Its time for the new generation of heroes to shine! (Teen titans inspired superhero rp)

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tracking! i'll have the character sheet up by tonight or tomorrow

Lilith Samara Titon-Mortis

Hero Alias: Anubis
Nickname: None that she goes by
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 19
Race: ? (presumably half-human, other half is unknown)

Appearance: Pictured above. Multiple tattoos and piercings.

Personality: Lilith is… painfully honest. She won't sugar-coat anything, and very rarely lies if at all since she detests it. Some call her blunt and the rest call her an asshole. She accepts both. Some think she doesn't care about how people view her, but deep down she really does, it's just that she knows she can't change their opinion once it's settled in. She often times has the ability to do something, but is too afraid to fail so she doesn't even try. She doesn't fear much, but failure does frighten her. That being said, if she has told you she'll do something, or has made a promise, she will fulfill it no matter the cost. Even if it's something that she isn't capable of doing, she will find someone who can. She isn't great at asking for help, but occasionally can rely on people, although she tries very hard not to.

warm weather
cozy blankets
the crackle of a fire
cookies w/ her coffee
spicy foods
w o m e n
people with a sense of humor
occasionally playing pranks
… fighting
dr pepper
tea (especially hot tea)
ankle biting dogs (she will drop kick them without hesitation)
hot drinks (unless it's coffee with cookies)
milk chocolate
people who can't take a joke
dense people
cleaning out the shower drain

Morality: (Chaotic) Neutral
Occupation/Current Status: Student at University, studying to be Lawyer
Goals: none, only to become a lawyer.
Role: agile damage (scout/sniper)

Gear: Always has a knife/sharp object of sorts. Usually a pocket knife. Occasionally carries around her sniper rifle, but only in situations where she knows she can set up in the back, or if she has to stay stealthy. ALWAYS carries around hard candy, especially strawberry milk flavored ones.
Abilities: Lilith has the ability to summon two creatures at her disposal. These hellhound-like creatures are kept under her control by a blood contract, and are summoned as soon as even a drop her blood touches the ground. Their bodies are normally solid, but can be changed so that they are made up of thick black smoke, this makes them perfect for scouting areas undetected. She jokingly says that they are from a deal she made with the devil, but sometimes that doesn't seem to be the case. She is adept with long range weapons such as sniper rifles, terrible at close range unless it's a pistol or gun of some sort. Prefers long-range combat but her hounds prefer close, so she lets them handle that front while she covers from the back.

regeneration if given time to heal (broken bones, damaged nerves, etc, but if the arm is chopped off then obviously she can't). if her blood is given to someone, they gain her regenerative abilities for a bit. can sniff out magical signatures like a bloodhound.
(discovered in future) she can taste the blood of someone and gain their memories. if her blood is within the persons system (like if they come in blood to blood contact) she can control them with blood magic, although as soon as her blood is recycled in their body, she loses that ability.

Sexuality: Pansexual
Crush/Relationship: n/a
Mother || Iyara Titon-Mortis || Alive
Father || Azazel Titon-Mortis || Deceased
Friends: hellhounds.

Notes: Honestly is just a little gremlin, likes
pranks. She also, from time to time, has
nightmares about her not being able to
control her hounds, and them violently
turning on her. This leads to lost sleep
and many midnight snacks to calm her nerves.
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Name: hilda evergreen
Hero Alias: Prodigy
Nickname: none
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: ???
Race: gynoid


hilda is a fun loving girl, with a love for reading, video games, and just stories in general. While she is pretty easy going most of the time, she can get easily annoyed if she has to repeat something multiple times that she feels should be easy to understand. She often finds herself not knowing what to say when there isn't a clear goal to a conversation. She can spend hours with just a nice book, all alone or with a friend snuggling. She often loves to listen to music while going places, letting her mind wander as she walks. Heights however tend to induce vertigo in her easily. Hilda has a strange relationship with directions, tending to easily get lost when first visiting a place, but after the first visit or two she can easily remember it, even after years of absence from the area. Hilda's most valued life lessons are those learned from her stories.

In terms of dealing with great emotional stress such as the loss of a loved one, she finds she goes through a day of intense emotion, than its gone and done with. This doesn't mean she no longer cares about them, but more her mind has accepted it. hilda can easily shrug off insults and verbal abuse towards herself. the same against a loved one however tends to quickly light a deep hate towards the guilty party that will last a long time in hilda. Hilda always finishes a job she started, even when there is no need. Hilda has never been good at wrapping her mind around the thought of secrecy and lies. In her mind the best path is to just be straightforward and honest. This thought pattern does extend towards her explanations as well somewhat.

Morality: chaotic good
Occupation/Current Status:
Goal: TBD
Role: jack of all trades

-rusty pipe: its a rusty pipe looted from the lab she awoke in.
-box of matches: its only half full

-M.E. : once per day, hilda will gain a pool of energy that will slowly grow, and summon the spirit of a remarkable person from another universe/multiverse/omniverse (OOC: a random named character from a random setting). the energy pool can be spent to obtain skills, powers, and closely tied items from said spirit. the more powerful the skill/power/item, the more energy it takes. once hilda no longer has enough energy to gain anything else from the spirit it will disperse and its universe/multiverse/omniverse (OOC: that characters setting) is permanently locked off.
hilda does have 3 options to boost her powers capabilities for a spirit, by turning off some safeties on the connection to a spirit. the first boosts her energy pool by 50% but leaves a 50% chance to be permantly left with a personality trait of the spirit. the second removes the safety barriors on the spirits connection, making it so that things may leak from the spirits world to this one (5% chance), and in exchange hilda is capable of getting another spirit from that world, can be repeated boosting the leakage chance each time (by 5%). finally the third lets hilda take on weaknesses of the spirit to gain energy, the worse the weakness the more points gained.

Sexuality: lesbian
Crush/Relationship: none yet
Family: none
Friends: none

-hilda does not necessarily know the things stated in her personality just yet.
-hilda awoke for the first time in an abandoned lab, with no hint as to who or what made her.

normal theme:

battle theme:
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Ah i do apologise but that seems a bit too op my friend, I do apologise
all right, i'll change it to her waking up at the start of her entering the RP thus removing her first 3 uses of M.E. anything else you would recomend?
Look I'm sorry but the character just doesn't fit too well and the power involving the multiverse and stuff just don't fit. I am very sorry
Accepted, looks interestign to work in with the ideas i had for the world!, edgey boi can also be fun to interact with also could be fun to have a villain at first lol
Nice! Is there a working discord link? The one in the thread looks like it's expired.
Did you guys already get this group off the ground?
yeah that, sorry i didnt notice the notification
Are you guys still looking for players?
I'm thinking of playing villains if I could
I think atm we're good, tho I'll check a bit later my brains at like 30% power
Name: Theon Valdorado
Hero Alias: Dark Star
Nickname: Ten
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, his, him
Age: 21
Race: Demon



demon form
58B68574-8615-4FC4-A4D8-FFEF02056007.jpegPersonality: Theon has a serious personality, he is known to never give up into a fight and the only way to make him stop is from making him faint or pin him down. he is also known to be very loyal to the once who has got his good side but that is rare because he isnt easy to trust anyone as well. he is Wise as well and patient.

Morality: Neutral
Occupation/Current Status: leader of a
Goal: if the Goverment can't fix anything right, he would rather fix everything himself.
Role: Fighter, Juggernaut

Gear: Eye blade that can turn into a blade whip
He can turn to a human or a demon

its Sword that can be used as defence and attack, the sword can also turn into a whip blade to attack ranged enemies

the sword has level of strength depending on the blood it drinks from him. when he activates the sword it would start to slowly sucking his blood

Level one: as the sword sucked hus blood the sword would be able to slice his enemies that charge towards him

Level two: the blade would suck a more of his blood for him to be able to slice through metal and rock shield himself from the enemy attacks and give him the ability to boost close to the enemies

Level three: it would suck lots of theon's blood as it would bring theon into a rampaging stage that makes him not care of the enemies or friends he attack and would charge towards his enemies whatever it takes

Eye blade
The blood sucking sword makes Thein a bit slow due to how heavy the sword weight on him and as it sucked Theon's blood it would only made him need lots of force in order to move right

The blade doesn't heal him

When Theon is reaching bloodloss the sword would eject from his hand and he body would fall down into a deep sleep to regenerate his blood

Sexuality: pansexual
Crush/Relationship: N/A
Family: N/A
Friends: N/A

Notes: he likes to play the violin
He is also searching for his real parents since he was drop in the adoption house.
Ah I'm sorry bud, I was about to close the signups for now, I'm very sorry