Horizon: The Tribulations of Squad 6141 (OoC and Sign-ups Looking for 1-2 more players)

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Reanimator Buns

Just some gal who's a necromancer
Original poster
Fantasy Romance, Scifi
Angels and Demons are real.
Fairies really do fly, causing mischief, the garden gnome in your neighbor's front yard may not actually be made of plaster. Bigfoot likes to sleep under trees, and Nessie is waiting for someone to come and "Free Willy." Sprites, Spirits, and all those other myths and legends were true. We just forgot about them. The day we were reminded marked the fall. When the gate to the depths opened up and the demons came, humanity was quickly, and cruelly reminded of the fact that they shared this world. It was taken away from them. Maybe we don't deserve to reclaim it. But we've seen our mistakes, and I for one want to make amends.

yellow Some of you may remember Horizon Demon Hunter Academy. It is a story of my own creation which I particularly enjoy. And that is why I keep reviving it. That said, this time I am doing this different. Every time I have created Horizon, I was always making a Large Group Role Play. This is not easy to keep a story consistent. Thus, I am Re-doing this, accepting only a set amount of characters.


In the year 2021, the Earth was on the brink of war. Russia and United States had gone to war after the assassination of the newly elected president. There was no real evidence that Russia was the behind this unforeseen event. However, the people wanted retribution. After threats against the US, Russia was the top suspect. Soon both began preparing for war. All other countries begged and pleaded them not to, yet they did not stop. War broke out and neither side was going anywhere. During this time of turmoil, the US Secretary of Defenses managed to obtain popularity among citizens, and soon seized control, establishing Marshal Law. However, he was truly a wicked man. He had no remorse. He launched several nuclear missiles on Russia. Russia fell in a matter of weeks... The other nations were outraged by this use of WMDs. They declared war on the US. Thus World War III had begun. The war had only raged for two years, before the unexpected happened. Hveravellir, a volcano in Iceland that had been lying dormant for centuries, erupted violently. The area surrounding it was covered in lava. Arising from the lava, and descending from the ash, an obsidian, and brimstone door took form. Though it was black, one could see hints of red in its glassy frame. It opened, and as if the floodgates had been released, demons spewed forth.

High above the Earth, a group of elite Angels, The Divine Counsel quickly met, and began debating the correct course of actions. By the time they had finished deciding, much of humanity had been decimated. They built Horizon, a floating city just below the Heavens, as a safe place for Humans. However, the Earth had fallen under control of the Demon Lord. Chaos and Anarchy reigned It is now the year 2163, and little ground has been gained.

What to Expect

Looking for a small committed group

This never really seems to go very far, so this time I'm taking a different approach. It will focus more on plot. Character development and relations will still be important. This will not be a "sandbox" RP. What I am looking for is an adventure with 3-4 other Characters as they grow and develop. Due to the smaller amount of characters it will be easier to make accommodations for special characters. That said, it'd still need to make sense. I have a plot ready, that is capable of being modified as needed, and would love to include "Character Arcs" so I would enjoy it if we worked things out as a party(and sometimes with just me) in order to make an enriching and enjoyable story. I want this to be a collaborative storytelling event. So if you have ideas as well, please feel free to share them with the group

A little on Humans:

It is currently the third generation of humans since they were evacuated. Many of those in the Academy have never known earth as home, unless they grew up in a safe zone. Humans stand very little chance against a fight with demons or even angels. To compensate, they began to forge "Pacts" with daemons. This grants them more power, and the daemon will fight beside them.

A little on Angels:

For all intent and purpose, Angels are not much different than Humans. They actually appear as an evolved race of humans who sprouted wings and gained supernatural abilities. They grow up, reproduce, learn, talk, laugh, just as humans do. While their society is a little more strict in terms of culture and morals, it doesn't differ greatly from some other human ideologies. There are a select few taboos which must never be broken for fear of Falling however. To fall will result in banishment, but no one really knows if it has any effect on the angel themselves, though rumors are abundant.

Angels and Humans can indeed fall in love, have children together, yada yada, yada. However there are no Half Angels. Anglicism is treated similar to a recessive trait passed down from the parents. That means that it is possible for two Humans to have an Angel child, if they both have one of the "recessive" genes. Angels are holy beings. Whether or not they are truly created by a "God" is unknown to humans, and even many Angels. Those that do know are forbidden to tell. Being holy beings they are forbidden to forge backs with Daemons.

A Little on Daemons

The name deriving from the original Greek word meaning "A supernatural being between Human and Divine" daemons encompass more than just tiny devils with pitchforks. Daemons refers to all, be it fey, spirits, fiend, or even just the extraordinary. There are good and bad on either side, though Pacts can be formed with any. The term Demon really refers to a Daemon who acts out of malicious intent. They are the prime enemy of this war. However occasionally a Daemon is still a danger to humanity due to the power they can possess, and are mostly forced to leave safe zones. With violence if necessary

Character Sheet

  • Name:

    Age: (16-19)


    Appearance:(Pics or Wall of text or both. Anime pics only)

    Personality:(How your character acts)

    History:(The story of your character)

    Weapon Specialty: (ONE weapon of your choice)

    Weapons:(One enchanted and several unenchanted if you wish)

    Daemons: (Humans are allowed two daemons for now Please include a picture, and a description of its powers. If it has a personality, feel free to add it in.)

    Skills:(Humans are allowed two skills. These are based off their daemon's powers.)


  • Name:



    Appearance(Pics or Wall of text or both. Anime pics highly prefered)

    Personality:(A few descriptive words or an entire explanation is fine)

    History:(The story of the your character)

    Weapon Specialty: (ONE weapon type of your choice)

    Weapons: (One enchanted weapon, and as many non enchanted as you'd like)

    Skills:(Angels start off with 3-5 supernatural abilities. These skills should revolve around a central theme)


Places in the World

  • Earth is the home of the Humans. Well now only some parts are home to the Humans. These parts are considered safe zones, however demons infiltrating and attacking these safe zones, though rare, are not unheard of. Some have started to move back to these safe zones. The Safe Zones are as follows:

    • CfxRSqR.jpg

      The largest residing South American Continent, yet has the lowest population based on size. It is on the edge of the Amazon forest in Brazil. Kinich is a very large area making it difficult to protect. The majority of the population here are the military force on earth composed of graduated students of Horizon Academy. It is the Base of Operations on Earth. The majority of the space is used for military training and facilities.
      100,558 square miles(260,444 square km)
      -Current Population: 306,007

    • new_harmony___mountain_city_by_stargazerrjl-d6m40xk.jpg

      The Safe Zone of Loxdon is found in the Appalachian Mountain range, and parts of Virginia and North Carolina. It is the provider of the majority of minerals used by the Human forces. This safe zone has the least protection and is the most likely to be attacked and overrun. Quite a few requests originate from this zone.
      50,346 square miles(130,395 square km)
      -Current Population: 219,453

    • The_marshland_by_jameli.jpg

      Remus is located in the bogs of Ireland. There are many demons hidden in the marshlands of the island, making Remus one of the more dangerous Zones
      30,265 square miles(78,387 square km)
      -Current Population: 121,434

    • 8H5zw.jpg

      The majority of Umezawa is in the Coastal Regions of Japan. This is has made Umezawa a trade port for the Safe Zones. Umezawa provides a fair amount of seafood. In spite of the evacuation of people from earth, Umezawa still holds the culture it did in the days before the demons attacked
      13,639 square miles(43,094 square km)
      -Current Population: 95,076

    • oiHkLnt.jpg

      (inside of Fort Bismarck)
      Located in what was once Germany, Fort Bismarck is the smallest safe zone, but it is in fact the safest. After the area was established, construction quickly began. The safe zone was the first established. It took ten years, and much protection, but eventually they had built a massive fort. It was only a single story at first. Since then it has grown to a five story behemoth that takes up a land mass the size of Wales. It is the center of engineering and technology. However the technology is very functional, and looks primitive even though it is rather advanced,
      8,016 square miles(20,761 square km)
      -Current Population: 70,970

  • B5pyQhH.jpg

    Horizon is a massive floating city, created by the Angels as a safe haven for the humans. It floats just below the Heavens. Here many humans have made this place their home, however there are plenty of others who wish to see Earth inhabited by humans once more. This was why Horizon Academy was founded.

  • image_1294683103_gates_of_heaven.jpg

    The realm of Angels. This is a holy place. As such, living Humans are not allowed to enter. There are some exceptions though. Every so often a Human will be summoned to the Heavens. When this happens, they are most likely meeting with the Divine Counsel, the group ruling the Heavens. However, since the arrival of the daemons, only five humans have met before the Counsel. One of these people has been Lukas.

  • 2405613720_0f0a755b95_o-L.jpg

    A mysterious realm that none have ever seen the inside of. The only known entrance is a massive, ominous door that has appeared in the volcanic regions of Iceland. There is no other information on this realm. It is assumed to be the realm of the Demons
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Sure thing! So far I've got another interested as well as myself. There is a fourth person who is tentative, but otherwise we might have enough to start soon

Aw yiss. Time to get Beate back in the game.
Carne Brukelen

Age: 18
Gender: Male

~ Personality ~
Usually, Carne is a rather kind individual. He's ususally rather cheerful, and always willing to talk to his peers. A little clumsy in day to day activities, often tripping over things, and occasionally nothing at all. He definitely enjoys talking, and joking. Though the joking ususally comes back to bite him. In social interactions, his natural clumsiness, in union with poor word choice can sometimes make his words unintentionally embarrassing

5-Years of schooling and training has made Carne battlewise. Though the mortality rate of students is not high per say, they certainly have their fair share of losses and tragedies. Carne has seen fellow students fall, sometimes on missions that he is on as well. Because of this, in combat, he is stern, commanding, and he aggressively defends his allies, far prioritizing their safety over his and definitely over the mission. This sometimes leads to him scolding his teammates when all is finished, which can easily escalate to a full-blown argument. He doesn't mean harm towards them, he just is worried.

~ History ~
A little brown haired boy sat at the feet of his grandmother as she rocked back and forth in her rocking chair. A warm and affectionate smile sweetly beamed from her face. She had cared for this child since he was young. Truly it was a sad thing. His father... He was killed in battle at the hands of the demons that now plagued the Earth. Afterwards, his mother grew unresponsive, almost empty. He was raised by his Grandmother. Her family had passed down the stories of Earth since it was abandoned

"Hahah. You really do love hearing about the Earth don't you. Alright then. How can I say no to you.
Well, you see, It is a big ball of dirt and water that is floating out in space..." She continued with that story for quite a while. During it all, the boy listened with an expression of wonder. It was all amazing. Houses on stilts, boats the size of small cities, forests with trees that touch the sky. When she finished she would respond the way she always would

"What I wouldn't give to see it myself..."

Six years later she grew terribly ill. At the age of 81, she had lived a very long and happy life. As she laid on her deathbed, her grandson stayed by her side. One day she looked over at him. He was sleeping beside her.

"Carne... My you look so much like your Father... Be strong... Live a long, healthy and happy life for them... I may not be able to see the Earth in its beauty again, but... I know that I will see a land that far... surpasses that beauty..."

The boy laid asleep for a few hours longer. When he awoke, his Grandmother's eyes were closed.

Before he left, he went to see his mother. She was still silent, as always. He felt angry, unable to speak. Without a word, or acknowledgment between the two, he left, and made his way to the Academy.

With no one else to take care of him, he was taken by the Academy by his own request. Next term, he would join the school, and train to fight off the demons. His wish is to finally see the beautiful Earth that he heard so much about as a child.

~ Weapon Specialty ~

~ Weapons ~

- Hero's Bow -
Carne's Rifle. It's name comes from the special ammo that it utilizes, channeling the powers of bows of ancient legends. Depending on what clip Carne loads into his rifle, it gains a different effect
  • Not-Fail: These particular rounds deal less damage, however they seem to always hit their mark. Most of the time.​
  • 12-Axe Heads: The shot has insane piercing capabilities, able to pass through twelve targets (assumed to be unarmored)​
  • Legion: For we are many. One shot becomes ten when loaded with this ammo.​
*In addition to these particular effects, Carne can also carry a few elemental rounds, though these are also limited

Carne only has so many rounds avaliable to him, so he must use them sparingly on longer missions.

In addition to the Hero's Bow, Carne is equipped with a side arm, and several large daggers, and has a bayonet attached to his rifle.

~ Demons ~

A winged beast, a little shorter than a horse, somewhat resembling a dragon with supreme control of the air and wind. The gust caused by its wings is said to be able to topple trees. It is a proud beast, accepting Carne as it's master after he proved himself in battle. It is usually docile to others, save someone who disrespects it. Only Carne is allowed to ride him, unless he commands otherwise

A woodland spirit who has dominion over insects and plants. She can call upon swarms of insects to do her bidding, conjure vines to grasp prey, as well as produce strange dust that can have ill effects on those who inhale it

Her name is actually unknown to Carne. She speaks no words, and when he gave her the name Sylvia, she took kindly to it.

~ Skills ~
  • Tailwind: Carne causes wind to push up behind him, increasing his speed significantly
  • Vine Grasp: Carne calls forth a vine, to do a plethora of things, from grabbing to swinging.
umm...I think I may bring her in...be a different version then everybody would be expecting. I START WORKING NOW!

Beate Acker


16 years old






Beate is something of a soft-spoken individual. She rarely displays deep emotion or makes many visible expressions, making her almost resemble a doll or something of the sort, though it is possible to get a good reaction out of her if you try hard enough. She seems to work without any particular passion and can be described as somewhat introverted, mostly keeping to herself.

However, deep down, Beate has a good amount of heart. When the situation calls for it, she can be fairly kind and caring, but makes sure to maintain a level of professionalism when doing so, seemingly easily able to keep whatever personal feelings and emotions she has about anything out of the way. Some could say that she doesn't understand emotions, while others might argue that she simply forgot, similar to how some would say she is shy, while others might say she comes off as cold and aloof. Perhaps only Beate knows what is correct about her, but even then, maybe not.

Little do others, and possibly even Beate herself know, however, she also possesses a sort of death drive that makes her subconsciously desire death. Self-destruction. Devolution into nothingness. As even Beate does not fully understand this herself, it is a phenomena that is difficult to describe in great detail. She does not actively seek out death, but more like she is driven by death, and she would possibly be content with dying, especially if it had a meaning, like to save others, defeating a powerful enemy, et cetera. Like with her usual quiet demeanor, it can be speculated that this death drive may have originated as a result of her backstory, but who can say for sure?


Born to a mother who did not want her and left the family before long, Beate was raised in Loxdon by her single father and nobody else. Little can be said in detail of her past, but the most significant event in her past was when she was younger, presumably younger than ten years old at the time. She was brought to the workplace of her father's, an old mining facility used to gather minerals and resources, on a whim one day, before a horde of demons would suddenly arrive and attack, the chaos causing the place to cave in and fall apart. Her father was killed in the event, and Beate lost the use of her left arm, left leg, and right foot, her body parts being replaced with prosthetics. It can be inferred that the trauma of the event caused Beate to forget most of her past other than the major events, as well as her emotions.

With no one else in her life to care for her, Beate ended up applying to Horizon. Though some would say her motive was to exact revenge on those who had taken her father from her, in reality, it is because Beate finds no great inherent purpose in her life and that it has lost direction, reasoning that if she would make her own purpose in life, it would be something like this.

And so she chose her fate.

Sometime after, she came into contact with a peculiar little demon called Zauberer. In Beate's eyes, it was hardly a demon worth noticing, given his small size and relative harmlessness. However, the little demon took an interest in Beate, claiming that she was interesting and worth following around, which puzzled Beate, who was aware of her own condition where others viewed her as not exactly the most exciting person. Zauberer found a seemingly uninteresting person to be interesting, and in return, Beate initially found him, a peculiar, interesting little creature to be boring and not worth noticing.

Eventually, the demon goaded Beate into forming a pact after demonstrating his surprising power, as well as stating that "she could use a friend to guide her through the world."

Her sudden change of mind was surprisingly easy in Zauberer's personal opinion.

Weapon Specialty



Gungnir - The spear that she wields. Representing power and strength, it is far stronger than it looks, and just as fast too. Gungnir is able to create "ripples," which when stabbed inside something or someone, creates a shockwave. To elaborate and give an example, if she were to stab Gungnir into the ground, she could release an energy pulse that results in a shockwave. If she were to utilize this on a person, stabbing into them and releasing a "ripple," results can vary depending on how much energy Beate chooses to release, ranging from causing them to fly into the nearest wall or even kill them.

It is also far stronger than an average spear, able to flip over heavy objects and stab through hard material. It can also be detached into two pieces and used as batons, each baton named Gae Dearg and Gae Buidhe respectively. Finally, she can also detach the spear blade by itself and wielding it like a makeshift dagger, while the rest of the weapon becomes like a simple staff.




Despite looking fairly weak, Zauberer is surprisingly strong. He is an enigmatic figure, claiming that even his fellow demons are puzzled by his existence. He is shown to be able to lift up to at least three thousand pounds, move and react at around transonic speeds, and other crazy physical abilities. All in all, just a generally crazy strong demon. Zauberer is also able to copy abilities that he witnesses and can use them in a manner less than potent than the original user, though with all the powers he's seen over the years, at this point, he prefers using his simple, easy to remember fisticuffs. Who knows for sure the full extent of what this crazy cat can do?


Zauberer is shown to be a fairly eccentric individual. He is somewhat irritable, yet is also capable of being as cool as a cucumber. Like a living contradiction, he can be mean one minute and kind the next, shallow one moment and perceptive the next, etc. He claims that he only pretends to be shallow and whatnot, but sometimes, Beate has her doubts.

One thing that is consistent, however, is that despite all the energy that he has going for him, Zauberer is fairly lazy and apathetic, letting others deal with their own problems, as he claims he will live happy as long as he has a consistent food supply.


Superhuman attributes - Beate possesses superhuman strength and speed. So far, the strongest she has been seen is being able to inflict attacks that carry the force of over a thousand joules, making her strength decently above a heavyweight boxer at her strongest, and is also able to lift up to about five hundred pounds. She is also able to, at the fastest, move at up to a little over a hundred miles per hour on foot, given enough momentum to work with, and react accordingly as well. However, her stamina remains only a little above the average human, meaning she cannot use the full extent of her powers without tiring out fairly quickly.

Copy - Self-explanatory. For a limited amount of time, Beate is able to use the powers of others, though with many conditions. For one, like with Zauberer, when she uses the copied power, it is slightly weaker than the power of the original user. For example, if she copies from a person who can teleport forty yards away, she might only be able to teleport thirty yards away, though it all varies. Another thing, the copying process is fragile; it cannot be resisted or else it'll be completely disrupted, meaning that the target that Beate intends to copy must actively consent to being copied, be unconscious, etc., and lastly, she may only use the borrowed power for a brief period of time, depending on how seamless the copying process was, ranging from five minutes to forty minutes.


She's rather fond of sweets, and seems to have a love-hate relationship with cats, possibly because of Zauberer.​
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I'm not sure if I'll have the time for this roleplay.
I worry that if I join it, I won't be able to make posting deadlines and whatnot in time.
I can submit a character, but I'm still mulling over whether I'll be able to fully participate.
Hey there! Love the concept! Can tell a lot of thought was put into this, if you don't mind I'd like to reserve a spot. I should have a character up and ready by tomorrow evening.
Glad to hear it! I guess this means all spots are at least reserved, We'll see where this leads I guess

And yeah, I have thought about this one a lot. this is maybe the 4th time I've tried to start this one. I first made it maybe 2-3 years ago, but it never got too far. Each time it got more developed and streamlined though. I hope this time I will have a story for the ages
And I'd love to be a part of that story! I know it can get frustrating at times when your hard work kinda fizzles out. Let's do our best to make sure that does not happen this time.
Layth Abel



Full Body Reference

Age: 19
Gender: Male

~ Personality ~
Upon first glance a couple of words come to mind when looking at Layth, reserved, focused, dutiful and confident. Layth is a very goal driven individual, once he has his sights on a task, he completes it. The young man has a soldier mindset, and although that makes him dependable it does have it's faults.

For one Layth at times is serious to a fault, often leading to little jokes and jabs going over his head easily once he's in the zone.. Which is often. Though as stoic as Layth may appear, he actually deeply cares for his comrades. Layth has an overwhelming sense of compassion, he dislikes seeing anyone depressed or down and will often try to offer words of wisdom to snap the individual out of it. Another major fault Layth suffers from is due to his own skills. Layth's confidence sometimes dips into cockiness on the battlefield at times leading to the angel in underestimating his opponents.

~ History ~

~ Weapon Specialty ~

~ Weapons ~

Layth's trusted blade, a slightly longer katana imbued with a righteous light. This light usually manifests itself in the form of cackling crimson lighting that greatly strengthens attacks to all foes, but deals far greater damage to those aligned to darkness. Layth excels at close to mid range combat; dominating foes with explosive swift strikes that can leave them stunned and reeling, overwhelmed by Layth's relentless barrage of attacks.​
  • Crimson Lightning: Strikes with Sanctus cackle with fearsome energy. Struck enough with Layth's blade will force the opponents nerve system to shut down with over simulation.​
  • Chosen Few: Sanctus is a mystical blade with an interesting attribute, it is attuned to Layth and a chosen few. Only those that possess a good heart are able to handle the blade.​
  • Sturdy: Sanctus is comprised of a special metal that allows the blade to easily cleave to metal and other very dense materials.​

~ Skills ~
  • Inhuman Attributes: Layth's strength, speed and endurance can hardly be matched my most humans.​
  • Arc Bolt: Layth's only means of mid to long range combat. He is able to focus his energy into a compressed sphere of red lighting, lunging a fist forward he can slam that energy into an opponent.​
  • Keen Eye: A life of training and fighting has left Layth with a very sharp eye and reflexes. After enough study of an opponent Layth is able to predict their movements and set up fearsome counters.​
  • Empower: Layth is able to imbue an ally with extra strength with a mere touch, being able to transfer a little bit of his angelic energy the effected ally will enjoy boosted strength and speed. He is able to utilize this skill on himself, but only once a day before needed rest.​
Wanted to put up what I had, will make history and fine tune later today.
Sorry I had Homecoming last week and I got sick (Bad luck, couldn't land a date with that factor) ma bad
Nah I get you. I've been like that before
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