a cute guy, to tour her around. She loved the feel of the place. It wasn't until she realized she was in love with this guy that she wanted to stay. Carolina and her tour guy got married right away, it was beautiful. It two were so in love.

At the moment, Carolina was content being the house wife. Her husband was caring for her just fine. In fact, he was quite wealthy so she could afford to relax. People would tell them it was amazing how the two still had that "honey-moon glow" months after their marriage. Their love was intense. It was almost something like what you would read in a book. Soon the two wished to start a family. They got pregnant right away, all was right it seemed. That was until one day, a storm hit Mozambique. The storm hit hard leaving many, like Carolina, without power. She was doing her best to come down the stairs in the dark but, well, she missed a step, falling down to the bottom. She was knocked unconscious from the fall. Carolina was rushed to the hospital where a team of doctors met together to help.

When Carolina came too she was faced with bad news. The other team of doctor's had left, Johnathan to deliver the bad news. Amber had had a miscarriage due to the fall. Carolina was crushed. She couldn't believe due to her own carelessness she had lost her baby. Her precious baby. Her husband tried his best to comfort her but, she was deeply hurt. They even tried again to get pregnant and it just didn't work. As if to make matters worse, Carolina's husband was called into war.

The only person that was her crutch was leaving her. She felt so alone. They continued to right letters to each other when they could, Carolina would pray day and night for her husbands safety. Once again misfortune struck as Carolina received a letter of her husbands passing. This depression was the worst one yet. It affected her so much that her heart started to falter. She was once again sent back to the hospital, under Jonathan, the cardiologists, care.

Seeing a beautiful woman so hurt by life hurt him. No one should feel like this. Johnathan made a point to support this woman the best he could. Even when no one else would. It wasn't easy to attempt to rehabilitate her but slowly she started accepting his help. Not too long after that they started hanging out outside of the hospital. They became real close. They both shared parts of their lives with each other that they normally wouldn't. They had become good friends. But soon Johnathan realized he had feelings for Carolina.

Still, he was afraid to say anything. The woman was a widow after all. Maybe it was too soon. But...he couldn't stop what he was feeling. His feelings grew stronger everyday. Finally he built up the courage to tell her how he felt. To his surprise she felt the same way, she was just waiting for him to say something.

[glow=blue]✖ Splendid Surprise ✖[/glow]

[spoili][glow=blue][fieldbox="A Star Is Born, blue, solid"]❝ They surely didn't see that coming! Ha! ❞

Carolina and Johnathan had now been married for quite the long time.( Johnathan had taken Carolina's last name Mbali to leave his old name.) Because of what happened the last time they decided not to try to have a baby but instead to adopt. So the young couple adopted little Hayden, who's parents died in a tragic boat accident. It was amazing how well Hayden fit in with the family. He looked like Johnathan other than the carmel skin color he had. Black hair and Hazel eyes with green specs in them. Finally everything seemed right. Carolina had gotten the family she wanted and landed her dream job. Johnathan was living his "new" life well, becoming a well known Cardiologist. He had basically forgotten about his past life since he was loving a different one.

Things were going smoothly for the couple for once. One morning Carolina had a doctor's appointment that she had to go to. She had been feeling weird and sick for a while know and she didn't know why. Come to find out during the visit the doctor would tell her to best news. She was pregnant. She couldn't even fully comprehend what the doctor had told her for a moment. She continued to sit in the chair shocked out of her mind. Then excitement settled in and joy. She rushed home to tell Johnathan the good news.

Of course Johnathan was beyond happy for his wife. He was ecstatic, he couldn't contain himself. But suddenly a thought came to mind. There was a possibility that, that baby would have magical abilities like he did. This would be bad if they found out. He never told his wife he was a Wizard. She would never let him live it down. But...if he waited then the situation would only get worse.

Johnathan was now left with a tough decision ahead of him.

Johnathan decided that it was time to tell his wife about himself. It wouldn't be easy but he had to. He sat her down one day and pulled out his wand that he had locked up. There he proceeded to tell her about his real identity. Of course he received odd looks from his pregnant wife. But before she could shut him down he pointed the wand at his wife and transfigured cat ears on her. When his wife touched them and felt them move on their own she screamed. Realizing that he just pulled a trick. A trick she could not explain. He continued to do other spells to convince her of the truth.

Of course this only lead to an argument. It consisted of lines like, "Why didn't you tell me?" "Isn't it obvious why?" "So you wait till I'm pregnant with your child to tell me you are a Wizard?!" "I'm sorry." After a while of arguing back and forth and not getting anywhere they both decided to just proceed forward in the pregnancy. But Carolina would never look at her husband the same way again. Not in a bad way, but she now viewed him differently.

9 months flew by quickly and it was time to have the baby. It was a long labor too, so of course Carolina was quite cranky and violent. But when little Hazel was born, everything else melted away and all she could feel was love. Love for the life she had made. Hazel was their little girl, their little sunshine and they were beyond happy that she was brought into the world.

Growing up, Hazel was quite the sweet heart and the more obedient one. Hayden of course was a little charming rascal, paired with his sister they made an odd pair. Though he would purposefully bug her, he still protected her because she was his little sister. As she came of age, Hazel started having these magical outbursts. Sending things flying across the room without touching them. Or causing objects to float. It's not easy living with people that had magical abilities. Especially one that couldn't control them but somehow they managed to hide this fact from the general public.[/fieldbox][/glow][/spoili]

[glow=blue]✖ Back Packer ✖[/glow]

[spoili][glow=blue][fieldbox="Warning: Social Issues, blue, solid"]❝ Call me a speed demon because I'm always on the move. ❞

As soon as Hazel was of age to attend school, in the Wizarding world, Her parents sent her off. Well, because Amber would travel a lot, Hazel would join in. So Hazel would attend a number of different schools. Always moving a lot, never fully resting in one place. But that was fine. Hazel loved traveling more than anything. Seeing different places and landscapes that those places had to offer made her feel happy.

Besides, Hazel never really had a set group of people she hung around with, so it was easy to make the move. Not having any emotional attachment to people. She wouldn't have to worry about making friends either. Since that was hard to do she just opted out of it. Hanging around with herself was perfectly fine. Even though she longed for a friend she knew that it wasn't simple to just get one.

So in her final move, Hazel is now attending the famous Hogwarts. One of the places she has been looking forward to for a while now. New learning opportunities arose and she was ready to learn all that she can. Hopefully while she was hear she could get her wish and make solid friends. Of course, after she learned how to deal with her emotions. Since those seemed to be a hindrance in relationship building.



Ur Cool : Saara

Sorry - Kina Grannis

|| Carolina & Johnathan Mbali : Mother and Father ||

Write it in the Sky - Kina Grannis

[glow=blue]" They're crazy but I love them anyway!"[/glow]

Quirky parents who are in love with one another and the life they have built now. Hazel's mother is a World Renowned Forensics Anthropologist while her father is quite the famous Cardiologist(Doctor). Free-spirited and sophisticated on the outside and downright crazy on the inside. Her parents do the weirdest things from telling mildly inappropriate jokes to dressing up as one another and putting on skits for the kids to just well... it would be pointless to continue. It would scar everyone. Still, no matter how whacko her parents are she still loves them dearly.

Their relationship is quite normal. Despite all the crazy that goes on her parents are great parents. Her father is, of course, protective of his little girl while her mother is a bit more relaxed and has to pull her husband aside to calm him down. Together their not really strict parents. They let their children decided their religious affiliation and basically let them "raise" themselves with a little guidance or a "push" in the right direction.

Still, Hazel has a bone to pick with her parents. Her freaking mother decided it was a good idea to name her after John Green's famous novel 'The Fault In Our Stars'. It was her mother's favorite book, and quite frankly it's a good ass book. But Hazel wished her mother wouldn't have gone so far as to name her fater the main character. It attracts way too much attention. Her mother doesn't understand how many times Hazel has been teezed for having her name and considering how she was bullied as a child she now just doesn't like nicknames in general. To her they nicnames always come out condesinding.

|| Hayden Mbali : Big brother ||

Superstition - Stevie Wonder Cover - Kina Grannis & Imaginary Future

[glow=blue] "Ugh! Such a bother more than a brother...still..he's pretty cool."[/glow]

Though they aren't related by blood they are still brother and sister. Hayden was adopted before Hazel even came along. So, of course, Hayden had to grow accustom to not being the only child anymore. It wasn't too hard of an adjustment, though. Hayden and Hazel actually don't bicker a lot. They fight through their actions more so than talking. Hayden's always getting into some sort of trouble (He blames it on his ADHD) and Hazel is always stuck cleaning up after him. Sometimes she reaches a breaking point and doesn't want to do things for him anymore. Her brother is also a social butterfly. The girls and guys adore him. She wishes she could be like him a little bit.

Hazel enjoys a good talk and such and she gets along with people but she's more introverted than her brother. But even though they are opposites they have their special moments. Hayden might act like he doesn't care about Hazel but he does. He's actually really protective of her. "I'll never let anyone hurt you Grace. I promise." It's those times that she feels the love. Just like he has her back she has his as well. When they aren't glaring at each other they have these long deep conversations about their day.

Besides, he's always the one that notices how she tends to seclude herself from everyone and he's the one that made a point to get her involved with his friends. Hazel appreciates him for doing that. She has always found it hard to start off social interaction. The times she spent tagging along with his friends were some of the best memories she has. Hayden never got tired of letting her hang out with his friends, like how you would expect some siblings to act. And his friends seemed to like her, and while they never developed a close enough relationship to Hazel to be considered her friends too they're pretty cool people too.

|| Romeo Cooper : Undetermined ||

Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood Cover - Kina Grannis

[Coming Soon!]

|| Crispin Fairlie : Crissy : Undetermined ||

Cool Kids - Echosmith Cover - Kina Grannis & Alex G

[Coming Soon!]

[glow=blue]❤"Do I dare...Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time, For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse."[/glow]


Hazel's Patonus is a dolphin. A free-spirited animal that usually hangs around with a crowd. Dolphins are playful and very social. Only the male is known for keeping to himself or a small group(2-3). Still it's quite normal to find them with others. Hazel's patronus is a dolphin because the animal is everything she desires to be. Free, Social, Playful, ect. A dolphin knows what to do when to do it and how to do it. It also knows it's purpose. Hazel would like to reach that understanding too when she can finally "know" herself.



Hazel's boggart is death to be honest. Death or Oblivion. Either way you look at it, they are both similar. Hazel doesn't function well with the unknown. So no matter how much "religion" she has she's still afraid of what will happen afterwards. She can't plan that far ahead because nothing is really guaranteed, and that is the problem.


Hazel doesn't have a pet. She did once but it died due to old age. When she was little she called the little guy 'Mouse'. The fish lived for a long time too. It seemed to really like Hazel. The day she found out her angel fish had died affected her in a way. She had a range of emotions bubbling up in her but she didn't know how to express it. On the inside she was freaking out while on the outside she was calm. Her family has a cat, but Hazel likes to claim the cat as her own since Kitty Soft Paws (KP for short) like her best out of her family.


10 inches || Walnut || Unicorn Hair || Whippy

A Walnut wand is known for being wielded by their smart masters. For it's adaptable nature and unusual versatility it fits Hazel well. For she as well, has the characteristics of this wand. The walnut wand and it's user share a special bond. They feed from one on another. The wands performance is beautiful as well, since its likely to perform the tasks it's master asks of it, once dominated of course. That makes this little wand, very dangerous.

The Unicorn hair core is also a rare one. Think of a Unicorn hair core as a loyal puppy. It's strongly attached to it's first owner and doesn't care whether the user is a successful witch/wizard or not. The core accepts it's master as they are.



(Songs || Artists)

[spoili][glow=blue][fieldbox="Hazel Tunes, blue, solid"]Thousand Needles : Lea Michele

March to the Sea : Twenty One Pilots

Stranger Things : Local Natives

Breakable : Ingrid Michaelson

Holding Onto You : Twenty One Pilots

Everybody : Ingrid Michaelson

Dream : Priscilla Ahn

Love, Save the Empty : Erin McCarley

Ain't it Fun? : Paramore

Anchor : Mindy Gledhill

WTH : Jhene Aiko

My House : PVRIS

Fire : PVRIS

Smoke : PVRIS

Eyelids : PVRIS

Ready to go(Get me out of my mind) : Panic! At the Disco

Gravity : Against the Current

Bright : Echosmith

Not on Drugs : Tove Lo

Pity Party : Melanie Martinez


[glow=blue]❤"I have seen them riding seaward on the waves, Combing the white hair of the waves blown back, When the wind blows the water white and black."[/glow]


[spoili][glow=blue][fieldbox="Fun Facts, blue, solid"]Hazel's "weak" title is really just a title. She's really fit and all she's just super lazy. When she has one of her "weak spells" its usually mental not physical. Her body is healthy

Hazel's a Dancer, she's been dancing ever since she was 3. She's not limited to any type of dance either. She does Jazz, tap, musical theater, ballet, hip-hop, modern, and more.

Hazel's quite talented musically wise as well. She was blessed with a voice that has quite the range and she's skilled at playing multiple instruments. She can play the violin, piano, guitar, and flute

Hazel is also theatrical. She's been in a couple of plays here and there. She's does this for fun.

Hazel's really sensitive to emotion. As a teenage girl she has all these hormones and emotions constantly flooding her and she doesn't know how to properly deal with them. That why she seems :emotionless" or "robotic" because she's trying to control and understand something that she has no power or understanding of. (Her goal is to understand herself)

Hazel is fluent in more than 5 languages. Her main is Portuguese and her second main is English. Though her accent isn't thick when she speaks in English. She almost sounds like a Native speaker. (Her parents immersed her in the culture she was born in. In Mozambique Africa their main language is Portuguese )

Hazel's Voice Actress is none other than the amazing Kina Grannis

Hazel has studied just about everywhere because of the amount of travel that is done in her family. (Mostly by her mother and her though) From Beauxbatons to Durmstrang to The Brazil institute. She's studied almost everywhere. Her adaptability to the curriculum is one of the reasons she's a good Ravenclaw.

Hazel hates scary things. Scary movies, books, whatever. It doesn't matter. Hazel can't handle it. Jump scares almost make her pee on. She can't do it. It will keep her up at night. She just hates it. Honestly, this video pretty much explains how Hazel feels about scary shit. Click for Hazel's view on Scary Stuff

Hazel's amazing face claim is a woman by the name of Saara. Her songs are listed here and you can check out her youtube here. Yes, I know she isn't tan, but that can be easily fixed. She has the blue eyes, the body type, and the personality. Here are some pictures:












Hazel stands at about a height of 5'7, a slightly above average height for a girl her age. She is tan skinned, she has a nice coffee color to her. Her mother is mixed(Hispanic and Black. That's right Hazel's a Latina) so she got her skin color from her mom. Her hair falls to her lower back in waves and is onyx in color. Her eyes are the "Deepest azure color I've ever seen!"~Father. Hazel says she got that from her grandmother. No one in her immediate family has blue eyes except for her and her Grandmother. Brown and Hazel with green specs are the colors of her brother, Mother, and Father. Hazel has a "pear" like shape body. A slightly full (but not too full) bust line(average), flat tummy(she packs some muscle tho, all those dance classes and yoga lessons paid off), and even "fuller" hips, thighs, and bottom. Hazel has grown accustom to be a little bit "self-conscious" about her lower body when in fact she is beautiful. She couldn't really help it. Kids are mean as well as adults. In the dancing world you're supposed to be thin and Hazel just wasn't built that way. She refused to starve herself to look good for someone else too. (Besides she loves food too much)

Hazel likes to wear what's comfortable to her. She's very used to the heat so shorts and a tank top is the way to go. She doesn't do too well with the cold so you would see her breaking out the layers when normally other's would be perfectly fine. Hazel doesn't care what brand or style of clothes she gets as long as they're durable and make her feel comfortable then she's all in. Hazel doesn't try to be a fashionista or a trend setter. Hazel is just Hazel. She tends to wear her hair either down, high pony, or in a simple side french/fish-tail. Hazel's ears are pierced twice at the bottom and a couple for her cartilage on both ears. She also has an industrial bar going through her right ear. And to top it off she also has a belly button piercing that her father still doesn't know about. xD






RP Example:
Excused~hohohoho! XD

[glow=blue]❤"We have lingered in the chambers of the sea, By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown, Till human voices wake us, and we drown."[/glow]
Last edited:


Banner GFXed by VocaStar

"I wanna grow up to be the kind of woman that when my feet
the floor each morning the devil says 'Oh shit, she's up!'"


The Pretty Reckless - Fucked Up World

Back door bitches begging me to behold
All their cash and cars, platinum, silver 'n' gold
"We're like diamonds in the sky" that is what we are told
No mountain made of money can buy you a soul

N a m e
Andromeda Dahlia Grace

Andromeda: Pronounced an-DRAW-mə-də. Means "to think of a man" from the Greek element ανδρος (andros) "of a man" combined with μηδομαι (medomai) "to think, to be mindful of." Andromeda is a constellation in the northern sky, which gets its name from a mythical Greek princess who was rescued from sacrifice by Perseus. This is also the name of a nearby galaxy, given because it resides (from our point of view) within the constellation.

Dahlia: Pronounced DAL-yə. From the name of the flower, which was named for the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl.

Grace: Pronounced GRAYS. From the English word grace, which ultimately derives from Latin gratia. This was one of the virtue names created in the 17th century by the Puritans.[/spoili]

"Andi" - A casual nickname she prefers to go by due to deep hatred towards her own name.

"Andy" - A mispronunciation of her nickname. Usually slips from the mouth of people who have not met her, and thinks that the way people talk about her that she is actually a he.

"Android" - By some of her muggle born friends who have a thing for sci-fi.

"The Lionheart" - A rather flamboyant nickname she has earned through the years at school.

"Mudblood" - The classic, obviously never old getting insult for Muggle Borns like her.[/spoili]

A g e
15 years
Born November 7th​, 2007
Scorpio ♏

G e n d e r
Female ♀

H o u s e A n d Y e a r

Gryffindor || 6th​ Year

September 1st, 2017

Ten years old and about to turn eleven soon, missing the left of her canine and having a chopped up short black haircut like a boy, standing together with bunch of boys in the Great Hall people easily mistook her as one of the boys. But make no mistake, Andromeda Grace was definitely a girl; if you looked hard enough and listened sharply enough, you could see that she was indeed a female with that delicate chin and long naturally black curling eyelashes and how her voice was few octaves higher than the kids around her -- and maybe because, well, she was wearing a skirt. It was just the way she wore her posture and acted brashly that made people make a double glance at her direction in confusion, as she seemed very masculine for a girl and the company she kept did not definitely help bringing out her feminine appeal. Pushing and pestering each other with nervous excitement, Andi and her new friends waited their turn to be sorted. She had learned about the wizard world just less than year ago, and was now standing in Hogwarts for the very first time. It was even grander than she had expected, and she tried to mask her jittery nerves by elbowing the kid next to her to take out her nervous energy.

"Grace, Andromeda."

Her name was finally being called, and taking in a deep breath before approaching the stool, Andi did her best to calm down. She had spent the summer reading about Hogwarts Houses, and all she hoped was that she would not end up in Hufflepuff because that house seemed uncool as hell. And she had to admit, her knees had been wobbling for the first few steps before she managed to collect herself.

Sitting down on the stool, the ragged hat that had been singing just moment ago and yelling the names of the houses for the hall was dropped upon her small head, the hat falling on her eyes in the most endearing way. Andi did not bother trying to lift it, because at least now she did not have to see all the hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at her while she was being sorted.

"A plucky thing you are," the hat whispered to her, "but a wise one too, beyond your years, most definitely. You could make a fine Ravenclaw..."

Andi started drumming her fingers on the stool, feeling rather exposed when the hat was going through her head like a surgeon through her brain. Except this was less bloody, and far more private operation. The tattered piece of cloth that was barely held together by the stitches kept mumbling to itself.

"Ah, but a heart of gold and the size of fight within! Better be... GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor table exploded into applauses, and the hat was removed from her eyes, making Andi blink with the sudden brightness and looking like a deer in headlights. Then a smile spread on her face as she realized it was over and she belonged officially now to a house, the girl made quickly her way to her new housemates who welcomed her with warmth.[/spoili]

S p e c i e s

B l o o d S t a t u s


Oh, I can see it
Oh, I can see it
Oh, I can see it
Coming down
Oh, I can see it
Oh, I can see it
Oh, I can see it
Coming down

P e r s o n a l i t y

Strong-minded & Revolutionary
"I'm Miss Autonomy. Who the hell are you to tell me I can't?"

One of the first things you need to know about Andromeda Grace is that she definitely is not your typical dilly dallying two-goody shoes neighbor's girl who wears flower dresses with pink shoes to match. Andi has been quite the opposite ever since she was little; her mother wanted a little princess, but got something more like an almost son instead. The moment the girl started to talk and walk she seemed to always be against every principle her mother was brought up with and had tried to bring now her daughter with. Dresses she was forced to wear came back torn and tattered for climbing trees and stained with mud for having a fight with the neighbor's son. The long hair was cut short with a pair of craft scissors at kindergarten because Andi had wanted to be like one of the boys she played with. By the time girls were learning to wear make up, Andi refused it, already debating with her mother about gender neutrality and old fashioned expectations when it came down to females at the age of eleven. She is a stubborn thing, standing firmly her own ground when it comes down to her opinions and rarely budging, making her bad at compromising at times. It does not matter who you are, a stranger, a friend, her mother, her teacher; if you do something that goes against Andi's morals, she will let you know. She is one of the first ones to stand up in a crowd against authority figures if there is a reason to, actively following politics in the muggle and wizard world alike, and wanting to update the old views of the wizards and witches by giving them one hell of a reality check.

Daring & Adventurous
"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."

A good way to describe Andi would be "audaciously bold." If she wants to start a food fight during dinner hours in Great Hall, she will do it without question and most probably without any regrets. You think you caught a glimpse of her in the summer news about that riot in London's downtown? You probably did. A four-hundred feet bungee jump off a cliff in to a chasm? Been there, done that. Two week long survival camp in mid July? Booked. Andi is always ready for new challenges, and likes to push herself to a breaking point in which she comes back stronger than before. She is spunky and tenacious, in where her stubbornness comes in very handy which could be used to moving mountains and challenging dragons, making her a thorn in your side for not giving up easily. Sometimes her courageous nature can end up being a bit brash however, when it comes down to socializing with other people, because she is not afraid to say what she thinks. This is why she does not have too many female friends, because girls overall tend to be more sensitive than Andi herself is, so it is not unheard of for her to make some girl cry by delivering an answer to a question which's was supposed to be sugar-coated in order to rise the asker's self-esteem. If you are not ready to hear the answer, do not go to Andi with questions, because a real answer is exactly what you are going to get.

Chivalrous & Romanticist
"The thing is, I don't need a knight in a shining armor to save me. I just need someone to lean onto when I get tired of fighting my own battles, who will take my hand and tell me it's going to be okay and not to give up."

Probably not what you would have expected, eh? Beyond the tomboyish and harsh demeanor lies a soft-hearted girl after all! Andi can be surprisingly kind when it comes down to handling people, just when she either knows when to keep her mouth shut or stops to think carefully what she is saying instead of blurting out everything that comes into her mind; once you get to know the girl, you will understand that she means no harm. She stands up for the weak and defends the innocent like a heroine of justice, gladly sacrificing herself for the sake of greater good. And what do you know, she is actually quite well mannered, respecting the elders and opening doors to other females, and sometimes for males too. She can also compliment people, but what is different between Andi's compliments and empty words is that she means what she says. If she thinks a girl is wearing a nice dress that brings out her eyes she will tell her, or if she thinks a boy is handsome with that haircut she will let him know. This tends to make people misread her however, thinking that she might be flirting, even though she is just saying these things because she feels like someone should tell them, making her send mixed signals from time to time. Due to her own thinking about complimenting people, she bases this belief that everyone else does it too like she does, making her completely oblivious to the whole courting and wooing customs when it comes down to herself. Funnily enough, Andi likes to read about passionate romances and maybe even sighs after the idea of love, but as long as she is completely unaware that someone is flirting with her and puts it to the tab for joking, there is probably never going to be one. Unless you are really straightforward and idiotproof with her, which has the tendency to throw her off or even freak her out.

Realistic & Practical
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."

If you need a gal in your team that has a no-nonsense approach and is ready to work for the victory, then Andi is a fine addition. She is wise enough to be a borderline Ravenclaw on certain aspects, so if she comes against an opponent or an obstacle she knows she cannot win, she will study it and work her way through it. She does not like spending unnecessary energy and is a bit to the lazy side, so she aims for efficient methods of working to minimize the effort. Thus you do not see Andi floundering uselessly forward and wasting time on something she knows she cannot beat with her current resources; she might be brave, but she is not stupidly suicidal. Her personality traits would make her a good leader (or a dictator, your choice), but thankfully she lacks the ambition of a Slytherin as she has nearly zero interest in fame and glory. She might be bit of a dreamer, but her inner realist keeps her feet firmly planted to the ground and her head out of the clouds. Her views and upbringing have also made her distance herself from religions and the disputes concerning them. For Andi the religious wars are just childish banters over who has the better imaginary friend, making the girl hope that people would use their time, energy and passion on things that actually matter.

Humorous & Vibrant
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."

While girls giggle endearingly, Andromeda Grace laughs obnoxiously loud so everyone can hear all the way to the Astronomy Tower that she is enjoying herself, and usually at something that would make some other female blush. She enjoys joking around and is easily entertained, and it is not uncommon to see her making jokes on someone else's expense. In her defense, Andi also knows how to laugh at herself so she is not a hypocrite that gets mad over someone joking on her expense instead. However, she knows when the line is crossed and knows when to back down when someone seems honestly upset with her and does not find whatever she said funny, and she learns not to approach the subject the same way again with that person. Andi has bit of a mischievous grin, and pranking her friends is one of her favorite past time hobbies. This is why her friends need to be patient and tolerant people, who know how to take a joke, or else the friendship ends quickly into a murder. Dark humor and sarcasm are close to her heart.​

Self-aware & Deviant
"I don't think I can be anyone other than me."

Impressing other people is not on top of Andi's to-do list. She only does things her own way and what makes her happy, unwilling to please people only because society norms expect it. She wants to break free from the chains that pull her down, of old concepts what it means to be a girl in today's world, of what kind of life she is supposed to lead according to someone wearing a suit in the parliament house, of who she is allowed to love and bring home according to her grandparents. She knows exactly who she is and is confident about it, and stands up back straight and chin held high and determined look in her eyes, making her immune to the brainwashing that the media is full of. She knows she can be attractive even fully clothed, and that wearing a skirt longer than her vagina does not lower her feminine appeal one bit. Pop-culture does not appeal to her, and even though she does not really judge people who follow mainstream, she has to admit that being a copy of a copy of a copy is extremely boring. Andi does not exactly aim to be different from others, it just comes to her naturally to like the things she does and act the way she is. She is fine with also enjoying things that is popular with masses, because if it pleases her, why the hell not? It would be hypocrite to claim otherwise, and if she is not true to herself, then to whom? She tends to stand out a bit with her way of behaving and dressing, but she never forcefully tries to make herself the center of attention or tries too much, too hard.

Introspective & Well-balanced
"Sometimes people who don't socialize much aren't actually anti-social; they just have low tolerance for drama and fake people."

Just because Andi is an introvert, it does not mean she is shy or anti-social; she just feels mentally drained if she spends too much time with people, even with those who's company she enjoys. She has next to zero patience and understanding towards people who act dramatic just for the sake of drama and attention. To her some people are like clouds; once they go away, it is a beautiful day. She gets her daily amount of stupid among her own peers during class hours, leaving her usually tired of people and at times making her to lose all her faith in humanity, which in turn makes her want to give up her life as a human and wrap herself into her blankets and turn into a burrito instead and never leave the bed again. Andi likes to study herself and reflect on her thoughts a lot, so she withdraws to spend some alone time for time to time to recharge her mental batteries. She prefers making philosophical discussion over trivial small-talk, and enjoys learning from other people by listening to their views even if she would not agree with them. It is extremely rare to see Andi throw an emotional tantrum or get angry. She is actually very calm and collected, so instead of letting her emotions take the better of her she studies them first carefully on her own before forming an opinion. She wants to avoid jumping into conclusions, even though she makes theories in her head that she follows; she just does not set anything in stone as anything definite until she has been provided with enough proof that it is absolute.

Intuitive & Empathetic
"No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks."
She might be dense. She might have a bit extreme views at times. She might be stubborn and know how to stand her ground to the point the other party finds her impossible to deal with and exhausting. But to balance these out, she can also understand people and their views of the world in exchange, someone else's extreme views and relate to someone's feelings even without personally sharing them. Like stated before, Andi can be surprisingly gentle with people, and this is because of her ability to empathize and work with them purely based on instinct. She likes to wonder what makes someone else tick, why they do things differently than her and finds herself usually attracted to different personalities because they intrigue her. She wants to be able to understand what makes someone else do the things they do, even the Dark Wizards and Witches, because she knows that there is never truly straight out good and evil, because these two are very subjective and not as black and white as people tend to paint them to be; she knows that these two are the extreme opposites of each other, and that there is a lot of grey area out there, and they are in fact the two sides of a single coin. She might not agree with the person she is studying and piecing together inside her mind like a puzzle, but she is able to very nimbly set herself in their shoes and share the world from their perspective.


It's a fucked up world
What do you get?
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette
It's a fucked up world
What do you get from it?
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette

B i o g r a p h y

Ellie Goulding - All I Want (Kodaline Cover)

All I want is nothing more
To hear you knocking at my door
'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die a happy woman, I'm sure

It is no joke when people tell you to wait some until you get kids. Wait until you get a bit older, a bit more experienced with life, a bit more responsible. The ideal parents are around their thirties with a stable job and nice house in the countryside, which is surrounded with a white painted wood fence, a nice new car sitting on the front yard and guarded by a golden retriever. They are happily married and once they get kids they live their happily ever after. Right?

Well, turns out Andi's parents either had not gotten the note or did not know how to read it when they did.

When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in tears in bed all night
Alone without you by my side

Angela Grace was just fifteen when she met Derek Everett, who was just a year older than her at the time. Love at first sight, Angela claimed. Foolish and shallow, Andi would respond. The two grew close fast and started dating even faster. In fact, everything between them happened fast, as if they would have been racing against the time and nothing could have waited. They were young and infatuated with each other, and painfully inexperienced. And definitely not very smart back then, if you can deduce anything about their lack of knowledge when it comes to safe sex.

Yes, Angela was barely sixteen when she got pregnant. Her parents of course, were infuriated. She was still studying and had her whole life ahead of her, there was no way she going to be able to raise a child yet. They tried to convince her to get an abortion with all their might. Angela was confused and scared, but she was sure that if she told the love of her life, he would understand, support her and be there for her and their child. So what happened when she told Derek? The boy got cold feet and ran.

So much for the love of her life, huh?

But if you loved me
Why'd you leave me?
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody like you

Of course Angela was devastated when Derek left her alone with her pregnancy and infuriated parents who kept going on with the "What will people say once you start to show?" line of talk. You would think that a sixteen year old girl would have at that moment listened to her parents once the father of the child had walked out on her, gotten an abortion and started all over. She still had her whole life ahead of her, right? She could still start anew, and all would be well.

Like you
Like you

Turns out that it had just the opposite effect on Angela. Instead, she decided to keep the child, against all the odds. She had always been really stubborn, so it is quite obvious where Andi gets that from. She decided that she will raise the child even without a father, and even if her parents would kick her out. She would nurture the baby and raise a wonderful daughter or a son, even completely alone if it would come into that. Because if no one else did not want this child, she would want it. She would always want it. And that was how she delivered the news to Mr. and Mrs. Grace. That is how Angela found her bravery on the day she decided to keep the child, and what mother's love truly meant.

So you brought out the best of me
A part of me I'd never seen
You took my soul and wiped it clean
Our love was made for movie screens

Thankfully, even if they were devastated at first, they were still merciful and loving parents and supported Angela through her pregnancy. Which was lovely, because the girl would have been in big trouble on her own, no matter how much she claimed she could do the whole thing alone. Mrs. Grace, Matilda, knew her daughter too well to let her even try alone, it would end up in a disaster and who knows how the child would turn out. (Mr. Grace, Darren, still keeps claiming that if they would have not been there, Andi would probably be a world class thug by now, or even worse, turned out to be a barefoot and pregnant girlfriend to some random chav.) So with the guidance of her parents, Angela brought her daughter to the world when she was sixteen years old.

But if you loved me
Why'd you leave me?
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody

The first year was rough, but Angela pulled through well. And it was not like she and Derek fully ever stopped keeping in contact. In fact, Angela made sure to send a word to him every now and then, wanted he it or not. "She learned to crawl today." "Her first word was 'mum' isn't that cute?" "She took her first step today." "I think I'm going to name her after my grandmother." So Derek was kept updated all the time, and sometimes, he even responded to her messages, even though they were short and never lead to anything. He was young and scared of the responsibility, and after he heard she gave birth, he did not know how to apologize and come back for their daughter. He always meant to, but stalling around the days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years. He did not come to see Andi the first time until she was three years old, because that is how long it took for him to get the courage to meet again with Angela and her parents. Yes, it was mighty awkward. And it was not like Derek and Angela ever got back together because of it. Derek still kept his distance, but occasionally met with his daughter, who shied away from Derek just as much as Derek seemed to shy away from her. He still kept coming to see her every once in a while, and it was better than nothing.

If you loved me
Why'd you leave me?
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody like you


Lily Allen - LDN

Riding through the city on my bike all day
'Cause the filth took away my license
It doesn't get me down and I feel OK
'Cause the sights that I'm seeing are priceless

Everything seems to look as it should
But I wonder what goes on behind doors
A fella looking dapper, but he's sitting with a slapper
Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore

The first years of Andi's childhood were rather peaceful, as she remembers them. They lived in the outskirts of Bath, in her grandparents house until Angela finished her studies. Derek visited from time to time, the boy now grown to be a man who had found his calling from the sea, so he was not inland very often. Because she did not get to see her father very often, Andi never quite found the concept of having a father quite similar like other children. She was just aware that Derek existed, and that he played with her when he visited couple of times a year, but that was about it. Her grandfather was the male figure of their family, getting old and a bit cranky, but Andi seemed to know exactly which strings to pull and buttons to push to make Darren smile. When Andi dwells in the memories of these times, she remembers the scent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls and the big vast yard that seemed to go on and on where she used to play on.

You might laugh you might frown
Walkin' round London town

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why
would I wanna be anywhere else?
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why
would I wanna be anywhere else?

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies

When Angela had finished her studies, she decided that she should start to build a life for her and her daughter, of their own. Which meant leaving her childhood home behind. She got a job offer from London, a newspaper columnist to kick-start with her career with which was the chance of a lifetime. Someone had seen her writings in the Bath's newspaper that she had worked on for few months. Darren and Matilda tried to convince Angela to stay, or at least move somewhere closer so they could help her out and babysit Andi when there would be a need to, but Angela was already far gone with the images of stardom in her eyes by the mention of the big city and the promises of a better life. There was no talking her out of this, and now she was old enough to decide herself, making Andi's grandparents hope they could just tell her no on the spot like they used to when Angela was still underage. So by the end of the summer when Andi was eight years old, Angela packed their belongings and moved with her daughter to the very heart of London.

And it was everything and nothing Angela had expected.

There was a little old lady, who was walking down the road
She was struggling with bags from Tesco
There were people from the city having lunch in the park
I believe that it's called al fresco
Then a kid came along to offer a hand

But before she had time to accept it
hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead
Cause he's got all her jewelery and wallet

The life in the city was far more different than it had been in the town. Angela had always thought that Bath was already quite big, even though she knew it like the back of her pockets, that she could handle London. But people here were colder, ruder and always in a hurry like they had important business elsewhere. It was odd to live in an apartment complex and not to know your own neighbors. Angela realized soon that she and Andi were quite on their own; the very thought shook her to the core with fear and excitement together. She could finally start her very own life, but there was no one to help them. Well, other than her grandparents visiting from time to time, and Derek sometimes when he had the time, even though it was now easier for him because London harbor was one of their main ports. Angela immersed herself to her work, leaving Andi mostly to take care of herself when she was home from school. It was rough for both of them, but eventually they got used to it; Andi started from early on to tell her mother that she was a big girl and could take care of her own meals and that Angela should just focus on the "adult stuff." When Angela had the time, she did spend them with Andi rather than her co-workers who kept asking her out for a drink. It was hard to be a young mother, to see others yours age to live their life freely on their fullest, while you could not. But she knew that this was the choice she had made when she gave birth to Andi, so the little girl was never blamed, and Angela was never truly bitter about it, for the black haired little tomboy was the light of her life.

You might laugh you might frown
walking round London town

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why
would I wanna be anywhere else?
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why
would I wanna be anywhere else?

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies

Years went like this, where Angela was mostly at work and Andi was mostly by herself. The thing is, there had always been signs that she was a bit different child. It was just that when she had told about those to her mother and grandparents, they thought that she was just making things up and putting it in the tab for vivid imagination of a child. Odd things had always happened every now and then to her through her childhood, like when that one big boy had tried to bully her back in kindergarten had gotten a painful wedgie out of nowhere even though no one had stood anywhere near him, or how her grandmothers flowers grew extraordinary fast when she sung for them this one time, or that time when she and her friends had played a game of tag and suddenly she had found herself on the rooftop after thinking about how that would be the perfect place to escape to. Or the times when she was alone at home and had tried to reach for something high up and it had come down -- not falling, not by her hand, but floating gently. These things had always been there, and eventually Andi had found them completely normal to her, but realized at some point that it was indeed not normal among the other children. So honestly, when she was ten years old and got that letter out of nowhere, it did not take much for Andi to buy it that she was, indeed, a witch.

Life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life
Life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life

Now Angela, however, did need a little more than a piece of parchment written in green ink to convince herself. But thankfully the Ministry of Magic had their very own department just for the Muggle Born children like Andi and her parents. After few visits and spells later, Angela was convinced. And few talks later, she was given the permission to share this with their next of kin; Andi's grandparents and her father. At first all of the three thought that Angela and Andi had gone nuts in the capital, but one arranged meeting later they were all sitting around a table, leaning their elbows against it and their cheeks against their hands in silence while having a little bit of a breakdown when they came into a realization that magic existed and that there was a whole different world out there hidden from them, right under their noses. All the while Andi stood there in the living room, spreading her hands and spoke with the arrogance of a ten year old; "I hate to say it but... I told you so. You did not believe me, but I so totally told you so!"

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why
would I wanna be anywhere else?
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why
would I wanna be anywhere else?

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why
would I wanna be anywhere else?
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why
would I wanna be anywhere else?

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
You can see it's all lies

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
You can see it's all lies


t.A.T.u - How Soon Is Now? (The Smiths Cover)

I am the son and the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular

The first contact for Andi of other wizards and witches on a larger scale and the intriguing world of theirs was when the M.o.M. assistant took her and her mother to shopping her school supplies in Diagon Alley. That surely left a deep impact on the ten, soon to be eleven year old, little girl back then and Diagon Alley is still one of her most favored places, to this very day, that she visits constantly during summer since she lives so close to it. The experience with Diagon Alley was quite overwhelming, mother and daughter alike -- they had decided that they should probably go slower with the old people and Derek so they did not come to that trip -- and ever so magical. During this trip Andi got her first pet ever, the half Kneazle and half Bengal cat she named Osiris, because it seemed the only pet her mother seemed to approve of due to the Kneazle side of the tomcat bringing more safety to her daughter, and something about owning a toad, rat, an owl or a Pigmy Puff just being out of the question. (Though Angela did not understand for the first year that Kneazle was not actually a regular cat breed, but a magical creature. Which was good for Andi and Osiris, because the woman had wanted something "normal" for her daughter by muggle standards.) She was also chosen by her aspen wand, which made Ollivanders mutter something under his breath about extraordinary future duellist.

Few months (and Angela's breakdowns during which she almost always changed her mind about letting Andi to enroll to the boarding school she had never seen before unless the little girl would have not argued against her) later, Andi was off to the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am a human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

During her first year, Andi was sorted in Gryffindor, and like she had done in the muggle school before, she mostly befriended boys. And like the other schools before Hogwarts, she needed to still wear a skirt since it was part of the female uniform (she had hoped that the wizarding world would have come without this, but apparently they seemed to be almost worse when it came down to old fashioned way of thinking and gender distribution), but she was glad she was allowed to wear trousers during her free time. So generally, it was fine. She enrolled the school with short chopped hair that she barely remembered to comb, impish grin and wonder in her eyes. Andi was the epitome of a tomboy, to the point of not only just behaving like one most of the time, but looking like one too with little interest to her own looks. But then again, she was eleven years old that year, so not many girls were quite yet into that anyway, so she did not exactly stand out among other female students because of that. Fast-forward couple of years... and she did.

I am the son and the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular

You see, it was not like she minded for being treated like one of the guys. The girls were fine with her, though Andi could not seem to form the same kind of friendship bonds with them like she did with boys; they kept their respective distances and seemed to feel somewhat nervous around her. So it was perfectly fine for being like one of the boys. It was fine to be treated like she was just another male to them. It was just perfect and fine and dandy.

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am a human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

...Except when she realized that it was not. Because she was not a boy, but a girl, and she would never be a boy no matter how hard she would try. And she did notice that slowly but surely, she had started to show the signs of interest towards some males due to their physical appearance being more attractive to her than most of the females. And then she came to conclusion that if she ever fell for a boy, she was not going to be treated as a girl, and that would be... bad. And the further the time went forward, the more self-conscious she grew about her own appearance. Sometimes Andi would spent forever in the bathroom, just staring at her own reflection from the mirror, twist and turn her short hair and wonder how she would look like if she grew it out like her mother wanted, how she would look like with some mascara and she really needed to do something to that pimple on her chin. She would wonder if anyone would find her attractive, and realized that she wanted someone to find her attractive. Just like any other teenage girl did. So, something needed to be done. Slowly but surely, towards the end of her third year, Andromeda Grace started to go through a change.

There's a club if you'd like to go you
Could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go, and you stand on your own and
You leave on your own and you go home,
And you cry and you want to die

The next couple of years went past in a blur. It took some time for people to notice that she was changing from a tomboy to something completely else. Andi grew out her hair, and only when it was brushing her shoulders did her friends realize that she had not been cutting it lately and what the hell was with that. Or that somehow her skin started to look better, and the small layers of make up that she slowly experimented with, never truly adding too much. The change reminded people of a caterpillar that had cocooned itself and then transformed into a beautiful butterfly without a warning. It was unexpected and suddenly it dawned to other people too, that Andromeda Grace, was indeed, a girl. Sure, everyone had already known that she was female, make no mistake, but now they were just aware that she was truly one to the point that she looked like one instead of little disheveled rascal that had her gender marked as a female only in her birth certificate. And her transformation was like one of those in the animes, except hers was on a much longer time span.

When you say it's gonna happen "now"
When exactly do you mean?
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is... gone

Boys started to show the signs of interest towards her, but Andi had some problems picking up on those signals, so most of the time the attempts of flirtation seemed to go past her, like water off the duck's back. This made people wonder if she was naturally dense, or if she was doing it on purpose to pose a challenge. In fact, sadly, it was the aforementioned instead of the latter one. Andi was slowly becoming more comfortable in her own body, still a bit self-conscious but not as much as in the past, and she was doing the transformation more to make herself happy than to appeal to the male gender. It was all for the sake of bringing out her confidence in herself, and it started to slowly show how she wielded herself. And what do you know, it seemed to be also bring her closer to the other females who started to be a little more comfortable in her presence. The transformation of her appearance was not the only one she achieved during her years tampering in the magical world. She turned out to be really exceptional in Charms, and her ability with duelling made her stand out; her way of wielding the offensive magic was quite the sight to see, as she wielded the aspen wand like the extension of her arm like a swordsman would. Her duels were passionate and in good sportsmanship, sometimes her moves were so brave and unexpected that she gained the name of Lionheart. Her intuition to reading the moves of her opponents and quick wit were what made her breath taking to watch, and her ability to perform even quite tricky spells made her duels interesting. However, her style seemed a bit rash due to her lack of remembering to sometimes defend herself, making her a bit imbalanced. These things apply still to this day.

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does



Banging little boys bugging me on the bus
Say they want to know who did it but the answer's really us see
I don't know you, why do you want to know me?
You ain't getting what you want unless you're getting it for free

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

General View of All Students and Professors

"Sometimes I wonder if anyone noticed that I was a girl until I grew out my hair and put on mascara the first time. Is that really the only way to define a gender, or are people just that stupid?"

Icon For Hire - Pop Culture

Andi is truly someone that leaves a mark on her wake, even when she does not meant to. Her personality is like an impact and her laughter gives color to the room. She is different, so she stands out without effort. Just if it is in a good or a bad way, that is completely up to the person in question who is viewing her. Andi enjoys striking up conversations with some of her professors, and going in depth on some matters after classes with them until the talk has gotten so long that she is late to her next class. Boys seem to be more comfortable with her than with the usual girls due to her being more relaxed and easier to understand, while females seem to be at times a bit unsure if they should view her a s girl or as a boy, and maybe even slightly scared of her appearance which gives the her the "tough girl" look and her brash words being too much for the most sensitive and touchy types. Andi however, seems to be completely comfortable dealing with both genders and does not try to pull a line in between either of them. On that matter she is quite neutral.

Angela Grace || Single Mother

"Some people say that she was a bad mother. Sure, mum might have not constantly been present because she was busy with her own work, but that's life. Money doesn't make itself. What would you have done yourself, huh? Let you and your child starve to death? I don't think so."

Christina Aguilera - Oh Mother

Angela Grace is the epitome of a ladylike woman. She has a lot of feminine charm, curves just on the right places and skirts and high heels seem to be part of her daily dress code. Dark hair and mint green eyes, red lipstick and a beauty mark over her lip just like Marilyn Monroe used to have. So when Andi was still short haired and looked almost like a boy when she was younger and she was placed to stand next to Angela, people would often wonder; "What the hell happened?"

Maybe it was due to Derek's absence and sometimes the sad look in her mother's eyes that Andi became such a tomboy. She always associated the male gender with strength, and the girl wanted to be her mother's strength, be there and support her. To tell Angela that she did not need a man in her life to be happy, that if it came down to that, Andi would be that for her. Or maybe she was just born that and it had nothing to do with absense of Derek or a father figure, no one will ever know. The mother and daughter share a strong bond, and they are both there for each other when they need someone, and would never turn their backs to each other when everyone else would. There is nothing like mother's love in the world, and Angela will continue to love Andi until the day she dies, accepting all her imperfections and differences, even if Andi would decide to chop her hair short (again) she would still love her. And for that Andi, has always been grateful because she knows she does not quite fit in the same category with the rest of the girls.

Derek Everett || Constantly Absent Father

"Derek's my dad. He's pretty cool, though I can totally see where I get that whole solitary thing from..."

Coldplay - Clocks

Chocolate brown hair, midnight blue eyes and a stubble that looks like it has not seen a shaver in couple of weeks, Derek Everett is a young handsome man who can handle that casual disheveled look and pull it off perfectly without managing to look like a homeless person. The skin on his face is weathered and his hands are hardened by work, and he has a nice tan for working outside constantly. Derek is quite masculine, but not especially large like the muscled and wide shouldered men you would fist think of, but rather lean and nimble looking with some muscle just on the right places. Not too tall, but definitely not on the short side either.

Derek and Andi have a very curious relationship. He might be her father, but there has never been a day in Andi's life where she might have actually called him a "dad" to his face. Instead, the girl always just calls him "Derek." It just feels odd to call him dad, the word almost foreign and whenever she tries it, it kind of stumbles awkwardly out of her mouth and does not sound genuine to her at all. Maybe it is because the first time they met Andi was already three years old, and their meetings are rare, four times a year at tops and once every two years at worst if he is "busy." Derek has never been very good with responsibilities or shouldering the role of a father, so he keeps his distance even though in truth he wants to be there for his baby girl, he is just a very anti-social and awkward kind of fellow so he does not know how to properly do it. Like father like daughter, they both tend to sometimes over-mystify relationships and how they work, making things more complicated for themselves for over-thinking and thus creating problems that do not actually exist. So both of them tend to keep each other at arm's length, even though they love each other just like any other family members would. For Andi and Derek this is just much more subdued and less obvious for others. But it is alright as long as they both understand it themselves.

Darren & Matilda Grace || Grandparents

"The old folks are one of my favorite people of all time. Grandpa is a grumpy bitter old man, but if you learn to look past his grumbling behavior, you'll understand that he mostly means exactly the opposite what leaves his mouth and he actually wants your attention. Grandma bakes all the time and if she could decide, she would have me tied on the bed and force feed me because she keeps claiming I need more meat on my bones! I think all grannies have these feats built in as a default."

Coldplay - God Put a Smile on Your Face

Darren and Matilda Grace are the definition of old married couple. They love each other, but they surely love to snark all the time to the point you would think they would hate each other instead. Andi keeps calling them "Old folks," but in truth they are really not even that old yet. They are about mid way to their forties, going towards their fifties steadily and in a very healthy shape and own their own family restaurant in Bath's downtown that they run successfully. Darren is a man with dark hair that has some silver streaks in it showing his age, always clean shaved and wearing something classy but casual, big bushy eyebrows that loom over his blue eyes that are squinted in a way that makes it seem like he is constantly disapproving of you. Matilda is a woman who has her brown hair always tied in a very classical and stylish bun that and black rimmed classes that makes her look like the head secretary, and those high heels and pencil skirts along with the blouses do not really help with the image. She looks strict, which she is a little bit, but in truth she has a soft heart and does a very good job for acting like exactly like any other grandma could, she is just a tiny bit younger.

Darren and Matilda were tightly part of Andi's life during her early childhood. They brought her up just as much as Angela did, parenting the child and parent while they were at it. Andi has lot of very warm and fond memories of them, and she admits missing the life in her and her mother's childhood home in Bath. Andi and Angela sometimes visit Bath, and Darren and Matilda sometimes pop for a visit in London, but rarely since Darren is always very reluctant to go since he does not like London. "Too posh and snobbish," he describes it, "and full of rude people. Even the retired old people seem to be in a hurry. Where are they in a hurry anyway? They have all day! I was once almost run over by this old woman in the street, and she was using a walker! They should put speed limits for those, I swear..." In which Matilda would casually answer with her very morbid sense of humor; "It's because they have the least time left in this world, dear. No wonder they are in such a hurry when the grave is calling them, huh?"

Sethen Lockett || Best Friend

Gryffindor // 6th​ Year // 2nd​ in Command of Gryffindor Duelling Club // Beater of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team

"The bromance is strong within this one!"

blink-182 - All the Small Things

Seth and Andi have known each other since first year. However, being in the same house and class was not what brought them together, and they did not come to know each other until only much recently. You see, the first years of their time at Hogwarts were spent in completely different circles; Seth hung around mostly with his childhood friends and Pure-blood circles, and back then he was smaller and wimpier and lacked the confidence he has today. And Andi looked like one of the boys for a long time and mostly kept with the "low borns" like herself, so they were both late bloomers. Andi started to slowly turn into a young woman by the end of her third year, and Seth got hit with the puberty's sledgehammer around that time too. They had also been part of Duelling Club, and were both just regular members back then before Seth climbed up the ranks while Andi has been disinterested in the whole leading business until this day, so they were very aware of each other for a long time, but did not approach each other.

Until their fourth year, when Seth became the confident light hearted flirt that he is today, and came into realization that well, hey, Andromeda Grace is actually kind of really hot. If you ignored her masculine personality and focused only on her appearance, that is. And it was enough for Sethen Lockett to try out his master plan to get a date -- challenge Miss Grace into a duel.

The rules were simple; If Seth won, Andi would have to go out on a date with him. If Andi won, Seth would be her slave for twenty-four hours. The boy was confident in his skills and in his looks, and thought that he would have Andi practically under his foot. But arrogance was his downfall, and Andi won the duel. And so Mister Lockett became the slave of Miss Grace. Those twenty-four hours were humiliating and traumatic, and Seth does not really like to talk about it. In fact, only the memories of being under Andi's rule is enough to make the boy stare off into the distance with glazed eyes and a cold shiver run up his spine. And when somebody asks about it from Andi, she will only smile knowingly like an imp and not tell anyone. For what everyone can gather, it must have been something really embarrassing and horrible.

It was a huge hit to Seth's ego. Later on he seeked her out in the hallways and questioned Andi how she won, and Andi explained to him her style to just attack head on. With this new knowledge, Seth challenged her again with he same plan... and lost again.

This turned out to be rather humbling experience for our dear Locket boy here. After the second duel, Seth felt like an idiot, approached the girl, thanked her for the duel and shook her hand. No flirty smiles, no silly date pursues, just acknowledging his housemate as an equal and her skills. Due to Seth stopping the whole ridiculous charade and acting like a normal human being for once, Andi let him off the hook so he would not have to re-live the slave role again that had left some mental scars. This made both of their points jump up a bit in each others eyes.

Year later, Seth had studied Andi's style closely. He noticed that there was a way to beat her; keep his head cool and parry her attacks as fast as she threw them, until she was all out of juice. And then advance on her with whole new strength. So the boy challenged her again, and this time, won. Instead of forcing Andi to a date, rubbing it to her face or anything of the sort, he offered her a hand, pulled her up, complimented her and asked her to practice with him if she wanted. On that moment, Andi realized that Sethen Lockett was more than just an uptight Pure-blood flirt machine. In fact, he was a decent guy if he wanted to be. And this is where the two grew close quickly, discarding their blood statuses and grew good friends fast. And Andi sharing a room with Seth's childhood friend Madison Van Reeden, getting close with he boy was not that hard.

Nowadays Seth and Andi are inseparable best friends, and it is completely normal to see them dick around in Gryffindor table. Loud laughter, flirty and outright stupid jokes are their thing. Andi has Seth's back and Seth has hers. Fistbumps, chestbumps, occasional headlocks and wrestling is not uncommon. With these two, it is always lively. And they check out chicks and dudes together too, commenting on them to each other in silence. Someone would have thought that there would have been romance sparking between them, but they are able to almost completely disregard their genders (if you do not count the sexist jokes they throw at each other) to a point that they do not feel attracted to each other anything more, and they have both set each other in high security friend zones, which they both know that either of them won't try to cross.

Madison Van Reeden || Roommate & Close Friend

Gryffindor // 6th​ Year // Captain & Chaser of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team

"Quote here."

[song here]

Elaborate here

Elise Maine || Roommate & Charms Challenger

Gryffindor // 6th​ Year // Member of Gryffindor Duelling Club

"Elise is bit of an airhead, but she's a good girl and really cute... and my rival in Charms class. Don't take me wrong, I love her to bits. But during Charms? Not so cute."

Coldplay - Paradise

Andi and Elise have been sharing a room with each other since their first year, so over the past years they have grown close, despite their differences. Andi sleeps in a top bunk while Elise has the lower one, and sometimes Elise helps Andi in the matters of handling being a girl -- for example, the main reason why Andi leaves her hair open and untouched is because she has no idea how to deal with it. So the times when you see the black haired girl wearing her hair up in a beautiful french plait? That is her precious roommate's handiwork right there.

Their relationship could be compared to siblings that get along well, but fight over some things. In this case, Elise and Andi are really good friends, but once they enter the Charms class together... the whole classroom turns into a war zone only the two of them can see. Charms is the subject where both of their strength lies in, and they have competitive streaks that are sparked into intense flames in matter of seconds once they face off. During Charms class, they try to outdo each other in everything; who can learn faster, who can cast better, whose technique is more effective and who is the alpha female of the classroom. While everyone else would just sigh; "Dear Merlin, here they go again..."

Melinda Geralds || Classmates

Gryffindor // 6th​ Year // Chaser of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team

"Ah, Geralds... We're definitely only classmates, and nothing more. She doesn't like me much because she's an uptight Pure-blood, and the feeling is mutual."

Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl

Elaborate here

Aled MacNeill || Teacher

Professor & Head of Gryffindor House

"Professor MacNeill is the best teacher there probably is. He is also the one who recruited me for the Duelling Club back then."

[song here]

To Andi, Aled MacNeill would be like a big teddy bear and due to finding him for such an adorable old man, Andi has sometimes hard time taking him seriously as an authority figure when all she wants is to cuddle him and tell him everything is going to be alright because he always looks so sad. During serious talks with him, the girl needs to restrain every ounce of herself to not to jump on him and rubs his cheeks, because she is quite sure Professor MacNeill would not take that very well. This man is one of the biggest reasons Andi is usually late for the next class after D.A.D.A. lessons, because she always somehow finds herself in a deep philosophical discussions with the professor after the classes. Professor MacNeill is one of her favorite professors, and the D.A.D.A. classes are her favorites along with Charms where she excels in. Professor MacNeill is also the one who quickly recruited Andi into the Duelling club on her second year after seeing much potential in her abilities. Well, honestly, this was all due to him accidentally witnessing Andi throwing one of the most meanest Bat-Bogey Hexes of all time at one of the Slytherins that had been talking down on her and calling her a mudblood. For a twelve year old, the reaction time and the precise aim were quite impressive, even though maybe not one of her most glorious moments.

Saskia Maclean || Close Friend

Ravenclaw // 6th​ Year // Member of Ravenclaw Duelling Club

"Kia and me are mates since third year. She is one of the only girls that I hang out with, which is always a nice change after all that testosterone."

Lorde - Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Saskia's and Andi's relationships seems to mainly consist out of spoondrops into different types of puddings. Sounds weird, but once you read forward, you will get it.

You see, everything between them, from Andi's point of view, started this one morning during May on their third year. Andi was eating breakfast with her mates in the Gryffindor table and just enjoying her caramel pudding while dicking around with the guys, when the silver haired Ravenclaw girl appeared like almost out of nowhere. The lively group got quiet, shooting the thirteen year old Miss Maclean some curious looks, along with Andi herself, when she suddenly bluntly informed the following.

"Hey I've been wanting to be friends with you for a really long time but I was a bit too shy to approach you until now. How would you feel about having lunch with me?"

Andi dropped her spoon into her pudding which let out that small soft "splot" sound in the flabbergasted silence.

It was the very first time that a girl had approached her in several years and wanted to be friends with her, so of course, the black haired Gryffindor's heart swelled with excited happiness which burst out in one loud agreeing YES once she found her voice again.

It has been couple of years now, and the two are tight as ever. Whenever Saskia seems to have something shocking to inform, it seems to be during always when Andi is eating some pudding. Sometimes she wonders if Saskia is doing it on purpose, choosing the time to drop whatever news to her that makes the Gryffindor's brain short-circuit and lose the grip of the spoon that would always follow with that little "splot" sound.

Here is few examples:

"Hey Andi, I think you should know... I'm gay."


"Andi, did you know Kingsley Shacklebolt is my father?"


"You know, I've been kidnapped twice."


"Oh by the way, I'm a half Banshee."


Yeah, she is quite sure Saskia is choosing these times for some reason on purpose. Maybe for the situational comedy if not for anything else.

Montgomery Knight || Friendly Rival

Hufflepuff // 6th​ Year // Prefect // Hufflepuff Duelling Club Captain

"Oh Monty, Monty, Monty..."

The White Stripes - Blue Orchid

Montgomery Knight. A Hufflepuff boy with a very subdued personality, who is always serious and probably the only time he has ever smiled has been when his face muscles have cramped. He seems to take everything literally, and if he has a sense of humor, he hides it extremely well. And this is probably why Andi has been interested in Montgomery ever since their first duel back in their second year.

Well, it all started because she lost to him, really. It was a gathering for sparring matches between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and that is when the twelve year old Montgomery and Andromeda met. Set against each other, Andi started with her aggressive style and forced Montgomery to take the defense. Unfortunately the Hufflepuff boy turned to be very good with the shield charms, and managed to parry all her attacks until she wore herself out, advancing on her slowly and waiting for an opening which eventually came. Andi was knocked down by a low-powered Stupefy spell straight to the chest, which was enough to knock the air out her lungs. This duel left the girl sore and slightly bruised, but feeling refreshed; somebody her age had actually managed to keep up with her!

Someone else would have probably gotten their pride bruised too, but not Andi, she knew not to take it to the heart. She was intrigued, her curiosity sparked into bright flame as she reviewed the duel between them in her mind; Montgomery's expression barely flinching in surprise as she took immediately the aggressive tactic and took the lead of the duel, before the boy's expression turned back to the normal, almost eerily calm one while he parried the spells. It had made it look like the situation, stressful and challenging to anyone else, would have been a stroll in Hyde Park for Montgomery. And that calmness was that Andi found interesting, and his duelling abilities respectable.

Soon after the gathering, Andi took the initiative and approached the Hufflepuff boy herself without hesitation. Thanking him for the earlier duel, and then telling him straight out with a burning determination in her eyes that next time she would win for sure. The discussion was very short lived and one sided, as the Gryffindor pretty much went on her way right after her announcement.

It has been years now since that. They have duelled several times, and even though Andi has had few wins here and there, Montgomery holds the lead due to his fascinating ability to be able to stay calm and not let his feelings to take the better of himself. Andi has taken it to her mission to poke Montgomery around whenever possible, finding the Hufflepuff boy interesting and amusing with his reactions that are so much different from anyone else... also because he takes everything so literally that it is funny to tease him. The boy is kind of endearing in his own way because of this. By the looks of it, Andi is not getting bored of Montgomery any time soon.

Seriphim Brimm || Friend

Hufflepuff // 6th​ Year

"Quote here."

[song here]

Elaborate here

Adam Harrison || Friend

Hufflepuff // 6th​ Year

"Quote here."

[song here]

Elaborate here

Elizabeth Silsbury || Friend

Hufflepuff // 6th​ Year // Flutist of Hogwarts Orchestra

"Quote here."

[song here]

Elaborate here

Jack Sullivan || Undetermined

Gryffindor // 5th​ Year // Prefect // Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team

"Quote here."

[song here]

Elaborate here

August Yilmaz || Undetermined

Ravenclaw // 6th​ Year // Pianist of Hogwarts Orchestra

"Quote here."

[song here]

Elaborate here

Want a relationship?
Shoot me a PM!


Oh, I can feel it
Oh, I can feel it
Oh, I can feel it
Coming down
Oh, I can feel it
Oh, I can feel it
Oh, I can feel it
Coming down

P a t r o n u s
Cat represents a balance of strength in both physical and mental abilities, merging these two worlds into one. Curious, intelligent, independent and physically adept, the wizards and witches of cat patronuses tend to live in a world of their own. The cats are the seekers of their own paths, and have the confidence in their own skills to walk through it alone. The cats may be small, but they can be surprisingly ferocious and can take down bigger threats than they are themselves. Never underestimate something because of it's appearance, even the smallest feline may have the shadow of a lion.


B o g g a r t
Scaly slithering bodies, forked tongues and hissing sounds are what make Andi's skin crawl. When she was little, she was bit by a viper snake while playing in her grandparents yard. It was really bad and momentarily danger to her life even due to her being so small for the amount of poison, it caused a lot of pain. Thankfully she was treated, but it still left a mental scar. It does not matter what kind of snake it is in question, Andi will find it fearsome even if it is not even poisonous. She is quite sure that snakes are one of the only creatures on the planet that mean only harm, and ironically it is the emblem of her rivaling house. So no wonder that when she found out that such creatures as Basilisks existed, the very knowledge of their existence was enough to make the creature one of her biggest nightmares even though she has never seen one herself except on the pages of books -- and if she is lucky, she never will.

P e t
Osiris the Cat Hybrid
Six years old half Kneazle, half Bengal cat male. A large spotted feline that looks like a miniature leopard with highly intelligent gleam in his jade green eyes. He is rather calm and independent, but likes to occasionally be petted and thus searches the attention of his human, Andi, every once in a while so she could bask in his godly presence. Arrogant would describe his highness very well, but it is not misplaced as Osiris is one of the biggest cats around in Hogwarts and being too smart for his own good, the tomcat knows it. Thankfully for other cats, the half-Kneazle does not seem to be too interested in territory disputes, and thankfully for other pets he is not too interested in trying to devour them when he knows he is being fed daily by his lowly servants and his servants servants, the House-elves.


W a n d
Aspen || 11¼ inches || Unicorn hair || Swishy

Wand-quality aspen wood is white and fine-grained, and highly prized by all wand-makers for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwork. The proper owner of the aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic. An infamous and secretive eighteenth-century duelling club, which called itself The Silver Spears, was reputed to admit only those who owned aspen wands. Garrick Ollivander often found that aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries. Those with aspen wands tend to be defiant and talkative. This wand boosts power in Charms, but detracts from Healing magic.

Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Unicorn hair is a more subtle wand, but it is quite compatible with Charms and Transfiguration. It is also hands-down the best core for healing, as it picks up some of the healing capabilities of unicorn blood. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard. Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing. Unicorn hair has a reputation of picking gentler or more cerebral users, so it is common amongst Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. More laid-back Gryffindors and subtler Slytherins may find themselves with a Unicorn hair wand.

A swishy wand may not be too loyal to its owner and may switch loyalties at a moment's notice. It is particularly good at charms. Owners that are matched with wands of this flexibility may be very sociable and fun-loving with a penchant for some mischief-making. They are usually very clever and prefer not to tie themselves down to any particular way of thinking until they've gathered all that they need to know.

[Length lore coming soon]



It's a fucked up world
What do you get?
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette
It's a fucked up world
What do you get from it?
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette

O t h e r
Diagnosed ADHD
Andi was diagnosed with ADHD, which stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, when she was eight years old. This is actually quite blatant, if you just know what to look for; short attention span, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. However, her hyperactivity symptoms have tuned down a notch after she hit puberty and turned more subdued "inner restlessness." Her disorder tends to reflect on her school performance a lot, and at times her social skills that in turn reflects on her ability to maintain relationships. She used to have some problems containing her anger in the past and sometimes ended up throwing long tantrums from her early childhood to preteens, but with some counseling she learned some self-control and know the signs when something is "going too far" for her. Andi used some medication in her preteens during the counseling, but ended up dropping it in few years and living without it with her mother's blessing ("You don't need pills honey, for mum you're just fine as you are.") Angela never quite liked the idea of feeding her child medication in the first place.

Andi has the following symptoms;
Easily distracted, misses details, forgets things, and frequently switches from one activity to another.
Has difficulty maintaining focus on one task.
Becomes bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless doing something she personally enjoys.
Has difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new, especially while reading academic material, because she has weakness in reading comprehension.
Has trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, materials, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities.
Not seeming to listen when spoken to at times.
Daydreaming, becoming easily confused, and moves slowly during these. She may drift off during conversation, and miss social cues.
Has difficulty processing academic information as quickly and accurately as others.
Struggle to follow written or oral instructions due to easily forgetting parts of them.
Fidgets and squirms in her seat when needed to remain sitting longer than few minutes.
When she is given a chance, she pretty much talks nonstop until someone reminds her to breathe in between.
Dashes around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight.
Has trouble sitting still during dinner, school, doing homework etc.
Feels the urge to be constantly in motion.
Has difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities for a long period of time.
She can be very impatient about certain things, which is usually the reason for her impulsive acts.
Blurts out inappropriate comments, shows her emotions without restraint, and usually acts without regard for consequences. Tends to think about the consequences once it is already too late.
Often interrupts conversations or others' activities when feeling the need to put in her two cents, and not always remembering to wait her turn to speak.[/spoili]

Being highly realistic and having her feet firmly planted to the ground, it is really no surprise that Andi does not feel comfortable with placing herself in any religious group, as having her believe on something she cannot see or even prove exists is impossible. Just because she lacks the belief on any divine power, this does not mean that she lacks the respect towards people who really do. In fact, she respects a lot of truly religious people who practice what they preach, because it takes a lot to be able to live according to the values of the religion of their choosing. However, the people who claim to be religious and commit lot of stupid and/or horrible things in it's name, she despises. Because she knows that standing in a church does not make you anymore religious than standing in a garage makes you a car. So what does Andi believe in? She believes in herself, in her own strength and abilities, and the ability of humanity to do some good every once in a while. Her motto would be; "Don't be a dick and chill out."

Along the years, this is the sexuality Andi has become identifying herself the most. She is attracted by personalities rather than their appearances (but she does appreciate some eye candy) and gender has never really been a problem for her. Sure she had some hard time when she found herself to attracted to some females and lived in confused denial for some time, until she decided to be honest with herself to be able to live happily. However, physically she finds herself usually more attracted to males more than females, and she does find male company more enjoyable since they tend to be less dramatic and emotional and sensitive, whilst girls cry a lot and throw tantrums over things that do not make much sense to her. She does not go around yelling about her sexuality to everyone, and rather keeps it mostly to herself, because it really is not anyone's business, is it? Not to mention how easily you can get a lot of shit in a boarding school very quickly if you are not careful.

Duelling Club
Member since her second year, Andi is very well known for her aggressive combat style. She relies a lot on the element of surprise by attacking head on first, heavily shooting a flurry of spells one after another with swiftness that can be only be described as terrifying. Her aspen wand is like a rapid machine-gun, forcing her opponents to take the defense or else they are doomed to get hit. Offensive magic and velocity are the main traits of Andi's duelling, but on a downside, she wears herself down fast as her stamina can not keep up too long. She also tends to forget to use shied spells herself, so her defense is lacking, if not to say almost non-existent. She will keep getting herself hit by the spells until she cannot carry on any longer, all the while still attacking if possible. Her duels are fast and passionate, and always in good sportsmanship, interesting and breath taking to watch. Her footwork is excellent while casting, making it look like she is almost dancing, and her agile movements are used to sidestep spells instead of using time and energy for shield charms.

Charms & Defense Against the Dark Arts
The Gryffindor girl has always had the knack for Charms, in which she holds a perfect O for Outstanding. It is where she academically excels over every other subject she studies, though she can bring it out much better during practical situations over the reading and writing -- memorizing has never truly been her forte. She can perform magic in exceptional way and usually succeeds on her first try, and her body remembers better than her actual mind does through physical practice. Due to her spellwork, she does also outstandingly succeed in D.A.D.A. during practical lessons, though her academic marks from essays are usually E for Exceed Expectations, bordelining A for Acceptable (which she gets if she does not study enough) so she maintains a somewhat steady E in that class. Transfiguration would be her third favorite subject, but she performs somewhat average for that.

Fun Facts
Oblivious to flirting. Well, she is not completely oblivious to it, more like she is unable to take it seriously, as if something in the back of her head would constantly claim to her that no one would really be interested in her, so she takes it as a joke. Thus she may jump in on the game and flirt back even, but she in only for the humor and does not really mean a word of it. But due to her confidence, it may seem like to the counter party that she is actually flirting back, so this may create a misunderstanding very easily. The only way to get through to her would be as idiotproof as possible and inform her of the interest seriously and show her that you are not kidding.

Used to be really scared of ghosts before entering Hogwarts. During her stay she got used to their presence and realized that not all ghosts are vengeful spirits that go around murdering people like in the movies.

Due to her lack of interest in theorized subjects, History of Magic would be her worst subject and enemy. Andi is terrible when it comes to memorizing names and dates and historical events. So most of the time she is either taking a nap during these classes or staring at moth balls in the corner of the room that she finds much more intriguing than the droning voice of the teacher.

Obsessed with strawberry scented lip balms, cotton flower scented perfumes and caramel scented shampoos.

Loves white chocolate and hazelnuts. Especially when these two come together and infuse into one sweet ambrosia.

Is hopeless when it comes down to styling hair. Andi does know how put up a passable pony tail, but that is about it. Which is such a shame when she has great hair to play around with and style. Thankfully, this is where her other roommate steps in.

Due to being a tomboy and a big city girl, it is really not a surprise that Andi's choice of transportation during summers is a longboard. It is faster and easier to move in the crowd with, and you can carry it anywhere you want without needing to think about where to park your bike. Her balance is good while skating around the city with the board, so it is rare for Andi to get hurt for falling down or crashing into someone.

Typical to an ADHD kid, Andi does not disappoint in the stereotype of having a pretty terrible handwriting. Sometimes she is unable to read her own notes after class, and ends up borrowing her classmates that have neater script.

To listen to Andi's soundtracks, click here!


Back to these backdoor bitches begging me to behave
Jamming Jesus down my throat, no, I don't want to be saved
Ain't a chain on my brain, I'm nobody's slave
I got one foot in the cradle and one in the grave

A p p e a r a n c e

Andi is not too tall, nor very short either. She stands around 5'6 feet, and has a lean body type with creamy but somewhat pale skin. She has some curves here and there, mostly around her hips and waistline, but mostly remains as somewhat average looking without an impressive bust size. (If you really must know, she is a C.) She has some muscle for all the workout she gets from duelling, making her not a skinny little twig that could be blown over by a wind, which hints that she actually haves some physical strength in her.

Her face is slightly oval shaped with a sharp chin and smooth jawline. Her mouth is quite attractive, the lips medium full with the lower lip being fuller than the upper, and the upper lip has a nice Cupid's arch. Due to her obsession with strawberry scented lip balms, they look quite soft for receiving constant moisturizing. But the most attractive point in Andi are her eyes; they are almond shaped and very feline looking (especially with her usual cat-eye liner) with very expressive dark blue orbs like the night sky just after sunset, which she brings out almost striking with dark smoky eye make up. The eyes are rimmed with naturally dark lashes that curl slightly, and receive some extra boost with mascara. Neatly plugged dark eyebrows arch over the eyes. Her face is framed by her ebony black hair, that reaches her mid back in thick wavy locks, cut layered and little bit shorter near her face to give it some frame.

Dress Style
In her respective uniform, Andi always wears a skirt because her mother refuses to fund her the trousers because Angela is obsessed with the thought that one day her daughter will stop being a tomboy. Unfortunately, Andi tends to forget she is wearing one so she has a bad habit of sitting rather too comfortably which means she may sometimes flash her underwear by accident. To prevent this, she tries to wear thick dark stockings or leggings. She usually wears her button up shirt loose over the skirt instead of tugging it under the waistband of the skirt, and few top buttons open or else she feels like she is choking -- but not to flash her feminine wiles, the buttons are only open enough to show her collarbones. The tie is worn loosely around her neck, making her uniform style rather casual. She wears the robe rather rarely, finding it hard to move in and heavy, but it is welcome during colder days. Red tennis shoes are the usual picks with the outfit, as she finds the school's uniform shoes rather ugly.

On her free time, Andi is usually seen wearing jeans and T-shirts or tops with either band logos or some kind of witty slogans. Her usual color choices are black, but some grey, red and army green can be seen. Sweaters and cardigans are not completely unheard of either, but hoodies usually win these over. When the weather is not too cold or too warm, she loves to wear her biker type leather jacket outdoors. You can see her wearing mostly her tennis shoes or something other flat, and never heels, because Andi does not feel comfortable walking with something that can potentially break her ankles.


It's a fucked up world
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette
It's a fucked up world
What do you get from it?
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette
Sex and love and guns, light a cigarette

P i c t u r e s


Credits for the art goes to Kyoux from deviantArt
Wandlore is from Harry Potter Wikia and from here
Most of the quotes listed under personality are dug up either from internet, song lyrics or books
Last edited by a moderator:
Good lord, this role-play has a lot of sixth years... Eh. Technically, I need to add things. Technically, this thing is a shameful mess. But technically, it's completed anyway.

"Smiling is like most of popular culture: Superficial and misleading."
The All-American Rejects - Gives You Hell
I wake up every evening
With a big smile on my face
And it never feels out of place
And you're still probably working
At a nine to five pace
I wonder how bad that tastes

"Call me Awesome."

Ryan Jae McCallion

"Just one big joke."

Born April 1st, 2007

"Why do you need to ask? I don't have a big chest, my hair is short, I don't have lady parts..."

House and Year
"The snake smiles but shows no teeth."
Slytherin, 6th year
A row of first years stood in the front. Some looked frightened, standing there with downcast eyes and hunched shoulders, trying to blend into the others. Some were quiet, faces blank, choosing to keep their thoughts to themselves. Some were with friends, supporting each other, guessing where they would go, speaking of inside jokes only they understood. And some, like Ryan, stood alone, but with smiles on their faces as they awaited their turn to be sorted.

It wasn't as though Ryan wasn't nervous. No, he was really a bundle of nerves, and he really didn't find himself close enough to anyone, not even people who he had grown up with. Besides, what was he going to say? "Guys, that talking hat up front freaks me out. Protect me."? That would be lame on so many levels. It wasn't really the hat he was scared of, of course, but rather what it would say. It was going to decide his life for the next seven years, basically.

His turn came much too soon.

As he walked forward and sat down on the stool, all he could think about was: Now, why did they need to do this in front of the whole school. It made it even more nervewracking when you had all the professors and the students of the various houses staring at you like you were the prize piece of meat. He should send a letter of complaint to them later, not that they would do anything about. People rarely changed old traditions.

He was thinking about that for so long that he hadn't even noticed the hat being out on his head, and jumped a bit when he heard it's voice in his ear.

"Hardly a difficult choice, for you," it mused. "Perhaps you have a few traits from the other houses, but this one trumps it all..."

Ryan wanted to wring his neck. That is, if he had one(he? It?). Couldn't it just get on with it already? Ryan didn't have all day. He wanted something to eat. Something that wasn't a sweet.

The hat, it seemed, chuckled a little before he spoke again. Something that laughed in the ear of the child who wanted to kill it. Such a brave hat. "Now, why don't you just play happy like you always do? Pretend to be happy a little more. Perhaps that skill of yours will aid you in your future endeavours. Yes, yes, use it to your advantage like I know you will. After all, you are a SLYTHERIN!"

The hat was plucked off his head, and by the wall, the table of green and silver erupted into cheers for their new classmate. Ryan, who had been nervous to get on the stool before, was now nervous to leave it. After all, what if he wasn't really going to be good at being a Slytherin?

But still, he forced himself to his feet, and made his way to his new housemates. They seemed friendly enough, to him, anyway. Surely, Ryan would be just fine.

He would always be just fine.

"Great and amazing, that's what I am."

Blood Status
"Technically, a little more than half of my blood is magic."

-Superficially Happy-
"Just smile and tell yourself that it's alright."
A smile here, a friendly conversation there, and you'll fit right in with the majority of people. Just like that. Like it's own form of magic. Ryan is rarely ever seen without a happy expression on his face. It's not as though he's naturally happy, or anything like that. But you can't fit in if you're angry or unhappy in any sort of way. If you're unhappy, people won't like you. They'll ignore you. Besides, being unhappy is no good. It's better to just smile. Smile, and you'll feel better.

-Always Prioritizing-
"The amount of thought I put into this is directly proportional to how boring it is."
Ryan is a bright person. People have acknowledged that before, and people probably will in the future. But if you look at his grades, you'll notice how unbalanced things could be. He can be getting an Outstanding with ease in one class, while constantly staying up to study another just to get an Acceptable. It's not as though he knows any less on subjects, if you really push him he can probably tell you plenty on everything he was learning. He is just easily distracted from things he didn't find interesting. It's just like his mind blocked off the information to let in the more interesting things, and that really isn't his fault. Things like Divination, they just bore him, and he always ends up staring at the grooves of the desk rather than the tea leaves or whatever they're learning about.

"Aw, c'mon, how do you expect me to concentrate when you're just yelling facts at me?"
Ryan has long known that he was more of a kinesthetic learner than a visual learner, and more of a visual learner than an auditory learner. Besides that, his mind tends to wander when he's listening to, "boring people saying boring things." So, generally, unless what the person is saying is extremely interesting and is actually something he wants to know, Ryan will probably just pretend to listen. Or, if he's really that uninterested, he'll fall asleep. If he has to listen, then he can always pinch himself every few minutes to remind himself to listen.

-A Liar-
"I swear that I have never lied to you in my whole life."
Ryan is a liar. He lies about his feelings, he lies about his opinions, he lies about anything that's worth lying about. It doesn't matter. Everybody lies. They lie to gain to upper hand, or to protect another person feelings. Well, Ryan does the same. Just not including the latter one. He doesn't really care about that one. He dislikes when people sugar coated things for him, so he doesn't do it. But you surely cannot be at the top without lying a little. They say that the truth will set you free, but it also leaves you at the bottom. Perhaps lies with imprison you, but they certainly help you rise.

"But of course I care about you; It's not like I'm heartless."
People are but things that need to keep Ryan's company. Most are stupid, occasionally there are some who are smart but then they're too one-dimensional. They just aren't interesting enough. They don't deserve his love or hate, but Ryan could very easily pretend he cares about them. Simple as that. If he pretends, then they'll hang around. See, he's got it all figured out. Smile, be nice, don't be needy, then they'll be friends with him. He doesn't need to care, he just needs to make them care.

"You're unhappy, I know it."
Ryan has always been good at seeing things. Little details can really be important. That includes with people. He's good at noticing little things, like a shaking hand or just the way their eyes look. Then he can guess how they're feeling. He's good at understanding, and gathering information. Though, that's with things around him. That's simple. What he can't figure out are things in his head. Things get jumbled up in his head. It's only when it's around him that he notices things.

"I can honestly say that I'm better than you."
Maybe Ryan isn't as intelligent as a Ravenclaw. Maybe he isn't as brave as a Gryffindor. Maybe it's more difficult for him to be kind than it is for a Hufflepuff. Maybe he doesn't have great strength, and he isn't as good-looking as some people in his school. But hell, he doesn't need to be the best. He is well-rounded.

He is pretty smart, even if he doesn't constantly strive to be even more intelligent like Ravenclaws tend to do. He sure as hell isn't a coward. He can be perfectly nice if he needs to be. He's no weakling, he's actually quite good at athletics. And he isn't ugly, not at all. To the right people, he'll actually be pretty good-looking. So, maybe he isn't the best, he's never at the top. There is always someone who excels at something more than him. But he doesn't have much weaknesses. If he really needs to, he could surely keep up with everyone. While everyone has strengths and weaknesses, Ryan's strengths and weaknesses are nearly balanced out. People don't usually notice his flaws(except, maybe, his oversized ego). He's never the worst, even if he's never the best.

"That isn't where it goes."
Ryan organizes when he's bored. It's to the point of annoying obsession. All because he used to organize his father's study when he wasn't home, because his mother would bribe him to do it. Because of this habit of his, if he isn't doing something extremely important or looking for something, his room is rather perfect. His trunk holds all his book, lined spine-up at the bottom, and goes by height and then subject. On his desk, there will be blank parchment, exactly in the centre, not a millimetre off(and he knows because he'd use a ruler). At the top of his desk, he likes to line up his pens and quills. He has a fwooper quill set, and his pens are various colours. So(with quills on the outside), he puts warm colours(orange, yellow, red) on the right, cool colours(green, blue, purple, and in his case, pink) on the left, and neutral ones(his black, brown, gray, and white shelled pens) in the centre of the row, and they are all one centimetre apart. Everything in his room will be set up like that, until he messes it up and has to start all over.

"Everyone's gonna let you down if you trust them. May as well just trust yourself."
It's not really a thing he'd picked up from anywhere. He put his trust in his mother. She didn't let him down. She died. But she didn't let him down. However, Ryan always has that little nagging voice in the back of his mind. "Don't trust," it whispers to him. "Don't listen, don't trust them, all they'll do is stab you in the back." And you should always listen to the voices in the back of your head.

Perhaps it's others. Perhaps Ryan has just seen people being let down by others a few times too often. It isn't as though his father has never been let down. It isn't like he has never seen a person running in tears from another who had promised to stay with them, to love them forever. See, other people will let you down. Perhaps they give you the sense of acceptance that people so badly crave, but if you've never felt that feeling before, you can just as easily fake it.

"You ask me why I put myself on such a high pedestal. It's simply because I'm the best."
You know this already. Perhaps he is just another 6th year at Hogwarts now, but someday, Ryan is sure he'll reach the top. He'll take all the knowledge his professors have bestowed upon him, and he will use it to become greater than anyone has ever been. At least while he's alive, everyone will remember his name, his face. He'll be the greatest wizard the world has ever seen. Or perhaps more. Perhaps even muggles will speak of his name for generations.

Surely, it will be lonely when he reaches the top. The top doesn't have much room for more people. But that's only mentally. There is a saying, that it's lonely at the top. But you have everyone below looking up at you. Loving, hating, admiring, ashamed of. Whatever emotion they have when they think of you, at least they're thinking of you. Surely you can't be lonely.

There is a thing known as the "abandonment reaction." It is the result of an event that makes a person feel insecure, rejected, discarded, and left behind. It tends to occur when someone experiences a one-sided loss of an important relationship. It can lead to low self-esteem, low self-confidence, troubles maintaining relationships, and others. Maybe Ryan has been affected by it. Maybe his self-confidence has taken a blow before. But, well, that doesn't mean he can't have high self-confidence all the time. His self-confidence is a bit to big to be permanently damaged.

"But the truth is I, I hate the truth and I would rather live and die in fantasy..."
His mother had always said, "Follow your dreams. The worst that can happen is that you'll fail. But if you don't try, you'll spend your life just saying, 'What if.'" His father had said something similar. "Sometimes, you should just do what you want. To hell with consequences. It'll make you happier in the long run."

He agrees with them. He should do what he wants. What he wants is the most important thing. What he wants to do is to keep dreaming. Maybe he'll fail everything else if he does so. Maybe there would be terrible consequences. But if he dreams, he can ignore the bad things in life. See, in his dreams, everything is perfect. A perfect family in a perfect home surrounded by perfect people. Everything is the way Ryan wants it. That's hardly true in real life. In real life, something is always wrong. Something always stands in your way.

The best thing to do is to just keep dreaming.

-Before the Beginning-
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey..."
[spoili]Alexa McCallion and Evan Harrison. The two had never been friends. Alexa had her own group of friends, a like-minded group of peers who were kind to her and understood all the stupid jokes she made. And Evan, well... Evan had himself. And most people thought that that was all he needed.

See, while most people craved the attention of others, loving the pleasure of company and the time they can spend slacking off, just talking to their friends, Evan was always alone, flipping through his books, studying hard. Even his brother, a year below him, was never around to speak to him. When you tried to speak to him, he just snapped at you. So no one tried.

Except for Alexa. One day, for no reason in particular, she separated herself from her friends and walked over to the lone Gryffindor, sitting alone, studying like he always was. So, so very alone.

With a soft and friendly smile, she said to him, "Why did you choose to be alone like this? It must be hard."

It was a lifeline. An offer to give him company. Evan looked up from his book, and looked at Alexa's bright smile, her attempt at being friendly. To Evan, though, she looked sad. Desperate for company. Not in the sense that everyone else did. She wanted someone to really talk to. He had grown up being used to trying to read people's emotions like that. Breaking down every detail, deciding what they were thinking.

No wonder he had no friends. This was his only chance, really. So he took it. Evan closed his book, and he said, "Well, actually, everyone else chose for me. I'd really like some company sometimes."

And after that, Alexa sat, and they talked, sitting under the tree in the Quad. They talked a lot about muggle things, as Evan had at some point deemed Alexa an expert,and asked the questions he never got to ask anyone else. And when that subject was tired out, they talked about other things, until it was dinner and Alexa had to go to the Hufflepuff Table, and Evan had to go to the Gryffindor Table.

They spoke again some other time.

And another time.

And another time.

And another time.

Every time they crossed paths, they'd speak.

There came a point when they started thinking of each other as friends, and actively sought each other out. There came a point when they started thinking of each other as close friends, and confided in each other with their problems. There came a point when Evan started finding her tendency to rush cute, and Alexa started finding his painful awkwardness endearing.

Evan was always planning to date and marry some cute Pureblood.

Alexa was always planning to find a prince who swept her off her feet and carried her off into the sunset.

Which just goes to show that you can't choose who you loved.

After they left Hogwarts, Evan got a job at the Ministry of Magic, and Alexa went back home. But they still sent letters to each other. Evan told Alexa about where he lived, and about the people who lived near him. They're all really nice people, he told her. You'd really like them, especially the little kids. They're really loud, but I bet you'd find them adorable and just be giving them sweets all the time. I hope you would. Make them too fat and lazy to yell anymore.

Alexa, who had started to go to university, talked about her classmates, her friends, her family. It's pretty fun. My brother is trying to find me a cheap place to live. You should visit someday.

To Evan, she sounded unhappy. Or, at least, like she didn't care. But he didn't think too much of it. After all, it was a letter. You could rarely tell what people thought from a letter.

They would tell each other about friends, dates, little things. Just telling them, not actually saying what they thought or anything. They just said things like little notes. Like: Oh, I'm going on a date next week. Hope I don't do anything stupid. What will you be doing next week?

They tried hard not to care. See, due to miscommunications(probably more Evan's fault than Alexa's), they never liked to say that they did like each other. They thought that the other person would reject. After all, they were getting dates and things, they obviously didn't like each other, and they should really just move on...

Although they always spoke of different things that happened in their lives, there was always one thing that appeared in their letters.

Are you going to visit some time?

You should come visit some day.

It wasn't as though they were far from each other. It was just that they never found time to see each other. It did bother them, when the other constantly gave reasons of why they couldn't go.

But one day, Evan did visit Alexa. He didn't tell her. It was a surprise to her, but a pleasing one. Of course, they spent a good few minutes just standing at the doorway of where Alexa live, Evan having an immense interest in his shirt and Alexa staring down at the ground as they spoke in awkward half-sentences. But after one person managed a full sentence, they just couldn't quit speaking. They walked around, Alexa happily acting as tour guide as she showed Evan the sights, despite the rain that fell. It just made it all the more fun.

They filled in the details they never talked about in their letters, all the little details that would have taken too much room. When they ran out of those things to say, they joked around, jumping into puddles, racing to safety if the rain started coming down a bit too hard, generally being a nuisance to their fellow pedestrians. It was fun.

By the time that Evan was walking home, they were covered in rainwater, with grins on their faces and sparkles in their eyes. They were happy, and it was just really sad that they had to leave each other.

Then Evan said the most impulsive thing he had ever said.

Do you want to marry me?

Unlike movies, Alexa did not cry and hug him while screaming yes! Rather, she turned bright red and spluttered for a moment before saying a rather strangled, Bye, Evan, and slammed the door on his face. It was the only natural reaction. So, rather than be discouraged, Evan just shrugged. He could try again some other time.

And he did. That time she at least agreed to date him.

Then he asked again. That was when she agreed to marry him.

They had a small wedding. They invited their friends and family(Though the amount of guests who arrived under Evans invitation was substantially smaller). There they were, awkward and red-faced, but with bright smiles that refused to leave their faces and they said their vows.

They didn't have a honeymoon. Work, work, work was always much too important for Evan. But Alexa was fine with that. She was happy enough, moving to live with Evan in Tutshill. Why, he even kept her last name because she was so hesitant to leave part of her name behind. Alexa didn't need to go to some fancy place with him. She was happy just how it was.

It was less than a year after they were married that Ryan was born. A sweet little baby who hardly cried, with a bright smile and wise green eyes. He was definitely the perfect baby, a perfect mix of the couple. And as he started to get older, he was still like that. Always smiling, always sweet, being perfect and polite like he was told to be. Just perfect.[/spoili]

-Sticks and Stones-
"All good things must come to an end."
[spoili]Growing up in Tutshill, Ryan spent a large part of his time playing with his mother and the other children in their area. It didn't matter if it were a muggle or a wizard, he was always happy to play with them. He didn't see his father until nighttime, usually, but he was always happy to just start describing his day to him. Ryan was happy.

But, as he started getting just a bit older, he started forming opinions on people. His mother was just a sweet and kind as she always was, a wonderful person who Ryan loved, and he knew she loved him back. His little friends might not have been asgreat as they could be sometimes, but they were alright. But his father, Ryan decided, was much too strict. Unfair to Ryan. In fact, he probably hated Ryan. Ryan would hate him right back. Though, of course, he never told anyone that---people didn't appreciate hatred. Ryan just hated him in silence.

Tutshill was a place where wizards and muggles lived together, which was nice, as he always did like to make friends. Every week, Ryan took music lessons with an old muggle, learning drumming and guitar, just depending on what the man felt like teaching him(it wasn't as though he were an actual teacher). When Ryan's lessons were over and he waited for his mother to pick him up, he'd pass time by reading a book, which he'd bring along every lesson, taking it back with him when his mother came.

But then, he forgot it.

Perhaps it wasn't the real reason, but to Ryan, that was when it all went to hell. Because soon after that, his mother began to fade.

She had to leave often, handing Ryan over to some neighbours to take care of. She tried so hard to hide things from Ryan, but then she really had to leave. She woke Ryan up one day, as gentle as she always did, and told him, I'm going to have to leave for a while, Ryan. Your daddy will still be here, but when he's busy you'll have to go to our neighbour's house, okay? Now, you just be the good boy that you always are, and I'll buy you a present when I come back, okay?

All Ryan thought of at the time was presents. So he agreed to just be a good boy until his mother came home.

But how long did she think she could hide it from him? Ryan wasn't a stupid child. He listened to the adults when they talked, although they rarely noticed. So it wasn't too long until he heard the news, passing from one person to another.

The hospital... Poor Alexa... How will Evan manage without her? ... Especially with Ryan...

Lung cancer. That's what they said she had. Lung cancer, that was too far along for the doctors to really do much. Ryan didn't get it. His mother was not a smoker. So why, out of all the non-smoking people of the world, why did she have to be the one who got cancer. It wasn't her that smoked...

Ryan's father did.

When Ryan had realised that, it was the first time that he had ever felt a burning resentment for anyone. See, to Ryan, his father was just the person who was gone most of the time, either in his study or at work, and only appeared during meals and the occasional moment when he decided that having a break would be good for him. He was awkward around Ryan. They really rarely had conversations. If he were gone, Ryan wouldn't notice. He would just notice if his mother was gone. So why not his father?

But maybe he was being to hard on his father. His father was lucky, and his mother was a bit less lucky, that was all... But she was lucky too. She would live. She would come back home and give Ryan a kiss. She'd have forgotten the present, she always did forget her promises, but she'd go right out after he reminded her, and she would get him whatever he wanted. Everything would be fine. Everything would be just fine...

She's gone.

It was those words that broke Ryan down again. Two simple, quiet words, uttered by his father with no emotion. Like being emotionless would help in some way. Ryan was just a child, but he listened. And he understood.

He had cried silently that night, hiding under blankets and pillows as if that would make things less real, less painful. But it didn't. He really wished that it was different. That it had been his mother standing there, biting back a sob and whispering,He's gone. If only. Because just one extra letter made the two words all the more painful, an indescribable pain that came from the inside and couldn't simply be treated with a bandage.

'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me?' Lies. Ryan really would have preferred sticks and stones. Broken bones couldn't possibly hurt as much.[/spoili]

-Life is for the Living-
"The first step to moving on is acceptance."
[spoili]Her funeral was a closed casket funeral. Her body was hidden in a heavy wooden box, never to be seen again by Ryan. But he didn't cry. He had run out of tears. But clearly the people at the funeral, the aunts and the uncles and the grandparents and friends and neighbours, clearly they hadn't run out. Ryan couldn't help but be aggravated by their tears. "Just shut up, will ya?" he wanted to shout. But he knew he couldn't do that. It wasn't something his mother would have approved of.

So instead he was silent, silent as people got up and spoke, silent as they approached him and his father to offer their condolences, silent as they walked away, squawking in their annoying voices, like birds.

Why wasn't he crying?

Perhaps he's in shock.

Oh, he's just a small boy. Children don't understand the concept of death well enough. Don't think he has to cry.

Like it were some duty of his. Like he was supposed to(or wasn't supposed to) cry. Like all he was was the small bits of knowledge on children that they had. Idiots.

The last person had it all wrong. Ryan understood death quite well. He knew that eventually, all living things would die, including him, in many different ways, whether natural or unnatural. His mother's death, while unfair, could really only have been prevented if she had gone through her entire life never coming into contact with a person with a cigarette. Hardly an easy thing to do.

But clearly, Ryan's father didn't understand the concept of death quite as well as Ryan did. He trudged around, looking down at the ground, the epitome of despair. And Ryan, who was always taught to make sure everyone was happy, felt a shred of pity for him. Sure, he was a big help in killing Ryan's mother, but... No need to be depressed.

So one night, a few hours after he was supposed to be asleep, Ryan slipped out of bed, padding out into the hall. A little ways down from him, was his father's study. The door was slightly ajar, and a warm light spilled out into the hall.

Inside the study, Ryan's father sat at a desk, flipping through a book of something that Ryan didn't understand, and didn't wish to understand. He did that often before, except now he did it listlessly, not really seeming to see the words in the book, unlike the way he used to be so concentrated that even if a mass murderer ran through the house, he would have read until his head was smashed in.

"... Dad?" Ryan's voice, to him, had come out a bit more childish, a bit more needy than he had wanted it to. But then again, he was a child, and a needy one at that. His father didn't seem to notice, anyway. He tensed up a little at the sudden appearance of another person, but relaxed after seeing his son.

Shouldn't you be asleep? You went to bed three hours ago, he had replied, a soft frown marring his features. Worry and confusion was never a good look on anybody.

"Shouldn't you be asleep? You have work tomorrow," Ryan had challenged, but then continued before his father could answer. "Well, you know, I don't think it's healthy."

What's not healthy?

"The way you're pining over mum. She's not going to come back, you know."

... I know.

"Life is for the living, so you shouldn't waste it on the dead."

There was a long pause when his father processed his words, before he answered. When did my son become so smart?

"I got it from mum. You should sleep now."

Alright Ryan. Good night.


Then, after Ryan was buried under his blanket, he thought some more about the dead. He realized that everything in general was pointless. Because one day you would die, and everyone who knew you would die, and everything you did would be lost forever. No matter if what you did was good or bad, eventually people would forget.

That thought terrified Ryan more than death. He didn't really wish to be forgotten. A person who is forgotten may very well have never existed. And he would probably be forgotten exceptionally soon, unless he did something grand and amazing.

So... Frightening. Ryan wanted to be remembered. He really did. But he just didn't know what grand and amazing thing he could do to make people remember him.[/spoili]

-Forever Forgotten-
"Why don't you just leave me alone?"
[spoili]Thoughts of importance were what ruled Ryan's mind for the greater part of the day. Ruled it so much that he even forgot to be the sweet, cheerful boy he was taught to be. He just wanted to be alone for a little while, but people really wouldn't understand why a child would ever want to be alone. Especially not Ryan. He was supposed to be the one so willing for company that he'd even go to houses in the middle of the night asking to play. But he really didn't want company to think.

Ryan, as far as he knew, could only think of a few important things a person could do to be remembered for a long time. Definitely not any famous performer. See, when their acts got too old, then people forgot all about them. Performer's fame didn't last long enough. Author, well, Ryan usually had difficulties remembering authors when he was still reading the book, unless there was something so significant about them that he had to remember them. He wasn't going to be a religious figure anytime soon.

What he found lasted the longest were the memories of heroes and villains. The people who inspired many, or struck fear and hatred in their hearts. They lived on the longest, in Ryan's opinion. But he really didn't see how that would work out for him either.

Being remembered. So many people had died before him, and had not been remembered. Why did it bother Ryan so much? He would just be like everyone else.


Ryan didn't want to be like everyone else. He wanted to be different. He wanted to be important to people. He wanted to be remembered, so that the story of his life would be passed on for generation upon generation upon generation... But perhaps it was just because his mother's death really had affected him.

Perhaps he was just worried about the way that life really could go on without her, and how he really didn't want it to be the same for himself. When people could just continue on so easily after you're gone...

It's like you never existed.

It took him a few days to figure that out. And it took a few seconds more after that to realize that people would just continue on without him a hell lot easier if he refused to be around them for the rest of his days.

So just like that, he was back to cheerful, sweet Ryan once more. Of course, there was the fact that he was much more insistent on being the leader of things, and to try doing just about anything a child's mind could come up with, but beyond that, he was just about the same.

And those few days where he was alone, they were easily dismissed. Just a phase, they said. Must have been sick, they said. Maybe he finally understood his mother is dead, they said.

But it was none of that.[/spoili]

-Embers and Envelopes-
"What's broken can be fixed tonight."
[spoili]One day, an owl came, bearing a letter. It flew in through the door when Ryan was walking out to run around and destroy the crystalline perfection of morning dew. He knew immediately what it was. He had heard much too many stories, ranging from his father always making sure there was a door or window open for the owl to get in to his mother's mother screaming and trying to hit the owl with a pan when it flew into her kitchen, to not know what it was.

An acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

Dear Mr.McCallion,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...

As Ryan read through each word, his smile grew, little by little. Quite a real smile, if only people were there to witness it. He had heard so many stories of Hogwarts from his parents. Talking about the great friends you could make, the wonderful things you could learn, the clubs you could join. And Ryan really needed a change of scenery. He rarely left the general area of his house, because there was nothing to see within walking distance. But now he could go somewhere he'd never gone to before, meet people he's never seen before, see things he's never seen before. Surely, it would be great.

All summer long, he waited impatiently for school to begin, pacing back and forth and back and forth, hardly sitting still for even a moment, to the point where he very nearly drove his father mad with annoyance. Until finally, it was the day.

He stood on Platform 9&3/4 with his father. He carried a bag filled with the little guilty pleasures he wished to bring, while his father had his trunk, which had his school supplies and every guilty pleasure that didn't fit in the bag. They stood quite silently, not looking at each other, a shoulder's width apart.

All around them, families were hugging, the parents tearfully bidding their children goodbye or chasing them down to give last minute words. Loud conversations and laughter wafted into Ryan's ears. He'd love to be like that. They all looked so happy, together. He'd love to have some nice company to speak to, as company seemed to make it better, even if the company was stupid. It would be fun, to make some new friends.

Maybe it would be fun to have someone at home, too. His father still seemed so sad. Maybe others didn't notice. But Ryan did. He was perceptive enough for that. And he'd stopped smoking. So Ryan's father was trying. Ryan had tried, before. So maybe he should try again.

The train was there. Ryan entered it, with his father trailing behind to hand him his trunk. Now, you be careful. I don't want to hear anything about you being in trouble.

It was his father's sternness, which seemed so fake at the moment, that made Ryan laugh and burst into a smile. "Sure I'll be careful," he replied, as he went to find an empty compartment to sit in. When he found that, he stuck his head out and said goodbye to his father, waving when it got too loud to hear him. His father waved back, and he kept waving until Ryan was out of sight. Then, his hand fell to his side, and he walked away, deep in thought.

Ryan's smile was just like his mother's.[/spoili]

-It's Alright-
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Hoggy Hogwarts!"
[spoili]It was interesting how different people in the same house could be. How, even if they were in the same house, they could still sabotage each other, fight each other, and push each other down. Luckily, Ryan didn't have much problems about that.

From what other people knew, he had two good magical parents(never mind that one was muggleborn), he didn't ever do bad things, he rarely misbehaves and is a good participator in class, and he genuinely liked to help people... Of course, something must have put him in Slytherin, but they didn't know what.

To Ryan, it didn't matter how many students died, or got into trouble, or were gossiped about in the halls and put down for being different. What was important was that he just made it through everyday without losing a friend(Or at least make them hate him enough to remember him). That was all. And if he did lose one, for whatever reason(though there were very few reasons), all he had to do was smile and tell himself, "It's alright," and things would get better. If they didn't, well, they would eventually. No matter what, it would definitely get better...[/spoili]

"I have friends everywhere. I don't consider anyone my enemy, because enemies need to be important, and I never get distracted thinking of people."

-Alexa McCallion||Mother||Deceased-
She was possibly the sweetest person on earth. Always smiling, she had never lost her temper, and was still so sweet whenever she was lecturing Ryan on something stupid he had done. Though, she was horribly disorganized, a terrible cook, a horrible teacher(he didn't care what she had said. 8-year-olds cannot experiment to bake a cake), terribly uncoordinated, and always, always late. Well, she was a person. People have flaws. If they're the right flaws, than the person is amazing. Unless they decided to go ahead and die because of one of those flaws.

She never really was one to explain things or tell her husband not to do things. He was smart, he could figure things out himself. Unfortunately, that backfired. Alexa was one of those people who ended up dying for something someone else did. She'll be missed, probably more than Ryan lets on. He tends to act like it's a joke, but that's healthy. People need to move on from those things. Ryan had read it once in a book, Tex by S.E. Hinton: Some people stay, and some people go. Ryan's mother just happened to go.

-Evan McCallion(né Harrison)||Father-
He and his wife had been the perfect example of the saying, "Opposites attract." A serious person, whose rare smiles aren't particularly happy anyway. He's the type of person who sticks to the book, is always nice and organised, surprisingly less opinioniated than his wife had been, and plainly awkward. Ryan used to have a rather bad relationship with him. Their relationship still isn't too great, but it's not because they argue, it's because Ryan likes to listen to music at home and therefore doesn't really pay attention to him. He's an "Unspeakable," a person who works in the Department of Mysteries. Which is probably fine. He doesn't speak a lot, anyway. At least, not to Ryan.

Ryan and his father are often told that they are quite similar. It's true. The way Ryan looks, the way he walks, bits and pieces of his personality, they're quite alike. Though not completely. Evan had told Ryan that they were actually nothing alike and that Ryan took after his mother. That was possible.

-Adam Harrison||Cousin-
Not that they really talk too often. Ryan has the sort of family who is sort of alienated from the rest of the family for some reason or other, whether it's by their choice or not. Sometimes Ryan wonders if it's because he isn't a pureblood. But he doesn't dwell on it. Adam has bought him things before and he wore the hat that Ryan had tried to make in the colours of the rainbow. He seems nice enough. Though Ryan still wouldn't be talking to him too often. He's not sure if that's his choice or Adam's, though. Occasionally he will speak to Adam though. Usually to ask if he could buy something for him, but other times out of pity for the boy who, while could be friendly if he wanted, seemed to have trouble upholding proper friendships with people.

-Jabari Asim || Kinda Study Buddies-
Let me write this and get back to ya.

-Elise Maine || Charms Helper-
Ryan has no Slytherin friends :D Let me finish writing this too.

-Stella Maris Prince || Possibly Friends-
[spoili]You can call them friends now... right?

The two met in their third year---right after their first Hogsmeade trip. An exciting thing, even if, as they headed back to the castle, it began to rain. At that time, Ryan was fascinated, seeing Stella, walking slowly with her umbrella up, as everyone around her began to run. So he'd taken a picture of her.

Of course, she was angry then. If Ryan thinks about it now, then he gets it. She was in a public place, and he is really allowed to take a picture, but that doesn't mean she didn't have the right to be angry about it. But at that time, he'd refused to delete the picture. After a little while of arguing, and after she'd looked over the picture, she finally allowed him to keep it. After they walked back, it should have been the end of it.

But Ryan is stubborn. So he found out more about her, although in a rather stalkerish manner, and one day approached her. By that time, she'd forgotten about him. As much as that hurt his feelings, he tried his best to shrug it off. It was a short conversation. An insignificant one. He spoke to her, he met her boyfriend. Then he left again. It didn't mean much at all.

Third time's the charm. He met her, like before, on a dreary day. As snowy as Hogsmeade tended to be, that time was warm enough for rain. And rain it did, driving people into the various shops. Ryan had stayed out, as he never did mind the rain. It was near the Shrieking Shack, however, that the weather became unbearable. He went towards the shack in hopes of finding shelter there. And that was how he found Stella, singing the song that Ryan couldn't quite hear, but for the faint tune.

It was there that they talked, he supposed you could say. It was mostly her, talking about how she felt, what she did or didn't understand. Ryan mostly listened to her, only providing words to prompt her to continue. She sang a song, a song that made Ryan smile. It made him happy, for some unknown reason.

Then she thanked him. Despite the pain still evident in her expression, she thanked him. Ryan wasn't entirely sure why. She thanked him, she hugged him, and then they walked back together.

So does that make them friends? They are friendly with each other, at least. Ryan is almost always friendly with people. Talking to her is nice. But it isn't as though she's implicitly said they were friends. So Ryan doesn't know. He'll assume they are. Two years later, he's still assuming.

-Hogwarts in General-
He has some friends. You know, the sort of superficial ones that you talk about shallow things with but you can't tell them the important things because you're scared they'll judge you and kick you out of the group. He does fairly well with them. He doesn't have enemies though. Not because he's never angered a person, but because he doesn't care about anyone enough to claim them as his enemy. Though, who knew, maybe someone really didn't like him.

Let's be friends.

-Emperor Tamarin-
"Monkey's are pretty adorable."
While trying to be fun, carefree, smart, and caring, they can be arrogant, doubtful in themselves, and full of judgement in others. Intelligent, but unfocused. Has a tendency to negativity and depression, and so cheer themselves up by looking down on others. They have a light-hearted exterior, but don't get close to people for fear of rejection. They can be skilled manipulators. They hate to be wrong and can lose their cool at seemingly innocuous times(however, if he's trying to manipulate someone, he could probably hide that, easy). They may have friends, but rarely are they taken seriously. With a fear of rejection, they often don't show their true selves. Being rejected as their false self, that's fine. Reject their true self and you may as well stab them in the heart. Ryan's happy memories were usually something to do with trips, explorations, any time he got to see interesting things. Even the time he fell off one of the lower branches of a tree and broke his arm served as a happy memory before.

-Athazagoraphobia||Fear of being forgotten, forgetting, and abandonment-
"I fear a lot. Why? Because I'm not an idiot."
You know, all Ryan's father has to do is not come home one summer night. Poor little abandoned Ryan. And you know, all his friends have to do is find someone like him, but less superficial. Then they'll forget about him. All Ryan has to do is grow up and grow old. Then someday he'll have forgotten his mother's face.

Forgotten, forgetting, and abandoned. Surely, he's not the only one. Afraid of being unimportant, not remembering the important ones, afraid of being discarded. A fear constantly nagging him in the back of his mind. You're not important. They'll throw you away when they have the chance. Only your mother cared, and now she's gone, so when you forget her, who do you have to hang on to?

Ryan's boggart shows himself. Or, he sees it as himself. It's truly unrecognisable to anyone else. A broken person, trying desperately to just be small, to disappear. With no one who's willing to help, no one who's willing to remember. He's nothing to them. Nothing.

Ryan finds that clowns are comical, so if he has to face a boggart, he'll imagine it as a clown when casting the Riddikuluscharm. That should be good enough to make the boggart non-threatening.

"The last time I had anything resembling a pet was when I went around catching grasshoppers and putting them in a bag. It was fun to smash them, but then they died and I felt bad."

Ryan has never had a pet. He never will. He has nrither the time nor ability to care for one.

-Maple||Chimera Scale Fragment||13 inches||Unyielding-
"I think I'd do better with my own wand."
'Garrick Ollivander often found that those chosen by maple wands are by nature travellers and explorers; they are not stay-at-home wands, and prefer ambition in their witch or wizard, otherwise their magic grows heavy and lacklustre. Fresh challenges and regular changes of scene cause this wand to literally shine, burnishing itself as it grows, with its partner, in ability and status.

This is a beautiful and desirable wood, and wand quality maple has been among the most costly for centuries. Possession of a maple wand has long been a mark of status, because of its reputation as the wand of high achievers.' - Harry Potter Wiki

'Although chimera scales are magically powerful, they are extremely rare in modern wandcraft. This is not out of any concern for safety, as they are generally considered no more stubborn than hippogriff feathers, and are more stable than Erumpent hide. The fact of the matter is that there are more recorded basilisk slayings in the past fifty years than there are chimera slayings in all of recorded history. This one slaying occurred in Greece over two millenia ago, so what scales were harvested at that time have been degraded, broken, and dispersed.

Today, they are only found as parts of heirloom cores, and even then, they are usually only small fragments. Chimera wands are most common in Greece and the Balkans, although as they were circulated through the Mediterranean and former Roman Empire they are found throughout Europe. These wands are prized for their raw power, although they are difficult to control.' - Wizarding Realm

An heirloom wand, from his father's family. Honestly, Ryan would prefer a nice wand from Ollivander's, that had specifically chosen him to use it. He honestly feels like that wand will explode in his hand sometimes. While it is powerful, Ryan finds it rather frustrating when he is learning spells. The wand simply doesn't feel right in his hand. He can be a bit slow to learn new spells because of this. However, it seems that raw power and a good shot can make up for that(of course, if his shot is a bit less than good, it might be bad...)

The design of the wand is simply enough. Thinner at the tip, and only getting a bit wider, it also curves slightly at the handle. The handle is a bit rougher than the rest of the wand, probably to aid with holding it. That doesn't really help Ryan get used to the wand, although his father had said before that the wand was probably a better match for Ryan than it was for his father. Ryan is more of a traveller than he is, so perhaps the maple wand will listen to him a bit more. It was smart of his father, to unload the wand on his son and get one that likes him better.

"The things that make me who I am... Lord, that would take a while to talk about."
-Early Riser-
Ryan generally wakes up at the ungodly hours of the morning like 5AM. Or sometimes, he just doesn't sleep. He'll just lay in bed reading a story. He has this strange notion that it'll make him nice and awake by the time classes start. It has been pointed out to him that he could be nice and awake by drinking a cup of tea, or throwing it in his face. But he still insists on waking early, waking his roommate with him. Ryan isn't what you'd call a day person, either. He's just as hyper at night as in the morning. He's just an all-around, two hours of sleep sort of person.

A little thing that Ryan has a tendency to do is draw whenever he has a writing utensil in his hand, and paper or parchment in front of him. He doodles whatever he feels like doodling, from screaming heads to anemones. They tend to be weird, creepy to some people, out of character, and completely senseless. They also tend to make a mess of his work. Luckily, Ryan really can't be bothered to constantly dip his quill in ink to draw, so his work will probably be relatively neat as long as he didn't decide to use a self-inking quill or a pen, and he usually doesn't. It's actually rather calming to have the pattern of dipping the quill in ink, however bothersome it is, and people get bothered with his incessant clicking of his muggle pens.

Though, sometimes when he just really need to draw something, he'll probably draw it on his arm. With a normal muggle pen though, quills would probably hurt. Ryan has a fairly high pain tolerance but he doesn't quite want to deliberately go around causing pain to himself.

Ryan actually really, really loves art. Muggle art, the sort that won't jump from painting to painting trying to talk to you, though he does like the moving paintings as much. You can always try to ask him what he likes most, though he can't actually say that. He doesn't like realism too much, that's all. He likes figurative art, though. And steampunk art. Sometimes he just goes on his computer at home to go through art. He'd really love to travel around to see art some day. Maybe when he's not in school.

Ryan has a camera. A very old camera. It used to belong to his mother when she was a young girl, and that must have been millions of years ago. She had used to it take many pictures, which hang around Ryan's house still. A lot had to do with his father, who seemed to be the involuntary subject of her photos most of the time. And Ryan loves the camera very much. He takes it with him to Hogwarts, though he usually only takes pictures in Hogsmeade. Anything that catches his interest goes into his camera, unless he runs out of film.

Ryan really just loves music. It drowns out people, it calms him down, it pumps him up, it makes him happy, as long as Ryan finds the right music, he hear whatever he wants to hear and feel whatever he wants to feel. As an added bonus, he can always completely confuse his father with the small music-playing contraption. It must have been a blessing for Ryan, his father never quite picking up on the things like electronics that muggles had. Or maybe his mother had found it funny too and never explained it to him.

Besides listening to music, Ryan can play a little music. He took up drumming and guitar lessons when he was younger, made his mother drive him down for lessons every week. He also did learn a little bass, however he learned from his mother who took lessons at school before going to Hogwarts, and so he's admittedly terrible at playing it. He'll probably try just to bother everyone, though.

Besides besides that, Ryan has the annoying habit to hum or sing. Just imagine how frustrating it is for his roommate, when he wakes up in the morning, dancing around to get ready as he belts out 'You Are My Sunshine.' Honestly, it's a wonder his roommate hasn't smothered him in his sleep yet.

While he could probably join the orchestra if he wished to, he didn't. It's simply because going to practices consistently and on time takes quite a lot of effort, to him. So he'd prefer to just listen, and maybe play something himself, when he's by himself.

One time he went on a trip to America. It was just him and his mother, his father was busy. It was probably the best few weeks of his life. They saw the Statue of Liberty in New York City. Then he bought a souvenir skateboard. A souvenir, and it's helpful. In the summer he basically just rolls around all day. He'd probably skateboard at Hogwarts, but he doesn't want to bowl over innocent students and scary teachers. No, just keeping it under his bed is good enough for him. He doesn't need to be lectured by a teacher.

-Of Some Sexuality-
Ryan has never shown any particular interest in any girls. Or guys, for that matter. He does sometimes get bored and hug his pillow like a person, though. And he is apparently not asexual, as if you were to question him on his sexuality(though I don't see why you would: It's his business, not yours), he'll just tell you, "Well, I can get feelings for people." No particular specifications though, which makes sense because you really shouldn't be bothering people about their personal details like that.

Ryan is fairly good at household work such as cooking and cleaning. He finds it tedious and boring, but he kind of has to do it in the summer. Not that his father is bad at those things---he was no worse than his wife---but he is simply too busy and when he has time then he'd rather not be dusting, and he forgets the "unimportant things" like making breakfast on a regular basis. So Ryan does all of those things. Not perfectly, there is always some bit of dust everywhere, but he does it well enough that his house isn't a complete mess.

Yes, he spends his summers going from house to house to find kids to play soccer when he's listened to his music a few too many times. It's like an easier, safer, broomless version of Quidditch! With less balls. He loves going out at night to jog, and to play things like basketball. So, naturally, at Hogwarts he decided to try his hand in quidditch, and he actually did end up making it, and is now one of the chasers for the Slytherin team. So maybe he isn't quite as serious about it as others, but he works hard enough.

-UnAffected by the Bias of Blood Status-
Ryan has never once cared about a person and their blood status. Pureblood, halfblood, muggleborn, halfbreed, it really didn't matter to him. Most people are equal, in the sense that they were generally quite stupid, whether or not they were more pure than others. He has also never cared about his own blood status and the fact that he isn't(technically) a pureblood. His cousin is a pureblood, Ryan happens to think that he's rather hopeless and would be eaten up quite quickly in the real world. Blood status didn't matter. What mattered was the brain.

Ryan finds himself to be good enough at this subject. It is, after all, simply following what the professor tells you to make sure you don't get hurt by the plant and that the plant doesn't(always)get hurt by you. It's not necessarily his favourite subject. However, it's preferable to subjects such as Divination and History of Magic. It's probably due to how he doesn't use his wand in this class as much as others that he's good at it. Also, it's fun. Ish.

-Charms & Transfiguration-
It's the precise wand movements, the technicalities that do him in on these subjects. Ryan isn't always the best when it comes to his wand work, and his concentration. Like in anything he does with his wand, he relies strongly on raw power to do the work, but that doesn't always work out in these classes. Luckily he hasn't done anything particularly horrible yet.

Ryan had been quite surprised in his fifth year when he was appointed as the male prefect. He couldn't think of anyone else in his house to do it, but he wasn't sure why it was thought that he could be responsible. While he may not really care for the responsibilities, he's happy to have a bit of power and the few perks he gets, and so he is quite a sensible prefect. Actually, he would really like to be Head Boy next year.

"Beautiful. Positively beautiful."
Ryan has often been told: "Why, you're the spitting image of your father!" And, actually, Ryan would have to agree, though not completely. He has bright green eyes, which always seems to flash with a sort of curiosity or playfulness. He has a mess of dark brown hair, which probably wouldn't be so messy if he wasn't always running. He has a smile, which can be friendly, mischievous, or blank---it's not his smile that changes, it's the way people look at it.

He's 5'11", but he's thin, and so people would generally describe him as lanky. Though that's not entirely the case, as he is the sort of person who eats a lot and exercises to get the weight off, and so he does have some muscle tone, even if it's not like those of a person who spends their time in a gym. Really, he's more lean than anything. But besides that, Ryan is quite pale. He will protest and tell you that it wasn't his fault that he lives n Europe, but it is his fault that he likes to go out at night.

Accessories, accessories. There are a few things that Ryan will always wear, regardless of whether he's wearing his uniform or not. One is his pair of glasses, a pair of Raybans. His eyesight isn't horrible, but it isn't good either, so he needs them. He has a green wristband, which he wears constantly and everywhere simply because he can. He has a pair of nearly broken skate shoes. And he has some piercings. A few on his right ear, one on his left, one on his lip. He'd probably tell you he has more, but he won't be telling you where. He mainly got piercings to see if his father was paying attention to what he gave permission to, but he quite likes them.

When he's out of his uniform, Ryan just adores his dark graphic t-shirts and jeans, so he always wears those. And a belt, of course. He likes to wear snapbacks, and he does have one with the flag of Great Britain on it. Occasionally he may wear a jacket, but that's usually in the winter. Of course, he does have to make use of Christmas gifts. Every year his father will send him money and a sweater(not necessarily related to Christmas, just a friendly reminder that he has to avoid getting hypothermia). So, like the good son he is, he'll wear the sweaters for a few days.

RP Example

I'm hoping people know how I role-play(which is: horribly and lacking in detail), but if not, I could easily write two paragraphs and throw it in your face(s). Nicely.

I must say this though: I saw this one quote. It was so awesome. So I put it in. But when I put it in, everything was so unbalanced! D: So I out a quote under everything. Hahahahahaha... Yeah... I actually wrote all this a few months ago. But, like... Gah. Posting this mess? I just realized that it was bothering me...
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"Tell me all about it!"

Music list:
Temposhark - Don't Mess With Me
Cobra Starship - Hot Mess


Garaile Scriven

Lele - "Nickname from my dearest Rina."
The Weasel - "Chosen for obvious reasons."
Gary - "Granny is so lazy."
The next Skeeter - "I will overthrow that fame with my own."
'Raile - "My name is so hard to pronounce"

Male |16 y/o | 1 April | Aries | Wizard | Muggleborn


Slytherin 6th year


The ceremony

[spoili]The fresh faces of the first years pushed each other forward anxiously. Excited for this new phase of life they were about to enter, the new adventure that was about to start for them. However nervous as well as they were all afraid of what house they would be sorted into with. On their way to the castle they had heard about it in the train. Gryffindor was supposedly the house of heroes, Slytherin was better to be avoided as all dark wizards hailed from there. Hufflepuffs were weak and Ravenclaw knew it all. It had pretty much set the decision of most of them, biased and unfair as it was, but who was Garaile to judge them on being fair? A slight smirk appeared on his face as his name was called, his time to be sorted had arrived.

With the hat on his head his eyes were twinkling, confident as to where he would be sorted into. "Seeing anything juicy inside of my brain?" he cheekily asked the sorting hat, wondering what kind of memories and dark secrets it was reading through. After all, who could resist a good gossip?

The hat ignored Garaile murmuring on as if it was half asleep. "Hard working like an Hufflepuff." It started, the young boy slightly rolling his eyes. No way that he was going to be sort into that dull place.
"Always on a hunt for new knowledge, a quality worthy for Ravenclaw." The sorting hat followed as the voice was gradually growing louder. "You possess a plenty amount of guts like a true Gryffindor, however your ambitions and goals truly suit within…"

For a moment Garaile could swear to hear everyone's breath stocking in the back of their throat. The first years with whom he had shared a cabin with stared at him wide eyed as the announcement was made;


With that the green and silver table started to cheer, greeting him with a welcoming pat on his back as he sat down. Of course no house was more suitable than Slytherin for him. He didn't need a house full off heroes who thrived off from the success of their graduates, neither was he on the lookout for pretentious do-gooders or dull souls who spend their days with dry pages. He needed something more dynamic, promising and Slytherin with its ambitious nature held the sweet promise of gossip.[/spoili]



(Obnoxiously) Determined
"There isn't much I want, but I have never been denied anything."

There is no way that one is able to tell Garaile that there is a limit, or that he needs to stop. Once he has his head set onto something there is no way that one could convince him to quit while he is half way. Like a bull that is chasing for a waving piece of fabric, like a bullet that has been fired, Garaile won't stop until he has finally reached his goal. As obnoxious as he might get onto the matter the male won't turn away with a denial, it is part of the reasons why he has always succeeded into getting everything that he wanted. The sheer believe that he can manipulate everything towards his hands, that there is nothing unreachable as long as he wishes for it, that is what has always backed him up and how he has never heard of; 'giving up'. Who is he to admit defeat anyways? He who has never tasted the flavour of defeat.

"Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back."

One of his greatest interests are gossips. As the 'self-proclaimed' journalist of Hogwarts Garaile makes it his job to be up to date towards all rumours and to bring in the newest to circulate around the school. Some might call his curiosity 'disgusting' as he goes into far lengths to achieve his little pieces of information and is unafraid to share them with the rest, not caring too much what the effect it will have between the students. No one appreciates it when he is eavesdropping in the toilets, or black mailing his classmates for some information, it has often gotten him into some trouble and at worst a heavy beating. However, the details he will have afterwards, the story that he is then able to write thanks to these underhanded tricks makes it all worth it when the student body is in turmoil because of his stories. How he loves to see houses or individuals set up against each other, pointing accusing fingers, to him it is all worth the trouble.

"Don't be so pretentiously gallant, we all know that the act is a lie."

Egoism is a trait that many would deny for themselves, not wishing to hang the tag of something so negative to their own person. Garaile however is one of these people who would be unafraid and unashamed to admit himself to be a selfish person, never having cared much about others and not planning to care about anyone else but his own goals. The fact that the Gryffindors have to busy themselves with everyone bores him, knowing that they only do so to show how 'heroic' and 'great' they are compared to the rest. The sweet and patient Hufflepuffs disgust him as Garaile doesn't believe in altruism. Everything is pretence, because one wishes to be liked and to be loved by the others. As such Garaile had decided for himself that he won't life for others but solely for himself. What use is there in helping if he won't get any better of it himself? None he believes and as such Garaile would never consider another besides from himself.

"Wouldn't I make one hell of a lawyer?"

Garaile never runs out of an answer to give. It is as if he had thought over every situation inside of his head and practiced his reactions to it a countless times. Never does the male seem to be out of fuel, or flabbergasted by whatever someone has to tell him, neither does he seem to understand what 'shut up' means. Thinking up excuses, writing up a topic and asking a mountain of questions. Garaile is one of these types with a special gift in words, who knows how to turn a meaning upside down and how to tweak a story as such that it becomes a gossip gone viral through the school and he makes sure to make use of this gift. One wrong answer and the male has the greatest fun for weeks, one mistake and he will dare to use it for his own amusement. There truly is nothing safe for him, unless one decides to live in silence, but the sceptical journalist to be doesn't believe in silence. He will crack them open sooner or later.

"Watch me waving my hand, see me tilting my chin, do you fear my presence?"

If everyone had been like Garaile, open and uncaring about whatever is known and revealed into the world, then there was no need for his job anymore. Garaile believes that because people are ashamed and because they are embarrassed that they can't see the beauty of what he does. He himself admits that he has nothing to hide, that he has no secrets for others and that there is nothing to get him red of shame or his head hanging in embarrassment. Perhaps it is because of his family situation, but that is too easy to say. Garaile just loves the attention he receives, even if it is negative. It means that his actions are noticed, that there are people who can't appreciate what he does, but for every negative there is a positive and that means that there are also people who are grateful for his work. Or maybe that they are so deep down inside of their rotten souls. 'Thank me later.' Is what he will usually say. 'You will laugh about it later.' Is how he dismisses his bristling 'fans' when they come up to him for another complaint.

"We're all 'friends' here aren't we? So what is there to be ashamed of?"

He is aware that his presence is despised. After all who likes a probing nose that writes about every trip you make and word you blurt out, making the greatest fun out of them? Garaile is aware of his unpopular position withing Hogwarts, but he wouldn't be himself if he had ever cared about that. He is just there to deliver the juiciest stories and entertain everyone with just another reason to gossip. That no one likes to admit to it is something they will have to deal with on their own, Garaile just makes sure that everyone feels a little less guilty about gossiping by starting them up himself. Secrets he can't keep, Garaile claims that he has nothing to hide and perhaps that might be true, after all he isn't afraid to admit that he ate worms, or that he wasn't potty trained until the age of ten. To make fun of himself just as he makes fun of the rest, Garaile enjoys that and does that without a blush or a thought of embarrassment.

"Just because you know my name doesn't make you my friend."

Garaile doesn't believe in friendships, or relationships in general. His general mindset is that everyone will leave him alone sooner or later after they got what they wanted. Such is the reason why the male doesn't make any friends himself and uses people as he pleases. After all, why wait for the inevitable to happen if he just as easily could do so himself? He believes that the thing called friendship is something fake, pretentious for people to pretend and delusion themselves that they aren't alone. However, they know just as well as he does that no one ever has someone. In the end everyone has to stick up for themselves, after al.



Lies & Promises

"I'm sorry dear, mommy really can't come back tonight before dinner. Warm something up from the fridge, I will buy you something nice tomorrow, okay? Merry Christmas. I promise we will celebrate it together next year."

"Garaile, you're a big boy now so you will understand if I say that I will be paid double if I stay for Christmas. I can buy you anything you want after I get back, okay? Merry Christmas. Next year okay?"

It was how the answering machine always sounded around the supposedly most beautiful time of the year. Not that Garaile really minded it anymore. He had stopped caring since long ago as this was how they would ship him off each year. With new years, with Christmas, with Easter they couldn't even find the time on his own birthday. In his younger days he would always be dropped off at his grandmother's place before his parents headed off to work, now as he was turning older he was expected to know his own way, because Garaile was a 'big' boy who shouldn't depend too much on his parents who bought him nice presents. Since long he had learnt not to care about the promises of his parents anymore that they always broke, since long had he stopped longing for a Christmas together with them.

His parents were busy people, he understood that much, yet they weren't poor and only poor people worked this hard. Grandmother said that it was a lack of love between the two, but Garaile wouldn't understand that until he fell in love himself. He never really did understand anything it seemed. Stories of his friends who celebrated their holidays with their whole family, pictures of smiling people eating together and exchanging presents. Garaile didn't know why, but it hurt somehow to see them. However in exchange for these smiles he had to miss Garaile always had the newest and trendiest toys, having his peers writhe in envy as they wished that their parents would give them everything they wants as well.

However, Garaile wasn't completely exempted from love. At least he had his grandmother with who he could share everything with and more. When he felt upset with his parents for breaking yet another promise grandmother would list down all of their bad traits, which often let to more gossip and always ended up on other people, completely easing Garaile down as he knew there were people who were off worse than he was and who were worse than he was. Indeed, it was his grandmother who taught Garaile that it was all right to gossip over the tea and who had instilled this interest to find more about others and share them. At first it started off innocently, at times talking about the clothes or hair of a certain girl in his class, however the more he noticed that his peers as well liked to gossip from time to time and even the teachers who oh, so often told him not to, the more Garaile found that someone needed to break this taboo of deliciously gossiping. After all, if everyone did it, what was wrong with it then?


When the flowerpot in grandmother's living room suddenly dropped everyone had pushed it off as bad karma. Just a sign of bad luck, since grandmother was superstitious like that. That Garaile's cousin Irene fell down the stairs the same week after the flowerpot shattered only confirmed it. The same went for the teapot that suddenly burst just when she was pouring in some hot water. Must have been old and the difference of temperature might have been too big which the material couldn't stand anymore. That the mirror shattered and fell down every now and then must have meant that they were either too heavy or that the pin couldn't hold them anymore due to rust and erosion caused by the damp air of the bathroom. Strange little occurrences that they all pushed off to a logical reason or just another sign of bad luck and karma. Nothing too magical about it they thought.

However it wasn't only at grandmother's place that accidents happened, though Garaile did spend most of his time there, but it also happened around at school. Sometimes the sink would spring and then wet the pants of one of his classmates, at other moments the jumping ropes would start moving on its own while the swings would suddenly go dangerously high or the bouncing ball that wouldn't stop bouncing. Strange happenings to which Garaile was often witness of as well, but like his grandmother always did he pushed it away within his thoughts while secretly enjoying the embarrassment and or fear in the face of his peers.

It was a surprise thus when a letter suddenly came in with the revelation that Garaile was a wizard and to attend Hogwarts after summer.


Garaile never had thought of himself as magical, or enchanting, but it was interesting none the less. A world he had no knowledge of, a place where there were more who were supposedly alike to him. Garaile wondered what he would find there and what he found was what started his career. However before that he along with his family had to be convinced first.

"Bunch of fools that think can trick us." was grandmother's reaction, trying to rack up the many names of idiots she had met in her life who would sent such an weak attempt of a joke at them.

"Garaile, did father buy you this paper?" was what mother asked when she was home for once, but his father had asked the same thing to him earlier about mother. The answer was clear.

"I don't trust this Hogwarts, we can't find anything on the internet about the school either. It really must be a joke." was the practical as ever answer of his father who had already tried to look for reasons why this letter was sent to them. "I can't seem to find anything about a practical prank with Hogwarts involved either." he followed with a slight frown.

"Platform 9 3/4th? Do they want you to walk through walls or something?" his grandmother scoffed as she couldn't hold in her giggles. "Oh, god, I must show this to all of my friends, maybe even fool them that this is a ticket to the spring of youths!" she followed, bursting into laughter.

That day when that letter came in no one had believed it. Garaile didn't, grandmother didn't and his parents forgot about it as soon as they had kissed him on top of his head and left for work again. No one had paid much heed to the letter until a presence was suddenly in front of their door, a man who said to come from a magical branch of ministry and to fetch the Hogwarts student by the name of Garaile.

Of course no one believed the person. Who would, it was absurd and grandmother had nearly called the resources to take away a supposed 'lunatic'. However before she was allowed to do anything the supposed teacher had cut off all the contact. No one was supposed to know about Hogwarts, or the wizardly world at all. Explaining how they weren't allowed to use magic outside and that the letter was very real took the whole day. Garaile's grandmother forever full of answers and cynicism as she wasn't about to send her grandson away to some crazy place that couldn't be found on the internet. However after much persuasion and long explanations that didn't seem to faze the elder much she was finally convinced. If only a little.

"Better show me some tricks when you return, boy." was what she said, ignoring the protests and the rule that he wasn't allowed to perform magic in the muggle world.

With that the boy left, packing his bags and leaving with only a letter to his parents to explain the situation. He supposed they wouldn't care much anyway, as long as they didn't have to come home too much and interrupt their work again. With that the boy leaped into a world unknown to him.

Whereas the magazines and blogs in the muggle were filled with gossips and the likes it seemed that the wizardly world had a disappointing small selection of papers to choose from with juicy stories and the latest gossips. What made it worse was that the boarding school Hogwarts didn't even had its own paper, something that Garaile had certainly been looking forward to, after all, with whom else did he have to share his love of gossiping? It was then that the male decided to take it up on himself to release such a paper in Hogwarts. With the help of a few lackeys (mostly blackmailed), paper and ink Garaile started out with his very own project. Of course he couldn't mass distribute it yet, however at least one post at the bulletin boards in the common rooms should help him spread around his word soon enough and that was how the idea started. Because where there is smoke there is fire and Garaile just knew exactly how to spread that around.


Rita Skeeter – Role model
"To be like her, but then better."
The first time he had heard about Rita Skeeter he felt intrigued. This shameless woman who wrote down blatant lies while posing them as truths, sensationalising her stories to attract readers. He loved her smooth and eye catching style, to hear how often she was whispered, be it in fear or was it in admiration or in disgust. He wanted to be alike to her, alike but better. He wanted his name to reach farther than hers did, he wished to be bigger and greater than this Rita ever was and never to be able to be kicked down from his spot.

Parents – Alive
"They promised me gold and presents upon their return, but every time it is; work, work and more work."
At one point of time Garaile has just learned not to care anymore. The many promises that they would return, the hopes that one day they would choose him over their jobs, but it was fruitless. Grandmother said that it was because of their unhappy marriage, that they didn't want to spend time together and that it was Garaile who had to face these consequences of their childish antics. It didn't matter though, as they had already proven themselves to be selfish towards their only son. By now all what the boy expects from them is a present send from their workplace to replace their missing appearances.

Grandmother – Alive
"We can talk for hours and hours."
The only adult who might have cared about him, or shown care for him. Most of the times Garaile was left with his granny whenever his parents couldn't make it home again, effectively spending more time with her than with either of his parents. Together Garaile found out about the joys of gossiping, finding a great enjoyment by talking and discussing the latest rumours with the elder. It wasn't too long afterwards that the male would start his own, unashamedly whispering with his grandmother while passing his time over a cup of tea. Of course the fact stays that if you gossip so much over others that you always fear that others would do so with you, but Garaile soon got over this fear as he realised that there really was no reason to be ashamed about. After all, everyone did it.

Hogwarts – the students and teachers
"What an annoying place, but at least there are stories to tell."

Sabrina Gallagher - Gossip buddy
"Rina, we're partners in crime~"

August Yilmaz - Classmate
"Arrogant little prick, but I will make sure that he bows."

Melinda Geralds - Target
"A mouth bigger than she actually is."

Jayden Everdragomir - Target
"My favourite angry fan~"

Anice Runeswell - The cop
"I love it when she screams my name~"

Charlotte Monrova - Classmate
"So sweet, so clueless and at the same time disgusting."

Oswin Ravenwood - Minion
"What a loyal little pet I got myself, I'm going to vomit."

Aled MacNeil -

Lucas Grey - Favourite Fae
"My favourite prefect after Anice~!"

Briar Black - That blind girl
"She has a nasty right hook, I'm glad she is blind."

Maia Alvey - Koala
"Little bug can't resist my charms."

Etienne Stark - Bodyguard
"Totally abusing his image there for my own protection~"

Kassandra Castillo - Slave
"I know something of her that needs to stay a secret, tehee~"

Colin Aiken - Unfortunate victim
"Uninteresting boy in overall, but damn that story was a hit!"

Glesni Helling - Target
"That Helling has a story, I know it, I can smell it!"

Averill Trevelyan - Something
"Apparently he wanted something from me, but he is all gush gush about it. As long as it promises drama I'm fine."

PM me if you're interested in a relationship.




Cunning, sneaky and stealthy. A weasel is often presented as a sly spy, a backstabber and a traitor, in any case it is often used to describe someone who isn't to be trusted. Garaile wouldn't refuse such a description to himself, being fully aware of how untrustworthy he is and comes across to others. He is fine with it, not having any connections or responsibility over anyone but himself and continues to go down the same path like the weasel does. Stealthily making their way into stories, rumours and truths only to reveal them later on.


Trust, love, affection and promises

"Garaile, next time mommy will buy you a nice present, we love you sweety."

The parting words he had heard over and over again. Never in person as his parents never returned. It was always either written in a letter or heard over the phone, an empty promise that had kept his hopes up for years and now he felt like he never had it to begin with. As a child he would be elevated to hear these words, but nowadays he knows that they mean nothing. Not from them at least, the adults he was supposed to trust the most. Since long the male has closed himself off from having these words reaching his heart, refusing to care about anyone like he did back in his childhood. Everything is hidden under a thick layer of pretence, but that doesn't mean he has nothing to fear anymore. What he fears the most are exactly these happy memories that had him excited when he was small. The reminder of what he once believed would be true. The naïve believe that promises were never broken. He doesn't believe in any of that anymore, he doesn't want to recall these times either where he would recall the days that he did believe.

Manifesting itself into a boggart it would turn itself into that what he always had believed a promise to look like. Or what inside of his mind stands symbol for a promise. A present, packed neatly with nice colours and a ribbon, promising a surprise hidden within. However when opened it would be empty, breaking the image of what it pretends to be and effectively shattering all hope. A very small and maybe meaningless play to any other, but to Garaile it means emptiness, and a betrayal that cuts him deep. It is a contradiction to what he presents himself to be; an empty vessel who wouldn't hesitate to betray his closest relation. It reveals what he truly fears. The fear that he gets attached to something or someone that will get his hopes up. That these exact hopes and forms of attachment gets betrayed, again once he forms them. To him who would receive a present each time another promise was broken he has started to believe that a promise is just another present. The lack of presence from his parents were always made up with presents after all and if he were even to lose that 'promise' and form of affection would be devastating.


Pygmy Puff – Fatty

He had bought the little ball on a whim, while standing in the shop and looking down at the dozens of pygmy puffs there presented he had unconsciously reached out for one of them and picked out one. Not too soon after that he had paid for the little creature and called it 'Fatty'. He wasn't too sure why he would give it such a name, as it was normal sized for a pygmy puff, however he did it anyway and took it back to his dorm. Now years later the pygmy puff is still a normal sized pygmy puff with the unfortunate name of 'Fatty'. A loyal comrade it is, every day without fail it would wake him up for breakfast, making sure that he wouldn't get late for classes and snuggle up against him when Garaile is about to sleep. Between the time from morning to night it would have itself be carried around by its owner, content by sitting on his shoulder or on his head. It is a very lazy being and it doesn't demand too much attention from Garaile, to which he is fine with. The only thing that bothers between the two of them is that after years Garaile still hasn't figured out whether he got himself a male or a female pygmy puff, not that it would change anything.



Hornbeam – 10 inches – Demiguise hair

Hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession - more kindly - vision, which will almost always be realised. Hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner's style of magic, and will become so personalised, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells.
Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner's code of honour, whatever that might be, and will refuse to perform acts - whether for good or ill - that do not tally with their master's principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand
Source: Hornbeam

Demiguise hairs were long considered to not have enough oomph to make a proper wand, but with the advent of multiple cores they have gained favor for their strength in Transfiguration and the subtle arts. When combined with a stronger wand core they make potent wands, however, on their own they can be rather one-dimensional and difficult to use for anything but Transfiguration. They have found favor in students of all Houses, although they may be slightly rarer among the open Hufflepuffs.
Source: Wandlore - Pottermores Chosen Few

Most wands are between 9-14 inches long. Wandmakers often match the wand length to the height of witch or wizard who will use it, but Ollivander considers this measure inadequate. In his experience, longer wands tend to be drawn to bigger personalities whereas shorter wands suit people whose character lacks something.
Source: Wands



Information broker
"You can't hide anything from me."

Garaile has his way around to get to his information. Whether it is to simply eavesdrop or to blackmail others, some way or another everything seems to reach his ears and with that nothing truly can be hidden from the male. Obnoxious as he might get and actually is, as eager as he is to share all of his information to others there is however always a price tag hanging to his knowledge.

The Weasel
"De-constructing the rumours, pulling apart the gossips. The juiciest stories of Hogwarts!"

the underground paper that Garaile runs on his own. It isn't as large scaled as the official school papers, but at least he can freely out himself on that what he loves the best as 'The Weasel'. The paper about the latest gossips and rumours of Hogwarts students. Some are plain lies covered with a thin layer of truth, others are just down right degrading, but that doesn't make it any less popular as it gives a reason for everyone to bright up a little on another dull school day. In all truth the paper actually doesn't have a name, however as Garaile doesn't want to be caught all too soon for writing the dirtiest gossips about his fellow peers he has taken up a pen name. One styled in such a way that it is obvious who wrote it, after all there is only one who is shameless enough to write such a degrading paper, but yet at the same time no one can ever prove that it was him who wrote it. For he never spreads them. The Weasel is usually spread by his black mailed minions who hang them up on the bulletin boards of the houses, effectively making sure that the students read them before they are taken off again. In the same fashion the gossips will spread around faster than fire, even though there were only a few copies of them. That what Garaile can't do in the official papers he does in The Weasel, making him only all the more fearsome.

Paper Hogwarts (Default name...)
"The official school paper and I'm running it."

He founded the Hogwarts school papers. He made sure that the students had something to read about and keep themselves updated on what happened in the school. Unfortunately he isn't allowed to write the same content as he does for The Weasel, but that doesn't prevent him from ever slipping some of them in. Small articles with summarized stories, counselling aunties and a supposed 'anonymous' submission base. Garaile runs the paper along with a few editors he either black mailed into helping him or who willingly help him out on the paper. No one can deny that this guy has no passion when it comes down to writing and or journalism.




- Honey blonde hair, that is always in a mess.
- Chestnut brown eyes, but not all that reliable and or trusting.
- 180 cm = 5'11 feet
- Weasel-like build; long torso and slimly build.

RP Example:
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[glow=red]C[/glow]harlotte [glow=red]L[/glow]ucille [glow=red]M[/glow]onrova
Theme : Marina and the Diamonds-State of Dreaming

16 :: November 26th


[glow=red]House and Year:[/glow]


6th year

3/4 Witch, 1/4 Jorōgumo

[glow=red]Blood Status:[/glow]


Strange and Distant
[glow=red]"Fingers, Eyes, Minutes, Child..."[/glow]
Because of her focused and imaginative nature, Charlotte tends to seem far off and in another world. Sometimes whispering to herself or to her invisible companions. Her voice is rather chilling and she's most often found in the darkest spot of a room. She has eerily silent footsteps, which make it hard to detect her when she approaches. She also has a habit of saying strange things and alluding to overly violent outcomes and worse case scenarios. If you stub your toe, she may make you believe you are going to die with her overblown comments.

Friendly and Kind
[glow=red]"There's something beautiful inside everyone; blood."[/glow]
If someone ever finds themselves brave enough to spike a conversation with Charlotte, they will find that she is actually very kind and friendly. She may say some strange things at times or the wrong things at the wrong times, but she isn't very socially experienced and overall means well. However, her kindness might not be enough to make them stay with all the spiders that hang around...

Creative and Imaginative
[glow=red]"I think I'll weave a tapestry..."[/glow]
Charlotte is always creating. Whether it be a story or a song in her head down to a dress she'll sow, she's making something. She's a girl with plans and always has to keep herself busy with something. She's easily inspired by the things around her and conjures up beautiful creations. Being a spider freak has it's perks.

Focused and Diligent
[glow=red]"I can't stop now...I'm so close."[/glow]
Busy busy bee, that is Charlotte. When she puts her mind to something it's often the only thing she can think about. However this means she's awful at multitasking and can only read one book at a time, unable to start a new one til she finishes her current one. She also tends to focus on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on class, she may be engrossed in a new book. Still focused, just not on what she should be focused on. She pours her soul and mind into everything she pursues and sees it through to the very end. This could be problematic if she ends up crushing on you.

Honest and Committed
[glow=red]"I've been behind you the whole time."[/glow]
Whatever friends she makes, she keeps very close. She may seem clingy or stalker-ish, but she just cares for them immensely. She will voice her opinion if she feels it is in her friend's best interest to know. And it's not only her friends, but someone she likes or is interested in (even in a non romantic way) she may shadow or "spy" on in a strangely committed way.



The Monrova family was always that strange family who lived in a quiet dark corner at the top of a lonesome hill. That creepy house that no one dared to approach, but was often whispered about among the neighbors. A strange family with peculiar interests. They kept to themselves and it seemed like whenever you passed the residence the sky would cloud up. They were often compared to the Addams family as they lived in a dark Victorian chateau, and their windows were covered in thick dark curtains. This is where Juliette and Clause Monrova lived their days together as a happily married couple. They both had a taste for the finer things, blood-red wine accompanied by candle light on a stormy night. Although their darker style wasn't completely accepted by others, they had each other and that was enough. Juliette Monrova was a half-breed. Since she was young she lurked in dark places and kept to herself as her mother told her to do so. And as she told her daughter to do as well. Little Charlotte Lucille was the prized daughter of the Monrova's and she shared the chateau with her parents, her small lonesome steps resounding through the dark halls.

Juliette always told Charlotte of the life she would lead. It would not be easy to make friends when people run away terrified of you. Since Charlotte was small her mother explained to her what they were. Spider beings that people feared and ridiculed. Hideous monsters that not many people could understand. That was why they hid in the dark dwelling on top of the lonely hill. Charlotte didn't mind it too much at first. Though she would sometimes get the longing to play with other children, usually the spiders kept her sufficient company. She held conversation with them and named them accordingly. Fingers, Minutes, Child, and Eyes were some of them. She also took up reading to pass the time. Sometimes she would have her mother read to her, or she'd read to her companions. Her favorite stories were fairytales; beautiful princesses who were loved and kind and gentle and anything but hideous monsters. They were strong and smart, they were everything that Charlotte aspired to be.

As Charlotte Lucille grew older, she started to long for more company. She wanted to go out and play with the young boys and girls who lived only a little ways outside her dwelling. More and more time was spent gazing out the large Victorian windows, peeking through the dark curtains as her thick dark curls rung around her shoulders. But she kept to herself, secretly wishing a godmother would descend and grant her her wish. She became engrossed in these tales, wishing they were her reality, that she could become one of these beautiful princesses and ride off with a prince on a beautiful dark stallion. And her days were filled with these dreams. She was cursed with the goal of living a fairytale and becoming a princess. She had her ways of pursuing these goals, such as teaching herself piano and singing, sowing her own clothes and she felt she had a leg up by being able to talk to animals already (only spiders but it was a work in progress).


It was on her 7th birthday when her mother announced she was pregnant with a baby boy. They named him Cecil. Charlotte was overjoyed, a younger brother who she could spend time with. Someone who would share her half-breed traits. Someone she could console and read too. Cecil looked like a Monrova with his dark hair and pale skin. He was a curious kid who didn't talk much, but preferred to observe and listen. Charlotte could tell however that he enjoyed it when she read to him. He wasn't as fond of the fairytales as she was, but she had plenty of books. She loved Cecil deeply and cared for him very much. She shared her spider friends with him and taught him how to best name them. He seemed to do fine on his own and would tell her so; but even still he took her advice in account. The two were as close as siblings could be.

Then a letter came on her eleventh birthday. Her parents weren't surprised that Charlotte was invited to attend Hogwarts, since her father was a wizard himself. Charlotte was overjoyed, this was her chance to befriend actual people. To actually live a life outside of stories and dusty cellars. Now her life would begin. Or so she thought. But Charlotte soon learned that her inexperience with people would make social interaction difficult, and even worse her spidery ancestry. Upon entering Hogwarts she immediately attempted to befriend a group of children, walking up and greeting them by introducing herself and offering her hand. The other kids seemed a tad frightened but were kind enough and one even took her hand. Then Child crawled up onto the kid's wrist. And with a loud shriek, it was all over. Charlotte assured the kid her spider friend meant no harm, and did her best to salvage the spider before it was crushed in the student's rampage. She quickly became known as "the weird girl with the spiders". And like her mother had warned, they were afraid of her. She could never try to deny her race or what she was, she couldn't exile her spiders, as they were all she had and all she had known. So she accepted this challenge. It would be difficult to make friends, but not impossible. And she was determined to get her fairytale ending; no matter what.


~Juliette & Clause Monrova~
Charlotte and her parents have a very loving relationship. She loves them both deeply and has a very close relationship with them. Besides her spiders, they were her only companions and they cherished her as their only child. She is especially close to her mother who shares similar and more apparent traits as a half-breed.

~Cecil Monrova~
Cecil is Charlotte's closest friend and her younger brother. He is a rather quiet, stoic child but Charlotte can always bring out the best in him. Even though to others he may seem blunt or rude, she sees him as the soul light of her life and would die to protect him. This may irritate him at times and even cause them to fight, but in the end he shares these feelings. The two are extremely close and get on extraordinarily well. Since the two are shut-in the chateau, it's no surprise.

~Averill Trevelyan / Prince Charming~


Charotte was always attentive to her peers, watching them closely. The more she began to understand the nature of her classmates, the more she began to link them with her idolized fairytale characters that she read about. Of course, some people weren't so easy to pinpoint or fit into a small box. Averill Trevelyan would be such a case. He didn't go unnoticed by the spider girl, but his presence was very unimposing and the secretive fellow often got overlooked. Because of this, Charlotte hadn't had him pinned down as any character simply because she didn't know much about him.
That was until that fateful day in fifth year.
Little Lotty was making her way to class, keeping close to the walls as usual to stay out of people's way. However, even in her efforts to avoid bothering anyone, a larger student managed to step out of his way to personally bump into her, hard enough for her to drop her books and other utensils. However, it wasn't the first time something like that happened to her. So, she did as she would have any other day the situation occurred and knelt down to retrieve her things. Except as she reached for her notebook, another hand swiftly beat her to it. In shock she quickly retracted her gloved hand as her eyes darted to the figure she hadn't noticed kneeling in front of her. A dark figure with a kind face, it was none other than Averill. He picked up each item, careful not to cause any further damage to loose papers, and tucking them neatly into her notebooks. Charlotte could only sit in awe. For some reason she couldn't bring herself to say any words. Her mouth was completely dry. Was it the lighting or did he look much more attractive up close? No one had stopped to help her like that. Especially someone she hadn't made an effort to befriend. He went out of his way to stoop to her level, it was so kind...it was so genuine. Picking up the last of her things and handing them to her, he smiled, "You look nice, today, Charlotte, especially with the new ribbon. Red really does suit you, but I bet a dark blue would probably look good on you, too." He laughed lightly. Charlotte clutched her books tightly to her chest. Did she hear him right or did he just compliment her? Suddenly she felt all the heat in her body rush to her cheeks. Her heart had to be beating a mile per minute. The fact he was even picking up conversation...! Why couldn't she bring herself to talk to him? "Or that might just be my personal preference, since blue is one of my favorite colors." Charlotte's eyes were firmly set on the ground. She couldn't look at him, after he helped her, and was talking to her and complimenting her! Why so sudden? She wasn't ready! Too much character development too fast! With her mind flying in different directions, Charlotte managed a timid, "I-I have to go..." and quickly rushed around the next corner.
Though the interaction was short, it was the only thing the girl could think about for the next few days. Suddenly, Averill was the only student she watched. His actions that day, they were nothing short of chivalrous...The more sh observed him from afar, the more it was clear. The way he held himself, the way he did things for others, he was like a prince from her story books.
Day after day she found herself falling for the Slytherin. Everytime he passed by in the halls, she hid behind the nearest obstacle possible, or slink further into the shadows. She managed to find a blue ribbon and even wear it around for a while before losing it that summer. She couldn't bring herself to say anything to him. Even though she still owed him a proper thanking for what he did. She often planned out thanking him in her head using different scenerios, but never dared actually attempting too. Still, even though she hid, it didn't stop her from daydreaming about the young fellow.

~Stella Prince / Goldilocks~

~Hazel Mbali / Briar-Rose~

Charlotte's patronus is a quail. Here's a little bit about the symbolism of a quail from Quail - Spirit Animal Totems:
"You are aware of your surroundings at all times and are usually the first to spot pitfalls and danger. You know how to respond to situations quickly and also how to camouflage yourself if need be. You tend to make socializing a priority in your life and thrive in group projects. You enjoy nurturing and giving, especially with family members. You are a romantic at heart. You also love a meaningful and difficult challenge."

Pretty self explanatory.

Charlotte's secret deepest darkest fear is that of garden gnomes. Yep. Gnomes. Ever since she was little, she would scurry past these decorations in her garden, terrified they would come alive and chase her. She never made eye contact and held her hands over her ears as she quickly ran past them. Needless to say, she didn't go into the garden a lot. Even to this day, if she sees one she keeps her distance and won't make eye contact. Trying her best to get away quickly and without any harm.

Charlotte has an array of spiders crawling all about her. Some are named, such as Fingers, Minutes, Eyes, and Child. None of which are poisonous. However, they are considered friends more than pets since she talks to them and often turns to them for advice and company.

Chestnut :: 13 1/2 inches :: Unicorn Hair

This is a most curious, multi-faceted wood, which varies greatly in its character depending on the wand core, and takes a great deal of colour from the personality that possesses it. The wand of chestnut is attracted to witches and wizards who are skilled tamers of magical beasts, those who possess great gifts in Herbology, and those who are natural fliers. However, when paired with dragon heartstring, it may find its best match among those who are overfond of luxury and material things, and less scrupulous than they should be about how they are obtained. Conversely, three successive heads of the Wizengamot have possessed chestnut and unicorn wands, for this combination shows a predilection for those concerned with all manner of justice.

Taken from Wand Woods


~Charlotte loves children, however most are terrified of her and she doesn't do too well with them.~

[glow=red]~She takes a high interest in fashion and design and creates most of her own clothes.~[/glow]

~On top of that, she has a huge fascination with shoes~

[glow=red]~Her favorite color is red and she thinks blood is very beautiful~[/glow]

~Charlotte keeps up with school gossip and even has little spies. Her spiders are able to crawl around and overhear or see things and then report back to her with the latest juice.~

-Likes to write horrible, embarrassing, and shameless fanfiction about her peers. (not usually with herself in them)

[glow=red]~I didn't really know where to specify this, but her half-breed abilities are:[/glow]
-She is immune to spider poisons
[glow=red]-Has the ability to speak to and understand arachnids[/glow]
-Can summon arachnids


Charlotte has thick dark ringlets that frame her face and a beauty mark under her right eye (or your left). She often wears black, but adds a hint of bright red somewhere in the outfit. On a regular school day this is usually a red ribbon in her hair. Her school tie is tied in a bow instead of a usual necktie to add some flair and individuality to her plain uniform. She has reddish brown eyes, but they become more red when she summons her arachnid friends. Her skin is very pale and she wears black lace gloves to prevent excess web material that will secrete from her hands from causing sticky situations. Her casual wardrobe is an array of black lacey dresses and blood red accessories.

Voiced by Emilie Kahn

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