In the Land of Blood and Gold.

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Hopeless Romantic
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
My availability tends to vary with the ebb and flow of work, but we're all adults here. I'll be sure to give a heads-up if posts are slow coming.
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
My favorite genres include Romance, Fantasy, Crime, Sci-fi, Adventure, Superheros and Modern.

  • 3975358-4441786191-tumbl.gif

    | Takes place during Thor: The dark world. |
    GM: Sav | Co GM: None |

    _P l o t_

    anished days after being born, four children never knew life inside of Valhalla. Centuries have passed and within that time frame, their mothers were slaughtered by Asgardian soldiers, their homes burned to the ground. After hearing of their father's imprisonment, these young jotun Godlings have decided that it's time to take back what has always been rightfully theirs.
    Every villain is a hero in their own mind.

    According to Norse mythology, Loki sired four children: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel and Sleipnir. Odin, fearing the mix breed children immediately ordered their banishment once he learned of their existence. For some time they lived away from Asgard--in other worlds. Their mother Isolating them from the other Aesirs in fear of discovery. After their worlds go up in flames, the four have band together in search of their father. After learning of his imprisonment, bitter and grief stricken, they decide to overtake Asgard by any means necessary and rescue their father.

    War wages and by means of Thor, it is brought to Earth. The Avengers have no choice but to fight but even with the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D at their side, securing the fate of Mankind will be a task many deem as near impossible. The seven worlds are aligning and the hunt for the Aether is on. Will yet another world burn?

    _Miscellaneous Info_

    - Essentially follows the plot line of Thor: The dark world

    - Oldest to youngest : Jormungandr, Fenrir, Sleipnir, Hel.

    A R C S

    Arc one:

    Arc two:

    Arc three:

    Arc four:​

  • R u l e s _

    - Must be Familiar with Norse Mythology and the Marvel movies.

    -No one Liners. I expect 3 paragraphs at the least, when you include detail and such, meeting that requirement isn't a difficult task. Put loki at the bottom of your CS. The more the better, so that everyone has something to respond to. Once the plot thickens, I'm sure you all will be writing novellas. However quality is important also. Help progress the plot.

    -Master Posts will be posted on Saturday's.

    is a possibility. If your character dies, feel free to make another!

    -No sexual situations please. Take it to Libertine.


    "Where are my children?!"

    "Brother, you know good and well that they are dead."

    "YOU are not my brother!"

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Just saying: Twice a day is quite a lot to ask for given things like time zone differences. In certain RPs, everyone else has been posting at like, 2 and 3 AM, which is obviously an impossible time for me.
You don't have to post at the same time as everyone else, simply post twice, within your own time zone.
but posting requires someone to reply to, so if no one else is posting during the times you're awake, you have no way of posting twice. Unless you have 2 characters, anyway.
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but posting requires someone to reply to, so if no one else is posting during the times you're awake, you have no way of posting twice. Unless you have 2 characters, anyway.
There's always something to reply to, I imagine. What is your average post length? I'll consider bumping your post requirement down to one but your posts would have to be longer and more detailed. However you can consider a side role, those will open up once the main character slots are filled and approved.​
I'm presuming that this is based on the Marvel Universe's Thor series and not Norse Myths in general?
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I'm presuming that this is based on the Marvel Universe's Thor series and not Norse Myths in general?
Loki's children are taken from Norse mythology but the plot is based in Marvel's universe. c: Great question.
Loki's children are depicted in Marvel works I have heard. I heard something about Hel keeping Bruce Banner's soul in the Underworld and thus causing the Hulk to rampage or something. Don't really remember the details.

I've seen Jormungand animated but Marvel Fenrir, not so much.
Loki's children are depicted in Marvel works I have heard. I heard something about Hel keeping Bruce Banner's soul in the Underworld and thus causing the Hulk to rampage or something. Don't really remember the details.

I've seen Jormungand animated but Marvel Fenrir, not so much.
Oh, well I hadn't known. But as for the Marvel Movies, I'd rather just keep it separate since I'm not familiar with that bit. xD The plot will eventually progress to earth, I hope. There's going to be interaction with the Avengers and so forth. Is there a specific role that you're interested in?
I'm still pondering.
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I'm afraid I don't know anything about Marvel, so I won't join. I just thought it might be useful to point out the timings to save trouble later on.
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I'm afraid I don't know anything about Marvel, so I won't join. I just thought it might be useful to point out the timings to save trouble later on.
I guess I will say the same, lacking Marvel knowledge as well, in case loopholes are bumped into.
I guess I will say the same, lacking Marvel knowledge as well, in case loopholes are bumped into.
You don't need super extensive Marvel knowledge, but alright!
I'm not exaggerating when I say I don't know anything. All I know is that there's a guy that turns into a green dude, a guy who cases himself in metal and a guy based on Norse Mythology.
If possible, I'd like to play as Hel.
The spot is yours! :D Just fill out your CS. I have to add Background to the CS so give me just a moment to get that up, and you can have at it!
I'm not exaggerating when I say I don't know anything. All I know is that there's a guy that turns into a green dude, a guy who cases himself in metal and a guy based on Norse Mythology.
Oh, well yikes. You should watch the Marvel movies, they're great!
I'm not a fan of super hero movies, so that's not going to happen. Super hero RPs are alright because RPers tend to be a lot more creative and a lot less generic than hollywood, but I'm not fond of predictable plots outside of slice of life anime, so it'd be a very strange day on which I voluntarily watch a superhero movie.
  • Thank You
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