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Kiso/Yavis-Daybreak Town Fountain-Stella/King/Master Aced
@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ringmaster

Yavis promptly bowed to Master Aced at his recommendation, moving over he pushed on the back of Kiso's head to make him bow as well, he had looked bad in front of a master, though it was a Wielder's duty to learn this was a skill he should have already known, and another Wielder had shown their proficiency in the skill already, it showed he was behind. Kiso glanced over at Yavis who could only bow awkwardly due to his small form but kept his head lowered for as long as his Chirity, when Yavis raised his head he spoke.
"I am sorry. I will do better Master Aced to help Kiso develop," Yavis said.

When Stella approached Kiso he glanced in her direction arching a brow at his fellow Wielder, this girl was a little awkward though Yavis told him he was awkward too, staring at her he wondered if he was her kind of awkward. When she spoke to him his eyes narrowed a little at her words, not necessarily out of anger though his body language shifted slightly almost defensively when she approached. His mouth opened only to close when the water splashed on the group, Kiso blinked a few times holding up his now wet clothing as Yavis floated next to him sighing slightly.
"It's quite all right Master Aced, I think it was time for Kiso's bath anyway."
"I bathed yesterday..." Kiso said looking at Yavis.

"You rubbed soap over your body and walked away without washing it off, you missed steps."
"I saw heartless though..."

"It takes two seconds to splash water on yourself."
"I need those two seconds to get close though."

Yavis sighed and saw that Stella was moving away Yavis waved his nubs and quickly floated over to her, he couldn't let this opportunity be wasted by his Wielder's nonchalant attitude. He had to find a way to request Stella's help without doing it for Kiso.
"Stella please help Kiso," Yavis said floating in front of her.
He found this was literally impossible to do and put the notion aside as he stared at the gifted young Wielder, he motioned to Kiso who was staring at one brick then another before trying to stick the two together only to watch them fall as he released them.
"He's good at hitting things...not magical stuff...which requires, patience, thought and a delicate hand. I'm sure he'd appreciate your help. Right Kiso?"
Kiso looked over at the two blinking a few times, he watched the two in silence before giving a small shrug, this caused Yavis to grumble before speaking again.

"Words Kiso we talked about this! Words!" Yavis pleased.
"Hm," Kiso said with a nod.
Yavis started to fly into the water when Kiso grabbed him stopping him from going under, he released him as the Chirithy took a deep breath in and floated next to his Wielder.
"....we would greatly appreciate your help."
"...is she a good Wielder?"
Kiso summoned his keyblade and pointed it at Stella causing Yavis to move away from his slightly.
"Show me your dual wielding technique."
Yavis bumped into Kiso's keyblade moving it away from Stella only to point at King, causing Yavis to quickly bump it again only to point at Master Aced, he screamed and pushed down from the top of the keyblade making him lower it, something he should have done in the first place.

"Can you not think about fighting for two minutes, just help rebuild the fountain."
"I am...I'm waiting for Stella's help."

Yavis floated away from the two getting some distance to let off some steam, while Kiso stared at Stella holding up a brick towards her.
Master Ava/Ephemera - Moogle shop - Skuld/Alan/Lily
Ephemera's small bout of teasing turned into full on laughter after a moment when Skuld would make an eager attempt to retaliate and get paint on him too! He jumped back quickly, just barely dodging his friend's wet, yellow brush. He smirked afterwards, pointing a teasing finger at Skuld. "Haha! Looks like you miss--"

A wild paint explosion, courtesy of of Alan, gushed all over the room, instantly covering everyone. They could thank their lucky stars, however, that the moogle shop owner was still cleaning out his closet and hadn't noticed the chaos. But Ava, who had been trying to start a normal conversation with Lily, actually did notice. She let out a gasp when she was covered with a rain of multicolored paint. Her gaze shot to Alan afterwards.

The master wanted to scold him for the little mishap, but couldn't help herself. She began to giggle herself, placing a hand over her mouth. "A-Alan," Ava began to stutter, letting out another laugh afterwards. "You need to be more careful next time! We're going to be in big trouble!"

Laughing himself after the paint splatter occurred, Ephemera took it as a joke. "Okay, who did that!?" he exclaimed, not realizing it was an accident. He scooped up a wad of paint in his hands and began to walk toward Alan, attempting to pelt him with the paint. Instead, however, he would pelt Ava by accident!

"Hey, Ephemera!" she exclaimed, turning around to scoop up a wad of paint in her own hands. "Okay, this time you're going to get--"

The master was cut off when the others would here a knock at the door.

"This is Master Ira. I'm just checking to see how town repairs are going. May I come in?"

Oh shit, the big boss was at the door now.
@Bomb @Takumi @york @MoogleShop

Master Aced - Daybreak Town Fountain - King/Kiso/Yavis/Stella

The man adjusted his mask, letting out a sigh. "I apologize for soaking all of you. It was rather careless of me to be thrown off guard by something as little as a... yelp." He frowned, looking away from the others for a moment. He had a lot of things on his mind right now, namely the arguments the other masters had been getting into lately. Things just seemed so... unsettled.

The stoic master refocused his attention on the others after a moment. He listened to Kiso and Yavis bicker among each other, hardly saying a word as he watched the others. He then suddenly decided to ask them a question, wondering how they would answer. "Do all of you know why we masters have you students rebuild the town? Surely one of us masters could just wave our keyblades and have the repairs instantly taken care of, yes? So why would we have you rebuild the town then?" he questioned, wondering if they would realize the importance behind his words.
@york @Ringmaster @Mizos @TownRepairs
Alan - Moogle Shop - Master Ava/Ephermea/Skuld/Lily

Aww, f*ck. Now Alan really messed up.

Wait, why did that part need to be censored? Alan thought.

Because it involves Disney stuff and we're trying to make this friendly for the kids.


When Alan heard one of the Foretellers was about to enter, he knew he had to improvise quick, otherwise there will be alot of trouble for everyone. So, first, he tried to buy time.

"Yo, give us a moment to move some things so you can enter!" Alan would yell out. Then, he would try to gather everyone in the room around and whispered.

"Let's all pretend that a Heartless appeared in here. We'll then make a very quick mock fight... maybe 3 or 4 strikes, while one of us knocks down a bookshelf or something to bar the entrance." Alan suggested. "Worst case scenario, dump me in black and red paint, and pretend I'm a Heartless why the heck did I just thought of that? What is wrong with my imagination?????" Alan would then question himself.

Time was ticking, and everyone would have to agree or disagree whether to execute said plan.

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @moogle shop​
"Ha! Easy pickings boss-man!"

King adjusted his shades to wink once before he grinned.

"Ain't no musician ever waved a wand and played like Louie Armstrong. They had to work at it, and same 'ere. We got keyblades, but ain't no substitute for arms and grit. Basic juju right dere."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mizos @york
Stella Cross - Daybreak Town Fountain - King/Kiso/Yavis/Master Aced
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ringmaster @Mizos

Stella blinked, looking from Kiso, to Yavis, then back to Kiso again as they bickered amongst themselves... It looks like Kiso really needed her help, which was only further reinforced when Kiso held up a brick to her, staring at her, which ended up making her blush. Though she managed to keep herself from freezing up in the process, intending to try and help him as best as she could, since she herself... Had made the offer mere moments ago.

"W-Well... First you... Ah... ..." She trailed off, her words themselves seeming to have suddenly abandoned her.

Looks like she wasn't so good at explaining this sorta stuff verbally, as her mind appeared to have suddenly went blank in her efforts... But, at the same time, she forced herself to keep going instead of conceding... To figure out some way to help Kiso... And eventually, she had an idea.

"Um... Here! I'll... Show you...!" She said, hastily taking the brick from Kiso's hand.

After fumbling with it a little out of sheer nervousness, she managed to steady her hands, and place it down on the fountain, ontop of the one she had just recently coated. Then... She approached Kiso, getting quite close as she reached her hands out, manually trying to move him into position, aiming his keyblade towards the brick she had just placed down.

"You... Stand like that and... Focus on pushing your energy forwards... Gently... Like a... ... Like you're throwing a magnet spell... S-Sort of..." She mumbled.

Welp, her words were all over the place, but it seemed like she was trying to convey her lesson more through her actions than anything... Her grip gentle, but just firm enough to keep his body in position, hoping that her weird way of explaining how she managed to cast her cement spell would work out for the best.


After things all played out, however they did... Master Aced's question to them seemed to have caught Stella's attention, and so... She took a moment to reflect on it before speaking up.

"You ask us to rebuild... So we can remember the value of helping... That... Fighting... Isn't all that matters... Right?" She asked.

Well, Stella was probably reading a bit too deeply into this... But... It looked like she really did believe this was the reason why the Master's choose to make her and the other students help rebuild.

Skulld - Moogle Shop - Master Ava/Ephemera/Lily/Alan
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @Bomb
@Moogle Shop

Welp, while Stella was actually trying to help out, Skulld was still being her childish self... Not seeming to pay any mind to the fact that she was covered from head to toe in paint. Instead... She sought to win this big paint war... Somehow.

Partially fueled by a bit of jealousy, seeing as Ava had joined the fray, coming after Ephemera, and leaving poor Skulld in the dust... She sought to one-up both of them somehow, sneaking towards Ava first, having decided to pick her as her first target, poised with her yellow paint bucket, as she prepared to dump the whole thing over her head.

However, midway through her rather dastardly maneuver, a knock came at the door, followed by Master Ira's voice, causing her to freeze in place suddenly... With the abrupt realization that they were about to be busted.

In a desperate attempt to delay the inevitable, she said the first thing that popped into her head.

"Um... Just a minute sir! The paint's still wet!" She called.

Could this whole mess still be considered a paint job? Since at the very least... This all did sort of happen... By hand... So maybe they'd get lucky and it would actually turn out alright.

Though somehow, deep down... Even Skulld knew that would be nearly impossible...

Or so she thought.​
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Kiso/Yavis-Daybreak Town Fountain-Stella/King/Master Aced
@york @Ringmaster @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"I don't know what King said but it sounds correct," Kiso said with a nod.
Ignoring the long sigh from Yavis Kiso's gaze moved over to Stella as she approached, he listened to her but he didn't understand what she was trying to tell him. He tilted his head glancing over at King wondering if he knew what she was trying to say. When she proclaimed that she was just going to show him he started to say he watched her do it already, however when she moved closer his eyes narrowed and he tensed up slightly. Did she intend to show him by using completely necessary violence, he gripped his keyblade tighter and started to shift into a fighting stance when she reached her hand out, though when she just started moving him he blinked a few times before relaxing.

He thankfully picked up on her intentions and let her move his body as necessary, it reminded him of when Yavis tried to get his stance correct so he was accustomed to the act itself. When she told him what to do he looked back at the brick and fired at it. Thankfully the brick didn't fly anywhere and it was stuck in place as he cast the spell correctly, Yavis flew in a circle at this proud of his Wielder.
"Good Job Kiso and thank you Stella. Kiso sometimes needs a little extra push....literally." Yavis said looking back at the two.
"Thanks," Kiso said straightening his body. "Ah...I messed it up show me again Stell."
Yavis sighed and hung his head, that was the problem however. Once Kiso got something down he was fine, the problem was just getting it down.
"Hurry up show me again," Kiso said holding his arm out towards her.
At the Elder Wielder's words Kiso was drawn from the fountain back to the master, he stared at the man not sure what to say in response to his question at first, though Yavis saw the look Kiso had on his face though it remained expressionless from an outsider's view. Yavis knew that face, it was his thinking face and Yavis knew from experience that face was never good, he needed to intervene before this became a serious problem. He looked over at Stella hearing her, that was a good response, not the best but it was good and at the very least somewhat thought out. Kiso didn't think stuff out he just put on that face than said something horrible.
"Okay Kiso....let's use common sense...think about this rationally-"
"To build our muscles to kill heartless later," Kiso said.

"You...disappoint me...everyday...in new ways." Yavis said.
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Master Ava/Ephemera - Moogle shop - Skuld/Alan/Lily
Ephemera's small bout of teasing turned into full on laughter after a moment when Skuld would make an eager attempt to retaliate and get paint on him too! He jumped back quickly, just barely dodging his friend's wet, yellow brush. He smirked afterwards, pointing a teasing finger at Skuld. "Haha! Looks like you miss--"

A wild paint explosion, courtesy of of Alan, gushed all over the room, instantly covering everyone. They could thank their lucky stars, however, that the moogle shop owner was still cleaning out his closet and hadn't noticed the chaos. But Ava, who had been trying to start a normal conversation with Lily, actually did notice. She let out a gasp when she was covered with a rain of multicolored paint. Her gaze shot to Alan afterwards.

The master wanted to scold him for the little mishap, but couldn't help herself. She began to giggle herself, placing a hand over her mouth. "A-Alan," Ava began to stutter, letting out another laugh afterwards. "You need to be more careful next time! We're going to be in big trouble!"

Laughing himself after the paint splatter occurred, Ephemera took it as a joke. "Okay, who did that!?" he exclaimed, not realizing it was an accident. He scooped up a wad of paint in his hands and began to walk toward Alan, attempting to pelt him with the paint. Instead, however, he would pelt Ava by accident!

"Hey, Ephemera!" she exclaimed, turning around to scoop up a wad of paint in her own hands. "Okay, this time you're going to get--"

The master was cut off when the others would here a knock at the door.

"This is Master Ira. I'm just checking to see how town repairs are going. May I come in?"

Oh shit, the big boss was at the door now.
@Bomb @Takumi @york @MoogleShop

Master Aced - Daybreak Town Fountain - King/Kiso/Yavis/Stella

The man adjusted his mask, letting out a sigh. "I apologize for soaking all of you. It was rather careless of me to be thrown off guard by something as little as a... yelp." He frowned, looking away from the others for a moment. He had a lot of things on his mind right now, namely the arguments the other masters had been getting into lately. Things just seemed so... unsettled.

The stoic master refocused his attention on the others after a moment. He listened to Kiso and Yavis bicker among each other, hardly saying a word as he watched the others. He then suddenly decided to ask them a question, wondering how they would answer. "Do all of you know why we masters have you students rebuild the town? Surely one of us masters could just wave our keyblades and have the repairs instantly taken care of, yes? So why would we have you rebuild the town then?" he questioned, wondering if they would realize the importance behind his words.
@york @Ringmaster @Mizos @TownRepairs

Alan - Moogle Shop - Master Ava/Ephermea/Skuld/Lily

Aww, f*ck. Now Alan really messed up.

Wait, why did that part need to be censored? Alan thought.

Because it involves Disney stuff and we're trying to make this friendly for the kids.


When Alan heard one of the Foretellers was about to enter, he knew he had to improvise quick, otherwise there will be alot of trouble for everyone. So, first, he tried to buy time.

"Yo, give us a moment to move some things so you can enter!" Alan would yell out. Then, he would try to gather everyone in the room around and whispered.

"Let's all pretend that a Heartless appeared in here. We'll then make a very quick mock fight... maybe 3 or 4 strikes, while one of us knocks down a bookshelf or something to bar the entrance." Alan suggested. "Worst case scenario, dump me in black and red paint, and pretend I'm a Heartless why the heck did I just thought of that? What is wrong with my imagination?????" Alan would then question himself.

Time was ticking, and everyone would have to agree or disagree whether to execute said plan.

@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @moogle shop​

Lily-Moogle Shop-Master Ava/Ephemera/Skuld/Alan

Lily squeaked when paint suddenly splattered on her, she whirled her head around to narrow her eyes at whoever did it and got her clothes dirty before they widened at the sight before her. After a moment of staring in silence she laughed at how ridiculous everyone looke. Grinning from ear to ear until the knock came. Quickly gathering her composure her brows furrowed and she frowned. What could they do to fix this mess? She knew her father would've been upset and make her redo everything and more as punishment. Cringing at the thought she watched as others came up with plans and one girl, Skuld, blurted out the paint was still wet.

She wanted to facepalm badly at this, but refrained. They were going to be in so much trouble.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @york @MoogleShop
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