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Queen of the Green Valleys

Original poster
Invitation Status
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Hello, Welcome to my thread

So hi, I'm new here and ready to roleplay. I consider myself fairly literate, but not really advanced. And though I have been rping for a while now, it's been off and on and I haven't really gotten into kinky stuff. If you want to do a kink, you have to ask me. And possibly walk me through it, because I am a pretty vanilla person and don't have personal experience with extreme stuff. If you think I'm not good at writing smut, hey, I'm looking to improve as a writer, feel free to tell me.

Anyway, there are a few things I want in general out of partners:

1) Willingness to suggest plots or worldbuilding. It doesn't have to be anything intense, but I like to feel like we're both contributing.

2) Grammar! And please, no run on sentences. I don't expect perfection but I do expect a grasp on writing basics. I've had to deal with run on sentences a lot on other sites and this is honestly a pet peeve of mine now.

3) Posting: I will try not to go weeks without posting and I hope you do the same

4) Please, no one lines. I'm not going to require paragraphs but I do want you to post something I can respond to and do something with.

Things I want to involve in roleplays generally:

1) Brother/sister incest (willing, not noncon) (think something like tragic love or Vampire Knight's weird culture thing.)

2) Pregnancy (because consequences)

3) Teacher x student (Mxf or Mxm)

4) Vampires and werewolves

5) Romance

That's in for basic things, really. Now on to plots! Which are heavily fairy tale inspired, at this point in time.

(The first two involve rape and pregnancy.)

THE WOLF ALREADY HAS YOU, LITTLE RED (involves playing a werewolf or two)

Be warned; this does involve rape, at least as part of the backstory. While I don't require it, I kind of would like someone willing to play the rapist for this one, at least for the first bit. This means you'd be playing at least two major characters. Werewolves are fairly common in this setting, and you'd be playing them.

MC is a daughter of local farmers or merchants, who are looking forward to marrying off their young girl to one of the handsome young men in the village. The one the girl, Rosetta, is closes to is her ailing grandmother, and she visits the old woman often out in the deep forest. One day, on her way home, she's attacked from behind and kept for hours as her attacker abuses her. When she's finally gone home, she's unable to tell her parents for fear of their anger against her. Thinking it's over she tries to move on with her life, until one day her parents bring home a young man who puts her on edge. Rosetta doesn't know why until he manages to get her alone, only say or do something that she remembers from the night she was raped. The man uses her fear of him to rape her again, over a period of months. She endures this until she realizes she's pregnant. Realizing the man won't marry her, she refuses to tell her parents who the father is even as they beat her. It is at this point she chooses to run away into the woods to her now dead grandmother's old cabin. This is where, eventually, she meets your character. Will he be able to help her, or even win her heart?

This Isn't How the Old Stories Go

The story usually goes like this: the fair princess is rescued by the jealous witch, because of her beauty, or her kindness, or because the witch felt like it. And the witch keeps her in the tower while the fair princess weeps. Eventually, because the world is right and just a brave knight comes along and slays all the monsters and the witch and rescues the princess, pure and perfect still, from her tower.

Plumeria already knows this for a lie; she knows even if the witch hadn't let her minions have their way with her that she's been gone from home too long for rumors not to spread. And with the proof that she's no longer a virgin growing in her belly, she has reason to fear what her father will do to her and the child. What manner of knight would even consider her worth rescuing her now?

The plan here is to start after the knight/prince has killed the more powerful minions. The witch is nowhere in sight, and the princess he was sent to rescue is pregnant, meaning whatever reward he would get from the king is likely to be reduce. But, he did just slay most of the power structure of a witch's lair, which is filled with who knows what kind of treasures, and has influence over a small territory. Is it possible he and this fallen princess can make something of this situation?

And some scenarios I just had in mind but not really a specific plot for:

Mad scientist type x hanging victim he found

Don't ask, I don't know why I thought of this, it just popped into my head that some guy find a hanging victim for some reason and decided to do some Dr. Frankenstein type science on her and make her his bride or something. Or maybe not bride, exactly, maybe he just brings her back to life and takes her into his home to recover from the trauma. Maybe they fight vampires. I dunno, this is open to a lot of suggestions.

Snow White and Rose Red with the Seven Dwarves

Ok, so the sisters Snow White and Rose Red are on the run from their evil stepmother who just tried to stage a coup against them. They run into the dwarves (barging into the empty cottage optional) (being dwarves is also optional if you have another fantasy or supernatural creature you would like to play) who agree to take them in. These men (number optional) are brothers/cousins who see a lot of potential in this situation.

Some suggestions for plot: Perhaps girls are born more rarely in this setting, making not one but two young ladies falling into their laps an absolute gold mine. This would also make brothers or groups of men marrying the same woman fairly common.
I'll do 'this isn't how the old stories go', but as a plot twist perhaps the knight is actually a vampire?

Sure, why not. That could be interesting. Got a character sheet or anything else you'd like to add? I'm only asking because character sheets seem to be a thing on this site. (I'm still learning my way around how things are done here.) I don't require face claims since I'm usually too lazy to go find one myself, but do whatever makes you most comfortable.
@Queen of the Blue Spades

Wanted to note, when I talk about vampire, I don't mean one of the nice ones

As for a possible twist, she is getting rescued by a heroic knight, and my character shows up originally to kill the witch and hadn't planned on rescuing her.
By not nice do you mean outright evil or just sort morally ambiguous/opportunistic? Because if there's a heroic knight showing up, I'm a bit confused as to what the conflict would be between the knight and the vampire here. Is the vampire robbing the witch? Is he in an ongoing feud and getting into the princess's favor will anger the witch? (Was kind of hoping for morally ambiguous anyway but I probably should have specified that in my post.)

(There is room regardless of the hero for taking over Plumeria's original homeland, btw. Untimely mysterious deaths of old men and all that.)
As in, not some pretty boy vampire, but the more monstrous kind along the lines of Bram Stoker, and the conflict would be, i dunno the knight just goes EVIL VAMPIRE HAVE AT YE

We don't have to do that tho
Hm, that seems kind of clunky for a start. Why not just have it be the vampire who finds her to begin with, in that case, and he decides to capitalize on the opportunity in front of him? He's already there jacking up some witch's shit, and having the heir to a nearby kingdom on his side could be in his favor further down the line?
I'm interested in The Wolf's Already Has You, Little Red!
Cool. Send me a pm and we can discuss details .
Kind of want to do a brother/sister rp where the brother comes to realize he's in lust/love with the sister he's responsible for. Tried this plot on a couple other sites and it didn't work out. They're highly isolated much of the time, and it takes something like peeking on her as she bathes or maybe a neighbor showing up and making him jealous to kick of seduction attempts.

Also there is potentially drama with their neglectful parents.
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