InFamous [In-Character]

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In a lot of ways, When Bella saw Daemond, it was a relief. Daemond was no stranger to Bella, while the two weren't close, nor were they strangers. Look parties in the city, to charity events, to just randomly bumming into each other. It was good to see someone you know.

"It's good to see you too, Daemond. You know you have no need to call me Miss Horvath."

As Bella listened to the group and they different opinions, Bella was quite. She felt like didn't have a right to give her feeligns anymore after her first try. However, Bella dug deep. Listening to Glass- manson's comments, Bella had a retort ready.

"Just because it'll take work, doesn't mean it should be done! The fight peace and equality has always been a struggle, but look at the past. That didn't stop Martin Luther king Jr or Harvey Milk or the suffragettes. You're right, this may not work out for us, or our generation. However, what about the next generation of conduits? It's duty to make their lives easier!"

Bella maybe she came off too strong, but it had to come from the heart.

"Look, I get letters from young kids and teens everyday. I when I wrote my heroes, they never answers. That's why I always write back. People need role models, they need something to strive towards."

@Atomyk @Enigma @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Borkasu Lazer @Jeremi @Verite
Arnold looked at Bella unimpressed for a moment, having no visible outward reaction to her rant, before replying tiredly, a tinge of irritation in his voice.

" The next generation of Conduits? It's been six months since I got my powers. There's no scientific papers or proofs in the news confirming the existence of a Conduit gene or that our traits can be passed on from generation to generation."

Arnold unscrewed the lid of his tumbler, finishing the last sip of water before replying again, his face looking downwards.

" have a point. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. Which is why we have to be smart about this. Which is why we have to make this smart. Which is why we don't want a recreation of a Micheal Bay Film when we're stopping a robbery. I learnt back then that I couldn't just beat up people and expect gratitude. I'm not against it. I'm saying we have to be smart about it. "

He began to recognise her, a shady memory from a night in the bar coming to the fore-front of his mind. Bella Horvath. Golden Globe Actress. Right in the middle of a bunch of schlubs like him and Ozone. Arnold then chuckled slightly, pointing at Horvath with his tumbler.

" Although, I supposed it's easy for you to say, Ms Movie Actress. Golden Globe Winner. And Oscar Nominee if I remember correctly. Of course, you get letters from young kids and teenagers everyday. Because you're beautiful, popular and you're a actress. Not because you're a Conduit. If they found out that you were a Conduit....., what would happen, then? Would Hollywood still hire you as a actor? Would anyone want to hire you? So, tell me, why haven't you gone public with this information yet? "

@Josh M
"You forgot multi SAG award winner."

Bella smirked at Mason playfully. However, taking a deep sigh, Bella would answer the man.

"Why I haven't ousted myself? That's simple, fear! I'm afraid, I mean, I was afraid. When I first found out what I could do, I hid it from everyone. My dad, mom, siblings, fiancé, everyone. Hell, I still haven't told my mom or my sisters! "

Bella's eyes rolled downward, looking at the ground.

"My career is over, at least for now. I get that. Hollywood has always been more liberal, so I may get an indie part here or there, and one day, maybe steady work again. I'm just afraid my mom and dad will be hurt, along with my fiancé. He might lose his job, and my mom and dad might be harassed. However, I've talked to my dad. He told me I couldn't run from myself, you know? I have to embrace who I am, and what I can do."

@Borkasu Lazer @Verite @Atomyk @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"This isn't how it is going to work," Garrott loudly said over the growing argument, silencing everyone in the room. He turned to the rest of the Conduit folk, who seemed to be close to the same page. But, there were more chiefs than villagers, with every other person thinking that their opinions and ideas were better than the next's.

"We have to think about what is best for our kind and mankind. Yes, there is a line that is drawn between the two. Neither has the fault, but we are feared and it's for good reason too. You know, for every one of us that is here there are Conduits out there who want to use their power for their own means. And they will. These powers may not seem God-like to us, but they are to those who are defenseless."

He slammed his fist down on the table, forceful enough to cause some chairs to fall.

"We have to make a decision, now. We can either be selfish, do nothing at all, or we can make a difference. And, I get it, most of us are loners. And a few of us are too well known not to have our lives changed by being outed. We don't have to be. We can disguise ourselves to the public and no that does mean we need spandex. But, my God, we can make a difference here if we actually had the balls to try. Don't you guys want to at least try, despite the challenges that come?"
" Well, I'm afraid Hollywood wouldn't want to do anything with a Conduit-"

A sudden burst of shouting interrupted him as Garott slammed his fist onto the table, a shockwave emnating out from the site of impact and jostling a few charis stacked in the room, causing them to drop over. Arnold mused briefly on whether it was related to his powers or no but he stood still and in slight shock at the burst of ourage that Garott give. Silence permeated the room. He could hear ragged breathing. The room was on edge. His vision tightened. The air buzzed with all the excitement that ten highly powered individuals could have. The first, real sign of force shown during the meeting.

He then comprehended Garott's speech, his shock simmering downwards, before speaking out slowly towards Breaker, the knuckles of his fingers laid upon the surface of the table.

" Yes. It's just that I'm a little hesitant of stepping into deeper waters because I accidentally got bitten by a shark once. And nearly bled out to death. I'm saying we have to be smart about this. You're not considering the political, the social and the economic repercussions of such a action. And that's even considering whether half the people in this room are applicably trained or not. Power or no powers, you ain't doing jack if you don't have the experience to go with it. "

Arnold then palmed his face and then, shouted out towards Garott in a fit of frustration, trying to emphasise his point.

" Who the fuck cares about spandex? You think real life is like a comic book? You think we can keep on trying to hide our identities forever by just wearing glasses and - Ugh."

Arnold palmed his face and his shoulders sagged before speaking the last of his thoughts to Garott.

" I digress. Garott. I'm willing to try if you can explain a magical solution of how this whole half-brained scheme of vigilantism won't flop on its face within the first three months or so."

Arnold turned his head around to look at Daemond, before taking a moment to snark towards him.

" Did you just bring here to make a Breakfast Club of Conduits? Or do you have anything else to add to this , god, interesting discussion we're having right now?"

@Atomyk, @Josh M, @Enigma
Fima watched Garrott with her hand at the small of her back. She stood near the door, listening to the conversation taking place. They acted like there was only two options. Do nothing or become self-proclaimed heroes. Only Arnold seemed to consider consequences and he spoke from experience. Do any of them even have combat experience?

Once Garrott moved away from the table, Fima stood at-ease. Her original plan had been to bolt the moment their attention was preoccupied. This meeting had turned into a big waste of her time; she had no desire to take part in a Conduit group therapy session. The exit was in easy view of everyone, which made timing difficult. But when vigilantism came up, she paused. The idea troubled her. It meant people would get hurt, one way or another, and the idea that a vigilante group would somehow make Conduits more welcomed by the general public was idiotic. They were just a handful of this new race; the rest, she'd imagined, wanted nothing but a normal life. Those Conduits hate a vigilante group as much as ordinary humans.

Still...if these guys follow through, it'll be worth getting inside knowledge and track their activities. Might as well gain something from this night.

Folding her arms, Fima continued listening to the others. She glanced at Daemond when Arnold asked his opinion-- something she was wondering at as well. What is his end game for this little gathering?
Sitting here in this room, surrounded by people who by some twist of fate shared something undeniable with him, Daemond felt something in the air shift. Like a bolt of lightning, a fierce passion coursed through the Conduits around him, bringing forth thoughts they had been forced to otherwise hide for the past six months. He smiled when Arnold poured his heart out, nodded respectfully with Bella's call to arms, and felt chilled at Garrott's fierceness. This is why he had gathered these men and women.

His father would sneer at such a notion. His son was supposed to be self-absorbed above all. Daemond hoped one day he could wipe every slimy expression off the man's face until there was nothing left to see.

"There is no need for us to force each other into something we all don't want to do," he said once the conversation seemed to start spinning its wheels. "First and foremost, I want us to support each other. Do you understand that? We'll take this vigilante angle slow. Feel it out a little. For now, privacy is our major concern. Figure out how to disguise yourselves or no one is fighting crime." He looked up toward the ceiling, his eyes seeming to focus on something no one else could see. "Theresa's sister can sew, I hear, but she'll need some time. I've got contacts and I'll hook us up with a police scanner. Nothing too big. We'll use an old website domain I have to communicate outside of our meetings-- which, by the way, I think I'll set up for once a week to start with. No obligations to return, obviously, just as long as our secrets are kept."

He winced slightly when the light fixtures above flickered. He knew the building was old, but the electricity was supposed to be running fine.

"... So, magical solutions? No, we don't have those, but keep in mind the influence I have. Hell, my father's paid off enough men in his life, why can't I?" He sounded slightly bitter about that. He looked back to Arnold, a hint of anger behind his gaze. "I'm not Professor X, so I don't have all the answers. Stick around, and maybe you'll find meaning in all this. Stick around, and maybe if you need someone to back you up, we'll be there."

He finished his spiel, done for the most part. He was going to say more, if not for the lights in the room once again flickering on and off. It almost felt unnatural, as if no fault in the building's wiring was the cause. Chris seemed to feel the same, as he stepped into the doorway, a pistol in his hand that he had kept hidden up until this point. Daemond stared at him a moment, before saying, "Theresa should have come up by now. Something might be wrong."

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Energy seeping out of his body slowly, Arnold kept a pensive look on Daemond throughout his long speech, trying hard to not fall asleep or interrupt Daemond by yawning, kneading his eye or doing anything that would make him seem like a lazy bastard. God, didn't business executives have a coffee machine on standby or something?

Nevertheless, the terms for it were good. At least, someone here had resources and a plan to the brazen way proposed by Break-Boom Garo- Okay, not a good nickname. Stick with Boom-Boom for now. - He meant, Boom-Boom proposed towards the entire of the group. He now had a higher tinge of respect for the business executive and found it amusing that his impression of Daemond was completely opposite to the heartless, objective, soulless business executive that he would normally associate with men of his kind.

Arnold gave a thumbs up before yawning, swearing inwardly, before replying to Daemond.

" Nice to see that someone around here is reasonable. Great. So, do we wanna exchange business cards, phone numbers or anyway we can get in contact with each oth-"

Arnold then paused at the flickering of the lights, thinking it was a figment of his imagination, or his fatigue acting upon his vision. No, definitely not, since Daemond was also reacting to it as well. Arnold shifted uncomfortably at Daemond's ominous statement, as the bouncer drew out a pistol from his coat jacket. Arnold couldn't help but feel the inside of his arms prickle at all the tension, blades of glass trying to push out from his hands, his fingers curling at the sudden change in atmosphere. He turned around to look at the door behind them, feeling a thin blade of glass growing out of the wrist of his knuckles.

While he didn't exactly know Theresa personally, he didn't exactly like anyone messing around with someone that he had no animosity with. Nor someone who was just doing their job. Besides, he wasn't keen to sit around and wait in a office for a unknown something or someone.

Or maybe, it was all a huge misunderstanding.

He walked towards the door cautiously, keeping a grip on the handle before slapping his face, returning the blade back to his hand. Of course, why didn't he think of that one? He looked towards Daemond and Wright, pointing towards their chests.

" Do you have Red and Mysterious's phone number? You guys weren't too stupid not to bring your phones? Right?"

Daemond turned, giving Arnold a look that passed for both embarrassment and annoyance. Chris was already gone by the time Daemond was pulling a cell phone out of his pants pocket, who lingered for a moment with the device in his hand. Eventually, with a heavy breath, he dialed a number and directed the group to follow Chris out the room. "We all stick together," he said as he moved out into the offices and toward the stairwell.

As they descended the stairs, Daemond let out a frustrated sort of noise and muttered a swear under his breath. Theresa wasn't answering, which only meant something life-threatening was keeping her. That had been her exact sentiment earlier in the afternoon when they had envisioned this meeting. They both knew something could go wrong, but Daemond had felt they were in the clear once he had actually seen everyone that had arrived. If only he had thought of her sooner.

If it was the police, Theresa would have at least gotten a text out, but considering that and the flickering lights...

As the group stepped into the storage room on the ground floor, they saw Chris sprawled out on the ground. The big man looked winded as if he'd just taken a heavy knock that threw him to the ground. His weapon was on the ground, a few feet from where he lay.

"Theresa?" Daemond called out cautiously, not seeing her anywhere in the room. Though the overhead lights had largely left the area visible before, shadows now drenched the edges of the room in darkness. It wasn't as if the lights had been dimmed, but more like they were being blocked in some manner by some invisible force.

"I'm here," said a familiar voice from somewhere in the dark. Theresa emerged a moment later with her hood down, limping and sporting a cut upon her cheek. Daemond seethed through gritted teeth as he ran to her and cupped her face in his hands. As he looked into her eyes, the cut disappeared from Theresa's face and appeared on Daemond's, though now it appeared slightly healed. "It's a Conduit," Theresa said in a low voice. "Had to open the door myself, then he jumped me--"

"Jesus!" Daemond yelled.

Daemond pulled Theresa roughly to the side as what initially appeared the be a black bowling ball soared through the air toward them. It narrowly missed, eventually falling to the ground with solid force and rolling off toward the darkened edge of the room. More flying balls followed, three in total, tossed toward the group. Their source was unclear, invisible behind the veil of darkness.

"It's shadows!" Theresa barked. "He's throwing shadows!"
Fima had been checking Chris's condition when the shadow barrage began. She threw herself over him, covering his head, while at the same time holding her gun out and trying to pinpoint the source of the attack. The balls were coming from multiple directions, impossible to tell for sure where the attacker was. Closing her eyes, Fima flexed her power. She instantly felt the entire group's Conduit abilities. So many in one spot made her gut clench as her body itched to imitate one of their powers. She frowned and focused. There was another source towards the building's east side.

Three more shadow balls flew and one glanced off her shoulder. Fima flinched, but now she knew where the attacker was. "The east corner! He's attacking from there!" Fima shouted at the group while raising her pistol and firing from her prone position.
Daemond turned, giving Arnold a look that passed for both embarrassment and annoyance. Chris was already gone by the time Daemond was pulling a cell phone out of his pants pocket, who lingered for a moment with the device in his hand. Eventually, with a heavy breath, he dialed a number and directed the group to follow Chris out the room. "We all stick together," he said as he moved out into the offices and toward the stairwell.

As they descended the stairs, Daemond let out a frustrated sort of noise and muttered a swear under his breath. Theresa wasn't answering, which only meant something life-threatening was keeping her. That had been her exact sentiment earlier in the afternoon when they had envisioned this meeting. They both knew something could go wrong, but Daemond had felt they were in the clear once he had actually seen everyone that had arrived. If only he had thought of her sooner.

If it was the police, Theresa would have at least gotten a text out, but considering that and the flickering lights...

As the group stepped into the storage room on the ground floor, they saw Chris sprawled out on the ground. The big man looked winded as if he'd just taken a heavy knock that threw him to the ground. His weapon was on the ground, a few feet from where he lay.

"Theresa?" Daemond called out cautiously, not seeing her anywhere in the room. Though the overhead lights had largely left the area visible before, shadows now drenched the edges of the room in darkness. It wasn't as if the lights had been dimmed, but more like they were being blocked in some manner by some invisible force.

"I'm here," said a familiar voice from somewhere in the dark. Theresa emerged a moment later with her hood down, limping and sporting a cut upon her cheek. Daemond seethed through gritted teeth as he ran to her and cupped her face in his hands. As he looked into her eyes, the cut disappeared from Theresa's face and appeared on Daemond's, though now it appeared slightly healed. "It's a Conduit," Theresa said in a low voice. "Had to open the door myself, then he jumped me--"

"Jesus!" Daemond yelled.

Daemond pulled Theresa roughly to the side as what initially appeared the be a black bowling ball soared through the air toward them. It narrowly missed, eventually falling to the ground with solid force and rolling off toward the darkened edge of the room. More flying balls followed, three in total, tossed toward the group. Their source was unclear, invisible behind the veil of darkness.

"It's shadows!" Theresa barked. "He's throwing shadows!"

Luciana started cursing the second problems started to arise. At the stairs she already had the mask on her face and two bone daggers in her grip. She knew this was going to happen, yet her she was like a fucking idiot anyway.

"Can't wait to be shot for resisting arrest." She deadpanned once they reached the end of the stairs. However their attacker wasn't what she expected. "A fucking Conduit?!" An exasperated shout came from her lips as shadow balls started flying all over the place. "Hey! We're on the same team idiota!" Ducking for cover from one of the attacks Luciana flung her daggers helplessly into the darkness to maybe hit the attacker.

Arnold kept silent as he let Chris pass through the door first, though, he briefly thought it to be a ridiculous idea. Sure, Chris would be a profitable investment in a downtown abbey bar in Detroit but in Milleneum City? Where an unknown percentage of the population had the potential to fart atomic fireballs out of their butt and lift a motor car with their bare strength? He was next to tinfoil.

It wasn't like he was hoping that a Conduit was the source of the Friday the 13th, Shining, bullcrap that they were experiencing right now as Daemond tried to call Red and Mysterious's number, as they walked back down the stairs to the damp, shabby meeting place that everyone had begun in. Something was off, though. Perhaps, it was the total silence that unnerved him. Perhaps, it was the lack of a ambush as their foots began to walk on the wet concrete of the storage floor. Perhaps, it was Daemond's frustrations at trying to call Red and Mysterious. A combination of all of them.

Oh, and Chris laid unconcious, his body spread-eagled on the floor. Like that wasn't helping to cure the horrible tension in the atmosphere right now.

Then, Red and Mysterious came out of the darkness, shawled in a hood. Arnold bit his lip as he saw her haggard form. She was bruised terribly, limping towards the group. Daemond rushed past them, brushing past his shoulder. A close relationship, if it wasn't already obvious from Daemond's frustrations before. Arnold couldn't help but have his eyes widened, as Red and Mysterious's wounds appeared to unravel back in time. That was his power? He couldn't help but blurt out loud.

" You're a hea-?"

Then, pain was everything. Something collided with his face before he could react. He felt his nose breaking apart on contact, a few of his teeth being knocked loose from the impact and a resounding surge of red in his left eye. He was knocked on the ground, on his ass, incoherent, as he spat a few dribbles of blood out. Ugh. Looks like he was made of glass as well. Healing factor. Work any moment right now. Arnold grasped his nose to stem the flow of blood as his vision returned from blurriness.

" Uh, mah fach. Eu brok mah fuching fach, eu bstard."

Shadows. Right. A shadow conduit. No time to tarry. They were like fish in a barrel right now. He replied to the entire group with a snarky comment, trying to keep concentration as he tried to dodge the balls of shadow coming their way.

" Dohs anyone have some sahrt of riduculusly, shacking, powahs thay wouldh like tah reveal raght now? Because now woulda beh a goodah tim."

Arnold raised his hands in front of him as he felt the wells of his powers begin to erupt from his hands. He began to form a thick shield of glass that erected from the concrete ground, the balls of shadow embeding into it, cracking it slowly as he shouted out towards the group.


It wouldn't be a long term solution, however. He'd already drained a quarter of his glass supplies trying to erect a shield that could withstand projectiles that could his brainpan. And the fact that this guy's powers was shadow-based. Arnold leaned on his shield as he panted, tired from the arduous process. The shadow projectiles kept colliding into it, Arnold feeling no more than a shake or two. It would hold. The transparent shield was multi-layered and was about the size of a large van, easily covering the 10 or so group of people. He brushed his nose with his finger to assess the condition of his face. Red. Viscera. Fucked up beyond belief.

Heeding to the commands of his fellow conduit, Arnold absentmindedly raised his hand towards the east side of the wall as he began to fire shards of glass towards the east corner, expanding the cone of fire in order to suppress the conduit. He kept up his role as he scratched his chin, wondering what could be the solution to a shadow-based conduit. What could be the weakness of a conduit that could control shado-

Light. Seemed like a first ste pin the right direction. First priority was to make himself stop talking like a retarded leper, though.

Arnold looked at Daemond and shouted out towards him, pointing towards his damaged face with his left hand, as he kept on firing a spray of glass towards the general position of the conduit.

" Hah, Diamond, ehf you a healah, perhaps, you could stah healing mah fache?"

@Atomyk @Josh M @Borkasu Lazer @Jeremi @Enigma @Verite @SilentxChaos @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

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Luciana started cursing the second problems started to arise. At the stairs she already had the mask on her face and two bone daggers in her grip. She knew this was going to happen, yet her she was like a fucking idiot anyway.

"Can't wait to be shot for resisting arrest." She deadpanned once they reached the end of the stairs. However their attacker wasn't what she expected. "A fucking Conduit?!" An exasperated shout came from her lips as shadow balls started flying all over the place. "Hey! We're on the same team idiota!" Ducking for cover from one of the attacks Luciana flung her daggers helplessly into the darkness to maybe hit the attacker.

"Same team my ass!"

As one of the shadow's struck Bella, her powers would help her reduce the damage, Nothing was broken, but her shoulder was gonna have a nasty bruise. Taking a deep breath, Bella tried increase the friction around herself, wanting use herself as shield to protect the group.

"Get behind me!"

@Atomyk @Borkasu Lazer @Jeremi @Enigma @Verite @SilentxChaos @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"My idea was just so good you had to copy me. I see how it is," Cynthia replied, letting out a small chuckle after Ethan would also refuse to tell her his secrets. While the fact he withheld what his own powers could do only made her more curious, she brushed it off for the time being. There was a good chance she'd get to see what he, and everyone else here, was capable of soon enough anyhow.

Before she could say much else to Ozone or the others, the person who had arranged this get together would finally show his face. The blonde crossed her arms and listened rather attentively. It was probably surprising to the others in comparison to how loud-mouthed she had been before but, nevertheless, when Cynthia was interested in something there was usually a good chance she would shut her mouth and take a gander at what was happening nearby.

She would only speak again briefly after mulling over Daemond's first question. "This isn't dangerous for me," she stated softly, the confidence brimming in her words yet again. Ever since she had discovered her powers, Cynthia felt strong and brave. Whether or not this meeting would end up dangerous, the young woman was more than certain she could handle herself.

But why had she come? That was a question the girl wouldn't answer. She might have, had she had time to get a word in before they would be attacked by shadows, but for the most part she only thought over her answer. Cynthia came only for the sake of justice. She sympathized with those who suffered and wanted to use her powers to do something for such people. After all, she had been one of them before gaining her powers.

After thinking to herself, Cynthia would open her mouth to speak, only to be realize quite a bit of arguing had been going on in the room. Instead of adding to their squabbling, she laughed at them! It was likely her laughter would be drowned out by their voices, but she laughed all the same. "The door is open," she finally said, wiping her eyes. "If any of you don't want to be here, then you should leave. It's as simple as that. I, however, am interested in helping people with my powers. That's all I really have to say," she said with a shrug.

It was shortly after commenting that Theresa would arrive, as would the shadows they would be bombarded with shortly afterwards. "Ugh, what a pain," she grumbled to herself. Like just about every living soul on the face of the earth, not every conduit wanted to use their gifts for good.

Not using her powers at first, Cynthia would instead take a few steps back from the incoming danger, ready to dodge any attacks or use her abilities should things get worse. Spotting Arnold's cover, she would run behind it for the time being. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you. My powers don't exactly specialize in shields but, well, I might be able to help light up the place with some glowing projectiles..."

@Atomyk @Enigma @Verite @Borkasu Lazer @Jeremi @Josh M

He felt his skin slowly sewing together and the blood pour back into his wounds but his healing factor was so slow. He'd never measured it but he assumed it was a side-effect of his unique abilities. From what he'd heard in rumors and gossip, Conduits almost always possessed superhuman physical traits. Guess his weren't that on par with his other conduit pals. Reduced durability. All he could hope for was more firepower.

The volley of shadows still continued to bounce and sometimes, embedded themselves in the structure. Didn't matter. He'd reckoned it would hold for most likely a few more minutes of massed fire. More than enough time to either find or get rid of the damned bastard. Arnold kept on firing a cone of glass into the darkness before growing frustrated and then, forming a large spike of glass, with the diameter of a sewage pipe, long, thin and wicked sharp at the end. It whistled through the air as it launched from his arm. It continued to fly, dissapearing into the shadows. Arnold felt dissapointed as he heard only the shearing of metal as most likely the wall of the storage floor was ripped apart by the attack.

Arnold stopped firing out of exhaustion and then, leaned agaisnt the wall, panting. It was hard to discern on his bloody face but Arnold just looked the definition of annoyed right now. It felt like he was chewing molten taffy every-time he talked, pangs of pain irradiating out from his cheek. He made sure to make his words discernable this time, especially for the stuck-up blonde that was right next to him as of this moment.

" Look......If you prove're the most strongest Conduit...., stop acting like you're in show and tell....and do something about it, please?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"I'm fine," Chris muttered in a gruff voice as Fima stood over him. He seemed to have recovered enough during the attack to make a grab for his gun once Fima started firing her own. He didn't seem eager to join in, however, as he moved toward Daemond and stood in a manner as if to block him in case the worst occurred. Daemond, who had pulled Theresa into a crouch next to him, stopped boggling at the fact Fima had brought a gun of her own and looked up at Chris.

"Do you want me to--" Chris vehemently shook his head, cutting Daemond off.

He stared for a second, but moved on fast, edging toward Arnold to get a look at his face. "I'm sorry," he said, more apologizing for this meeting having gone so wrong so fast. He winced at the wounds but didn't hesitate to make a grab for Arnold's neck. Daemond held on tightly, focusing on his power as he made the effort to fix Arnold's face. His hand grew uncomfortably warm as a result.

"Ah-- Fuck!" he groaned, fresh wounds appearing on his own face that almost matched Arnold's. Consequently, the wounds Arnold had suffered began to heal rapidly. Daemond's power was not healing, but instead the unique ability to transfer other's wounds to himself. He let go of Arnold, breathing deeply, one hand touching his face to feel his jaw. "Must have hit you well, if it hurts this much... Don't worry, it's not as severe on me. I can actually talk..." He chuckled slightly, even as he seemed to visibly deflate.

As Daemond seemed to be losing energy, Theresa looked the opposite. She stood up and moved toward the glass wall Arnold had made. A ball of shadow slammed into it, cracking it, but Theresa didn't seem to care. Bella had some of the group covered, while Thresa figured she had the rest. She squeezed her hand into a fist, holding it at her side as the glass finally began to crumble. Another ball came and Theresa cried out, punching forward as she released an almost transparent energy from her fist. It extended about a foot forward, slamming into the ball and causing it to drop to the ground as if it had hit a wall.

A voice cried out in pain from the shadows, the attacker likely hit by someone, though which attack hit him was unclear. The shadows at the edge of the room waned slightly as a result, the light threatening to reclaim the space. "Bunch of fucking freaks!" cried the unknown male. "Almost killed me!"

The shadows seemed to wane further, but this time it looked intentional. Solid masses of darkness began to form in front of the divide between light and shadow, the unknown Conduit likely planning to use these as cover. The balls suddenly stopped flying, only to then be replaced by pointed daggers of darkness, the Conduit seemingly getting the idea from Arnold's projectiles.

Theresa angled her punches to stop as many as she could, but she found them a harder target than the balls. "Come on," she said, voice shaking. "There's only one of him. I know we can do this."

"I'm fine," Chris muttered in a gruff voice as Fima stood over him. He seemed to have recovered enough during the attack to make a grab for his gun once Fima started firing her own. He didn't seem eager to join in, however, as he moved toward Daemond and stood in a manner as if to block him in case the worst occurred. Daemond, who had pulled Theresa into a crouch next to him, stopped boggling at the fact Fima had brought a gun of her own and looked up at Chris.

"Do you want me to--" Chris vehemently shook his head, cutting Daemond off.

He stared for a second, but moved on fast, edging toward Arnold to get a look at his face. "I'm sorry," he said, more apologizing for this meeting having gone so wrong so fast. He winced at the wounds but didn't hesitate to make a grab for Arnold's neck. Daemond held on tightly, focusing on his power as he made the effort to fix Arnold's face. His hand grew uncomfortably warm as a result.

"Ah-- Fuck!" he groaned, fresh wounds appearing on his own face that almost matched Arnold's. Consequently, the wounds Arnold had suffered began to heal rapidly. Daemond's power was not healing, but instead the unique ability to transfer other's wounds to himself. He let go of Arnold, breathing deeply, one hand touching his face to feel his jaw. "Must have hit you well, if it hurts this much... Don't worry, it's not as severe on me. I can actually talk..." He chuckled slightly, even as he seemed to visibly deflate.

As Daemond seemed to be losing energy, Theresa looked the opposite. She stood up and moved toward the glass wall Arnold had made. A ball of shadow slammed into it, cracking it, but Theresa didn't seem to care. Bella had some of the group covered, while Thresa figured she had the rest. She squeezed her hand into a fist, holding it at her side as the glass finally began to crumble. Another ball came and Theresa cried out, punching forward as she released an almost transparent energy from her fist. It extended about a foot forward, slamming into the ball and causing it to drop to the ground as if it had hit a wall.

A voice cried out in pain from the shadows, the attacker likely hit by someone, though which attack hit him was unclear. The shadows at the edge of the room waned slightly as a result, the light threatening to reclaim the space. "Bunch of fucking freaks!" cried the unknown male. "Almost killed me!"

The shadows seemed to wane further, but this time it looked intentional. Solid masses of darkness began to form in front of the divide between light and shadow, the unknown Conduit likely planning to use these as cover. The balls suddenly stopped flying, only to then be replaced by pointed daggers of darkness, the Conduit seemingly getting the idea from Arnold's projectiles.

Theresa angled her punches to stop as many as she could, but she found them a harder target than the balls. "Come on," she said, voice shaking. "There's only one of him. I know we can do this."

Luciana was too busy shouting out profanities in Spanish and throwing bone daggers into the darkness to pay much attention to the others for the time being. Her life was on the line, and right now that was the top priority. "Someone kill this asshole already before he kills one of us! Shit! I knew this would happen!"

Cynthia cursed under her breath, wincing as the glass protection Arnold had created would slowly begin to crumble away. "Do I look like a doctor to you? I can create glowing projectiles and a few other things, but I'm not a healing expert!" the blonde spat back when Arnold would insist she heal him. Scowling under her breath, she would consider saying something else to him, only to close her mouth when she would see how beaten he looked. She actually felt a bit sorry for him--even if he had annoyed her earlier.

"Jeez," she grumbled, reaching into a pocket on her coat to take out a black handkerchief. She would then touch his chin and gently turn it toward her before making a move to wipe some of the blood out of his eyes. The blood was too think on his face for her gesture to make much difference. Still, her action had been done more for the sake of kindness, and possibly to help him see better, than anything else. "I'll help, okay? But you need to lay low. You're badly hurt."

Cynthia would place the handkerchief in his hands before standing up, glaring out into the darkness. "Okay, it's time to light it up in here." She rubbed her hands together before her arms would illuminate with a soft blue light that seemed to ripple up and down her arms. She would then raise her palm, firing blue, glowing projectiles from it. The projectiles were square shaped, and some would stick into the walls and floors their glow appearing wherever they would strike. It was her hope that the projectiles would help everyone to see their opponent a bit better.

@Atomyk @Enigma @Verite @Borkasu Lazer @Jeremi @Josh M
Even if Lady Luck was like a hooker, I was still fresh out of cash.

A lot happened in the blink of an eye.

That's what what happened when one dared to zone out at an important moment like this, but Ethan couldn't help it. Though he might have looked blank on the outside, he really was rather in pensive thought. Where he was now, and the journey he had taken to get here, regardless of whether or not it was a desirable place to be, it was undeniably a place that Ethan had gotten to on his own with little help from others, even his own family, and even though the blonde man knew that it was "the right thing to do" to take up being a superhero, even if as an outlaw vigilante sort of figure, and help others, in his experience, he rarely got far at all by helping others. The ambivalence was one that he didn't often bump into; loath as he was to admit it, there was a small part of him that still would have liked to believe in the childish ideal of being a hero of justice for others' sake, but that wish was even more fantastical and unrealistic than the event of him acquiring superpowers and meeting up with other Conduits, he found.

He let the others around him, like Glass-Mason and Garrott, speak their piece, and though he considered their clashing points of view, even he was a little disappointed that they didn't do much to sway his mixed thoughts. Of course, before the conversation could loop around for much longer, something became off, and the somewhat dainty girl from before, Theresa, was suddenly nowhere to be found. Though Ethan tried his best to refrain from making a notable shift in facial expression, a giveaway sign that he was showing something like fear among people he didn't even know, or rather, a sign of weakness, his eyes did narrow a bit as he steadily grew uneasy.

His only regret was that he didn't become alarmed quicker.

As he and the others followed Daemond and Chris down in order to investigate Theresa's mysterious disappearance, Ethan kept his steps as silent as possible if only out of instinct, a reminder of the time when he more actively did work as a private eye with less than entirely legal or otherwise socially / morally acceptable means, and the thrill that he was reluctant to admit he enjoyed in some part as it made him feel alive.

Of course, not as alive as when he drew rather close to death itself, as he did when they finally did find Theresa, along with the initially unconscious form of Chris, and their grand new friend, bowling balls, or so they seemed until they were revealed to be shadows. Like the others, Ethan tried his best to avoid the coming attacks, managing to narrowly avoid getting hit likely out of dumb luck, before attempting to think up some plan to apprehend their so-called attacker. However, moments like these where he acted more as a thinker rather than a doer, or so he fancied himself, did make him feel a bit self-conscious, as Theresa evidently managed to tip the scales just a tad in their favor. Or not, considering the new aggression that the attacker ended up firing at everyone in the form of shadow blades now.

Times like these, Ethan cursed that his power wasn't a bit more practical in terms of combat, but then again, maybe that was fitting for him. After all, he never was the greatest fighter around (even if he wasn't the worst either). But it wasn't time to think on such things. Right now, they had an enemy to deal with.

Dashing over next to Cynthia, and by extension Arnold, whilst maintaining a low head, Ethan could only grit his teeth. "So that's your power, huh? Or at least, part of it, I'm assuming," he spoke in an almost comically forced attempt to remain casual and calm at a time like this, his eyes still narrowed as he attempted to scan the environment for wherever the hidden attacker might be, "Any idea where our little friend might be? Hide and seek never was one of my favorite games," he uttered, the only action he made being taking out his lighter from his pocket, though not much more than that at the moment.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Borkasu Lazer @Jeremi @Josh M @Enigma @SilentxChaos
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Arnold rolled his eyes at Daemond's apology before coughing.

" Justh fuchkin geth ith ovah witah"

It seemed as if he had been dipped in a bath of morphine. His face began to set back to normal as the cracks in his jaw dissapeared and his flesh beginning to sew back together. Arnold felt his vision return back to clarity as soon as Daemond gently grazed his body with the side of his finger. He was still bleeding, but at least, his face didn't look like a shattered plate anymore. His frame was still lying against his glass shield, tired from the exhaustion of battle. The last of his scars closed up, Cynthia making sure to wipe any remnants of blood left on his face before he breathed out. He gave a brief smile at the both of them, nodding and giving a silent thanks.

His glass shield began to crumble, the entire mass slowly falling apart. It wasn't supposed to reflect, it was suppose to alter the velocity of projectiles. He'd discovered that several months ago. Painfully. Arnold's eyes widened as a ball of shadow was slowly coming towards Theresa, her body out and in the open. Arnold yelped a expletive, raising his hands to form a quick shield around Red and Mysterious before she....punched it. The laws of physics faceplanted on to the gorund as the ball ceased all activity, dropping on the concrete like a sack of potatoes.

It apparently got a reaction. A male voice cried out from the darkness. The small sense of victory was diminished by the fact that their attacker had gone from bowling balls to a storm of knives that chipped away at his shield more and more often. Arnold ducked as a knife nearly rammed into the back of his skull, a few of his hairs falling gently to the ground. Arnold spoke loudly towards their enemy as he put his hand on the base of his broken shield, calling up glass to repair and reinforce it. Struts grew out of the ground as cracks began to dissapear and dents were straightened. Holes dissapeared in the time it took him to blink as Arnold used the last vestiges of his powers to reinforce his shield. Arnold shouted out towards their attacker, trying to taunt him to make him lose his cool.

" Who you calling a freak, Teenage Hearthrob? Maybe, you should start a boy-band on your ow- GAH!"

Perhaps, it was a lucky shot or God looked down upon him at this very moment. Arnold felt another stab of pain, this time on his shoulder, as a knife sliced through a cracked portion of the shield like butter and grazed his jacket gently. The leather ripped audibly as Arnold hissed in pain, grasping in shoulder. He signed blearily before his face hardened. Alright ,that was enough.

" At least, it's not the face this time."

Think. What to do? What to.....Oh. That was a idea. He'd never tried that one before.

Arnold crouched while focusing his powers, closing his eyes for a moment, as he began to mold the glass inside him to suit his purposes. There. Attach the molecules. Create enough potential energy. Shape it. Shape it. Okay. Time to see if proof of concept worked out after all.

The sphere felt slightly warm to the touch as Arnold opened his eyes, marvelling a little bit at his creation. It was the biggest caltrop that he had ever made. It was bigger than a basketball and Arnold wagered that he could have hugged it and not even have his fingers touched all the way around. He could have tested that for himself if it wasn't for the large jagged spikes covering the object.

A caltrop the size of a tennis ball had the destructive capability of a frag grenade. One ten times the size of that? It could level a entire building floor if he wanted to. His shield would protect them from the fallout of the blast. Seemed like a win-win scenario for him.

The only problem was detonating it near to the bastard. Along with the fact that he had to keep it from falling on the ground or being damaged. One wrong step and his creation could turn the entire group into a fine red mist. Arnold swore as the blade of a knife appeared next to his shoudler, the tip nearly touching the surface of the caltrop.

" Hey, does anyone know where I can chuck this bomb at?"

@Atomyk , @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

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