Into the Woods

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The presence of the butterfly was unknown to Bella, as was the presence of anything or anyone but her horse and the cart and the axe in her hands. Her thoughts were far from the wood she was chopping, as was evident in the sloppy job she was doing. She would chop a log, one part much larger than the other, and have to chop that in half. But she just couldn't stop thinking about the dream she'd had. As she started working, the details had begun to come back to her. Perhaps it was because she was practically on the edge of the forest and the close proximity helped, not that this idea would occur to her. Farren seemed to notice her spaciness and watched her with his dark ears pricked forward in cautious interest.

Bella dropped the axe by her side, taking a moment to catch her breath. She swiped a bead of sweat from her brow and looked up at the sun. It was when her eyes scanned the space between the sky and the next block of wood that she noticed the Monarch. She blinked with a bit of surprise, a smile slowly working onto her face.

"You.. are you the butterfly from yesterday? In the garden?" She mused as she watched it flutter towards her, its exuberant colors capturing the sunlight. She held out her arm for it to perch where it may upon it. It didn't register as anything significant and Bella certainly hadn't expected for anything to happen; but suddenly she was afflicted with a vision. It was quite vivid, so much so that she felt like she was in the room watching the event taking place first hand. She could see two men, one younger than the other, and a young woman. One man seemed to be wrestling the other out the door with great strain; the woman lay still and possibly lifeless upon what appeared to be a dining table. It wouldn't have bothered her so if she hadn't noticed the young woman's hair color, which was close to, if not the same, as her own.

The vision left her as soon as the Monarch fluttered away from her, no longer making physical contact. Bella blinked and shook her head vigorously, clearing her mind. As the butterfly started back towards the woods, she frowned. "Hey! Where are you going? What was that about, showing me something like that? Hey!" The copper-haired girl started after the bright orange trouble-maker, bursting through the first fringes of the trees. "You come back here!" She called, scanning around for it when she lost sight of it. Such moments were brief and she would quickly find it again in what little light there was and continue her pursuit. After a while, she stopped, nearly out breath from running after it.

"What am I doing? Chasing a bug? Why!? It's not like it can answer my questions, even if I do catch it." Bella muttered to herself. The running seemed to have zapped away her frustration and confusion, leaving only an embarrassment at having gotten so worked up over nothing. She burst into laughter at her behavior, thinking herself silly. "I better be getting.... back?" When she turned around to go back to chopping wood, Bella found that she could not see the edge of the forest, only shadows of shadows of trees.
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The Monarch shot through the woods at a surprisingly fast pace, whizzing past branches and shrubs with finesse. For a brief moment it would cease its escape, and linger in the air a moment to allow the girl to catch sight of it once more before taking off again.

As the two continued deeper into the many trees, what little sunlight managed to pierce through the leaves and branches gradually began to diminish. Dense fog began to appear as they continued onward along with a sky that had turned grey. The amount of leaves and shrubs began to cease as large, barren trees began to occupy the forest.

It became apparent that Bella had ceased her chase. The Monarch continued onward into the forest with haste, it's lack of hesitation suggested that it had a specific destination in mind; atop a hooded girls head.

"Hey you," Sophia greeted the butterfly cheerfully as she came to a stop after having skipped silently throughout the woods on her own, as was custom during her mornings. "Where'd you run off to?" The butterfly began to descend from atop the girls head, fluttering its wings wildly before Sophie, perking her curiosity as it always did. "Hm? Whats the matter?" Giving no explanation, the Monarch turned and sped off, back towards the direction it came from. The girl did not hesitate to follow, and lightly jogged behind. Moving amongst the trees was quite similar to one attempting to navigate a maze. There was no clear path, nor a clearing for one to make out what lay in the distance. Sophia had spent many nights and days within them, and knew the woods like the back of her hand. However, she had grown so accustomed to its lack of wildlife, and was quite used to the privacy, even finding comfort within it. Rarely did she question what may lie within.

It wasn't until the Monarch led the girl behind a certain tree did she come to a surprising halt, letting out a gasp as she did so. Before her stood the very woman she had watched so curiously as she went about her chores during the other day. Since than she had imagined a hundred different scenarios where the two could become acquainted, but this was surely not one of them. Even though her back was facing the hooded child, there was no mistaking the copper hair that trickled gently down her neck. The butterfly floated towards Bella, and began to circle around her head in hopes of catching her attention and having her turn towards the hooded girl that stood paralyzed behind her, unable to move as a result of an overwhelming amount of shock and curiosity, despite being horrified as she realized the Monarch had very well tricked her!
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Bella braced herself against the black trunk of a tree to keep herself on her feet. A wave of anxiety washed over her and made her feel light-headed. She was lost in the woods, the place she was warned time and time again to stay out of. She had deliberately disobeyed a direct order from her family, an order that was given to prevent such a situation. "What would Robby say if he found out?" Bella asked herself in a grave tone. This weighed heavily on her for a moment before she pushed it aside for what was her first priority. "Never mind that, now. First, I need to get home." Taking a soothing deep breath, she calmed herself so she could think clearly.

She scanned the woods in the direction she had come, trying to determine whether or not there was a path she could follow. Maybe if she could find where she crashed through the brush, she could back track. It was then that the butterfly returned, fluttering about around her head. Bella frowned and waved her hand at it to shoo it away.

"You better get out of here. If you don't, I might be inclined to squash you for helping me get lost." The redhead scolded the Monarch curtly. She swatted at it, if just out of spite, and turned to follow it with her eyes. "That is, unless you want to make yourself useful and show me the way out." As she turned, Bella was surprised to see, hiding behind a tree, a girl. She was evidently a child and had reddish hair; she wore a hood over her head. It took a moment for the shock to subside enough so that she could take a step forward.

"Um.. Hi, there. Are you lost? Do you know your way around these woods, by any chance?" Bella asked, speaking slowly and carefully so as not to scare the little girl.
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The girl timorously gazed between Bella and the Monarch. She felt betrayed, and wanted to scream at the butterfly for having lured Bella all the way out into the woods so early on. This was not how she wanted to meet the common girl. There would be questions, questions she did not know how to answer, even if she had the right to do so. Sophie's eyes were wide open, her brows furrowed timidly as she stood completely still, her legs shaking, unable to decide the best course of action.

"I...I.." She stuttered, struggling to find the proper words, an impossible task considering the fact she did not know what to say. The Monarch landed atop Bella's head, and remained still. Sophia's anxiety sky-rocketed to the point where her eyes began watering. Her breathing became rapid, and her hands began to shake.

She stood frozen for what felt like an hour, before finally conjuring the strength to turn and run back the way she came. Sophie poured all of her energy into sprinting through the forest. She rounded trees, dodged branches and climbed over logs with significant agility that suggested she knew the forest like the back of her hand. She did not cease her running, lest she freeze up once more. The Monarch shot off of Bella's head and lingered behind the hooded girl, so Bella would not lose sight of her trail.
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The girl gave no answer to either of Bella's questions, showing little evidence of having even heard her. The child appeared scared stiff aside from shaking legs and hands; the tears in her eyes didn't help. Bella bit her lip, unsure of what to do. She wanted to comfort the girl, but figured that if she moved, the girl would run. No, Bella need not move for the girl to bolt, as she took off running into the trees. There was a moment of hesitation on Bella's part, wondering what set the child off. Then she saw the butterfly taking off after the hooded girl and took off running herself.

"Please, wait!" The redhead called, narrowly dodging fallen trees and low-hanging branches that threatened to trip and scratch her. Up ahead, she could only just see the child's cloak flutter out of sight. Evidently, she knew her way around these woods. The Monarch guided Bella in the right direction; although, just when she thought she might catch up, the girl was disappearing again. "I won't hurt you! I just want to get home!" She called again, her words stifled by the thick trees. There was no answer; and of course she wasn't expecting one.
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The hooded girl had escaped both the Monarch as well as Bella's sights, and the pair found themselves even farther away from the edge of the forest than before. Unbeknownst to them, the sky above the hundreds of trees and branches had gradually been turning a menacing grey. As the two pressed on, the trees grew in proportion, only making their barren appearance that much more apparent. Although Sophie was now a significant distance away, the Monarch continued to guide Bella throughout the woods with the same pace as before.

By now, the sun had risen to its peak in the sky, far above the abundance of clouds beneath it that hovered over both Esterwell and the barren forest beside it. Soon, drops of water began to rain down, and managed to slip passed the plethora of branches. At first there were only a few, and were hardly noticeable, but eventually more and more rain began to pour down upon Bella and the butterfly. What vague amount of sunlight that managed to penetrate the forest had now vanished. The only distinct light within the forest was a radiant hue the Monarch provided.

It practically glowed a bright, warm orange color. Although rain poured down all around the two, it almost seemed as if every drop of water missed the Monarch, or vanished entirely when coming into contact with its glowing color. Although it had zipped through the forest at first in hopes of keeping up with the hooded girl, the butterfly now continued at a much slower pace for Bella's benefit, so she would not have to continuously sprint through the forest.

Frequently the monarch would stop and briefly turn towards the girl, allowing her to catch up before briskly taking off once more. This was repeated several times, as it hoped not to lose the girl, as she was deep within the mysterious forest.
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Bella was thoroughly lost. The hooded girl was gone, having disappeared from view entirely amongst the trees. Even the butterfly seemed to be doing a better job of keeping up than Bella was and it stopped frequently to let the redhead catch up to it. There was no telling how long she'd been in the woods at that point, as little sky showed through the thick canopy of trees. What sky that was visible was gray, which could be any time up until dusk. With these thoughts circulating ominously in her mind, Bella tried to concentrate on getting out of the woods, or at least finding the girl in the hood again.

At first, the rain wasn't noticeable. Those first few drops that made it through the black entanglement overhead made no noise and were mostly out of Bella's path. Then, the sky fell out with torrents of rain similar to the spring storms that took the heads off of flowers for miles. Bella picked up her pace, charging almost blindly through the rain if only just to get out of it, but she could only go so far. She would run a distance in short bursts of energy only to slow to a fast walk so she could catch her breath, then she would run again. As the rain soaked her dress and the forest floor became thick mud, it became increasingly difficult to anything other than walk.

"I.. I can't.." Bella gasped, finally coming to a complete stop. She squinted against the raindrops streaming down her face, the wet hair in her eyes, and the gray veil the rain cast over the woods in the distance. Amongst the roots of a nearby tree was a conveniently placed rock, which Bella sank down upon, breathing hard. She leaned back against the black tree trunk and closed her eyes. Despite that it was summer, she was freezing. The woods were cool and shady to begin with, but the cold rain and her soaked clothes left her shivering. Thinking about how cold and tired she was brought the first tears to Bella's eyes. She swiped at them with the back of her hand, determined not to cry.

"Let's hurry." She said to the Monarch, standing up from the rock. The girl took up a jog, not bothering to waste her energy sprinting. She kept herself going with the hope that, just around the next bend in the trees, there would be someplace dry and warm for her to rest.
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A flash of lightning accompanied the sight of a castle in the distance. The Monarch fluttered along from atop a hill, where at a certain angle one could make out the exterior walls and many windows through the thick, bare trees. The rain ceased long ago, diminishing into a light sprinkle, before vanishing completely. The clouds, however, remained ominously in the sky. As the rain let up, the two continued at a reasonable pace, and had managed to make significant distance. However, the time of day remained a mystery, but it was definitely safe to say an hour had passed, if not more.

Although Bella's entire time in the woods was spent maneuvering through branches and logs, there was fortunately a path that lead down the hill towards a dirt road. It was inevitably shrouded in trees, but the path itself was clear, its existence seemed to be a result of countless treks up and down the hill over the years. There was even a vague trail of fresh mud, if one was keen enough to notice such a detail.

The sun was all but a mystery, hidden by the gray clouds above. A gust of wind began to pick up, causing the hundreds of branches that surrounded the two to flail about wildly. Sinister vibes plagued the air around them as the sound of wind blowing pierced the air.

However, even amidst the forbidding environment, there was at least warmth in knowing that several of the castles windows glowed with light, suggesting that there were in fact inhabitants within. The Monarch seemed to already be aware of this, as it began to float around Bella's head in playful circles, almost as if to congratulate her for making it so far. The butterfly did not hesitate though, and started down the hill, following the already set path towards the dirt road that lay below.

The trip down the hill was short. Even with the shrouded sun and many trees above, there were wheel marks within the dirt, which also suggested many trips back and forth. The trees surrounding them were in such a large amount of numbers and not far apart from eachother at all. They contorted together in odd shapes, making almost a tunnel of sorts.

At the end of the forested tunnel was a clearing that marked the other end of the woods. Beyond this clearing stood...


In the distance was a familiar green cloak that trotted along down the smooth stone that lay before her. Her boots were riddled with mud and left a mark with each step. The trail itself went as far back as the path atop the hill and followed the dirt road before the castle gates, which remained tightly shut, and locked. Whether or not the hooded girl had made it past with a key or some alternate path remained a mystery. Eventually she made it to the castles large metal double doors imbued with many foreign carvings and designs. She gripped one of the handles with both hands and planted both feet firmly on the ground, pulling one of the doors open. She soon vanished behind it, allowing the door to slam shut.

The Monarch floated in circles around Bella's head once more as the two witnessed the castle before them. The castle gates stood firmly planted, their harsh and cold metal a symbol for what remained behind it. By now the wind had ceased, and the trees remained still. Only an eerie silence and dense fog provided the two company.

The Monarch ceased its floating and proceeded towards the gate, slipping past its foreboding bars with ease. As it did so, the sound of old metal creaking could be heard. The gates themselves began to open outward, welcoming all those that may seek to enter. The Monarch remained still within its interior, floating in circles, beckoning Bella to come inside.
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Hours must have passed that Bella spent in the woods. As if by some divine act of mercy, the rain had finally stopped; although it sprinkled a bit for a while before ceasing altogether. While she was still wet and cold, at least Bella couldn't get any wetter. There came the occasional slip and near-fall in the mud with climbing over logs and dodging branches and by the time the two made it to the top of the hill, Bella was quite tired of the whole business. She gazed down the hill, into the tunnel of trees that shrouded the dirt road. It was a surprise to see a road at all, especially one that wasn't so muddy. Bella took this in little by little, detail by detail, her eyes slowly traveling upward. Then, a flash of lightning lit up the gray around the tower of a castle.

"What is-- is that a--?" The redhead looked at the butterfly, who proceeded to flutter about her head in congratulatory circles before starting down the hill. Bella stood frozen, staring hesitantly at the tiny lights in the tower windows a moment, and followed the Monarch precariously along. There was a dark atmosphere about these surroundings that sent shivers up the girl's spine. Of course, the gusts of wind didn't help at all, since she was still very damp from head to toe. She trotted close behind the butterfly, its presence a comfort in the stifling silence and solitude that loomed over everything. She took pause at the end of the road, just outside of the forbidding gate. The Monarch slipped between the bars effortlessly, as if they weren't even there. Bella reached a hand out to touch the cold metal, wondering how she was supposed to get in. But the gate swung open with a creak and the butterfly beckoned her forward.

"You want me to go in there?" Bella asked numbly, amber eyes darting back and forth. She half expected someone to jump out at her from someplace just out of sight and she turned a full circle to make sure no one was sneaking up on her. She took a careful step just inside the gates and looked around again before proceeding. "What is this place?" She murmured, rubbing her arms uncomfortably. The castle stood tall and imposing, crouched like an animal ready to pounce. Bella stopped in front of the heavy doors, also metal, which had worked on it a number of intricately carved designs that blurred before her eyes. With an uncertain glance to the Monarch, she grabbed the handle of the door and pushed. Opening it required her to put all of her weight into her feet, and twice it started to pull her back in an attempt to close again. Bella opened it just enough that she could slip inside; and it nearly caught the hem of her dress as it slammed behind her.
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The doors slam echoed throughout the main hall of the castle and its corridors, breaking the heavy silence within. Every inch of the main hall appeared pristine, suggesting the room was maintained and attended to daily. The most striking feature could possibly have been the marble floor that practically radiated cleanliness, to the point where one could vaguely see their own reflection whilst gazing into the many squares that filled the expanse of the spotless hall. Above the castle doors, nailed firmly into the wall, was a portrait of a young man dressed in elegant attire. He did not appear a day over the age of twenty.

The peculiar carvings and designs on the castle doors continued to appear within its interior walls and architecture. Strange statues and paintings stared down all those that passed by, only contributing to the castles already eerie atmosphere. There was, however, a certain detail that stuck out in this ominous environment.

A trail of muddy footsteps plagued the pristine, velvet carpet. It started at the castles entrance and continued onward throughout the main hall, trailing off to one of the many corridors within the room. For a brief moment, Bella stood alone within the dark hall. Her orange-glowing guide that had kept her company within the woods had vanished.

And then, the sound of quick footsteps. It was unclear which corridor held the source of the noise. With each passing second the steps became louder and more frantic until finally the hooded girl shot out from the very same corridor the muddy footsteps lead to.


The shouting echoed throughout the corridor and chased the girl down. Sophie's tiny legs struggled to maintain a full sprint as she shot out of the corridor and into the main hall, her cloak flailing about as she did so. Mud continued to trail behind the girl with each step she took, along with drops of water. It was apparent that she too had suffered through the very same rain that Bella had.


Quickly she made for one of the many pillars in the hall and hid behind one. Her eyes were wide and she breathed heavily. Slowly, she peeked her head out, gazing worriedly at the corridor she had escaped from. It wasn't until she sank to the floor and rested her head on the pillar did she notice Bella.

Her expression turned to that of remorse as she realized her effort to escape the girl had been in vain.
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The sound of the heavy door slamming shut echoed in the vast dimly lit hall that served as the entry for the castle, threatening to shake it to crumbling pieces. Bella was pushed forward by the door and nearly tripped on the velvet runner that extended from the threshold, across the marble floor, and up the stairs on the far end of the room. It was a deep red trimmed in gold, which caught the gold touches in the marble and the intricate details on the walls. It was surprisingly clean for a place that appeared devoid of people. Bella's eyes widened at her own vague reflection on the floor, noticing then that there were muddy footprints where she stood. She frowned, feeling guilty for ruining someone's hard work; but then she noticed that the footprints weren't only hers and they weren't isolated to the area just inside the door. The dark footprints trailed across the room, off the red carpet, and through a doorway that she supposed was a corridor. Immediately she thought of the little girl that she'd been trying to keep up with. Then, she realized that she was alone.

"Oh! Hey, where'd you go?" Bella called softly, scanning her surroundings for the warm orange glow of the Monarch. The butterfly was nowhere to be seen. She took a step off the rug, towards one of the corridors. A niche in the wall beside the doors held a grotesque statue, which startled her. Bella gasped and started backward, tripping on the rug and falling back. As she sat up, there caught her eye above the door a portrait. It was of a young man, handsome and well-dressed; it was well-painted and almost life-like. Briefly she wondered if he was the master of the castle and whether or not he was still there.

Bella's train of thought was broken by the sound of footsteps. They were distant and growing louder, coming closer. Then there was a voice, calling out a name. She turned to look over her shoulder towards the corridors behind her and, from the one the muddy trail of prints led to came the hooded girl. Bella watched her, making no move except to blink. The girl ran behind one of the massive pillars that led up to the ceiling, which seemed a futile effort since her muddy prints would lead her pursuer right to her hiding place. Only once she sank to the floor did she notice Bella, then her expression darkened. The voice and name came again. Was the girl "Sophia?" This seemed to be the case and it begged the questions: Why she was running? Who was she running from? Why did she hide?

The anxiety that had been nagging Bella since she first realized she was lost back in the woods came on full, washing over her like an ocean wave in a storm. She felt exposed and wished there was someplace she too could hide.
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Suddenly a woman dressed in a rather distinguished housekeepers outfit emerged from the very same corridor Sophia had. She walked in a quick, stern manner, her brows furrowed in agitation. Imogen came to a quick halt at the entrance of the corridor, gazing out at the main hall, scanning for the hooded troublemaker. Her right hand firmly gripped a wooden broom, and the other a metal dust pan. Her hair was tied up in a rather messy bun, suggesting a long day of work that afforded little time to address her somewhat disheveled appearance.

Imogen's hazel eyes beamed at the trail of mud that ran back and forth throughout the hall. She followed the trail with her eyes, which lead up to a very poorly hidden Sophia, who hardly allowed the massive pillar to conceal her presence. Briskly, she started towards the girl, each of her footsteps paralleled that of the muddy footprints beside her, and echoed in the silence of the hall, before coming to a firm stop before the child.

"How many times must I tell you NOT to venture into the woods?!"

Although the anger within her voice was apparent, there was a hint of both love and worry mixed within the venom of her tone. Imogen knelt down, the broom and dust pan still firmly within her grasp. She looked Sophie up and down, observing the drenched and messy state of both her clothing and hair. The hooded girl remained silent. Her gaze remained fixed on their guest.

"It will take me hours to remove this grime from the carpets."
Her agitated expression began to fade, and turned weary. "Why must you constantly disobey me?"

Sophia did not utter a word in reply to Imogen, and continued to stare at Bella, completely guilt ridden. The last thing she wanted was to drag the girl all the way out here, into their lives. She couldn't help but think of the Monarch, and doing so brought about a feeling of betrayal. The girls heart pounded quickly. Anxiety overcame her as she pondered what would happen next.

"Sophie?" Imogen persisted. She had grown accustomed to the girls silence, but the expression on her face was not one she saw often. "What is the matter?" Her tone altered from a stern lecture to that of genuine concern. Curiously, she turned her head, following the child's gaze, and locked eyes with Bella. The sound of wood and metal colliding with the marble floor echoed throughout the hall. In astonishment Imogen released her grip of the broom and dust pan. Her eyes widened and she quickly stood up, pulling Sophie up with her by the hand and placing herself in front of the girl as if to protect her. "Oh my god..." Sophie, unable to face the cause of her guilt any longer, took off, and ran for one of the many corridors within the hall.
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The voice came ever closer, brisk footsteps following the call of the little girl's name. Bella was able to pick up in the voice a hint of anger and it made her even more nervous about whose home she just trespassed in. At the same time, her eyes stayed locked on Sofie's. She couldn't figure out why in the world the child looked so distraught or why this somber expression was directed at her. Was something terrible about to happen? Should she take that as a warning and run?

What happened next wasn't terrible; although, it was quite unexpected. A woman emerged from the corridor after the child, clearly cross. She wore a housekeeper's uniform, similar to the ones the maids that worked for the Montagne family in Valford wore. The broom and dustpan in each of her hands indicated with little room for doubt that the woman worked in the castle. There was a sense of relief at first when Bella seemed to go unnoticed by the woman, but that lasted only briefly as she turned around to spot the redhead. Bella drew a sharp breath in, a noise hardly drowned out by the clatter of the broom and dustpan on the floor. She scrambled backward, pressing her back against the door until it pinched her. Silently, she wished it would open so she could escape.

Bella followed Sofie with her eyes as she took off running, immediately turning her attention back to Imogen when the child disappeared from sight. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. What was she to say, anyhow?


Celine sat at the kitchen table, wringing her hands in her apron. Her green eyes were wide and glassy, blonde brows knit close together with worry lines written on her face. Every few seconds, she would glance through the doorway into the parlor, watching the front door with eager anxiety. She was waiting for Robby and her father to return, either with her sister or with some information as to her whereabouts. They'd spent nearly the entire day looking for her and hadn't found her yet. A shadow darkened the little window on the door and the blonde jumped up, nearly running to yank it open.

"Well?!" She asked as she flung the door open. Robby just ascended the one step up to the door; he looked upset. "I went to the Inn. Lucinda says she hasn't seen Bella today, and no one in town has either." Robby said as he stalked in the door. "And father?" Celine inquired. "Hugh rode Farren down the road a ways to some of the houses farther out. He said he would ask there." The two went into the kitchen to wait. A few moments later, Hugh entered through the back door. "No one I asked has seen her." He said gravely, sinking down at the table. Celine sobbed, burying her face in Robby's chest; the blacksmith rubbed her back soothingly. "Now, let's try not to worry too much. Bella's bound to turn up. She couldn't have gone too far. Perhaps we ought to take the wagon and head for Oakridge?" He suggested.

"Oakridge is a two day trip from here by horse. You think she would walk out that way? What for!?" Hugh groused. He scrubbed a hand down his face and said after a moment, "..But I suppose it's possible. It's the only place we haven't looked." The three stood in silence, aside from Celine's muffled sobs, trying to think of where the youngest member of their family might have wandered off to. It was around noon when Celine went to call everyone inside for lunch that anyone noticed she was gone. Farren, who had been left outside at the edge of the woods, had wandered into the surrounding pasture to graze, still attached to the cart full of firewood. Of course, they knew very well that she might have wandered off into the woods, but remained hopeful that that wasn't the case.
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The sound of boots trekking through wet dirt filled the space between Esterwell and the cottage that sat beside the woods. The town suffered the very same storm Bella and Sofie had. Gray clouds plagued the sky, and there was even a light sprinkle. Ben made his way towards the Montagne household, frequently switching from walking hastily and jogging. Although he appeared indifferent, there was a significant amount of concern hidden beneath his casual expression, a feeling he was not entirely familiar with if at all. Immediately upon receiving word of Bella's disappearance, he set off for their cottage.

The unfamiliar concern overwhelmed his rationality. Upon arriving to their porch, he did not bother knocking, and entered without hesitation, stalking quickly through the house before coming to a halt before the kitchen. Ben walked in such a hurried pace he had to place a hand on the kitchens wall to cease his momentum.

He offered no greeting, and merely gazed at the Montagne family in silence. First at Robby, then Hugh, then Celine. "Its true?" He asked blankly, however his tone sounded like more of a statement than a question. Questions were unnecessary. Their dire expressions confirmed his consternation.

Ben crossed towards a single chair separated from the kitchen table and sat himself. He stared at their wooden floor, processing the situation before him. "What will happen now?" He asked, his eyes planted on Hugh. The young man cupped his hands together and listened intently as the father of his significant other explained to him their intentions to search Oakridge. He remained silent for a brief moment, his eyes darting back and forth in thought.

"I think it would be best," He started, slightly hesitant, "If you remained here. It's possible she will return. Having to travel so far will only prolong your reunion." Ben's tone was not stern, but it was affirmative. His eyes wandered between the three as he spoke, but as he stood up from his seat, they remained planted on Hugh.

"I will go to Oakridge." He stated firmly, "Please, it will be of no burden to me. The faster you oblige, the faster I can get there, and find her."

The young man spent no time pondering such a course of action, and was acting solely upon his gut feeling. He was not entirely sure where this determination derived from, but he was more than positive he wanted Bella to be found, safe and without harm. He had only just found a pleasant distraction to his rather redundant routine of life in Esterwell. He did not wish for her to be out of his life so soon, if at all.
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If for only an instant, there was a rise in the hopes of the sad family when the door opened. The three had looked with wide eyes in the direction of the door, expressions slowly returning to despair when it turned out to be Ben who entered. It was not that they didn't want to see him; they simply wanted Bella to return home. Of course, when he asked whether or not it was true that she had gone missing, no answer was necessary. The atmosphere, thick with angst and heart break, alone was enough to give it away. The tears on Celine's flushed face and the frustration both men wore only sold it.

It wasn't a surprise that Ben heard the news, since Robby had asked everyone in town. Lucinda probably helped spread the word too, having said she would ask travelers who stopped in if they happened to see Bella on their way into town. Obviously, no one had, or she would have sent one of her children to tell them. Robby and Hugh both blinked at Ben when he offered to go to Oakridge himself. Then, it probably only occurred to Celine why exactly Ben wanted to be involved. She was the only one who saw the two on the young man's balcony the previous night.

"Thank you." Robby said with a nod of confirmation to Ben, his words more or less a sigh of relief. He didn't like to admit it, but they could use all the help they could get. With Oakridge taken care of, he and Hugh could focus on the only place they hadn't looked yet: The woods. He didn't like to admit this either, but the woods was seeming more and more likely to be where she had gone. The idea angered him; he had told her strictly to stay out of the woods. If only she had just listened.
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A brief silence ensued after Ben's proposal. As a result he couldn't help but feel somewhat uncertain whether or not this course of action was appropriate. In reality he hardly knew the family, as well as Bella. He ignored these thoughts, and stared at the Montagne family with a supplicate expression. Robby's confirmation filled him relief and erased any lingering doubts within his mind. He nodded in return.

"I will leave tonight."

There was not much left to say, and preparations needed to be in order for the sake of his business. Ben observed the somber expressions of the Montagne's, more so at Celine. Her grief-stricken state provoked the young mans concern for her younger sibling, and for a moment, such an emotion managed to slip past his deadpan expression and make itself apparent. "I will write to you the moment I come across anything that may be of relevance." He stated. With that, Ben slowly began to make his way for the door.

The sound of wood and metal colliding into the marble floor echoed throughout the main hall when Imogen relinquished her grip of the cleaning materials. Sophia's frantic running echoed, too, and coupled with Imogen's astonishment made for a noisy, awkwardly uncomfortable minute, the longest minute of Imogen and Bella's lives, surely. However, as Sophie sped down the corridor away from the two, and the cleaning materials lay still, the sudden commotion the redheads presence brought became an eerie stillness. Imogen fiercely gripped the pillar as she stared at Bella in complete silence. Her mouth hung open, but she was not breathing. Her eyes completely wide, yet she did not blink.

Without warning, the enormous door behind Bella nearly swung open, causing the girl to descend onto her back with a thud. An intense wind rushed through the opening and into the main hall, the sound of which pierced the air. The abruptness of it all snapped Imogen out of her shocked state, the momentum of the wind causing her already weak knees to give out under her.

The housekeeper gasped at the sight of a tall, bulky figure draped in a cloak that flailed violently in the wind. His face remained obscured under a hood. A full grown elk hung over his shoulder, devoid of life.

"Henry!" Imogen shouted. The wind pushed back the mans hood, revealing both his face as well as his blatant disfigurement. His expression contorted into a mixture of both anger and surprise as he looked below him, staring at the drenched girl that lay near his steel plated boots. "You should not be here!" He bellowed, bending down to pull the girl up and onto her feet, not releasing his grip on her arm. The elks antlers remained inches from her face, its lifeless eyes gazing in her direction. The door slammed shut once more.

Imogen remained on the floor, her hand placed firmly on her chest. She began to breath rapidly, and stared at Henry with pleading eyes. The presence of an outsider came so unexpectedly, and her mind began racing. Henry crossed towards her without hesitation, pulling Bella along with him. He kept an intense grip on her forearm, the steel hinges of his gloves pressing into the girls skin. Any attempt at resistance was futile.

"Return to your room, quietly. Speak nothing of this until I have addressed the prince." The man spoke firmly, and with volume, like that of a drill instructor. "I-I....cannot" Imogen began, and spoke in short, rapid breaths "The....carpet, I-I, ...Sophie, Sophie," Henry, paying no attention to the girls panic attack, began marching across the main hall. "H-Henry!" Imogen cried out, still on the floor. She was shaking, just as Sophia had. "GO to your room!" The man ordered. At the far corner of the main hall, behind the smooth stoned staircase, was an oval door made of wood. As Henry stood before it, he shrugged the elk off of his shoulder, the carcass crumpled to the floor.

The man payed no attention to Bella as he roughly pulled her along with him through the oval door and into a dimly lit hallway. He moved briskly, his face still contorted in anger. Any questions or pleas were born upon deaf ears as the two continued onward in the dim light. At the far end of the hallway were a set of stairs leading down to a hall of cells emerging from the darkness. They were each considerably small, and completely empty.

Henry used his free hand to grip one of its cold metal bars as he shoved Bella into the forbidding cell, sliding the door shut afterwards. "Do not move until I return." He ordered, addressing the girl for barely the second time since he yanked her from the floor. Without hesitation the man turned and briskly started back down the hallway.
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Whether or not allowing Ben to get involved in the family's affair was the right decision, Robby felt secure about it at least long enough that the young man could get out the door before he changed his mind. There was some initial friction about it after he had gone, but nothing would be done about it then for it was too late at that point. It would just be inconvenient to all of them, especially Ben, for him to make preparations and have the Montagnes withdraw their consent to help. Celine was the only one of the three who didn't really argue against Ben's help, feeling they could use the assistance since searching the woods would require both Robby and Hugh together. She couldn't go, as she had to stay home should Bella return. They all bid the young merchant their thanks and agreed that they would have to do something to show him their gratitude when the whole matter was settled and Bella was found safe.

❖ ❖ ❖

The clatter of the broom and dustpan and the shuffle of the little girl's boots rang in Bella's ears long after the noise stopped echoing in the entry hall. She and the housekeeper stared at each other with wide eyes for what felt like forever, seemingly both in fear. Bella's lips trembled and she pursed them tightly together, but that didn't stop her from noticeably shaking. As though it heard her wish, the heavy door swung open behind her; and having been pressed up against it, Bella fell backward, sprawling on the floor. Her head smacked audibly against the stone threshold and tears pricked in her eyes. Instinctively her hands went up to caress the spot. Then she realized she was laying just inside the door, that the door hung open.

Upon opening her watering eyes, Bella was frightened by a tall, burly figure in a cloak. The man's face was hidden and there was a large dead elk over his shoulder. Then the woman screamed, for a reason unknown; however, it was enough to rattle the redhead. If she weren't so stunned, Bella would have moved out of the way before the man, apparently named Henry, had a chance to grab her. She squeaked as she was yanked to her feet, her face stopping only a few measly inches shy of being mauled by the elk's antlers.

"Ah-! You know, I was just thinking the same thing? So, if you'll just let go, I'll be on my way." Bella rambled anxiously, not even knowing how she managed to find any words to speak. But the disfigured man didn't let go. Rather, his grip seemed to tighten and Bella could feel the metal of his gloves biting her arm through the sleeve of her dress. She winced and tried to pull her arm free of his grasp. "What are you doing? The door's that way!" She said between gritted teeth, clawing at his gloved hand with her free hand. She paid little attention when the woman called out to Henry and when he mentioned a prince. She was focused on dragging her feet, which did her no favors seeing as her boots were slick with mud and she could get no traction.

"Let go of me!" Bella nearly screamed, her fear and frustration evident in her voice. "I just want to go home!" She cried, her pleas not reaching the man's ears. She couldn't see ahead of him in the dimly lit, narrow hallway and didn't realize where she was until the barred door closed behind her. The cell she was thrust into was only about as big as her closet back in Valford, which wasn't big at all considering she had fewer dresses than her sister. It was empty of all but its new occupant.

"I just... I just..." Slowly, she stepped back and back until her shoulders hit the stone wall at the back of the cell and sank down against it. The man disappeared into the shadows of the corridor, leaving her there. She felt like she could hardly breathe. "I just wanted... to..." Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of home, spilling over at the thought of her family. Bella drew her knees tight against her chest and wrapped her arms around them, burying her face in her skirt and sobbing into it. "What have I done?"
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The cell itself was secluded within the bowels of the castle. Keeping track of both the time of day as well as the duration spent locked up were impossible tasks, as there was no direct passage to the outside world. It was safe to assume the walls were quite thick, as no sound managed to penetrate them. An excruciating silence was Bella's only company.

In actuality, the girl had spent more than an hour within the cell before the presence of another became evident. The sound of a door slowly opening and closing could be heard at the far end of the dim hallway. Within moments, a familiar orange hue began to emerge from the darkness, glowing brightly. The Monarch fluttered down the hallway, accompanied by frequent, gentle footsteps.

Sophia trotted earnestly down the hallway. If not for the light of the butterfly illuminating her face, the girl would have remained entirely shrouded beneath the darkness of the hallway. Although the girl walked in a lively manner, this did not reflect in her expression, which remained quite anxious. Guilt still resided within her, but even such a discouraging emotion could not drown out one marvelous silver-lining. The hooded girl finally got to meet Bella. Albeit, she would have preferred it happen in less direful circumstances. Even so, it happened nonetheless. She chose to swallow her guilt now, mostly due to the fact that she had no idea what Bella's fate in the castle would be. She could only assume they did not have much time left together, and wanted to make the best out of what time remained.

The Monarch placed itself atop Sophia's head once more, its orange hue as vibrant as ever in contrast to the darkness that surrounded the three of them. Sophia held her arms tightly close to her chest, and appeared to be carrying something. It was difficult to tell, as her cloak did well to conceal the contents in her arms.

Although the girl had intended to make the best out of what little time remained between the two, such a mindset became rather difficult to maintain as she stood before the cell, observing the state Bella was in as a result of having been locked in such a dark, discomforting environment for an inconceivable amount of time. That coupled with the fact that no source of heat resonated within the hallway, and the coldness was nearly unbearable. Sophia couldn't help but take full responsibility for Bella's situation, which became evident, as her eyes began to water. She slumped down onto her knees, sniffling as she tried to find the appropriate set of words that could describe both her guilt and shame.

"I'm - sorry," was all Sophia could manage. "I'm - sorry, I'm - sorry,"
She repeated the words woefully. Regret overcame her, to the point where the girl could no longer control the guilt and regret within her. She was, after all, a child, and was rather passionate when it came to emotions. Although Sophia would not hesitate to right her wrong, at the moment she was not capable of doing anything else but sob before Bella as she remain within the cell.
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The cell and the corridor were engulfed in shadows. The candles on the sconces dotted along the walls of the corridor did nothing to alleviate the darkness, their small light hardly penetrated it at all and didn't even reach the floor. A chilling silence filled the space in its entirety. One could easily hear the soft, muffled sobs of the lone prisoner from the door. Just like in the woods, time was indeterminable in the small cell. For all Bella knew, it had been day. It seemed likely enough from how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten since breakfast, before she went out to chop firewood, and her stomach took the opportunity now to let her know that.

Bella hadn't moved from her spot against the wall, though her position had changed a little bit. She sat leaning back on the wall. Her eyes were closed; she was exhausted not only from the long day and the journey through the woods, but from crying and being cold. She had her arms crossed over her chest with her hands tucked beneath them in attempt to provide herself some warmth. While her hair was mostly dry, her dress was still damp, and did little to warm her up. The cool of the hallway did the shivering girl no favors.

When the door down the hall opened, Bella felt her panic rise. What if it was the scary beast of a man who put her there come back to finish her? She opened her eyes to see who it was; although, it was a pointless effort since she could see nothing in the dark. But wait, there was something vaguely visible. It was only a small speck of light, of color. As it drew nearer, Bella recognized it as the Monarch. She blinked in disbelief, having thought she wouldn't see it again. She was surprised further when it rested upon the head of the hooded girl, mostly because she had expected to see her even less than the butterfly. Bella frowned; she felt betrayed. The butterfly had left her to fend for herself in the unfamiliar castle and she wound up imprisoned. Her expression softened as her eyes drifted down a few inches to focus on Sophia. The child sank to her knees, tears in her eyes, and sniffled.

Panic and surprise gave way to sympathy when the little girl began to cry. Bella swiped away the tears that remained in her own eyes and moved to sit in front of her. Carefully, she reached a hand through the bars and placed it gently on Sophia's shoulder. In the light the Monarch provided, it was easy to see her flushed face, pink tear-stained cheeks, and reddened eyes. "What do you have to be sorry for?" Bella's voice was little more than a hoarse whisper. "None of this is your fault. If blame goes to anyone, it's me. I got myself into this." Her expression darkened momentarily as she thought ruefully of how she followed the butterfly into the woods. She could have just stayed put, but she was careless. She looked up at the Monarch then and narrowed her eyes. "You're lucky that you're pretty, or I'd squash you." She said spitefully to it, feeling a great deal of the mess she was in was the butterfly's fault, too.
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Sophia's child-like sobbing dwindled down to a light sniffle as Bella placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Even though she was freezing, the touch of her hand felt warm, in a sense. Warm enough to stop her tears, at least. Even so, the sound of her hoarse voice only poked at the guilt within the girl, which made Bella's words feel bittersweet. The Monarchs wings began to sway gently back and forth as Bella spoke to it. Whether or not it felt as guilty as Sophia did was unclear, but it did not seem to take her words to heart, as it remained atop Sophia's head, providing the two with the bright light that the candles could not.

Sophia buried her arm into her face, briskly wiping the tears away. The hood of her cloak fell backward as she picked her head back up, revealing the red hair underneath. Her sniffling persisted, but she was relatively calm now. Gently the girl began to unravel a blanket that had been folded rather neatly under her cloak, hidden from view. Its fabric was quite lavish, and the blanket itself was thick. To say it appeared expensive was an understatement, as the item was no doubt suited for that of royalty. Sophia carefully began to pass the fabric through the cell bars, her tiny hands gripping the blanket tightly.

"This is my special blanket." She said quietly. Using both hands to grip the bars, she poked her nose through the space between the cells bars, and stared up at Bella. "I tried to get you food, but there were people in the kitchen. I will try again, swear." She said in an anxious tone. Suddenly, The Monarch began to flutter its wings wildly. It ascended upwards, off of Sophia's head, and turned itself around, facing the opposite direction of the cell. Even within the darkness that presently engulfed everyone, one could make out the figure of a being shrouded in the candles shadows, just a short distance away from the cell. Who or what this being exactly was was difficult to see, and how long it had been there was a mystery, but it was quite safe to assume this figure was a person, as it began to speak.

"Sophia," It said, causing the hooded girl to shriek in surprise. The voice was not only unexpected, but more than familiar to her. "Leave." It ordered. Although the voice itself sounded quite monotone, it emitted a sense of authority, which became evident in Sophia's reaction. The girl immediately jumped to her feet and placed her back against the cell. She gazed at the figure, not with fear in her eyes, but rather irritation, as if its presence was more disappointing than anything.

The sound of the door opening and closing could be heard once more, in the same manner as before. This time, however, the individual that passed through could be seen even at the far end of the hallway. He carried a lantern in his hands, and held it up high, lighting the small area around his large, bulky figure. Henry marched down the hallway, the sound of his steel boots meeting the cobblestone floor echoed with each step he took.

Although Sophia was clearly upset by the figures presence, no signs suggesting she would disobey its orders became evident, as the girl began to walk down the hallway with haste. The Monarch was quick to follow. Its radiant hue illuminated the figures presence for just a brief moment as the two passed by, revealing a disturbing pair of blood-red eyes, surrounded by excruciatingly white skin.

Henry approached the cell, holding the lantern a parallel height to his head. It did a much better job of lighting the hallway than the dim candles, but this was hardly noticeable, as there was an abundance of darkness and only one lantern. The figure remained a short distance away from the cell, untouched by the lanterns light, still hidden within the shadows. Henry no longer sported the cloak he had entered the castle with, and merely wore a light set of fine steel armor that complimented his bulky figure. His disfigurement could be seen clearly, and he observed Bella closely as she lay in the cell. He appeared as visibly upset as Sophia had, although for different reasons.

"How did you get here?" The figure asked from within the darkness, in the same crisp and monotone voice used to address Sophia.
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