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Cush Almighty

I Will Kill Yuji Itadori Myself
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
28:21 to 25:30
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, modern fantasy, Magic.
25 years ago the Justice League fought their final battle with Darkseid and his army. Together with the other Heroes of Earth, they forced Darkseid back to Apocolypse. The massive army he brought with him was decimated by the end of the battle along with his Generals. His army wasn't the only ones facing casualties for Darkseid himself was substantially wounded at the hands of Superman at the cost of his life. He died in the center of Metropolis. He was given a golden monument to represent his sacrifice.

(Batman closing his long time friend's eyes.)
"Rest easy Clark. You did it, You beat him back." - Batman

After the battle, the league disbanded a few years later and went their separate ways. Some went on to have families while other plunged themselves into their work. That was over two decades ago and Darkseid and his army of Parademons have recovered. He plans to return soon and exact his revenge on Superman's world. This time he's not planning to rule it, but take it off the Galactic map. He plans to use the destruction of Earth to mark his return. In order to stop him, a new team most be formed. A new Justice League is needed to stop him before everything is lost.

"Ready the first invasion force!"

The league satellite is still in orbit waiting to be used again. Cyborg has been living on the satellite awaiting the return of Darkseid and his army. One day he heard a noise. Parademons were speaking of his return and the invasion of Earth. This was the news he waited so long for, the return of Darkseid. He had been moderating the Earth as well keeping an eye out for the best heroes he could fine. He sent out probes to contact them and provide them with transportation to the satellite.

Six grayish metal football shaped objects shot out from the Justice League satellite and enter Earth's atmosphere. They moved breakneck speeds, heating up as they moved toward their intended targets selected by Cyborg. As these metal footballs closer to their destination they broke into 4 pieces revealing a probe. It had the appearance of a mini rocket ship, a design taken from Booster Gold's companion Skeets. They flew on toward their target getting as close to them as possible.

They then displayed a hologram of Cyborg. He was much older than what he was 20 years ago. He was now in his early 50's and sporting a thick graying beard. Most of his body was covered in machinery and his single red mechanical eye made him look terrifying. He stood crossing his arms staring at the recipient of the message. He then spoke.

"Greetings, I am Cyborg. I've have been watching you and have taken notice of your heroic deeds. You are being invited to be taken up to Justice League Satelite. Others are will be waiting there where we all can discuss why I've contacted you. I am not asking you...I'm begging you to join us. There's a threat you'll be facing soon and if you're not ready then you'll be dead along with the rest of us. I need a team and you're on of my first picks. If you accept then press the red button on this probe and a boom tube will open leading to the Justice League satellite."


(The Satellite)

(You were contacted at 10:00 in the morning and the sky is clear of clouds. Today has been an 'average' day for you so far.)


@MST3K 4ever


@T _ T Salty

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Having gone through his full morning routine, Ryan kicked over the unconscious body of a young, Caucasian man in his mid-20s, moving him onto his back so that he could filter through the man's pockets. Tattooed on his neck was a black, seven pointed star that marked him as a member of the Radiant Dark, a cult of necromancers that Ryan had been working to thwart for several weeks now. He mostly found standard stuff, 12 dollars in cash, a Wells Fargo debit card, driver's license...TCBY gift card. In the man's left hand was a curved knife, craft from a wicked green metal and practically throbbing with an aura of otherworldly evil. He picked it up gingerly with two fingers, using the other hand to draw a small black leather bag from his pocket. He placed the blade carefully in his pocket, adding it to the enormous horde of things that had found its way into the pockets of his enchanted pants. He'd already confiscated a dozen of these daggers, but they were dangerous enough that he didn't want to just leave them lying around.

The cultist had likely been here overnight, the freshness of his clothes suggesting that they'd been put on straight out of the dryer, and within the last hour to boot. This city had been the place of origin for the incredibly mighty Captain Marvel, and Ryan had made his way here intending to research the word of power. He knew that the world's mightiest mortal invoked the name of an immensely powerful wizard, but the wizard Shazam wasn't exactly the sort who took visitors. Ryan wasn't even entirely sure if he was still alive, and even if he was, it's not like he could just go right up to the Rock of Eternity and ask for an interview. Or maybe he could...Regardless, he didn't know how to find the place, which was why he was here in Fawcett city, as opposed to interviewing an ancient wizard of phenomenal cosmic power.

Ryan plucked his coat and hat from the hanger, glancing back at the cultist he'd knocked out. He'd lacked any sort of mystical implements, which meant he wasn't one of the Radiant Dark's mages. They always carried a black steel rod that tied them to the long dead extradimensional entity that they made pacts with for power. He'd been a remarkably easy opponent, to the point where Ryan speculated that he wasn't supposed to have lost the fight. He pulled his jacket on, and felt the cool leather scabbard against his back. Contained within was the Sword of Sin, an ancient blade that came alight with righteous fire to punish the sinful. Ryan had sinned plenty in his lifetime, having more than his fair share of pride, and a penchant for debauchery, he'd had to spend a week forcing the sword to allow him to wield it. Now, it answered to him almost exclusively, even if it was openly resentful of this fact.

"Ah, you're awake. How unfortunate," the blade said, its deep, rumbling voice reminiscent of an avalanche. Ryan shook his head in response, muttering softly as he slipped his room key into his front coat pocket, "come on now, you didn't think I'd just kick the bucket in my sleep now, did you?" The sword didn't respond, but he could feel its discontent.

He didn't wear much in the way of a costume. Not anymore, anyway. When he started his hero career, he'd worn a black and blue spandex suit, covered in runic symbols and topped with a silver helmet. It didn't take long for that to go away. It simply became impractical to wear such thin clothing when he was spelunking in old ruins and caves so far removed from the warm light of the sun. Plus, the suit was way to tight in all the wrong places, and just plain tacky. His costume had gone through stages, slowly evolving to it's current point, which was somewhere between Indiana Jones and John Constantine. He placed his hat carefully on his head, adjusting it slightly, and left his hotel room at 9:45. He made his way past reception, snatching a small candy from the bowl on the desk on the way out.

He'd be in town for a while, and had paid for several weeks worth of stay in advance. He'd picked this hotel for a reason. It wasn't more than five minutes out from where Captain Marvel had made his first appearance, flying out from a subway tunnel. Unfortunately, such an area would be impossible to access normally, since, like most major cities in the states, Fawcett had take heavy damage from Darkseid's invasion of earth when Ryan was but a small child. There was something to be thankful for, however. In the same fashion as some cities across the United States, such as Gotham and Seattle, Fawcett had a large undercity, as a result of the reconstruction. All one had to do was know how to get in there, which was no issue at all for master of science and the arcane both, which Ryan was. Pulling a piece of chalk from his pocket, he went to work, drawing a circle three feet in diameter on the ground and scrawling symbols inside. A scientist would recognize them as equations. A wizard would recognize them as mystic runes.

To Ryan, they were both. He fumbled in his pockets for a moment, before producing two termites, preserved in amber, and tiny glass vial filled with the burned hairs of a star-nosed mole. Dumping out the pile of hair and placing the two insects on either side, he muttered an arcane phrase under his breath while making strange symbols with his hands. The amber began to melt, and the circle slowly descended into the earth, serving as a private elevator for one Mister Ryan Abel. As it sunk downwards with the scraping sound of stone against stone, the man in his heavy coat and adventuring hat placed two earbuds into his ears, and let the smooth, dulcet tones of Ozzy Osbourne play. As the spell finished, he produced a tiny flashlight the size of a pen from the endless storage of his pockets. As they say, good things come in small packages, and the tiny flashlight produced more than enough light to illuminate the walls of the old subway tunnel he was in now. He hummed loudly to himself, occasionally mumbling out the words to "Miracle Man," to cut through the otherwise silent air of the tunnel.

The area was dimly magical, not unlike the old portals he'd discovered during his travels. Hopping down onto the tracks, he took a moment to observe that there were hair-thin scorch going across one side to the other, consistent with those made by a magically-induced electrical charge. When he'd decided to travel here, he was worried that Captain Marvel got his powers from somewhere completely different, unrelated to the are of his first appearance. While that still might have been the case, he at least had a lead now. He continued to investigate the area for another few minutes, until, and 9:58, he had a realization. Pulling his earbuds from his ears, he spoke out into the darkness, "Shazam?"

Nothing. Of course nothing happened. It was a stupid idea.

Not long after that, he was confronted by a tiny, silver egg with a single glowing red eye. It reminded him of something he'd seen in his research on superheroes. The mechanical sidekick of a man named Booster Gold, who wielded advanced technology and claimed to be from the far, far future. Ryan had wanted to learn more about that particular hero for a long time, but whenever he rolled the dice to see who he'd study next, Booster never won out over the other competitors. "Greetings, I am Cyborg. I've have been watching you and have taken notice of your heroic deeds. You are being invited to be taken up to Justice League Satelite. Others are will be waiting there where we all can discuss why I've contacted you. I am not asking you...I'm begging you to join us. There's a threat you'll be facing soon and if you're not ready then you'll be dead along with the rest of us. I need a team and you're on of my first picks. If you accept then press the red button on this probe and a boom tube will open leading to the Justice League satellite."

Ryan chuckled to himself, "Oh, shit, it's like Star Wars," he said, pressing the button. He had to grab on to his hat to prevent it from flying away as the Boom Tube ripped open a hole in the fabric of space-time, whipping up the air around him and creating a small dust storm in the long-abandoned station. Once the wind settled, the hero known as Relic kicked an old newspaper out of his way, and stepped through the tube.
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Today was a beautiful day in Metropolis. In Metropolis city park children were at play and their parents set on the benches watching them. Young adults busy playing frisbee, Dogs being walked and old women throwing stale bread to the birds. It was an average day in Metropolis with no worries insight. In the center of the park stands Superman's memorial statue to commemorate his death. A young woman ran on the paved walkway dressed in gray sweats right past it. She had her hoodie up and earbuds in her ears. All the woman could hear is music and cool air going across her face. Her name was Kerme Athanas, A woman far away from home.

She was from Themyscira or at least as far as she was concerned. Once her mother left her in the care of the Amazon's she only seen herself as one and not just a half of one. She was thinking of her life up until now, where the future was going to take her. She remembered the day she left Paradise Island and heartfelt goodbyes she received from her sisters. They had a gigantic feast the night before her departure for man's world. Before she left she was showered with gifts of jewelry, perfumes and a sword forged by Hephaestus, Metaxas. When she first arriving in man's world, life was different and took time getting used to. She wasn't sure if she could last in man's world when she first arrived.

It's now been over 5 years and Kerme was living on her own in Metropolis. She had finally met her father who happens to be Black Adam. They didn't have time to talk as long as Kerme would have liked, but he did leave her a gift. He had grabbed her hands and bequeathed her with his powers. When she first gain her father powers she didn't even know it. She did feel different but was unable to put her figure on it. She had to really think about it before something click in her mind and she scream Shazam. She could remember her first time transforming and flying over Metropolis like Queen Diana did back home. She remembered back when she first told Diana and helping her stop Circe from taking over Paradise Island. Diana explained to Kerme that being a superhero is a dangerous job and that she'll make dozens of enemies along the way, any day could be your last when you're a hero. Kerme knew she would be putting her life on the line and she didn't care. She wanted to use her powers for good and make man's world a better place for all.

Diana later introduced Kerme to Captain Marvel and he showed her everything he knew. He explained what he knew about Black Adam and how he was a complex man at the end of the day. Kerme then adopted the superhero name "Black Marvel" as a way to think both Captain Marvel and Black Adam for the abilities.

Kerme finally came to a stop and took a look at the sky above her head. She then saw a small, gray metal object flying towards her. It stopped a few feet in front of her and a hologram of a man covered in machinery was projected. "Greetings, I am Cyborg. I've have been watching you and have taken notice of your heroic deeds. You are being invited to be taken up to Justice League Satelite. Others are will be waiting there where we all can discuss why I've contacted you. I am not asking you...I'm begging you to join us. There's a threat you'll be facing soon and if you're not ready then you'll be dead along with the rest of us. I need a team and you're on of my first picks. If you accept then press the red button on this probe and a boom tube will open leading to the Justice League satellite."

Her face lit up with a smile exposing her dimples once she processes what she was just being asked. Cyborg of the Justice League has just contacted her to obviously join the League! She was ready to take on any threat on and now she would be doing it with the Justice League! "Of course I'll join! This is a dream I never knew I always wanted!" She reached out and pressed the red button on the little robot and sure enough after few pings, a boom tube had open before her.

She felt the vacuum of the tube as it sucking in air and debris. She removed here hoodie expose the beautiful girl beneath it. She then looked up and into the sky and shouted to the heavens one word, "SHAZAM!" A bolt of lightning came down and struck Kerme, Transforming her into Black Marvel. She was wearing a black and gold costume like her father's. BM then leaped into the tube still grinning and shaking with excitement. She hoped Diana would be waiting for her. She should had told her thy were reforming the Justice League.
Darrian Semer-Khan entered a small secluded chamber he often used for meditation within the confines of the Guardian Complex on Oa. He had a somewhat rough day, it was his mandatory month away from Earth in which he took different assignments in alien sectors, but most importantly his annual training regiments he had to go through on Oa, which was required of all Lanterns. He was due to return to Earth the next day and he felt he needed some meditation time. Normally he would lay down his prayer rug and assume his praying position in submission to Allah...but since all his implements had been left on Earth, he decided to make a light construct rug with his Ring.

"Praise be to you mighty Allah and thank you for guiding me once more through these difficult times away from home..." he whispered as he knelt down on his light construct prayer rug in the traditional Islamic fashion, his forehead pressed against the ground.

After a few minutes of meditation and prayer, a holographic image projects itself into the room, shaking Darrian out of his state.

"Darrian Semer-Khan, you are summoned to appear before the Guardian council." says the hologram.

"What about?" asks Darrian.

"Just come..." said the hologram before disappearing.

The Green Lantern narrows his eyes a bit, wondering what the Guardians could want. Nevertheless he stands to his feet and makes his way down to the Guardian Council Hall. As he enters through the sliding blast doors that leads to the grand hall, he is surprised to see an old friend waiting beside the contingent of Guardians...his old mentor, the former Green Lantern John Stewart.

"Well I'll be damned, your the last person I expected to see! What are you coming out of retirement John?" says Darrian as he goes over and shakes the older man's hand.

"Not on your life kid, but I had to be here for this." says John.

"...and what exactly is that?

"Stand before the Council Green Lantern Darrian Semer-Khan." says one of the Guardians, to which Darrian stands in the center court facing the tribune of Guardians.

"As you well know that being inducted into the Green Lantern Corps, is a tremendous high honor. Over the least few years of your tenure, we have observed you closely. You have shown yourself to be a courageous, resourceful and compassionate hero to many on your home planet. You have elevated the ideals and principals of the Green Lanterns to an exceptional standard and it is with esteem that we inform you that you are now in high consideration for service in the Oan Lantern Honor Guard. Tis a privileged stature for any Lantern and we extend our congratulations to you. Well done Darrian Semer-Khan."

Darrian just stands there, his mouth hanging open slightly...the Oan Honor Guard. It was indeed an honor that very few Lanterns were even considered for "Thank you most esteemed Guardians, I don't know what to say."

"Well I do, congratulations kid! The Oan Honor Guard...ya know that's not something to be taken lightly. I'm very proud of you." says John as he pats Darrian on the back.

"I owe a a lot of this to you John. Without your training, I would'nt have become the Lantern I am today. You were a good teacher and even better friend."

"You don't owe me anything son. Your the best damn recruit I ever trained, and I've always stood by that." says John as he and Darrian make their way out of the Council Hall.

Suddenly a small probe like device flashes in front of the two men and a hologram appears "Greetings, I am Cyborg. I've have been watching you and have taken notice of your heroic deeds. You are being invited to be taken up to Justice League Satelite. Others are will be waiting there where we all can discuss why I've contacted you. I am not asking you...I'm begging you to join us. There's a threat you'll be facing soon and if you're not ready then you'll be dead along with the rest of us. I need a team and you're on of my first picks. If you accept then press the red button on this probe and a boom tube will open leading to the Justice League satellite."

"Are you kidding me...the Justice League? I thought they disbanded years ago."

Yea so did I...especially after that business with Darkseid." says John.

"What do ya think Teach, think it's legit?" asks Darrian.

"Only one way to find out ace." says John.

Darrian smirks and goes to press the red button but stops "But what about you John? You need to hitch a ride back to Earth?"

"Don't you worry about me kid, I got my own ride." he says as he shoots Darrian a wink.

Darrian smiles and presses the red button activating the promised Boom Tube "Here goes nothin."
"Are you okay honey?" The voice comes through the earbud plugged into the young girl's ear, and she speaks in an agitated tone. "Fine." Obviously, at least emotionally, she wasn't. "Are ya sure? Is Mr. Peabody's tree okay?" The young, agitated girl now stirs from her spot on the ground, surrounded by debris from what looks like it was once a tree. She sits up slowly, brushing bits of scrap wood from her thick hair. "It was like that when I found it.." Of course it's hard for her to outright lie to her own mother.

She now pushes herself to her feet, dirt and debris falling from her thin and muscular form. Her name is Tasha Patterson, though she hopes people will start calling her a different name someday. A more noble name. She looks up to the sky with a glower, as if she were angry at it. You see today is her training day.. and she has to master the power of flight. But thus far.. well she isn't doing so hot. She reaches now into her back pocket, pulling her phone from it, to make sure it's okay. It is, of course. Thankfully. She speaks once more into the mic "If you saw me hit the tree… I mean if you know I found a destroyed tree.. then that means you're watchin me, so why'd ya ask if I was okay? You can clearly see I'm okay." Once more, her tone is an agitated one. One of frustration. Not frustrated with who she carries on the conversation with, but with herself. She had pushed herself to fly as high as she could, and then come back to the Earth at a fast rate and stop herself. She got the first part down, the second part is easy (gravity does most of the work), but that third bit.. not so much. And unfortunately, one of Mr. Peabody's prized pine trees cushioned her fall. Rather, it exploded when she collided with it.

The woman speaking to young Tasha stands a good 6 miles away, holding her phone in her hand as she looks in the direction Tasha is. Her light blond hair sways gently in this day's warm breeze, the shadow of her very large home cast over her. Her name is Kara.. and she was once called Supergirl. She speaks once more over the phone to Tasha. "I just had to ask, sweety. Want to try it again? Or you want to come in for lunch?" A voice from behind Kara now speaks up, a man sitting on the deck of the house in a lounger, watching Tasha through binoculars. "Tell her she should come in, that's enough for today. I can make us some cheese sandwiches." He is Kara's husband, Mike. He doesn't like watching his daughter disappear into the sky, and then plummet to the earth like a darn meteor. Kara puts her phone on mute for a moment as she speaks over her shoulder to her husband. "Mike she has to decide this on her own. We talked about this, again and again. If she's ready to stop then we will, but if she wants to keep going then we have to support her." Tasha's voice now comes over the phone, the phone on speaker. "I'm comin back.. I'm hungry.." the tone now is one of defeat. Kara finds herself frowning a little as she glances to the phone, and then she looks out towards Tasha again. "Okay, I'll go make us lunch." Mike says as he pushes himself from his chair, seeming relieved this was coming to an end for the day. He hopes. He doesn't like this, at all. He has no want for his daughter to follow in her mother's footsteps, but he knows he may have no choice in the matter. Tasha has become her own woman, and in many ways as stubborn as her mother.

She said she was going to head back to the house, but she doesn't. Not quite yet. Tasha stands there, practically in the middle of nowhere, just looking along the horizon. She wants to yell out and curse in frustration, in anger. She can do all of these amazing things.. she's helped so many people… and yet she can't perform what should be a basic thing for her. She's half Kryptonian.. but she sure can't fly like she is. "Tasha, don't be angry with yourself. This isn't like one of your games. It's not going to come easy, love. When it's meant to happen, you'll be flying like an ace. I promise. Be patient with yourself." Tasha's voice comes off now harsher than she intends. "Okay first off I don't know what games you think I play, but Dark Souls isn't easy." So there. "And second.. I'm not angry. I'm just.." her voice fades as she feels her hands clench into fists at her sides. "I know, baby. I know. Come on back, dad's making his world famous grilled cheese." Kara's voice is gentle through the earpiece, one of eternal patience for this young and troubled girl. "Okay." Tasha says softly.

Now she turns slowly, glancing at what's left of the poor pine tree. The Peabody Farm is a good ways away, this tree probably won't be discovered for days, at least. Maybe Tasha can do something in the mean time.. plant.. another.. one.. or.. some better plan than that. Her bright blue eyes now turn towards her own home, and she leaps upwards. Her body is carried about 30 feet upwards just like that.. and then she is zooming through the air towards home. She has a rudimentary understanding of flying.. but she's nowhere near the level of her mother's talent. Something that really bothers her. She takes her time flying home, keeping herself close to the ground out of habit. No need for anyone that might be looking in her general direction at this moment, as unlikely as that is. This farm is very secluded, very perfect for training young heroes. Kara watches Tasha from the miles away from the moment she leaps up, to when she is approaching. Having telescopic vision has its advantages when you're a mom. Tasha comes within sight of the house, and she starts to slow. Kara is tempted to give her pointers, but she knows that would just anger Tasha more. She feels bad for her daughter. And she wishes she could do more to help her. Tasha lands with a few skips, her feet digging into the earth a little as she does. Tasha doesn't look towards Kara as she takes the earbud from her ear, and Kara turns off the phone. She looks Tasha over as the young girl approaches the deck. "Well we have to sew your shirt again.. and those shorts have about had it." Tasha is wearing a Led Zeppelin shirt, one of her favorites. With little patches along it from where it's taken so much abuse from her wearing it. Well.. wearing it while crashing into things or beating up people. She just nods to her mother's words as she flops down on one of the chairs on the deck, slumping down in it as she scowls. Kara just smiles a little as she watches her. Tasha feels angry right now, but Tasha knows that will pass. In a short while she'll be back to her old self.. especially after she eats. Kara now walks to the deck, just as her husband emerges from the glass door leading to the house holding a plate of 3 sandwiches. "Okay girls.. here's yours. Two for Tosh" One of the many nicknames he has for Tasha "and one for my lovely lady." Kara laughs gently and kisses his cheek as she takes one of the sandwiches, and Tasha wrinkles her nose in disgust at the little show of affection between husband and wife. "Gross." She utters softly as she sits up, taking 2 of the sandwiches. Because.. she'll eat them both, and Mike knows it. Tasha has the appetite of a pachyderm. And starts to eat one, setting the other on her knee. Mike looks between them, sensing that his daughter is upset. In the past year or so he's seen it enough times while she's 'training' to recognize it. He is about to say something.. but he gives Kara an odd look. "Hey.. what's wrong?"

Kara drops her sandwich as she looks over her shoulder, her hands clenching into fists. She is suddenly in the air, hovering between whatever is coming and her family. Tasha's eyes go wide and she leaps to her feet… making sure not to drop her sandwiches… as she watches. "What what?" she says as she looks in the general direction in the sky Kara is looking. Kara isn't sure what it is.. but it sounds like a missile coming at them. She knows that sound well enough to recognize it from miles away. Which.. is exactly what she does. She almost decides to go out and intercept it.. but she hesitates. There's something off about it.. it's slowing down, she can see it now in the sky almost a half mile above them. It doesn't LOOK like a missile she's ever seen. She motions behind her absently to Mike and Tasha that she thinks it's okay, nothing to worry about. Yet.

Tasha takes another discrete bite of her grilled cheese.

The small probe now slows as it approaches the group, and Tasha quickly finishes off her sandwich, setting the other carefully on the near table. And at the same time.. she instinctively puts herself between the probe and her father. "hey.. that looks like.." Kara now lands as the probe slows it's progress before them. She watches it carefully as it hovers closer.. and moves right passed her. Tasha sees this happening also, and she prepares herself for a fight. But.. the probe comes to a halt and a holographic image emerges from the probe. The image of Cyborg is now seen within the holographic light, and Kara's eyes widen as she whispers. "Vic.." she looks wide eyed towards her husband, who catches that look of astonishment on his wife's face. "Who?" Tasha says softly, looking between her mother and the hologram. But as if it heard her, the hologram's audio comes to life.

"Greetings, I am Cyborg. I've have been watching you and have taken notice of your heroic deeds. You are being invited to be taken up to Justice League Satellite. Others are will be waiting there where we all can discuss why I've contacted you. I am not asking you...I'm begging you to join us. There's a threat you'll be facing soon and if you're not ready then you'll be dead along with the rest of us. I need a team and you're on of my first picks. If you accept then press the red button on this probe and a boom tube will open leading to the Justice League satellite."

The three of them stare in silence, and then Kara looks towards Tasha. And Tasha, she now has the widest grin on her lips that Kara has ever seen. "Well.." Kara says softly, knowing that this is a decision for her daughter. Though she knows already what Tasha will say. And Tasha looks like she is about to say something.. but she stops herself. She looks down at her hand, now feeling her father holding it tightly as he stares silently at the hologram. Tasha blinks and looks over her shoulder, and she then turns, looking up to the man. "Papa.. you heard the glowy little man.. he needs me, they need me." Slowly Mike looks from the hologram to his daughter, a deep and unhappy frown on his lips. He then looks to Kara, and Kara finds herself looking away from him. Tasha leans up a little to try and catch his line of sight. "I know you don't want me to, papa. But he sounds desperate.. I mean they need me.." Mike just shakes his head, absolutely hating this. "Okay.. just be—" his words are cut off as Tasha seems to vanish with a gust of wind, almost knocking Mike on his butt. Kara speaks when Tasha disappears. "Mike.. we knew this was coming.. you know what she is.. what she's meant to be.." Mike glances towards Kara, saying nothing.
A moment later Tasha strides through the door leading to the deck, now wearing something completely
different. Clad in blue and red, a long blue cape trailing behind her. A proud smile is on her lips as he stops not far from her mother and father, her hands resting on her hips. Kara smiles widely also, and Mike can't help but smile a little. Tasha looks between them, as if silently asking them to compliment her. They are silent, and Tasha now thinks they aren't going to let her go. But finally her father speaks with a defeated sigh. "Go get 'em, Moon Princess." In the time between blinks, before Mike even realizes she has moved, Tasha is hugging him tightly. Not so tightly that she cracks one of his ribs accidentally (which she actually has before), and he hugs her back, running his hand through her hair. He knows whatever objections he has will fall on deaf ears. He's been outvoted for.. years.. on this subject. Tasha pulls away from him and moves to hug Kara tightly, who hugs her back as she whispers to her. "Be careful, Tasha. If you need anything, just call us. We'll get your things to you when you get situated. Mama and papa love you so much." Tasha squeezes her mother a little tighter around the waist, and then she looks towards the probe as she pulls away from her. She strides up to it as she takes a deep breath, and her hand presses down on the red shiny candy like button. With a burst of pressure, the Boom Tube opens a tear in the atmosphere itself, it's vacuum drawing in air all around it. Tasha's cape and hair sway as she looks over her shoulder to her parents, and then she steps through the portal.

She emerges on the other side not a moment later, speaking in a proud and confident tone as she exits.

"If the world is in danger, Supergirl will answer your call."

Oh that was cool. She stops as the Boom Tube closes.. and she looks around the interior of the satellite with wide eyes, whispering "Wow."
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Dr. Rhiannon Palmer was staring at her computer screen. She should've been typing out her syllabus for her Spring Semester Bio II course, but her mind was otherwise occupied. Last night, she had faced down not one, not two, but three jewel thieves and she was still feeling a pretty good rush to her ego. The local media was once again hailing her heroic escapades and the approving phone call from her dad Ray Palmer, the original Atom, meant the world to her. However, the one thing that bothered her in a way was the way some of the media described her. As though her being a six-inch-tall heroine was a handicap. Yes, there were some dangers she had to deal with that others didn't have to deal with. For example, a vacuum cleaner was a legitimate weapon against her. Then there were things like cats and spiders to deal with as well, but Rhiannon knew she made a difference and to her that was all she needed to know. Although, just once she would like to see a picture of herself and not read the caption underneath "actual size."

Rhiannon continued staring at the screen hoping for something to come to her. She said, "I'm not gonna recycle last semester's syllabus." Rhiannon looked around and said, "You hear that universe I am going to do something different this spring. I'm not gonna be like my colleagues and tweak last year's stuff, and then coast by to the end of the year." She shook her and said, "Come on Palmer you can do this. You've taken down Dwarf Star and Dr. Light you should be able to take down a simple syllabus." Looking over at her clock she said, "Besides I gotta have this in to the departmental secretary for processing within the next hour or Dr. Bennett is not gonna be happy with me." Rhiannon began to type again the opening lines for the syllabus and said, "Okay Palmer just feel the flow. You can do this nice and easy."

Just then a shiny metal pod appeared floating above her desk. Then a hologram appeared from it and she recognized that it was Cyborg. Her dad had introduced Rhiannon to him once when Cyborg had a question for Ray concerning human cells and cybernetics. Granted it was over Skype and it was a "hi, how's it going" type of conversation but she knew who he was. It had been a couple of years but Cyborg's humanity was starting to show more and more of its age. At least, what was left of it Rhiannon wondered how much longer it would be before Cyborg was no more and he was all machine. The hologram spoke, "Greetings, I am Cyborg. I've have been watching you and have taken notice of your heroic deeds. You are being invited to be taken up to Justice League Satelite. Others are will be waiting there where we all can discuss why I've contacted you. I am not asking you...I'm begging you to join us. There's a threat you'll be facing soon and if you're not ready then you'll be dead along with the rest of us. I need a team and you're on of my first picks. If you accept then press the red button on this probe and a boom tube will open leading to the Justice League satellite."

Rhiannon looked at her watch and said, "Hmm, an opportunity to use my powers, meet other super heroes, help save the world, become a Justice Leaguer something I've wanted to be ever since dad told me about them, and make a difference." She looked up and said, "Or stay here finish off the syllabus and go to the faculty mixer where once again many of the guys, and a couple of the women proceed to get bombed, suck up to President Siebert, pretend to be excited about the upcoming semester, and of course a lot of the guys and some of the women's favorite past time 'how many drinks will it take to see if I can get Rhiannon Palmer out of her dress and into bed with me?' Which is always a lot of fun." Rhiannon very quickly opened the file for the previous Spring Semester and began changing dates and a couple more tweaks along the way. She said, "Hey normally I wouldn't do this, but the fate of humanity is hanging in the balance." Rhiannon shook her head slowly as she typed and said, "Yeah, yeah Rhiannon keep telling yourself that and you might believe it." Once Rhiannon was done typing she sent it off in an e-mail which also expressed her regrets at not being able to make it to the mixer. Rhiannon cut off her computer, closed her blinds, stood on top of her desk, and closed her eyes. She concentrated and felt herself getting smaller and smaller. Rhiannon felt her Atom costume begin to form around her, and when she felt her mask in place Rhiannon opened her eyes. She shook her head and saw that she was only slightly taller than her pencil can and her monitor was now the size of a movie screen. Atom said, "No matter how many times I've done this it still takes some getting used to."


With that Atom pressed the button and the Boom Tube opened. The gravitational pull was so intense that Atom began to float without the use of her powers. She said, "May the Force Be With Me." Atom stepped into the Boom Tube and was on her way.
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[BCOLOR=transparent]His hands were delicate while touching the newly grown baby plant. He had made Gotham's Old Atrium, his. He'd restore it to its former glory, a hobby he pursued when he had the time to do so. Gotham was looking much greener than it had been over the years he had taken empty plots and created community gardens and taught the few who wanted to learn about how to take care of nature. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Of course his mother believed his idealism would be met with a reality check later in his life. But Sylvah hoped it would not come to that. He raised his hands towards sun beams creeping in through the open roof. He smiled at them. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He much prefered comfortable temperatures. That were warm and not cold. The colder it got the more cold he got. And the less sun there was after all. He didn't like that outcome. Still the leaves rustled tenderly in response to his touch and Sylvah stood up.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He pushed back his blond hair that had swooped into his eyes when he got up, he didn't like when his hair like creeping vines got into his. He pinned his bangs to his hat and decided that he would go visit the community plots of land. He needed to make sure no one would vandalize something as wonderful as a community garden.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And they did. Often with teasing. Rude. Hurtful words. Graffiti stains that read things like, freak go back to where you belong. Except that he did belong here. So he wasn't so sure why they thought he could go anywhere else. Other words like, if I see you messing in this lot again I'll tear all your plants out by the roots.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]People kicked down the fences. Others tore out the plants from the ground. Leaving them wounded and unable to survive. Well not in public. He'd take them back home and nurse them back to health in his atrium. But it brought a sole tear to his eye to consider that people would choose an act of cruelty over something as simple as providing a much cleaner life. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He managed to be unnoticed and walked through the gate of the closet community garden near the atrium. Everyone seemed to be doing good. Healthy in fact. Sylvah was pleased. It showed that a difference could be spread. That the world wasn't as bleak as he thought it was sometimes. He put a hand on one of the leaves of the plants.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I know, it will get cold, but you're strong," he encouraged the plant. Like his mother his connection with them seemed to becoming strong and stronger the older he got. Even if he himself hadn't gotten older looking.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sylvah slipped his hand off of the leaf and stood up. He looked back up to the sky to stare as much as he could towards the sun. It felt good, perhaps he should bask in the sun more. Maybe he needed to find somewhere quiet to do so. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Maybe on top of a roof. That seemed the best place for it. As he did so brushing his hair out of his eyes again. His communication watch, a gift from Oracle because she worried about him maybe a bit too much, gave a brief glitch. When he saw the image of Cyborg on his watch with a message;[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Greetings, I am Cyborg. I've have been watching you and have taken notice of your heroic deeds. You are being invited to be taken up to Justice League Satelite. Others are will be waiting there where we all can discuss why I've contacted you. I am not asking you...I'm begging you to join us. There's a threat you'll be facing soon and if you're not ready then you'll be dead along with the rest of us. I need a team and you're on of my first picks. If you accept then press the red button on this probe and a boom tube will open leading to the Justice League satellite." [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh! He was the one being contacted. Sylvah didn't think or consider anyone would consider him to be part of the Justice League. He fixed his hair. Did he look appropriate for the occasion? He was after all going to meet Cyborg and the rest.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He was wearing one of his knit sweaters and knitted hats. Mostly because he tried to remain inconspicuous when he was at. And the sun's strength was starting to wane. Sylvah creased out the wrinkles of his button down shirt. And pressed the red button.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Experience the simultaneous experience of being squeezed through a tube of toothpaste and being packed into a can like a sardine. Oh this was going to make him sick when he got out of this, wasn't he?[/BCOLOR]
Ryan had never actually taken a Boom Tube before this moment, but he knew that's what it must have been. It felt nothing like going through a Zeta Beam, which felt like he was being yanked through time and space by his teeth, and couldn't be done drunk or else the alcohol in his system would be yanked from his body, ripping his cells apart in the process. This felt, different, and vastly better. He could feel his body warping and stretching so that it might travel safely through the Boom Tube, and be reassembled on the other end. To him, the tugging and squeezing feeling was rather refreshing, like the first stretch after waking up in the morning, his joints all popped and cracked into position as he was flung through the altered space-time of the tube, and like a kid on a roller coaster, he couldn't suppress a yell. Of course, moving at such incomprehensible speeds meant that the sound of his voice was unable to even reach his ears. He wasn't sure where exactly the sound would go, but he assumed it worked like a Zeta Beam, where it would simply come out of any random tube in the universe. Of course, he couldn't know for certain.

His hard-soled shoes hit the floor of the watchtower with an audible sound of hard rubber on metal, and as he released his grip on his hat, it became clear just where he was. It wasn't like Earth had a lot of orbital fortresses, so The Watchtower was a pretty easy guess. The metallic floors were pristine, free of dust or clutter, and the enormous glass windows provided a view of the planet that the station encircled at thousands of miles per hour. While the immaculate steel and shiny chrome decor might not have been his aesthetic, Ryan felt a sense of awe, standing in such a place. Even the Sword of Sin was quieted, as it became aware of the place of heroism and selflessness in which it stood. Of course, Ryan wasn't the type to show such an emotion with anything more complex than an approving frown and a sharp nod. So many of the greatest heroes in history had made this place their home throughout the history of the Justice League, and Ryan knew that he'd have to see just how extensive any records of former leaguers were. His interest was purely scientific, of course, with a desire to see how many of their powers could be replicated, on a small scale, if not one to benefit all of humanity.

It was at that moment that Ryan realized that he wasn't the only one arriving. Other tubes opened up around him, and other heroes stepped forth. He recognized a few of them, each for their own reason. The easiest to recognize was the Lantern, clad in the emerald uniform of the Corps, he was immediately recognizable. Plus, as a sentient life form who partook in various activities, (legal and otherwise) off-world, it was important to know who your local Green Lanterns were. While he hadn't met this one in person, he'd asked several probing questions about the nature of their rings to one of Earth's other Lanterns, a man from Detroit with a strong ex-military air about him. Ryan didn't get a lot in the way of answers, to his dismay. The other person he recognized was slightly worrying. Gotham's resident Hippie King had strong ties to the Bat Family, with whom Ryan didn't exactly have a good relationship. A consequence of keeping the priceless Ace of Winchesters for himself, as opposed to letting it gather dust under the glass of some museum. The thing was a weapon, and an especially potent one at that. While it didn't speak in the same manner that the obnoxiously evangelical Sword of Sin did, he could always feel something stir inside the gun whenever he fired it. It wanted to be used, to fight. Lastly, there was a young woman who he'd intended to contact for some time, in his researching of Captain Marvel. It appeared her powers came from an identical source, and her name, Black Marvel, implied some connection to Black Adam and the Captain both.

Of course, the others weren't exactly subtle about their origins. A blonde girl who Ryan was sure wasn't older than 20 wore an S on her chest, accompanied by her fair share of red and blue. Kryptonian, without doubt. The other woman in the room wore a costume incredibly reminiscent of The Atom, a hero Ryan only knew because he was practically impossible to find in photographs, and it had served as his own version of "Where's Waldo" growing up. It was at this moment that the blade on his back shook itself free of the stunning aura of the tower, and began to scream into his mind.

"There is great sin here! It must be purged! Immediately! Sex before marriage! Denial of the one, true God! Pagan witchery! Consumption of shellfish!" The sword screamed into Ryan's mind, growing warm in it's scabbard, "Oh, wait, that's just you. Still, these others are guilty of dozens of sins." Ryan tried his best to ignore the enraged screams of the sword, not wanting to look like he was talking to himself before a room of heroes.

"So, you guys come here often?" He asked, glancing between the other heroes of the room. A part of him worried that this was some sort of trick, and that the greater heroic community had called him here to put an end to his stealing, experimenting, and hoarding of powerful items, but the group of people here had way, way more firepower than was needed for that sort of task.
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Multiple booms went off in succession as a hero exited their own tube. The booms echoed throughout the satellite, alerting Cyborg to the arrival of his guest if he hadn't been monitoring them below. Cyborg was a few floors below watching them from the dozens of the camera installed all over the JL satellite. He smiled when he saw the familiar S on one of heroes chest. "So this is Kara's daughter, Tasha. I wonder if a half-Kryptonian is as formidable as a full blood?" He then scanned over all the other heroes in the room. Batman's "son" Sylvan was present, also going by Night Bloom and he carried the same dark aura with him as Batman. Next was the new Atom, Rhiannon Palmer. Rhiannon filled Ray's shoes perfectly being his adopted daughter after all.

Cyborg then turned his attention to the next heroes such as the Green Lantern. Cyborg has never met this GL but knows if one's a Lantern they'll fit on the team. If Guy Gardner could do it why can't this Darrian? Cyborg then turned his eyes to Black Marvel, a rather powerful woman. She appeared around the time, Black Adam vanished. Captain Marvel was kind enough to tell Cyborg everything he knew about her. Her name is Kerme, and she has all the powers of Black Adam and fights like an Amazon. He rarely talks to Diana and she's been rather reclusive over the past decades but who hasn't. The last person was a man named Relic, a hero who seems to be hoarding powerful items of power. He's heard bad news from a lot of people about him including Batman himself. From what Cyborg has gathered this Relic isn't evil but seems to be playing for himself. He reminded him of a sleazy smooth-talking conman he knew awhile back.

Cyborg saw all who he invited to this meeting and was satisfied. He left the monitoring and walked towards one of the elevators on the satellite. As the elevators were opening, Cyborg had a smile. When Darkseid's Invasion starts he'll be facing the Earth's newest generation of heroes.

Kerme's black boots dropped on the hard metal floor, making a loud thud. The boom tube behind her fizzled out and disappeared. Kerme's still seemed ecstatic as she looked at her surrounding. From above she could see Earth and around a multitude of stars. She could see Orion and Hercules in their rightful place among legends. Astrology was one of the most amazing things her sisters back home taught her. She always knew where home was if she ever became lost in this world. She then looked at all the computers and monitor around her running data and monitoring the earth.

She then looked around at the others in the room. She recognized nobody in the room with her. The GL stuck out like firefly in the night. She recognized the symbol on the strawberry blonde woman's uniform. It belonged to the world most renowned hero. Diana has always spoken of Superman and his family members with high esteem. Next was the other woman in the room dress in a full body suit. She had no idea who this woman could be, Kerme, had never even seen this woman anywhere before. The next person that caught her eye was the blonde man with the knitted hat and button up on. He had pale skin and a unwelcoming aura to him. He didn't appear threatening but detached instead. The last man Kerme examine was dressed like a cowboy straight out of the old westerns that came on late at night. He seemed to be carrying an enchanted sword holstered to his back The enchantments on his sword was of an old and powerful kind of magic. It was something Kerme had never seen before.

Breaking the silence in the room the elevator door opens and the old, grizzly bearded Cyborg emerged. He had cybernetic over most of his body and very little visible skin. Most of it was on his face, back legs, and front arms. The upper right side of his face was covered in cybernetics and his right eye glowed red. He looks like the Cyborg you would see in old new broadcast and recordings. He looked strong but you could tell he was worn out by looking at his wrinkled face. He stayed silent as he walked towards the group and stopped with arms at his side. He then looked over the people he invited on last time before speaking.

"Welcome, I appreciate all of you accepting my sudden request. This world is on the verge of another battle for survival. Earlier, I intercepted chatter from an old enemy on an incoming invasion of Earth not seen in over two decades. It's not good news, Darkseid of Apokolips is returning and with him, he'll bring the end of our world. "
He paused to let what he said sink in, he'd expected them all to have some knowledge of the man he was speaking of. His evasion left 5% of earth's population dead, 370,212,503 to be exact.

Cyborg continued to speaking to young heroes in front of him. "What I'm asking of you guys is a lot. I asking you be there when Darkseid attacked and to help push him and his army back to the hell pit they inhabit. He didn't learn his lesson the last time and it will cost him. Earth is off limits and he needs to be reminded why. The last time the league fought him, innocent lives were lost along with valued friends and family. If you guys don't join me here then we will lose much more. The Justice League shall return and you're all being invited to join. I will lead you into this and any other heroes that we can get to join us. So, what do you say, want to continue the greatest legacy in history?" Cyborg hoped his little speech would do the trick. He had faith in their character that they would out of compulsion to do what's right. Plenty of them showed they are willing to risk their lives for the greater good.

Kerme only looked stunned at receiving the news of Darkseid's return. She has seen videos and heard stories from Diana about what he brings. Slavery, famine, disease, chaos, mass murder and more. He isn't above using any tactic as long as he wins. He see's himself as a god and his hunger for power is unrivaled. Kermode knew she had to step up and defend her planet from such tragedy. "Of course I'll join the league Cyborg, This would be an honor. Wonder Woman has told me a few stories about you and I'm more than impressed. I'll be happy to help you beat Darkseid to a pile of fine powder." She turned to the strangers in the room with a natural smile. "I can't be the only one excited to do this! Come on, can't be a Justice league with two members only." She sounded pleasant and cheerful when speaking to the others. Her black costume was opposite of her personality.
Darrian's transition through the boom tube was a smooth one compared to some other's, whose first time caused their bodily equilibrium to be thrown off slightly. But as a Lantern, Darrian's various flights through the vacuum of deep space, albeit protected by his Ring's aura, had prepped him well for a trip through a stabilized tear in the fabric of space and time respectively.

Not quite sure what to expect on the other side of the tube, Darrian had his Ring on the alert and ready as well as his defensive Lantern aura in full activation around his body when he emerged. His assurance was bolstered as he looks down and sees the welcome sight of Earth, through one of the JL's satellite windows. Still not fully convinced that his situation was danger free, he kept his defensive posture up as the sight of other seeming "heroes" meet his gaze. Some of the individuals he vaguely knew of, others went completely unrecognized. Than a half man, half machine anomaly walks through some sliding blast doors and greets the wayward group. Darrian raised his eyebrows slightly as he indeed recognizes the group's benefactor as the legendary hero Cyborg, from the early line up of the long forgotten Justice League. As Cyborg spoke, the Green Lantern's apprehension morphed into both concern and excitement as the veteran hero explained the current crisis Earth might be facing at the hands of the galactic despot known as Darkseid.

Darrian clenches his fists " The Green Lantern Corps. is well acquainted with the likes of both Apokolips and Darkseid. I've never faced off against him one on one, but I was part of a covert platoon of Lanterns that was sent to aid the forces of New Genesis, when Apokolips tried to invade a sector of space known as the Tormented Void. Darkseid thought the key to the Anti-Life Equation would be found there...boy was he wrong. Needless to say we lost a lot of good soldiers in that campaign and I'll be the first one to say, Darkseid is certainly nobody to fool with. You can definitely count me in, if I've got anything to about it...that bastard won't get anywhere near Earth."

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"Since when," he asked "Are the first line and last line of any poem where the poem begins and ends?"
~Seamus Heaney

As much as she should pay attention to the Boom Tubes starting and then expiring.. her young mind is taken aback by the sight of… everything… around her. It's the stars, you see. One of her training exercises has been to fly as high as she can and land safely. Well.. without destroying anything, be it herself or property. And while that was the goal of the training.. her goal was to get this high. Higher than the clouds, she wants to touch the stars. In the desert, they seem so bright. But here.. from this vantage point above the azure Earth, they seem to sparkle to her, so brilliantly. She's been trying so long to get this high.. and she was brought here seemingly effortlessly.
But finally, her gaze does drop towards those now gathered around her as the Tubes close one by one, leaving their passengers upon the metal deck of the space station proper. Her big blue eyes are wide as she looks between them…

A man clad in what seems to be normal clothes, for some reason she's reminded of Indiana Jones in a wild west town.


He's handsome, too. And clearly at ease here, at ease to make a joke, one that makes Tasha smile a little.

A very pretty dark skinned woman clad in red and blue (like her!), and clearly is some kind of superheroine in her own right. You don't wear that kind of outfit otherwise. I mean you do, but people look at you sideways. But then, if she was brought here.. she has to be some kind of real heroine, right?

Her brows furrow as blue eyes fall upon Sylvah.. she's not sure what to make of him. He LOOKS like the kind of fella Tasha would want to hang out with. She happens to like hippies, at least being in their presence. It gives you a sense of freedom to even be around people with that mentality. Of course she knows zilch about him aside from what she sees at this moment in front of her.

The same could be said for about everyone here, really.

Her observations of them all are as discrete as she can be.. she doesn't want to seem totally clueless and a hick. Ya know, the country gal that goes to the big city for the first time. Though.. that's kind of what this is.

Her eyes fall upon the man glowing a soft green.. he HAS to be Green Lantern. She has, of course, heard stories of the fabled Lantern Corps. How they're sort of the policing force of the known universe. Or at least that's how she has always understood it. Her mother would tell her stories of some particular ones. Hal Jordan was one of the more well known, but it was one John Stewart that trained her mother for a while.

Tasha's gaze moves to Kerme... holy crap another pretty girl. Crap. Now Tasha starts to feel self conscious.. she hates never being the prettiest girl in the room! She can't tell who Kerme is, exactly. Or what sort of powers she has. She doesn't recognize the costume, only because she was never really told of it. Rather.. if she was told she doesn't remember.

But.. Tasha's attention is drawn towards the still closed elevator doors, her super-hearing picking up the sound of the elevator within being activated and moving towards this room. She draws in a slow and deep breath, turning to face the elevator door completely… trying to look all business like. And as the doors slide open, she finds a tiny smile drawing across her lips. Cyborg.. one of her mom's favorite people from 'the old days'. She's heard much of him, even if she didn't really recognize him at first in the hologram. But she made the connection.. man/machine, Vic his real name.. she's one smart cookie! She wonders if Cyborg realizes who she is.. if she knows that she is Kara's daughter. If she knew Cyborg better, she would know that's a dumb question. There probably isn't a lot Cyborg isn't aware of.

"Welcome, I appreciate all of you accepting my sudden request."

Tasha nods to his words with a wide smile now. Now it's time for her to be all.. official and heroic like. Make a good first impression, Tasha!

"This world is on the verge of another battle for survival."

Rut-roh, Shaggy. Maybe this isn't going to be the party she expected. Her smile fades just a little at it's corners.

"Earlier, I intercepted chatter from an old enemy on an incoming invasion of Earth not seen in over two decades."

Now her smile almost completely fades. Old enemy… 20 years… she thinks she's heard this story before.

"It's not good news, Darkseid of Apokolips is returning and with him, he'll bring the end of our world. "

And NOW her smile is gone, and she even feels herself get a little pale. Darkseid? THE Darkseid? The being that ended the single greatest hero this world had ever seen in its history? The one responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths? She's seen some of the memorials around her state, her mother made sure to show them to her. So Tasha knew of that particular tragedy, the reality of it. It wasn't something from long ago, to only be told in text books of old. It was real, the world was almost killed. She finds herself discretely looking away from Cyborg..

It's at this particular time that the gravity of the situation starts to really catch up to her, she finds herself shaken (though of course she does her best to keep that hidden from the others). Darkseid killed frelling Superman! Her second cousin.. the man she has heard story after story about. Not just the crap on YouTube or Superman's Wikipedia (which she visits regularly), but stories told by the woman that was practically a sister to him. Not just stories of Superman.. but also of Clark.. of Kal-El…

She listens to Cyborg's words after his introduction.. but she only half hears them. Her mind is clearly drifting. If Darkseid is coming.. and there is no Superman.. how the hell… heck.. how the heck can they fight him? Kal-El was only able to drive his forces back, and even that killed him! Her head is tilted down as Cyborg speaks, as he gives his recruitment shpeel.

"What I'm asking of you guys is a lot. I asking you be there when Darkseid attacked and to help push him and his army back to the hell pit they inhabit. He didn't learn his lesson the last time and it will cost him. Earth is off limits and he needs to be reminded why. The last time the league fought him, innocent lives were lost along with valued friends and family. If you guys don't join me here then we will lose much more. The Justice League shall return and you're all being invited to join. I will lead you into this and any other heroes that we can get to join us. So, what do you say, want to continue the greatest legacy in history?"

She says nothing, her head still tilted down. But her eyes only move towards Kerme as she speaks in an excited tone (to Tasha she sounded excited). She mentions Wonder Woman.. that's something Tasha will make herself remember. Maybe Kerme is the new Wonder Woman? But that's something for a later time. Her clear blue eyes look towards Green Lantern as he now gives his input of words she just doesn't know. They don't seem afraid at all. Are they like her, a frightened child under the cape? Cringing behind the iconic shield of 'S' she wears? She thinks pressing that pretty red button could have been a mistake.

But then.. she looks down at herself. At the 'S' upon her chest. Her gaze slowly lifts, and towards the others she once more looks, eyes falling upon each of them one by one. She's the most powerful one here, she knows she is. She's the second cousin of the man that made himself a living legend on this Earth. She has been allowed to wear his colors, to represent him AND his legacy. More than that.. she's been asked to represent her family of aliens to this world… and to be its protector. This is the moment she's been waiting for.. this is what all of those years of dreaming and training has come to.

Maybe she isn't ready. Maybe she is. But she knows that she is needed now. She knows she can't.. she won't.. walk away. Even when the world is burning around her, she knows she has to act.

Young Tasha…


Now looks up and right into Cyborg's eye (well eyes, but his eye of flesh is what she focuses on), and she takes a few strides forward, her blue hued cape billowing gently in rhythm with her steps. She steps passed the others, speaking in a confident tone. Well.. she tries to sound confident. Like she's been here before, like this is not much to her.

"I can't speak for them, but I knew there would be risk when I pressed that button, sir." The more she speaks, the more confident she sounds. And the more she speaks.. the more proud her voice sounds. "I agree with her" she motions to Kerme as she speaks "It would be a great honor to join your Justice League. To help our world in whatever ways I can." Her nervousness slowly fades… or.. maybe she is just hiding it better. "I'm ready to go. Just tell me what needs to be done, and I'll make it happen. I'll go after Darkseid himself if you want me to." She hopes he doesn't actually want her to. She wanted her first speech in front of others as Supergirl to be more.. impressive.. first impressions and all. But her mind is still reeling from what she has learned here..
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh, where to begin? At first his estranged golden irises moved from one corner of the station to the next. As others were either here or beginning to arrive. Yet, that was not what had Sylvah's attraction at first. It was the lack of plants in the station. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Of course he didn't expect there to be plants up here, but it felt foreign and strange to him to not feel their presence. Sylvah eventually moved his view onto the others. Information was only a fraction of his job. Sylvah might not have had an extensive network of information as some might think he would, but he was still keen on understanding those around him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The one who looked like a cowboy from the old times. From what he understood was some kind of information gatherer. Someone who asked questions and gathered information about specific people. Sylvah didn't know him personally. Didn't know his name, but only took in his appearance. Seemed like such odd garb to Sylvah, but Sylvah wasn't here to complain or assess others garb. Since most thought his bohemian hippie fashion was weird.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The next wasn't someone Sylvah knew personally. Didn't know much about the dark haired brunette. Other than compared to him or cowboy man. She looked like she belonged here. To him she seemed to perfect fit and encapsulated what the Justice League was about. In her blue and red gear. With her future tech looking goggles.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There was a lantern another good obvious choice in Sylvah's eyes. He hadn't really much consideration about a lantern. Because a lantern felt like he suitably fit here. It was a smart good choice. While he didn't know the lantern by person, seemed he should stop thinking that because it was dawning on him how anti social he seemed in this room when he didn't know many of them in person. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The last. Well anyone could recognize the big S on the suit. And seemed like another good choice for this Justice League. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His eyes finally fell onto the aging Cyborg. In his eyes Cyborg one of the last few League members who feasibly earned his respect. Something about the way he's been described as a laidback individual, with a serious side. Knew that he was a considering individual. And wouldn't have made the choices without deep forethought beforehand. Well he hoped that be the case. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]To be honest though. The Kryptonian wasn't an even playing field. Made them all seem considerably underpowered. But Sylvah didn't take that as any sort of his own bias. Simply a fact.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Welcome, I appreciate all of you accepting my sudden request. This world is on the verge of another battle for survival. Earlier, I intercepted chatter from an old enemy on an incoming invasion of Earth not seen in over two decades. It's not good news, Darkseid of Apokolips is returning and with him, he'll bring the end of our world."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As Cyborg spoke Sylvah gave him his full attention. Darkseid of Apokoplipis, the name alone made his stomach drop, but Sylvah was very good at keeping his emotions. He wasn't going to panic, he just worried about the choices Cyborg had made in himself. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"What I'm asking of you guys is a lot. I asking you be there when Darkseid attacked and to help push him and his army back to the hell pit they inhabit. He didn't learn his lesson the last time and it will cost him. Earth is off limits and he needs to be reminded why. The last time the league fought him, innocent lives were lost along with valued friends and family. If you guys don't join me here then we will lose much more. The Justice League shall return and you're all being invited to join. I will lead you into this and any other heroes that we can get to join us. So, what do you say, want to continue the greatest legacy in history?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sylvah twisted one of his braids, and listened to the others. They all seemed so eager. The first to volunteer themselves was someone he could not adequately describe. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Even now he was trying to find the words of the magical sorcerers goddess looking individual. But he wasn't sure where to put his thoughts on what might like extraordinary to some, yet not the weirdest thing of this world. Considering the threat of a nigh invincible alien being was a pressing threat.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And well he was part plant.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]When the lantern finished speaking and the Supergirl, Sylvah let go of one of his braids. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"If you believe I have the strength to engage Darkseid with all those you have chosen, then I'll gladly lend my assistance. This threat, threatens the livelihood of all species. Humans, plant kind, and other species. They too would stare at this incoming threat with fear," Sylvah responded. He realized it was a lot wordier than he wanted his acceptance to be. But he also felt it perfectly good to express his concerns for being chosen for such a mission.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He didn't pretend or consider himself that strong in comparison to some. Nor did he view himself as being that much of a threat. It was actually a bit embarrassing and awkward the whole thing. Except he tried to keep most of that to himself.[/BCOLOR]
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To be kind, the ride in the Boom Tube was bumpy. At her size, Atom had to deal with gravitational forces and other currents that the others didn't have to deal with. Her dad used to tell her that this sort of thing took a bit getting used to. Atom thought travelling along cell phone signals was tough that was nothing compared to this. Taking the boom tube at full size was not an option, because that would mean revealing her secret identity. While Cyborg knew it no one else did and she didn't know anyone that was being called to this meeting. Atom emerged from the Boom Tube somewhat shaken and she almost fell out of it more than walked out of it. It took her a moment to gain her sense of direction as she walked around on a table top.

Well on the bright side at least I landed on a surface and not on the floor next to someone's feet.
Then she began to take it all in. She was standing in The Watchtower. THE WATCHTOWER! Rhiannon had seen it through a video screen and a few pictures that her dad had, but that's like seeing the Statue of Liberty on TV and in person. Of course at her size, the inside of desk drawer could sometimes look impressive.

Not to mention she was there among a new group of heroes. She had met some of the vets from back in the day, and she even knew some of their identities thanks to her dad, but now Atom was among the group.

There was an obvious Green Lantern Corps member. Atom knew it wasn't Hal Jordan that was for sure, but for him to have a ring he had to be something special. From what her dad told her you had to be a fearless badass of the highest order to have one of them.

There was someone dressed like a Kryptonian and she looked to be younger than Atom. This gave Atom a serious sense of awe, because there was no way that she wore that suit without knowing or having a connection of some kind to Superman. Her dad used to tell stories about Superman all the time. For all his great powers, her dad would always tell her that his greatest power was his compassion for others. Atom was humbled to be seeing this hero, and couldn't wait to get to know her.

Atom was somewhat surprised to see someone who was dressed like a cross between Malcolm Reynolds of "Firefly" and Indiana Jones. She had no clue what he could do, but for him to be here he obviously had something to offer. If there is one thing that her dad taught Rhiannon was not to underestimate anyone in the league. For years, people assumed because all he could was shrink and float that he had nothing really to offer, but more times than not Superman would call on Atom for something that only he could do. Not to mention, Batman had no metahuman abilities and he was, per Superman, "The most dangerous man alive." So, Atom made sure not to roll her eyes at this guy.

Seeing someone with a Captain Marvel bolt on their chest was not something that Atom was expecting to see. Her dad used to tell her all about Marvel, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel jr. but she never imagined she would be seeing someone who was like them. Ray used to tell her that Marvel was one of the few people in the League that could go toe to toe with Superman. Atom was looking forward to seeing her in action.

Then the last one Atom had no idea what to make of him, and had no clue about what his name was much less what he brought to the party. However, much like Malcolm/Indiana Atom knew not to judge a book by its cover. She was six inches tall dressed in red and blue not exactly someone who inspired fear in the villains of the world, but that was also her strength. People underestimating her was something she always used to her advantage. Atom had a feeling that this guy would do that as well.

Just then Cyborg entered the room. The cybernetics were even more bizarre in person, but then again Atom knew she had no room to talk in terms of being bizarre looking. Atom shifted her weight and floated up so that she was eyelevel with everyone else. If she could help it Atom wasn't going to have everyone looking down at her all the time. The whole being a few inches tall and everyone looking down at her at times could make her very self-conscious. As Cyborg spoke Atom hung on every word and eventually the cybernetic aspect faded into the background for her. Atom was more focused on the impending mission whatever that happened to be. Then Cyborg said the name that almost made Atom fall out of the air…Darkseid.

Well so much for a warm-up act.

Atom knew that name all too well. He was the one who, basically did what was believe to be impossible, he killed Superman. Granted Superman drove him and his armies back, but Darkseid obviously recovered Superman didn't. The original Justice League was the greatest assembly of heroes the world had ever known, and they barely won last time even after being together for all those years. Now, this group was being asked to be the Next Generation of the League, and without knowing who they really were they being asked to save the world from an intergalactic warlord that even made Earth's greatest villains stop in their tracks.

Once Cyborg finished his speech a couple of the heroes already stepped forward ready to go. Atom floated next to the one with the Marvel bolt on her chest and said to her, "Trust me you're not the only one ready to go for this one." Atom looked at Cyborg and said, "I would hate to dishonor the memory of my dad and those who fought alongside him for so many years by turning tail and running away. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to help count me in."
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Ryan moved to lean against one wall, crossing his arms in front of his chest. His eyes widened as the veteran Cyborg stepped out from an elevator. He shouldn't have been surprised that the man who'd called him here would appear in the flesh, but the hero cut an imposing figure, and he couldn't help but be impressed. Standing at six foot six, built like a bear and grizzled like one and covered in shining chrome cybernetics, it was hard not to feel some sort of awe at the sight. While Ryan hid his emotions well, he could feel a deep excitement swelling within him: here he was, standing amongst the world's greatest heroes...and a really short girl. Still, standing miles above the surface of the earth, he knew he'd made it to exactly where he wanted to be. His journey here had been unorthodox for sure, but right now he had a chance to fulfill his childhood aspirations. How could he even think of passing it up? Here he was, in the company of the best and brightest his homeworld had to offer: two unstoppable flying juggernauts who could juggle trucks, a trained warrior wielding the most powerful weapon ever produced on a large scale, three geniuses (counting himself) and...well, he was pretty sure that Night Bloom was a metahuman, but he wasn't actually sure.

Ryan took the mechanized man's words to heart, and despite the dark content of the speech, he couldn't help a wry smile from cracking across his face. This had always been what he wanted, ever since he was a kid. He tipped his hat upwards in a move straight out of a Clint Eastwood movie, "Well, count me in too. A few stunning ladies and," he paused, glancing between the members of the newly formed Justice League, "one handsome guy. What's the worst that could happen? Plus, all my stuff is here on Earth, so I'd rather not lose the planet to some wannabe space-god," he said. As always, he was mostly kidding.
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While the newly formed team hovered over the Earth in the Justice League Satellite, the Earth received two visitors. A boom tube had open right in the middle of a general assembly at the United Nations. The boom would have caught everyone's attention within the assembly hall if they all weren't facing podium already. Out of the large hole in space came two individuals, Desaad, loyal servant of Darkseid and a man wearing a familiar crest of the house of El, Superman. Desaad was wearing a dark purple cloak covering his body and the cloak hood covered most of his face in shadow. The parts of his face you could see showed he looked like a caucasian male in his early 40's. His face looked to have been burnt and left him disfigured on his left sided. Superman, who caused gasped and chatter from the diplomats in the room was the same appearance wise, but now wore a black and red costume instead of the classic blue and red.

Desaad walked up to podium while Superman stayed silent beside him. Desaad rested his hands on the sides of the podium and spoke into the microphone. "Hello Earthlings, I must say it's been some time since I been on your world. I'm not sure if you all know who I am, but if you don't let me introduce myself. My name is Desaad, expert sadist, and advisor to Lord Darkseid." That name sent chills down the diplomate's spines. At that moment armored guards barged into the hall from all four doors carrying laser rifles. They pointed their guns at Desaad and Superman and fired, no questions asked.

The lasers were about to hit Desaad, but the man of steel blocked them all with his body. The guard kept firing hoping this man wasn't the real thing and just a cheap imitation. Each laser had no effect on Superman who only took every shot fire. He looked at one group of guards and obliterated them with his heat vision. He repeats that action so quick the guards didn't have time to get out of the room. Superman then returned to his spot beside Desaad with his arms cross over his chest and a flat look on his face.

"Now, What was I saying? Oh yes, I am Lord Darkseid's trusted advisor and he has sent me here to inform you of your coming fate. We are returning to this planet soon and it would be wise if you don't resist like last time and maybe we will take a few extra slaves. There is no chance at winning this time. We even have your greatest hero on our side..." He gestured to Superman. "Say something to them. Let them know it you." Desaad ordered as he stepped aside for Superman to take his spot.

Superman did as he was told and spoke into the microphone on the podium. "It's me, the real man of steel. You once knew me as Superman years ago when some of you were just colleague students and lowly government workers. With this planet once being my adopted home world, I want to do as much as I can to make this transition go smoothly. I am asking you to give up and accept whatever demands we make and actions we take. If one person resists we will treat it as resistance and will butcher as many people needed so no one will try it again. The weak are marked for death and the strong will be made into slaves or parademons." Superman then gave his iconic smile like everything was going to be fine. "I am a loyal servant to Darkseid and those who comply and remain loyal will be treated well, I promise you that." He steps aside and Desaad returns to the podium.

"Thank you Brutaal, too bad your words will fall on deaf ears." He looked at men and women in the room with a fiendish smile. "Spread the word maggots! Let your world know it's fate. And please resist us, make my day. It would be a mundane invasion if you fools didn't even try to fight back." As Desaad looked upon the diplomats frozen in fear he noticed a boom tube opening up. "Brutaal, We have company."


Cyborg was happy to hear how eager these young heroes were. This was going over better than he was expecting it to go. He had no idea this GL had dealt with the monster before and to survive when other died makes him skilled or lucky. Cyborg was positive it was the former. Supergirl also showed she was ready to do whatever Cyborg asked saying she would fight him herself. Nightbloom agreed to join with no hesitation just like his father always ready to answer the call. Atom was the next to agree to join after making a comment towards Black Marvel. The last to agree was Relic who wanted to keep his stuff safe and be around attractive woman.

Kerme clapped her hands together in excitement, everyone had said yes. "I knew I wasn't the only person who wanted to join. I can't believe this is happening! We're going to be the Justice League and fight Darkseid..." She lost steam right at that moment and realizing the gravity of the situation. She turned to Cyborg with a more serious look on her face. "So, What now? Are we taking the fight to them or are we going to wait for them to come to us?" Kerme asked hoping they would be knocking on their doorstep instead. A fight with Darkseid wouldn't be easy, the stories you hear about him are terrifying alone.

As Cyborg was about to reply the satellite picked up on boom tube activity in New York city at United Nations building. "Sorry Marvel, The bastard have come to us." Cyborg was always wirelessly connected to satellite systems and had a boom tube open behind him. "Come on, Let's introduce are selfs to our visitors. You guys can learn each other's names later." Cyborg walked into the boom tube and came out on the other side. His eyes open in shock as he seen Desaad and Superman standing across from him.

Desaad had a wicked smile on his face and snapped his fingers when he saw Cyborg. "Brutaal, Rip that machine apart and take that Mother Box of his."
[BCOLOR=#f5f6f5] [/BCOLOR]

Superman, rename Brutaal rushed Cyborg and punched him into the ceiling above. "Come on Vic, You're must have gotten limp over the years. I didn't put my all it." Brutaal taunted. Cyborg fell from the ceiling and pointed his cannon at Brutaal blasting him with white noise. Brutaal braced himself and took his attack and caught Cyborg in the air by his neck. He then threw him on the ground causing the room to shake. He then stomped on Cyborgs chest pushing him deeper into the ground. Brutaal's eyes glowed red as he was about to finish Cyborg off with his heat vision. "Come on Vic, You should be stronger than this."

Black Marvel had followed Cyborg though the boom tube and saw a man with a red cape from behind standing over Cyborg. She rushed into action and flew into him with a shoulder charge knocking Brutaal off him. Brutaal hit a wall but his feet stayed planted on the ground making sure he wasn't sent flying. Black Marvel then quickly helped Cyborg back to his feet.

Brutaal looked at Black Marvel and noticed the Captain Marvel's Thunderbolt. "So Captain Marvel pass his powers on to you? I hope you can keep up little girl." Brutaal told her as her cracked his knuckles. He then noticed other exiting the boom tube. "And their's more! I see familiar costume but new faces. I hope you kids can keep up with me." Brutaal said sounding very confident. By this time diplomats had run out the room to alert the world of what's to come.

Black Marvel looked Brutaal in his glowing red eyes and called upon the courage of Mehen to face him. She noticed he looked like Superman, but he had an uneasy feeling about him. "Who are you?" She asked him clenching each fist. Her eye then looked to toward the podium noticing Desaad watching what has been going on. "And who is the guy in purple!"

Brutaal ignored her questions and blitzed her. He kneed her in the stomach which caused pain Marvel had never felt before in her life. He threw a punch which Marvel manage to catch but was quickly hit with a quick uppercut to the jaw and a kick to the stomach that pushed her back and knocked her down. "Come on, I almost feel bad beating up on a girl! You guys going to help her out or not, I could kill you all one by one if you want!"

Black Marvel was already getting sick of this Superman look alike and want to put him on ground for instead. She wiped the blood from her lip and got back on her feet. "Stop calling me a girl! I'm one of Earth's mightiest mortals!" She then through a mad flurry of punches at Brutaal guarded against them. Marvel was putting her all in her barrage making Brutaal step back as she moves forward. He soon started to irritated and blast her with his heat vision getting her off him.

(You guys are all allowed to control Brutaal in this fight. The objective is to try to defeat him together. Desaad has protected himself with a forcefeild generator he wears under his robe. Cyborg is still trying to recover from the pummbling her just recieved.)​
Ryan raised an eyebrow upon learning that Darkseid's forces were already here. "Well, that was quick. At least they're polite enough not to keep us waiting," he said, shoving his hands into his pockets as he made his way to step back through the Boom Tube. He filtered through the hundreds of seemingly useless items that were required for his spells, fully capable of recognizing them by touch. An inch of copper wire and a twig blackened by lightning would make a potent enough electricity spell, and he gathered them together in his left hand to insure he'd be ready with something the second his boots hit the ground. He had no idea what he was going to be fighting, and didn't want to be caught with his mystical pants down when he came into the fight. His other hand reached for one of his Magitech Deployable Data Drives. He figured Darkseid would be hitting a major city, somewhere full of cameras and traffic lights that could be used to provide valuable information and potentially save lives by organizing traffic away from dangerous areas.

As he was yanked through a Boom Tube again, he worried that he wouldn't have much to bring to a fight against the forces of Apocalypse. If he could get a few minutes, he might be able to use his magic to create a golem or two, or if he had even more time, he could summon various types of reinforcements. Hordes of demons would be the most plentiful, but unless he took even more time to fetch The Rod of Rathalos from the linked storage space of his safe-houses. Better still, the blood of a new god was the only component he didn't have to create a brand new Shoggoth. There was the small issue of the thing going rogue after the invasion was over, and Ryan having no idea how the hell to put it down, but whatever destruction it caused would be minor compared to a full scale invasion by Apocalypse.

Then, all of his planning went out the window when he hit the ground. That was okay, that was usually how his plans went, but it was rare that it was to this extent. There was no invasion, just a creepy guy and Shadow the Hedgehog doing a Superman impression. He could feel his gut wretch in fear at the sight. If he was anywhere near as strong as the real deal, then he was almost certainly out of his depth. He was really regretting having rolled for where he investigated now. Had he just gone after his leads like a sensible person, he would have already broken into the Metropolis Star Labs and Lexcorp both, which would have had incredible amounts of information on the Kryptonian biology, which would have been useful as this edgy knock-off (at least, he hoped to whatever gods would listen that it was a knock-off) slugged it out with Black Marvel.

Ryan kept low as he came out of the Boom Tube. It might not help much, what with the X-ray vision and all, but it would be a barrier between him and the two powerhouses who quite literally thundered against one another. He poked out from behind one of the chairs and hurled the components in his hand at "Brutaal", followed by an ancient and incomprehensible word of power. As the copper wire and burnt twig sailed through the air, they were obliterated by a bolt of lightning as thick as Ryan's arm that sprouted forth from his outstretched hand, striking him square in the chest as he forced Black Marvel off of him. "Lantern!" He yelled out, "You said you've sang this song before, what are we looking at here? Can we get a who's who?" He yelled out from behind his meager cover as he flicked his Magitech Deployabe Data Drive up at one of the security cameras pointed at the stage. Virtually any time there was an alien incursion, someone from the UN would use those very same cameras to record a message to the world, and if Ryan was lucky, they'd be connected to the rest of the building's systems...He had about two seconds before he started getting feedback, when he'd know for sure.


Brutaal had felt the all-too familiar sting of magic from the girl's fists. He'd intended to keep the pressure on her with his heat vision until he burned two thin holes in her skull, but he'd been interrupted by a bolt of lightning that scorched a hole in his suit. He could feel the bite of mysticism from it too, giving it a distinctly different pain then the more natural electricity of someone like Livewire. He dressed like John Constantine, and by the way he tried fruitlessly to take cover, he was likely just as much of a skiving rat. With speed far beyond what the naked eye could see, he rushed the caster down, tearing the chair that served as his meager cover from it's place bolted into the ground with casual ease, picking him up by his throat. "You're squishier than I expected," he said, beginning to squeeze, slowly increasing the pressure around his neck. Brutaal's victim struggled uselessly, kicking his legs against his chest with force that would have staggered a normal man, but did nothing to a kryptonian. "I'd offer you last words, but I know you magic types tend to need those," he said as his victim choked and gagged.
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Darrian gazed at the boom tube, his surprise and confusion reaching their peaks "You gotta be kidding me right. You mean to tell me that you called us all here mere minutes before the actual invasion had begun. Dear god man, what the hell were you waiting for? I'd hate to think what your contingency plan would've been had any of us actually said no."

With that the Green Lantern floated through the vortex and straight into a battlefield "By Allah, can it be the legend himself?" Darrian thought as he set eyes on someone who in all appearance looked to be Superman, one of Earth's most fabled heroes of the past.

Cyborg took the first swings and began duking it out with the Kryptonian, but before Darrian could step into help he noticed chunks of ceiling beginning to tumble to the floor. The titanic blows being traded by Brutaal, Cyborg and Black Marvel were severely weakening the structural integrity of the surrounding masonry...if this kept up, the building, or at least part of it, was sure to collapse and the civilians present were still scrambling to get out of the super powered melee. A large slab of ceiling tile broke free from above and threatened to crush some delegates beneath it. Darrian hurriedly extended his Ring bearing hand and shielded the people below with a dome of emerald energy. After which more of the ceiling buckled, foretelling that the entire structure might be close to coming down. Darrian flew upward and used his Ring to create a wall of energy that braced what was left of the ceiling and prevented further collapse.

"Lantern! You said you've sang this song before, what are we looking at here?"...shouted Relic as he employed his own attack against Brutaal.

"Sorry buddy...all I've ever fought were Paradaemons! I do remember something about someone named Steppenwolf and a big monkey called Kalibak, but other than that, I got nothin. From what I can gather, the one guy looks like Superman in a funky get up. The jackass in purple, well that beats the hell outta me...never seen the guy. But I'll tell you one thing, we gotta get these people out of here before the whole place comes down!"

At that moment, Brutaal goes in for an attack on Relic and lifts him off the ground. Darrian's main concern was still fixed on keeping the roof from collapsing, but multi-tasking was something that Lantern's, him especially, excelled at. A second blob of green energy spews forth from his Power Ring and quickly morphs into a solid light construct resembling a giant winged dragon. The light energy creature lunges at Brutaal and belches green flames from it's mouth that impact the Superman knock off with such force, that it sends Brutaal crashing into a far wall, releasing Relic in the process.

"Hey Indiana Jones, or whatever your name is...I can't hold this ceiling up for much longer. Get whatever civilians you can find and get em' to safety!" shouts Darrian.
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Atom was feeling a sense of giddiness at being a part of the Justice League, and getting to take on one of the big names in the super villain rolodex to boot. She was looking forward to getting to know everyone and seeing everything in The Watchtower. Her dad had told her all about The Watchtower and everything about it. Not to mention getting to see the science wing was something that really intrigued Atom. She wondered how the new team would mesh together. Atom remembered Ray telling her about how Guy Gardner would get on everyone's nerves, even to the point that Batman broke his nose once, but when it came to for a battle he more than proved his worth. Then there was the back and forth between Superman and Batman, and no matter how hard Batman tried to play the loner act he grew to care for each member as much as his own family. When Superman died, Ray told Rhiannon that no one took his passing harder than Batman.

Just as Atom started to ask about seeing the rest of The Watchtower the alarms went off showing a Bomb Tube at the U-N. Atom's mouth dropped open as she saw Desaad and The Man of Steel Himself Superman. Although now, he was going by a new name Brutaal. Atom shook her head as she asked, "Why can't these villains pick out simple happy names like Sunny Bunny or Happy Fun Guy?" This of course meant another trip in a Boom Tube. She said shaking her head, "Great another ride on the Nausea Express." With that she stepped in with the rest of the League.

When she emerged, Atom wasn't sure what to do at first. The League was trying to fight one of the, if not THE, greatest hero the world had ever known. Not to mention, she was a mere six inches tall and these were metas who could throw bridges, fully loaded with cars and trucks, around like they were cardboard. It was then Atom got her sense of focus back. She realized that Brutaal and Desaad might be meta-villains but they were still criminals and Atom knew how to stop a criminal. Atom ran across a table top, and as she ran she shrank smaller and smaller to microscopic and floated towards Superman. He was big enough at normal size but at this size he was downright terrifying. Atom knew that she couldn't defeat The Man of Steel, but maybe she could at the least distract him enough for the others to get in some good shots.

With that Atom floated into Superman's ear and then realized that Superman wasn't human. His physiology wasn't anything like the rest of theirs. Atom thought for a moment and said, "Okay Brutaal, let's see if the little lady can have some fun with you." Atom then began punching what she was hoping was his inner ear. She knew that it wouldn't kill him, but at least it might be enough to throw off his equilibrium and let the others get in their shots. Atom was punching and kicking like it was a punching bag, and not sure if it was having any effect, but the distraction she was causing couldn't be ignored.
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Was it cowardly to admit he had hoped for something easier to start off with? The moment he heard followers of Darkseid had already made it here, there was a considerable pit in his stomach beginning to develop. Was he strong enough to take on even the henchmen of Darkseid? Though Sylvah was not the type of person to give up. Going through the Boom Tube with weak determination. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The Boom Tube was something he was going to have to considerably get use to. Though with the two individual in questions, he didn't have much time to recover from the unusual feeling it gave him. Instead he studied them with his eyes. Taking in the field they would challenge each other on.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]One looked like Superman. Throttled Cyborg around like Superman. And the other look liked a Halloween decoration in a shaggy robe. Sylvah wrung his hands together. He didn't know the strength of their enemies. He didn't feel prepared for this moment. And if one of them was as strong as Superman, could any of them actually take him on?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]All he knew was that he didn't to get hit by the Superman looking dude, even if he wasn't as strong as Superman in the long run. He had to find some way to contain the man in the robes and the Superman looking guy.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He decided in that moment he would try to contain the both of them. In hopes to make them easier to hit for the others. The ground beneath the man in the robes and in general on the street began to crack. As thick roots began to rise from thousand of years of cement that had imprisoned them. They were glad to be free.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He wasn't the type of person to announce things out loud. Merely because the plants understood. And he understood how they felt and thought as well. Instead in the moment they realized his wishes the strong, thick roots, went after the two individual like vegetation snakes.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]In order to hold them in their grasp. To constrict them like vipers made of the roots of ancient flowers waiting to bloom again. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I will try to hold them down," he told the others, "It may make it easier to hit them and maybe also hinder them enough power wise."[/BCOLOR]
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"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." ~Mark Twain

Tasha looks over her shoulder to Kerme with a little grin, seeing the girl's excitement once more. Yeah she's going to be fun to get along with, to learn about. In fact, that's something she's really looking forward to in this. Being around people 'like' her. People with powers, being around people where you don't have to hide what you can do. But in some respects.. she will still be hiding. She's not sure how the secret identity thing works yet.. so she has to be careful just how much she divulges.

And her attention draws back to Cyborg as he suddenly says that the invasion has begun. Well hell that was indeed quick! The Boom Tube opens, and Tasha takes a step… and then stops. Eh? What's this? Why can't her feet move suddenly? Did someone think they were funny and put Kryptonite in her socks? No.. nothing like that. She is faced with the sudden realization that she's going to have to face Darkseid.. and he's probably on the other side of that Boom Tube.

For the first time in a very long time.. Tasha is scared.

But the others enter the portal seemingly without hesitation.. how can she not? She already has convinced herself that she's the most powerful here… she has to help them! Keep them safe.. keep this world safe. Isn't that the whole point of this? She draws in a slow and deep breath, and she strides forward into a jog.. and she is gone through the shimmering and whirling light.

Upon appearing on the other side.. she finds herself stumbling a few steps, her knees weak suddenly. Whoah.. the first trip through the Boom Tube wasn't so bad.. but now her emotions are messing with her, and she has to take a moment to keep her cheese sammich in her tummy. Her eyes are down as she catches her breath… and they close as she focuses herself. Wow, great debut as a hero, Tasha. You get nauseous. Looks veeeeeery good for you. And as she is taking a moment there.. she sniffs at the air. Something smells.. just awful.. Her eyes draw up.. and she sees Cyborg getting knocked around by…

No.. no it can't be..

She pales a little as she now stands slowly to her full unimpressive height, her big blue eyes practically bulging out of her skull as she stares at Brutaal.

He looks like.. like Clark.. like Kal-El… she's seen her share of home movies with him in them, that's the only way she really knows her second cousin. His voice sounds the same… the little inflections in it. His jawline is the same. He moves as Kal-El would. But he's beating on Cyborg and Marvel (she heard Cyborg call her that and all). She's confused… and now very scared. Darkseid seems not to be here.. but something much more awful is. And what is that smell!?

You see, having supersenses can be both a blessing and a curse. As with many things about being a 'hero'. Her brows furrow as she looks around, as the world moves in slow motion around her. As she just stands there while the others fight. Her eyes focus on some char marks along the ground and walls not so far from her. Oh God she knows that smell.. when those dear got caught in the forest fire not far from her home. It's a smell you don't forget easily.

The smell of burnt flesh.

More than burnt, really. More than likely the others may not notice it, but she certainly does. And it makes her sick to her already queasy stomach. Did.. did he do that? Her gaze snaps to Brutaal as Marvel is held away and Ryan is being hunted down. He looks like Kal-El.. he seems just as strong.. so it stands to reason that he has the other powers Kal-El does. Did. Like heat vision. She can hear her heart pounding in her ears. Come on feet, move! We have to help! Come on!

The world still seems to move in slow motion around her, as she tries to put this all together in her head. As she tries to make sense of it. She sees someone else then she doesn't recognize.. she has heard the name Desaad (though she won't really remember as it's been a good bit of years), but she doesn't recognize the man. She just stares at him, and then out of the corner of her eyes she sees something bad happening.

And while she just stands there… the newly formed Justice League goes into action. As a unit they go into action. Green Lantern is able to save Relic, and knock Brutaal right on his ass. A more experienced Tasha, she would have jumped in right then and there. But.. she doesn't. And when she looks back on this moment, that'll be a really big regret on her part. A point where she's sure the others have a bad impression of her. Just as Brutaal is casually pushing himself to his feet, Atom and Sylvah then go on the offensive. Brutaal closes his eyes as he feels his equilibrium being manipulated.. like.. manipulated as in being punched and kicked. He staggers a little to his left, one of his hands coming up to cover his ear. As the thick vines begin to wind and constrict around him, Brutaal slams his hand into his head, the opposite side of where Atom is. He does this as hard as he can, intending to dislodge her from his ear. Dislodge and hopefully sent flying. His eyes begin to glow a brilliant crimson hue as he looks in Sylvah's general direction, and his heat vision is then unleashed upon the vines holding him in place. He is still able to move, but not nearly as much as he once did while he cuts away at the foliage.

Tasha watches this.. and she missed her window that first time. But this time, she sees her chance. Brutaal is entangled by Sylvah's pals, she won't get a better chance than this. But does she really know what she's getting into? The reality now of being in this kind of battle settles upon her. This isn't one of her bedtime stories of heroics, or one of her games. No quick-save or quick-load here.

While Brutaal doesn't have a totally free range of motion.. he's got himself loose enough to be able to defend himself, especially against an inexperienced fighter.

Her knees bend… and she seems to just be gone. Her body thunders through the air, closing the distance between herself and Brutaal before most would realize she had even moved. And.. well he hears her coming, and he has pleeeeeenty of time to react. And how does he react? His free hand clenches into a fist and he backhands poor Tasha as she gets near him. She cries out as she is essentially swatted away, her body slamming into the floor almost 5 feet away, the marble floor just decimated under the impact. She groans as she lays there in the debris… and NOW Brutaal really takes notice of her. "Well what do we have here?" He says with a small smile on his lips, his eyes focusing upon the shield upon Supergirl's chest. As if it were an appreciative smile. Tasha scrambles to her feet, her eyes wide as she stares at Brutaal, her body lowered into a defensive stance. Perhaps it's nostalgia, perhaps it's fighting instinct.. perhaps it's the fact Brutaal sees her as a threat (or a plaything), but he focuses on her for the moment.
"You're panicking already? And please don't lie to me, we both know you are." He takes a step forward (Sylvah's vines only allowing him to take a step or so), and she takes a step back. Yeah, she's panicking. "I'm sorry it has to be like this. We all want the same thing, for this all to be peaceful." Tasha's eyes dart around, and then back to Brutaal. "You.. you talk to much!" Yeah, that'll show him! She lunges once more at Brutaal, and once more his fist meets her cheek, sending her to the ground onto one knee before him, her body slumped forward. He sighs as he draws his fist back, and he punches her again as he speaks. "Just stop fighting us, and this will be fine. I promise you, little one." Each impact upon her smaller frame is accompanied by a loud, sickly thud, like someone punching a solid wall over and all. Tasha doesn't know what to do. He's Superman, right? It's his voice. His face. It's her second cousin. But as if someone wanted to remind her of what is important.. 2 images flash in her mind.

Mama and papa.

Brutaal's fist draws up, and he seems almost disappointed now. His fist slams down towards Tasha once more, perhaps intending to finish her. But.. he blinks as his fist is suddenly stopped in midair.

Tasha's hand has snapped up and caught his fist, and her trembling arm holds him at bay. He seems almost surprised by this sudden reaction. Tasha's eyes lift towards him, staring up at him through her bangs. Disappointment is replaced by amusement. He pushes down, but Tasha holds her ground. In fact, she starts to push herself to her feet as she glares at him now, anger in her voice.

"I don't know who the hell you are.. but you aren't HIM!"

Brutaal's other fist draws back.. but before he can act Tasha's own free hand slams right into the middle of his forehead. The pressure force of that simple impact could perhaps be felt by those close to them. His head snaps back a little, and his own fist then completes its journey in a southpaw jab to the side of her head, causing her to stumble back and break contact. Her gaze snaps to him, and she looks like she's about to charge again… but Brutaal's eyes suddenly glow a brilliant red, and his heat vision is unleashed upon Tasha. Her arms snap upwards to defend herself, and as Brutaal tries to simply disintegrate her (as he did with the guards)… she holds her ground, shouting once more.


And she starts towards him, the heat vision pouring on. She feels.. pain… more than she's felt.. well.. she doesn't know the last time. But she is on her feet. She is fighting. She won't lose! She won't let mama and papa down! She won't let the Justice League down! If she can keep him focused on her, that'll allow the others to act more freely! Essentially her logic matching Sylvah's. And it's at this moment she realizes.. she's the tank of the team! Oh she likes that!
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