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[fieldbox=Kyler Jones Hadley, #cc0014, solid]

It probably didn't take long for Kenna to reply to Kyler, but to him it felt like ages. And, what she did say only further confused him. Can't do what? Normally, he would happily lean into Kenna when she cupped his face, but Kyler remained still. He stared down at her with worry in his eyes, confused as to where all of this was coming from.

"I love you too," Kyler replied when she said the same to him, his voice soft. He sounded just as confused as he felt, and for whatever reason he felt wounded by her words. Usually, those words brought a smile to his face. Usually, they lifted his spirits higher then he ever believed possible. Usually, they were the highlight of his day.

But, not this time.

Kenna only confused him more when she leaned in and kissed him. Instinctively, he kissed back, but ultimately his kiss was hallow. His eyes remained open, there was no passion and all he could think was, What is going on? Everything felt wrong, and he had no idea what caused the offset.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. You need someone stronger."

Kyler's head cocked to the side as he tried to comprehend what she was trying to say to him. Someone... Stronger? He stood there, staring at her silently for what felt like a decade. In reality, it was only a few seconds. Finally, his brain was able to make sense of the situation, and his heart gave a painful lurch.

"Are you... breaking up with me?" Kyler asked, sounding both surprised and broken. He was suddenly filled with emotions, all of them fighting to become dominant. Kyler slowly walked backwards away from Kenna, running his hands through his hair. An anxious tendency.

He then started to walk in a circle very rapidly, panic. His hand rubbed the back of his neck harshly, confusion. Tears began to form in his blue eyes, threatening to breach the surface and roll down his face. Sadness. Kyler turned to look at her again in disbelief, holding his breath for a moment.

Then, he quickly jerked away and punched a mat that had been rolled up and leaned against the wall. Anger. It seemed as if there was a winner. "That's total bullshit and you know it, Kenna," Kyler hollered, turning and stomping up to her again. His shaky hands hovered over her shoulders once more, and then his hands balled into fists and he pulled them away.

"You're too good for me," Kyler exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and walking in another circle. His voice echoed throughout the training room, and he was sure anyone outside would hear him. But, he wasn't concerned about that at all. It was the last thing on his mind. Seething, Kyler slammed both of his fists on the opposite wall.

With heavy breaths, he looked over his shoulder at Kenna and stared at her for a moment. How could she tell him she loved him and then break his heart like that? It wasn't fair. It wasn't right. Why would she think I need someone stronger?

"Who said that to you?" he suddenly shouted without any explanation as to what he meant. He stepped away from the wall and pointed his finger to her. "Who? Because I swear to God I'll fucking snap their neck for telling you you're not good enough!"

[fieldbox=Breanne Grace Herman, #8100d1, solid]

Breanne smiled down at the man beneath her, loving the feeling of him playing with her hair. His voice was soft, but because there was no other noise around then she heard him as clear as a bell. She wrinkled her nose as Maxon leaned up to kiss it.

"I love you so much that I forget what hating myself felt like."

The husky tone of Maxon's voice sent a shiver down Brea's spine. It wasn't often she got to hear him speak like that- Then again, it wasn't often that their conversations weren't war related. Brea bit her bottom lip gently, unsure of how to react to that. She hated hearing that Maxon hated himself, but it made her feel special to know that she helped him to see all of his good qualities. It showed that she was so much more to him than just someone who kept him from going on a murder spree.

The more Maxon spoke the wider Brea's smile seemed to get. She didn't know what provoked Maxon to suddenly shower her with compliments and lay his heart out for her, but she wasn't going to question it. For once, she felt like they were a normal couple. Totally in love, despite everything going on around them.

Brea kissed him back soulfully, and after a few moments she pulled away. Slowly, her eyes opened again as she met his gaze. Breanne then readjusted herself so she could lay her head on his chest, breath in his scent. How does he always smell so good? He was just perfect in every way. She could hear his heartbeat, which somehow made everything seem more peaceful.

"I love you too," Brea said as she breathed out, sounding as if she was in a love struck daze. After a beat she added, "And, I don't think it's ridiculous to dream about those things." Truthfully, Brea wished she could have dreams about them going on dates, instead of the nightmares that haunted her every night.

"Maybe... that will be our reality someday," Brea continued. It suddenly occurred to her that she didn't really know what Maxon wanted in life. They had always been so caught up in the war and liberating Panem that they'd never gotten the opportunity to share what they pictured their lives like in a perfect world.

Does that make us a bad couple? Brea wondered, slightly worried. What if we don't want the same things? What if after the war is over we'll have nothing left in common and drift apart? Brea never wanted that to happen, but she did recognize it as a possibility. A very tragic one, at that.

"Do you want kids?" She asked suddenly. Almost immediately she realized he may take the question the wrong way, and so she very quickly added, "I mean, not right now, obviously. But, someday?" Was that something the legendary Maxon Odair dreamt about too? Did he want to have little rascals to walk to school and read bedtime stories to?

Absentmindedly, Brea traced circles on Maxon's chest. She hadn't been this at peace in... well, probably her whole life.
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[fieldbox=Kenna Gray Everdeen, #43B7BA, solid]


This was for the best right? It had to be for the best because with how weak she was, she was only going to drag Kyler down. He would get over this...he would find someone so much better than her and then he would be happy. That's all she wanted for him, to be happy.

Her blue optics followed him around the room, watched his every movement and the tears form in his equally blue eyes. Those eyes...the ones that she loves so much. The ones that looked at her with so much love and adoration,now there was just sadness. She didn't want this. Kenna jerks back when he punched a mat and hollered at her. This was the boy from District two...the one she fell in love with and at this moment, the one that scared her to death.

He wasn't some monster and she knew that but right now she wanted to run away and she had to mentally tell herself not to run. No one should have to feel like that. He was in a fit of rage and she understood, this was coming out of the blue. The decision to break up with him came out of the blue for her too but it's whats best. She loved him and she was doing this because she loved him.

Another shout and this time Kenna stepped back, caved in on herself and a look of fear crossed her features. She couldn't help but wonder if this was what he was like back in training, who he really was. This right now scared her and at the same time she knew that this is what District 13 needed in order to win the war. Kenna didn't have this in her...at least not enough of it to win them the war. Her heart ached and she wondered if it was possible to die of a broken heart.

"Stop." She spoke up, her voice broken and cracking. She rubbed her temples and squeezed her eyes shut tightly. She wanted this to end, she wanted it to all just end and be over. She sniffled and wiped at her eyes, over and over again until she felt for sure that she wasn't going to cry again. She knew she was but that wasn't something she could prevent.

Taking a deep breath she took a hesitant step closer but left enough distance between them. She needed to be strong now, if she was going to do this then she couldn't break down crying. "No one told me." She made sure her voice was firm and steady. She had to take an extra long pause and closed her eyes once more. "I. Cant. Do. This. Kyler I wasn't raised or born to lead a war."

Kenna licked her lips and forced herself to look him in the eyes. "All of this is killing me, and...and I don't." A few more tears raced down her face. "I don't want this. This isn't working. A shake of her head. "I feel like I'm hiding too much from you and...there are things we aren't telling each other. And I don't think..." She choked and had to wipe at her eyes again. "I just don't think loving you is enough anymore." There it was, out in the open. "You grew up in District 2 where you were told to do this and do that. And you grew up independent, but I need to know that you can rely on me." Where was she going with this? She didn't know.

"You don't rely on me! That hurts. You don't tell me anything that you're feeling or going through. She was being a hypocrite, she did the same thing. "I heard from Lacey that you brought in two new people and then I come in here and you're telling Terra all about it!" Kenna felt that Kyler never shared anything with him but with other people it was all up for grabs. She was taking everything out on Kyler which was unfair to both of them but this was the problem with their relationship probably.

The lack of their communication. And now everything was crumbling and breaking down.

[fieldbox=Maxon Atlas Odair, #150567, solid]


The feeling of her head on his chest brought him so much relief. It reminded him that she was here with him and it was going to stay that way. He was going to make sure of it. There were times he would wake up from a nightmare where he lost her, whether it was from the war or she decided to leave him because she couldn't stand him. "I hope that'll be our future." He muttered softly as he carefully ran his fingers through her hair. This brought him such a sense of calm. He loved her and she made him calm.

When he heard her question, Maxon's movements paused and he furrowed his brow. In all honesty he never thought about that, if he wanted kids in the future. Well he did and it was an easy answer. He didn't, at least not at the time. He had gotten back from the games, the games where he lost it. He didn't want to bring a child into such a terrible world, not to mention his hands were bloody and soiled. He didn't want to ruin such a pure thing with his darkened and terrible soul.

"No." He stated as his gaze shifted back towards her and he ran his fingers through her hair again. "That's what I thought at first at least. Now? I'm not too sure." He frowned slightly. "It was a definite no at first though mostly because I didn't want to bring a kid into this world. I didn't want to worry about them fighting for their lives and then watching them possibly die on television. No parent or kid should be worried about that." He spoke softly.

This was honestly the most he's ever really talked about himself, what he's wanted, thought about, wished and hoped for. "Not to mention I believed that someone like me...didn't deserve to have such a precious thing in my life. My hands were so bloody and soiled from the games. I didn't want to contaminate such a wondrous thing." He was opening up to Brea and he would be lying if he said he was okay with that.

It wasn't that he didn't want to open up to Brea, but more along the lines that he wasn't used to it and so it kind of scared him. What if he said the wrong thing and she decided to run away? "Sometimes I'm afraid that I'll still scare you away." He admitted. "But with you...the idea of having a kid doesn't seem so bad." Maxon toyed with the idea before he realized what he said. "I mean..." He coughed a bit and turned his face so she couldn't see how red he was. "That uh really depends on the future, and if you want kids too and you know..." He chuckled faintly. Sometimes he felt like he put his foot in his mouth way to often.

"Would you want kids?" The idea of seeing children run around at their feet made him smile faintly. Hearing them call mom and dad, putting them to sleep and reading them a book and telling them everything was going to be okay. That wouldn't be so bad. "When this war is over...what would you want to do?" He didn't want to think about not making it out alive and so he was going to believe that they were going to make it out alive. "I'm willing to do whatever you want when it's over." He whispered softly as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. This was his everything, his forever, and he was going to do everything in his power to protect his forever.
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[fieldbox=Kyler Jones Hadley, #cc0014, solid]


The command was effective, Kyler was stopped dead in his tracks. He found himself standing with his finger still pointed at her, holding his breath. He watched as she wiped at her face over and over, obviously trying to keep from crying. Kyler wanted nothing more than to come up to her and pull him in his arms, wipe away her tears and tell her everything was okay. But, his own anger and sadness kept him from even taking a step in her direction.

He winced as she took a step closer to him, though he wasn't sure why. Her words cut through the air, and by now Kyler wasn't holding his breath anymore. Instead he was breathing heavily, still consumed with anger. Much of what she had to say fell upon deaf ears, though he was able to focus on a few key points.

She wasn't raised to be a leader, okay. But he didn't see what that had to do with them. The war and their relationship were two completely separate subjects, why was she even dragging that into this? Excuses, he thought bitterly, sucking on the inside of his cheek to keep from yelling at her. If she wanted to dump him, fine, but she didn't have to come up with lame excuses for it.

"I don't want this. This isn't working."

That hurt. A lot. Kyler winced again, feeling the pain of her words at full effect. The pain was quickly replaced with more rage again, she was contradicting herself. First she's not good enough for me, now I'm not good enough to make this work, He though, shaking his head and looking down at the ground between them. Pick one.

"I just don't think loving you is enough anymore."

Another low blow. Tears were running down Kyler's face, but he didn't even notice them. He licked his lips, and a low chuckle escaped him. One of his hands rubbed the back of his neck harshly, the other remaining in a tightly balled fist. The mention of his sparring partner caused Kyler's chuckle to cease, and he slowly looked up at Kenna again.

"Terra?" He asked, barely audible. There was a beat of silence, and then Kyler repeated much louder, "Terra?!" he threw his hands out, baffled by what Kenna was willing to use in order to validate this. "She has nothing to do with this," Kyler shouted, taking a single step closer to Kenna. "None of what you said does!"

He licked his lips again, his mouth suddenly feeling very dry. "If you don't love me anymore, fucking fine Kenna," Kyler shouted, his voice cracking halfway through. "But don't go dragging other people and things into it, that's just cowardly!" Shaking his head, Kyler punched the mat again, though he wasn't aiming for it. He was just throwing his fists out now.

For a moment Kyler folded his arms against the wall and pressed his face into them. His body trembled as more tears escaped him, dripping down onto the floor. He swallowed hard and whispered, "You're really good at killing us Hadley men. Bravo, Twelve."

As soon as the words were out Kyler wanted to take them back, swallow them and lock them away in his insides forever. He hoped that she didn't hear him, he had whispered it very quietly. But, if she had heard there was nothing he could do about it now. Pushing off the wall Kyler wiped his tears, and took one more look in Kenna's direction.

"Just go," He said, almost pleading. "You came and said what you had to stay, why are you even here? You want to leave me... so just leave me already!"


[fieldbox=Breanne Grace Herman, #8100d1, solid]

It was clear her question made Maxon stop and think, and Brea got slightly anxious as she awaited his answer. When he did answer she wasn't surprised. No one wanted to bring a child into this world just to risk having them reaped and watching them die on television. She couldn't help but wonder why people continue to have children in their circumstances. She never understood that.

Maxon continued on to say that he also worried he would taint his child. This caused Brea to frown, He thinks so little of himself. She really hated to hear such things, because he wasn't some disease. He didn't ruin everything he touched. He was just like most other Victors were; He was damaged, but still human.

There wasn't anything evil about him. Couldn't he see that? Even what he was saying should prove it. Maxon was the type of person to miss out on having a family because he didn't want a child to receive his "bad genes." If that wasn't selfless and pure Brea didn't know what was.

A slight giggle came from Brea when he mentioned he worried he'd scare her away, she thought the idea was ridiculous. She had literally seen him at his darkest and most monstrous place- first hand, even- and she was still here laying on the floor with him. Nothing he could ever do would scare her away, because she saw him as he really was.

Brea laughed with Maxon as he tripped over his words, trying to correct himself but only seeming to dig a bigger hole for himself. Not that she minded, it was adorable. Honestly, if she ever were to have children she would want them to be his, so his original statement hadn't phased her in the least. In fact, the idea slightly exited her.

"Maybe one," Brea replied when he asked if she wanted children. "But, not any more than that, I don't think. I'm not too sure I'd make the best mom, so it's probably just best I don't bite off more than I can chew." She shrugged her shoulders, snuggling into his chest.

"And, I've never really thought about what I'd want to do when this is all over, to tell you the truth," Brea added, pausing for a moment to think. "I mean, I guess once we overthrow Snow there will be a lot of people who need our help still. And, we'll have to think of a new way to run things... Though, I guess Coin will be in charge of that part."

Brea breathed in, staring at the wall across from her. "I think... I'd want to travel," She suddenly decided. Slowly, Brea propped herself up so that she could look up at him. "I mean, if traveling between the districts will be allowed. I remember when I went on that tour they send Victors on after they've won I was really fascinated by all the districts. I mean, it was sad to see all those people and everything, but it was also kinda... cool?"

Shaking her head to herself, Brea sighed. "I don't think I'm making much sense... I just think that after the war the Districts are gonna need a lot of help adjusting. And, I'd like to help, I guess."

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[fieldbox=Kenna Gray Everdeen, #43B7BA, solid]


It felt as if the walls were caving in on her and she couldn't breath. [/fieldbox]​
[fieldbox=Kenna Gray Everdeen, #43B7BA, solid][/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=Kyler Jones Hadley, #cc0014, solid]

All Kyler could do was watch as Kenna left him. He wanted to curl into himself and disappear. He wanted to take her in her arms and calm her. At the very least he wanted to wipe the tears away from her face. But none of that was possible. He couldn't even find the strength to look away.

"For both our sakes I hope I die in the war."

Her words played over and over in his head as he stood there, staring at the door she had fled through. He felt broken, hurt. Slowly, his breathing calmed but his body continued to shake. He could have stood there for hours, or it could have been minutes. The concept of time escaped him as he tried to figure out what had just happened.

Where did we go wrong? He wondered helplessly. Kyler didn't even notice his vision being blurred by tears, he didn't move to wipe them away as they streamed down his cheeks. Eventually his body stopped trembling. Eventually his anger subdued. And sometime after that his sadness left him too.

And once the pain, regret and sorrow left him, Kyler was left with nothing.

His cheeks were stained with his tears, and he felt emotionally exhausted. But he didn't seem to care about either. In fact, Kyler couldn't find it in himself to care about anything. He felt completely empty. And in this emptiness, he found familiarity. He had known this feeling before.

The young man moved to pick up the mess his former lover had created. Kyler chose not to think of her as he did so, it would only bring the pain back. Thanks to his childhood Kyler had gotten very skilled at ignoring the things that bothered him. Instead he thought of the blades on the weapons. They were surprisingly well crafted, and he wondered if they had been made here in 13 or stolen from elsewhere.

He turned the table upright, placed the weapons back on it nice and neat. The only sound in the room was that of the metal weapons clanging against the metal table. Once he was finished he looked over his work, noticing a smudge of red on the side of the table. It didn't take long for Kyler to realize that it was blood. He was no stranger to blood, after all.

His heart lurched as he realized who the blood must have came from. For a moment the tears threatened to return, but Kyler refused to go back to that. He shook his head, shoved the worry he felt for the girl he loved deep down inside of him. She wasn't his to take care of anymore. He swallowed hard, and went to look for a cloth to clean it up with.


[fieldbox=Breanne Grace Herman, #8100d1, solid]

Brea's lips curled back, her head inclined to gaze over at Maxon. Her eyebrows knit together as he revealed how the people of District 13 made him feel. It disgusted her how people so easily just took him for what they saw in the Games. It seemed only common sense that the tributes people saw in the Games were completely different personas than those unfortunate souls actually were. It hurt her that Maxon was so easily influenced by the whispers of complete strangers. She wished he could block them out, wishes he could recognize who he really was.

He seemed to get caught up in what he was saying. Breanne couldn't really blame him, it was heavy stuff. And, although they knew they could rely on each other for anything, the couple had never been big on sharing their feelings with each other so blatantly. As he looked up at the ceiling Brea took one of his hands in both of hers, holding it tightly.

Her smile returned as he shifted to meet her gaze. Those eyes that she loved so much, they were so warm welcoming. When she looked into his eyes Brea felt more at home than she had ever before in her life. As Maxon continued Brea could feel herself tear up, and she tried to blink the liquid away. It made her feel guilty, but she liked to hear that his heart was hers to break. Not because she ever wanted to do so, but because it showed her just how committed he was to her.

Just as he was the only person she'd ever want, she was the only one he wanted, too.

Her lips met his, and as she closed her eyes a single tear escaped and rolled down the side of her face. She loved the feeling of his long fingers in her hair. With passion that matched his, Brea kissed him back, feeling more loved than she ever thought possible. Without pulling away she moved to straddle him, one hand resting on his chest and the other finding it's way to his cheek.

When she pulled away Brea kept her face close, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. She smiled at him softly, breathing in his scent. "I'm not going anywhere," She promised him, her voice low but sincere. "The only place I ever want to be is where you are."

She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts, just enjoying the way it felt to sit with him. "You are the only thing that makes me happy. Not happy like when mom surprises me with a special meal or when my sister got excited about something new she learned. Not the same kind of happy that I felt when I won my games."

She inhaled deeply, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. "Like, really happy. It's not like anything I've ever felt before. When you step into the room... I can feel my worries get weaker. Everything seems less scary when I have you by my side, more possible. I feel the happiness in my bones, and with every pump my heart gives."

Brea's smile widened, and she looked up at the wall behind Maxon. Again, she didn't feel as though she was making any sense. She was just blabbering on, not seeming to ever get to her point. Looking back at Maxon she said, "I guess what I'm trying to say is... you're my happy place. No matter how bad things are, you somehow always make it.. better. Just by being mine."

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[fieldbox=Kenna Gray Everdeen, #43B7BA, solid]

It felt as if the walls were caving in on her and she could't breath. The tears blinded her, people's faces blurring far too much for her liking. Since when was she like this? Since when was she so weak that being in a relationship was even too much? Then again this pressure, she was never used to it.

She never asked for it.

Before she knew it her feet were carrying her down a familiar passage, one she knew too well and one that could easily get her in a substantial amount of trouble. She couldn't be down here right now, she needed the fresh air. The light filtering down a path led her outside, the one she took when she brought Kyler before everything went so…so wrong and spiraled out of control beyond her reach.

The fresh air reached her nose, her feet moving from pavement to crunching leaves. Immediately she felt more relaxed, calmer dare she say. This was her home, not some small place deep down under the earth where President Snow couldn't find them. Kenna's feet carried her along the familiar path, one she had taken numerous times when Kyler was off on missions.

This felt right. And for a little bit, she felt like herself again. She wasn't Kenna, the one leading the war, or Kenna from District twelve, she was just… Kenna.

The earthy scents and the naturestic sounds brought her peace. She moved down the rocks, careful not to slip and set down by the water. Peeling her shoes off she plunged her feet into the frigid liquid, letting all the tense muscles relax. She felt better. Her heart beat calmed and the tears subsided, and since her outburst she was able to stop and think.

There was a dull ache on her hand from where the weapons had pricked her skin, the blood was dried and caked, leaving a rusty metallic scent. What happened? She thought to herself as blue eyes scanned the water. Honestly, probably a lot more she didn't know about. Kenna herself never voiced to Kyler about her concerns, how she was struggling trying to lead this battle. How she felt as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders.

But why? Why did she never tell him? Was she afraid he wouldn't understand? Probably. He just seemed so sure of himself, for everyone one step she made, he was already calculating their next seven steps. It was a good leadership trait to have, one that she was proud he had, but maybe that was just one of the many things that she felt he wouldn't understand. He was born to be a leader, she could see it every time she watched him.

Communication was lacking with them. They ever talked about anything else other than how much they loved each other, and that could only carry a relationship so far. With a heavy sigh Kenna closed her eyes and leaned back on her hands, lifting her face up towards the sun and soaking it all up. Right now she didn't care if she got in trouble, she was going to take as much time as she needed until she felt ready.

[fieldbox=Maxon Atlas Odair, #150567, solid]


Maxon wasn't used to sharing his feelings, not even before he met Brea. In fact the two rarely ever shared how they truly felt, sometimes he just thought she could feel it. If he didn't say it, he always tried to show how much he cared through his actions. Maybe it was the way he kissed her forehead, pressed tiny little kisses to her lips, or made sure she was comfortable in extreme social situations, or even sometimes tried to let her stand on her own two feet. However, moments like this, where he just told her everything that burdened him and how she relieved him of it, moments like this weren't that bad.

Her lips on his after his long spiel, at least long for him, only settled to confirm that she felt the same. His hands carefully moved from her hair to settle on her hips, his touch gentle, but not the gentle that it had first started out as. When he first held Brea, Maxon always made sure he had a gentle touch, lest he break her. It wasn't necessarily because he thought she was a fragile person, it was more like he was afraid that his strength would break her.

For years he had admired her from afar, exchanging small words with her and there, but he was worried that his hands were too bloodied. She was on this shining pedestal, far from his reach. He never wanted her to leave that shining position, but now…he didn't care. She was really to sink down and dirty herself just to be with him, just to help him get out of his own hole. And with every step that she was by his side, he felt stronger, he felt something inside of himself shifting so that he was looking at himself in a new light.

She was perfect. She was all he would ever want in life, and being with her made him feel human.

Listening to her talk Maxon couldn't help but chuckle ever so faintly. Brea was adorable when she blabbered, talking about anything and everything before ever getting to her point, even if she never got to her point. It was one of her quirks that he loved.

"You're my happy place too." He muttered faintly, carefully reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear, a warm smile playing at the corner of his lips. Honestly it was a smile that was solely reserved for her and for her alone. The other smiles he had were, in some people's opinions, charming yes, but they weren't real. They didn't reach his eyes, he felt that they were far too fake for his liking, but sometimes people needed to be pleased.

There was a bit of silence before he sucked in a big breath, eyes closing for a bit before speaking up. "You know, when this is all over, if we succeed, I wanna do something fun with you. Much more fun than this." In this moment Maxon was fairly surprised with himself. If he was being honest, thinking too far ahead wasn't something he enjoyed doing for numerous reasons.

"We could go to the sea, I'd love you take you back to my District, formally introduce you to my parents without all of these stupid war politics in play." He carefully moved to grab her hand, lacing his fingers through hers and pressing a kiss to each finger. "My mother would love you, sometimes she already talks about what a sweetheart you are." A faint laugh escaped his lips.

Maxon wanted to voice possibly meeting Brea's parents but at the same time he wasn't too sure where they were, how they were doing and he didn't want to make her sad. It was a lovely thought though really, something that if they were to make it out of the war alive and her parents were among the living, then he most certainly wanted to meet them. He could only hope that they would like him.

[fieldbox=Kyler Jones Hadley, #cc0014, solid]

Using one of the small towels provided for wiping up sweat Kyler wiped up the blood, being sure to get every last bit of it. He didn't want to leave anything behind from their fight. In fact, Kyler wanted very much to pretend that it hadn't even happened. He wished he forget all that was said. Go on as if nothing had changed.

Sadly, the young man knew this was not possible. Everything had changed. Kenna was his world, and now she was no longer his. He threw the rag onto the pile of dirty rags the soldiers had been building in the corner near the door. It was clear that none of them were exactly the type to do laundry, their minds were far too preoccupied with training to kill. A slight smile came to Kyler's lips at the realization that he was at least in the middle of doing something that would keep his mind busy. He wouldn't be sitting around trying not to think of his lost love. He'd be doing something. And, something he was very good at.

Inhaling deeply, Kyler's crystal blue eyes swept over the room. The mats on the walls were indented where he had punched them, but other than that he had disposed of all the evidence. It was almost as if their fight hadn't happened. Almost.

Kyler picked up one of the swords on the table, turned it in his hand a few times. It was lighter than he was used to, but he could make due with it if it were the only weapon available to him. Kyler's muscles tightened as he went to swing the sword, but his arm never actually moved. He stood there in his ready stance for a few long moments before he realized he couldn't will his body to move.

Tension began to grow inside of him. What the hell? He wondered, gaze shifting over to the blade. We watched the lights overhead dance on the edges, and after a moment Kyler let his arm drop to his side. Breathing out harshly, he returned the sword to it's spot on the table. For the first time in his life he wasn't in the mood to train. Instinctively Kyler's hand reached up to rub the back of his neck, and he shook his head to himself. What is wrong with me?

Don'cha sulk, he heard his mother's voice in his head. It was something she had told him often as he was growing up. Gets ya' nowhere. Do somethin'.

Suddenly Kyler's feet were moving. He left the training room, walking calmly down the halls. A few uneasy looks from some of the people he passed told Kyler that news was already traveling. To be expected, in such a small and cramped place as District 13. He ignored the looks and continued on at a surprisingly calm and steady pace. Though he didn't meet anyone's gaze he could feel their eyes on him as he passed.

At first Kyler was sure he was going to see his mom. She was the only person he had left, after all. But as he continued he realized that wasn't where he was heading at all. Probably for the best, she would just brag about how she was right about Kenna. He didn't need to hear that right now.

Just like he didn't need to train alone. What Kyler needed was for someone else to completely occupy is attention. To hold a conversation with, take his mind somewhere far away. And he also needed to feel as though he was being productive. Fortunately, there was someone in 13 who could provide all of these things. And as an added bonus, this was someone he could yell at. Someone he could actually let his anger out on.

"I'd like to speak to them," Kyler said as he approached a guard standing outside of a metal door at the end of a long and dark hallway.

"I'm not so sure you have the clearance, Soldier," the other man spoke, standing tall and proud. "Do you have a note from Coin?"

"No," Kyler admitted. "But I brought them in. They're my prisoners, I should be allowed to see them."

"They're District 13's prisoners," the man corrected. Kyler felt annoyance bubbling up within him, and he tried to banish it. If he lost his cool he would only be denied again. "Besides, Coin has been here all day speaking with them herself. There's nothing you'll get out of them that she hasn't already. And they need rest."

Need rest? Kyler wondered. For what? Shaking his head, Kyler looked dead into the soldiers eyes. "Please," He asked, deciding to take a more gentle approach. "Just five minutes, and then I'll come back out. I just have a few questions, that I'll think will be very beneficial." Truthfully Kyler wasn't sure what he was going to say once he was inside, he just knew he had to make it seem important to the mission.

The two stared at each other for what felt like hours. "Five minutes," The Guard finally agreed. silently the two made a promise that neither of them would tell anyone else about this, unless something good came of it. Kyler patted the soldier on the shoulder as a thanks, and stepped swiftly in when the door was cracked open.

The walls were concrete, and the room was split into two separate cells. A light hung from the ceiling in each of them, the metal bars of both cells looking surprisingly sturdy. Each cell held one person, a boy on the left, and a girl on the right. Kyler stepped towards the left, a smile somehow forming on his lips. He had achieved his goal, Kenna was the last thing on his mind.

"Hey Callaway," he greeted the man in the cell with a falsely friendly tone. "How are you enjoying your stay in District 13?"


[fieldbox=Breanne Grace Herman, #8100d1, solid]

Silence engulfed the two, but Brea didn't mind at all. She felt comfortable, sitting with Maxon and listening to his breathing. She smiled down at him, finding happiness in the quiet. This is love, she thought to herself. Never before had she thought she'd be happy to be with someone even when they were just sitting together silently.

Breanne got a sparkle in her eye as Maxon mentioned wanting to do something fun after the war. The concept was almost too abstract for the brunette the fathom. What even was fun? She wasn't sure. Her whole life had been about survival and family, she had never truly gotten the chance to learn what she liked to do. Especially what she liked to do for fun.

Still, it was a very nice thought. One that she was more than open to. Brea breathed out a short laugh when Maxon spoke of 'reintroducing' her to his family. As if things would be different for them after the war. She'll still feel the same pressure to be perfect around them. She'll still need to prove that she is worthy of their perfect little boy.

"I think that would be wonderful," Brea agreed anyways. Who knows? Maybe things would be different. "I'd like that very much." The young girl sat there, staring at the boy before her for a few seconds before she leaned down and kissed him. It was passionate and sweet. She could feel her heart beating against her chest. Brea hoped that she'd never get so use to kissing Maxon that her heart wouldn't go racing each time their lips met.

When the two pulled apart Brea simply shifted to rest her head on his chest, inhaling deeply. Even deep underground Maxon smelled like what Brea imagined the ocean to smell like. Of course she couldn't be sure, since she'd never been there, but his parents had a similar musk to them as well. It was the only plausible deduction she could make about his unique smell that she loved so much.

The soft thumping of Maxon's heart made Brea's eyelids grow heavy. It was her personal lullaby. She tried to fight the feeling of tiredness that was coming over her, but eventually it grew too powerful. The exhausted girl gave in, smiling to herself and squeezing Maxon around the waist. "I love you," She whispered sleepily.

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[fieldbox=Guest Star: Callaway Yamamoto, #551011, solid]


Ask him if this is how he envisioned his life and he would have told you that this wasn't it. If you were to ask him how he envisioned his life he would tell you that he doesn't know but definitely not this. Leaning back in the dingy cell, he looked around the place, blue eyes narrowing ever so slightly. It was musky with a hint of earthy tones, though it made sense since they were underground.

"Annabeth!" He called out, hearing a small shuffle and a tiny sigh leaving the lips of his younger sister. "Yeah?" Callaway couldn't help but let a sigh of relief escape his lips, thankful that she was fine and uninjured. Though he didn't always come across like it, or appear like it, she meant the world to him. That was one of the reasons he volunteered, he wanted to protect her, and it didn't matter how old she got, she would always be his younger sister. Though when he thought about it, and this cell gave him a lot of time to think about it, he wasn't sure when they started to drift apart. Well he was actually sure he could pinpoint where they went wrong, but now he wasn't sure how to fix it.

After he got back from the games he cut himself off from the world, and his family, pushing everything aside and taking on the nightmares he had by himself. Now his relationship with his sister was damaged beyond repair, at least that's how he feels, and not to mention he wasn't even sure if his parents were alive. They at least managed to keep the two siblings together by a single thread, but now that thread was fraying.

"Callaway?" The sound of a voice he grew up with brought him back to reality. It was soft and timid, like it had always been. That timid voice always got her in trouble with the bullies and people around District two. Don't get him wrong she knew how to fight, and she could hold her own, but her meek demeanor and more emotional stance in life made her a target. He always had to protect her, that was his job as her older brother.

"Cal." He shook himself out of his thoughts once more. "Sorry…" He grumbled, letting his head fall back against the cell. "Just wanted… to make sure you're good." He clenched his fists and relaxed before tensing up once more. "I'm fine, are you okay?" He let out a long sigh, giving a shake of his head. "I don't know…I'm pissed in all honesty." He admitted, letting his head hang. Callaway was angry…lately he had always been angry, always snapping at people left and right.

Though considering the fact he had only been with Annabeth for the time being while they tried to get to District 13, she was the one he snapped at the most.

And the small thread frayed even more. There words sorry were on the tip of his tongue, sorry for pushing so hard, sorry for snapping so much, sorry for yelling at you, but he could never actually voice that word. It wasn't something people in District two did that often, showing emotions wasn't a thing, Annabeth was the exception to the rule. Their parents constantly told her to shove her emotions deep down and when she needed, she could let them out at home.

For the first time, in a long time, Callaway wished that he was in the same room as his sister, there to tell her that things were going to be okay even if they weren't. He wished he could see her face in person, and let her know that whatever is going on, they'd make it out together.

When was the last time he uttered those words? Before he went into the games. The things he saw…well guess he could say that he was pretty emotional himself, it was just easier to shove things deep down. His night terrors were awful and he remembered the time she woke him from a nightmare and before he even knew it his parents were pulling him off of her, his mother screaming at him to get off and his father pulling at his shirt.

Every time he closed his eyes he could still see the tears streaming down her face, the hand prints around her neck and the look of fear in her eyes.

Every. Single. Time.

His little sister, one of the few people he wanted to protect, and he was the one who hurt her. He nearly killed her. How could he live with himself?

The sound of footsteps and an equally annoying voice drew him from his thoughts, his gaze shifting to take in one of the few people he hated with a burning passion.

"It's dingy and musty, pretty sure I saw a rat run by, and my ass hurts from sitting on this awful bed. The walls are too tiny, doesn't let me walk around like I like, and I'm pretty sure while I'm in this stupid ass cage I don't need this chains." He glared, holding up the handcuffs, that he reminded him of medieval times, that linked his two hands together, heavy enough that when he let them fall he was pretty sure he could put a dent in the floor.

Seeing that Kyler made no move to say anything else, Callaway continued to complain. "Not to mention this place is cold as hell, I don't even know how people stay warm with these starchy blankets." He paused. "But you're here because you want to know how I'm doing. You want answers, answers to questions the President has probably even already asked."

There was a small snort. "But you can forget it already, there's nothing that we haven't told the President that we are going to tell you Hadley." His voice was venomous and if it could kill, millions would probably be dead already. "You are more than welcome to try though, I've got nothing but time, but don'tcha got a girlfriend or something to go love up on?"


[fieldbox=Maxon Atlas Odair, #150567, solid]


This was peace. This was bliss, and something Maxon honestly never dreamed of having. He was so hard on himself, so damn hard, that sometimes he lost sight of what he truly deserved. Not to say he had an ego, but he was human just like everyone else, despite what everyone said, and Brea got him to see that. So for once, right here and now, Maxon let himself be happy. He deserved, and just like everyone else, he needed to feel this bliss.

Humans survived on interactions with each other, emotions is what kept them alive, granted it is what could also destroy someone, but that wasn't the point. Even the loneliest of people needed some type of interaction, whether it was for long periods of time or not was a different story, but what is a life without loving and being loved? Honestly, a crap life if you were to ask him. Love could make the weakest man strong and the strongest man weak. He learned that, after all the love he had for Brea managed the quell the monster within him.

Carefully running his fingers through her hair, Maxon let out a content little sigh. She never failed to get his heart racing, just the thought of seeing her and spending time with her got him feeling giddy. He wasn't sure if he could ever get how he fully felt across to her, but he liked to think that this moment he was able to explain every little feeling, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes, that he held for Brea.

Hearing her sleepy voice he couldn't help but chuckle, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. "Take a rest love, I'll be here when you wake up." He whispered back, eyes closing on their own. "I'll always be here." He muttered softly, a small promise he honestly didn't mind making. He was going to fight like hell to make sure that he was by her side, no matter what life threw at him, no matter what death may have planned. Until he deemed it time, he would fight like hell, it doesn't matter if fate has other plans, as long as Brea is in his life, he will fight like hell to be by her side.

He listened to the small hum, felt the small vibrations of people walking by, but the best part was that no one thought about bothering them here. It was a small hidden place, a perfect place for him and Brea. It hid them from prying and judgmental eyes, their own little wonder land. "I love you Breanne Grace Herman." She was his his sun, his stars and his moon, the light that guided him out of the wretched place he had fallen so deep into.

One of the best parts was that she didn't mind dirtying herself to help him out. Looking into the future and promises weren't things he did, but with her he didn't mind looking at the future, making small promises that he would try his best to keep. Humming faintly he continued to carefully run his fingers through her hair, letting the bliss settle into his bones.
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  • Love
Reactions: Brea

[fieldbox=Kyler Jones Hadley, #cc0014, solid]

Unsurprisingly, Callaway leaped into complaints. That was one thing Kyler could always count on Cal to do when they were growing up, complain. About training, about food, about who he was sparing. To Kyler, Callaway always had a sour mood. Which was why the girls liked me more, Kyler thought as the other male continued. He had to decided to let Callaway finish his spiel, he seemed to have a lot to complain about at the moment.

Then Callaway asked about Kenna. For the briefest of moments Kyler's smile faltered, but he quickly composed himself. Don't display your emotions, Kyler told himself harshly. He had been acting like a lovey-dovey boy for so long, he'd broken his District 2 habits. Now instead of being first nature they were second nature, something the blond man planned to fix immediately.

"Oh, you're the most important thing in the world," Kyler said sarcastically, stepping closer to the cell. He was glad to see that he had been taken seriously when he told them to take extra care with Callaway. The chains around his wrists would usually be deemed unnecessary, but Callaway was crafty. It was probably a good precaution in this case. "At least, that's what you like to believe, isn't it?"

Kyler's blue eyes swept over to Annabeth, who seemed scared out of her mind. Which was by no means shocking, she had never developed the same emotional control people from their District did. "And there's more than one way I could force you to talk," He said in a suggestive tone, leaving it to Callaway to fill in the rest.

Everyone knew the best way to get to Callaway was through Annabeth. He would protect her against anything, even if it got him killed. Whether that was because he loved her or just to keep his tough guy reputation was still under debate. Though, based on how Callaway had acted in the field earlier, Kyler was leaning towards the possibility that he actually loved his sister. How sweet.

His gaze shifted back to Cal, and Kyler smiled sweetly. It was fake, of course. And Callaway would know it was fake, of course. But this is how Kyler was trained to act in situations like this. He knew exactly how to put on a show. "But, I'm not exactly looking for answers," Kyler said, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "Just thought I would come to check on my childhood friends, that's all."

Stepping up to the bars, Kyler was able to get a good look at Callaway. He was dirty, and Kyler suspected he'd been in this cell since he brought them underground. "You are an awfully long way away from home, after all," Kyler continued. "Why was that again? I know you mentioned something in the field but... Ah, my memory fails me."


[fieldbox=Breanne Grace Herman, #8100d1, solid]

The last thing Brea heard was Maxon telling her how he loved her too. It brought a smile to her slightly chapped lips, and she tightened her grip around his waist. She felt so safe in his arms, so happy. She'd never felt so at peace in her life.

All at once, sleep consumed her. There was no drifting off. One moment she was awake, and the next she was not. Still smiling, Brea began to dream. Her mind painted a beautiful picture for her. She was on a sandy beach, much like the one from her most recent arena. The sand was hard on her bare feet, but she liked the feeling. The air smelled just like Maxon, and so she inhaled deeply.

She'd only seen the ocean once, on the television while she was watching the 71st Hunger Games. That had been the location of their arena. But because of the force field surrounding the arena there hadn't been any waves, and thus there were no waves in Brea's dream. The water was still and clear, and stretched as far as she could see.

"Brea, my love," She heard Maxon call out to her. Brea turned, suddenly noticing she was wearing a bright orange sun dress. Where had her mind gotten this? From the Capitol, surly, but it wasn't as flashy as most Capitol designs. The skirt blew gracefully in the wind, whipping about and revealing her ankles. Brea's brown eyes landed on Maxon, who was walking across the hot sand to her.

Behind him were Maxon's parents, smiling widely at the couple. They seemed older, their hair grayer. And as Maxon drew closer Brea realized he seemed older as well. Still, he was handsome. He smiled at her and Brea felt at ease, no longer concerned with the sudden age leap. "Maxon," she breathed out with a smile as he embraced her. In the real world, Brea squeezed Maxon a little tighter for just a moment.

Then, Brea heard laughter. Her gaze shifted from the man she loved and landed on two children running towards them. One a boy, and the other a girl. Instantly Brea recognized the similarities that they shared with her and Maxon, they must have been her children. "Mommy!" The little girl exclaimed as she joined in on the hug, her brother following suit.

The whole thing seemed so real to Brea. The smell, the warmth from Maxon, the pressure from them all hugging her at once. The whole thing was absolutely blissful.


[fieldbox=Guest Star: Callaway Yamamoto, #551011, solid]


The slight falter in Kyler's smile didn't get by him. People were easy to read if one looked close enough, that was one of the few things that was ingrained in them in two, look for the moment of weakness. That smile didn't tell him everything but it told him enough. "Ah I see, you must've had a fight with ya little chicky, what a shame." He goaded. "Ya broken up yet? I mean it isn't too much of a surprise considering the fact that she was from 12, don't know a damn thing about surviving."

Shifting a bit Callaway let his head fall against the wall, rolling it to the side to glance at Kyler when he spoke up again. Lucky him, he was important. "Don't believe it." He quickly countered, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. Why did he even hate this guy so much? Probably started when they were longer, always competing, always trying to one up each other. Though he couldn't pinpoint to when it got this bad, not that he really cared either.

Watching as Kyler's blue eyes swept over to Annabeth, Callaway felt his blood run cold, and his muscles tensed. He clenched his jaw, straining against the restraints. Her jerking motions rattled the old things, a violent rattle that would make even the most monstrous mutants of the capital shake. Callaway had always known for the other male to be cold, maybe even cruel, but to go after another person's loved one was the lowest of the low.

Isn't that what he did though? Isn't that what everyone did in the games to survive? They took away someone's loved one, some without remorse and others with tons of emotions. "Touch her and you will die." The blue eyed male snarled, his voice low and threatening, so cold that even the fiery depths of hell would freeze over.

He didn't want to give into Kyler, not like this, but if he could do anything to protect his little sister, then he would. And honestly, right now he was too tired to deal with a lot of this, to argue and pretend that he didn't know anything. In truth he knew somethings, though probably not to the extent that others wanted. Though he had to admit, all this anger he had been harboring, it drained him, and now he just wanted this to be all over.

"You and I both know that you didn't forget Hadley." His voice didn't hold the biting tone that it usually did. He moved to rub his eyes the best he could with the restraints he had. Tired eyes shifted to look at the other male on the other side of the bars, just wishing that he could ask Annabeth, after all she'd probably be more than willing to give information than he ever would. "But, as I said, the television screens went black and my parents were pushing us out the door."

There was a small pause as he considered his next words. "My father was saying District 13, my mother said go there and they dragged us to the fence and told us to climb through the small gap." He gave a shake of his head. "Don't know why I'm telling ya this, you ain't gonna believe me anyway, never have and probably never will." He muttered. "He's telling the truth." He heard his sister pipe up and he bit back the response to tell her to just be quiet right now. "Anything else you want to know?"

[fieldbox=Maxon Atlas Odair, #150567, solid]


The sound of Brea's soft breathing calmed him down, and Maxon couldn't help but smile faintly. She looked so peaceful, what an angel. Smiling faintly he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, wondering what she could be dreaming about.

He himself wasn't too sure if he could fall asleep right now, he was wide awake, way too wired being here with the one he loved the most. His heart beat for her, and in his opinion he liked to think that they were the epic love story, she turned his world and Maxon would gladly let her turn his world for as long as she so liked. There was so much love for her. If he could he would take the stars, the moon, and everything under the sun and give it to her.

"If only you knew the sunlight shines a little brighter, The weight of the world's a little lighter, The stars lean in a little closer, All because of you." He sang softly, gently stroking her hair. "I want to see you lift your chin a little higher, Open your eyes a little wider, Speak your mind a little louder,'cause you are royalty." His voice was soft and gentle, careful not to wake her up and singing her back to sleep if he did.

"This is your kingdom, This is your crown, This is your story. This is your moment, Don't look down.." This was a song he wanted to sing for his future children, that is if Brea wanted some, and he hoped she did. She'd make a great mother in his opinion. "You're ready, born ready. And all you gotta do is put one foot in front of you. Our ceiling is your floor, And all you gotta do Is put one foot in front of you, If only you knew."

Mason could only wonder what their children would be like. He hoped that they would have their smile, the beautiful smile that he constantly loved seeing. Not to mention her eyes, oh if they had a daughter he would just melt, and just like her mother, she would easily have him wrapped around her tiny little finger. She wouldn't even know it. "I am so crazy, madly and irrevocably in love with you, and there aren't enough words to explain that." There was another tiny chuckle as he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head once more.

He could just see it now, children running around, tiny little feet pattering down wooden hallways. There are little laughs circling around and tiny bodies colliding with him, causing him to topple to the ground and a hearty laugh leaving his chest. "There are my children!" He lifted one in the air, nuzzling his nose with his son and listening to the beautiful laugh that left his lips.

It was a beautiful image, one that he would like to see in the future. It was an image that made him want to fight harder in this war, so that he could make things better for Brea, and for his future children. He just wanted the world to be a better place for the future of all kids, but most importantly, possibly his kids.
  • Love
Reactions: Brea

[fieldbox=Kyler Jones Hadley, #cc0014, solid]

The comments Callaway made about Kenna rubbed Kyler the wrong way, but he focused on keeping the emotion off his face. He had to keep her off his mind. Not just to prevent Callaway from using the weakness to his advantage, but also because if Kyler allowed it his pain would rip him to shreds. Gut him like a fish. This morning Kyler's heart beat for Kenna, and now it had no reason to keep beating. So he couldn't allow himself to even think of her, or else he risked being consumed.

"Touch her and you will die."

The threat rolled right off of Kyler's shoulders, even made him smile a little. It was amusing that Callaway thought Kyler cared about such a thing. Before the games he was ready to die. The glory of winning was preferable, obviously, but death was never a fear of his. It still wasn't. That wasn't to say he was going to roll over and accept death by any means, but he also wasn't going to waste his life by fearing the inevitable.

Kyler watched Callaway's features as he listened to the story he told, looking for any hint that he would be lying. A wasted effort, if he was being honest. Callaway could be just a deceitful as him, there would be almost no way for Kyler to catch him a lie. Which was likely why he always defaulted to not trusting the other male... or anyone he knew from childhood, really.

"He's telling the truth."

Kyler almost looked over to Annabeth, but he chose not to. He wanted to keep his eyes on Callaway, make sure he knew he was being watched. Still, he was inclined to believe her. He'd never known Annabeth to lie. Then again, that would make her the perfect liar, wouldn't it?

Kyler swallowed hard, he was running out of time. Still, there was one question he needed to know the answer to. "Why come?" He asked, his tone accusing. "Whether or not you believed you'd find anyone here, you knew who the people of 13 were. What they stood for. Why would you come here, to people you'd rather kill than help? You're a trained career, well known. Capitol would probably take you in, turn you into a soldier for this war. And then you'd be fighting for the side you believe in."

Now Kyler glanced to Annabeth. He thought about saying something about her, but he knew the Capitol wouldn't have taken her. She was a failed career before she was even a teenager. They would have no use for her. He didn't have anything to say in her regard, so Kyler shook his head and looked back to Callaway. "Your story just doesn't make any sense."


[fieldbox=Guest Star: Callaway Yamamoto, #551011, solid]


If looks could kill the both boys would probably be dead by now, that much was a known fact. His eyes narrowed as he examined the other male, trying to find any chink in his armor before it could be covered up. There was no denying of his words so either they truly did break up or he was refusing to entertain him. Probably both. The smile that Kyler let appear on his face only stood to aggravate him more, but for now, he couldn't find it in him to strain against the cuffs anymore than he already had.

"Why would you come here, to people you'd rather kill than help?"

Kyler Hadley knew nothing about him. He did not know the threats kids sent his sister's way, the threats the peacekeepers themselves made towards her. she was known as a waste of space in District Two, one of the few that would wither away on the streets and amount to nothing. The whippings she had received for helping someone else, for being a good person. But that was the thing, being a good person in the career district never did you any good.

Being a good person got you nothing but pain and suffering. He did not align with the values of the capital, he did not want to fight on their side, or any side for that matter, but hell would have to freeze over before he readily held a gun for them. He could still imagine the faces of those that watched his sister's whipping, the glee that crossed their eyes and the excitement that shone. "I hope they break her." one had whispered, to this day that voice haunted him.

"Then you'd be fighting for the side you believe in."

"Whoever said I believe in the Capital?" he snarled, a look of hate crossing his features, though it was not directed at the male before him, but at those that had caused so much suffering. "You do what you can to survive when you don't fit in." the male spat, his words laced with venom.

He was never one to show emotion, at least not like his sister, but he wasn't as heartless as those made him out to be. The whispers that he was a robot and was merely parading around as a District Two child was ridiculous. "Because when my parents tell me to do something, they mean business." He quickly replied. He had picked up on how suspicious they seemed as of late, the late night whisperings and timid talks. "This place took our things, but inside Annabeth's bag was some documents our parents handed us." The fight drained out of him and Callway couldn't find it in him to lash out, at least not anymore today.

He wouldn't know what the documents were about, they had told him not to look, only to deliver should District 13 still exist. Callaway watched as the blonde's gaze drifted over to his sister before back at him. "If they haven't already, make sure they look, my parents said it was of the utmost importance." Leaning down he rubbed at his tired eyes, the chains echoing loudly around him.


[fieldbox=Kyler Jones Hadley, #cc0014, solid]

"Whoever said I believe in the Capital?"

Kyler failed to hide his shock this time, clearly taken aback by what Callaway had to say. His blue eyes squinted to the other man, again looking for anything that would hint to him lying. Then, his gaze fell to the floor when Callaway spoke of doing what it takes to survive. Could it be Kyler wasn't the only career pretending to love The Hunger Games and what it stood for his entire life?

Blonde eyebrows knit together as Kyler tried to make sense of this new information. Was Callaway telling the truth? Or was this just another one of his tricks? Kyler stole another glance in Annabeth's direction, and the look on her face made Kyler want to believe her brother. Perhaps he put up a front back home because he saw first hand what they do to those who don't fit in...

Kyler was so caught up in his thoughts that he hardly caught Callaway's bit about the documents. He swallowed hard, looking up to Callaway again. His blue eyes studied him for a moment, desperately trying to find a reason not to believe him other than their mutual hatred of one another. He could be playing to my own experiences, he told himself. Trying to make us seem like the same. He shook his head to himself, he wasn't going to fall for it.

At least, he wasn't going to admit he had fallen for it. Unfortunately, Callaway had caught Kyler in a very vulnerable moment. Whether it was the truth or not, he'd given Kyler something and someone he could relate to. The idea made him feel less alone. Wordlessly, Kyler turned and sped out of the room. He couldn't be in there anymore, it was far too risky. He should have never came in the first place.

"That was way longer than five minutes," The guard said to Kyler as he came out of the room, he was obviously worried and annoyed.

"Sorry," Was all Kyler could say as he brisked past the man. He was somewhat in a daze as he made his way to his room and collapsed on his bed. He was asleep in seconds. The day was simply too much for the young man to handle. Between heartbreak, fighting and newfound information... Kyler's life had been turned upside down in a handful of hours.

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Kenna Everdeen

I was never meant to be a warrior

Kenna's heart hurt, she could feel it. it was the kind of pain that was embedded deep into her bones, every movement was too sore and the thought of slapping a smile upon her face seemed like far too much effort. spending the day outside with the running water helped, but she couldn't say that it did much, at least not as much as she was hoping it would.

Truthfully, she already wanted to run back to Kyler, tell him she was sorry and that she was out of her mind. However, she understood that it wouldn't really do much, not to mention it would probably end up doing more harm than it would good. There was a damage in their relationship, one that she wasn't sure they would be able to repair. Not to mention just turning around and asking him to take her back would possibly end up ruining both of their prides, thus ruining it even more.

Sitting outside gave her time to think. If someone were to ask her where they went wrong in their relationship, she could easily pin point all the flaws. For one, they never really addressed the issue that was Cato. It didn't matter than she killed the boy in order to survive, the issue was still there and it seemed that they merely tried to bury over it and forget it.

It was still a burden that she carried, his blood was on her hands. Surely he was more upset with his love killing his brother, and never talking about it was already an unstable foundation, and yet they continued to try and build. It seemed that they just build shaky foundation on top of shaky foundation until it just collapsed.

It seemed that their love just wasn't strong enough to support the rocky foundation that their relationship was built upon. The word star crossed lovers only stood to make her laugh now. Were they really such a thing?

Pushing herself up onto her elbows, a long sigh left her lips, blue hues glancing around the room. Kenna didn't have it in her heart to deal with the blonde male, or anyone for that matter. She wanted to escape back to the outside, but knew full well going to often would get far too risky. Maybe she'd find a way to pry Brea away from Maxon.

After all, she couldn't' remember the last time that they had some one on one time. If she counted it clearly, it was probably while they were in the lunch room before the boys came back with Kyler's mother, but other than that she hadn't had much time with the other girl. Not to mention it might be good to talk about what happened, and at least give a heads up so that they don't get mistaken for still being in a relationship.

There it was, that pang again. Running a hand through her hair, Kenna let her head fall into her hands, another thought floating through her mind. And not to mention Terra, she had to apologize to that girl for being so rude. It just seems to her that her list Things I hate about myself seems to only be growing more na more with each passing second.

Kenna was probably already at fifty reasons and she could have easily sat in bed for a full day listing off every single number, and adding onto it. Swinging her feet over the side of the bed, the brunette finally stood up, moving to get dressed, her heart heavy and her mind foggy. Today was going to be a long day. And she was already tempted to crawl back into bed and go to sleep. Though she was sure President Coin would have a fit if she did such a thing. It wasn't a good representation of their "leaders."

Playfair Display Cardo [font=][/font]

Maxon Odair

I'm a monster, but you are my angel

Yesterday was more than Maxon could have even begun to describe. It was like a dream, one that he would have gladly never woken up from. Then again he had to admit that reality at that moment in time was much better than any dream he could have been given. After all what man could say he'd choose a dream over the reality of having the one they loved in their arms?

Parting was such sweet sorrow and after the special little date, he really didn't want to leave Brea. Just like he had told her yesterday, there weren't words that could describe how she truly made him feel. His heart sang every time he saw her and his stomach never stopped rolling over and over again. It seemed that she just had that hold over him. Brea had him easily wrapped around her finger and he wasn't sure she even fully understood that. She was so cute that way.

Taking his morning stroll around the halls though, he heard a few concerning things. After his little time with his girlfriend, he found a bit more confidence in himself. Of course the District Four male still saw him as a monster, but the words ( at least for today ) that they whispered about him being a monster seemed to easily bounce off. It didn't hurt him as much.

It was the whispers about his two friends that concerned him though. Didn't you hear? They broke up. Maxon paused and turned to look at those that were in the corner, two girls who both seemed absolutely giddy. Clearing his throat, his shifted his full attention to them, slapping an award winning smile onto his face. "Excuse me, but if you don't mind me asking, who broke up?" He questioned.

Maxon watched as their eyes widened before one shyly spoke up. 'Uhm…we heard that Kyler and Kenna had broke up." She spoke timidly, and the male's own eyes widened. It seemed that the two girls went back to their own conversation, mentioning how maybe one of them could get his attention. At the same time the break up seemed sad since they were cute.

Whatever it was, he didn't stay around to listen too much to, turning on his heel and racing back to where he was staying. Now Maxon wasn't one to really but his nose into things ( unless it came to his friends ) and he wasn't one to believe that Kyler really needed a girl or anything to make him happy. It seemed while him and Brea were having a secret rendezvous, things went down.

As he continued down the hall, he heard that there were two people that were captured from District two. Callaway and Annabeth. What would the other District Two male be doing here? He knew he won the games, and he was famous for volunteering for his sister's spot. It was almost unheard of for people to volunteer for a different gender and for some reason the Capital let it happen, not that he was really complaining.

Geez his head was spinning and it was going a mile a minute that for once, his head was actually hurting with all the thinking he was doing. First things first he wanted to see if his ( dare he say it ) best friend was okay. They had seemed so happy and so to suddenly call a quits didn't seem right. Not to mention he was slightly afraid the blonde would go back to the way he was before.

That wasn't to say that he was a terrible person before that, but it just seemed that when his friend was with Kenna he seemed more grounded, happier, and a little more himself. The District two boy that he had gotten to know before the district 12 girl came into the picture was far more colder and cunning than he was now, but without her by his side, what was going to happen? He wasn't sure that he wanted to know.

Finally reaching the door, he pounded on it. "Kyler, open up !" He shouted, ignoring the looks that he got from a few other people. If his friend didn't answer, he was sure that meant two things. Either he was done in the training room releasing his anger, or he was just ignoring him and being stupid as to thinking Maxon would just go away without a fight.


Color Ref: cc0014
Plain District 13 Outfit

When Kyler awoke the next morning, he felt good. He hadn't had any nightmares. The first night in a long time since that had happened. He stared up at his ceiling as he came out of his slumber, allowing himself to wake up slowly. Also another thing he hadn't done in a long while. There was a lingering feeling of dread hanging over him, preventing him to feel any kind of blissfulness from his full night of sleep. Why was that?

He felt the urge to go meet up with Kenna, and as he moved to go do so everything came crashing down on him. He remembered the day before, suddenly finding it very hard to breathe. Everything felt so heavy, even the air around him. Perhaps this was why he didn't have any nightmares- the reality of his situation was worse than anything his brain could think up. He reached for his blanket, wanting to pull it over his head. Escape from the world. Hide away forever.

No, he told himself harshly, throwing the blanket away in a sudden fit of rage. Immediately after, he hung his head in sorrow. Even now, Kyler couldn't sort through his feelings. Was he angry, or sad? Did he want to kill someone, or die himself? He sat up, wrestling with his emotions, a pained look on his face. What the fuck am I going to do?

Kenna was his reason for fighting. Sure, he never liked the Capitol and the way they ran things. But without her he never would have decided to join the revolution. Hell, if it wasn't for her he wouldn't even be in District 13. It was her parent's who saved them from their arena, after all. If things had gone any differently between them he would have probably been left behind. Most likely training to be their soldier in the war instead of their opponent.

Kyler gritted his teeth at the thought. Who even was he without Kenna anymore? He couldn't remember. He sat on the side of the bed, each of his emotions fighting to be the dominant one. It made him feel numb, his gaze falling on the grey wall across from him. Kyler didn't know how long her sat there before he finally stood up, walking to his shower. He seemed to be in a daze as he allowed the lukewarm water to run over his shoulders, flood his vision. The water shut off before he even got to washing himself- it was programmed to only run for a certain amount of time each day to preserve their water supply. Damn this stupid District.

Kyler got dressed in his plain clothing provided by Cain. Now that he was going through the motions he didn't hurt so bad. Ah. The blissfulness of being numb. There was no doubt Kyler would revert back to who he was before Kenna in no time: A young man who was whoever he needed to be in order to survive. A sudden and hard knock on is door pulled Kyler's attention away from his thoughts, and he heard Maxon's voice on the other side. It was uncharacteristic of Maxon to cause such a commotion, something must be up.

Kyler walked over to his door, pulling it open. He pulled a smile onto his face, which turned out to be easier than he expected. Likely because Maxon had provided him with a slight distraction, he was curious to see what had his friend so worked up. "Morning," He said simply, looking past the other male to see how many people were in the hall behind him. "What's going on?" Everyone else was far too calm for them to be under attack, something else must be happening. But what?


Color Ref: 8100d1
Plain District 13 Outfit

Per usual, Breanne was one of the first people in the cafeteria. She got her food, a cup of water, and went to go sit in her usual corner. This seemed to be her routine since the day she arrived at District 13. Some people had grown used to her sitting in the far back corner, even smiling towards her as they walked in. Though, most of them ignored her presence entirely. Just as she preferred.

She poked at her eggs absentmindedly, not really there. She was back in Maxon's arms in her head. Feeling good and loved. The young girl smiled down at her food happily, inhaling deeply. She probably seemed like such a strange girl to outsiders, but she was just in love. Brea wasn't someone who let many people in, but she was really glad she let Maxon so close to her. It was one of the best decisions she ever made.

"Honestly, I don't even know why he was with her in the first place," Brea overheard as a group of people, about her age, sad at a table near her. She wasn't normally one to eavesdrop, but for whatever reason her interest was peaked. Selfishly, she instantly assumed they were talking about her and Maxon. She very quickly learned that she was incorrect in her assumption, however.

"I think the whole thing was always for show," One of the boys chimed in. "I mean, she killed his brother for Christ's sake. How could he like her after that?"

"Oh, definitely," the original girl agreed with a rather aggressive nod. "He totally used her to get rescued from the Captiol, and now that he's here he doesn't need to keep her around."

"Better for the rest of us," One of the girls in the group said, earning an eye roll from the two boys. "Now the rest of us can try for a piece of that hot career ass."

The rest of their conversation fell deaf on Brea's ears, she dropped her plastic fork. Kenna and Kyler?
Playfair Display Cardo [font=][/font]

Kenna Everdeen

Color Ref: 43B7BA
Outfit: Plain District 13 Outfit

I was never meant to be a warrior

Shoving her hands her hands into the pockets of her uniform, Kenna made her way down the long corridors to wherever her feet decided to take her. Her body felt exhausted and drained of anything remotely living, and she was sure her eyes were still red and swollen. There was also a tiny part of her that wished Kyler had just killed her the second chance he had, or she had at least died towards the end of the battle in the arena. That way she wouldn't have to be dealing with this.

"Look there she is." Kenna could faintly hear as she walked by. "Yeah, poor thing," another added, "what do you think it will do to the dynamics?" She wasn't sure what it was, but instead of keeping her head bent like she thought she would; Kenna squared her shoulders and held her chin up. Despite possibly looking like she wanted to die and everything was ending, she wasn't going to let people get to her. At least not to their faces.

Making her way to the cafeteria, her blue hues scanned the area before landing on Brea over in the corner. Instantly she made a beeline for the girl, maneuvering in and out of others and blocking out other whispers that seemed to reach her. If people weren't whispering about how the four were leading everyone to battle, then it was about one of their personal lives. When you're supposedly a leader, there's no break from everything thrown your way.

"Hey…" She interrupted softly, moving to push some of her hair out of her face. "Mind if I sit here?" Kenna questioned, waiting for a reply and smiling faintly when the other answered.

Easing down into the seat, the female let out a long sigh and leaned forward to rest her face in her hands. Maybe Brea already knew about her breakup? Maybe she didn't, but the question was, could Kenna tell her best friend, at least she considered the other female her best friend, without breaking down?

"It's over," her voice cracked, her face still hidden by her hands, "Kyler and I…we, I broke up with him."

Playfair Display Cardo [font=][/font]

Maxon Odair

Color Ref: 150567
Outfit: Plain District 13 Outfit

I'm a monster, but you are my angel

Maxon wasn't one to really care of the rumors that were going around, unless they were about Brea or his friends and it was in a negative light. Then you had an issue on your hands. But this one wasn't really something he could ignore. Was he so wrapped up in his own romance that he missed out on his two friend's unhappiness with each other? Or was there something else going on that he didn't pick up on?

As far as he knew the two were as happy as could be. Nothing seemed to get in their way, then again he could have been wrong about that. Now here was a thing he never thought would happen either. The fact that he would care about others relationships this much, and maybe it wasn't that he cared about the relationship but the happiness of them. He didn't know, but his mind was racing a mile a minute as he pounded on his friend's door.

When the door opened, the male couldn't help but blink and step back, taking in Kyler's calm attitude. Now he himself felt a bit sheepish for seeming to get into such a big tizzy about it. It wasn't even like it was his relationship, so why was he freaking out about it?

"I…actually really don't know why I was so frantic to get your attention." He laughed, scratching the back of his neck and casting his gaze down towards the ground. "I just heard some news and it just threw my for a loop?" He shifted his blue eyed gaze back to Kyler, taking in the male's appearance and demeanor. It wasn't like he wanted to tread cautiously for the sake of not hurting his feelings, but more for the sake of not having him blow up.

Was this something his friend was even going to talk about? It wasn't like either of the males were ones to open up to each other. Though they relied on each other for certain things, they certainly weren't, let's have a tea party and share our deeper and most inner thoughts. That would be too weird, and just not their style. "I heard you and Kenna broke up man." Shoving his hands into his pockets he leaned back on his heels. He wasn't going to be dumb enough to ask why or say it just seems so sudden, you two were great together, that would surely get him a first class trip to a punch in the face. Not to mention no one ever truly knew what was going on through closed doors, sometimes the two parties didn't even know themselves.

Do you want to talk about it? The thought floated through his mind, but instead he said, "You want to go train? I really need someone to spar against and I'm pretty sure everyone else is still too scared to spar with me if you know what I mean." He quickly diverted. It wasn't a lie either. Everyone he trained with either took it too easy or got ready and then said they had something else before they honestly ran out. "Seriously dude, they run out of that room." He chuckled at the near thought of it, if it weren't so detrimental to his own skills he would have been laughing.

Then again wasn't it time to get food? Maybe he was hungry. "Or we could get food and then train." Rocking back and forth on his heels he puffed some air into his cheeks and then blew it out. He'd have to regroup with Brea and talk about this. Geez he was pretty sure if this was the capital they would be eating it up a thousand times more. Also the headline would also say Kyler Hadley avenges his brother and kills District 12!!

  • Love
Reactions: Brea

Color Ref: cc0014
Plain District 13 Outfit

Kyler had thought Maxon was going to provide him with a much needed distraction. Instead, his closest friend had rushed here in a fuss to discuss the one thing Kyler did not want to evemn think about. For a moment, the young male felt extremely angry with him friend, causing both of his hands to ball into tight fists.

Swallowing hard, breathing harshly, Kyler stared back at Maxon. He had said it out loud, brought it back to reality. Made it something that Kyler couldn't just ignore. He hated him for it. For a second, at least. Calm, Kyler told himself, closing his eyes for a long moment. He reminded himself of the face Maxon wore when he asked about it, the concern in his eyes. He wasn't here to hurt Kyler, he wanted to help. And, honestly, Kyler was going to need the support of his friend to get through this.

Loosening his fists, Kyler focused on calming his breathes. This was something he had been trained to do all his life, keep his emotions in check. Especially when practicing for interviews, it was important for any Career to know how to keep a smile when someone said something upsetting.

He only opened his eyes when Maxon asked to go training. Kyler found himself chuckling along with Maxon as he joked about the struggles of finding a partner to spar with. It felt good, so much better than he had been feeling just moments before. If nothing else, it made it easier to pretend that there wasn't a war raging within him.

"I could go for a quick bite," Kyler agreed as he stepped out of his room. The door slid closed behind him, and Kyler began through the hallways. As the two walked, Kyler looked to Maxon briefly. He was still sad, but the smile he wore was genuine.

Maxon and Kyler may have not been friends under any other circumstances, but the blond was glad to have him. All the stuff they'd been through together allowed them to forge a very close and unique bond. They may not be the type to sit around and share their feelings, but they had something better. They understood they way the other was feeling without having to talk about it. And, as Maxon had just demonstrated, they knew how to actually help.

Even better, Kyler knew that if he ever did need that shoulder to cry on Maxon would be there for that too. Their friendship was a forced one in the beginning, but he was so grateful for what it had become. If Kyler was a more touchy-feely type of guy, he might have hugged Maxon in that moment.


Color Ref: 8100d1
Plain District 13 Outfit

Conversation about Kyler and Kenna continued all around her, and Brea found herself listening in on a lot of other conversations. She was trying to piece together what had happened, and if this was even true or not. To her, Kyler and Kenna were meant to be together. It was true that they didn't have the most stable foundation for a healthy relationship. But, these days, who did?

Then, all of the sudden, the conversation began to dwindle. Table by table, people stopped talking all together. Brea looked up in an attempt to figure out why this had happened, only to come face-to-face with Kenna. She stared at the other girl with a slightly shocked expression, and when Kenna asked to sit with her Brea could only nod in response. She couldn't seem to find her words.

Her soft brown eyes followed Kenna as she sat down, and her heart felt immediate pain as Kenna told her what happened. Immediately, Brea kicked into 'mommy-mode.' She reached out and wrapped both her arms around the other girl, pulling her close.

"Shhhh," She tried to calm Kenna, playing with her hair softly. Brea's gaze drifted past the other girl as she held her, eyes connecting with a girl at the table beside them who was staring at the scene. In a moment of bravery, fueled by Breanne's desire to protect her best friend, Brea gave the girl a very dirty look and mouthed, "What?" Quickly, the stranger turned in her seat to look away.

Brea had a thousand questions she wanted to ask her friend. Why? What happened? Don't you love him anymore? Did he do something to you? But, she knew it wasn't the time. Not here, in the crowded cafeteria. People were already gossiping, there was no need to give them anything else to talk about. And, it would be best to let Kenna speak about it in her own time, when she felt ready.

"It'll be okay," Brea said, her voice sympathetic. One hand held Kenna's head, the other rubbed her back lightly. Looking around the room again, Brea wondering if Kenna wanted to cry in front of all these people. Probably not, but she knew feelings like this could be hard to control. "Do you want to go somewhere?"