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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Lore Magus

Creator and Bearer of Worlds
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Advanced
  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Romance is a big plus for me, but I can be pretty adaptable
Inside Identity OOC Banner 1b.png
  • Tell me, have you ever heard of the term "Chuunibyou", or "Eighth Grader Syndrome"? For those not familiar with this Japanese term, you might understand better by hearing it's more common English synonym: "Delusions of Grandeur". This is a sad affliction that typically affects young adolescents, its most drastic form making those who contract it believe they have special powers or are somehow connected to and surrounded by the occult. For those such patients, the period in which they retain these delusions later develops into an embarrassing period of shame that forever haunts their memories, despite how much fun they seem to have at the time. In most cases this behavior subsides by the beginning of one's first year in high school, but there are some cases where patients retain their status as chuunibyou patient for the remainder of their school days and sometimes longer.

    This is an RP loosely based on the anime "Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai". I say loosely because it recycles similar themes and setting, but with all original characters. No canon characters will show up in this RP, and only characters approved in the CS thread for this RP should be posting in the IC. If someone is interested in joining they can post here in the OOC about their interest as well as infer as to where the plot is moving, and then fill out a CS, which should only be posted in the CS thread (linked above soon). The rules for this RP are as follows:
    • 1. First and foremost you need to adhere to the standard rules of RPing: no powerplaying or meta-gaming, but mild godmoding or auto-hitting is allowed as long as it's to the point of, say, occasionally having a perfect counter, flicking someone too close on the forehead, or sneaking up behind someone who is distracted and tickling them or the likes, but anything beyond is forbidden. That said, many acts of light auto-hitting like the tickling will still need to be discussed between players in the OOC for permission.
    • 2. The next thing I can't stress enough is that characters don't necessarily need to get along, but players should still show respect to each other in the OOC and retain a positive environment here.
    • 3. Players are not allowed to post in the IC unless their character has been approved and it is that character's turn to post.
    • 4. The IC will be conducted in an orderly manner with an episodic style where character posting order will be determined prior to each episode. Depending on how things turn out it may be possible that some posting orders will be reused, but that is to be determined. Players may also use a posting profile to spruce up their posts should they wish to use one.
    • 5. Even though this is based on the Chuunibyou series, one does not need to have actually seen or read the series to join as long as they can match the setting, though it is nonetheless highly recommended as the series is great!
    • 6. Like in the series there will be delusion battles on occasion. Make sure that all actions performed in the realm of fantasy during such events are justifiable within the constructs of the realm of reality.
    • 7. Despite this RP focusing around the concept of chuunibyou, it does not mean you can't have a character like Kumin or Isshiki from the anime: one who's either completely oblivious to chuunibyou or doesn't quite have it but is mildly interested in the idea.
    • 8. On the subject of characters: there will be a max cap of 2 per player to begin with. This being said, both characters do not need to be submitted or enter the fray at the beginning. In other words, you could go ahead and submit a CS for 2 different characters if you want, and have one enter in later on in the RP, and you could also submit just one in the beginning and then submit another one at a later date when inspiration strikes you. This goes without saying that you can also submit 2 characters and start RPing as both right from the get-go. If the latter is done then, when character posting order is chosen, you may have influence over which of your two characters you'd like to post as before the other, but they will still adhere to the randomly generated order and they can not switch places after the order has been set. One more thing to note is that although the initial character limit is 2 per person, if, later on down the road, anyone feels that they want to have another character they are free to submit a third as long as they can still keep up.
    • 9. Bear in mind while you are creating your character that since this RP is anime-based all FCs need be in anime style and of decent quality; whether they are official anime/manga art, anime-style game art, or fan art/commission. Sources won't need to be cited, however, so no need to stress there.
    • 10. Another point to note is that, similar to the original series, there will be a dedicated junior high school connected to the high school where most of the setting takes place, so the possibility for making a junior high character like Dekomori is open as long as they have relevance to the setting. Despite this, characters at the high school are not barred from having attended a different junior high school.
    • 11. Touching up from earlier on character limitations; family members and random NPCs can be used independent of your character limit, as long as they are not used as frequently as a PC would be; the occasional one liner from a random person or RPing as a character's family when around them at home or whatever is acceptable.
    • 12. Oh, romance? Sure, there can be an element of romance to this RP between characters; just remember that if one or both parties are patients of chuunibyou it will be a long and bumpy road before they can officially be called an item as those suffering from the affliction typically aren't well versed in such deep, complex relationships and will frequently cause problems or misunderstandings. Granted some characters can already be in a relationship upon RP launch, as long as it is specified by both parties in the CS and at least briefly explained in their bio. if players would like to discuss various inner plots such as this among each other they may do so in the OOC.
    • 13. Lastly, this RP will be taking place in modern Japan (specifically: the Minato ward in Tokyo, a.k.a. Minato City), and as such it will be following typical Japanese customs. High school and junior high school each have only 3 years, and classes will begin in April; typically when cherry blossoms begin or are close to blooming. Also, there are no dedicated school buses to pick up students; they will commute to school by either train, public bus, and/or foot depending on the distance between their home and the school. Classes will take place Monday-Saturday, with Saturday being a half day. Also don't forget that all students have foot lockers at the entrance of the school where they switch between their indoor and outdoor shoes which are provided by the student's family. Lastly on the subject is that while there is a cafeteria within the school where students can buy lunches via purchasing vouchers at a machine and then bringing them to the service area, a large percentage of students typically tend to have packed lunches (bentou! XD) brought from home often consisting of leftovers or a small, balanced lunch prepared by family alongside white rice, so make sure to keep these factors in mind.

    That's it for rules and the like! More information on the current events and direction of the IC can be found on the Summary tab, but if you have any questions not answered feel free to ask away! Let's all have fun alright?!​
  • Currently Under Maintenance
    Tell me, have you ever heard of the term "Chuunibyou", or "Eighth Grader Syndrome"? For those not familiar with this Japanese term, you might understand better by hearing it's more common English synonym: "Delusions of Grandeur". This is a sad affliction that typically affects young adolescents, its most drastic form making those who contract it believe they have special powers or are somehow connected to and surrounded by the occult. For those such patients, the period in which they retain these delusions later develops into an embarrassing period of shame that forever haunts their memories, despite how much fun they seem to have at the time. In most cases this behavior subsides by the beginning of one's first year in high school, but there are some cases where patients retain their status as chuunibyou patient for the remainder of their school days and sometimes longer.

    Characters of Note
    A quick look at the characters that are in the IC

    Active Characters

    • Bass Magus as:
      • Aria Sakai
    • chaosheart13 as:
      • Kazami Ueda
      • Nariko Hideyoshi
    • Banana-senpai as:
      • Meiko Tanaka
      • Satoshi Saruyama
    • Amayan as:
      • Akemi Kurokawa
  • Tell me, have you ever heard of the term "Chuunibyou", or "Eighth Grader Syndrome"? For those not familiar with this Japanese term, you might understand better by hearing it's more common English synonym: "Delusions of Grandeur". This is a sad affliction that typically affects young adolescents, its most drastic form making those who contract it believe they have special powers or are somehow connected to and surrounded by the occult. For those such patients, the period in which they retain these delusions later develops into an embarrassing period of shame that forever haunts their memories, despite how much fun they seem to have at the time. In most cases this behavior subsides by the beginning of one's first year in high school, but there are some cases where patients retain their status as chuunibyou patient for the remainder of their school days and sometimes longer.

    The Story Thus Far...

    Week one of school has come and gone, and some of our rambunctious new students have begun meeting new faces. The energetic second year Kazami Ueda has tried and failed to find any new members for her rather unique club that got reduced to just her at the end of the previous year, but her drive to rebuild the club burns hotter than ever! Meanwhile a small group of third years are becoming aware of and interested by each other, but due to complications one Miyako Mitsuoka has given her cousin Satoshi Maruyama the task of investigating the happenings around the school, as well as the intentions behind their classmate, Meiko Tanaka.

    We now enter the second week of school, and club recruitment has officially begun! The first years end their Monday with an assembly where a selection of clubs are showcasing to the students in an attempt to gain fresh new members, however everything gets thrown off balance when Kazami causes a scene at the gym where the assembly is being held. With teachers hot on her tail, Kazami flees the scene, dragging along with her a hapless, unsuspecting first year student named Akemi Kurokawa who happened to be in her path. Will Kazami manage to find enough members to revive her club? Only time (and your participation) will tell!
  • Currently Under Maintenance
    Tell me, have you ever heard of the term "Chuunibyou", or "Eighth Grader Syndrome"? For those not familiar with this Japanese term, you might understand better by hearing it's more common English synonym: "Delusions of Grandeur". This is a sad affliction that typically affects young adolescents, its most drastic form making those who contract it believe they have special powers or are somehow connected to and surrounded by the occult. For those such patients, the period in which they retain these delusions later develops into an embarrassing period of shame that forever haunts their memories, despite how much fun they seem to have at the time. In most cases this behavior subsides by the beginning of one's first year in high school, but there are some cases where patients retain their status as chuunibyou patient for the remainder of their school days and sometimes longer.

    Past Characters of Note
    A quick look at the characters that were in the IC

    Inactive Characters

    • DANAsaur as:
      • Miyako Mitsuoka
    • Jesse Knight as:
      • Sagu Jackson
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@Bass Magus

Hm, that could work. But you said in the rules only two characters, so...
You're right, I did say two characters, at first. This is actually great that you brought that up, because I forgot to also mention that after a while a third character can be made as long as the player submitting the character feels they are able to handle it.

@Banana-senpai I keep forgetting to mention how I find your guys' cousin characters interesting because they seem to be affectionate of each other and chaos mentioned them teaming up, yet one is of light and the other is of darkness which would normally mean that they'd be arch enemies, especially in the chuunibyou mindset XD
You're right, I did say two characters, at first. This is actually great that you brought that up, because I forgot to also mention that after a while a third character can be made as long as the player submitting the character feels they are able to handle it.
Ah, if that's the case then I'll submit her right away. Can you put that up in the rules, though, so other people can see it?
Yeah, I was already working on it but I'm at work right now so it took a moment
@chaosheart13 Nah, you're good. I just looked over the profile and I have to say: I love it! The only things I can really point out is that Followers of Darkness was what Ryuu referred to their old club as, so you don't have to use it as the old club's name if you don't want to. Also, when I read the skill description for Supernova I thought of something you could use as the 4th wall info on it if you'd like: She inflates a plastic bag and pops it as loudly as possible :D also, now that you have decided to claim the leader of the chuunibyou club would you like to recast your vote about the starting point of the RP? essentially it's about if you want to RP through her recruiting the new members of her club or if you just want to jump straight into the confrontation with Ryuu

@DANAsaur btw, given that Miyako is a 3rd year chuuni affiliated with darkness, was she going to be a former member of the old chuunibyou club or did you have other plans for her?
@chaosheart13 Nah, you're good. I just looked over the profile and I have to say: I love it! The only things I can really point out is that Followers of Darkness was what Ryuu referred to their old club as, so you don't have to use it as the old club's name if you don't want to. Also, when I read the skill description for Supernova I thought of something you could use as the 4th wall info on it if you'd like: She inflates a plastic bag and pops it as loudly as possible :D also, now that you have decided to claim the leader of the chuunibyou club would you like to recast your vote about the starting point of the RP? essentially it's about if you want to RP through her recruiting the new members of her club or if you just want to jump straight into the confrontation with Ryuu
Glad you like her! Kazami's backstory was the easiest to write, as well as the most fun. XD Oh, so the old group wasn't the Followers of Darkness? Whoops. I'll leave that there though because I can't think of anything. As for her 4th wall weapon for Supernova, I'm not sure if I should add that, but that's just me. And yes, I'll recast my vote to starting at the beginning of the school year.
@DANAsaur she can be a new member if you want, I just thought that that might be a possibility and wanted to know what you wanted to do. Either way she wouldn't be a member of the new club until after Kazami scouts her. Heck, we could just make the former members NPCs for all I care, I just had it open as an option in case anyone wanted to take the position.

@chaosheart13 yeah, Followers of Darkness was initially just how he referred to them given his status as an archangel. And since the person who took the character herself wants to start at the beginning of the year and only one other person voted for starting a month in then that's what we'll go with unless more players vote for a month in before CSs are complete. On that note, how are things coming along @Crow and @Takumi? Have you guys come up with anything?
btw @DANAsaur, the club itself is affiliated with darkness (I mean, the club president is known as the "Empress of Darkness" after all) so I don't see why she couldn't be a member. Speaking of which... @Banana-senpai wouldn't that be cause for complication with Satoshi being a member? Or is he going to be one of those "is technically a member because he filled out the application form but doesn't quite fit with the other club members due to opposing affiliation" types? Also, how do you feel about Satoshi and Miyako having opposing affiliations DANA?
@Bass Magus

Actually, I was thinking she would accept any chuunibyou in the club, despite the different alignments. She needs more followers after all. :D
I'm thinking between Student Council President and someone with a lot of stuffed animals.
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btw @chaosheart13, I just remembered to mention that the memory loss wasn't publicly released yet IC, just that Ryuu had been severely injured and was brought to a hospital. I was thinking something along the lines that Kazami with her chuunibyou assumed that the angel that was their sworn enemy had died during the battle after leaving "psychological curses" or something on her senpai to seal away their magic or something, so when she realizes that he is, in fact, alive, it surprises her like crazy. I imagined she would doubt the credibility that he had memory loss due to her chuunibyou making her think the angel was trying to trick her in order to get close enough to seal her powers as well, which I feel that how you set up her persona supports that thought process perfectly. I was also thinking that on the day he actually integrates back into school Kazami wouldn't be paying attention at all, and when he approaches her during lunch break is the first time she actually notices him there and that'd be when she freaks out; what do you think?
ah, more posts came up while I was typing O_O so in response: @chaosheart13 okay, I see what you mean. Essentially a situation where as long as they pledge undying loyalty to her they can serve her kind of thing right? Even so, do you think she could still hold some kind of friction towards Ryuu given that as an archangel his goal was to purify her and her club-mates?

@Crow why not both? I mean that in 2 different ways: you could combine them so it's a student council president who happens to have a lot of stuffed animals, or, since you can start off with up to 2 characters, you could have a normal student council president AND another character who has a lot of stuffed animals :D
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@DANAsaur she can be a new member if you want, I just thought that that might be a possibility and wanted to know what you wanted to do. Either way she wouldn't be a member of the new club until after Kazami scouts her. Heck, we could just make the former members NPCs for all I care, I just had it open as an option in case anyone wanted to take the position.

btw @DANAsaur, the club itself is affiliated with darkness (I mean, the club president is known as the "Empress of Darkness" after all) so I don't see why she couldn't be a member. Speaking of which... @Banana-senpai wouldn't that be cause for complication with Satoshi being a member? Or is he going to be one of those "is technically a member because he filled out the application form but doesn't quite fit with the other club members due to opposing affiliation" types? Also, how do you feel about Satoshi and Miyako having opposing affiliations DANA?

Why do I need ro be scouted? Can't she be like.. A member since first year? And I'm fine with Satoshi and Miyako having opposing affilations. It would be fun. There will be drama and conflict <3
Why do I need ro be scouted? Can't she be like.. A member since first year? And I'm fine with Satoshi and Miyako having opposing affilations. It would be fun. There will be drama and conflict <3
because the original chuunibyou club pretty much disbanded after the previous year's graduating member had a final showdown with Ryuu and a serious accident happened that put Ryuu in the hospital. If you haven't read his bio I would advise towards reading it since it's very impacting on the setting; and so is Kazami's for that matter as she is the only member of the original chuunibyou club who didn't (or couldn't) give it up according to the setting. If you want she could've been on a hiatus or something during the events that happened and had never heard about it or something like that, so she ends up joining Kazami in recreating the club :)
Yeah, guess I'll go with two characters then.
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because the original chuunibyou club pretty much disbanded after the previous year's graduating member had a final showdown with Ryuu and a serious accident happened that put Ryuu in the hospital. If you haven't read his bio I would advise towards reading it since it's very impacting on the setting; and so is Kazami's for that matter as she is the only member of the original chuunibyou club who didn't (or couldn't) give it up according to the setting. If you want she could've been on a hiatus or something during the events that happened and had never heard about it or something like that, so she ends up joining Kazami in recreating the club :)

Well, I haven't read the character sheets yet sooo.. I'm sorry >_<

Yeah we could do that. Maybe she became on hiatus because it was the time when her parents divorced and stuff. She didn't attend school for a few weeks because of all her family drama xD
Well, I haven't read the character sheets yet sooo.. I'm sorry >_<

Yeah we could do that. Maybe she became on hiatus because it was the time when her parents divorced and stuff. She didn't attend school for a few weeks because of all her family drama xD
yeah, and then right after that the school year ended (since the incident happened around the end of the school year). Sounds like a plan! :)

now I'm off to take a shower, brb!

and good luck @Crow; can't wait to see how they turn out :)
@DANAsaur she can be a new member if you want, I just thought that that might be a possibility and wanted to know what you wanted to do. Either way she wouldn't be a member of the new club until after Kazami scouts her. Heck, we could just make the former members NPCs for all I care, I just had it open as an option in case anyone wanted to take the position.

@chaosheart13 yeah, Followers of Darkness was initially just how he referred to them given his status as an archangel. And since the person who took the character herself wants to start at the beginning of the year and only one other person voted for starting a month in then that's what we'll go with unless more players vote for a month in before CSs are complete. On that note, how are things coming along @Crow and @Takumi? Have you guys come up with anything?

I forgot to finish reading things. Ugh, sorry. I'll look tomorrow if I have the chance.