INVICTUS .//ooc & signups

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
@Fallen Star ye, that works out a lot better~
Welcome to Invictus!
Before you post in the ic, make sure to read the second post in the ic thread to know what's going on. I'm heading to bed but you're welcome to the discord!

#242424 Jet Celeris
Nickname: J, Celery, Little Gem
Codename: Celerity
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Soulsteeped Human
Division: Fieldwork
Rank: Junior Agent
Clearance Level: 2

Jet, being of athletic build and standing at a solid 6 feet tall, could be considered among the more of attractive agents, despite his complete cluelessness towards it, and general dismissal of it. His messy hair is so pale that one would only be able to tell it was platinum blonde if they were able to catch it in the right light. His eyes are, usually, a piercing sky blue, giving him an easily distinguishable look. His fashion sense might lead one to believe he has a "edgy" personality, but he just enjoys the color black. The real tell, however, is that he always wears light, breathable clothing, with the exception of his signature leather jacket, giving him both a generic look and a distinct one at the same time. Additionally, Jet has a light facial scar covering the lower right portion of his face, from cheek bone to jawline.
[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]

Optimistic: Jet is constantly focused on the positives in any given situation. He will go above and beyond to try and see the bright side, no matter how bad things get. While some might see it as bravado, Jet's sunny disposition has raised group morale more than once on a mission.

Strong-willed: Jet's not the kind of person to give in to goading, as one of the first lessons he learned was that "He who boasts of a coming victory has already lost." So he ensures that he's never the one to lose a battle of wills.

Energetic: Hyperactive is an understatement for Jet. Since his body requires so little, Jet is constantly filled with energy and vigor, which he uses to the maximum possible effect and efficiency.

Social: Jet has a love of people and will always do his best to interact with anyone around him. Sometimes this has gotten him into trouble, but he always believes that the day he stops trying to make friends is the day he dies.

Determined: Once Jet puts his mind to something, few forces in the world can stop him. He will ensure missions are completed and will fight to the last if pushed. On occasion this has been Jet's downfall, but a refusal to give up is a powerful asset to any Agent.

Diligent: If Jet is not otherwise engaged, he is more likely than not to be found in the simulation room. While many people would see Jet as an accomplished fighter already, to him, training never stops, as you can always improve.

Short-sighted: Jet's focus tends to be something that blinds him, as once he begins something one way, he looks no further than the carrot on the end of the stick, totally blind to the rapidly approaching cliff.

Aggressive: Jet is first and foremost, a fighter. He revels in combat, as he claims it is when he feels most alive. Often times he can be found trailing after other powerful agents, pestering them to spar with him.

Simple-minded: In line with his shortsightedness, Jet struggles to see varying solutions to things. Once he starts a plan, he sticks to it, as he genuinely is unsure how else to proceed in most cases.​
Jet's history actually goes back to his father, Jenma Celeres, and his mother, Peanut Whisper. Long before Peanut and Jenma had ever met, Peanut worked as an exceptional assassin. Personal, Professional, Political, the type of kill never mattered to her as long as the money was good. Not long after she had begun her career, the underground was abuzz with talk of one Lady Whisper, one of the deadliest assassins of her time. Her famed skill even pulled her to the more secretive world of the supernatural, something she took to without hesitation. Eventually, one mark involved a slight miscalculation on Peanut's part, and she wound up pregnant with her first child, Beryl. While Peanut was a ruthless assassin, she would never allow herself to be called an unfit mother. She took her fortune and retired for a time, opting to raise Beryl in comfort in Morocco. It was there she met Jenma.

Jenma Celeres was something of a legend in the small town near Peanut's home. He was a simple man, living in a quiet shack near the market, but his home was constantly adorned with gifts and letters of thanks. Jenma was, in fact, gifted with incredible healing powers, bordering on the angelic. He had settled in this town because it was once one of the most disease addled place in the country. In but a week, Jenma had all but eliminated disease from the place, taught people how to prevent it, and even served as the town medicine man for injuries and the bit of sickness that managed to find its way in. He was a good man. On the surface.

When Jenma and Peanut met, they fell for each other in an instant. Peanut for the kind heart and good looks Jenma had, and Jenma for the potential Peanut held. Jenma, as it turns out, was not the total altruist he pretended to be. In fact, Jenma was little more than an ill moraled scientist who used the town as a testing bed for his powers. Little by little, Jenma experimented on Peanut and her daughter without their knowledge, testing the extent of his abilities, and seeing what they could do. Eventually, this experimentation took its final turn when Peanut gave birth to her son, Jet.

When Jet was born, Jenma saw his opportunity to fully test the extent of his magic. One night, as an exhausted Peanut settled in for the night, Jenma snuck to Jet's crib and performed his greatest feat yet. Rather than cast his magic on the body of the infant, he poured his magic into the entirety of Jet's being, polluting his pure, infant soul with raw arcanum, essentially steeping the boy's soul in pure magic.

Jet grew up fairly normally, but as he reached the hormonally unstable ages, and his emotions began to swell, the results of his mana steeped soul began to manifest. With each emotion, Jet's natural abilities became supernatural, granting him increased power, speed, reactions, and more. Unfortunately, this sudden growth in power did not go unnoticed. In the middle of the night, a group of unknown thugs came, stole Jenma from his bed, and fled into the night, leaving a distraught family behind. Why Jenma was taken over Jet, who had been showing vast growth in power, is still an unanswered question, but thankfully, it was likely to never be answered. Recognizing Jet's supernatural ability, Peanut ran through a series of her old assassin contacts, eventually winding up in contact with an agent of the shadow agency Invictus, who, according to rumor, dealt in the supernatural. In Peanut's mind, it would be better for them to take care of her son, while she took her daughter and fled off the grid, vengeance boiling in her heart as she sought those who had broken her family.
Jet quickly became involved in Invictus, as he felt it was his duty as he, in his words, "had the power to help people, and those with power are tasked to use it." He poured himself into his studies and training, mastering many styles of martial arts thanks to the effects on his body by his Soul, and even pushing to become a full agent. Eventually, through recommendations from his many instructors, he realized that dream, and has been working to protect the world ever since.

=> Jet is well known for his love of combat, and will frequently ask people to spar.
=> Jet owns a pet Turtle named Marie Shelly
=> Said turtle has a variety of tiny turtle costumes for parties and holidays
=> On many occasions, Jet has had his abilities likened to the powers in some kind of television show, but no one will explain to him why the people in it want the little orange balls


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
While Jet relies soley on his martial arts, a combination of Boxing, Kempo, and Iron Body, for defense, as well as attack, he does wear reinforced gauntlets and greaves, giving his already potent strikes extra weight and power, while also protecting his limbs from counter blows.​
Ability Name: The Show Must Go On
Description: The Show Must Go On is the collective term for the primary result of Jet's empowered soul. It is the basis for all of Jet's other abilities as it grants him access to his signature "Act" forms based on his emotions. At base, Jet is considered to be in a perpetual state of "Act 1", explaining his superhuman speed and strength, as well as some of his more fantastical abilities. Every Act, excluding Act 1, is accompanied by a colored aura of energy, with each color associating with a different emotional state. Act 1 is roughly twice the performance of a peak performance human being.

Act 2: Act 2 deals in the base emotions (Anger, Joy, Sadness, etc) that a person can feel. By tapping into these emotions, Jet can greatly increase certain abilities based on the emotion in question. For example, Anger makes him vastly stronger, and much more offense focused, while Joy makes him faster and more defensive minded. Act 2 is twice the performance of Act 1. Currently, Jet only has access to Anger, granting him increased power, and Joy, granting him increased speed.

[Because of the severe levels of power, all Acts and Act powers after this point require express permission from mission command to use]

Act 3: Essentially Act 3 combines two Act 2 forms together and boosts them somewhat. Of course, completely incompatible emotions, such as being Angered and Joyful at once, are quite difficult to maintain, and are easily overtaken by one or the other without concentration. This can lead to the dangers of Act 3. If Act 3 is dominated by one emotion, it becomes extremely difficult for Jet to come out of said emotional state. For example, if Jet were to achieve Act 3 in Anger, he would be extremely aggressive and short tempered until meditation brought him to equilibrium once again. Fortunately, Jet will still have all his mental faculties in this state, so he's not a threat to other agents. Act 3 is five times the performance of Act 2

Act 4: Act 4 is a state that Jet has only ever achieved once, and still yet does not know how to re-enter. Instead of being one or two colors, Jet's aura of energy is a vibrant rainbow of color. In this state, Jet experiences all the powers of all his Act forms at a heightened state, granting him immense power and allowing him to challenge foes most Agents would readily flee from. However there are notable downsides to Act 4. For one, the sheer strain on the human body that Act 4 exerts is so immense that Jet can only maintain the form for a maximum of two minutes before his body begins tearing itself apart, causing permanent damage, shown in his facial scarring. Secondly, and more dangerously, if any one emotion should dominate Jet while in Act 4, it is theorized he will become stuck. While if, for example, he were to become stuck in a state of anger, he would enjoy incredible strength and power, he would never again feel any other emotion besides his boiling rage, and he would be forever consumed by it, becoming a threat to everyone around him. Act 4 is ten times the performance of Act 3

Grand Finale: When placed under severe emotional duress, Jet's powers can run wild and out of control, causing him to be unable to maintain an Act form, but by focusing and charging these wild, blazing emotional energies into a single fist, Jet is capable of unleashing a blow so powerful that it registers as a weapon of mass destruction. Documentation on this ability is limited, as Jet has only ever used it once, much like Act 4. The damage it caused him put him out of commission for nearly an entire year, and he was informed his body may not survive a second use of this ability.
Strengths: Grants Jet multiplicative increases in ability, usually in the form of more strength and more speed, though Act 3 has seen low level flight become possible.
Weaknesses: The further into the power Jet goes, the more at risk of faltering he becomes. If used recklessly, it can even destroy him. Additionally, Jet requires significant rest periods (two to three days for Act 2 alone) between uses, as the strain on his body is intense.

Ability Name: Soul Arts
Description: In tandem with the Acts, Jet can use his empowered soul to access special abilities similar to the ideas of Ki. Essentially this allows Jet to manifest his soul's power in the form of pure energy, most notibly his varied array of energy blasts, such as his signature Bolt 45 attack.
Strengths: While this can increase the power of Jet's strikes, it more aptly supplements his limited range as a martial artist, granting him energy blasts to launch at distant foes.
Weaknesses: Just like the Acts, the Soul Arts put a strain on Jet's body, often leaving him exhausted after a barrage of shots. Additionally, the sheer force of the attacks forces Jet to shout their names as he does theme, heavily telegraphing his attacks. In addition, due to the nature of Jet's soul. Using any ability such as the Acts or other Soul Arts, Jet drains his life energy, becoming weaker and weaker over time unless magically replenished.

Ability Name: Soulsteeped

Description: A byproduct of having a soul infused with magic, Jet's body is constantly in peak physical condition. It grants him immense endurance, rapid healing, and beyond Olympic performance in any physical activity. Jet is, for all intents and purposes, enjoying the perfect human body. However, he is still susceptible to all the weakness of the standard human body. While he may not need as much, he still must sleep, drink, and eat, and his healing isn't even close to the level of some other supernatural creatures. It simply maintains his body at the peak of human physicality, for a martial artist at least.
Strengths: Jet has the perfect martial artist grade body, with exceptional healing, strength, and speed, while needing less resources to keep it running.
Weaknesses: While Jet's body is the peak a human can reach, it is still human. It's just as vulnerable as any other human's. Additionally, while Jet's body doesn't need as many nutrients to keep it running, when he does eat, he requires an extensive supply of calories to not drain his body of energy.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: rissa
@Dao Ma
Gonna move this here, though I had seen that she was accepted I wanted to include the blurb and requests as well!


Nickname: Dell, Aegis
Codename: Lumen
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Light-aspected Human
Division: Fieldwork

Rank: Junior Agent
Clearance Level: 2

Adela stands at around five feet and eleven inches tall, weighing in at approximately 178 pounds and sporting a toned, slightly muscular build. She doesn't have any scars, but she does have a birthmark on her left shoulder a little larger than a quarter. Her hair goes down to her lower back, though she usually wears it in a low-hanging ponytail to keep it out of the way.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]

Outwardly, Adela seems to be a very reserved and gentle person. Those that take the time to pry into her life will find that a burning passion and a whirlwind of emotions hide behind her collected exterior. She's courageous and loyal to those she fights for and very rarely does her resolve break. She also works well around children, already giving off a very maternal and mature vibe from her. While not being a very sociable person, she gives an amiable aura with her smile.

Unfortunately, she's prone to keeping her emotions bottled up inside. Usually, she lets them out when she gets a chance to be alone for a while, though she can't exactly hide everything, as much as she wants to. Worry especially creeps up to the surface rather quickly. Not only that, she's also very self-depreciating. Some see it as her being modest, she herself would say otherwise. Though regardless of her flaws, Adela uses every ounce of power within her being to make sure they don't keep her from doing whatever she needs to accomplish.​

A duo of vigilantes, simply and locally known in a small area of Texas as Blitz and Umbra, worked to bring down those who thought they were able to escape the law. Over the years they began to amass a small group that shared the same ideals and united they continued to successfully achieve their justice. Adela was born shortly after the golden years of their movement, indirectly forcing them to settle down and think about the future of their child. They noticed an oddity about her, something that made her a bit different from a normal human. They couldn't put their finger on it, but because they cared for their child nonetheless.

Having their child did not stop them from their work. If anything it pushed them to not only work harder but to raise Adela into their understanding of justice. Once the girl was ready to hold a weapon, oddly enough picking up the sword and shield, she aspired to become just like her parents: fighting for what's right and helping others. However, some had a different agenda planned for the family.

While only thirteen, Adela witnessed the murder of her parents. A close friend of the duo, Onyx, was ordered to kill the entire family by an unknown party. The only way the girl survived was by suddenly activating her magical potential, creating a flash of light that blinded the man long enough for her to get away. She fled to the nearest town on foot. Hungry, tired, and emotionally broken, Adela slept in an alleyway the night she arrived. It took her a while to fully process the event in her mind, saying prayers, mourning, and grieving. However, she remembered the power that revealed itself on that night. When she did, Adela made a promise to herself. "I will grow stronger, not only for myself but for their dream." From then on, she harnessed her powers and took on the name Aegis, carrying on her family's legacy. That is until she happened to be picked up by INVICTUS.

A few years after her debut as Aegis, Adela just so happened to be handling a matter that INVICTUS was investigating at the time. The organization noticed her involvement and monitored her progress as she settled the matter on her own. It was then, that they had approached her with an offer that she (literally) couldn't refuse. She was taken to the nearest facility branch where she officially became an agent. Over time, she came to realize that INVICTUS had similar objectives as herself. It was because of that belief that she could do her work with conviction, even to the present day.

Adela has a sort of code that she holds herself to, much like her parents.

- Do not kill. Only do so as a last resort.
- Do not turn a blind eye to injustice.
- Do not betray your own, the Defenders are family.
There are other rules, some of them unspoken, though these are the most important.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Adela had kept the sword and shield that she and grown fond of using, as outdated as they may be in this time. Though along with those, she was issued a standard 9mm pistol.​

Ability Name: Shield of Light
Description: Creates a barrier that coats Adela's body with the element of light, appearing as a translucent sheen that covers her.
Strengths: Protects herself against most moderate blows to her body.

Weaknesses: Weak to the darkness element, only lasts for 30 minutes, may break from severe damage.

Ability Name: Induce Calm
Description: Particles of light rain down a 10 foot radius around Adela, causing a wave of calmness to wash over creatures in that area.
Strengths: Cures magically-induced as well as natural negative emotions

Weaknesses: Useless against creatures based on negative emotions, is resistible, doesn't stop cold-blooded violence

Ability Name: Shield of Salvation
Description: Similar to the Shield of Light, though it creates a dome with a radius of 10 feet around Adela, protecting all who are under said dome from attacks for a limited time.
Strengths: Can protect a number of people under the barrier from moderate to large amounts of damage
Weaknesses: Only lasts for 5 minutes, may break from extremely severe damage (i.e. Large explosions)

Ability Name: Blinding Flash
Description: Creates a sudden flash of light that blinds anyone looking in it's direction.
Strengths: Can temporarily blind those affected for at least a few seconds, up to a couple of minutes based on the amount of magic used.
Weaknesses: There is no way to avoid allies from being blinded, unless they are not looking.

Ability Name: Ball of Light
Description: Literally creates a ball of light in Adela's hand.
Strengths: Can be placed anywhere and lights up a 15 foot radius.
Weaknesses: Only dimly lights areas with magically-induced darkness.

3 sentence blurb

A former vigilante gifted with powers of light, Adela strives to protect those who are in need of help with a motherly smile despite her troubled past. While she isn't a very outgoing and outspoken individual, she dedicates herself to her work and has a moral code that she does her absolute best to follow. Even after joining INVICTUS, she continues to incorporate her code and ideology, as well as make efficient use of her powers in the work she does.

3 requests

-Become a Senior Agent

-Help teach or care for the younger agents and members

-Go after the man that killed her parents at some point
Last edited by a moderator:

#242424 Ferdinand Saint
Nickname: Saint, Relic, Betrayer
Codename: Executioner
Age: Appears 31, Actually 828
Gender: Male
Race: Meta-Human
Department: Training
Rank: In-Processing
Clearance Level: 0

Ferdinand, standing at seven feet and ten inches, (7'10") weighs roughly three hundred and nineteen (319lb). His skin tone is olive-bronze; an indicator of his homeland near the Mediterranean sea. His strong frame comes with broad shoulders. A multitude of poorly healed scars covers his body. His jet black hair has strands of blue and white on the right and left sides of his hair respectively. With icy blue eyes, almost like a haunted soul or a fea Ferdinand is a handsome, attractive man even for today's standards. On his back is the mark of the Heavenly Wrath, a pair of chains restraining a hammer with the head facing down. It appears in black with spots of tarnished gold color. His current attire comprises of well-fitting suits, making him appear all business while leaving pleasure out of reach. On a rare occurance, your find him naked. But at that point your just watching him sleep, you weirdo.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]

  • Hardworking - Ferdinand is the type of person who believes that if you are going to do something then do the best job you can at it! Why would you do something half-assed? He'll put his heart and soul into whatever he does.
  • Tolerant - It takes a lot for someone to get under Ferdinand's skin. He doesn't get angry when someone presents a different idea or argues with him. Or even those that annoy the shit out of him. But when he does get mad...
  • Humble - His deeds and accomplishments are all for a higher purpose than his own glory. Ferdinand will take a compliment and keep it moving. He operates with dignity and modesty.
  • Blunt - This guy doesn't really have a filter on him. While he doesn't intend for his words to hurt someone, his unfiltered truth may come off as harsh, bold, too straightforward. He speaks his mind; so sue him.
  • Self-Oriented - Not to say the guy is selfish, but what would you do if everything around you continued to change constantly? Focus on yourself, that's what! And he aims to better himself and does not care what others will think of him as he does so.
  • Melancholic - It's natural isn't it? To be pensive and depressed when you feel little for life and only wish to exist until you reach a point where it will all matter again. This is how Ferdinand views the world and his current life.
Life can hold both mundane mysterious and supernatural revelations in equal value. Take for instance the life of Ferdinand of the small farming village with no name. This child was born with an ancestry even the oldest elders have forgotten. Within him was the blood of angels, diluted by many generations of forgetful men. Ferdinand, the youngest of his family was raised by a strict father and passive mother who both tried to teach him the simple concept that "In life, things just happen for a reason". While the boy said he understood, he had a hard time coming to terms with the ideology.

In the year 1190, his village which laid on the border of Christian ruling lands and Muslim ruling lands became the site of a large and bloody conflict. As fires burned through the village, Ferdinand's family were taken by Muslims to be used as shields instead of being outright killed. In the end, the whole village was killed during the fighting. Ferdinand being the last to taste a blade. While he bleed out and the flames surrounded him, Ferdinand, even as an adolescent boy, demanded a reason for the death of his family. He was not satisfied with simply dying and clung to life with every fiber of his being.

In this moment of resolve, the dormant blood of his ancestor, an angel who mated with a human, made a resurgence through Ferdinand's body. Through it, a mysterious aura surrounded him which healed his wounds while also protecting him. As the fighting drew to a close, Ferdinand was seen by the Templar Knights. Enthralled by what they interpreted as a miracle – God saving this boy harmed by the enemy – The Christian forces became zealous and quickly ended the fighting.

Debating what to do, the Templar's took the child with them to Jerusalem. While there the leading Knights and Monks would continue their debating and questioning. Ferdinand made his mind known that he wished to join and become a squire. Some knights liked this idea and saw it as a way to bolster morale and zealous; similar to when they uncovered holy relics or faked their discovery. However, there was one Knight, Julius de Luziox, who proposed another option to Ferdinand. "All humans, are humans. Foolish sometimes, and righteous other times. However we are, God loves us all. There are things out there that go against God's plan, his order. Muslim, Christian, non-believer or a far-off foreigner, we are all Human. So would you rather defend just Christians and act as a second-rate tool for zealots? Or defend humanity as a whole, ensuring God's plan goes unaltered?"

This choice was hard for Ferdinand; the boy had much hatred in his heart for those who killed his family. Yet with time and prayer, he was told the pain would subside and he would forgive. In the end, Ferdinand chose the path presented by Knight Julius and was conscripted into the Order of Heaven's Wrathful Executioners. A shadow branch of the Templar's that operated throughout the Holy Roman Empire to preserve the interests of humanity.

It was with Julius and the Executioners that Ferdinand did much of his growing up in. From the age of ten, he was taught and then trained in the ways of the Executioner. Though the youngest member of the order, Ferdinand's power continued to manifest and empower him. While taught by Chaplains and Nuns about the various demons and feral monsters they have combated, there was never an example of other humanoid species. Something which caused Ferdinand, and many other Executioners to believe that humans were the only creatures aside from those designated as enemies.

During his last year of training before becoming a full knight, Ferdinand met and was attracted to a Nun, Sister Celine – one of the few women allowed in the Order due to her magic abilities which seemed holy. Though she was cold and a few years older than he, Ferdinand eventually broke through her cold personality. The two fell in love but kept to their oaths of chastity. Yet made a vow to one day be man and wife.

The day came and passed when he took the Oath of Heavenly Wrath. With it came a manmade blessing, a special enchantment to aid the Executioners. Along with various holy and magical armaments used for combat and utility. For only a couple of years, Ferdinand fought throughout the Holy Roman Empire. The number of monsters he killed quickly became double that of people he had known throughout his life. His bond with Celine and others developing and growing strong. However, there came a time where it all changed. A number of pilgrim parties had been killed in the forests of Germany and the Order suspected it was demons. Ferdinand, Celine, Julius and several others marched towards the area to investigate.

Upon arriving in the forest, a small band of demons was indeed found. They were also in conflict with something else. A tribe of unknown humanoids; Elves. The Executioners were unaware of what these creatures were. As a result, they did not know how to proceed. With bows and some magic, the Elves barely remained at a standstill with the demons. Julius gave the order to both clear out the demons, and slaughter these things which mimicked human features. Ferdinand, uncomfortable with the orders asked Julius to reconsider the order. As the rest began to engage in combat, Julius berated Ferdinand; who had always followed his orders up until this point. Yet the situation made him uncomfortable as it mimicked the dreadful day his village was attacked.

The argument lasted until the fighting was over with only one elf remaining. A young child inside a fading barrier was now surrounded by the Executioners. Before the elf girl could be harmed, Ferdinand rushed in and grabbed the youngling while running away from his comrades. Many Executioners gave chase due to Julius's orders. One by one Ferdinand had to slay his brothers at arms due to his sense of justice and the chaos of the situation. Even his beloved Celine, who he feverishly attempted to convince, fought him. In the end, she too came to an end. But not without wounding Ferdinand immensely.

After many days of running from the Order, Ferdinand was free to rest and ponder what to do with the elf child. While the idea of letting her roam the forests seem good, he settled on finding another band of elves. If there were any others. While at first, the man saw the girl objectively, the journey that he thought would be months became years. For six years Ferdinand cared for and raised the girl, who he called Mary. She became his adopted daughter, but still aimed to find her a new tribe to belong to. In turn, Mary saw Ferdinand as her new father figure. Their time was good, with the occasional mishap.

Many rumors and tales into their travels, Ferdinand came across information he could actually use. On an island near England, there was said to be a group of elves living on a phantasmal island where time worked in an unnatural way. Traveling to this island Ferdinand was guided by loose fables and Mary's instincts and magic. Upon crossing a magical barrier, the duo witnessed a dragon raining fire upon the fabled island. As elves fired arrows and magic towards the beast, Ferdinand became awestruck. Landing on the shore, he offered his assistance to the people. After some debating, they agreed to the aid. Half a day of fighting later, Ferdinand managed to grab hold of the dragon. While in the air Ferdinand struck the final blow, resulting in the pair falling to the earth. As the dragon blood rained down, Ferdinand was covered in it, along with Mary and several elves.

When Ferdinand fell, he was critically injured by still alive. However, the creature's blood acted as a poison that would kill Ferdinand easily if not treated. Thankful for his aid, the elves bought the warrior to a sacred tree that would slowly heal Ferdinand. Placing him in a chamber beneath it, the elves place Ferdinand in a deep sleep to rejuvenate as the healers tended to the others. For months the man slept with her angelic aura enveloping him. But even after fully healing he did not wake up. This concerned the elves who did not know what to do. As a result of this Mary, who did not wish to see her adoptive father in this state, studied for two years with her people in magic and traveling undetectable to humans. A skill her original tribe lacked and met their untimely end because of.

Mary set off to the outside world to search for a cure to what ailed her father figure. Sixty-eight days after her departure, Ferdinand awoke. Desperate to find his daughter, Ferdinand collected himself and also departed. Mary had made mention she was heading to England first on her search. And so Ferdinand also aimed to travel there. However, when Ferdinand sailed passed the magical barrier surrounding the island, Ferdinand watched as the island disappeared.

In its place, a massive ship studying the phenomena that made up the island's barrier. Scientists and agents from Invictus made up the crew. As Ferdinand's small ship slipped out of the barrier, the crew scrambled to secure him. Reasonably aggressive, Ferdinand put up a fight as the Invictus agents attempted to subdue the man. Eventually, the agents won and restrained Ferdinand. After bringing the man to a facility in the UK, they interrogating him. The agents deduced the nature of the phenomenal field they were studying and Ferdinand himself.

They told the warrior that he had been in a temporal pocket outside the normal laws of time. In short, one day he spent on the island equaled one year outside. So over seven hundred days was actually over seven centuries. Everything he knew, including his daughter, were most likely gone. This rocked Ferdinand to his core, especially since there seemed to be no way to go back to the island of elves.

This made Ferdinand want to drop dead. However one of the agents informed Ferdinand of the purpose of the organization and its members. After gathering information about the man's powers, skills, and equipment, they made it clear that he could have a future working for Invictus. It took some time before Ferdinand agreed. He wasn't dead yet. Who knows, maybe he father was right after all.

  • Does not find using firearms appealing.
  • His favorite modern music genres are Metal and Opera; favorite band is Hammerfall.
  • REALLY REALLY wants a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle.
  • Is not so pleased with the World Wars.
  • Thinks the modern Church is straight rubbish.
  • Currently wears a mask with perfume; he thinks most of everything smells.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Bone of the Heavenly Gates; Heaven Bone- A Claymore granted to Ferdinand at the start his time as an Executioner. It is composed of materials forgien to most mortals and is as large as an average human. The blade itself is coated several different shades of silver and red due to being stained by the blood of many foes. An enchantment on the blade prevents it from ever being used against human beings.

Sythr: Son of Silver - This falchion is made of a strong silver-like alloy developed by monastic knights. It can cut through leather, bark, and mortar easily. Yet might have a little trouble with modern armors.​

Golden Spine: Gavel of The Word - A blessed bible. When a verse is read from the text, a bolt of lightning will fire off from the tome. With a range of 100 yards, the bolt can chain between a number of targets as long as they are close together. This chain of lightning's duration equals the time it took to utter the prayer that summoned it. But no longer than ten seconds.

Ability Name: Grand Enhanced Body
Description: His Angelic ancestry manifested in a way that pushed Ferdinan's normal human capibilites beyond the limit. Along with his size, the warriors physical capibilities are boosted to an awestriking status. And while he is already strong, the room for improvement still exists as with any human.
Strengths: Supernatural Strength, Speed, Agility, Lung Capacity, Stamina, Pain Tolerance, Reflexes.
Weaknesses: While his body is still superior, enough damage will result in his death. Due to his high pain threshold, Ferdinand sometimes becomes numb to dire situations as his body could very well be falling apart. He also can not handle most modern foods due to their production. Grease and too much sauce will cause his body to reject the food. Via either oraphise. He is also easily intoxicated.

Ability Name: Angelic Aura
Description: A golden aura which manifest part of Ferdinand's powers. A portective cloak which enevlopes him and protects him from magical and phsycial attacks. It also allows for minor healing effects
Strengths: When activated the aura will remain around Ferdinand until what he percieves as a threat is gone. The aura manifests holy magics which increase the durability, toughness, and resistance of both armor and flesh. Such that if a wound was to rank 8 out of 10 in terms of severity, it would help decrease the severity to about a 7 or 6 out of 10. In addition, this aura can quicken the healing process for as long as it is around. Which is until dismissed by Ferdinand.
Weaknesses: This aura is a reactive ability, meaning that it will happen naturally but only after Ferdinand is already injuried. That means if by chance something would result in immidiate death, Ferdinand could not attempt to cushion it with the aura. wounds or injuries that would cause very sever damage, like a 9 or 10 out of ten in terms of severity can't be prevented or lessned by the aura either. This is because the power has been diluted over generations of humans mixing with little angel blood remaining. The aura can also not protect Ferdinand from mental attacks or anything that would directly affect his spirit.

Ability Name: Burning Blessing
Description: Upon uttering a prayer, Heaven Bone is swallowed in a gold and black flame. This flame illuminates an area with simulated sunlight and drives away shadow. Even to flame-resistant monsters the flame is harmful.
Strengths: When aflame, the light shining off the claymore will illuminate a radius of 20 feet. This light is the same as sun light. In this area, no shadow can be cast by any object or body. No wall can stop this light from shining. For instance if Heaven Bone shined in a building, the room right next to it, as long as it is within 20 feet, will also have the light and it will burn at the same intensity. The flames coming from the sword are of a superior, supernatural source. Even creatures resistant to- or made of flame will burn once touched by the fire. Though the severity of the burns depends on how tough/powerful the being is. These flames will not die out until Ferdinand repeats the activation prayer. He may also teleport the sword into his hand from anywhere on Earth by uttering this same prayer.

Weaknesses: Unless Ferdinand speaks the prayer aloud and clear, Heaven Bone will not burn. This light, while concentrated in a 20 feet area, can be clearly seen for miles. It can become a beacon in either the day, but especially at night or dark places. Attrating opposition to his location.
Even though the fire radiating off the sword will still latch onto any creature, if that creature is powerful enough, they can simply disspell the flames or consume them. In addition, the flames will not discriminate. Unless someone is completely human or angelic, they can be harmed. And if Ferdinand wishes to extigish the fire to not harm them, any other creature or surroundings will stop burn as well. For instance, if creature A is a bad guy, and Ferdinand cuts them, they will continue to burn and be harmed. However if he accidently cut creature B, which is a good guy, they too will burn. Ferdinand will have to extinguesh both A and B's flame in order to save B. Meaning A is no longer on fire.
If somehow Heaven Bone and Ferdinand are on two different planes of reality, he cannot summon it to his person. In addition he must speak loud and clearly without stuttering. Should the sword be bound in anyway by a powerful magic, seal, or bound, it will not come.

Ability Name: Timeless Body
Description: More on the side of a side effect due to being coated in the dragon's blood. Ferdinand, though temperarily posioned due to have the dragon's blood seep into his body from wounds, became functionally importal. He will retain his current age and not grow old.
Strengths: He does physically age and will remain at the same physical age as he is now.
Weaknesses: It does not improve upon nor bestow any effects that would keep him alive. He can still due from injury or even go senile from metal fatigue and a long life.

Blurb: This guy is really doing his best to fit in with the modern world. So many things have changed that it kinda scares him. Not to mention the last person he cared about went off somewhere and he doesn't know what happened. Time to start over I guess!

What I Want To See Happen:

  1. Some closure as to the fate of Mary
  2. Ferindand become a well-adjested member of INVICTUS and society.
  3. Finding a reason to live on happily.
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This is the last character for a while I promise. I'm not addicted you're addicted.

Teiresias can be found here.
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Hey remember in the other version of Inv where Dr White invited Adam to drinks to meet Yuri? That's pretty much when they decided they were going to be partners.

I find it amusing that Adam doesn't see this as an opportunity of good faith from Inv XD giving him a new recruit to deal with is saying he'd be a decent mentor lolol.
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Hey remember in the other version of Inv where Dr White invited Adam to drinks to meet Yuri? That's pretty much when they decided they were going to be partners.

I find it amusing that Adam doesn't see this as an opportunity of good faith from Inv XD giving him a new recruit to deal with is saying he'd be a decent mentor lolol.

I didn't think we were keeping that since they wernt introduced it ended before Yuri arrived I believe. If I'm remembering wrong let me know and I'll change it

As far as partners go He's always preferred being alone, but he's loyal to Invictus so he will just accept it even if it means his partner will most likely die.
Ahh maybe they weren't yet. We could make it that they were to meet but something came up to where it was cancelled.

Even if he prefers to be alone, he's still posing as mentor to another werewolf. As a higher ranked shapeshifter, Adam has some responsibility to kind of help the newbies with it. So he might not take them out on the field.

Though if it's a constant thing that his partners keep dying that's a negative mark on Adam and he could get demoted for it if not terminated for being a liability. So maybe this could be a good plot device for him to shape up or get thrown in a holding cell for a long time. Loyalties aside.
Ahh maybe they weren't yet. We could make it that they were to meet but something came up to where it was cancelled.

Even if he prefers to be alone, he's still posing as mentor to another werewolf. As a higher ranked shapeshifter, Adam has some responsibility to kind of help the newbies with it. So he might not take them out on the field.

Though if it's a constant thing that his partners keep dying that's a negative mark on Adam and he could get demoted for it if not terminated for being a liability. So maybe this could be a good plot device for him to shape up or get thrown in a holding cell for a long time. Loyalties aside.

Awww man a demotion? That's all Adam needs.
#242424 Victor and Xelius Ortega
Nickname: The Saints Messengers
Codename: Nuntis & Occisor
Age: 27 & 28 respectively
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Department: Field Ops
Rank: Rookies
Clearance Level: 2

Victor stands at 5'11 weighing 178 Lbs with Bright blonde hair. Like his brother he sports a very well toned body havign been trained from a very young age by the Dark Chapter of the Vatican. With hazel eyes and medium length hair some would say he is quite attractive. Xelius Stands at the same Height as his brother but has a much more subdued tone. His hair is a darker auburn with eyes to match. Both brothers have many scars but most are not very viable thanks to healing magics used on them over the course of their time with the Dark Chapter. Both the brothers like to dress in very casual clothing when they are not on the job. Victor will go for a slightly more formal attire however with a vest and Tie where as Xelius will opt for a much more casual option of a shirt and jeans and a jacket ( though with the weather difference in Texas that will likely be dropped ) .


[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
The brothers both possess a profound sense of Justice in that they both want to protect those who can not protect themselves. They see others who prey on the weak as the worst living examples of human beings and will do anything within their power to stop such injustices. They are both rather protective but Xelius is more aloof about it, often giving an uncaring air about himself until he spouts a piece of profound advice at his would be target of affection.​

Abandoned on the steps of a church in Italy the Ortega brothers began their lives without even the names that they would come to be given. They were raised by priests and as such their early life was very centered around religion, God and the desire to help their fellow man was instilled in them at a very young age. Though they were a handful at times both brothers did everything they could to help around their church and community from giving food, supplies, and shelter to the poor to collecting donations so that the church could continue to support their local community. Pastor Edgard was the man who was mainly responsible for the supervision of the two boys and as such they came to idolize him as a father figure, even going to far as to adopt his last name Ortega.

As always with these stories however there came a time when the peaceful lives of the boys would come to be forever altered and they would be forced to face things greater than themselves. Little known to the church where they were raised there had been a cult who had been forced out of their country by rival organizations or perhaps they had been hunted. it was never clear but their actions would be the downfall of the young boys happiness. The cult in, retaliation for their upheaval from their home, summoned a hoard of demons to ambush their would be pursuers in the small city where the boys made their home. The battle was fierce and the brothers looked to Pastor Edgard for protection but when they found him it was already far to late. The church had been set ablaze and those trapped inside had no hope of making it out alive.

And so as they watched their life long home burn to cinders the brothers resolved to never allow this to happen again. A silly promise among children who could not even begin to comprehend the vast cruelty and atrocities that the world could contain, but it was enough, the vow they made was enough for them to make it through this haunting nightmare. They hid and as they continued to watch their resolve only grew in strength.

Finally the battle would come to an end. As the dawn broke over the horizon the brothers pulled themselves from the rubble of the city and began to wander aimlessly through the charred streets of the once bustling community. There was no indication of which side had been victorious. Bodies lined the streets burned beyond all recognition and as the two boys trampled through the sea of the burning dead a ray of light and salvation would catch their attention. From the outskirts of the city a band of soldiers soon swept through the area, their objective was to wipe out the remaining abominations and secure any survivors they could.

These brave men and women would be the ones who led the boys to their next chapter of life in the Dark Chapter of the Vatican.

Life was different from then on. The boys were introduced to a man who was both a priest and a warrior. A beacon of hope for all who would hear his words. Father Mithias. He was strict and straightforward with the boys. If they wished to make good on their promise and seize the power that they would need to make it reality it would take them years of grueling training and the iron resolve to face things far more horrifying than what they had just witnessed. The boys did not hesitate and accepted the offer made to them. Soon after that they would undergo the training to awaken the power that slept inside every living creature.

The boys trained hard and years later would come to make fine men and soldiers for the Dark Chapter. They had traveled the world over on their quest to bring the same hope to others that had been bestowed unto them by their years of dedication. They would become the beacons that served as a guiding light for those who could not defend themselves and in time come to be known by the title of The Saints Messengers .

It was after a time however that word got to the Dark Chapter of a fellow organization, Invictus, that they had worked with on occasions in the past had seen a sharp uprising of supernatural phenomenon in the United States. So as a sign of cooperation and good faith the Dark Chapter Sent the two brothers to Texas where they would aid the organization Invictus in any way they could. .

lorem ipsum


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]

Major Lawbringer: Dias Irae: As part of the Dark Chapter Victor and Xeliushave access to their variety of sacred armaments. One such arm is known as a Lawbringer. These sacred blades are forged and constructed via a secret process only known by three people in the world, The master smith and two apprentices. Every Lawbringer goes through sacred rites during its construction and everyone has different abilities depending on these processes and all are capable of interacting with magic, spirits, and all manner of incorporeal beings. Victor's Lawbringer is a powerful tool in his hands and has been imbued with two additional abilities.

Stigma: When a supernatural entity is cut by this blade the wound has an exceptionally hard time healing. Creatures without an advanced healing factor can take weeks to recover from major injuries such as deep cuts and stabs. and several days for minor ones such as shallow cuts and stabs.

Disruption: When striking a supernatural creature or a person with supernatural abilities the Lawbringer is capable of discharging a powerful shock wave that stunts its aggressors abilities temporarily (usually around 30 seconds to 1 minute depending on the persons personal strength)

Zelber: Xelius does not wield a Lawbringer like his brother. Zelber: The Balde of the End, The Final Blade, One of the wonders of the Fae Court is a weapon directly out of legend. It is a silver long sword of exceptional quality and beauty. Its blade is polished so well that it perpetually reflects just as a mirror would. Legend states that it was forged by Fairies using one of the tips of the scythes from one of the three fates which grants it, it's immense power. To contain this weapon and to make sure that it was never used for untoward reasons Zelber was sealed inside its own scabbard. Only during times of great need and for the use of saving the lives of others may the blade be drawn and its power fully unleashed.

Final Blade: Only when it is fully drawn can Zelber be used to kill. Its blade reflects all like a mirror and shows the one drawn against their final moments. The edge of Zelber is so keen that virtually nothing can withstand its cutting power.

EXELION - Xelius

Exelion is a combat system developed by the Deva in antiquity. This
unique style teaches its practitioners to exteriorize the energy of their souls
through their extremities, instead of using physical force, to wield the energy
as a weapon of insurmountable power. When fighting, a master of Exelion's
hands (and sometimes his feet) become enveloped in crepitating energy that
leaves a tenuous trail when he moves at great speed. Xeious has been trained
in this fighting style for use when he is not using Zelber.

Weapons Training

The brothers are not only limited to their swords. The Dark Chapter has trained them in the operation and maintenance of a wide variety of weapons ranging from archaic to modern.


Ability Name: Use Of Ki
Description: The force called Ki is the energy that is present in any form of
life, a kind of vital current that flows through everything. Throughout
history, it has had a multitude of names, like Aether, Ruah, or Ka, and
dozens of philosophical and scientific theories have tried to explain
its nature. In spite of everything, the only fact that can be affirmed
with absolute certainty is that Ki is born of the union between a spirit
and a physical body, hatched of the spark that springs forth when the
material world and the flow of souls intersect. Although everything
that exists has a spirit, Ki only exists in beings who are properly alive,
because they are the only ones who completely fuse their body and
Strengths: through Ki those that are able to harness its power are able to preform feats thought impossible by normal people. through it one can achieve flight, weightlessness, or the ability to push ones body much farther beyond what it is normally capable of. With proper training it can be channeled into others to heal them and in cases of those who have studied it extensively can even be employed in combat by combining abilities granted through Ki into weapons or even execute what purveyors of the art call "Techniques"
Weaknesses: Ki is present in all things that are properly alive but much like energy of any kind it is no infinite. People who unlock these abilities dormant within them only have so much potential and it takes year of dedication and training in order to push these limits further.

Ability Name: Ki Pool
Description: Victor and Xelius both have access to their own personal Ki Pool to draw from.
Strengths: respectively they have pool's of 200 and 150 to draw from. Each ability used draws an amount of power from these pools.
Weaknesses: When these pools reach below 20 their bodies begin to shut down rapidly. Leading to exhaustion and if they continue to push themselves further and continue to reduce their pools it can lead to extended periods of unconsciousness or perhaps even death.

Ability Name: Presence Extrusion
Description: This ability allows Victor and Xelius to channel their Ki into their weapons and armor.
Strengths: Weapons that are in this charged state deliver more damage and armor will resist damage more easily.
Weaknesses: This ability has a base cost of 5 from their pool and while it can be further enhanced each additional enhancement costs an additional 5 points.

Ability Name: Ki Healing - Victor
Description: This power allows Victor to heal his allies by channeling his Ki into them to heal their wounds.
Strengths: This ability allows for quick patch work to be done to allies.
Weaknesses: This ability only allows for one person to be healed at a time. It has a base cost of 5 from the pool and has a maximum cap of 50 that can be drawn or until the person receiving healing has recovered from roughly half the damage sustained in total.

Ability Name: Zen
Description: This ability allows a character to perform physical tasks otherwise
impossible to human beings.
Strengths: Pushing their bodies beyond even the farthest of limits Victor and Xelius can push themselves to match even the strongest of their opponents.
Weaknesses: this ability has a base cost of 50 from their pools and lasts for only a short amount of time. Once the state ends it can not be activated again for several hours.

Ability Name: Imperial Verdict - Victor
Description: Victor brings his blade to focus and closes his eyes for a moment to visualize the battlefield in his minds eye. Upon opening them he plunges his blade into the ground and disperses the stored energy in it through the area. Suddenly the energy bursts through the ground and binds his enemies in place.
Strengths: This technique allows Victor to control the flow of battle by controlling the movements of his enemies.
Weaknesses: This ability has a cost of 28 from his pool and requires for him to concentrate on it which prevents him from removing his weapon from the ground.

Ability Name: Kyrie Eleison - Xelius
Description: This attack, symbolizing divine mercy, allows the character to kill his
enemy using a single movement, so fast and accurate that it kills quickly
and painlessly – a kind way to end the suffering of an enemy. Seconds
after executing the Technique, a copious amount of blood springs forth
from the point of impact, leaving only a small cruciform wound.
Strengths: When facing an opponent of considerable strength this technique offers a very fast solution to level the playing field.
Weaknesses: This ability costs 36 from his pool and is limited to a single opponent and is not guaranteed to be lethal.

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#242424 Hiro Takahashi
Nickname: Hiro, Rem
Codename: Remedy
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: meta human?
Department: Medical
Rank: New Recruit
Clearance Level: 1

Hiro is on the smaller side for a male, standing at roughly five feet and five inches in height and weighing in at approximately one hundred and twenty six pounds. His hair color is not natural, he just goes out of his way to dye it a shade of purple. He's a fair skinned individual. Aside form that Hiro tends to wear a lot of baggy clothing and jackets unless he's on a mission. He dresses more for comfort than anything else. However when duty calls, form fitting outfits and other such tactical gear is something he strives for, he figures he's much less likely to get grabbed or snag on something if there's less to get a hold of. He likes wrist bands and the like though you'll likely never see them under the his sleeves.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]

( 0 ) Hiro above all other things is shy. He has a very hard time being around people and interacting properly without getting flustered or embarrassed. It's to the point where he almost never actually looks at people when he speaks to them.

( 0 ) He is also a rather curious individual. He has a thirst for knowledge and a tentatively inquisitive nature. Often new and interesting things drawing him in to observe, usually from afar. It doesn't take too much to arouse his interest in investigating something, which can be a boon in some cases and not so much in others.

( 0 ) Hiro is also a cynical kind of guy. While he himself generally has good intentions, he's become far too aware of thee ills of the world. So he tends to be skeptical of others, which has served as a defensive mechanism but also makes fostering healthy relationships difficult.

( + ) Hiro is also a rather polite lad indeed. He shows respect where it is due and tries to give everyone the same treatment he would appreciate. He makes it point to say please and thank you and all that jazz. Very rarely will he willfully disrespect people, but in these cases it likely has to do with some prior slight made against him

( + ) Hiro also has a compassionate nature. He genuinely cares for other people and tries to be kind to everyone, even those who don't deserve it. He may be bad at talking to people but he will typically make an effort if he feels like its the right thing to do for someone.

( + ) Hiro is a generous guy who typically goes out of his way to help other people. He won't exactly give you the shirt off of his back (body image issues and all) but he'd certainly think of something else if need be. This even extends to some individuals who might not actually deserve his help.

( - ) Hiro also has a damnable habit of slipping into neurotic sates of mind. He isn't always this way but some days he can exhibit a severely anxious and at times depressive attitude. On these bad days he will scarcely interact even with people he's close to, sometimes going so far as to isolate himself entirely.

( - ) He is also incredibly skittish. He tends to be rather jumpy and on edge. Combining this with his more timid nature and he becomes a ticking time bomb of tension. This also makes it difficult for him to overcome frightening situations and as such will likely hamper his ability to function in the field. Not only does he spook easily but he also tends to shut down entirely when he its particularly bad.

( - ) Hiro, while being one who typically seeks to help people and spread positivity, he tends to hold a grudge when slighted. If someone in his life treats him or others poorly he will definitely grow to despise them without reservation. His vitriol is something he keeps under wraps but it's definitely there, festering deep down. While it doesn't exactly mean he will refuse to help them should they be in need or that he will retaliate, it certainly makes long term relationships difficult if the problem is not nipped in the bud early on.
Hiro's past is a rather simple one. For the most part he lived a fairly uneventful life, with the exception of his parents making a living in a rather unique field. His mother and father just so happen to be agents of INVICTUS. So for all of his life Hiro's exposure to and involvement with the organization was near constant. It was an unspoken agreement he too would one day follow in his parents' foot steps and join them as agents of the Hawaii branch. It became especially imperative he join when at the ripe bold age of sixteen he began to exhibit some form of supernatural ability. It wasn't something spectacular of flashy but it proved to be quite the subject of interest.

Hiro for one reason or another developed the ability to heal people of what ailed them with something a simple as being near by. Frankly no one would of even noticed the change had he not made it a habit of helping his mother at work. His mother was a nurse in one of INVICTUS' medical establishments and he would regularly visit her there to lend a hand with this thing or that. By mere chance he discovered that people he interacted with enough seemed to improve in health rather quickly. It seemed to be something subtle barely worth investigating until he managed to heal some lacerations whilst administering first aide.

It was around then people took interest and some testing and study had been in order. After some thorough investigating it was discovered that his healing capabilities were more potent than they had originally believed. Apparently the contents of his blood could cause rather impressive healing potential in a variety of subjects. As far as Hiro was concerned it was great news, he had been planning to go into the medical field like his mother anyhow, but unfortunately things didn't quite go as smoothly as he would have hoped.

As it turns out, the particular branch of INV that Hiro was with happened to be compromised by some variety of spy. And once word of his ability reached them they passed it to some unsavory individuals outside of the organization. Normally one would figure that Hiro and his healing wouldn't have been that high a priority target considering the variety of other far more spectacular beings and objects in the possession of INVICTUS. Never the less for reasons unknown a kidnapping was orchestrated. Hiro was snatched and dragged off to a hidden medical facility in a neighboring town. While there Hiro was regularly pricked an poked with medical tools and having his blood draw. Over the course of three days he was stuck having his blood drawn and slipping in and out of consciousness. Luckily INVICTUS agents managed to track him down and free him, but not before his captors took whatever data and samples they'd collected and sent it off to who knows where.

After he was rescued and was able to recover Hiro was placed into a protection program of sorts and sent off to another INVICTUS facility while internal affairs began its investigation into a possible mole. For the next two years Hiro was occasionally shuffled from one facility to another until eventually he was scheduled to move to the Texas branch where he would remain indefinitely until further notice.

lorem ipsum


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Panacea Precision Prescription Rifle (PPPR) : A custom made sniper rifle made to deliver a variety of medicinal shots to targets via an assortment of dart cartridges . The weapon allows Hiro to maintain a safe distance in hostile environments dishing out support and sabotaging enemy contacts. Unfortunately it falls short against heavily armored targets thanks to it's lack of penetrating power.

Prescription Rounds: The ammunition for the PPPR comes in a variety of dorms, every cartridge has approximately five rounds. The kinds of substances delivered by these rounds can vary greatly, the most common ones are:
Sedative darts: simple high dosage sedative darts, good for calming or reducing pain in comrade and just as good for neutralizing foes safely.
Paralytic darts: neurotoxic darts that cause target's muscle tissue to seize involuntarily
Combat Stimulant darts: these darts contain a mixture of chemicals that help increase neural synaptic speed in targets hopefully granting them heightened combat capability.
Grey darts: special darts for inorganic targets, contain nanites that eat through inorganic matter and disrupt electronics.​
Ability Name: Proximity Healing
Description: Hiro is constantly radiating an energy that promotes recovery in those around him, the effective range is of a good size, spanning about fifteen feet in diameter. The effect however varies in intensity based on proximity to the source. Distance healing provides very subtle benefits while direct physical contact with Hiro will have a dramatically increased effectiveness. Its a matter of minor wounds healing faster over the course of a few hours to the course of a few seconds in difference. More serious wounds take more time of course. Though on the bright side the healing appears to exhibit an analgesic effect.
Strengths: Heals wounds at greatly increased rates, relieves pain
Weaknesses: the effect varies based on distance meaning Hiro has to be close for it to work at it's best, when he is healing by direct contact he can only heal one person at a time and he cannot choose his target (the ability will prioritize whomever is the most injured), Hiro cannot reattach severed limbs nor can he heal things that are not living, interestingly enough Hiro's power is effected by the rapport he has with his targets thus if he and his target are at odds with one another his haling effects will be reduced severely making a wound that should take ten seconds take closer to ten minutes.

Ability Name: Health Booster
Description: This ability is one that takes time to set in, in essence it is a phenomena that occurs when individuals spend enough time within the area of effect of Hiro's powers for extend period times. Spending a few minutes around Hiro every day for roughly ten to twelve days will significantly increase the body's natural resistance to disease and promote general wellness in subjects under it's effects.
Strengths: provides an ample boost to the immune system and other aspects of day to day health
Weaknesses: it takes quite a while for the ability to take effect and requires it be maintained or the effect will fade and need to be cultivated yet again

Ability Name: Vitae
Description: Hiro's blood seems to be able to pass along the benefits of his powers with much greater effect than is normal, causing massive regeneration and being capable of flushing out toxins and pathogens from the body once's it's been introduced to the body.
Strengths: The healing it provides can repair damaged organs in minutes and even cause diseases and poisons to be neutralized in their entirety, the transfusion can be done on any living being regardless of blood type or species
Weaknesses: The healing can only take effect if Hiro's blood is introduced intravenously, Hiro's power has no effect on his own body, if Hiro is ill or severely injured the effects are weakened, to use this ability Hiro is in fact losing blood and it can kill him if he looses too much as per the usual, however it's made worse by the fact he cannot receive a transfusion to replace lost fluids unless they're of a matching blood type.

Ability Name: Lifeline
Description: This is possibly the most powerful ability Hiro has at his disposal but it comes with a steep price. In a pinch Hiro can focus his power at one persona and one person only and establish a link of high intensity restoration between them. Thus it not only repairs their wounds but it can provide them with a substantial boost in stamina. However if his target becomes fatally wounded or takes too much damage Hiro will suffer a feedback effect and suffer damage in their place, which can easily cost him his life. On the upside this ability has a much larger maximum range once it is in effect boasting around 150 feet in distance.
Strengths: The ability grants the target high regeneration and staves off fatigue, it also has a much higher range than usual.
Weaknesses: if the target takes too many heavy hits or suffers damage that would be fatal the injury will transfer to Hiro instead and then abruptly cut off the effects entirely, Hiro must be able to focus on his target or the effect will end.

(you can add more abilities using the same structure above)
Anyone need someone to interact with? Adam needs an excuse to roam around the party.
Looks at the things going on with Nike as if that's not reason to move around enough
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#242424 Alexander Roland Ray
Nickname: ARR, Cap'n Crunch
Codename: Kaiju
Age: Somewhere around 110. Appears to be early 20's.
Gender: Male
Race: Hydra
Department: Fieldwork
Rank: Junior Agent
Clearance Level: Clearance Level 1

In human form, Alexander stands at 5'6" and possesses a rather thin build. His face is usually obscured by long, messy hazel brown hair though the hair's color can change whenever he shifts back and forth from his hydra form. His human eye color is dark brown though he retains his reptilian pupils.

In appearance, Alexander's face has been described as "infuriatingly forgettable". That isn't to say that it is impossible to recognize Alex's face but his features are simply so bland that it becomes very easy for him to be overlooked. Race wise, Alex appears to be a young Greek man with a clean shaven face and unblemished skin. His skin color in unnaturally pale, considering how much time he spends outdoors.

His clothing style is usually loose and casual with his usual outfit including an oversized jacket, comfortable jeans, and sneakers.

In half-human form, Alexander is a hulking beast at 9' with a barrel chest and muscular limbs and tail. At this point in his transformation, four hydra heads on long, snake like necks would extend from the back of his neck. All of his hair will disappear as scales cover his body as natural body armor and his nails sharpen and harden into claws. All of his teeth have morphed into sharpened fangs and a large amount of acidic saliva will begin to fill his mouth. A large, reptilian tale also grows out from the base of his spine. His eye color in this state will be gold with a hint of orange.

In his original hydra form, Alexander is a quadrupedal with all four limbs ending in four clawed digits and a clawed opposable thumb. With the help of his tail to balance him, Alex is also able to stand on his hind legs, allowing him to reach higher up. He has a tail that measures 8 feet in length and each of his necks measure 7.5 feet in length. Without raising his heads or tail, Alexander's hydra form has a height of 4 feet and has a total length of 21 feet.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Alexander first appears to be a playful, high energy individual who hates standing around. He is always seen either on a mission or preparing for one, keeping down time to a minimum and growing restless when given nothing to do. Alex is well known by his colleagues for his shenanigans and pranks, usually in playful jest. On lookers could also note that Alexander seems to have masochistic streak, purposefully allowing himself to be hurt while fighting or sparring. This masochism, however, stems from a mixture of sadism and narcissism as he sees letting his opponents get the upper hand as a way to lure them into a false sense of power and security before they watch their attacks bounce off harmlessly off his scales.
At his core, Alexander is a deathly loyal individual, turning more hostile or even dropping his cheerful façade altogether if he perceives a threat toward those close to him. On missions, Alex is a fine mix between professional and joker, always willing to crack a joke to lighten a mood yet knowing when to straighten up when the situation demands.
Alexander was one of the first non human-hydra half breed to have the ability to shift between the form of a hydra and the form of a human. He is, however, half Lernaean Hydra and half Diochi Hydra and therefore has abilities from both bloodlines, namely the regeneration of the Lernaean and the multiple elemental breaths of the Diochi. Invictus first found Alexander on an small fishing village on an island off the coast of Greece, living by an unaging fisherman. Being a more inquisitive hydra, Alexander showed great interest in Invictus and what they did though he turned down any invitation to join them. After this initial contact, Invictus would check on Alexander from time to time for the next four years until the hydra disappeared after a powerful storm flooded the village. Although Invictus was unable to immediately track him down, they had ample evidence that suggested he had moved to live quietly somewhere in northern Europe. Several months after Alexander's disappearance, mentions of a hydra in northern Europe would surface after a truce was called between a nest of gryphons and a clan of vampires near the England-Wales border. The truce was created, according to both sides, in order to hunt down a hydra whom they declared a common enemy and threat. By the time several agents from Invictus arrived to investigate, they found the gryphons scattered and the entire clan of vampires slaughtered save for a handful of traumatized survivors. Though Invictus has evidence that Alexander was one of the only three hydras in the area at the time of the incident, Alex managed to slip through the fingers of the agents sent to apprehend him, claiming innocence as he did so.

Several years later, an Invictus informant tipped the organization off that that Alexander was seen in Puerto Rico while investigating the death of several other hydras who had seemingly been killed for sport. Invictus successfully captured Alexander, demanding that he face trial for the incident in Europe. Alexander, however, continued to assert his innocence while pointing out that besides the fact that he was one of the hydras in the area at the time of the incident, Invictus lacked any hard evidence against him. As a result, both parties came to a compromise: Invictus would temporarily drop their charges against Alexander as they continued to investigate the incident while Alexander, in order to avoid being put in a cell, would work for Invictus as an agent. Thus began Alexander's career as an Invictus agent.

Alex finished his 6 month period as a recruit with the NY branch of Invictus. He would stay at this branch for the majority of his rookie period, transferring to the HK branch after almost one and a half more years (a total of 2 years with the NY branch). In HK, Alex finished his rookie stage and spent the next 4 years as a junior agent at that branch. Although he spent enough time as a junior agent with Invictus to merit a promotion to senior agent, Alexander was never offered a promotion due to his status as a suspect for the incident. While working for both branches, Alex displayed impressive loyalty and commitment to both Invictus as an organization as well as his duty as an agent. This has given him level 1 clearance with heavy supervision as well as level 2 clearance on special exceptions. He continues to claim that he was not guilty of the incident in Europe and has even put the investigation of the hydra murders on hold while he tries to locate the other two hydras in the area of the incident to prove his innocence.

Alexander can fluently speak Greek and English. He can also read and understand Welsh though he has some trouble speaking it.


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
In his hydra form, Alexander possesses natural weapons such as his claws, fangs, and tail. Eight of his heads are able to breath an element though only his main head possesses acidic spit. Alexander's blood in both forms is poisonous enough to kill a human with a touch.
Although Alexander does not normally carry weapons, he has shown to be proficient in wielding single handed blades, light firearms and polearms.​
Ability Name: Shapeshifting
Description: Alexander is able to change his physical form from hydra to human and vice versa at will
Strengths: Alexander is able to control his transformation, allowing him to keep his human size and shape with the addition of some hydra traits such as claws, fangs, or even hydra heads sprouting from his neck.
Weaknesses: Although Alexander is surprisingly agile and flexible in his hydra form, it is not very quiet and its large size makes it not ideal for tight spaces.

Ability Name: Regeneration
Description: As a hydra, Alexander is naturally able to regrow his heads whenever they are decapitated.
Strengths: For every head Alex loses, two of the same element grows in their place. These extra heads disappear when Alex shapeshifts into his human form and back.
Weaknesses: Alexander's regeneration is limited to only his heads. In classic hydra fashion, if the wounds are burned, cauterized, or otherwise closed, his regeneration will not work until the wound is reopened.

Ability Name: Elemental Breath/Spit
Description: Eight of Alexander's hydra heads cannot spit acid though they are able to use other elements. Two heads possess fire breath, two heads can shoot freeze rays out of their mouths, two heads can breath lightning, and two heads are able to launch balls of air with varying amounts of force. Each head also possess saliva in accordance with their elements. The fire heads have saliva as hot as magma, the ice heads' saliva also freezes everything it touches, and the lightning heads' saliva are perpetually charged with electricity. While the air heads don't possess any special saliva, they are capable of creating powerful shock waves and sonic scream attacks.
Strengths: In human form, Alexander has access to all the elements though he can only use one at a time.

Ability Name: Hydra Physique
Description: Even in his human form, Alexander possesses strength, durability, and speed that rivals most demigods. His physical strength are further increased as he shifts into his hydra form. In about 3/4 of his transformation, Alex is strong enough to easily fling tanker trucks over his head and his scales provide enough armor to stop most projectiles save the highest caliber rifles. In full hydra form, Alex's scales are able to protect him from a couple of tank shots possesses enough strength and firepower to overpower a small army by himself.
His maximum speed on land and underwater as a hydra is 40 mph.
Strengths: Super strong, super durable, super fast/agile

Ability Name: Poison immunity/Acid resistance
Description: Alexander is completely immune to most poison though extremely potent poison can give him a stomach ache. He is also heavily resistant to acid though he can't stand sour foods.

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#242424 Aerith
Nickname:Queen of the Undead, Heartless Sorceress, Ice Queen,
Bounty Hunter
Codename: Reaper
Age: 133 Years old(Elven Years), Appears to be 24 in Human Years
Gender: Female
Race: Snow Elf
Department: Medical and Collections
Rank: Junior Agent
Clearance Level: 3

Aerith was born with dark green eyes, long black hair, white skin that matches to other snow elves, and stands at a 5'9 height. She usually wears her own female armor, with an animal skull on her right shoulder pad while wearing a hooded cloak that has rips and holes in it all up and down it. She has three scars that all match up to werewolf claws; One small scar under her right eye on the cheek, A medium sized one on her chest that starts slightly above her left breast and goes in a diagonal line down into her right one, and her last scar is also in a diagonal line on her stomach down to the right side of her waist. Aerith's and Veirkhar's bow rests upon her back at all times. Lastly, she sports her own athletic body with a six pack.

Veirkhar's Appearance and Bow

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
Intelligent: Aerith has shown to have a lot of intellect for herself and not just because she's an Elf. She did outstanding in her school and learned magic faster than most elves. Later in life after joining Invictus, this intelligent only shined even further with her passing a lot of tests and showing off her intel gathering using just her bugs.

Alert: Aerith is always aware of what's going on around her, wanting to be ready at a moments notice.

Daring: Chasing after Necromancy for a very long time is proof enough of this personality trait. The path of Necromancy is no walk in the park and those who challenge it are usually the ones you don't want to screw with. Unless you want an early grave.

Cold: After losing her father, being manipulated by James, becoming a Snow Elf outcast, and becoming a Necromancer… Aerith has lost a lot of her emotions. She rarely even shows love interest as during her journey as a Bounty Hunter, sexual activity was viewed as nothing more than a means to get information. It's very questionable if Aerith will ever truly show love again or even emotion

Independant: As shown during her time in Invictus, Aerith rather depend on only herself. Sometimes Veirkhar. It is because of this she's been denied becoming a Senior Agent.

Apathetic: Because of her lack to show emotion, Aerith is really unable to show interest in something or show concern for someone or something..​
Aerith was a promising snow elven child who had a deep love and passion for her people's magic. Her parents were both well known in the Sacred Nexus- An Elven city hidden away at the tops of several mountains in Russia as high level and hard to crack wards are all around that were placed there by the strongest elves in the entire city; The High Elven Council. Aerith's father was among one of the smartest and strongest Bounty Hunters, going after whatever threatened the Sacred Nexus and being paid a lot of gold coin in return. Meanwhile, her mother mastered the elven arts of healing and was always visited for it along with being paid to do so.

Using the money they earn, Aerith's parents sent her to one of the most high end schools in the Elven city and inside there, Aerith decided to take classes on learning how to control the elements and took archery lessons. While at home her mother taught her the ways of Elven Healing. There were also times where Aerith would go and visit the Yetis that had their own small community in one area of the Sacred Nexus as she mostly was there to hang out with Boris. However, there was another side to Aerith and it was something she did in private because she knew it was forbidden. She had a particular taste in studying rare and forbidden artifacts along with the number one taboo in all of the magic world; Necromancy. She did her own research online, since the Sacred Nexus did fancy technology and Elves were always wanting to progress, Aerith would look for ways in obtaining Necromancy but there was never any clear way of doing so.

That is until she ventured outside of her city and into the lower caves of the mountains in which her Elven city laid upon. Inside, she had the unfortunate fate of running into a pack of werewolves and their leader; James. She knew that werewolves were never allowed in the Sacred Nexus simply because they could never be trusted. Never know when one will just kill an elf for a heart to feed on. However, instead of trying to kill her, James told his wolves to stand down because he personally saw her as a way to get certain plans done. Plans that involved stealing from the elves to learn more magic. This was not told directly to Aerith and would be discussed later when she isn't around. Instead, James used that typical bad boy charm, flirted, and swooned the elven girl into his arms. Despite being very smart, it was still difficult for young Aerith to not resist the allure of James and she ended up dating the werewolf, knowing that she would have to keep it a secret from not only her parents… But the High Elven Council too.

During the relationship, James used lying as a means to trick Aerith into doing certain things for him and the rest of the werewolves that will help in stealing something extremely forbidden that is locked away in the High Elven Court building; A Grimoire book by the name of Netherbane which has the locations of rare artifacts, instructions of teaching dangerous magic such as Blood Magic, Dark Magic, Shadow Manipulation, and even… Necromancy. The reason this Grimoire was under lock and key inside the Council building is because the Elves could not trust it being outside of the Nexus and having it fall into the hands of Humans. This also means there are heavy security measures in place to prevent anyone but the Council from getting to it.

What James had Aerith do was three things; bring back a few books that explained the ways of warding magic and how to cast it. These books were in Aerith's school because all Elves needed to know warding magic for their own protection. After the books, Aerith and few of James' werewolves had to go in and steal a few blueprints of the High Elven Court's building layout. Now this is what was starting to tip off Aerith because she tried to ask why they needed them. Instead of a peaceful conversation, it turned into a full blown argument which ended with Aerith agreeing…. After James left her with three scars. She wanted out of it, but… She knows she will just be hunted.

The third and final step that James had Aerith do was learn the spells to undo the warding around the entire Sacred Nexus. She and some of the other werewolves too because it was going to take a few extra hands, or paws, to help lower the warding. After a few weeks of learning, it was finally time for the big heist. Aerith and four other werewolves were given positions for where they would be standing to lower the warding. The warding was lowered, city wide alarms went off, and several High Council members left the building to figure out what happened.

While hiding, Aerith noticed her father running towards the High Council building only to remember that he had actually forced information out of one of James' werewolves during a hunt before killing the guy. The intel suggested that James was targeting the building for the Grimoire which is why Aerith's father was going to try and stop it. She couldn't let that happen because he would be killed… Needless to say, she was already too late. By the time Aerith got there, it was an utter bloodbath. James and his werewolves had not only slaughtered a few council members that stayed behind to watch over the building, but her father was split in two. James admitted to forcing one of the council members to lower the security that was around the Grimoire before killing that member too. Seeing all of this, Aerith snapped and tried to pick a fight with James and his werewolves.

It ended with her being badly beaten up and before James could kill her himself, that is when the High Elven Council came back and forced them to flee, with the Grimoire. Aerith was taken to her mother to be healed and questioned by two members of the Council. She told the whole truth about what happened, not wanting to lie for the bastard that killed her father. Instead of showing sympathy, the Council members decided that she should become an Outcast never to return. They weren't very big on favoritism. But, Aerith made her situation worse by making one huge blast of fire to blow away the two members long enough to run out of her house and head for where the Yetis are at…. She wanted to at least take Boris with her.

After explaining her situation, the Yeti did follow her out of the Elven city and running down one of the few mountain paths. While running, Aerith recognizes that she's getting close to James' hideout and she figures that with her and Boris fighting together… They can at least have another shot at knocking them out to grab the Grimoire herself because she was honestly curious about it herself. The Elf and the Yeti stormed into James' cave to challenge him and his pack once again.

This time, a little more brute strength was the winner as Boris was able to use just his sheer Yeti strength to knock out almost everyone while Aerith had the pleasure of using her magic to knock out James for a while. Aerith made her move for the Grimoire book and began flipping through it. As soon as she reached the pages that talked about Necromancy is when Aerith began her true adventure in obtaining it, as a strange voice began emitting itself through the Grimoire itself. It was called Veirkhar and told her to find its skull down deeper in the caves of the mountains. Boris followed Aerith simply because the yeti was curious and above all else, he was a good friend.

The duo wandered through what seemed to be a maze of underground tunnels and corridors until about roughly two hours later, they reached the ruins of a library. They were unsure why something like this was so far underground until Veirkhar began speaking again through the Grimoire and told them to place the Grimoire on a small pedestal that was in front of a old broken down portal. When Aerith had done so, the Grimoire began glowing a dark green as the portal suddenly activated, via magic, as a floating skull came levitating out of the portal and towards Aerith and Boris. This was Veirkhar as he explained that he was once a powerful Elven mage who created the underground cave system and library to do his own private studies on forbidden magic, one such magic being Necromancy. Aerith asked why he was only skull as Veirkhar told them that he grew weaker over several hundred years and needs to imbue himself to a healthier being in order to have a physical form again and that's all he was going to allow himself to say.

Aerith then asked if he could be the one to teach Necromancy to her. Veirkhar told her that the path to becoming a Necromancer was difficult and involved five specific trials. One trial that she already passed; Trial of Melancholy which involves just continuing to live on, even when they lost everything. Aerith lost her father, her relationship, and was banished from the Sacred Nexus. Any future that she had was now gone. All she had left was to chase after Necromancy and do something with it. Anything, really. Before she attempted anymore trials, Veirkhar imbued himself to Aerith and allowed his own Necromancy power to flow into her. She didn't get everything from the start as the magic had to acknowledge Aerith's completion of the Trials. The magic knew that the first Trial was already done and a small percent of power was unlocked. Veirkhar also revealed a very unique bow to Aerith, telling her it was his own personal weapon he used quite often, revealing that it had a few unique traits including generating healing arrows. These traits were something he personally designed via magic. He also told her of his ability to create and tame bugs of all kinds, explaining that they would be useful in both combat and intel gathering for themselves.

Trial of Memory involved learning something from her memories. Trial of Stasis involves learning that the Land of the Dead never changes, learning this intimately. Trial of Infliction was to basically force someone to watch as Aerith slowly kills another. This trial was easy as she went back and forced James to watch all of his werewolves die and then to experience the same fate just as slow as the rest of them. The final trial was the Trial of Decay, slowly losing something or someone over time. This came as a single form for Aerith. The decaying loss of her Elven Magic when she started these trials. Six months passed and Aerith was finally done… The Trials were complete and she was now a full fledge Necromancer as immortality was the very last thing that came to her. She knew she was immortal when Boris slashed opened her chest with his yeti claws and the massive injury healed almost instantly. Boris also became Aerith's personal Undead servant as she killed him and repurposed his soul.

Aerith, with having access to the Land of the Dead thanks to Veirkhar, she used a portal system inside that realm specifically to travel to different parts of the world as a Bounty Hunter for hire as she tried to make some kind of life for herself. Though this life was short lived when she had her encounter with I N V I C T US one year later.


After Aerith turned twenty-one in mortal years, she returned to Russia for another contract up in Moscow, thinking it was easy enough. A demon had been causing trouble as usual and she was being paid a pretty penny. Upon finding the demon, Aerith also ran into a group of agents who apparently came from some hidden organization known as Invictus. The elven woman didn't care though because she believes the demon is hers so she can have the money and wasn't about to let anyone else have the glory.

That was a grave mistake.

Aerith and Veirkhar wasted all of their magic because they sent in specialists to deal with them, other agents who were either Metahumans or were from the supernatural world themselves (Demons, Spirits, Werewolf, Shapeshifter, etc) that already swore their loyalty to the organization. The demon was captured and so was Aerith, as they were taken in to the Moscow Invictus facility. The demon was put in a cell while Aerith was put through questioning. Aerith was rather stubborn and cold towards the agents giving them a very difficult time. She didn't enjoy talking about her past or where she came from, not like it mattered…. She's an outcast. The tides turned though when they decided to lay out an offer for Aerith because they know of the power she holds. Work for them in exchange for telling them more about her past and avoiding being put in a cell for lord knows how long.

Aerith requested alone time with Veirkhar to discuss the current situation. There was no definite time frame but, the agents left anyway. Both of them go over the fact that maybe Invictus could be a fresh chapter rather than meeting the same kind of fate as the demon as the agents did hint at the fact that perhaps Aerith was far too dangerous to be left alone and if she didn't exactly agree to work with them, then they would throw her behind bars to make sure she can't bring harm to the outside world. The elven woman had lost far too much already and freedom was not going to be another thing she loses.

Just as Aerith and Veirkhar reached an agreement, the agents came back as if on cue. Maybe they were listening to their conversation? Aerith reluctantly accepted to work for Invictus and began spilling her guts about her past, powers, skills… Everything. After that, it took a little bit of time but Aerith became an agent.

However, because of her high intellect, Aerith always passed anything they threw at her and received the highest standing possible. She proved herself in both the Medical department countless times and the Collections department with hers and Verikhar's bug magic, using it to gather intel. The longer she worked with Invictus, the more she started to accept that this was her life now. When Aerith turned twenty-four in mortal years, dedicating the last three years of her life to the agency, Aerith wanted to go past being a Junior Agent and receive a higher clearance level.

This was not possible. Regardless of her own reputation and skills, Aerith showed no interest in being a teacher or team leader and simply wanted to be a solo act. Because of this, she's been denied becoming a Senior Agent and was told that being a Senior Agent meant more than just skills. Aerith was pissed though didn't really do anything about it. Instead, she accepted the fact that she was stuck as a Junior agent and decided to transfer out of Moscow and into the Texas Branch hoping that maybe being there would help reshape her attitude.

She loves insects, probably because of her bug manipulation
Aerith loves to read in her spare time
She enjoys cold areas the most, mainly because all snow elves do
Technology continues to interest her and always will
Aerith hates liars and cheaters
She hates hot areas


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
Aerith wields the Bow of the Spectral. This bow was given to Aerith alongside Bug Manipulation when Veirkhar became imbued to her. It was designed by Veirkhar when he was still alive and has special magical traits to it that make it stand out from other bows. Healing Arrows that can be generated and shot into someone thus sinking into their body and healing all of their wounds or injuries, Zipline arrows that, when shot, create a zipline to travel on.(Limited to a one hundred meter range), All arrows fired can go through solid objects if Aerith allows it to happen. Normal arrows used are infused with Veirkhar's previous fire and lightning magic. Either Element can be used separately or together for a much more devastating outcome. Each and every arrow is created through both Aerith's and Veirkhar's magic reserves.

Ability Name: Elven Physiology
Description: Because of her Elven background, Aerith has a few unique traits. Enhanced Strength, Speed, Durability, and Endurance. She also has the natural ability to handle any bow given to her.

Ability Name: Necromancy
Description: After going through five long and harsh trials, Aerith has several abilities that pertain to her being a Necromancer. Most of which will be listed below in either Strengths or as a separate ability.
Strengths: Necromancy has granted her the ability to summon her own minions(Skeletons, Zombies, or Undead Animals that Aerith has personally killed and repurposed such as her Yeti companion, Boris.), see and interact with ghosts/spirits, reapers, etc.
Weaknesses: When summoning her minions she is only allowed up to having four out at once.(Two Zombies, Two Skeletons. Three Zombies, one Undead animal of her choosing. All four being Zombies, Skeletons, or Undead animals.) If she summons her Yeti companion, Boris, this takes more time to summon and she cannot summon any more minions because most of her power will be focused into Boris. In short, she can only choose between having four easy to control undead minions or choose to have only Boris out during battle. She also cannot FULLY resurrect someone. This was an agreement between her and Veirkhar because the risks are far too high and the result is mostly never worth it in the end.

Ability Name: Life-Force Absorption(Necromancy)
Description: Aerith can take the life force of anyone living and use it as her own.
Strengths: Using this ability allows Aerith to do various things such as enhancing herself, gaining the power/magic for a short period of time, using it as a power source, etc. For example, if she were to drain the life from someone who had Fire magic, Aerith can then use that magic for herself for a short time. Immortals can be technically an infinite source for Aerith, but it will leave the Immortal weaker until they recharge.
Weaknesses: She can only absorb life-force by touch. She cannot drain her own minions or other Undead beings. Person MUST be alive.

Ability Name: Immortality(Necromancy)
Description: This trait became possible after Aerith fully unlocked Necromancy for herself. It's not Absolute Immortality, but rather a type of Immortality that is between Regenerative and Unfettered Body Immortality. See this Link for more information.
Strengths: Aerith's body no longer ages, every wound or injury no matter how fatal is regenerated and healed instantly, has immunity to most toxins/diseases/drugs.
Weaknesses: Aerith's mind and Soul are still mortal. Meaning if someone or something targets either one, there is a very good chance she will die. A Chronomancer can go back in time before Aerith obtained Necromancy and erase her from existence. If her head is severed from her body and kept away from it long enough (Five minutes), she will die. Immortality removal magic can and will get rid of her Immortality. If Veirkhar is destroyed/ripped away from Aerith, she will die too or be extremely weak.

Ability Name: Veirkhar(Familiar)
Description: Veirkhar is the Necromancer entity that is tied to Aerith and has helped her unlock her Necromancy abilities. Veirkhar also has a physical form that can manifest outside of Aerith's body to help her or simply socialize whenever he feels.

Ability Name: Bug Manipulation/Creation
Description: Gained from Veirkhar, Aerith is able to call forth all sorts of bugs/insects to her aid. Sometimes in large swarms or just a few at a time. Along with being able to use certain aspects of her small critters.
Strengths: Aerith can generate any kind of bug or insect that is living and as many as she wants. Aerith can use these critters to gather intel, look at their perspective to spy, tame other critters that are not generated from herself or Veirkhar, and communicate with all forms of bugs or insects.
Weaknesses: Every insect created or tamed is still very likely to be easily killed by any method. Elements, bug spray, bug zappers, a simple swat, anything really. Aerith cannot create bugs that are fictional. Aerith has a limited range in which she can control her insects and that is a two mile radius. Bugs outside of that radius will simply no longer obey her until she reaches them again.

Three Sentence Blurb: Aerith is a snow elf necromancer with a very old necromancer entity tied to her. She doesn't easily get along with others at first, but given time she will come around with the right people and reason. One day she hopes she can at least regain some of her former emotions as part of her sort of wishes she wasn't so damn emotionless all the time.

Wishlist for Aerith: 1). Have someone or a bunch of persons help her become more of a team player which will eventually lead to her being a Senior Agent. 2). Have some fun goofing around with pranking people with her undead minions or bugs. 3). An event involving her former Elven city, the Sacred Nexus. Can be anything.
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Something something here. Let's us know what is and what is not.

Announcement! : Mission Time[/hr]

[07/13/2018] IT'S THAT TIME. It's missions time! So what does that mean we're gonna do? It means that the mixer event needs to come to an end on by page 8 in the ic. So let's start wrapping up interactions! Pretty much how the mixer will end is that there will be an announcement by one of the higher ranked agents, thanking everyone for coming and to try to work well with their listed partners (I will relist them for you after this announcement). The agent that does this announcement may be selected out of the Senior and Veteran agents.

From there, we will do a smooth transition into missions. This means that selected agents will be receiving an email on their personal devices to notify them to go to the conference room written within the email. From there, a Missions Handler will be giving them the information they need and arrange their mode of transportation.

There will be 4-5 agents on each mission, and some particular agents may be required to go while others may volunteer (via players choosing whether they want their characters to go or not).

In the meantime, there will be mini events around base for the rest of the agents to do. Keep in mind that if something happens on a mission, those agents on said mission may be able to call for backup. Most agents within the base are on standby.​

Mission #1: The Iron Fae[/hr]

Mission Type: Diplomatic, Investigate, Search & Assess
Req. Number of Agents: 3-5
Req. Agents: Rostam, Daniel, Alex, Amaranth, Crowley
Location: hidden foresty area in England somewhere

Description: The Fae Court has sent out a request of aid to Invictus in order to help locate their lost prince. The Fae Court being an affiliate with Inv but not directly connected to, has their own systems of going about things as well as their own attempts at solving internal issues. Agents are to go to the Fae Court as guests and representatives of Invictus to gain formation about this lost prince. While there, agents must also secure the area and eliminate any potential threat.

1. Speak with the Fae Court.
2. Ask questions in order to gain information about the prince, last whereabouts, and anything that may be deemed important information.
3. Explore areas of the Fae Court within restrictions given.
4. Assess the status of the Fae Court and eliminate any threat agents come by.

Important Notes:
• We will start off with agents speaking with their missions handler, heading out to England's Fae Court.
• While there, agents will explore the location and speak with members of the Fae Court.
• As they look around, they will come across the sick bay within the palace, and find that a lot of fae in there are sick with blackened skin and stiff limbs, as if they are statues made of iron.
• More exploration and talks with the fae will reveal a fae-only sickness.
• More will be revealed from there. I will give notice when important info is gained.​

Mission #2: A Corporate Affair 01[/hr]

Mission Type: Infiltrate, Investigate, Assess & Eliminate Threats
Req. Number of Agents: 3-4
Req. Agents: Adam Kane, Atticus, Aerith, Sibylla, [Rook; will be found on mission]
Location: Neo San Antonio, TX

Description: Invictus has been tipped off about some suspicious and potentially threatening activity. The location? Zenfinity Corporate building. Zenfinity is a seemingly harmless company dealing in marketing for smaller companies. On the outside, it is fairly normal. It is up to agents to decipher the message sent to Inv, infiltrate the corporate buildings and find evidence of their illegal activity.

1. Decipher the message to gain important information.
2. Explore the corporate building for anything suspicious.
3. Find access keys to use the elevators.
4. Assess the situation and act accordingly.

Important Notes:
• We will start off with agents meeting with their mission handler to figure out how they will go about the mission.
• Agents will then infiltrate the building and search for clues, hints, or anything that looks suspicious.
• In one way or another a suspicious tip will be given to make the agents believe that using the elevators is important.
• Taking one of the elevators down far enough will lead agents to a very restricted area that needs a key card to get through.
• Depending on what tactics are used, important information pertaining to Adam may be down there.
• Further investigation agents will find Rook.​

Mini Events[/hr]

Catching Doorman
A report about a dimensional hopper has landed on Yuka's desk. The report had requested for her to create a device to which Invictus would be able to track this dimensional hopper. But as she was speaking with Gabe, a bit of the information was leaked. One thing led to another, and Gabe ended up leaking the info to Nike. From there, the newly promoted Senior Agent took the reigns and decided to try and lure the dimensional hopper to the base. How? Well, let's ask Nike, shall we?
Objective: Go around the base to try and figure out how to catch this 'Doorman'.
Agents: Yuka, Nike, Gabriel, Sparky, [Valentine]

The Welcome Wagon
New transfers and special guests to Invictus are just entering the facility. Some may be agents from another facility, others, like the Ortega Brothers, may be from independent affiliations. Make them feel a little more welcome by greeting them and showing them around. A small welcoming party would be nice.
Objective: Meet & Greet with the new agents that are entering the main landing
Agents: [Xelius Ortega], [Victor Ortega], [Almira], [Teiresias], [Ferdinand?]

Training Orientation!
It's that time again! Now that there are plenty of new recruits, some of the Trainers will be preparing for the start of the new 6 month training period. Together they will explain what Invictus is, what it does, and determine who may need to take academic courses and who may need to focus solely on power control (and more. there's other courses and training routes for agents to take according to their needs). After the assessment though, Trainers will proceed to put the new recruits through a good ol' Invictus traditional simulation-- in other words a simulated maze room with multiple puzzles. Don't worry, it's meant to be fun and not harmful.
Objective: Go through the Training Orientation and continue on through the training simulation.
Agents: Storm, Sable, Saku, Seier, Selene, Sorin, Hiro, Eliza, Kris, Yuri

Have You Seen My Bear?
Young Agent Annabelle Bale has lost her bear and needs help finding it. Without her bear Timbers, she has not crying and has completely destroyed her parent's residence with her sonic screams. So while the Inv repair team work on her house, she is currently placed under an agent's care. It might be a good idea to help her find her bear before she destroys other parts of the facility.
Objective: Calm Annabelle and help her find her bear Timbers. One agent (Junior rank or higher) may be placed in charge of watching her.
Agents: Otto,

Something something here. Let's us know what is and what is not.
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