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"Double dose with a toast to you creepy GHOST!"
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
All fucking day because I have no life
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Romance, Modern, Supernatural,
Hey guys! MisguidedGhost here, but you can call me Ghostie! I am literally always looking for some people to roleplay with so I thought I would try to find some! Uhm so yeah that's about it! xD Let us get on to the things!

How I Roleplay

• I mostly do FxF roles, but I do on occasion to MxF. I've never done MxM, but I open to trying anything. In MxF I only play Female and I only play submissive

• My post lengths are usually kinda short, but I have really been working on my post length. If I really have creative juices flowing, I can get about 2 to 3 paragraphs in.

• I only use real face claims. I just don't like using anime. I might make an exception though.

• I am pretty much always online, so I post way more than once a day.

• I like a little bit of drama thrown in there. So of course we need that

• I really don't mind having smut in my roleplays, as long as we follow the rules and guidelines and as long as there's more plot over smut!
  • I do make character sheets for all of my roleplays because why the hell not and it's the second best part of roleplaying! The first of which is actually starting the IC

What I Expect

•If you can, please no one liners. I mean if you're having a bit of writers block, then it's alright because there are times that I do that, but not a lot of one liners.

•Tell me if you're going to be gone or if you're going to take a while to reply so I won't quit on the roleplay

•Please use decent grammar. My grammar definitely perfect, but I wanna know what you're saying.



The ones in green are the roles I would rather play the ones that are all green are the ones that I don't mind playing either role. (I feel like that sounded awkward and was really wordy... anyway!)

Stars (*) are my ratings as far as what I want to play the most 1 being eh kinda and 5 being OMG I WANT IT!!!

Strike-through means that I'm already doing that one enough, but I wanna keep them for references

I'll do all plots and pairings more than 1 time (Max 3 times in case I say otherwise). For example: person A is playing Player X Hard to get with me, but person B wants to play it too; so I don't let person B down, I'll play it with him too. If there are 1 or 2 # by the pairing/plot, then I am playing it that many times already. If there are 3 I would rather not play it anymore

Player x Hard To Get ****

Popular x Shy ***

Out Of The Closet x In The Closet ***

Bad Person x Good Person ***

Vampire x Human (which I have a plot for below)

Royalty x Poor Person ***

Best Friend x Best Friend

Arranged Marriage (Also have a plot for this one!) ****


I can't think of any more, but if I do, I will update this!

Now for the plots!!!
Stars (*) are my ratings as far as what I want to play the most 1 being eh kinda and 5 being OMG I WANT IT!!!
Strike-through means that I'm already doing that one enough, but I wanna keep them for references
If it just says Muse A and Muse B then I don't mind playing either character
MC = My Character
YC = Your Character

A Little Surprise ***** #
MC is annoyed when someone rings their doorbell late at night. When they answer the door, they're even more annoyed to come face-to-face with their ex, YC. YC, typically smug and rude, looks panicked and makes a plea for Muse A's help. Bitter about the sour ending of their relationship by YC's fault, MC is poised to slam the door shut in YC's face. Just before they can, a pint-sized kid peers out from behind Muse B's legs and asks to use the bathroom. MC may loathe YC, but they aren't heartless, so they let the child in and begrudgingly also YC. While the child is in the bathroom, MC demands an explanation from their ex. YC breaks down and explains that the child is theirs but they only recently found out. The kid was left at their door by their other parent and they're freaking out because they have no idea how to raise the child, especially not alone. YC came to MC for help because they have no one else to turn to. MC is sympathetic, mainly for the child, and only because of this does MC agree to help.

Showmance ***
Muse A is fresh out of school and isn't quite sure what they want to do with their life next. Before they can start shopping their resume around, they get a call from the casting department at a major TV network. Muse A almost forgot about the impromptu audition tape that they made for a Real World-esque reality TV show several weeks ago. To their surprise, they've been chosen to be a cast member! With no obligations holding them back, they pack their bags and fly out to the house where they'll be living with 6 other people for the summer. Muse B is one of their cast mates—the first person Muse A meets upon arriving at the house. With a little coaxing from production, it isn't long before Muse A and Muse B are in a full-blown show-mance: cuddling in the common areas of the house, kissing in the confessional booth, fighting about the other flirting with someone else at the club and so on. Overall, the experience is a blast forMuse A and the relationship with Muse B is fun, but it's nothing Muse A anticipates to last once the show is over. Everyone parts ways when the show wraps at the end of summer, including the house's it-couple. One week after taping ends, Muse A hears a knock at their front door. It's Muse B, who's just moved across the country in the hopes of continuing their romance with Muse A.

Beauty and the Boss **** ##
MC is the daughter of a man with a serious gambling problem. He's a sweet man, always doting on MC with her favorite books and rare flowers, but he's up to his ears in debt after borrowing money from the wrong people. One afternoon,MC's father is confronted by YC, the ruthless crime boss of the city. Few people have ever seen YC's face, as his/her henchmen usually do his/her dirty work, but everyone knows his/her name and cowers in fear appropriately. MC's father owes YC a considerable debt, which he cannot pay. Rather than kill the man, YC offers a trade – the man's beautiful daughter in exchange for the forgiveness of his financial debts. He has one night to make this deal happen or YC will come for him. When MC's father explains the predicament to her, she is willing to go, as long as it ensures the safety of her family and her father promises to put an end to his troublesome gambling habits. MC moves in to YC's mansion outside of town the following day. From the moment MC arrives, YC is on his/her best behavior, lavishing her with gifts – a library wing for her, a pretty garden filled with the finest, imported roses – jewelry, and so on. Gradually, MC comes to see that YC isn't a horrible person, behind closed doors, but the circumstances of their arrangement (and the terrible crimes he/she commits as a crime boss) make it difficult for her to fall in love with him/her as he/she has fallen in love with her. Each time YC proposes marriage, MC refuses. MC becomes terribly homesick and begs to be allowed to visit her father. YC allows her to leave as long as she returns within a week's time. While MC is away, YC is attacked by a disloyal bunch of conspiring underlings. When MC returns, she finds YC wounded and left for dead in his/her home office. She realizes in this moment that she does love him/her and if he/she recovers she'll marry him/her. Her quick actions save his/her life and once he/she is well enough, they marry.
Romantic/Angst Twist: Once YC recovers, YC gives up his life of crime, since he's assumed to be dead and he and MC run away together, with the condition that MC can never return home to her family.

Tale of Two Kingdoms ****
Muse A is a prince (Or princess). Muse B is a princess. Both royals are from neighboring kingdoms that have had a tenuous alliance for hundreds of years. Muse A's kingdom has a formidable army; while Muse B's kingdom has plentiful gold and silks. War is threatening to come to their lands and the only thing that can secure peace for both kingdoms is a union of families by marriage of the next heirs to the throne. The prince and princess are set to be wed shortly after their first meeting, once Muse B is of age to bear children. At first, the betrothed couple do not get along. Bad blood between their fathers have tainted their views of each other long before they come to meet. Gradually, as they are forced to engage in the courting process for the sake of the kingdoms, their negative impressions of each other fall away.

Bad Blood ***##
Muse A and Muse B have had a roller-coaster type of relationship for a few years. One day, they're up. They're laughing and happy, looking forward to their future. The next day, they're down. Yelling and crying, threatening to call it quits. They've been in a relationship for so long that they've become comfortable in this toxic pattern. It doesn't make much sense to outsiders why they bother continuing on together, but they can't honestly imagine being without one another. One day, after a particularly explosive fight with Muse A, Muse B storms off. Muse A lets Muse B go, knowing that it's only a matter of time before Muse B comes back and they make up. Only, days go by, and then weeks, then a year and Muse B doesn't return. Muse A has a hard time dealing with the unexplained disappearance, but gradually learns to move on, even though they occasionally wonder what ever happened to Muse B. When Muse A least expects it, Muse B shows up at their door in the middle of the night, begging for Muse A to invite them in. Muse A is stunned to see Muse B after so long, and startled because Muse B seems different somehow, but nevertheless, Muse A invites Muse B inside to talk. Muse B tries to break it as gently as possible — that night they stormed off over a year ago, they were attacked by a vampire and now Muse B is one. Muse A doesn't believe it, until Muse B shows them. Muse B promises that they won't hurt Muse A and that they've only stayed away so long because they wanted to be able to control their bloodlust before coming back. Muse B has had time to reflect on how much they need Muse A in their life and how much better their relationship could be now because they're hell-bent on making up for all of the bad times they used to have and they have an eternity to do so. Muse A must decide if they can trust Muse B at all, especially after Muse A accidentally witnesses Muse B feeding on someone.
(They have no titles! I'm sorry loves!)
Plot 1 ****
Muse A has been groomed since birth to be a respectable noble-person, constantly reminded to practice the etiquette proper for their gender and expected to anticipate the day they will meet a well-bred suitor. Muse B has never enjoyed the privileged life despite being within arm's reach of it; they've worked on the estate grounds for Muse A's family since they were a mere child and have observed the high life of the aristocracy all the while with envious eyes. Perhaps due to their contrary social standings,Muse A has always been fascinated with Muse B and vice versa. With Muse A constantly under the watchful eye of their chaperone, Muse A and Muse B have resorted to leaving letters for one another in an old tree on the property; they've been planning for several days to meet one another in secret.

Plot 2 *****
When their successful, merchant father amasses enough wealth to afford a valuable piece of property, a rather unrefined Muse A finds themselves thrust suddenly into the upper class. Though they have no title by birth, Muse A is now considered eligible for courtship by noble sort. Now more than ever, it's of great importance that Muse A learns proper deportment- how to conduct themselves in society-from a professional; Muse B is hired for this purpose, to prepare Muse A for their debut to society at a grand ball. Every day Muse A attends etiquette lessons, in which Muse B attempts to teach essentials such as how to dress, how to ride a horse, and how to behave at a formal banquet and so on. Muse A proves to be an exhausting student, never quite behaving as they should, questioning every rule.
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I would love to do the Good x Bad pairing. :) Pm me! I'd love to discuss!
I really like a lot of your ideas! PM me and we can figure something out!
I am interested in some of these . . . ..@Misguided†Ghost. PM me. ( Leaning towards playerxHard to get and VampirexHuman)
oh! I like you! your cool. question: do you accept other Plots? If you Do, Pm me, if not, Pm me anyway, because I'm up for Bad Blood, but I cant decide whether I want Thr Vampy, or Hooman.
is plot 2 from the victorian era still open. please say its still open uwu
I looove Beauty and the Boss. PM me and we can definitely work something out (:
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