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[fieldbox="Alice, purple, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

"I fucking told you Alice! I fucking told you. You can't tell me know that what I am saying is bull shit!,"

She winced as the silent darkness was pierced by her irate partners shrill voice as she defaulted to panic mode once more. It was bad enough that the power was seemingly out, but now she had to try to calm her girlfriend down before an adult came over... Or something else.

The pictures and carvings of dinosaurs on the walls seemed more menacing as their shadows flickered and moved as smaller lights from flashlights and phones turned on and moved about. The raptors and the huge T-Rex in particular stood out...

Alice quietly and quickly set her silverware down, gathered her things and stood. She couldn't see that well but from the ambient lights from the waiters and staff moving about, she could see Lev.

"SHUSH!" she hissed... "Get your things... We're leaving."

She didn't quite know where she wanted to go, but this certainly wasn't the place to be.

Alice glanced across the huge open space of the dining area with the giant glass pane walls that opened up into the park with no other protective barriers to separate them from the wildlife.

This park was state of the art though right? There was nothing to fear... Right? Everything would be just fine...


[fieldbox="Levi, blue, dotted"]
Levi -- Hotel Restaurant
Interactions: @Lylith
Mentions: None
"SHUSH!" she hissed... "Get your things... We're leaving."

Levi knew that all of the park was going to go. If it wasn't for the fact that a storm was coming and the power was out, maybe she wouldn't have been so angry, but now she knew that for a fact in her mind that everything in the park was to be ruined.

She picked up her phone checking it really quick only to see the phone service was out. Levi turned on her phone's flashlight. She needed to be sparing with it, she only have 50% of her battery left. Levi shook as she saw the looming dinosaur carving and the dark expanse beyond the glass. They had to get into there rooms. It was the safest plan in her mind. Since leaving the hotel would be suicide.

Levi went up to Alice her teeth gritting together, "I fucking told you," she muttered to her in anger. She turned around panning her flashlight across the room she saw cooks and waiters in panic as they looked around trying to figure out what to do. Levi was a bit scared too, her anger subsided into a nervousness. However it mild with Alice by her side.

As she calmed she spoke again. "We should go to are rooms," Levi said grabbing her arm not wanting to lose her. Almost like a child.
[fieldbox="Alice, purple, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

Alice led her younger friend to her room. It was high up in the hotel... If anything got loose it would be a long time before anything made it up this far. At least that's what Alice told herself. In reality she imagined before it got too bad THEY would be the ones leaving the hotel whether it be for food, or rescue.

She sighed as she plopped down into the familiar sofa with her laptop and her phone charger and phone and her tablet and her fancy apple watch.

They were all useless now. But hey, at least they were all fully charged to begin with right?

She sighed again and closed her eyes, trying to relax for a minute and think about NOTHING but their situation and what could happen at the very WORST.

"Well... Dinosaurs can't climb stairs as far as I know. At least not the big ones. The can't get up here... But, MAYBE the smaller ones can. Regardless, they have to operate doors that have electronic locks... That's probably not going to happen. But... "

She groaned.

"Eventually we're going to have to leave the hotel and find food or try to escape, which means if there ARE dinosaurs loose we'll be going right to them."

She groaned inwardly and sat up, immediately thinking about those survival video games she'd played every once in a while with friends. The first things you needed were food and tools as well as a map or something. She was sure she could find a GPS or a map or something to help find their way around... But. Did she really want to go anywhere?

"Not really... " she thought...

Alice had a bad feeling about this whole ordeal. Not only was she stuck but she was stuck and there were no adults to be found. AND she was sure this was going to get a lot worse as time progressed.

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[fieldbox="Levi, blue, solid, 10, Tahoma"]
Location: Hotel Room
Interactions: Alice @Lylith

Finally she was right about something. All of her fearing and worrying was accually for a reason. However unfortunate, Levi felt a bit relieved that she was right. All the tension of having other think she was nuts as well her own doubts made it a bit more easy to deal with. However she was not without stress as she knew the dinosaurs were going to come out of their pens and reek havoc on the park.

Levi looked back to her thoughts about locking themselves in. It seems like a great idea now. The door made it impossible for any dinosaur to get in without a key. Even humans couldn't even get in. The only people who had keys were her and Alice. So they would be fine in there room until help arrived.

Nonetheless Levi was scared just the thought of having the dinos loose scared her. As she entered the room she paced around with impatience and intense thought as she pondered about what could happen. The raptors could try and get them from their room. They could stalking them preventing any rescue from coming or them leaving for room.

"Well... Dinosaurs can't climb stairs as far as I know. At least not the big ones. The can't get up here... But, MAYBE the smaller ones can. Regardless, they have to operate doors that have electronic locks... That's probably not going to happen. But... "

She groaned.

"Eventually we're going to have to leave the hotel and find food or try to escape, which means if there ARE dinosaurs loose we'll be going right to them."
"Their is probably enough food in the hotel to be fine. I don't think we would need to leave. But still with the dinos loose the bottom floor is still a risk," Levi said shaking. She sat down on the couch with Alice and leaned on her closely. To be honest Levi really didn't know what to do. She never really thought of what they would need to do if something like this ever happened. Levi only ever feared and waited with anxious worry.

It was like all of her irrational reasoning finally came back at her to get her. It was like a worse version of karma where all of your worries become a reality and that reality was happening now.

[fieldbox="Alice, purple, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]

Alice felt the stress of her vacation all come back to her as she deliberated and tried to decide on their next move. It was obvious... Everything she'd considered and seen in movies, books, survival games, and even seen on the news from survivors making through similar disasters revolved around mobility... They needed to be able to move, and move fast. They needed to be able to do it without being discovered or seen, especially if there were dinosaurs involved. And they needed to make sure they were never forced into a situation based off necessity...

If they ran out of food or water and were FORCED into scavenging based off desperation, that's when things would go wrong. So that's what they needed to prepare for. Especially since this tropical storm couldn't last more than two days, it would be easy to prepare for THAT. It's the inevitable rescue they needed to be prepared to wait for.

"It'll take any rescue attempt about two days to reach us at most. A day to discover that we NEED to be rescued... And this storm will probably take two days to pass. So that means we need to be able to survive for five days on our own..."

She sighed. Five days of rations? That's not REALLY that much... But when you're hiding from dinosaurs that want to eat you...

"We need to get set up NOW before... "


The decorative picture frames that held oil paintings of the island foliage shivered and rattled against the walls and the glass topped coffee table shimmered as it reflected the lights above it like rippling water...


The process repeated, louder this time, and another followed in quick succession, and then again...


A shadow passed the window of the sixth story of their hotel balcony and Alice squeaked as she inhaled...

The shadow passed but a huge figure was clearly visible, highlighted by the storm lights that lit every level of the hotels exterior for visibility and the safety of the helicopters that frequented this island.

Alices' eyes widened as a huge Brachiosaurus poked its head up to their balcony... Alice blinked and focused her eyes just in time to watch as the tree planted in the pot on their balcony disappeared into the dinosaurs mouth completely..

The eerie silence creeped all the way into the control room as the alarms were forever hushed. Malthus was biting his lip, almost to the point of bleeding, for a horrifically simple reason. Having the alarms deactivated meant that unaware guests would assume the emergency was over, and act accordingly. He felt sick to the core. Holding his sides in discomfort, he could only look on as the gates to the aviary opened on cue. The world's largest birdcage was about to turn into a slaughter pen. Every armed unit on the island was giving their all in the lost cause for authority.

Justinian could sit around no longer. He raced over to the battery-operated walkie-talkies, testing each one for the small hope of reaching someone else. The static noise came to him like a punch to the gut. Nevertheless, he carried on, until a familiar voice fell on his ears. Robert Muldoon. He was still alive!

The game warden, however, was less pleased.

"I told you so." He added with grim sarcasm.
[fieldbox="Levi, Blue, Solid, 10, Tahoma"]
Location: Hotel Room
Interaction: @Lylith
"It'll take any rescue attempt about two days to reach us at most. A day to discover that we NEED to be rescued... And this storm will probably take two days to pass. So that means we need to be able to survive for five days on our own..."

"We need to get set up NOW before... "
The idea of being stuck on this god forsaken island with dinosaurs in a rage around the park seemed a lot safer with Alice by her side. To Levi, she was the strongest person she knew. It was her charisma, looks, and bravery that made Levi look up to her. From the day they met Levi had been obsessed with her. It was because of Alice that Levi wasn't freaking out or crying in her arms.

"I think we can probably survive without having to leave the room," Levi said quietly as she was already close next to her. However, her calming cuddles with Alice couldn't leave her from fearing the worst as Levi heard a large thud on the ground below. She couldn't help but squeeze Alice's arm around and duck her head into her lap.

"Hide hide," she muttered making her every part of her body was not viable from the window behind them.

Levi's blood boiled with worry as she heard the thud. It seemed to have passed and Levi didn't see one thing of since in her fear. She let her hands let go of Alice's arm as it passed. From the thuds, Levi's heart probably ran three times as faster from the burst of fear and adrenaline. It raced her mind, maybe was a T. rex on the prowl or one of those huge other species that looked like T. rexs.

Levi looked over the couch and saw a long waving tail that went back and forth as the dinosaur went down the street. Levi calmed down. She let out a large audio breath of relief as she let way her tensed body and rest as her head was laying on Alice's lap.

"What are we going to do? If the big ones are already here what stops us from thinking that the small ones aren't already are in the plaza as well," Levi said as she turned her head looking up at Alice from below. Her thick rimmed glasses were a little bit dirty from her not paying attention to them.

"If the bathroom water still works we don't need to worry about water," she said. Her tone seemed to raise in worry as she talked about the situation.
