I Woke Up In The Future

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Loremaker Extraordinaire
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Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural are my favorites.
The year is 3126.

It's hard to believe that this slum was once a thriving world, a green world. But humanity failed to reverse the damages done to their world. It all snowballed from bad to worse after the ice caps melted. The land began to fester under the weight of their garbage, more trees disappeared to make room for fertile farmlands while rivers and oceans grew more putrid by the decade. At some point even the air became toxic to them.

So they gave up on this world. Took their technology and knowledge with them to other planets to do better. And they did. The Moons and Venus and Jupiter have been terraformed, Mars became a new home planet for Humanity, Neptune is where people get most of their water reserves. Asteroids are mined, and even Pluto found purpose as a correctional facility. And Humanity even made contact with a few alien species whose appearances are becoming more and more common as time goes by.

But the story doesn't begin there. It begins here, on Earth. With the ones that stayed behind.

Despite the heavy pollution the natives have managed to thrive, well…thrive may be a strong word. Adapt! Adapt to these conditions.

The Earthlings live in small communities now where everybody shares their resources and tools with each other. Money is no longer of importance here as society has sort of forgotten them. Family, community, and nature is all they care about. And Nature is something these communities will fight over because more green means more food, and better health.

The rest of the time they scavenge the world for recyclables and reusable parts of whatever they can get their hands on.

Today was one of those days where Mary-43 decided to wander through the city with some of the youngsters in search of... Hm. Unknown.

She wasn't sure what she was looking for. It was a very faint energy signal she felt coming from one of the overgrown ruins. So they traversed rusty walkways, wobbly stairs, and dark corridors until they found a warehouse.

Cryo-pods were scattered across the large chamber; most of them empty, a handful used to hold life.

The teens watched her, waiting till the android pointed at the backdoors. The doors led outside the building littered with more junk and abandoned vans. But there between the debris she found it. The one cryo-pod still functioning.

The trio pushed junk out of the way, peering into the glass to spot a figure. "Is it alive?" One of the teens asked.

-"Is it a girl or boy?"

Mary checked the small screen. Miraculously the screen showed signs of life. "Not too sure, it may be a false reading. The older models are fickle."

She motioned for the teens to help her drag the pod inside the warehouse. The wear on this thing made it a bit difficult to open but eventually the lid let out a heavy sigh and as it opened the three crowded the individual.

"Should we poke them?" The boy said.
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He felt like he'd been sleeping a thousand years- which wasn't far off the mark, unknown to him. He could hear voices around him, but he couldn't seem to move. His joints ached, and he felt cold- as cold as if he'd been living in a refrigerator for those thousand years. He tried to move his fingers, but found it too painful. He tried to move his eyelids off his eyes, but a sharp tinge in his head made him rethink if he could handle the light outside with his eyeballs. His lips parted faintly, as if he was trying to make words- but the air was too dry in his throat. So, he said nothing, at least for a moment.

Instead, he focused on trying to remember what he could with his groggy mind.

It had been the year 2017, if he had the date correct in his head. He had just returned to the city after going on a volunteer dig with his history professor. He'd gone to visit a friend, who had gotten a new job at a cryogenics lab as a counselor for clients interested in taking part. It was a requirement by the facility that all people wanting to be cryogenically frozen had to take time with her to talk about their mental health and the like, apparently. With permission from her superiors, the man's childhood friend showed him around the facility. She even let him take a seat in one of the pods, as an example.

That was it. Everything else was a blur.

His head hurt too much to remember more. Finally, he let out a gasp and wiggled his toes. The feeling of being frozen was being thawed away as the door had been opened long enough, and despite himself, Joseph was just glad to be free from the stiffness in his joints a bit more. Managing to open his eyes, he began to look around him. The light wasn't as bright as he expected, but he found himself still in immense head pain. "Was I hit by a truck or something?" He mumbled, moving a hand to his forehead. Finally, he looked at the people that had freed him. "Um... Where is this place? Why don't I remember anything from after I was trying out that pod...?"
Patiently they wait for some sign of life coming from the man. Tommy, the young teen, straightened himself with a sigh, "I'll look for a shovel..."

But just as he was to walk away his older sibling stopped him, "Wait, he's moving! He's alive!" Star smiled at Mary-43. The Android unclasped her woolen cloak and draped it over the shivering man. A live one, quite uncommon for older models.

The trio looked at each other before turning to the man, "You've been...asleep for a 1000 years." the Android spoke as she gently touched his shoulder, fully aware that these details would often come to a shock to these type of survivors. "You have a lot to catch up to."