INVICTUS .//ooc & signups

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Discussion Time![/hr]

So now that we know what the missions coming up will be, let's do some discussions. What we need to discuss are as followed:

• Partners. Here is the current list of partners:

• Who will be going on what mission?
Like mentioned on the mission post, only a certain amount of characters can go on each main mission. Some characters may be required to go, and if they are in a partnership, their corresponding partner may not be allowed on the mission. So keep in mind of rank and levels. We need to discuss who will be going and where.​
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So far it has been agreed that Atticus will be going on the Corporate Affair mission. However, it may not be the best idea for Otto to go since he's very... not discreet with all of his clothing over his mannequin self.
Rostam's going to want to visit the Fae Court and figure out what's happening to them.

Santa is going to want to train the new people.

Yun will most likely be on call for the agents going to the Fae Court to answer any inquiries they can't figure out. (Though she desperately wants to help Anna ;~;). Though it might be smart for Martin to tag along on the mission to help with that too.
To bring in Crow to go back to England or not...?
I know Alex hasn't even been introduced yet IC but I'd like to volunteer to go on the Fae mission
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Character Building Exercise![/hr]

I hope you guys are hyped about the upcoming missions! They'll be here before you know it and we'll be able to introduce all those new characters as well as get down to what Invictus is really about!

Before we get to that, I want do address a concern that has been popping up quite frequently. Some people have been feeling incredibly left out in plotting with others. Whether it's because the discord is so fast moving, or maybe people gravitate toward an idea or something said that resonates more with them personally (or even because y'know, they're not in the discord), it has caused a feeling of division. I would like to eliminate that with this character building exercise. Now I can't guarantee that this will fix all the problems, but this will definitely help people reach out. Especially to those that may feel a little insecure about talking to others.

By all means, this is not mandatory but I would really like for people to participate.

So here's the exercise:

1. Pick 3 people you haven't talked to very much and send them a PM.

2. Ask something about their character(s) that either you would like to know or the person would like to tell you about their character.

3. Find some kind of common ground between your character (it could literally be that they are in the same department or came into the facility near the same time, maybe like the same food) and build off of that.

4. Make at least one meaningful plot between characters from at least one person. You don't have to connect backgrounds. Think about the present and the future of your characters as well!

Now, you don't have to show me that you've done it or not. Again, this is optional and just to help bring people together.
I hope you guys will participate!

@artisticalTay @Candi Cosmo @Fallen Star @Friend Maou @FrostedCaramel @jeshem @Kurogane86 @Mars Walker @MYTH* @rissa @Sanctus @ShiroKiyoshi @Shizuochan @SoulwroughtOfTerra @Tarieles @The Red Sage @The Wanderer @U.N. 0W3N
IN THE MEANTIME. Don't be afraid to get those posts out there! Finish up that Vigdis fight, I don't wanna have to cut it short. If you can squeeze in posts to resolve whatever your character is doing then go for it!
@Kurogane86 a little heads up, Alex isn't on the same mission as Adam and Aerith. Aerith and Leo (I think?) are be the only people in the room when Adam gets there. Alex and Zander are meeting in a separate room.
@Kurogane86 a little heads up, Alex isn't on the same mission as Adam and Aerith. Aerith and Leo (I think?) are be the only people in the room when Adam gets there. Alex and Zander are meeting in a separate room.
My bad I misread
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Nickname: Mira, Ally
Codename: Trisagion
Age: ??? || Appears late teens - early twenties
Gender: Female
Race: Angel (Principality)
Division: Fieldwork (General)
Rank: Rookie
Clearance Level: Level 2

At 5'4" and 130 lbs. Almira is a bit shorter than the average female. Her shapeliness is a little top heavy, though not so much as to lack somewhat of an hourglass figure, and is able to maintain this figure without any effort of note. Strawberry blonde hair falls to about chin length, never appearing to grow past that point, and she refers to her eye color as being "golden-green". Her skin is fair in color and completely unblemished, and holds a small degree of luminescence to it. Her wardrobe is filled with mostly modest dresses, stockings and modest styled shoes, as well as a small collection of hats.

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From her smile to the shine in her eyes, to the fairness of her skin and the gentleness of her presence, Almira holds a grace and a radiance to her that is akin to sunlight filtering through fresh spring leaves. When she's not busy with training exercises or catching up on her studies, she delegates much of her day to helping others with tasks, ranging from picking up food from the market to gather the children from daycare. Charitable and kind, she feels it's a part of her duty to see to the wellness of those around, tending to humbly refuse payment (especially of currency) unless pushed upon her.

As light does shine, guide and nourish, so does it stand stalwart against what lies in the shadows. Almira has a determination about her, inherited from her father and the deeds and ideals he preached and pursued in his life. She believes wholeheartedly that to change the world around one's self, one must first create the change they desire within one's self. She is quick to come to the defense of others and fears little the backlash of speaking up when witnessing an injustice, no matter the side.​
The one now known as Almira was brought into the realm of "Heaven" as she was, and as far as she had known, had never had another form other than as she has. Upon her Awakening she underwent The Adjudication, where Powers examined the potential of each and every soul allowed into their realm. While kind and thoughtful in spirit, and displaying a higher degree of skill in use of her elemental abilities, she was exceptional enough to be excluded from the simpler ranks of Angel and Archangel. Instead it was deemed that the one now known as Almira was fit to begin training for duties of a Principality.

It could be said that the one now known as Almira completed and presided as a Principality for many a year, but the concept and passage of time within the realm is a bit different than that in the Human Realm. From the human perspective though, it indeed was many, many a year. The one now known as Almira helped to watch over the business of the Angels and Archangels. When asked by those above her, she would also bestow upon them blessings to be taken to the Human Realm, or on the rare occasion visit there herself. This became somewhat more so as certain elements of her life in "Heaven" started to swell.

The realms of "Heaven" and "Hell" had always been at odds. While not always in open war with one another, they did have frequent skirmishes between the two. Even after the incident that caused "Heaven" and "Hell" to split from the Human Realm entirely, the persistence of both demons and angels drew one another into conflict wherever they may have met. In such instances, the one now known as Almira helped to organize more macro tactical details for those Angels and Archangels directly under her command.

Normally in the past there had always been a sense of balance between the sides. Where they would come out the victor and gain ground, soon then would they count loss after loss as their opponents advanced. It wasn't until more recent times that this changed. The aggression of the demons grew exponentially, as well as the frequency in battles. While well armed and capable, the sheer amount of them began to slowly overwhelm the forces of "Heaven". The worst of it came when "Hell" successfully opened up a portal right into the angel's homeland, and with a blitzkrieg show of power, struck down their reigning God. They were ultimately driven back again, but the damage was done. Many of their numbers lay dead or wounded, and as for some, such as the one now known as Almira, they had been cast from the realm entirely.


The earliest memories of Almira's life in the Human Realm are that of moving to her new home. Finding her injured on the street, she was rescued by a man by the name of Orwald Belmonte, whom was a father both to those of the Catholic church, and eventually to her as well. For the first few years things were very domestic. Almira was taught the ways of the church, which prayers and hymns meant what, and things one should strive to be in their life. Sometimes her father would come home from work tired and sore, to which the little girl thought nothing of it beyond the norm. In Almira's eyes, he was a very hard working man. What Almira wasn't aware of was just how involved with the church her father really was. That would come the night a man broke into their house and ripped Almira from her bed.

Almira's not entirely sure what happened after that point. What she does remember is her father conversing with the man, then being carried somewhere. When she awoke she found herself in the infirmary of San Circa's Dark Chapter. Her father was nowhere to be found, but as she spent time there she uncovered the truth of her father's job. She came to find that he had been a Regimen within the ranks of the Dark Chapter; a Domare of some renown. They had found her in front of the doors of the church itself, delirious with fever. Her father had yet to be found.

From that point Almira was in the care of the Dark Chapter. Once she recovered they began integrating her into the organization, starting off with gradual studies involving what her father had been versed in. After a year her studies geared more towards the intent for her to join their ranks. She was schooled in various methods of how the Dark Chapter dealt with daemons, Umbra infestations and the likes, during which Almira showed a natural affinity towards the skills of an Exorcismos. Once her training had completed, she was paired with a man named Xelius, an Ensis of renown, to compliment and best utilize her capabilities.

Within recent time the Dark Chapter chose Xelius and Almira, as well as Xelius's younger brother Victor, to join the ranks of an associated organization known as INVICTUS.

❉ Almira subsists off a diet of milk and honey. Any other forms of food and she becomes quite ill.
❉ One could say her singing voice is rather angelic and heavenly, especially when reciting hymns.
❉ Looks up to Xelius in an extremely obvious way known as "Senpai Notice Me" Syndrome.
❉ Attempts cooking, but due to her diet restrictions, it doesn't always come out very well.
❉ Almira associates her supernatural capabilities to her doing God's work, still unaware as to the truth of her nature.


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Almira relies very heavily on her casting, wielding only a book of scriptures that she uses to amplify said casting. She does have a dagger on her, but it is mostly for either utility purposes, or for the need to offer others if her blood is needed.​
Ability Name: Celestial Nature
Description: Transcendent and timeless, Almira's physiology is naturally capable of functioning at a much higher rate than that of even other supernaturals.
Strengths: Almira is incapable of dying from either the passage of time, nor of mundane sickness and disease. In fact, her body is immune to most all forms of disease and poison that originates from the human realm, save for those attributed to particularly powerful creatures. While holding an otherworldly kind of beauty and a delicate looking form, Almira's lithe self is capable of both performing great feats of strength, as well as sustaining great amounts of damage and stress. She won't even break a sweat during it, as she simply doesn't perspire, and doesn't appear to ever become dirty via outside elements. She becomes invigorated in areas considered "holy", as well as when involved in instances relating to the practice of the Judaeo-Christian faith.
Weaknesses: Severe enough damage can be debilitating, if not outright fatal to Almira, and supernatural diseases and poisons affect her on a similar level as more mundane ones would humans. Being within a desecrated or "unholy" area drains Almira of some of her power, varying by the extent of the damage to the area.

Ability Name: Celestial Blood
Description: The angelic blood within her veins holds particular supernatural properties, making it a potent component for a variety of things.
Strengths: Can cure any form of disease or poison of human, monster or demon origins. Also holds strong supernatural properties, making one who imbibes it gain a boost to their physical and supernatural capabilities. Using angelic blood as a component for alchemy or artificing grants the item potent holy and/or healing properties.
Weaknesses: Almira cannot give her blood for any purposes by harming herself, making it necessary to either have it drawn prior, or for another to harm her in order to use it. Any attempt to draw blood herself appears to neutralize the otherwise present attributes. Use of angelic blood can lead to an almost drug-like addiction, including notable withdrawal symptoms that scale sharply with frequent use, and doubly potent when taken straight instead of being processed. The suggested dosage is once a week for processed amounts to keep addiction symptoms to a minimum.

Ability Name: Sacred Light
Description: Almira has the ability to create and manipulate a form of light that holds what could be called "holy" properties.
Strengths: Can be shaped various ways to perform various tasks, from healing, to binding, to firing beams, or even just lighting the way. All actions in which Almira uses Sacred Light carry a "holy" element with it, making this ability extremely effective against those of the demonic, undead, or otherwise "unholy" persuasions.
Weaknesses: Consecration of larger areas require a more ritualistic approach, meaning time is necessary to perform it. Can be lessened or neutralized by more "unholy" elements of similar or greater intensity, such as Darkness magic or innate demonic abilities. Cannot be used to heal those of similar attributes as stated above.

Ability Name: Blessings
Description: Almira can bestow boons upon others, enhancing their capabilities.
Strengths: Blessing can come in many a fashion, such as good luck or feeling happier. She also uses this to bless weaponry, making them more effective against more "unholy" supernatural beings.
Weaknesses: Almira must be able to see the individual in order to offer them a blessing, and the individual must desire something akin to the blessing Almira attempts to give them. Cannot be used upon those from the demonic realm, or those with overt demonic/"unholy" influences.
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Heartbreaking to see it close down. </3. But, I also hope all is well.
Sorry to hear that. Hope things turn out okay!
I hope all is well too! This rp will always be a priority for me, and it holds a very special place in my heart <3