I seriously need roleplays..... (F seeking M)

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I reject your reality and substitute my own
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
Daytime. Night time. Any time.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Romance, Fantasy. Always some kind of non-human involved. (Such a vampires, succubi, incubi, etc.)

Well, hello, darlings.
(all of these boxes scroll, btw)

Hello all! Thanks for visiting my new and improved search thread! Thanks for checking it out! Since you're here, you must be craving a good old-fashioned role-play, like me. Well, let me start off by telling you a bit about myself.
I'm a devoted vampire enthusiast (call it an obsession,) proud Ravenclaw, mum, wife, soldier, and nerd. I've been roleplaying since I was 13 or so, which puts it at a little over eleven years. Holy shit, how the time flies. I enjoy making friends with those I roleplay with, and building a plot together.

I would prefer it if you could post semi-often. At least once a day or every other day. It makes it really difficult to stay interested in a role-play that only gets love once every few weeks.

Your understanding of the English language is a must for me (punctuation, capitalization, etc.). I'm not saying you have to write a novel (because I seriously doubt I will,) but a minimum of 2 decent paragraphs is a requirement. Trust me, I understand writers block, I get it, too, but if your posts are continuously short, it makes it hard for me to keep interest and also, to respond. On the same note, if you write more than 5 paragraphs per post, I'm sorry to say that I've wasted your time, because, while I could do that, it would be more or less me rambling about absolutely nothing.

Pertaining to 'X-rated' material, I simply won't do it. I've tried it in the past and it's just simply not for me. If you're looking for someone to play mature scenes with, that person just isn't me. But on that same note, I NEED romance in my roleplays. Not 'love-at-first-sigh,' but definitely some kind of romantic interaction. The kind that would be safe for a younger audience, just saying.

While I don't do mature scenes, I would prefer my partner to be 18+. Simply because when you're older, you tend to write better. If you're younger and can prove that you're a good writer, then I will definitely consider taking you on as a writing accomplice.

I only use photographs for faceclaims. I just simply can't get into a role-play with anime or any kind of art. Nothing against the actual art, but that's just how I roll. I would prefer you to do the same. If you can't use photography, I apologize for wasting your time.

I only play females x males, me being the female. I have nothing against same sex couples; I'm bisexual myself. But this is my preference. I need your character to at least look manly. Please, don't use a woman as your faceclaim and try to pass it off as a man. I know. You might think I won't notice. But I do. I promise, I do.

On a last note, just a heads up for some things I won't do. Futuristic themes simply aren't my forte, so please, nothing futuristic. Also, Monster Girl Encyclopedia. I've been asked to do this once, and ever again.

If interested, lease PM me with the title "Lucky Number XIII" so I can be sure you read all these points.



"Wands and Fangs"
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Roll I Would Prefer: Female Vampire

A new year is starting at Hogwarts. Students come bustling into the castle, groups of first years finally being sorted. Rumors of new students seemed to be false, but as the last of the first years get seated, a group walks in. They seem like your every day witch or wizard, but what the other students don't realize is that the new students are a part of an experiment. Can vampires contain their thirst and be civilized, or will they prove everyone else correct?
(Yes, I know vampires are already apart of the wizarding world. Don't be an ass and bring this up. This is a story. Nothing else.)

"Coin Operated Boy"
Genre: Modern Fantasy, Romance
Roll I Would Prefer: Female (I Will Play Doll or Human)

A girl is in a time crunch. Too involved in work, almost no social life, but with her sister's upcoming wedding, a lack of a boyfriend, she must either find a date or be forced into a marriage with a man of her family's choosing. The girl gets a call late one night from a coworker. Without much details, she meets up with her friend. As they enter into an antique shop, she points out the lifelike doll sitting covered in dust in the corner. The doll was magic, according to the shop owner. After getting the doll home and activating it, she realizes he's so much more than a doll. But where did he come from, and how did he get to be this way?

"Crimson War"
Genre: Dark, Modern Fantasy, Romance
Roll I Would Prefer: Female Witch

In 1740's England a war was in full swing. Vampires and werewolves had been fighting for what seemed like centuries, keeping to the shadows, a world long forgotten. No one knows how the war started, but for every vampire or werewolf, they know their orders; find and kill the enemy. Through the years, the war died down slowly. Neither side had made any progress in centuries, just lost thousands of their kind. They needed something else, something to help them gain an advantage over their opponents. Every species knew about the legends, about the secrets that tried to remain hidden. A small group of humans were their only hope to win the war. But for centuries, neither side knew how to find these humans, or even how they were special. They were both determined to find them, though. Werewolves needed their blood to make them stronger, and the vampires wanted to turn them, to use their powers, which would be enhanced by the vampiric transformation, to destroy the werewolves once and for all. In modern times, a young girl is special in every way. Very bright and holds a special ability, one that, if discovered by either vampires or werewolves, would help decide who wins the war.

"Guard Me, Guide Me"
Genre: Modern Romance, Fantasy, Adventure
Roll I Would Prefer: Female Witch

When she was little, she lost her family to a vampire attack. He didn't know why, but he found her and saved her from his own kind, suddenly taking the role of her protector. He watched her grow, and slowly the love he felt for the young girl turned into more as she grew up. She was in her twenties now, and he knew it was time for the girl to have her own life. He leaves, which leaves her open to the attacks his kind had been planning for her. But they don't want to kill. The king of vampires wants her, and her magic, for himself, and is determined to claim her for himself.

"Beautiful Disaster"
Genre: Romance, Thriller, Fantasy
Roll I Would Prefer: Female Vampire

A group of friends decide to pay a visit to the town's old theater. The stone building caught fire in the early 1900's, killing the group of people who were trapped inside. While the stones still stand, it is said that the ruins are haunted, and every Halloween, young adults venture in to test their bravery. But one Halloween, the group stumbles upon something; a coffin hidden in a secret room, and inside is the body of a young woman, seemingly untouched by time. She awakens to a different time period, with one thing on her mind; revenge against the vampire to put her in there.

Last But Not Least...

Well, I don't really have anything to put in here. I come up with new stuff all the time and they're constantly put up. I try to be on a lot, but sometimes, I'm just not. If you have something in mind, and no one to take part in your scheme, please let me know. If you want to get my attention, either quote me on here or PM me. If you post that you're interested and if I am, to message you, I just won't. If I wasn't interested, I wouldn't have posted this search thread.

Thank you!​

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Hello, the Guard Me, Guide Me plot idea sounds very cool and I'm interested in role playing it.
Hello, the Guard Me, Guide Me plot idea sounds very cool and I'm interested in role playing it.
Wonderful. Please send me a PM and we can discuss the premise in detail.
Hello, do you double by any chance?
Hello, Audrey! While I don't particularly jump up at the thought of doubling, I also don't mind it. But just a word of warning, if you want me to double as a male, I may or may not be the death of the roleplay. I am absolutely horrendous at playing men.
That's alright! I don't mind if they're not perfect. But if you honestly don't think you're comfortable in doubling, then I'm not going to push it. I'm just having a really hard time finding people who can double for me that's all. But if you're willing to try, could you perhaps play Elijah for me? I don't mind playing either Damon or Klaus for you.
I fell in love with your first plot idea as soon as I read "Hogwarts," and I would LOVE to try this with you! Thought I am warning, my schedule is a bit hectic and I try to reply as much as I can! If you're okay with waiting a couple days, I'd love to try it!
That's alright! I don't mind if they're not perfect. But if you honestly don't think you're comfortable in doubling, then I'm not going to push it. I'm just having a really hard time finding people who can double for me that's all. But if you're willing to try, could you perhaps play Elijah for me? I don't mind playing either Damon or Klaus for you.
We can definitely try! I absolutely love Elijah.
  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Rose
I fell in love with your first plot idea as soon as I read "Hogwarts," and I would LOVE to try this with you! Thought I am warning, my schedule is a bit hectic and I try to reply as much as I can! If you're okay with waiting a couple days, I'd love to try it!
YAAAAAS you are officially my favorite person. That's fine with me pertaining to waiting. I have a pretty crazy schedule, as well, but I try to post as often as I can.
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Reactions: MarilynFae
I have some original vampire-based starters you might like.
Awesome! Shoot me a pm and we can discuss them further!
Hello! I belive we might have some interest in common. You can look at this ALWAYS OPEN - Enter the RolePlay and shoot me a PM if something catched your eye
SO interested in Wands and Fangs
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Reactions: XIII
I'm interested in your Coin Operated Boy plot!
I'm still searching for people. I'm always searching! If you have your own plot and no one to do it with, let me know!
I like your Crimson War idea. It's different which I like. I'd love to go deeper into this plot if you'd want. PM me if you want to rp.
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Reactions: XIII
A plot has been added!!
I'm still always searching! Don't be afraid to message me. I don't bite! Usually.
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Reactions: mango
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