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The Janitor Bear of Iwaku
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  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
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  1. No Preferences
Horror, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Multiverse/Panfandom, Mystery, Paranormal, Scifi, Survival
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"Behind Closed Doors"

At a time indeterminate...

Blood dripped down on to the stairwell and loud footsteps slammed against the floor. A primal scream of anger rang out as Edmond Honda closed the door. He'd tried to put her to sleep by drugging her tea. It was supposed to work. But the girl...

Honda was bleeding out, badly. He could hear the witch coming. A door outside on the upper floor rattled and shook.

"Edmond! Come back here, you Judas!"

This was bad. This was really bad. Honda had feared for his life before, but never like this. Holding the doorknob tight, he ignored the blood seeping from the wound on his shoulder. How ironic that it was the old scar Jason Voorhees had left him, now open again.

His eyes darted around the room. There had to be something, anything, he could use. He couldn't hold this door much longer... huh? There! On the floor, glittering as if calling out to him, was a knife. It looked like a knife from the kitchen. Honda gulped. He really didn't want to... but Wanda needed help. If drugging her didn't work, he had no other choice.

Three... two... one... GO! Honda made a dive for the knife. Dumb move. "Gah!" He rolled onto his back, clutching his shoulder in pain, the wound pausing him long enough for Wanda to burst through the door. Her skin was sickly pale and her eyes held so much darkness.

Wanda... what happened to you?!

She was on him. She would kill him, if he wasn't careful. He loved his friend dearly, but he had seen her kill someone else before, someone dear to them, someone she'd never kill otherwise. "Wanda! Please! I just want to help-- AAAAUGH!!!!!"

Her hand dug into the wound, and he could only scream in agony. His senses were halted... but he couldn't afford that! His other hand felt the floor nearby, before landing on the knife. "I'm sorry..." he muttered, before stabbing Wanda in the arm, where he knew it wouldn't kill her. His goal was never to kill her, no; all Honda wanted to do was save her.

Reminded of his goal, Honda dropped the knife as he gained a surge of adrenaline, and grabbed Wanda by the arms, ignoring the pain in his shoulder. He could deal with that later. "Wanda! Listen to me! This is for your own GOOD!" On good, he threw her hard enough so that she went flying into the wall, before getting back onto his feet. "You need help, Wanda! Let me help you, damn it!!"

The wall collapsed as Wanda slammed into it. As the dust saddled, Wanda slowly stood up, a large wooden spike sticking out of her neck. She looked like she was staring into nothing as she pulled the wooden object from her body. It was so quiet now, a needle could drop. Now wielding the shrapnel, Wanda teleported in front of the sumo

"I need help? We offered you a gift! I offered you a family! I showed you kindness, and this is all I get? Betrayal!?"

Surprising the sumo, Wanda lifted him up with one arm and slammed him into the wall behind him. She aimed the shrapnel toward his neck and was ready to kill him when, suddenly, she stopped. As Wanda fell to her knees, Honda could see that the color of her skin and of her eyes had turned back to their normal hue.

"Oh god, Edmond. She's in me. I tried to help her, and now... she's all over me."

Wanda shivered as she spoke each word. She reached up to cry into the man's arm. After a moment, Wanda looked up at him.

"I'm scared, Edmond. I'm so scared. You need to leave right now, please. You need to leave me."

"Wanda..." Honda smiled at her. "No way! I don't care how powerful she is, I'm not letting her take you! I lost you once Wanda, and no way will I lose you again!" He extended a hand to help her get up. "We need to get you to the Coalition, fast. I can let Noey know once we're out of here, and she can tell the others what's going on and get them out, too. But we need to get you away from here now-- away from her."

"Honda. You've always been good to me, but don't you get it? It's too late."

Suddenly, Wanda grabbed the Sumo, tossing him to the ground with ease, She grabbed the wooden spike once again and stood over Honda.

"I warned you."

Without hesitation, Wanda stabbed Honda over and over. Blood soon covered her from head to toe.

At a time in the present...

The invitation was scarce on details, but two things were clear: Wanda Maximoff was inviting you to a gathering, and she had a family for you to meet. The magic that transported you only activated upon your agreement to go, not taking into account whatever your reasons you had for agreeing to heed this strange invitation. A bright light enveloped you, and for the briefest moment, you felt like someone was pulling you. Your whole world went white, and you kept being pulled and pulled until--

You found yourself inside a spacious room that stretched on long enough to almost be considered a corridor. It seemed to be a well-lit waiting room of sorts, with lots of comfortable seating. Various other halls and rooms connected to here, but there didn't seem to be any way to orient oneself. There was no door that seemed to be the entrance to the building and no visible window to the outside.


What was most clear was that you were not alone. Others were arriving via flashes of light, much like you had. There didn't appear to be anything obvious about them that connected them to each other.

One of the guests looks around at the others before letting out a heavy sigh. "I already don't like how this is looking," he said quietly. He looked boyish, about nineteen or twenty years old, as did the boy next to him.


"Billy? Ugh. Why am I stuck with you for everything nowadays?" he groaned, running a hand through his silver hair.


The other boy crossed his arms. "I'm surprised you even came, Tommy."

"Yeah, well..." Tommy craned his head to take in the other guests. "When kind-of-sort-of-mom starts acting all weird, I figure I'm sort of obligated."



Meanwhile, another guest, Kyoko Kirigiri, leader of the private organization known as the Coalition in the wake of its civil war, stayed reticent, not engaging with anyone for the moment. Rather, she stuck to her own private thoughts, only taking the briefest moment to examine the others around, recognizing some, and having no idea on who others were. This whole situation was strange, yet admittedly fascinating. Despite her responsibilities as the leader, Kyoko managed to find a way to take time off to visit the place Wanda had invited to, mostly involving placing her "dear" old friend Byakuya Togami in charge in her absence, considering she didn't trust anyone else to handle the responsibility. Besides, Byakuya was literally born a progeny. Organization management was practically his specialty. Even then, however, Kyoko would have sooner suggested Makoto, but he had mysteriously come out of contact in recent days.

... Come to think of it, Wanda had also been difficult to contact lately. Her invitation had come out of the blue, and issued so casually, as though nothing wrong had ever happened. The statement about her "family" mystified Kyoko; the Scarlet Witch had always been somewhat private when it came to talking about her family in the brief time Kyoko had known her, but it seemed like a sore subject that did not need to be pried into, so the Ultimate Detective refrained.

So here she was now, attending the event more out of curiosity for what could be going on with Wanda than anything else. Maybe if she was lucky, she'd also meet Makoto there too, and ask him just what the heck was going on. Granted, communication between the two had become strained ever since the Coalition Civil War, but... It was just something the two of them were in the process of working through.

Near Kyoko was another woman, dressed to the nines. She looked around worriedly for a moment before taking a deep breath.


"Leader Kyoko..."

Her name was Josephine Montilyet and she had joined the Coalition after gaining her memories of a strange experience in a location known only as the Dark Place. She held no attachment to Wanda, but as an ambassador for the Coalition and her home world's Inquisition, Josephine figured it was about time she attended formal excursions such as these.

Sighing, Josephine sat down on one of the chairs and looked at the Coalition leader.

"Do you have a bad feeling about this? I must admit, this house, a lovely as it... it's, how do you say? Off."

After Josephine spoke, a blur rushed by her and toward the boys. A gust of air whirled by as he stopped.


"My sister, your mother-- what foolishness has she gotten herself into now?"

Turning to the two women from the Coalition, he added, "hmph. What has she gotten all of us into?"

Tommy groaned. "Great, the kind-of-sort-of-uncle is here too. Family reunion?"

"... Yes. I feel the same way, Josephine," Kyoko said, putting a finger to her chin and giving a nod. So she wasn't the only one with suspicions. It didn't take a detective to know that there was something off about this whole situation, but Kyoko struggled to find a definite reason. Wanda had yet to show up, the lady herself being the most mysterious thing about this. Were she and Makoto in on something even the leader of the Coalition was out of the loop on? She didn't like it one bit.

She nodded towards Pietro, Wanda's brother, also known as Quicksilver. Indeed, it was like a classic, old dark house set-up, like the old film or the famous Agatha Christie novel. Everyone gathered to a mysterious home, wondering just what was going on. The only thing missing from the intrigue was... An extra, macabre detail that she wouldn't even entertain the thought of. There'd been too much of that in Kyoko's life already as it was. She could go another lifetime without any more of that of course.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Until we see Wanda, there's really no telling why she gathered us all here. I assume she didn't mean you, Billy, and Tommy when she asked to meet her... family."

Billy shook his head. "I don't think so. I assume you received an invitation?" Billy paused as Kyoko nodded her assent. "Right, well, mine said she wanted me to meet her family. I didn't really get it, so that's why I had to come. She can't possibly mean for all these people to meet me or Tommy..." He looked around at the others gathered, recognizing a few familiar faces. It was obvious what a few of them were doing here, but there had to be a connection between them all, right?

"Hey, uh..." Billy cleared his throat before raising his voice in hopes of getting the attention of everyone in the waiting room. "I have to ask, did everyone here receive an invitation? Or at least, know someone who did? You all must know the Scarlet Witch, right?"

Continued here.

Chapter One - Mid-Chapter Update

Chapter Two - Mid-Chapter Update

Chapter Three - Mid-Chapter Update

Chapter Four - Mid-Chapter Update

Chapter Five - Mid-Chapter Update

Final Chapter

Epilogue Part One - Part Two

Cast List
@Takumi as Amir Halgal [Otoyomegatari]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Arno Victor Dorian [Assassin's Creed]
@Kaykay as Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen [Dies Irae]
@Midnight Maiden as Belle French [Once Upon a Time]
@dalecOoOoOoOoOper as Dale Bartholomew Cooper [Twin Peaks]
@Gummi Bunnies as Kiyohime [Fate/Grand Order]
@Ryu Keiko as Koriand'r [DC Comics]
@Verite as Kyoko Kirigiri [Danganronpa]
@Leon Moretti as Leon Moretti [OC]
@Bomb as Lola [Fairy Fencer F]
@dark as Marcus Wright [Terminator]
@Mason Moretti as Mason Travis Moretti [OC]
@Krieg as Nancy Wheeler [Stranger Things]
@Yun Lee as Noembelu [Street Fighter]
@Crow as Nono Morikubo [The Idolmaster]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Percival of the Round Table [Sonic and the Black Knight]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Phil Connors [Groundhog Day The Musical]
@ShiroKiyoshi as Rant T. Mouse [OC]
@Gands as Raven Darkholme [X-Men Cinematic Universe]
@York as Reiner Braun [Attack on Titan]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Rumpelstiltskin [Once Upon a Time]
@Minerva as Saeko Busujima [Highschool of the Dead]
@Otto as Shen [League of Legends]
@Glostechk as Six [Little Nightmares]
@Seishin Ryuu as Spartan-B312 [Halo]
@Jeremi as T'Challa [Marvel Comics]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Tekhartha Zenyatta [Overwatch]
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Teth Adam [DC Comics]
@The Batter as The Batter [OFF]
@thatguyinthestore as Toffee [Star vs the Forces of Evil]​
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Morikubo Nono Prologue
Nono's Bizarre Adventure - Party Tendency


"Daddy, Morikubo is heading out now~"

Morikubo Nono walks out of the house.

"Take care, Nono~" Mr Morikubo says. "Ah, I'm so glad she's been making friends lately..."

Nono brought along a little bag containing various CDs, her diary and other important things. This party was going to be great! She was all dressed up and ready for the occasion. She was glad she didn't gain too much weight, or her 2014 Valentine's Day dress wouldn't fit in the slightest!

Not gaining too much weight was part and parcel of her job as an idol, anyways.

She wished her friend Mayu could come, but alas, it was just her and her alone. She was clearly prepared for the party - gown and all.

A bus arrived at the bus stop she waited at. She boarded it.

"Wha- wha-"

In sparks and flashes, she saw the lights.

It turns out that the doors of the bus were the gates to another reality!

And so, Nono arrived at her destination in the blink of an eye.


"M- Morikubo should not be here... anyhow, Morikubo should find Shimada-san..."

That was all Nono said as the presence of adults and almost-adults of all kinds swarmed the area. Adults were scary, frightening forces.

There were a few who might recognise Nono.

Mason Moretti and Noembelu may not have directly met Nono, but one way or another, be it through a dream-based vision of a comrade or a photograph belonging to a friend, they might recognise her face at the very least, possibly her name.

Others such as Rant, Zenyetta, Kyoko and of course Wanda have met Nono directly in Bright Falls.

A man echoes to the room to ask if they have recieved their invitations. Morikubo Nono meekly raises hers in the air, speaking no words.

@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @Josh M @Crow

@thatguyinthestore @Bomb @Glostechk
Amir's Prologue: A Bride in Waiting and Surprises to be had

With Karlurk gone to learn how to use a bow, Amir couldn't help but miss him, even though she had seen him not too long ago. Visiting once a month wouldn't be easy at first, but if her husband wanted it this way, then so be it. There was a good reason behind it no doubt, and that thought alone made her smile.

Sitting next to her dear friend Pariya as they sat among friends and chatted as they sew, she paused, as her mother-in-law called for her. Excusing herself she went to help the older woman prepare dinner for the day.

From day, to dusk, until the sky began to turn dark she helped with the usual chores to help occupy her mind and her hands, and to not think of Karluk for too long lest she begin to worry about the upcoming winter causing him to become ill, or that he might forget to wear heavier, warmer clothes and bundle up tight. Amir headed into her room after checking on her horse Sulkeek for the night, lit candle in hand. Setting it aside she blinked and paused in the process to undress for bed. There was a letter, laying on top of her pillow. Her first thought was that it may have been from Karluk and rushed over to it, but quickly dashed the idea, for if something had happened, or he needed to relay a message someone would of been sent. As she opened it and read, a small smile came to her face. It was hard to forget the woman in red, after suddenly showing up from the smoke of enemy canon fire. At first she was almost treated as a foe, until she was quick to help her brother Azel fend off some of the Batan men. Though they only spoke briefly Amir felt that Wanda was a strange but nice person. The next day, she was gone before the sun began to rise. This was a year ago, yet Amir felt so honored to be asked to attend such an event. She didn't know where Wanda lived, perhaps she was like Mr. Smith? A foreigner, living in one of the villages or towns along Central Asia for scholar like purposes? Even so, why her?

They talked briefly, Karluk talking with Wanda more, having thanked her quite a bit until Amir had found out he'd been wounded and rushed him to a doctor as soon as possible. Although, Amir did suggest she spend a night at the Eihon's she didn't see Wanda again after as most of her attention went to worrying over Karluk during the night.

Picking up the invitation, intending to accept she gasped loudly when everything went white. Once her vision returned she looked around confused.

"Huh? Huh?!" she muttered, glancing around. When asked if everyone had gotten an invitation she nodded, trying to let everything soak in and for some of the shock to settle. It was a good thing she hadn't taken off her garments before noticing the invitation, that would've been embarrassing!

@Atomyk @Verite @Josh M @Yun Lee @everybody else
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Prologue- Hope

Phil Connors had had enough of the loop. He was done with it, finished. He had tried everything that he could possibly think of expect two things and one of those things were suicide. He knew he had to do the most drastic thing he could think of.

" Well, there you have it, Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow for the last time," Phil stopped for a moment and changed the tone of his voice. It came across as much more dark and unstable. "Now, let's watch Phil embrace the darkness. That's it from me, live from Punxsutawney, goodbye, Phil."

" Phil, we can't use that," Rita said, looking over at the weatherman not sure what she meant by that. He handed her the microphone and placed his hand on her shoulder.

He didn't respond to that. " Goodbye, Rita."

" What?" Rita was very confused by this.

" We had a beautiful day together once," he said, sounding downright depressed and very unlike himself.

" What are you doing?" Rita asked.

Phil went for his jacket pocket and pulled out a gun. Rita screamed. " That's a wrap."

He pointed the gun at others, sending them into a panic. In the background, Rita cried distraughtly for Phil.

Phil looked at the others and went up on stage and grabbed the groundhog from the mayor. " Give it to me," he said, as he did this. He shouted the groundhog in the heart and then turned to the camera, placing the gun to his head and shot himself. All that was left as he did this was darkness.

He heard the alarm clock ring and groaned. He was still alive. He was still fucking alive. " Really?" He asked. He looked over at the side of his dresser, noticing something, but choosing to ignore it for now.

There will be mornings that you will be entirely defeated by your laces,

Days when every look looks condescending,

Empty smiles in empty faces.

The same old places, the stunning stasis.

He turned back to the letter and opened it. He remembered her. She would offer him transportation. He could give up this life and leave this loop behind? He looked at the letter and decided to take it and check yes after he got dressed like he was going to work.


Phil was unfazed by the light and pulling. When you lived the same day over and over again, even strange things like that felt normal to him. He eyed all the beautiful people in the room and made note to talk to some of them later. He turned to answer Billy. "I did receive an invitation and I agreed to come here." He paused, as he thought about mentioning the whole of the encounter and decided to do a minimum reply. " I bought a drink for her."

@Atomyk @Verite @Josh M @Takumi @Crow @Others
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-Kiyohime Prologue-
"Distant Connections"

It was a tad sudden. Especially after helping the woman out with that wyvern attack in the Orleans Singularity as those Chaldea individuals called the place. Of course, she didn't really have much reason to attend this gathering that Wanda had proposed, but the idea of seeing a family was interesting to her. Unfortunately this would mean leaving the other allies to deal with the Dragon Witch themselves, but she was certain that they could handle it. There was more than enough Servants... and Kiyohime's curiosity of seeing another's family got the best out of her.

So when she accepted the invitation, here she was with an assortment of others that appeared about as confused as her. It wasn't that much of confusion to her, considering that a Servant would be normally familiar with strange acts of magic. In this case, teleportation was the main cause for the people present here including herself.


"Why yes, I suppose we all received a similar letter of invitation here. I only briefly knew the Scarlet Witch, Wanda, before arriving here. Is there something odd at hand that I'm unaware of?"

@Atomyk @Verite @Josh M @Takumi @Crow @LuckycoolHawk9
Toffee Prologue: A Show of Gratitude

It had been years since the Great Mewman and Monster War. As time went on, Moon Butterfly grew more competent as queen and even ended up marrying that bafoon River. They even had a daughter named Star, who apparently had been sent to earth after proving to be incapable of handling the Royal Wand: the Butterfly family's most cherished heirloom.

Things were looking up for Toffee, one might say.

Yes, perhaps things were looking up for him. But this was all pure coincidence, none of it being his doing. It only helped that a new "villain" had arisen and attempted to take the wand from the Princess on many occasions. Of course, Star had managed to thwart his attempts to take the wand every time. Yet another thing that left Toffee utterly unsurprised. He could possibly use this poor excuse of a monster to get what he wanted. But, only time would tell

Today, however, Toffee couldn't dwell on things such as his plan. All those things would fall into place in due time, after all. Instead, Toffee had a gathering to attend to. A gathering hosted by one Wanda Maximoff, a woman whom he had encountered not too long after being defeated at the hands of Queen Moon. A woman who, unknowingly, had helped him with what might just be the most important aspect of his entire plan: the destruction of the wand.

Yes, all of those years ago Wanda had told the Septarian all about the whispering spell and its effect on the Royal Wand. She wasn't from Mewni, that much Toffee could tell. She wasn't even aware of what Toffee had truly done. Then again, manipulation was always one of his strongsuits.

He hadn't heard from the witch in years, though he had never truly forgotten about her either. He assumed that she was just a visitor who happened to be more aware of this planet's magic than most of the residents of the kingdom. That is, until he received a mysterious invitation to a gathering out of seemingly nowhere. Of course, Toffee was suspicious of this. Who in their right mind wouldn't be? But, being the gentlemen that he was, Toffee accepted the offer and soon found himself present at said gathering.

The monster would mostly keep to himself during the beginning of the event, only making small talk to the few individuals who happened to speak to him. He would remain this way until one of the attendees would speak up and inquire if they had all received invitations to this gathering.


"Yes, I did receive an invitation to this gathering." Toffee replied flatly, holding a glass of West Mewnian Swamp Water in his hand. "And in answer to your second inquiry, I do know Wanda, though not well. I encountered her many years ago. She assisted me with something I have been working on for a while." Toffee wouldn't provide any further details on his encounter with the witch, for obvious reasons, and would instead smile to Billy and his acquaintances.


"Where are my manners? I am Toffee, representative of the monsters of Mewni. You must be Wanda's family, I presume?" Toffee asked as he offered to shake Billy's hand. If Billy bothered to break eye contact, him and a few others who might have been looking would notice that he was missing a middle finger on his hand.

@Atomyk @Verite @Crow @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gummi Bunnies

"M- Morikubo should not be here... anyhow, Morikubo should find Shimada-san..."

That was all Nono said as the presence of adults and almost-adults of all kinds swarmed the area. Adults were scary, frightening forces.

There were a few who might recognise Nono.​



Identifying the young idol as one of the few she was able to easily recognize and hearing her words from afar, Kyoko made her way from where she was to the girl, not needing to answer Billy's inquiry as she had initiated the conversation about the invitations anyhow.

A part of her was surprised she was even here, but then, with her Producer so apparently involved in multiversal workings, maybe she shouldn't have been. It was strange of her to ask where Genji of all people was, and on top of that, tragic as well. The lavender-haired young woman imagined that even mentioning the man's name would have been a sin in Wanda Maximoff's general presence, but... Well, she wasn't here right now, was she?

As she reached Nono, Kyoko placed a gloved hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. "Shimada-san is... He's not... around anymore," she said hesitantly with an almost delicate tone, as though she were speaking to a child, taking her by the arm gently and slowly pulling her away from the others to let the news sink in.

Indeed, if this were to anyone else, even someone as close to her as Makoto, she would have been more blunt about it, but considering the girl's personality, who knew how she'd react to such news?

"I'm sorry. I know how close he was to you. To everyone from back then... He... was a good man."

"Upside Down, Inside Out"

"This isn't you, you know..."

"Look, Nance, just...don't do something stupid, right? You are like my best friend."

The dream happened again, as it had happened for the past several nights. A void surrounded her from top to bottom, silhouettes of trees and bushes lining her vision in a world of fog, darkness and spores. Everything around her looked decayed and decomposing, bulbous mushrooms and acidic fungi lining up the walls of cracked lumber. A monotone hum echoed in her skull, like the sound of an electrical fan behind a closed room.

And, as it had happened every night for the past two weeks, Nancy watched in uncomfortable awe as a display of red light hit her eyes. A woman, draped in a red cloak, emerged from the treeline before her. The senior at Hawkins High could not make out her face, a blob of white with spills of black, devoid of any detail but the colors she dawned. An unintelligible voice rang in her head, sounding something akin to what she thought Soviets might of sounded like over the Iron Curtain. Yet, despite the barrier both in language and appearance, the message felt urgent. A warning from a phantom afar.

And then, like it always had before, the dream ended.

It did not end this time.


Reality swung headfirst into her, all the unsettling tremors in her spine and overwhelming sensation of déjà vu collating into something strange and terrifying. In seconds, the days went by: sleeping with Steve, Barbara's funeral, investigating the woods with Jonathan, seeing the deer dragged out by something in the middle of the night. The nightmarish world did not go away, this land of upside down and inside out. Shaking the construction flashlight in her hands, Nancy felt her teeth chatter and body shudder, staring at the abomination of flesh before her. Watching it devour the deer, the humanoid filth arose, feral and fear incarnate.

She was not dreaming. Taking timid steps away, realizing her predicament, the new deer froze as she felt her boot crush against a dead log. Silence reigned for a second, the humanoid monstrosity reeling with fury.

"Is that a new bra, Nancy?"


"I'm chill, no worries."


"Happy Birthday, Nance! Love ya girl."


The last thing Nancy heard was the voice of her best friend, trapped inside a land of upside down and inside out.



The first thing Nancy felt was pain, trapped inside a traditional, almost antique bathroom.

The perfect suburbia girl who wanted a life not of perfection gasped, choking and sprawled out upon the polished floor of the simple room. Unable to move for a few seconds due to pure shock, the honor student gently pushed herself up onto her feet. Eyes frantically looked around, soon coming to the revelation that she had her baseball bat strangely with her. Not only that, but a certain steel-framed revolver resting in her left pocket.


Staring at the broken mirror, seeing nothing of importance from it, Nancy gulped and let out another gasp of hair as she held herself up by the nearest sink. Deducing she had somehow jumped out of the mirror, the Wheeler wondered how long she had been here. Staring at her bandaged right hand, shards of glass dangled from her red pomper jacket. Picking them off, the teenager cried, feeling her right ankle abruptly burn and snap with pain.

"Ugh..ugh f-f..."

Using her baseball bat as a crutch, the traumatized wanderer limped out of the bathroom, crashing against the door with her shoulder. Stumbling out into some sort of lavish lobby, the cripple froze, resting her eyes upon an unlikely band of things that looked human, things that did not look human, and things that she could not even describe. So, like any other girl in her position, Nancy did the most reasonable thing ever.

She screamed in utter terror at the top of her lungs, nearly collapsing at the sight of this sensory overload.

  • Thank You
  • Love
Reactions: Josh M and Atomyk
Billy nodded first at Nono and Phil, then looked at Kiyohime with a hesitant gaze. He wasn't really sure how to answer her question, because really, how did one explain why this seemed so odd? Perhaps only those who knew Wanda well could say they felt something strange going on for sure.


"It's just a weird way to set up a party," he eventually responded, knowing it was kind of a lame answer. It didn't mean much when one thought about, for no one said Wanda Maximoff was not known for acting offbeat at times. "I guess if everyone invited really does know her..."

He found himself caught at a bit of surprise when Toffee so graciously offered to shake his hand. "Er... thanks? I mean, nice to meet you. We're not her full family, no, but I guess we're the ones you're meant to meet? The thing is, I'm not... really her son. It's kind of--"

"Maybe now's not the time to get into that," said a newcomer who joined Billy and clasped his hand. He was tall, well-built, blond, and seemed protective of Billy.

Tommy looked amused. "So, you did bring him. Why wouldn't you, I guess."


The blond rolled his eyes. "You almost sound jealous." When Billy was done shaking hands with Toffee, the other boy offered his hand to Toffee as well. "You can call me Teddy," he said. "I'm Billy's boyfriend."

Billy let out a weary sigh. "Geez, this really is starting to sound like an awkward family gathering. It's your fault if my mom's friends start looking at us weird."

Teddy smiled at Teddy and looked about to respond with some kind of joke, but was stopped dead by a sudden scream. The two boys tensed and looked around for the source of the disturbance, but Tommy had already identified it.


Tommy appeared next to Nancy in a blur and held up his hands to her. "Dude! You need to calm down! Are you hurt?"

@Josh M @Verite @Krieg @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gummi Bunnies @Crow
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Epilogue: Never Willingly
Location: Heartlands City

"How wonderful. Damn thing's busted."

Rant had been working on a ship of his that he had to crash land, as he most often does when the "good guys" of the Heartlands decide to take out their anger on his stuff. Had he not had enough of his own issues, he'd show them what would happen if he did the same, but regardless the damage was done. One laser beam later and he was on the ground. He rubbed his head as he stared at the wreckage from the outside while Kaoru's "daughter", AI, scanned to see if it was fixable.

[$] "I can fix it." The robot said as she landed on the ground in front of Rant.

She was given a sleek white rabbit design with green eyes, just like Kaoru's, but was superior to the team in every way. Her ears made her 5 inches taller than the mouse. Rant just stared into the sky with his hand on his face before asking "the question".

"How long will it take to fix?"
The mouse asked with a whining tone.

[$] "Not long, a few days. I'll gather some of the parts from Chris." She said as she started making a to do list, projecting the screen in front of Rant.

"All right thanks." Rant said as she left her to work in the shop while he went and sifted through a ton of mail that accumulated on his desk while he was out on his excursions. One by one he tossed the letters in the trash. "Notice of eviction, I'd love to see them try... Property damage, put it on my tab... Party invite... Oh, party invite. What's this?" Rant stopped tossing the papers to tear open the letter and read it. AI peered in the doorway and stared at him with her evil eye. Rant took notice of this and set the letter down. "Yes?"

[$] "Who invites an ass to their party?"

"For your information, I am a mouse and..." Rant picked up the letter and gave it a quick read. "Wanda does."

[$] "So you going?"

"I guess, but there is no address." Rant flipped the letter around as if something would fall out of the piece of paper before being engulfed in light and feeling as if he was being pulled. For AI there was a bright light and she leaped forward to grab hold of Rant, but he vanished before her very eyes. She stood up and crossed her arms before marching off.

[$] "Why did father leave me with such a jerk? He didn't even take me!" She slammed her hand into the ship out of frustration, making it pop off the ground a bit. "I should be careful with this thing." She gave an electronic sigh as she went to gather parts for it.

Location: Wanda's Home

When the sensation had stopped he fell onto his bottom and shook his head. He sat there thinking about AI before coming to the conclusion that she'd be alright, he had other things to worry about now. He had been forcefully teleported for a second time, a familiar feeling. "Wanda... Wanda... Now, why does that ring- this smell irritates me." Rant stood up and looked around the room before locking his stare on the detective. "Now I remember! She's the one that trapped me in that apartment and took my strength! That means this can't be good." Rant stood there with his arms crossed and silent.

While he stood the smell of blood entered his nose and he rushed towards it, but it reached him before he could take a step. A girl shrieked in pain and he was quick to get to her side, but when there he didn't know what to do other than pick her up. He calmly took her to a couch, the sight of a mangled body being nothing more than a work hazard for him, and set her down. He then backed up and crossed his arms.

"So, you done freaking out? Or you just gonna leave this one a mystery little girl?" Rant said harshly.

That letter was hidden for a reason.

Honda had been gone a few days, Noembelu staying at his home until he came back. "Just keep messes to a minimum, and no wild house parties, got it, Noey? Gahahaha! I'll be back soon!!" And she had keot things clean. Hell, she even did some extra cleaning. It was the least she could do, for all he'd done for her.

A month ago, Noembelu, formerly Little Eagle of the Thunderfoot Tribe of Mexico, had arrived in Tokyo to stay with Edmond Honda, a famous sumo wrestler, who had opened his doors to girls like herself-Dolls. Former assassins and bodyguards who were brainwashed to work for Shadaloo. But that wasn't all Noembelu had been caught up in. She wound up in something called a Murder Game with another person from her world, Birdie. They were tasked by an evel entity to kill, and she had: Dio Brando had been one of her two victims; the other had been herself. Oddly enough, she lived, and she and Birdie had returned home-well, he did. Noembelu...didn't have a home. She did when she was Little Eagle, but Noembelu didn't fit there. So, she wanted to find where Noembelu belonged.

And, for a month, this was very close to a home. Only a short time together and Edmond Honda was like a father to her. He had been through a Murder Game himself, and knew what she'd been through. He was on call with some group called the Coalition in case he was ever needed, usually in correspondence with a Wanda Maximoff, who Noembelu had met before. She was beautiful, she was mysterious...but she was sad, too. Noembelu could feel it. Honda said a man she cared about had died and she blamed herself. He was troubled, too. In fact, if she didn't know better, she thought this sudden trip was about Wanda.

Well...maybe she was right all along. She'd found the letter while organizing Honda's coat closet, hidden on top of shoeboxes. It simply said, "Noey". She'd opened it, read it, and here she was, in a strange place, surrounded by strange people. Well...Wanda was a witch, so this was normal, right? Just as long as this wasn't another murder game...


Identifying the young idol as one of the few she was able to easily recognize and hearing her words from afar, Kyoko made her way from where she was to the girl, not needing to answer Billy's inquiry as she had initiated the conversation about the invitations anyhow.

A part of her was surprised she was even here, but then, with her Producer so apparently involved in multiversal workings, maybe she shouldn't have been. It was strange of her to ask where Genji of all people was, and on top of that, tragic as well. The lavender-haired young woman imagined that even mentioning the man's name would have been a sin in Wanda Maximoff's general presence, but... Well, she wasn't here right now, was she?

As she reached Nono, Kyoko placed a gloved hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. "Shimada-san is... He's not... around anymore," she said hesitantly with an almost delicate tone, as though she were speaking to a child, taking her by the arm gently and slowly pulling her away from the others to let the news sink in.

Indeed, if this were to anyone else, even someone as close to her as Makoto, she would have been more blunt about it, but considering the girl's personality, who knew how she'd react to such news?

"I'm sorry. I know how close he was to you. To everyone from back then... He... was a good man."



"I see..."

Nono swiftly wiped her light tears, staining her silken gloves.

"Morikubo... just wished she could've seen him one last time, if that was the case..."

Nono couldn't do anything. She wasn't a necromancer, a medic... she was but an idol. She kept people smiling while they're alive, but could do nothing to those who have perished.

"... Morikubo never got the chance to attend his funeral... Kyoko-san, can you bring me to Shimada-san's grave after this party?" Nono asks, trying to cheer herself up as tears continued to flow, eyes reddening.

Reiner Braun - Prologue

"Ymir... Why did you come to us?"

"Oh, well... It's because I'm an idiot. I'll be your souvenir to take back home. You can't just go back empty-handed."


"If you hadn't come to bust up this was... I would've never woken up from that nightmare. All I'm doing... Is returning what I borrowed back then. Because I'm probably the only one that understands the situation you're in."

"Thank you, Ymir... ... I'm... Sorry..."



"It wasn't so bad you know... Being a goddess for a while..."


Reiner couldn't remember much about how he got here; he recalled was that he was ontop of Wall Rose... Shortly after he was nearly killed by a titan when it bit his arm, its teeth leaving a nasty mark on his arm, crushing the bone structure underneath.

Then there was a gap in his memory... And everything from that point was a blur, but somehow, deep down... He knew something had happened on that wall, something he wished he could forget.

The very last thing he seemed to recall, was looking up at the stars in the sky... On a wall, not unlike Wall Rose... When an invitation fluttered through the air and into his face, inviting him to some sort of party, one hosted by "Wanda Maximoff"... ... The name sounded familiar.

He knew he had met her sometime ago, when he was stuck in an outpost South of Wall Sina, and he had a feeling they got along okay, but yet... He couldn't remember for the life of him what they had talked about.

Perhaps he thought he would find his answers at this party? Or perhaps he had just hoped to reacquaint himself with an old friend?

The exact reasons escaped him, but in the end... He ended up here, wherever here was, alongside various others, from places he did not recognize at all. What was even stranger was that his broken arm had mysteriously healed completely... Another thing he must have forgotten about.

However, when someone, who looked to be a couple or so years older than him asked the others about having received invitations... He patted himself down momentarily, noticing that he still had his 3D Maneuver Gear on... But was without his Survey Corps cloak for some reason (could he have lost it in some fight?), before he retrieved the invitation he had apparently stashed in one of his pockets, holding it up for the others to see, only to realize that others have already done so.

Interestingly enough, the one who had initially asked about the invitations seemed a little suspicious about how this whole party was set up... Which Reiner himself could relate to.

While there were probably things he couldn't remember right off the bat, if this method of setting up a party was out of the ordinary for someone like Wanda... He too, would feel a little unsettled by the situation.


"Does Wanda normally host... Parties?" He asked, giving Kiyohime a sideglance.

It seemed like the party itself was rather harmless on the surface, but considering that the one who had asked about the invitations seemed to know Wanda to a deeper extent than he, and perhaps some others did... He had to wonder if he himself should be wary of what's to come...

There was a moment of panic though, as he waited for a response when an scream alerted him that one of the attendees at the party was in evident distress... And in an instant, he was poised to rush to her aid, but alas... Others were already doing so, with the first one moving in what seemed like a blurr.

With a sigh of relief, seeing that the situation was taken care of for the time being, his attention turned back to the others for now, but he made sure to watch Nancy out of the corner of his eye, just incase she needed any more help than what was being offered at the moment.

@Josh M @Verite @Krieg @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Atomyk
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"Behind Closed Doors"

At a time indeterminate...

Blood dripped down on to the stairwell and loud footsteps slammed against the floor. A primal scream of anger rang out as Edmond Honda closed the door. He'd tried to put her to sleep by drugging her tea. It was supposed to work. But the girl...

Honda was bleeding out, badly. He could hear the witch coming. A door outside on the upper floor rattled and shook.

"Edmond! Come back here, you Judas!"

This was bad. This was really bad. Honda had feared for his life before, but never like this. Holding the doorknob tight, he ignored the blood seeping from the wound on his shoulder. How ironic that it was the old scar Jason Voorhees had left him, now open again.

His eyes darted around the room. There had to be something, anything, he could use. He couldn't hold this door much longer... huh? There! On the floor, glittering as if calling out to him, was a knife. It looked like a knife from the kitchen. Honda gulped. He really didn't want to... but Wanda needed help. If drugging her didn't work, he had no other choice.

Three... two... one... GO! Honda made a dive for the knife. Dumb move. "Gah!" He rolled onto his back, clutching his shoulder in pain, the wound pausing him long enough for Wanda to burst through the door. Her skin was sickly pale and her eyes held so much darkness.

Wanda... what happened to you?!

She was on him. She would kill him, if he wasn't careful. He loved his friend dearly, but he had seen her kill someone else before, someone dear to them, someone she'd never kill otherwise. "Wanda! Please! I just want to help-- AAAAUGH!!!!!"

Her hand dug into the wound, and he could only scream in agony. His senses were halted... but he couldn't afford that! His other hand felt the floor nearby, before landing on the knife. "I'm sorry..." he muttered, before stabbing Wanda in the arm, where he knew it wouldn't kill her. His goal was never to kill her, no; all Honda wanted to do was save her.

Reminded of his goal, Honda dropped the knife as he gained a surge of adrenaline, and grabbed Wanda by the arms, ignoring the pain in his shoulder. He could deal with that later. "Wanda! Listen to me! This is for your own GOOD!" On good, he threw her hard enough so that she went flying into the wall, before getting back onto his feet. "You need help, Wanda! Let me help you, damn it!!"

The wall collapsed as Wanda slammed into it. As the dust saddled, Wanda slowly stood up, a large wooden spike sticking out of her neck. She looked like she was staring into nothing as she pulled the wooden object from her body. It was so quiet now, a needle could drop. Now wielding the shrapnel, Wanda teleported in front of the sumo

"I need help? We offered you a gift! I offered you a family! I showed you kindness, and this is all I get? Betrayal!?"

Surprising the sumo, Wanda lifted him up with one arm and slammed him into the wall behind him. She aimed the shrapnel toward his neck and was ready to kill him when, suddenly, she stopped. As Wanda fell to her knees, Honda could see that the color of her skin and of her eyes had turned back to their normal hue.

"Oh god, Edmond. She's in me. I tried to help her, and now... she's all over me."

Wanda shivered as she spoke each word. She reached up to cry into the man's arm. After a moment, Wanda looked up at him.

"I'm scared, Edmond. I'm so scared. You need to leave right now, please. You need to leave me."

"Wanda..." Honda smiled at her. "No way! I don't care how powerful she is, I'm not letting her take you! I lost you once Wanda, and no way will I lose you again!" He extended a hand to help her get up. "We need to get you to the Coalition, fast. I can let Noey know once we're out of here, and she can tell the others what's going on and get them out, too. But we need to get you away from here now-- away from her."

"Honda. You've always been good to me, but don't you get it? It's too late."

Suddenly, Wanda grabbed the Sumo, tossing him to the ground with ease, She grabbed the wooden spike once again and stood over Honda.

"I warned you."

Without hesitation, Wanda stabbed Honda over and over. Blood soon covered her from head to toe.

At a time in the present...

The invitation was scarce on details, but two things were clear: Wanda Maximoff was inviting you to a gathering, and she had a family for you to meet. The magic that transported you only activated upon your agreement to go, not taking into account whatever your reasons you had for agreeing to heed this strange invitation. A bright light enveloped you, and for the briefest moment, you felt like someone was pulling you. Your whole world went white, and you kept being pulled and pulled until--

You found yourself inside a spacious room that stretched on long enough to almost be considered a corridor. It seemed to be a well-lit waiting room of sorts, with lots of comfortable seating. Various other halls and rooms connected to here, but there didn't seem to be any way to orient oneself. There was no door that seemed to be the entrance to the building and no visible window to the outside.


What was most clear was that you were not alone. Others were arriving via flashes of light, much like you had. There didn't appear to be anything obvious about them that connected them to each other.

One of the guests looks around at the others before letting out a heavy sigh. "I already don't like how this is looking," he said quietly. He looked boyish, about nineteen or twenty years old, as did the boy next to him.


"Billy? Ugh. Why am I stuck with you for everything nowadays?" he groaned, running a hand through his silver hair.


The other boy crossed his arms. "I'm surprised you even came, Tommy."

"Yeah, well..." Tommy craned his head to take in the other guests. "When kind-of-sort-of-mom starts acting all weird, I figure I'm sort of obligated."



Meanwhile, another guest, Kyoko Kirigiri, leader of the private organization known as the Coalition in the wake of its civil war, stayed reticent, not engaging with anyone for the moment. Rather, she stuck to her own private thoughts, only taking the briefest moment to examine the others around, recognizing some, and having no idea on who others were. This whole situation was strange, yet admittedly fascinating. Despite her responsibilities as the leader, Kyoko managed to find a way to take time off to visit the place Wanda had invited to, mostly involving placing her "dear" old friend Byakuya Togami in charge in her absence, considering she didn't trust anyone else to handle the responsibility. Besides, Byakuya was literally born a progeny. Organization management was practically his specialty. Even then, however, Kyoko would have sooner suggested Makoto, but he had mysteriously come out of contact in recent days.

... Come to think of it, Wanda had also been difficult to contact lately. Her invitation had come out of the blue, and issued so casually, as though nothing wrong had ever happened. The statement about her "family" mystified Kyoko; the Scarlet Witch had always been somewhat private when it came to talking about her family in the brief time Kyoko had known her, but it seemed like a sore subject that did not need to be pried into, so the Ultimate Detective refrained.

So here she was now, attending the event more out of curiosity for what could be going on with Wanda than anything else. Maybe if she was lucky, she'd also meet Makoto there too, and ask him just what the heck was going on. Granted, communication between the two had become strained ever since the Coalition Civil War, but... It was just something the two of them were in the process of working through.

Near Kyoko was another woman, dressed to the nines. She looked around worriedly for a moment before taking a deep breath.


"Leader Kyoko..."

Her name was Josephine Montilyet and she had joined the Coalition after gaining her memories of a strange experience in a location known only as the Dark Place. She held no attachment to Wanda, but as an ambassador for the Coalition and her home world's Inquisition, Josephine figured it was about time she attended formal excursions such as these.

Sighing, Josephine sat down on one of the chairs and looked at the Coalition leader.

"Do you have a bad feeling about this? I must admit, this house, a lovely as it... it's, how do you say? Off."

After Josephine spoke, a blur rushed by her and toward the boys. A gust of air whirled by as he stopped.


"My sister, your mother-- what foolishness has she gotten herself into now?"

Turning to the two women from the Coalition, he added, "hmph. What has she gotten all of us into?"

Tommy groaned. "Great, the kind-of-sort-of-uncle is here too. Family reunion?"

"... Yes. I feel the same way, Josephine," Kyoko said, putting a finger to her chin and giving a nod. So she wasn't the only one with suspicions. It didn't take a detective to know that there was something off about this whole situation, but Kyoko struggled to find a definite reason. Wanda had yet to show up, the lady herself being the most mysterious thing about this. Were she and Makoto in on something even the leader of the Coalition was out of the loop on? She didn't like it one bit.

She nodded towards Pietro, Wanda's brother, also known as Quicksilver. Indeed, it was like a classic, old dark house set-up, like the old film or the famous Agatha Christie novel. Everyone gathered to a mysterious home, wondering just what was going on. The only thing missing from the intrigue was... An extra, macabre detail that she wouldn't even entertain the thought of. There'd been too much of that in Kyoko's life already as it was. She could go another lifetime without any more of that of course.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Until we see Wanda, there's really no telling why she gathered us all here. I assume she didn't mean you, Billy, and Tommy when she asked to meet her... family."

Billy shook his head. "I don't think so. I assume you received an invitation?" Billy paused as Kyoko nodded her assent. "Right, well, mine said she wanted me to meet her family. I didn't really get it, so that's why I had to come. She can't possibly mean for all these people to meet me or Tommy..." He looked around at the others gathered, recognizing a few familiar faces. It was obvious what a few of them were doing here, but there had to be a connection between them all, right?

"Hey, uh..." Billy cleared his throat before raising his voice in hopes of getting the attention of everyone in the waiting room. "I have to ask, did everyone here receive an invitation? Or at least, know someone who did? You all must know the Scarlet Witch, right?"

Cast List
@Takumi as Amir Halgal [Otoyomegatari]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Arno Victor Dorian [Assassin's Creed]
@Kaykay as Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen [Dies Irae]
@Midnight Maiden as Belle French [Once Upon a Time]
@Gummi Bunnies as Kiyohime [Fate/Grand Order]
@CataclysmicMandala as Kori Meta [Danganronpa OC]
@Ryu Keiko as Koriand'r [DC Comics]
@Verite as Kyoko Kirigiri [Danganronpa]
@Leon Moretti as Leon Moretti [OC]
@Bomb as Lola [Fairy Fencer F]
@dark as Marcus Wright [Terminator]
@Mason Moretti as Mason Travis Moretti [OC]
@Krieg as Nancy Wheeler [Stranger Things]
@Yun Lee as Noembelu [Street Fighter]
@Crow as Nono Morikubo [The Idolmaster]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Percival of the Round Table [Sonic and the Black Knight]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Phil Connors [Groundhog Day The Musical]
@ShiroKiyoshi as Rant T. Mouse [OC]
@Gands as Raven Darkholme [X-Men Cinematic Universe]
@York as Reiner Braun [Attack on Titan]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Rumpelstiltskin [Once Upon a Time]
@Minerva as Saeko Busujima [Highschool of the Dead]
@Otto as Shen [League of Legends]
@Glostechk as Six [Little Nightmares]
@Seishin Ryuu as Spartan-B312 [Halo]
@Jeremi as T'Challa [Marvel Comics]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Tekhartha Zenyatta [Overwatch]
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Teth Adam [DC Comics]
@The Batter as The Batter [OFF]
@thatguyinthestore as Toffee [Star vs the Forces of Evil]​

Well, this was a surprise. Saeko's life had just been one surprise after another. Zombies, Wanda, now touching an invitation from her transporting her to a... place with a bunch of other people. When someone called out about the invitations, she held hers up. "I received an invitation as well. I assume this Scarlet Witch is the woman I met a few days ago." She looked around.

Billy nodded first at Nono and Phil, then looked at Kiyohime with a hesitant gaze. He wasn't really sure how to answer her question, because really, how did one explain why this seemed so odd? Perhaps only for those who knew Wanda well could say they felt something strange going on for sure.


"It's just a weird way to set up a party," he eventually responded, knowing it was kind of a lame answer. It didn't mean much when one thought about, for no one said Wanda Maximoff was not known for acting offbeat at times. "I guess if everyone invited really does know her..."

He found himself caught at a bit of surprise when Toffee so graciously offered to shake his hand. "Er... thanks? I mean, nice to meet you. We're not her full family, no, but I guess we're the ones you're meant to meet? The thing is, I'm not... really her son. It's kind of--"

"Maybe now's not the time to get into that," said a newcomer who joined Billy and clasped his hand. He was tall, well-built, blond, and seemed protective of Billy.

Tommy looked amused. "So, you did bring him. Why wouldn't you, I guess."


The blond rolled his eyes. "You almost sound jealous." When Billy was done shaking hands with Toffee, the other boy offered his hand to Toffee as well. "You can call me Teddy," he said. "I'm Billy's boyfriend."

Billy let out a weary sigh. "Geez, this really is starting to sound like an awkward family gathering. It's your fault if my mom's friends start looking at us weird."

Teddy smiled at Teddy and looked about to respond with some kind of joke, but was stopped dead by a sudden scream. The two boys tensed and looked around for the source of the disturbance, but Tommy had already identified it.


Tommy appeared next to Nancy in a blur and held up his hands to her. "Dude! You need to calm down! Are you hurt?"

@Josh M @Verite @Krieg @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gummi Bunnies @Crow

Amir was the first to give Teddy and Billy a look, said look was only one of curiosity and confusion though. She couldn't think on how that was strange to her ears as a young woman suddenly screamed, catching her off guard. Befoee she could move to help though, one of Wanda's sons had moved in to calm her down and a...giant talking mouse had stepped in? There were others but the young Halgal's brain shut down as it tried to process everything she stood there, dazed and a bit out of the loop.


"Will she...be alright? Does she need a doctor?" she asked after a long moment of silence.

@Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @Krieg
Phil took a deep breath and was about to walk over to the girl to see if she was okay, but it seemed that Tommy had beaten him to it. He looked over at Billy and his boyfriend, pausing to think about his own past and pushing that thought aside. As much as he slept with people in Punxsutawney, there was no consequences for him there. " I'm not saying it's a normal way to throw a party, but based on the people here, it doesn't look like Wanda was a normal woman either." He wished that his escape from the loop wasn't so full of surprises. He didn't like surprises.

Phil, despite every fiber of him knowing he shouldn't walked over to the girl who screamed. He rolled his eyes at the other man. " She' is hurt and she's scared, I mean, did you fucking miss the way she was gripping the bat? It's tight. Of course, she's fucking hurt. Her hand is cut and she is limping. What are you blind? What's your name? I'm Phil Connors," he said to her.

@Atomyk @Krieg @Josh M @Verite @York @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @Minerva @Gummi Bunnies @Crow
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Billy nodded first at Nono and Phil, then looked at Kiyohime with a hesitant gaze. He wasn't really sure how to answer her question, because really, how did one explain why this seemed so odd? Perhaps only those who knew Wanda well could say they felt something strange going on for sure.


"It's just a weird way to set up a party," he eventually responded, knowing it was kind of a lame answer. It didn't mean much when one thought about, for no one said Wanda Maximoff was not known for acting offbeat at times. "I guess if everyone invited really does know her..."

He found himself caught at a bit of surprise when Toffee so graciously offered to shake his hand. "Er... thanks? I mean, nice to meet you. We're not her full family, no, but I guess we're the ones you're meant to meet? The thing is, I'm not... really her son. It's kind of--"

"Maybe now's not the time to get into that," said a newcomer who joined Billy and clasped his hand. He was tall, well-built, blond, and seemed protective of Billy.

Tommy looked amused. "So, you did bring him. Why wouldn't you, I guess."


The blond rolled his eyes. "You almost sound jealous." When Billy was done shaking hands with Toffee, the other boy offered his hand to Toffee as well. "You can call me Teddy," he said. "I'm Billy's boyfriend."

Billy let out a weary sigh. "Geez, this really is starting to sound like an awkward family gathering. It's your fault if my mom's friends start looking at us weird."

Teddy smiled at Teddy and looked about to respond with some kind of joke, but was stopped dead by a sudden scream. The two boys tensed and looked around for the source of the disturbance, but Tommy had already identified it.


Tommy appeared next to Nancy in a blur and held up his hands to her. "Dude! You need to calm down! Are you hurt?"

@Josh M @Verite @Krieg @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gummi Bunnies @Crow

"I assure you, the pleasure is all mine." Toffee replied to Billy with a smile before turning to Billy's boyfriend, who was apparently named Teddy. The monster wouldn't hesitate to shake the man's hand, the smile still remaining on his face. "And it's a pleasure to meet you as well, Teddy." Toffee said to him politely.

Before they could continue their conversation, however, Toffee would hear a woman scream from the other end of the room.
"Do excuse me for a moment." The lizard said as he politely backed out of the conversation and made his way over to Nancy along with Tommy.


"Ma'am? Are you alright?" Toffee asked as he attempted to help her up along with the speedster. Normally, Toffee wouldn't have even batted an eye at the woman. Such matters weren't of his concern, after all. But he felt that this was as good of an opportunity to win over not only Nancy, but any others who may have been paying attention. Kind favors were an easy way to win people over, after all.


Toffee would look up to Phil for a quick second with an unamused look on his face."Sir, I would like to kindly ask you to refrain from using such a disrespectful attitude toward one of our hosts in the future. He was only trying to assist the woman, after all." Toffee replied to Phil in particular before redirecting his attention to Nancy.

@Atomyk @Krieg @LuckycoolHawk9 @others?

Amir was the first to give Teddy and Billy a look, said look was only one of curiosity and confusion though. She couldn't think on how that was strange to her ears as a young woman suddenly screamed, catching her off guard. Befoee she could move to help though, one of Wanda's sons had moved in to calm her down and a...giant talking mouse had stepped in? There were others but the young Halgal's brain shut down as it tried to process everything she stood there, dazed and a bit out of the loop.


"Will she...be alright? Does she need a doctor?" she asked after a long moment of silence.

@Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @Krieg

Noembelu felt for the girl. She did. Whatever she had been involved in before coming here...it must not have been pretty. But everyone else was on it. Besides...not like she was very comforting.

"I think so. They're helping her out." A pause. "The trip here may have been a shock."

@Takumi @Anyone​
"Upside Down, Inside Out"

"This isn't you, you know..."

"Look, Nance, just...don't do something stupid, right? You are like my best friend."

The dream happened again, as it had happened for the past several nights. A void surrounded her from top to bottom, silhouettes of trees and bushes lining her vision in a world of fog, darkness and spores. Everything around her looked decayed and decomposing, bulbous mushrooms and acidic fungi lining up the walls of cracked lumber. A monotone hum echoed in her skull, like the sound of an electrical fan behind a closed room.

And, as it had happened every night for the past two weeks, Nancy watched in uncomfortable awe as a display of red light hit her eyes. A woman, draped in a red cloak, emerged from the treeline before her. The senior at Hawkins High could not make out her face, a blob of white with spills of black, devoid of any detail but the colors she dawned. An unintelligible voice rang in her head, sounding something akin to what she thought Soviets might of sounded like over the Iron Curtain. Yet, despite the barrier both in language and appearance, the message felt urgent. A warning from a phantom afar.

And then, like it always had before, the dream ended.

It did not end this time.


Reality swung headfirst into her, all the unsettling tremors in her spine and overwhelming sensation of déjà vu collating into something strange and terrifying. In seconds, the days went by: sleeping with Steve, Barbara's funeral, investigating the woods with Jonathan, seeing the deer dragged out by something in the middle of the night. The nightmarish world did not go away, this land of upside down and inside out. Shaking the construction flashlight in her hands, Nancy felt her teeth chatter and body shudder, staring at the abomination of flesh before her. Watching it devour the deer, the humanoid filth arose, feral and fear incarnate.

She was not dreaming. Taking timid steps away, realizing her predicament, the new deer froze as she felt her boot crush against a dead log. Silence reigned for a second, the humanoid monstrosity reeling with fury.

"Is that a new bra, Nancy?"


"I'm chill, no worries."


"Happy Birthday, Nance! Love ya girl."


The last thing Nancy heard was the voice of her best friend, trapped inside a land of upside down and inside out.



The first thing Nancy felt was pain, trapped inside a traditional, almost antique bathroom.

The perfect suburbia girl who wanted a life not of perfection gasped, choking and sprawled out upon the polished floor of the simple room. Unable to move for a few seconds due to pure shock, the honor student gently pushed herself up onto her feet. Eyes frantically looked around, soon coming to the revelation that she had her baseball bat strangely with her. Not only that, but a certain steel-framed revolver resting in her left pocket.


Staring at the broken mirror, seeing nothing of importance from it, Nancy gulped and let out another gasp of hair as she held herself up by the nearest sink. Deducing she had somehow jumped out of the mirror, the Wheeler wondered how long she had been here. Staring at her bandaged right hand, shards of glass dangled from her red pomper jacket. Picking them off, the teenager cried, feeling her right ankle abruptly burn and snap with pain.

"Ugh..ugh f-f..."

Using her baseball bat as a crutch, the traumatized wanderer limped out of the bathroom, crashing against the door with her shoulder. Stumbling out into some sort of lavish lobby, the cripple froze, resting her eyes upon an unlikely band of things that looked human, things that did not look human, and things that she could not even describe. So, like any other girl in her position, Nancy did the most reasonable thing ever.

She screamed in utter terror at the top of her lungs, nearly collapsing at the sight of this sensory overload.

Billy nodded first at Nono and Phil, then looked at Kiyohime with a hesitant gaze. He wasn't really sure how to answer her question, because really, how did one explain why this seemed so odd? Perhaps only those who knew Wanda well could say they felt something strange going on for sure.


"It's just a weird way to set up a party," he eventually responded, knowing it was kind of a lame answer. It didn't mean much when one thought about, for no one said Wanda Maximoff was not known for acting offbeat at times. "I guess if everyone invited really does know her..."

He found himself caught at a bit of surprise when Toffee so graciously offered to shake his hand. "Er... thanks? I mean, nice to meet you. We're not her full family, no, but I guess we're the ones you're meant to meet? The thing is, I'm not... really her son. It's kind of--"

"Maybe now's not the time to get into that," said a newcomer who joined Billy and clasped his hand. He was tall, well-built, blond, and seemed protective of Billy.

Tommy looked amused. "So, you did bring him. Why wouldn't you, I guess."


The blond rolled his eyes. "You almost sound jealous." When Billy was done shaking hands with Toffee, the other boy offered his hand to Toffee as well. "You can call me Teddy," he said. "I'm Billy's boyfriend."

Billy let out a weary sigh. "Geez, this really is starting to sound like an awkward family gathering. It's your fault if my mom's friends start looking at us weird."

Teddy smiled at Teddy and looked about to respond with some kind of joke, but was stopped dead by a sudden scream. The two boys tensed and looked around for the source of the disturbance, but Tommy had already identified it.


Tommy appeared next to Nancy in a blur and held up his hands to her. "Dude! You need to calm down! Are you hurt?"

@Josh M @Verite @Krieg @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gummi Bunnies @Crow

Epilogue: Never Willingly
Location: Heartlands City

"How wonderful. Damn thing's busted."

Rant had been working on a ship of his that he had to crash land, as he most often does when the "good guys" of the Heartlands decide to take out their anger on his stuff. Had he not had enough of his own issues, he'd show them what would happen if he did the same, but regardless the damage was done. One laser beam later and he was on the ground. He rubbed his head as he stared at the wreckage from the outside while Kaoru's "daughter", AI, scanned to see if it was fixable.

[$] "I can fix it." The robot said as she landed on the ground in front of Rant.

She was given a sleek white rabbit design with green eyes, just like Kaoru's, but was superior to the team in every way. Her ears made her 5 inches taller than the mouse. Rant just stared into the sky with his hand on his face before asking "the question".

"How long will it take to fix?"
The mouse asked with a whining tone.

[$] "Not long, a few days. I'll gather some of the parts from Chris." She said as she started making a to do list, projecting the screen in front of Rant.

"All right thanks." Rant said as she left her to work in the shop while he went and sifted through a ton of mail that accumulated on his desk while he was out on his excursions. One by one he tossed the letters in the trash. "Notice of eviction, I'd love to see them try... Property damage, put it on my tab... Party invite... Oh, party invite. What's this?" Rant stopped tossing the papers to tear open the letter and read it. AI peered in the doorway and stared at him with her evil eye. Rant took notice of this and set the letter down. "Yes?"

[$] "Who invites an ass to their party?"

"For your information, I am a mouse and..." Rant picked up the letter and gave it a quick read. "Wanda does."

[$] "So you going?"

"I guess, but there is no address." Rant flipped the letter around as if something would fall out of the piece of paper before being engulfed in light and feeling as if he was being pulled. For AI there was a bright light and she leaped forward to grab hold of Rant, but he vanished before her very eyes. She stood up and crossed her arms before marching off.

[$] "Why did father leave me with such a jerk? He didn't even take me!" She slammed her hand into the ship out of frustration, making it pop off the ground a bit. "I should be careful with this thing." She gave an electronic sigh as she went to gather parts for it.

Location: Wanda's Home

When the sensation had stopped he fell onto his bottom and shook his head. He sat there thinking about AI before coming to the conclusion that she'd be alright, he had other things to worry about now. He had been forcefully teleported for a second time, a familiar feeling. "Wanda... Wanda... Now, why does that ring- this smell irritates me." Rant stood up and looked around the room before locking his stare on the detective. "Now I remember! She's the one that trapped me in that apartment and took my strength! That means this can't be good." Rant stood there with his arms crossed and silent.

While he stood the smell of blood entered his nose and he rushed towards it, but it reached him before he could take a step. A girl shrieked in pain and he was quick to get to her side, but when there he didn't know what to do other than pick her up. He calmly took her to a couch, the sight of a mangled body being nothing more than a work hazard for him, and set her down. He then backed up and crossed his arms.

"So, you done freaking out? Or you just gonna leave this one a mystery little girl?" Rant said harshly.


That letter was hidden for a reason.

Honda had been gone a few days, Noembelu staying at his home until he came back. "Just keep messes to a minimum, and no wild house parties, got it, Noey? Gahahaha! I'll be back soon!!" And she had keot things clean. Hell, she even did some extra cleaning. It was the least she could do, for all he'd done for her.

A month ago, Noembelu, formerly Little Eagle of the Thunderfoot Tribe of Mexico, had arrived in Tokyo to stay with Edmond Honda, a famous sumo wrestler, who had opened his doors to girls like herself-Dolls. Former assassins and bodyguards who were brainwashed to work for Shadaloo. But that wasn't all Noembelu had been caught up in. She wound up in something called a Murder Game with another person from her world, Birdie. They were tasked by an evel entity to kill, and she had: Dio Brando had been one of her two victims; the other had been herself. Oddly enough, she lived, and she and Birdie had returned home-well, he did. Noembelu...didn't have a home. She did when she was Little Eagle, but Noembelu didn't fit there. So, she wanted to find where Noembelu belonged.

And, for a month, this was very close to a home. Only a short time together and Edmond Honda was like a father to her. He had been through a Murder Game himself, and knew what she'd been through. He was on call with some group called the Coalition in case he was ever needed, usually in correspondence with a Wanda Maximoff, who Noembelu had met before. She was beautiful, she was mysterious...but she was sad, too. Noembelu could feel it. Honda said a man she cared about had died and she blamed herself. He was troubled, too. In fact, if she didn't know better, she thought this sudden trip was about Wanda.

Well...maybe she was right all along. She'd found the letter while organizing Honda's coat closet, hidden on top of shoeboxes. It simply said, "Noey". She'd opened it, read it, and here she was, in a strange place, surrounded by strange people. Well...Wanda was a witch, so this was normal, right? Just as long as this wasn't another murder game...
Reiner Braun - Prologue

"Ymir... Why did you come to us?"

"Oh, well... It's because I'm an idiot. I'll be your souvenir to take back home. You can't just go back empty-handed."


"If you hadn't come to bust up this was... I would've never woken up from that nightmare. All I'm doing... Is returning what I borrowed back then. Because I'm probably the only one that understands the situation you're in."

"Thank you, Ymir... ... I'm... Sorry..."



"It wasn't so bad you know... Being a goddess for a while..."


Reiner couldn't remember much about how he got here; he recalled was that he was ontop of Wall Rose... Shortly after he was nearly killed by a titan when it bit his arm, its teeth leaving a nasty mark on his arm, crushing the bone structure underneath.

Then there was a gap in his memory... And everything from that point was a blur, but somehow, deep down... He knew something had happened on that wall, something he wished he could forget.

The very last thing he seemed to recall, was looking up at the stars in the sky... On a wall, not unlike Wall Rose... When an invitation fluttered through the air and into his face, inviting him to some sort of party, one hosted by "Wanda Maximoff"... ... The name sounded familiar.

He knew he had met her sometime ago, when he was stuck in an outpost South of Wall Sina, and he had a feeling they got along okay, but yet... He couldn't remember for the life of him what they had talked about.

Perhaps he thought he would find his answers at this party? Or perhaps he had just hoped to reacquaint himself with an old friend?

The exact reasons escaped him, but in the end... He ended up here, wherever here was, alongside various others, from places he did not recognize at all. What was even stranger was that his broken arm had mysteriously healed completely... Another thing he must have forgotten about.

However, when someone, who looked to be a couple or so years older than him asked the others about having received invitations... He patted himself down momentarily, noticing that he still had his 3D Maneuver Gear on... But was without his Survey Corps cloak for some reason (could he have lost it in some fight?), before he retrieved the invitation he had apparently stashed in one of his pockets, holding it up for the others to see, only to realize that others have already done so.

Interestingly enough, the one who had initially asked about the invitations seemed a little suspicious about how this whole party was set up... Which Reiner himself could relate to.

While there were probably things he couldn't remember right off the bat, if this method of setting up a party was out of the ordinary for someone like Wanda... He too, would feel a little unsettled by the situation.


"Does Wanda normally host... Parties?" He asked, giving Kiyohime a sideglance.

It seemed like the party itself was rather harmless on the surface, but considering that the one who had asked about the invitations seemed to know Wanda to a deeper extent than he, and perhaps some others did... He had to wonder if he himself should be wary of what's to come...

@Josh M @Verite @Krieg @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gummi Bunnies @Crow @Atomyk


Well, this was a surprise. Saeko's life had just been one surprise after another. Zombies, Wanda, now touching an invitation from her transporting her to a... place with a bunch of other people. When someone called out about the invitations, she held hers up. "I received an invitation as well. I assume this Scarlet Witch is the woman I met a few days ago." She looked around.

"... I guess so. I was never invited to a party with this amount of people, so I wouldn't know for sure."

When was the last time she was invited anywhere? Well... there was her chance to see Anchin at the late of night, before she had become a Servant. But that was a long time ago, and she knew how that ended up to be. Just the thought of that bothered her. She wouldn't have much time to think about it herself, considering that a high-pitched scream echoed throughout the room.

It was rather annoying to Kiyohime, not exactly understanding why this girl was screaming. For now, she ignored it as others were up to figuring out what was wrong with her all of a sudden. People were invited to see Wanda because they had connections to the witch. Distant but they were connections nonetheless. So the thought of screaming at a place you were invited to was a tad rude. But then again, Kiyohime didn't know any better.


"I wouldn't know about such a detail, given that I've only met Wanda through a chance occasion. It was brief but distinct."

That was the response that she would give to Reiner. It sounded like she didn't want to make too many assumptions on the matter of this party, given that there were chances that an assumption could become false.

USER=13851]@Josh M[/USER] @Verite @Krieg @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @York @Crow @Atomyk

"I see..."

Nono swiftly wiped her light tears, staining her silken gloves.

"Morikubo... just wished she could've seen him one last time, if that was the case..."

Nono couldn't do anything. She wasn't a necromancer, a medic... she was but an idol. She kept people smiling while they're alive, but could do nothing to those who have perished.

"... Morikubo never got the chance to attend his funeral... Kyoko-san, can you bring me to Shimada-san's grave after this party?" Nono asks, trying to cheer herself up as tears continued to flow, eyes reddening.​


Kyoko was hesitant to respond, but if the girl so wanted, then who was she to deny her that? She could only hope that Morikubo wouldn't come to regret that request though, assuming that it'd even be lived up to. Kyoko herself wasn't even sure where Genji had been buried, and she was apprehensive to ask Wanda (who was still mysteriously absent, she noted), but the idol deserved some closure on this matter.

"... I'll try. The truth is, I'm not a hundred percent sure where it is exactly, but I'm sure Wanda may know, wherever she is right now," Kyoko responded with a nod, moving her gloved hand to wipe away a stray tear of Nono's, almost like a mother or an older sister would, "I'm sorry you had to hear it here, but I suppose you deserved to know the truth."

She refrained from going on about the specifics. When she thought about it, Kyoko was a little surprised that the Producer didn't tell Nono about what had happened to Genji, but then... Then again, perhaps that would have been too difficult a subject to raise from the eccentric boy.

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