Kat's First Test Thread (No posting please)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
The pleated dress wrapped around her figure perfectly. Ornamental beads decorated her neck and the distinct, but unique headdress she donned for dinner with Nepthys and Osiris. Her heart pounded in her chest as she thought of the things Osiris might say. Isis knew he loved her, but she felt he could be scary when she worried him. A small chuckle escaped her throat as her fingers ran lightly over her chest and stomach. Her body tingled and she held her breathe for a moment, eyes star struck and wondering when Seth would arrive.

Soon, she told herself, Soon he will be here. A servant abruptly came in as she continuously admired her body in a trance-like state. "Your Majesty," she began, her voice gentle, but loud enough. Isis blinked, snapping out of her frenzy and glanced over to see a familiar green eyed servant. She smiled at Bahiti. "What is it? Osiris is not fond of allowing me to appear perfect?"

Isis knew the real reason she was here. It was stressful; Osiris being overprotective and impatient. She kept on a smile though. No one needed to know how she truly felt. Bahiti bit back a giggle and responded in a lighthearted tone, "His Majesty has given you five minutes to arrive. Best hurry or he'll send the guards." A frown habitually formed on the Queen's face, but she returned a smile just as quick. "Alright then. I'll leave now. I don't have anything else left to do." She glanced at her neck. There was nothing there; at least in appearance. Isis was fond of her servants, but her affair with Seth was something she would not let up until the time came.

The dining hall was grand as always. Isis entered as always, with the announcement of her name, then stepping into the spacious grandeur of her castle. She kept her eyes down as she arrived by Osiris' side and knelt down in front of him, taking his hand in her own, feeling how warm they were. She trembled, placing a soft kiss on his hand. It felt wrong. "Have I kept you waiting long?" she murmured, her hands moving down to her sides, as if she was afraid he'd give her some form of punishment in front of everyone. She expected it though, given how long she'd been away in distance and time, all because of the lovesickness she harbored for Seth. Isis didn't mind it though, because she knew this would be the last time Osiris sat in that tall dining chair of his, that chair plated with gold, emeralds, rubies, topaz, and a red silk cushion. Her heart raced faster as she waited silently to hear Osiris' sweet voice, one that would be dead soon.
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Name: Lydia Graves

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 131 lbs
Title: Her Grace, the Duchess of Gloucester

Pain Inducement
+ Can cause varying degrees of pain up to a moderately high level.
- Requires touch.
- Limited to only causing physical and emotional pain.
- Abilities like pain suppression and invulnerability are immune to her ability.
- Doesn't use this often, so doesn't have great control over it.
- Quick pain can happen unintentionally during emotionally charged situations.

Subliminal Seduction
+ Can induce seductive thoughts/emotions.
+ Carries no weight when interacting with different people.
- Requires touch.
- Anyone with strong mental fortitude will be highly resistant to her ability.
- Is constantly active.
- Has no control over this ability.

+ Passionate: Despite being shy, Lydia has a big heart. When she is caught up in something interesting or exciting, she can leave everything else behind.

+ Charming: Lydia is naturally relaxed and warm towards others, which makes her naturally likable, unless otherwise noted.

+ Sensitive to Others: She can easily relate to others emotions, which helps her to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict.

- Fluctuating Self-Esteem: Her efforts were often dismissed in her early years, and as such, with her sensitivity towards others and artistic ways, she can get discouraged if she doesn't receive strong support.

- Easily Stressed: Lydia feels more than she can bother to think. When situations become unmanageable, she can get snappy without realizing it.

- Fiercely Independent: Lydia is inclined to not ask for help if she knows she needs or feels she needs it. She does not wish to burden others by wasting their time. Anything that interferes with this mindset creates a sense of oppression.

Fears: True Love, Jairen, Social Magnetism

Likes: Mazes, Gardens, Oranges

Dislikes: Religion, Her abilities, Traditions

+ She's never thought much of what she wants to do, or who she wants to truly become. Lydia has always been bound to the agonizing role of women in society, therefore, has always felt she'll never have any freedom to seek out her true self.

Lydia was born a small and sickly child on May 13th, 1758 and was not given long to live. Her mother passed away a few hours after giving birth to her. The physicians did everything they could to save her. As the years passed, she overcame her sickness. The passing of her mother, however, left her father with much grief and depression. He wasn't respondent to her desperate need to be known and loved, and she often felt lonely because of it.

At the age of five years old, Lydia was engaged to a man fifteen years her senior, His Grace, the Duke of Gloucester. She was not lucky enough to pursue higher education. Instead, her father saw fit that she learn more lady-like instruction, such as sewing and singing. Lydia did not marry until she was seventeen. It was a terribly awkward relationship, as she didn't understand the tradition and often questioned it more than accepted it.

When the Duke took part in a purge, something Lydia had begged him not to become involved in, things changed between them. The Duke became distant and radical in his ideals to erase Jairen from their very existence on Earth. Lydia no longer slept with him, instead opting for a more safe haven of sorts in the west wing. Now, as a new winter approaches, she fears the lengths he may go to try and save her, as the last thing she wants is to be near him.

+ She harbors a secret love for painting and playing the piano. They are a form of art therapy in their own way.
+ Lydia has yet to conceive a healthy child. Her last one ended in a miscarriage.
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the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you'll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

At the moment, I'm craving a time travel type roleplay! One roleplay can be time travel, another we can discuss, though sci fi may be an option! I'm not really looking for any fantasy right now, given all of my current roleplays, except for one are fantasy. An exception can be made for low fantasy, depending on the plot. I'm really iffy with modern, but if you have a modern roleplay you think I might enjoy, hit me up!

  • time travel
  • historical
  • soft sci fi
squick list; nounXXXXXXXXX
  • magical realism
  • futanari
  • high school
  • horror
  • apocalyptic
  • zombies
  • anime
  • hard sci fi
  • rape
  • love at first sight
  • mary stus + gary stus
expectations; nounXXXXXXXXX
  • no god-modding, auto-hitting, or power-playing
  • main characters must be 27+ age
  • mxf only, i will play main female
  • we will play npcs alongside our main characters
  • read my roleplay resume, please!
  • communication is key; discord, anyone?
  • no "females only" type persons
  • must be advanced or higher
  • be proactive in character and plot development
  • confidence is key; own your writing!
  • i prefer to work with an aggressive writer
  • i love details but don't go overboard
  • going to be absent for a few days? tell me!
  • at least one paragraph w/ quality over quantity
  • i'm not interested in lengthy replies
  • simple character sheets and realistic fcs
  • colored dialogue is a must, no neon or pastels
plot bunny; nounXXXXXXXXX
a female travels back in time and wakes up in the body of some princess, then meets an anti hero dude of some tribe and they have to stop evil or something. i have notes on how i saw this anti hero to be, regarding personality and background story notes, if you're interested. there may be world building here, as it might be low fantasy, and remember, you can definitely create your own characters! just know that i have a ton of names put to faces for this and small plot bunnies, but nothing very definitive.

please PM me with your ideas, if interested! i won't reply to this thread!
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The tart was sweet and bitter at the same time. The smoothness of the cream and the crumbling of the graham cracker as the base went down with ease, but made her feel somewhat sick. The taste was fine, if she had anything to say about it. The blueberries and raspberries that'd topped it off had a tangy flavor to it and she wondered what exactly they put on the pastry to give it such an interesting taste. Elise grabbed another champagne glass from a platter just for show.

Her time was short, however, when she felt a sudden tug by a large hand. A small squeak and her face turned crimson. She immediately recognized the voice as a male, but made no comment as he ushered her quickly to the doors. Her heart began to pound again in fear. What on Earth was he doing? Her eyes glanced to and from the guards as he spoke about becoming intimate. If Elise wasn't as embarrassed as she was now about the sudden intrusion, she'd be a ghost.

Elise obediently complied with the stranger as he brought her out into the open. A cool gust of wind from the closing doors behind her spread made the hair on her skin rise up. She shivered, and did nothing to turn away from the mysterious male. He seemed adamant on being intimate with her; Something that sent her heart racing and her blood pressure skyrocketing towards the ceiling. Her muscles tensed, aching for an escape. Then, he let go.

She stumbled back, her hand going to her forehead in a daze. His release was like a gasp for fresh air. Elise tried to make sure she understood what he was saying. He... wasn't going to do anything? At all? Confusion swam through her mind, trying to make sense of it. The only reason he came out of the ball room was because he wanted to sleep. Elise found his quirkiness quite disturbing and shocking. She thought he was like the others; A man who enjoyed wooing the ladies and the lavish parties that Satan set up. It seemed that was far from the truth, and of a view quite similar to her own. She watched as he began to walk away and without thinking, she spoke up.

"Um..." She trailed off, her fingers fiddling with her dress. "Thank you..." Her reply was curt; a kind gesture she hadn't meant to come off as rude, but it seemed he didn't care either way. She wasn't even sure if he'd heard her. Elise stared at the back of his head as he walked on, searching for some place to sleep. Before she knew it, she herself, was left alone in the dark hallways of Satan's castle. Elise contemplated going back to the ball or wandering around. If the guards thought she was with the man, it was logical that they wouldn't come searching for her, right? Elise shook off the feeling of impending doom and impulsively took a right turn into another hallway, eerie and dreadful as the first. She was searching for something; searching for a way out.

location: hallway interaction: abaddon mention: @ apelsinyaoi
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"Where are my sons?!"

The King of Hell, informally known as Satan, crooned his neck, his piercing blue gaze searching for his sons like a hawk. His fist wrapped around Mephisto's collar, knuckles turning a pale white. "You told me they'd be here for the announcement," he hissed into the demon's ear. Mephisto's chest tightened at the blatant concern for his sons. "Your Majesty," he began, tone unwavering and light. "I promise they'll be here. Prince Asmodeus and Prince Lucifer appeared to have gotten themselves stuck in a tussle—."

"What? A fight? Again?"

Satan glanced over left shoulder as his wife piped up, her silky, rich voice interrupting Mephisto and joining the conversation. He watched as she shook her head. "Those damn fools," she muttered under her breathe. Satan admired her bewitching figure for a few moments before turning back to his friend and colleague. "Get them at once. I won't start without those boys. You understand?" Mephisto sported a small smile and nodded in acknowledgement. "Of course, Your Majesty. We all know how important this event is to you."

"Very important," he scowled, dismissing the demon in the black suit. Mephisto pulled out his silver pocket watch, engraved with one name: Verdelet. His heart sank for a moment, but Mephisto shoved the pocket watch back in his pocket just as quickly as he'd put it away and set off to find the seven princes. Hopefully, the others weren't carrying much baggage either. He knew some of them had a tendency to defy the laws their father laid out for them. "Prince Abaddon just arrived back?!" A female abruptly squealed, her excitement like that of Cerberus waiting to be fed bones and fresh meat. "Where's that other girl he had with him?"

Mephisto shook his head and rolled his eyes at the sniffs and sneers directed towards the girl that had seemingly just appeared among the crowd. So, she came back with the prince unwilling to make an effort for his father. Mephisto stared at Verdelet from afar as her ears turned red upon seeing Elise and capturing her wrist in hold. She dragged the poor slave away from Abaddon like a bag of trash and Mephisto knew that was his cue to go over, get the poor soul, and round up the rest of his brothers who began falling within his line of view. He smiled in satisfaction.

"Greetings, Prince Zell, Prince Asmodeus, Prince Mammon, Prince Lucifer."

He beckoned them over, eyeing the new clothing on Mammon, Lucifer, and Asmodeus with indifference. They never seemed to fail in spilling just about anything on their suits, but that was the least of his problems right now. Mephisto bowed to them and rose just as quickly, knowing his friend was growing impatient. "Your father awaits you near his throne and has asked that you please line up side by side. A momentous moment arrives for each you and he would like you to celebrate with him. If you'll allow me." Everyone made way for their royal highness'.

Across the room, the girls were already lined up in perfect order: Faye, Elise, Helena, Vanessa, and Anna. He directed the boys to their partners, Abaddon with Faye, Lucifer with Elise, Mammon with Helena, and Asmodeus with Anna. Mephisto briskly walked to the side of the room and nodded his head towards Satan and his wife. A glass and golden spoon was handed to Queen Lilith as she stood up. The moment she cleared her throat and knocked the spoon against the glass a few times, the audience settled down. She smiled graciously. "Good evening, my friends and fellow demons. I hope you're all enjoying the wonderful festivities we brought to you tonight. The clock is close to striking midnight, however, and that means my husband, has a very special and important announcement to make."

The announcement carried over quite smoothly, just as Satan liked.

"My loyal subjects, we gather here today to celebrate a new era, as well as my sons' coming of age. As we all know, they've grown and mature rather fast, and with that prospect in mind, we felt it was time we find them a suitable bride, someone they can count on to help carry out their legacies. Today, we gather around to announce their engagements to such women. The rest of the night will be spent watching my sons dance with my soon to be daughter-in-laws."

Satan grinned at the blooming flowers in front of him, then turned his head towards his sons. He had a twinkle in his eyes, but also one of steel, a glance that scolded his sons: Deal with it. He knew of their defiant ways, their blessed trickery, and foolhardy games, but he would not let them get away from what he knew to be true, from what he knew to be their future.

"Brides and princes, you may unmask."

Location: Ball Room Interaction: Everyone Mention: Everyone
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Location: Masquerade Interaction: Lucifer Mention: Akashi
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Her body trembled under the pressure, a thousand set of eyes piercing her back like a thousand needles. Elise stared down at her feet, hairs straightening on the back of her neck. Although Verdelet was not standing next to her, she could hear the demon hissing in her ear at the previous lessons from last week. 'Stand up straight, quit looking down!'

The muscles in Elise's shoulders tightened as she forced herself to raise her head. Electrifying blue eyes stared back at her. Immediately, she felt color rush to her cheeks and her throat dry up. Unwanted thoughts intruded her mind. Her eyes darted to another point in the room, coming to the conclusion there was no one but her.

A wave of nausea graced Elise's presence. She wasn't sure if it was from being amazed at how beautiful demons were or from the sickness she felt being trapped by strangers who weren't even human. Her fingers fumbled with the silk tie at the back of her head, clumsily trying to undo her mask. Her heart raced as the suave prince stepped forward. She reflexively took a step back, cheeks red when he asked if he could help. A small squeak left her lips, "Of course."

Their faces were cruel and hostile; lips downturned, voices in her head, and a female that could've been radiant, was nothing but a ball of anxiety and anger. Elise's blue eyes searched for the corners of the ball room, but found none. It was a neverending black hole. One where she was the center of attention and everyone was staring down on her, waiting for her to mess up. She offered an awkward smile elsewhere.

You can't let them get to you, she told herself. Verdelet collected her mask and her shawl— the only article of clothing that made her experience any sort of comfort and security, even if it was in vain. Elise approached the prince with small strides and made an effort not to clench the fabric of her red dress. Her mouth opened to say something as he held out his hand, but found nothing but air and an obedience that tied her down.

Just breathe. Just breathe.

He offered his hand and she placed her dainty hand atop his large one.

There was no going back now.
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A 1x1 between Artorias and Rhea

"Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to nonexistent knowledge and envision a Cosmos centered on human beings will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition. They avoid rather than confront the world. But those with the courage to explore the weave and structure of the Cosmos, even where it differs profoundly from their wishes and prejudices, will penetrate its deepest mysteries."

Carl Sagan
Cosmos (1980), p. 332
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A 1x1 between Artorias and Rhea

"Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to nonexistent knowledge and envision a Cosmos centered on human beings will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition. They avoid rather than confront the world. But those with the courage to explore the weave and structure of the Cosmos, even where it differs profoundly from their wishes and prejudices, will penetrate its deepest mysteries."

Carl Sagan
Cosmos (1980), p. 332
The world's greatest invention is used to hide whatever it is surrounding, in this case a whole continent. A continent which is the home for countless vampires. And Ivorydrift, the most beautiful city in the entire world, is the capital of vampires. Ivorydrift is the home for the royal moroi family. They are known throughout the continent for their knowledge but also for their powers. But moroi has always been targeted by the strigoi, evil vampires who feed off of moroi and they are undead.

The tragedy of the royal family happened 3 months ago, there had been rumours going around that Strigoi would attack the coronation of Prince James, first in line to the crown and the future king of the vampire continent. During the ceremony all the higher noble tier of the moroi nobles were there to witness the coronation of Prince James, but so were also strigoi air pirates. Right before the crown was placed upon Prince James head, the pirates came through the roof with guns and bombs. They started attacking everyone and everything in the throne room. Prince King James' dhampir guardian used himself as a shield to protect the newly crowned king from the bullets flying all over the room. Some of the noble moroi court were able to get away, along with the princes and the king, but many died that day.

The noble moroi court scattered throughout the continent, but the royal family ended up in a small city known for it's revolutionary dhampir fighters and knowledge in science, Reamingvale. The last place one could expect to find the royal family. Now they're living there, hidden from the strigoi and whatever would want to cause them harm.

1. Follow Iwaku Terms of Service.
2. Be polite and courteous to your fellow partners!
3. Characters and players must be 18+ only. Please try to be diverse in age.
4. At least one post a week. You may post more, but be mindful of others.
5. Adept posting expectation. One paragraph minimum. Quality over quantity.
6. If you decide to code yourself a fancy code, please create a spoilerbb code for mobile users.
7. No power-playing, god-modding, or auto-hitting, unless you are given express permission.
10. Real pictures. Anime and semi-realistic isn't allowed.
11. Maximum of three main characters.
12. Have fun!

Raucous laughter and pointless bantering echoed throughout the small town square of Reamingvale. A blade digs into a pig's guts, squishing and gutting the poor animal. Tomatoes splatter on the cobblestone and rotten orange peels wander slightly on the breeze. Freshly baked baguettes crackles like fire, chewy goodness salivating the mouth. It's the farmer's market today. Everyone has left their homes to buy the ripest strawberries, fresh wine from the orchard, and various vegetables for pot roast at night. To help get acquainted with the new atmosphere, a small group of moroi and dhampir are sent out to this jovial part of Reamingvale, along with the royals in disguise.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc metus velit, consectetur sit amet semper et, malesuada ac augue. Quisque fermentum ultrices velit at maximus. Nunc vel sapien enim. Nullam non tellus in lectus laoreet congue posuere eget magna. Praesent sed tellus faucibus, mattis velit et, sodales nisi. Proin sed consectetur dui. Duis et porttitor justo. Vestibulum id dignissim tortor. Pellentesque et diam non quam fermentum varius at ac velit. In quis laoreet orci. Maecenas ornare nibh vitae nisl imperdiet porta. Integer semper lectus tortor, non vehicula nibh commodo at. Aliquam faucibus imperdiet mi, at suscipit ante semper eu. Etiam lobortis felis euismod purus aliquet congue. Sed luctus, ipsum at pharetra luctus, ante urna rhoncus mi, vel dignissim risus nibh quis nunc.

Praesent volutpat, ligula a pulvinar dictum, nulla est tempus ligula, euismod fringilla sem sapien ac quam. Curabitur id lacinia purus. Aliquam sed malesuada nunc. Etiam gravida ligula et justo fermentum rutrum. Fusce quis sagittis tellus, nec malesuada justo. Aenean eu imperdiet enim, in tempor odio. Sed massa massa, laoreet non lobortis a, vulputate vel ligula. Integer dapibus id orci vel aliquam. Donec ac commodo lorem. Curabitur et consectetur eros. Duis eget ultrices augue, vitae condimentum turpis. Vestibulum quis faucibus metus. Nullam fermentum sed leo eu faucibus. Duis a justo feugiat, pulvinar arcu ac, condimentum mi. Morbi sed sem velit. Vestibulum tincidunt interdum arcu, vitae ornare quam porttitor eu.

Nullam porta, felis at convallis convallis, urna metus faucibus nulla, eu rutrum lorem ex ut felis. Nam felis ligula, malesuada et augue quis, rhoncus auctor ipsum. Nulla porttitor, turpis ut consectetur auctor, felis orci rutrum eros, eget congue libero odio ac justo. Vestibulum dapibus est ut lorem ultrices vehicula. Maecenas suscipit, mi eget ultricies mollis, enim eros dictum ante, ut dictum eros mi vel purus. Cras tincidunt urna vitae tortor accumsan maximus. Nullam sem tortor, mollis nec tempor a, dictum eget felis. Donec id mattis dolor.

Aenean tincidunt lacus a ipsum mollis, eget ullamcorper turpis interdum. Aliquam at venenatis eros. In gravida erat vel diam auctor, non dignissim metus efficitur. Praesent id elit metus. In eget placerat erat, sit amet finibus ipsum. Donec id malesuada erat, nec aliquet purus. Proin sit amet congue arcu. Nullam convallis nisi justo, ut efficitur est cursus vel. Pellentesque dictum aliquet dictum.

Ut fringilla vulputate arcu, et commodo sem venenatis quis. Curabitur tempus lacinia rhoncus. Suspendisse eu felis sed ipsum semper pharetra cursus sit amet quam. Aenean ac risus sit amet purus auctor consectetur. Vivamus tempor tincidunt tellus. Nunc sit amet eros purus. Cras egestas elementum lectus, ac faucibus ligula sodales aliquet. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse vel tincidunt dolor. Nullam sed venenatis ipsum. Proin interdum scelerisque metus vel blandit. Morbi in diam nisi. Quisque ut quam velit. Vestibulum nec magna sit amet sem tristique imperdiet. Suspendisse lobortis magna in diam varius, sed aliquet purus laoreet. Suspendisse convallis justo et eros blandit tincidunt.

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NAME: Guinevere Foreman

AGE: 16

GENDER: Female


POSITIVE TRAITS: Honest, Loyal, Passion, Courage

NEGATIVE TRAITS: Pride, Grandiose, Insensitive, Sarcastic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, curabitur turpis duis pede, erat scelerisque augue, dapibus fermentum morbi vel magna diam nec. Non arcu id praesent amet vulputate, maecenas luctus pellentesque vel quam, orci eu a nullam justo, urna pellentesque. Lorem tempus wisi elementum magna aenean eros, id urna amet nonummy ut nullam quis, dolor et magna, nisl elementum condimentum lorem fusce, pretium nunc ante nulla augue lorem habitasse. Non pulvinar pede facilisi, sed ut sed, wisi commodo egestas nec, quisque dictum, lacus blandit sed. Nec sed semper donec vitae, nullam condimentum a dolor et nullam, nunc justo. Feugiat tristique eu interdum, morbi facilisi in nec consequat, eget metus id nec elit at placerat.

Nec et hendrerit rutrum a eros, magna velit vitae, nulla libero rutrum nec, volutpat blandit vestibulum vestibulum nunc mattis pellentesque. Ut in pellentesque rhoncus at ante cubilia, viverra vel, sem nisl tristique ipsum, sit nunc magna et in sociis, duis etiam mauris non pulvinar ac tellus. Id venenatis, sagittis orci tincidunt, eu metus wisi leo vestibulum penatibus blandit, magna elit et quis auctor. Bibendum molestie consequat. Proin nulla inceptos, ut vitae. Egestas tempor per pharetra wisi et, id integer laoreet imperdiet dolor feugiat, morbi mus dictum id lacus sodales, non sem tempor porttitor auctor.

Dignissim velit ultrices urna nunc ornare. Blandit accumsan libero aliquam nonummy etiam, interdum platea erat nulla quis praesent, posuere urna praesent, vel in dolores wisi turpis. At sem in nonummy nullam. Scelerisque dui vitae sit, ligula ac sit nec tempus magna, lorem tortor dis suspendisse mauris sit, metus enim elementum orci, enim fermentum semper. Facilisis sed sem id eu, a et ipsum purus sollicitudin vestibulum aut, ullamcorper in et eget quam. Libero mauris.

Rhoncus sit auctor est nunc accumsan, eget luctus blanditiis, dictum ultricies dolor nibh. Sapien vel ligula cupidatat gravida. Feugiat per metus mauris duis vivamus. Faucibus sit nulla consequat amet mollis nostrum. Commodo laoreet congue, pellentesque morbi rutrum a curabitur eget blandit. Mi nec ullamcorper, vestibulum faucibus aliquam donec in a.

Sed cras consectetuer, vitae sollicitudin vitae eu est. Dignissim varius penatibus consectetuer eu placerat in, neque per fusce sollicitudin sed, volutpat cursus in mattis dictum bibendum parturient. Ultrices vel at amet integer, nec cras fames praesent, viverra donec sit nibh, eget conubia laoreet, vivamus tempus in urna sed donec inceptos. Quis sit duis, integer in eget diam bibendum mattis, eleifend et in metus iaculis vehicula tellus, proin torquent. Tristique donec non, sem recusandae vivamus diam. Elit tellus at, massa scelerisque orci, lacus vitae lectus phasellus mollis velit sollicitudin, praesent distinctio porttitor auctor turpis curae vitae.

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 overflow-y:auto;][div=padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;][div="float: left; border-radius: 8px; width: 32px; height: 32px; box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px #c0c0c0;"][div="opacity: 0.2; width: 32px; height: 32px; overflow: hidden;"] [div="position: absolute; top: -134px; left: 0;"] [media=youtube]ai1LwRFOKpg[/media] [/div] [/div] [/div][div=font-size:20pt; letter-spacing:2.5pt; line-height:20pt; font-weight:bold; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:right; color:#FFD24D;][font=Chonburi]B A S I C[/font][/div][hr=border:1px dotted black][/hr][div=padding:0px;][font=Pompiere][color=#93384A][size=5][div=width:47%;
 font-variant: small-caps;
 letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
line-height:20pt;]Lady Rokujou no Miyasundokoro
 font-variant: small-caps;
 letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
line-height:20pt;]Immortal (Actually 1057), Appears 24
 font-variant: small-caps;
 letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
 font-variant: small-caps;
 letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
 font-variant: small-caps;
 letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
line-height:20pt;]Self (Current), Daichi (Former)
 font-variant: small-caps;
 letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
line-height:20pt;]Procuress, Madam
 font-variant: small-caps;
 letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
line-height:20pt;]♢ Ectoplasm Manipulation - She can manipulate energy beyond the physical to create constructs such as weapons, barriers, as well as release and use plasma in various shapes and intensities, such as a small shuriken or spike. The possibilities are endless, though restricted.

♢ Freezing - Always active in ghost form. Human form only active in certain situations. If she feels threatened, the temperature in a room may go down or a gust of chilly wind may pass by a target if they're outside in a parking lot.

♢ Possession - Ghost form only. Ability to enter either a willing host or an unwilling host and completely control the body. Can be exorcised through a series of rituals or banished with purification.

♢ Telekinesis -  Ability to lift and throw a maximum weight of about 115 lbs. An example of maximum power would be a single wooden dresser with six drawers being thrown and smashed against the wall.

♢ Telepathy - Minor ability. She can enter another person's mind and talk to them, but the person must be willing and they must establish eye contact. If she can't see the target, she can't enter their mind.

♢ Intangibility - Ghost form only. She can phase through walls, furniture, and other solid fixtures. She cannot go through liquid or buildings. Mystical energies can affect her negatively and intangibility cancellation makes this ability useless.

♢ Invisibility - If she feels a bit of apprehension in human form, she may slowly begin to fade away, starting from her fingertips. Thankfully, disappearances aren't common for her. In ghost form, she doesn't see the need to use this ability around others. 

♢ Fear Inducement - This can kick into gear when she's feeling high strung and/or irritated. If she doesn't control her temper, fear in victim can skyrocket into panic attacks and cause them to be paralyzed for ten minutes.
[div=max-width:200px !important; width:100%; height:200px; margin:auto; background:url(http://www.androidguys.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/6848700-spring-wallpaper.jpg) no-repeat center center; background-size:cover; border:3px solid black; border-radius:50%;][/div][div=font-size:20pt; letter-spacing:2.5pt; line-height:20pt; font-weight:bold; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:right; color:#FFD24D;]
[font=Chonburi]A P P E A R A N C E[/font][/div][hr=border:1px dotted black][/hr][div=padding:0px;][font=Pompiere][color=#93384A][size=5]There's not much that's changed appearance wise since Rokujou became a ghost. Her skin is still smooth and her hair is still silky. If one were to take a closer look, they'd notice her skin is no longer warm, but cool to the touch and pale in comparison to her once fair skin. She burns more easily now and if not on business, she's usually noticeable by the red parasol she carries around. Rokujou stands around 5'2" and has long legs and arms. Her body is slender and her hair still flows all the way down towards the end of her spine. She takes pride in her appearance and often dresses in vibrant, elaborately designed kimonos. A brown and gold kiseru is her signature item.[/size][/color][/font][/div]

 background:url(http://i.imgur.com/gtTSsy3.jpg); no-repeat center center;
 background-size:cover; border: 2px solid black;
[div=padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;]
[div=font-size:20pt; letter-spacing:1.5px; color:white; text-shadow: 2px 2px black; padding-top:200px; font-variant:small-caps;][font=Chonburi]LADY ROKUJOU[/font][/div]
[div=background-color:grey; border: 2px solid black;]{tab=1}[color=#93384A][font=Raleway]B A S I C[/font][/color]{/tab}[/div]
[div=background-color:grey; border: 2px solid black;]{tab=2}[color=#93384A][font=Raleway]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/font][/color]{/tab}[/div]
[div=background-color:grey; border: 2px solid black;]{tab=3}[color=#93384A][font=Raleway]H I S T O R Y[/font][/color]{/tab}[/div]
background: white;
 border: 2px solid black;][div=height:480px;
 overflow-y:auto;][div=padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;][div=font-size:20pt; letter-spacing:2.5pt; line-height:20pt; font-weight:bold; font-variant:small-caps; text-align:right; color:#FFD24D;][font=Chonburi]P E  R S O N A L I T Y[/font][/div][hr=border:1px dotted black][/hr][div=padding:0px;][font=Pompiere][color=#93384A][size=5]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.[/size][/color][/font][/div][div=padding:0px;]
 font-variant: small-caps;
letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
line-height:12pt;][font=Pompiere][color=#213659][size=5]+ When it comes to decision making, Miyasundokoro is quick and direct. She finds no fault in any of her decisions because she understands the consequences of mistakes and sees it as a lesson to improve.

+ She has a calm, yet positive and engaging personality; this kind of attitude has won her clients over more than enough times. She knows her clients quite possibly more than they know themselves.

+ Determination is nothing without the will to change and move forward. Her fierce demeanor shines brighter than the sun and expects nothing more than the best results that come from getting the job done.

font-variant: small-caps; 
letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
line-height:12pt;][font=Pompiere][color=#213659][size=5]- ??? 

- ????

- ???

 background:url(http://i.imgur.com/gtTSsy3.jpg); no-repeat center center;
 background-size:cover; border: 2px solid black;
[div=padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;]
[div=font-size:20pt; letter-spacing:1.5px; color:white; text-shadow: 2px 2px black; padding-top:200px; font-variant:small-caps;][font=Chonburi]LADY ROKUJOU[/font][/div]
[div=background-color:grey; border: 2px solid black;]{tab=1}[color=#93384A][font=Raleway]B A S I C[/font][/color]{/tab}[/div]
[div=background-color:grey; border: 2px solid black;]{tab=2}[color=#93384A][font=Raleway]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/font][/color]{/tab}[/div]
[div=background-color:grey; border: 2px solid black;]{tab=3}[color=#93384A][font=Raleway]H I S T O R Y[/font][/color]{/tab}[/div]
background: white;
 border: 2px solid black;][div=height:480px;
 overflow-y:auto;][div=padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;][div=font-size:20pt;
color:#FFD24D;][font=Chonburi]H I S T O R Y[/font][/div][hr=border:1px dotted black][/hr][div=padding:0px;][div=width:50%;
 font-variant: small-caps;
 letter-spacing: 1.25pt;
line-height:20pt;][font=Roboto][div=padding-left:30px;][color=#213659]Without a destination
Time just passed on by
The dream, even now still
Is just a dream[/color][/div][div=padding-left:85px;][color=#213659]-- Hanatan[/color][/div][/font][/div]

[font=Pompiere][color=#93384A][size=5]There were many things to be proud of. Lady Rokujou no Miyasundokoro was one of them. Her parents cherished her and sought to get her married as soon as she became of age. Miyasundokoro was a beautiful, well-known, and talented young woman. Her hobbies included calligraphy, astronomy, and playing the koto, as well as the flute. She began performing for the emperor and empress at the young age of seven. 

She was lucky enough to be chosen for the prince's bride. Miyasundokoro had high standing and a quality reputation with most in the royal court. At the age of eighteen, she was married to the Crown Prince Kujou. Many women were jealous, but none more so than Komatsu, a lady in waiting who revered the young prince. Miyasundokoro gave birth to a small, healthy daughter at nineteen years old.

Unfortunately, Kujou soon passed away from measles and Miyasundokoro was stripped of her power and title. Their child, Chousakabe, was sent away to Ise to become a shrine princess, as her mother could no longer support her. Meanwhile, Miyasundokoro became a courtesan of the imperial court. She entertained with music, poetry, dance, and granted sexual favors to noblemen, particularly to a man named Genji. 

Hikaru Genji.

He was a man she shouldn't have fallen in love with because he was a fool. Despite having affections, he was reluctant to return them because of the lifestyle she'd accumulated over the years. Miyasundokoro was heartbroken. Hikaru Genji began to visit other women and make conversation with them to find the a devout and disciplined wife. Jealousy coursed through her body, consuming her mind and soul. 

Her heart, once pink and fleshy, began to decay.

Her body, starting from the middle of her chest, began to turn transparent.

Miyasundokoro hid her apparent illness from others and one night, while she was sightseeing during the Hollyhock festival, she found Genji with his rightful wife, Lady Aoi. After Genji chose Lady Aoi over her, she noticed Lady Aoi was pregnant. Miyasundokoro congratulated the couple with a fake smile, but shed tears in the dark as jealousy took over her completely and transformed into a spirit. 

Her spirit haunted Lady Aoi every night, feeding on her fear. At one point in time, Genji witnessed the same spirit and had a bag of herbal charms laid out beside their bed to ward off the evil spirit. Komatsu, a sorcerer and exorcist, learned of Miyasundokoro's jealousy and how it manifested. When Lady Aoi gave birth to a son, she was possessed by Miyasundokoro's spirit soon after. Komatsu offered to exorcise the demon.

Although they were able to get rid of the demon, the possession had taken its toll. Lady Aoi passed away and Miyasundokoro disappeared into obscurity. She joined her daughter at the Ise Shrine and became a shrine maiden. There was nothing Miyasundokoro could do to change circumstances. She'd been burdened by the fact that her jealousy had taken Lady Aoi, but it couldn't be helped.

Years passed and Miyasundokoro lived a miserable and troubled life. When Genji came to visit the shrine to worship the fox god, Miyasundokoro stayed behind the shadows, afraid. He left a small gift box as an offering to the fox god and prayed for good luck and health. When he left, Miyasundokoro rushed out to see what was in the box and to her surprise, it was an antique comb and a small letter written to her. 

He wanted to see her again.

Miyasundokoro was thrilled, but filled with grief. She read further, but her happiness was only temporary. He wished to take her daughter as a bride, the last thing she'd ever wanted. She begged him not to take her only family away from her, so he adopted her as his ward instead. Miyasundokoro felt she could never satisfy the void in her heart, so her spirit continued to terrorize Genji and those she felt had wronged her.

She began to pray to the fox god for change.

The fox god showed pity on her and decided to give her one last chance at life, provided she complete a task known to be impossible to all of mankind: Retrieve the mirror in the lake. Miyasundokoro was desperate and quick to take on the challenge. She searched the lake for days; soaked from the rain, dried by the sun. After the fourteenth day, Miyasundokoro gave up and began to weep for everything she'd lost.

She could not go home.

The shrine maiden fled the temple and discovered a forest. The leaves rustled slightly and the breeze carried her dark brown hair gently across her lips. The forest was eerily quiet. No songbirds sang their morning songs and the deer made strange noises on occasion. Miyasundokoro traveled by foot for a few days. On her third day, she came across an abandoned cabin out in the middle of nowhere. 

Miyasundokoro entered the cabin and warmed herself up. She tended to the fire and made herself a simple meal of rice and fish, then brewed some green tea. "I've never felt so much at home," she murmured to herself as she wrapped her small body in a cotton quilt. Unknown to Miyasundokoro, a young female actually lived in the wooden cabin. She'd gone out hunting for deer and fish and returned late at night.

The former shrine maiden hadn't expected a visitor, much less anyone who claimed to live in the cabin. The woman's name was Yun. Miyasundokoro apologized profusely and explained some of her story. Yun was hesitant to allow her to stay, but in the end, decided it'd be okay for a while, but not too long. Miyasundokoro was grateful for her hospitality, though she left a week later to continue her travels.

Fortunately, Yun was kind enough to offer her safe passage towards the safest town. That small town in the distance was her beacon of hope, a chance for change, for something new. Kinmokusei. She started her new life as a hostess at an inn. They said she looked intelligent and pretty, so she got the job, but for the first time in her life, Miyasundokoro wasn't there to look beautiful for the men or act naïve. 

She was there to find purpose.

A meaning.

Last edited:



{tab=1}B A S I C{/tab}

{tab=2}P E R S O N A L I T Y{/tab}

{tab=3}H I S T O R Y{/tab}


Lady Rokujou no Miyasundokoro
Immortal (Actually 1057), Appears 24
Self (Current), Daichi (Former)
Procuress, Madam
♢ Ectoplasm Manipulation - She can manipulate energy beyond the physical to create constructs such as weapons, barriers, as well as release and use plasma in various shapes and intensities, such as a small shuriken or spike. The possibilities are endless, though restricted.

♢ Freezing - Always active in ghost form. The human form is only active in certain situations. If she feels threatened, the temperature in a room may go down or a gust of chilly wind may pass by a target if they're outside in a parking lot.

♢ Possession - Ghost form only. Ability to enter either a willing host or an unwilling host and completely control the body. Can be exorcised through a series of rituals or banished with purification.

♢ Telekinesis - Ability to lift and throw a maximum weight of about 115 lbs. An example of maximum power would be a single wooden dresser with six drawers being thrown and smashed against the wall.

♢ Telepathy - Minor ability. She can enter another person's mind and talk to them, but the person must be willing and they must establish eye contact. If she can't see the target, she can't enter their mind.

♢ Intangibility - Ghost form only. She can phase through walls, furniture, and other solid fixtures. She cannot go through liquid or buildings. Mystical energies can affect her negatively and intangibility cancellation makes this ability useless.

♢ Invisibility - If she feels a bit of apprehension in human form, she may slowly begin to fade away, starting from her fingertips. Thankfully, disappearances aren't common for her. In ghost form, she doesn't see the need to use this ability around others.

♢ Fear Inducement - This can kick into gear when she's feeling high strung and/or irritated. If she doesn't control her temper, fear in victim can skyrocket into panic attacks and cause them to be paralyzed for ten minutes.


There's not much that's changed appearance wise since Miyasundokoro became a ghost. Her skin is still smooth and her hair is still silky. If one were to take a closer look, they'd notice her skin is no longer warm, but cool to the touch and pale in comparison to her once fair skin. She burns more easily now and if not on business, she's usually noticeable by the red parasol she carries around. Miyasundokoro stands around 5'2" and has long legs and arms. Her body is slender and her hair still flows all the way down towards the end of her spine. She takes pride in her appearance and often dresses in vibrant, elaborately designed kimonos. A brown and gold kiseru is her signature item.




{tab=1}B A S I C{/tab}

{tab=2}P E R S O N A L I T Y{/tab}

{tab=3}H I S T O R Y{/tab}


Miyasundokoro is a patient and collected woman to most people. People know she has her own agenda and she makes it quite clear that her agenda is Oodoburu, even if that's not the same on the inside. Miyasundokoro is mature and well-read, she expects the best out of her ladies, and even her clients. There is little that angers her, but when she's angry, it's always best to take a step back.

Her internal feelings about the unsealing aren't well-known to those around her, except for those closest to her, like Kyouko, for instance. She has a bit of a questionable morality when it comes to doing certain things, particularly if it has to do with humans. Miyasundokoro finds it very difficult to trust humans and youkai that enjoy being around humans, or even humans with abilities.

Regardless of her past, she still tries to make it through each day. She's a bit conservative and pessimistic, but she's working on being more open-minded and strong. Sometimes, the stress gets to her, most of the time it doesn't, and she's rather grateful for the hardwork she's put forth and the experience she's gained over the years. Let's just hope it can be put to good use.

+ When it comes to decision making, Miyasundokoro is quick and direct. She finds no fault in any of her decisions because she understands the consequences of mistakes and sees it as a lesson to improve.

+ She has a calm, yet positive and engaging personality; this kind of attitude has won her clients over more than enough times. She knows her customers quite possibly more than they know themselves.

+ Determination is nothing without the will to change and move forward. Her fierce demeanor shines brighter than the sun and expects nothing more than the best results that come from getting the job done.

- It takes a lot for Miyasundokoro to get angry at someone or something, so she aims to practice civility. Unfortunately, when she loses her cool, respect is the last thing she stands for.

- Over the years, she's developed a love for handing out orders to people. She doesn't think much about how her decisions will affect others, just that they need to be done or there will be consequences.

- Money is one of the few things she's motivated by. Miyasundokoro believes wealth is power and anyone foolish enough to try and stop her will regret their decision with their life.




{tab=1}B A S I C{/tab}

{tab=2}P E R S O N A L I T Y{/tab}

{tab=3}H I S T O R Y{/tab}


Without a destination
Time just passed on by
The dream, even now still
Is just a dream
-- Hanatan

There were many things to be proud of. Lady Rokujou no Miyasundokoro was one of them. Her parents cherished her and sought to get her married as soon as she became of age. Miyasundokoro was a beautiful, well-known, and talented young woman. Her hobbies included calligraphy, astronomy, and playing the koto, as well as the flute. She began performing for the emperor and empress at the young age of seven.

She was lucky enough to be chosen for the prince's bride. Miyasundokoro had a high standing and a quality reputation with most in the royal court. At the age of eighteen, she was married to the Crown Prince Kujou. Many women were jealous, but none more so than Komatsu, a lady in waiting who revered the young prince. Miyasundokoro gave birth to a small, healthy daughter at nineteen years old.

Unfortunately, Kujou soon passed away from measles and Miyasundokoro was stripped of her power and title. Their child, Chousakabe, was sent away to Ise to become a shrine princess, as her mother could no longer support her. Meanwhile, Miyasundokoro became a courtesan of the imperial court. She entertained with music, poetry, dance, and granted sexual favors to noblemen, particularly to a man named Genji.

Hikaru Genji.

He was a man she shouldn't have fallen in love with because he was a fool. Despite having affections, he was reluctant to return them because of the lifestyle she'd accumulated over the years. Miyasundokoro was heartbroken. Hikaru Genji began to visit other women and make conversation with them to find the devout and disciplined wife. Jealousy coursed through her body, consuming her mind and soul.

Her heart, once pink and fleshy, began to decay.

Her body, starting from the middle of her chest, began to turn transparent.

Miyasundokoro hid her apparent illness from others and one night, while she was sightseeing during the Hollyhock Festival, she found Genji with his rightful wife, Lady Aoi. After Genji chose Lady Aoi over her, she noticed Lady Aoi was pregnant. Miyasundokoro congratulated the couple with a fake smile but shed tears in the dark as jealousy took over her completely and transformed into a spirit.

Her spirit haunted Lady Aoi every night, feeding on her fear. At one point in time, Genji witnessed the same spirit and had a bag of herbal charms laid out beside their bed to ward off the evil spirit. Komatsu, a sorcerer, and exorcist learned of Miyasundokoro's jealousy and how it manifested. When Lady Aoi gave birth to a son, she was possessed by Miyasundokoro's spirit soon after. Komatsu offered to exorcise the demon.

Although they were able to get rid of the demon, the possession had taken its toll. Lady Aoi passed away and Miyasundokoro disappeared into obscurity. She joined her daughter at the Ise Shrine and became a shrine maiden. There was nothing Miyasundokoro could do to change circumstances. She'd been burdened by the fact that her jealousy had taken Lady Aoi, but it couldn't be helped.

Years passed and Miyasundokoro lived a miserable and troubled life. When Genji came to visit the shrine to worship the fox god, Miyasundokoro stayed behind the shadows, afraid. He left a small gift box as an offering to the fox god and prayed for good luck and health. When he left, Miyasundokoro rushed out to see what was in the box and to her surprise, it was an antique comb and a small letter written to her.

He wanted to see her again.

Miyasundokoro was thrilled but filled with grief. She read further, but her happiness was only temporary. He wished to take her daughter as a bride, the last thing she'd ever wanted. She begged him not to take her only family away from her, so he adopted her as his ward instead. Miyasundokoro felt she could never satisfy the void in her heart, so her spirit continued to terrorize Genji and those she felt had wronged her.

She began to pray to the fox god for a change.

The Fox God showed pity to her and decided to give her one last chance at life, provided she complete a task known to be impossible to all of the mankind: Retrieve the mirror in the lake. Miyasundokoro was desperate and quick to take on the challenge. She searched the lake for days; soaked from the rain, dried by the sun. After the fourteenth day, Miyasundokoro gave up and began to weep for everything she'd lost.

She could not go home.

The shrine maiden fled the temple and discovered a forest. The leaves rustled slightly and the breeze carried her dark brown hair gently across her lips. The forest was hauntingly beautiful. The songbirds sang their morning songs and the deer made strange noises on occasion. Miyasundokoro traveled by foot for a few days. On her third day, she came across an abandoned cabin out in the middle of nowhere.

Miyasundokoro entered the cabin and warmed herself up. She tended to the fire and made herself a simple meal of rice and fish, then brewed some green tea. "I've never felt so much at home," she murmured to herself as she wrapped her small body in a cotton quilt. Unknown to Miyasundokoro, a young female actually lived in the wooden cabin. She'd gone out hunting for deer and fish and returned late at night.

The former shrine maiden hadn't expected a visitor, much less anyone who claimed to live in the cabin. The woman's name was Yun. Miyasundokoro apologized profusely and explained her story. Yun was hesitant to allow her to stay, but in the end, decided it'd be okay for a while, but not too long. Miyasundokoro was grateful for her hospitality, though she left a week later to continue her travels.

Fortunately, Yun was kind enough to offer her safe passage towards the safest town. That small town in the distance was her beacon of hope, a chance for change, for something new. Kinmokusei. She started her new life as a hostess at an inn. They said she looked intelligent and pretty, so she got the job, but for the first time in her life, Miyasundokoro wasn't there to look beautiful for the men or act naïve.

She was there to find purpose.

A meaning.

Kinmokusei wasn't idyllic, but it was ok for the time that Miyasundokoro decided to live there. She slowly began to pave a path to great fortune, a life that was far more favorable than greeting guests and directing them to their tables. Her favorite part of her job had been the evening when a man came to the inn and played the hotchiku. It was quiet in the inn, so she decided to take a break and listen to him.

His name was Karasu, he was nothing short of a performer, but he seemed to truly enjoy creating sound. The inn began closing for the night and Karasu began to leave. Miyasundokoro had been so moved by his music, she inquired if he could come and play again sometime. It was possible, but only if he received some benefit. As a token of gratitude, she gave him a family heirloom of hers; a golden necklace.

He accepted and that was the last of her name.

Miyasundokoro had nothing left of her family, only stories and memories. Slowly, she began to make a name for herself in Kinmokusei and climb up the social ladder. She played the Koto for the village once, sew quilts for those out in the streets, but there was still one thing always nagging her in the back of her mind. An emptiness inside, something blank, something she couldn't quite comprehend.

It couldn't be helped though.

Miyasundokoro had given up a trinket and it was her responsibility to accept the consequences, so she tried to, and eventually, she forgot about the necklace she'd given away to Karasu, and had been more than thrilled to see him once more. Slowly, she began to get a better grip on her life and resorted to becoming a courtesan once more in an upscale town built on the east end called Shinkuro.

It was quite an experience, being away from what she was usually used to, but Miyasundokoro loved it. It helped her gain a clearer mind and perspective on the world around her. She danced, sang, played the koto for her peers, a warm feeling in her heart, even though she knew she was dead and that couldn't change. One night, however, laying with a man who was a former samurai, she slowly faded out.

He'd been a key witness to a tragic event at a shrine that he believed to honor the fox god. What had been even more devastating, was that it'd been the shrine she used to take care of and a few men had set it on fire. She curled up against the ronin's chest and ran her fingers down his neck. He reached up to grab her wrist, but his hand accidentally went through it; both of them wouldn't be sleeping that night.

The event didn't seem to matter that much to Miyasundokoro, primarily because she couldn't do anything about it, but as time went on, she seemed to become affected in ways she hadn't really believed would happen. Something about the tragedy seemed to get to her a lot more than the Ronin, but she didn't understand why, so she simply breathed and tried to move on with her life as a courtesan.

She missed it.

She missed this.

There were more things she could've done, but she thought it'd be nice to return to an old profession for a while. She made many friends in Karesuya. One particular woman, someone who'd been working as a courtesan at the establishment a few years longer than she had, was one of the first friends she'd ever made. Her name was Reimei and no words could express how wanted Miyasundokoro felt around her.

As Miyasundokoro got to know Reimei more, she slowly began to develop new and profound feelings for her. It was strange, but it felt right. Miyasundokoro was outspoken with her feelings, the others were shocked. Reimei, while she showed sympathy and knew the right words to say to Miyasundokoro, everything fell apart when her lover came up to join Reimei at the hip.

Miyasundokoro couldn't believe it. She'd embarrassed herself in front of everyone, only to find out that Reimei was in love with someone else. The last thing she wanted to do was run away, but it's all she felt like doing. There were two sides to Miyasundokoro; a predicament she felt she couldn't solve on her own. Itami, a mercenary and Imori yokai, came across her in an alley. She was by herself and crying.

Normally, Itami wasn't great dealing with emotions and preferred not to get caught in a bird trap, but something about the woman made him approach her. He was harsh, but it wasn't terrible. Itami helped pick Miyasundokoro back up again and offered to help her, in exchange for entertainment services. She agreed without hesitation and Itami gradually began to have an effect on who she was.

The belief that everyone was out to get her and she could only help herself became drilled in her everyday life. She stole money from Karesuya and framed the other girls, she got into fights, and her life became a never ending road of chaos. Eventually, she was kicked out of the entertainment hub, but her revenge on Reimei didn't stop there. For a price, she had Itami murder Reimei and her lover.

Itami and Miyasundokoro became partners in crime and lovers from that point on. They did favors for one another and benefitted greatly from the sheer enjoyment of getting what they wanted. Soon, Karesuya went out of business because profit had gradually declined over the years. In the meantime, Miyasundokoro found herself working at a small antique shop for a woman named Nishina in the same area.

Her main goal had always been to settle down, so she bought herself a nice, comfy cottage out near the valleys and meadows of Rinkorashii. The cherry blossoms and water lilies bloomed best in this area and the snow was abundant during the winter months. Over time, Miyasundokoro managed to accumulate enough yen to open a small entertainment business in Hyogo, a rabbit town nearby.

The initial plan to host a small entertainment hub turned out to be more favored than she'd expected. She moved to Sakuraboshi with plans to introduce courtesans and more variety of music and food to her establishment. She continued to innovate, which kept the customers coming back for more. Miyasundokoro gained a loyal employee named Kyouko and hasn't stopped business since.

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There were many things to be proud of. Lady Rokujou no Miyasundokoro was one of them. Her parents cherished her and sought to get her married as soon as she became of age. Miyasundokoro was a beautiful, well-known, and talented young woman. Her hobbies included calligraphy, astronomy, and playing the koto, as well as the flute. She began performing for the emperor and empress at the young age of seven.

She was lucky enough to be chosen for the prince's bride. Miyasundokoro had a high standing and a quality reputation with most in the royal court. At the age of eighteen, she was married to the Crown Prince Kujou. Many women were jealous, but none more so than Komatsu, a lady in waiting who revered the young prince. Miyasundokoro gave birth to a small, healthy daughter at nineteen years old.

Unfortunately, Kujou soon passed away from measles and Miyasundokoro was stripped of her power and title. Their child, Chousakabe, was sent away to Ise to become a shrine princess, as her mother could no longer support her. Meanwhile, Miyasundokoro became a courtesan of the imperial court. She entertained with music, poetry, dance, and granted sexual favors to noblemen, particularly to a man named Genji.

Hikaru Genji.

He was a man she shouldn't have fallen in love with because he was a fool. Despite having affections, he was reluctant to return them because of the lifestyle she'd accumulated over the years. Miyasundokoro was heartbroken. Hikaru Genji began to visit other women and make conversation with them to find the devout and disciplined wife. Jealousy coursed through her body, consuming her mind and soul.

Her heart, once pink and fleshy, began to decay.

Her body, starting from the middle of her chest, began to turn transparent.

Miyasundokoro hid her apparent illness from others and one night, while she was sightseeing during the Hollyhock Festival, she found Genji with his rightful wife, Lady Aoi. After Genji chose Lady Aoi over her, she noticed Lady Aoi was pregnant. Miyasundokoro congratulated the couple with a fake smile but shed tears in the dark as jealousy took over her completely and transformed into a spirit.

Her spirit haunted Lady Aoi every night, feeding on her fear. At one point in time, Genji witnessed the same spirit and had a bag of herbal charms laid out beside their bed to ward off the evil spirit. Komatsu, a sorcerer, and exorcist learned of Miyasundokoro's jealousy and how it manifested. When Lady Aoi gave birth to a son, she was possessed by Miyasundokoro's spirit soon after. Komatsu offered to exorcise the demon.

Although they were able to get rid of the demon, the possession had taken its toll. Lady Aoi passed away and Miyasundokoro disappeared into obscurity. She joined her daughter at the Ise Shrine and became a shrine maiden. There was nothing Miyasundokoro could do to change circumstances. She'd been burdened by the fact that her jealousy had taken Lady Aoi, but it couldn't be helped.

Years passed and Miyasundokoro lived a miserable and troubled life. When Genji came to visit the shrine to worship the fox god, Miyasundokoro stayed behind the shadows, afraid. He left a small gift box as an offering to the fox god and prayed for good luck and health. When he left, Miyasundokoro rushed out to see what was in the box and to her surprise, it was an antique comb and a small letter written to her.

He wanted to see her again.

Miyasundokoro was thrilled but filled with grief. She read further, but her happiness was only temporary. He wished to take her daughter as a bride, the last thing she'd ever wanted. She begged him not to take her only family away from her, so he adopted her as his ward instead. Miyasundokoro felt she could never satisfy the void in her heart, so her spirit continued to terrorize Genji and those she felt had wronged her.

She began to pray to the fox god for a change.

The Fox God showed pity to her and decided to give her one last chance at life, provided she complete a task known to be impossible to all of the mankind: Retrieve the mirror in the lake. Miyasundokoro was desperate and quick to take on the challenge. She searched the lake for days; soaked from the rain, dried by the sun. After the fourteenth day, Miyasundokoro gave up and began to weep for everything she'd lost.

She could not go home.

The shrine maiden fled the temple and discovered a forest. The leaves rustled slightly and the breeze carried her dark brown hair gently across her lips. The forest was eerily quiet. No songbirds sang their morning songs and the deer made strange noises on occasion. Miyasundokoro traveled by foot for a few days. On her third day, she came across an abandoned cabin out in the middle of nowhere.

Miyasundokoro entered the cabin and warmed herself up. She tended to the fire and made herself a simple meal of rice and fish, then brewed some green tea. "I've never felt so much at home," she murmured to herself as she wrapped her small body in a cotton quilt. Unknown to Miyasundokoro, a young female actually lived in the wooden cabin. She'd gone out hunting for deer and fish and returned late at night.

The former shrine maiden hadn't expected a visitor, much less anyone who claimed to live in the cabin. The woman's name was Yun. Miyasundokoro apologized profusely and explained her story. Yun was hesitant to allow her to stay, but in the end, decided it'd be okay for a while, but not too long. Miyasundokoro was grateful for her hospitality, though she left a week later to continue her travels.

Fortunately, Yun was kind enough to offer her safe passage towards the safest town. That small town in the distance was her beacon of hope, a chance for change, for something new. Kinmokusei. She started her new life as a hostess at an inn. They said she looked intelligent and pretty, so she got the job, but for the first time in her life, Miyasundokoro wasn't there to look beautiful for the men or act naïve.

She was there to find purpose.

A meaning.

Kinmokusei wasn't idyllic, but it was ok for the time that Miyasundokoro decided to live there. She slowly began to pave a path to great fortune, a life that was far more favorable than greeting guests and directing them to their tables. Her favorite part of her job had been the evening when a man came to the inn and played the hotchiku. It was quiet in the inn, so she decided to take a break and listen to him.

His name was Karasu, he was nothing short of a performer, but he seemed to truly enjoy creating sound. The inn began closing for the night and Karasu began to leave. Miyasundokoro had been so moved by his music, she inquired if he could come and play again sometime. It was possible, but only if he received some benefit. As a token of gratitude, she gave him a family heirloom of hers; a golden necklace.

He accepted and that was the last of her name.

Miyasundokoro had nothing left of her family, only stories and memories. Slowly, she began to make a name for herself in Kinmokusei and climb up the social ladder. She played the Koto for the village once, sew quilts for those out in the streets, but there was still one thing always nagging her in the back of her mind. An emptiness inside, something blank, something she couldn't quite comprehend.

It couldn't be helped though.

Miyasundokoro had given up a trinket and it was her responsibility to accept the consequences, so she tried to, and eventually, she forgot about the necklace she'd given away to Karasu, and had been more than thrilled to see him once more. Slowly, she began to get a better grip on her life and resorted to becoming a courtesan once more in an upscale town built on the north end called Shinkuro.

It was quite an experience, being away from what she was usually used to, but Miyasundokoro loved it. It helped her gain a clearer mind and perspective on the world around her. She danced, sang, played the koto for her peers, a warm feeling in her heart, even though she knew she was dead and that couldn't change. One night, however, laying with a man who was a former samurai, she slowly faded out.

He'd been a key witness to a tragic event at a shrine that he believed to honor the fox god. What had been even more devastating, was that it'd been the shrine she used to take care of and a few men had set it on fire. She curled up against the ronin's chest and ran her fingers down his neck. He reached up to grab her wrist, but his hand accidentally went through it; both of them wouldn't be sleeping that night.

The event didn't seem to matter that much to Miyasundokoro, primarily because she couldn't do anything about it, but as time went on, she seemed to become affected in ways she hadn't really believed would happen. Something about the tragedy seemed to get to her a lot more than the Ronin, but she didn't understand why, so she simply breathed and tried to move on with her life as a courtesan.

She missed it.

She missed this.

There were more things she could've done, but she thought it'd be nice to return to an old profession for a while. She made many friends in Karesuya. One particular woman, someone who'd been working as a courtesan at the establishment a few years longer than she had, was one of the first friends she'd ever made. Her name was Reimei and no words could express how wanted Miyasundokoro felt around her.

As Miyasundokoro got to know Reimei more, she slowly began to develop new and profound feelings for her. It was strange, but it felt right. Miyasundokoro was outspoken with her feelings, the others were shocked. Reimei, while she showed sympathy and knew the right words to say to Miyasundokoro, everything fell apart when her lover came up to join Reimei at the hip.

Miyasundokoro couldn't believe it. She'd embarrassed herself in front of everyone, only to find out that Reimei was in love with someone else. The last thing she wanted to do was run away, but it's all she felt like doing. There were two sides to Miyasundokoro; a predicament she felt she couldn't solve on her own. Itami, a mercenary and Imori yokai, came across her in an alley. She was by herself and crying.

Normally, Itami wasn't great dealing with emotions and preferred not to get caught in a bird trap, but something about the woman made him approach her. He was harsh, but it wasn't terrible. Itami helped pick Miyasundokoro back up again and offered to help her, in exchange for entertainment services. She agreed without hesitation and Itami gradually began to have an effect on who she was.

The belief that everyone was out to get her and she could only help herself became drilled in her everyday life. She stole money from Karesuya and framed the other girls, she got into fights, and her life became a never ending road of chaos. Eventually, she was kicked out of the entertainment hub, but her revenge on Reimei didn't stop there. For a price, she had Itami murder Reimei and her lover.

Itami and Miyasundokoro became partners in crime and lovers from that point on. They did favors for one another and benefitted greatly from the sheer enjoyment of getting what they wanted. Soon, Karesuya went out of business because profit was declining from her hands. A few years later, Miyasundokoro found herself in Cherikurasuta, working at a small antique shop for a woman named Nishina.

Miyasundokoro bought herself a nice, comfy cottage out near the valleys and meadows of Rinkorashi. The cherry blossoms and water lilies bloomed best in this area and the snow was abundant during the winter months. She rode her horse into town every day to get anything she might need and did her fair share of work. Over time, she'd accumulated enough to start her own small business.

- builds an entertainment hub with courtesans out of money she's saved up

- she wants to open abandoned hell and expose youkai to send the humans a lesson

- she no longer trusts humans with powers, fearing they're doing behind the scenes work and the powers they have, they just want to flaunt because the cherry tree accepted them when it shouldn't have
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There are two sides to every establishment. The good and the bad, the immoral and the ethical. Oodoburu is one such establishment, with an entertainment hub preoccupied by courtesans who entertain and the occasional man who accompanies them with their flutes and taiko. It's legal business, but the work done behind the scenes is far from what Takamagahara would allow in Cherikurasuta.

While courtesans are recruited for their beauty, age, reputation, and talent, girls in the brothel aren't so lucky. As a way to make extra yen, Miyasundokoro has young women usually ripped from the streets, terrible families, and other poor living conditions. They are sold into slavery and coerced into working for her, through the promise of payment and benefits far grander than what life was giving them.

The entertainment hub is a cover for the brothel. Miya uses the yen to pay for her expenses, as well as the business expenses. Generally speaking, criminals are the only ones who know about the brothel, but this does not mean there aren't people who have an inkling Oodoburu isn't all it's panned out to be. Miya has plans to use her wealth to expose youkai, though only time will tell how things go.
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