Inheritors Are Forfeit

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Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Anna's facial structure was altered by her transformation, she was nearly unrecognizable by anyone. This kept on with her plans. None of them deserved their power, none of them has earned it. She would take it all from them.

Anna roared as the bones in her face shifted and four arms made from light emerged from the shackle on her neck. She would find an unworthy inheritor and then she would take them down. Her hair changed to a bright red and increased in length, floating and appearing as if it were on fire. Her green dress flowed with the wind as it began to pick up around her and she prepared herself.

It was night and magical girl activity would be obvious, so she simply had to find a target. The four arms of light coming from her shackle coiled, gathering power and getting ready to launch her in the air. She sprang into the air and found her mark quickly. A younger woman who was flying through the air, an inheritor.

Anna roared once more as she dove from the sky and bore down on the younger woman. The surprise attack took her completely off guard and they crashed into each other. She had a broach that Anna assumed was the source of her power and Anna ripped it from her neck. Sure enough she began to transform back. Anna didn't recognize this girl but of course she wouldn't, that was the point of these disguises. All that was left was to get home with her ill gotten goods and she would have a success for her first inheritor dethroned.
Marisa was lounging on one of the tall buildings, watching the bats dance in the sky for her. Bats were rare in the city, but something a group she knew would dance for her when it was dark enough, less people wandering around. It was a peaceful night for the most part, but something felt off. It was oddly peaceful, no villains to fight.

That was until she heard a scream. She jumped to attention, flying to where the scream came from. The bats followed, sensing the urgency. Quickly, she spotted two magical girls in a struggle. Cursing a little, she paused in her flight and motioned to the bats to swarm the attacker, in hopes that would separate the two. It was obvious the victim no longer had her item, which was a problem. A big problem.
Bats swarmed Anna before she could make her final blow and she sprung into the sky on her arms of light. She looked around for her assailant, hoping to spot the other magical girl who had gotten the drop on her. After spotting Marissa she laughed to herself, she recognized the woman from work.

"Damn inheritors!" She screamed out an unearthly tone to her voice. One of her arms struck out at Marissa, hoping to catch her off balance and send her reeling. She couldn't make this into a full fight, she couldn't afford any more interference
Marisa didn't manage to dodge, getting sent in a roll mid-air. Shit. She righted herself after a moment and motioned with her hand, sending the bats in a renewed attack, trying to force the villain magical girl to the ground. Marisa was better on the ground than in the air, and her other abilities would be more effective.
Anna spread two of her four hands of light and clapped them together over the bats. She lost her momentum but she would be able to get away soon enough. She slowly fell back down to the ground and caught herself with the hands of light, "You're on the wrong side inheritor!"
Marisa landed on the ground, avoiding the stunned and squeaking bats as they tumbled through the air. "I'm not the one stealing from others." She crossed her arms after snapping her fingers on one hand. Soon, vined broke through the ground to encircle Anna.
Anna was already moving to escape before Merisa went to capture her, slamming her four arms of light into the ground and launching herself in the air. Flying just out of reach of the grasping vines, "Power must be earned inheritor!" She said, her four arms of light moving as fast as possible to carry her away the moment she landed again.

She would see Marisa tomorrow at work.
Marisa sighed at the escape. "Dammit..." A villain, and another magical girl. What a massive pain. She shook her head and moved to the magical girl that had lost her magic, crouching down and asking if she was okay. Once Marisa confirmed she would be okay, Marisa left to go home. She would be late for work tomorrow if she didn't hurry and go to bed.
Anna had trouble sleeping that night, she had won but the interference had put her off balance. She needed her victories to be flawless. She was flawless. Her power was flawless. Such a distraction was unthinkable to her, she needed to defeat Marisa.

Marisa was pretty powerful so Anna needed to find weaknesses. She sighed a breath of relief, at least they were coworkers. She got dressed and headed into work, prowling by the coffee machine in order to ambush Marisa.
Marisa also had a restless sleep, upset that she hadn't won that battle. There wasn't much she could do now, however, so she tried to forget about it.

She begrudgingly headed into work the next morning. She had already had coffee before coming, but found herself still heading to the coffee machine for a second cup. She smiled when she saw Anna, giving a little wave. "Mornin'."
Anna waved back, her third cup of coffee in hand. She realized she hadn't been recognized and smiled slightly, "Morning, how was your night?" She asked, knowing the answer.
Marisa shrugged at the question. "Boring, as usual. Like most nights. And yet I am so tired all the time." She huffed as she filled a cup before taking a big swig, quickly lowering it as she coughed and stuck her tongue out. "Hot!"
Anna had trouble keeping herself from grinning at Marisa reacting to the coffee, "That's why I water mine down at the water cooler. I need the coffee now." She laughed, finishing her cup of coffee and going for a fourth one.

"It's Marisa, right? I'm Anna, and I'd like to get to know you better." She said with a wink.
Marisa giggled lightly. "Yeah, that would be the smart thing to do, instead of burning everything on the inside." She smiled and nodded, "Yeah, It's nice to officially meet you Anna." A dusting of pink on her cheeks at the wink, "I'd like the same. You seem awesome."
Anna shrugged at Marissa's comment, "the smart thing to do isn't always the best thing, but it's nice to be able to think about it." She saw the blush and knew that her plan was working out, "I'm glad that you think so. Maybe we could meet up for lunch sometime?" She asked
Marisa nodded. "Agreed." She chuckled a little. "I'm not always the smartest, I'm rather clumsy, most of the time anyway." She tilted her head slightly, smiling softly. "I would like that. Lunch sometime, that is. I know a few good places we could go."
Anna laughed with Marissa, "Well I think you're pretty neat." She said, mirroring Marisa's head tilt until she said she wanted to go to lunch. She grinned broadly, "Perfect, we should go today for lunch, what were the places you were thinking of?" She asked, sipping on her coffee that she couldn't cool down.