Into the Void: The Prison Ship Zegron

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For three prisoners aboard the prison ship Zegron, life is about to get a little more interesting. Since the collapse of the Republic and domination of the Empire, the crackdown on crime has been unbelievable. These three prisoners have been deemed criminals by the Empire and must serve out lifetime sentences. And within the confines of a small cell block, who knows what can happen?
Name: Dred Dystra
Age: 27
Race: Feeorin
Culture: Mandalorian
Looks: Tall and burly like most of his race Dred is big even for his race. Though his features are typical for a Feeorin he is odd in that he has jet black skin which is a rarity among his people. He also has multiple scars and several of his tentacles have been cut by lightsaber blades.
Backstory: Dred was born on a small backworld planet that was in the path of invasion for the Sith empire. Mandalorians under the employment of the Galactic Republic pushed the Sith off the planet but not before Dred's home was left barren and unable to sustain life. He lost his parents, his family, his friends, and everyone he had ever known. In the retreat the Mandalorians took him with them and a member of clan Dystra adopted him as his own and made him his son in Mandalorian fashion. He would be taught in the ways of the Mandalorians for years. His hatred of the Sith driving him to become a veritable prodigy in the combat methods of the Dystra clan which specialized in fighting force users. He was on a planet in the outer rim years later when he was captured by the Sith, the rest of his platoon wiped out in an ambush.

Clan Dystra: The Dystra clan of the Mandalorians are a clan of force hunters. Meaning they are trained in methods to hunt down force users and fight on par with them. Their armor, tools, weapons, training, and fighting style all center around combating their specialized enemies. That is not to say that they are any less effective against conventional enemies.
Mind Shielding: Clan Dystra trains its hunters in methods of shielding one's mind from the effects of the force. This includes resisting mental suggestion/control, shielding one's mind from being read and the use of techniques that hid one's intentions making ambush an option.
Marshal Training. All Mandalorians are heavily trained from a young age in the arts of combat and in the use of weaponry.
Anti force user training: The Dystra clan are a clan of force hunters. This means that Dred was trained heavily in how to fight against force users. This includes training in the use of several different weapons designed to fight force users including the use of Mandalorian crush gauntlets and the Beskad (A sword made of Mandalorian iron that is impervious to lightsabers) as well as flamethrowers, explosives, slugthrowers, poison darts, and sonic weaponry. Rocket boots prevent him from being thrown around by telekinesis He also wears clothing under his armor that is grounded and resistant to force lightning.
Swordsman: Dred was trained heavily in the use of the Beskad ( a heavy mandalorian sword made of Beskar). He revels in this form of combat preffering to take on worthy Sith in close combat.
Pilot training: Dred was taught by his father to pilot a starship and he is quite adept at it.
Survival training: All Mandalorians are taught to take care of themselves in multiple environments and can survive on their own in the wilderness indefinitely as long as there is food and water.
Fringe contacts and knowledge: Mandalorians are usually mercenaries by trade which leads to them having contacts with unsavory people.
Determined: Once Dred is on the hunt he rarely relents until his target is captured or more often killed.
Loyal: while he may be seen a blunt, bullheaded, brute once you earn his loyalty it's for life. Unless of course he is betrayed
Cunning: when it comes to the hunt and combating his enemies Dred is a cunning hunter and combatant often surprisingly outsmarting his enemies.
Brute: Dred pretty much speaks his mind and has very little tact unless it's obvious its someone he doesn't want to piss off. He relies mostly on his imposing size and reputation for negotiation.
Arrogant: Dred has been successful at his job and takes such pride in his skills that he has become a rather arrogant ass.
Sport: Dred takes pleasure in a good fight and killing Sith is a sport for him. He will often disregard his own safety and engage in one on one combat any Sith he sees as a worthy opponent.
Sorcerers: Sith trained in the arts of sorcery do give him problems in that they have powers that are very hard to counter.
Dred is brutish and bullheaded unless he respects the opinion of the person in question and it takes a lot to gain his respect and trust. But once you do its surprising to find out how loyal companion he can be. Willing to die for his comrades and those he sees as worthy of his protection. That being said if he sees you as scum you probably aren't worth his time unless you are worth money. He is a relentless hunter of the Sith and uses intimidation to hunt them down and eliminate them. He revels in combat and as long as he dies a death in combat by a worthy foe he sees it as worth the fight. He's not overly fond of force users in general but he does have a grudging respect for any that are adept at lightsaber combat. The Jedi are a sore spot for him in that he sees them as doing nothing to save his homeworld while the Mandalorians risked their lives to do so. He has a soft spot for children especially those that have been effected by the war. He has a habit of collecting trophies from his kills in the form of the Sith's lightsaber.
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Name: Il'lana
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Dathomirir
Force Sensitivity
Lightwhip/lightsaber training
Bow training
Knife fighting/throwing
Nature knowledge
Above average physical strength and speed
Culturally inept outside of Dathomir
Technologically challenged
Low battle endurance
Il'lana is the youngest daughter of Chieftain Leeta of the Frenzied River Clan. The Emperor, Lord Sidious sent out parties to Dathomir to retrieve Force Sensitives in order to keep the idea of a rebellion at bay. Il'lana was one of those who resisted with a group of others. She was deemed the leader of the band and is being sent to the prison ship Zegron until she either complies with the orders of the Emperor or dies in her cell.
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Name: Xevran
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Schenor
-Martial arts/lightsaber training: As a schenor, Xevran has trained heavily in martial arts, something which branched over into his jedi training. He is primarily a lightsaber combatant, letting the force fuel his body rather than utilize it in more obvious forms. He has trained extensively in the use of multiple lightsaber forms, as well as the use of a single blade and dual sabers, though he is more proficient with some forms than others. Xevran's preferred forms are that of the Shien or Soresu. As he prefers the path of non-violence where possible, Soresu is usually his first choice, with Shien being his preferred offensive stance. He has trained to use both of these styles with dual sabers and a single blade. When fighting another force-user, be it training against a jedi or dueling against a sith, Xevran prefers to fight in the old style. A single blade, wielded in the form of Makashi. On more than one occasion he has used this form's opening stance as a challenge to sith. And when he has no alternative but to end his opponents, Xevran has trained in the art of Juyo, solely with dual blades. In so doing he allows his inner warrior self, usually kept guarded behind the jedi code, to run rampant with the force. Oftentimes he is only a hair's breadth from danger when using this form, and he does not do so unless it is his only option.
-Force training: Of course, as a jedi, Xevran received training in the use of the force. However, his practice of it is more a philosophical purpose rather than as an offensive one. He has the ability to push enemies and manipulate physical objects with the force, but he prefers to do so with his own might. More often he will allow the force to flow through his body, amplifying his physical strength and speed to a level beyond human. Xevran has also trained to "erase his presence" through the power of the force. It does not render him invisible, but others are far more likely to have their gaze pass over him in favor of other sights when he does so. He also will use mind tricks to avoid combat where necessary (though of course this only works on weak minds)
-Diplomatic calm: Xevran is always one to talk rather than fight. Even in combat, he prefers to nonlethally subdue his opponents or have them concede than injure them. This, combined with his mental discipline, leaves him with a calm and thoughtful demeanor even in the most troubling of circumstances. Rare indeed is the time where Xevran will lose his temper or show something remotely close to panic.
-Diplomatic endeavor: while Xevran's diplomatic tendencies are a strength, they also can be a weakness for opponents to take advantage of. Outside of ruthless sith, Xevran is of the belief anyone can do good in the galaxy, and it is not his place to judge someone worth of death. And so he will always move for a peaceful resolution if he believes such a thing to be in any way possible. This means a fight he should easily win could turn into a drawn-out slug fest due to his unwillingness to end it concisely.
-Bestial appearance: while Xevran is always polite and wears the trademark robes of the jedi, there is no hiding his more animalistic features from close viewers. This tends to make any social interaction harder than it should be.
-Overly polite: Xevran always refers to himself in the third person, and refers to others as "thou" which can make conversation with him awkward. Once again, this makes social interaction harder than it should be.

Personality: Xevran is the sort of person who would fight with an opponent, watch them fall into a pit, dive after them, and take serious injury in the process to save any opponent (who may indeed have been trying to kill him seconds before) He is of the firm opinion that everyone in the galaxy has a chance to do good, if only they would realize it. This kind nature conflicts with the warrior society ingrained into his species, and he finds his jedi training conflicting within him more times than he cares to admit. As if to combat this, he almost tried too hard to be social and diplomatic as opposed to a warrior. He refers to himself as "this one" perpetually, and always refers to others respectfully as "thou" or similar.
Everywhere she looked, all she could see was metal. Metal walls, metal doors, metal floors, etc. Where was the greenery that she so loved? The red light she had come to know and understand was replaced by false electric lights. All of her knives were gone, along with her trusty bow and the lightwhip she had taken such pains to create. Instead, she was dressed in coarse orange materials with metal bracelets tightly fastened around her wrists to prevent the natural flow of the natural energies of the Force. Perhaps that was the most startling thing of all: being cut off from the Force. There was no calming flow around her, like a gentle mist enveloping her. Now there was nothing except dry air.
The storm trooper's shove reminded her to keep walking. The long metallic hallways had more long hallways branching off of them that led to a series of three cells. There were going to be two others watching her in her cell, two strange creatures that she would had to learn to deal with. The storm trooper finally made a turn around a corner. The cell at the direct end of the hallway was empty, so she assumed it was hers. On the right, there was a cat like creature. Her eyes widened slightly; she had heard legends of humanoids that had fur and looked like cats. The one of the left was just as boggling. It had black skin and tentacles coming out of its head. Compared to them, she felt rather...normal.
After being shoved inside of the cell and the force field erected, the storm trooper went away with the same precision as she had seen many of them possessed. Then again, they had to in order to stay useful in the eyes of their Sith leaders. After eyeing the other two quietly for a moment, she sat down on the cold, metallic floor and tried to reach out to whatever meditative sense she could to ground herself in this sea of alloys.
A black void. It was all Xevran could feel as he closed his eyes. The force was around him, begging him to reach ahold, to let it flow into him like a river and empower him--yet he could not. The empire had come far in their technology, and the infernal cuffs upon his wrists stopped him from touching the force. And so he could only sit on the side, with his eyes closed, and attempt to center himself.
A sound of impact on metal.
Xevran's ear twitched in response.
Another impact--and then another.
Xevran recognized them as the sound of stormtrooper boots on the metal floor. Then they got louder, closer. The man opened his eyes, seeing only the metal walls and the barrier of the force cage. Then they were there, and a young woman was thrown into the cell with him. And so another had joined him, how long would they remain like this? And what were the empire's plans for them? The schenor offered a smile to the young woman, offering a hand to her as he did so. Hopefully the black fur and claws would not put her off to terribly.
"This one welcomes thou young lady. Wouldst thou give us the pleasure of thine name?"
Laying on his bunk and watching the exchange between his furry companion and the new girl he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the overpoliteness. The furry little guy, what did he say he was?? a Shenor? He hadn't been bad company for the past few weeks but that and his pacifistic nature made it hard for Dred to communicate with him. Not to mention that he wasn't fond of force user's of any sort and the Jedi in particular he disdained for his own reasons. But they weren't the Sith... that they had going for them at least and he knew he would need the furry little pacifist to get out of here. Breaking himself out of his musings he began to study the new arrival intently with his dark eyes. Her toned muscled figure and wild hair told him she was from a wilder planet. The most telling things though were the special binders on her wrist marking her as yet another force user. She didn't look like a Jedi however which put Dred on edge a bit. Her wild appearence though marked her as something other than a Sith. He resolved to merely observe and wait for her answer to the Shenor's question.
"...hello, Mr....Fuzzy...." She raised an eyebrow. "I am called Il'lana of the Frenzied River Clan. If I may ask, what are you?" Looking around for a moment, she realized a barrage of other questions were coming to mind. Il'lana also noticed the bands around his wrists. Another Force user. Great. That reassured her for some odd reason. She reached back to take down her mussed hair to rebraid it back into a warrior's knot. A side eye was kept on the other strange creature that had yet to speak, like two wild animals sizing each other up for the first time.
Xevran offered a smile to Il'ana, and set his hand to the side as she chose to ignore the offering.
"This one is known as a schenor. This one's people are not well known in the reaches of space."
He paused for a bit, letting his gaze travel over his other cell companion briefly before continuing. Xevran had not felt malice from the man, but it was clear from their first interaction they had two very different views on life.
"This one does confess he is ignorant of the Frenzied river clan. Wouldst thou care to elaborate?"
"I am a proud warrior of the Dathomir clan that chose to nestle between the raging rivers of Solek and Noxan." She saw the lowered hand and raised her eyebrow again. "Is that a greeting? I do not recognize it. Something you" Her gaze lowered onto the metal surrounding her. " there no flora here? The stark metal feels lifeless. And where are we among the stars?"
Dred chose to speak. "No idea on our coordinance but you are currently on a prison ship in the middle of space hun. As for flora... well you must be a yokel to ask that question in this place. But anyway that's beside the point isn't it? Names Dred I'll give you the run of how things work around here. There are two factions in this place, the first are the Sith malcontents that pissed off their masters at some point. The other is my group, basically dangerous people that are against the empire but were kept as "trophies" instead of killed. We look out for each other and keep those pieces of shtako off of people. Since you obviously aren't a Sith or one of their groveling toadies you'll want to stick with us out in the "yard". Otherwise beat the shtako out of someone bigger than you if you want to go it solo." He suddenly grinned. " Though I wouldn't recommend the latter in here." He had a discernible accent ( New Zealand) That sounded somehow rough yet cultured at the same time coming from him.
Xevran's gaze turned a noticeable shade darker for a few brief moments, and he leaned back against the metal of wall of the cell.
"There is no life here beyond the empire and their prisoners young one. The empire doth not find use for such wonders of nature."
It also served to dull the senses of those trained in the force, or at least those who chose to be at one with life rather than twist it to their whims. The cuffs upon the wrists of force-sensitives already served to dull their senses, but the lack of life within the ship also served to further disconnect those within from the force.
His train of thought was interrupted by the gruff voice of his other cellmate. While curt and blunt, he was correct.
"It is as the warrior says, all within these walls are as gladiators."
"...yo..-kel?" Il'lana furrowed her brow. "You have many weird words, Mr. Dred." She assumed the two were males of the species that they came from. However, they had quite a dominant way of acting. At home, things were much different. "Well, there's got to be some form of plant life around here somewhere. No one can truly sanely survive in a metal box can they?" She was getting more uncomfortable by the minute, drawing her knees up against her chest and putting her arms around her legs.
"Heh heh" you've obviously never heard of Coruscant, then.... place is nothing but metal boxes." He chuckled " That's what they call "apartments". He shrugged " My point yeah people do it all the time." He noticed how she was sitting and frowned, getting up and kneeling next to her. He put his big hand on her shoulder. " Look at me."
"It is true that many an individual has learned to live without the presence of green life around them. A sad truth in this one's eyes, but this one does not judge how another may choose to live."
Whoever the young lady was, she was clearly from a more primal planet, much like Xevran's own perhaps. Might he have acted similarly if he had not been inducted into the order? It was a musing he decided to save for another time, as the poor girl looked like she was trying to retreat into some non-existent bush.
"If the the metal surroundings doth bother thou, close thine eyes. Center thineself on what you know."
Xevran had remained cross-legged the whole time, and simply closed his eyes, as if to demonstrate this practice
Il'lana flinched at the hand in her paranoid state. She wanted to hear a waterfall in the distance, watch the running water, walk through the forests. She closed her eyes tight, trying to hang onto the images of her home planet. The feel of her hide hammock against her skin while she stared up at the stars came to mind.
"I'd prefer to keep my eyes shut from this metal monstrosity."
" And how long can you do that Verd'ika?" He frowned down at her. " You have to be strong here. You have the heart of a warrior that I can see in you. So open your eyes warrior girl and stand strong.... otherwise..." He stood, turned, and returned to his bunk. Stretching out he closed his eyes. Sudden inspiration struck him from what little she had revealed about her home. " Either stand against the river's flow Verd'ika... or get swept away by the current."
Xevran listened to the warrior he had been captive with in silence. He seemed slightly more welcoming to this young woman than he had been to Xevran. Though Xevran suspected that was likely due to his stance as a Jedi, while this woman was clearly not. As much sense as his words made, the man could not understand what it was like to have the force taken away from one's grasp, to no longer feel the heartbeats of others as easily as one would their own.
"It is true we are surrounded by metal little one, that does not mean life does not persist. Focus on the breathing of those around thou, the heartbeat within thine breast."
As if to emphasize his point, a small beetle crawled down the wall by the schenor, likely from a vent far to small for any of them to use. The man smiled and coaxed the little creature onto his finger
"There is no place devoid of the natural world, however hard the empire may insist."
"..." Il'lana opened her eyes and sighed. "What manner of people are you? A warrior and a...scholar?" The tentacled beast and the cat seemed as different as light and day. "More importantly, how do we get out of here? I have no intention of joining the emperor's ranks and also no intention of dying in a metal heap." She looked around her, realizing that the technology here far surpassed that which she was used to. Her people had chosen to stay within a blended lifestyle of primal and technology insomuch as they used the technology to enhance the primal life.
Xevran offered a smile at the young woman before releasing the insect on his hand back to the wall from whence it came.
"In many respects yes. This one is a knight of the Jedi order, a scholar by choice and warrior by necessity."
The talk of escape was expected, though perhaps not quite so quickly. This young lady clearly did not like being within the confines of the dreadnought they were within.
"Thou must practice patience and trust in the force. It will offer a way to thou in time. Those who would listen for it must simply wait."
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