Knight on Time

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
She let her mind wander. He was likely to find a place better than her. She watched the clouds and the sky rather than the things whizzing past them.
Joel drove in silence, turning on the radio after a little while.
She said nothing and let her mind wander. Things seemed quite odd and she just didn't know what to do about it. It felt like they were being monitored but she couldn't imagine why anyone would be doing that.
After driving around for a while, he eventually pulled up to a lady's clothing store. 'Boutique' was in the name, so it had to be good, right?
Mariland looked around. "Have we arrived?" She asked. She still couldn't read their text but she assumed he wouldn't steer her wrong.
He nodded, pulling into the parking lot. "Yup, I believe so! As long as you can find something in here that you like, then yes."
"I don't think me liking it or not will be an issue," She laughed a little as she looked at him and let him park. "As long as it doesn't itch I could wear about anything."
Joel nodded with a grin. "I totally get that. Itchy clothes are too annoying to wear." He put the car in park and got out, moving to open her door.
She unbuckled herself and when he opened her door she smiled. She stepped out and nodded. "Thank you as always. So polite."
Joel nodded once in return. "You're very welcome. It's not a problem. Opening a door usually doesn't take too much time or effort, so it makes it easy."
Mariland gave a soft laugh and nodded. "Still it is very kind." she said before stretching now that she was out. "Let us see what we can find."
"Yes, let's." He led the way to the double doors, opening one side and keeping it open with his foot so Mariland could pass through.
She smiled and nodded before heading in. She was a little surprised by the whole place. She'd never seen a store like it before. All the clothes seemed so foreign but she didn't mind them. They reminded her of men's clothes in some ways.
He followed her in, feeling quite out of place. After a moment, he cleared his throat. "So, uh...see anything you like in here?"
She made a face and looked around. "errr....well......" She felt about as lost as him. " not know." She started to look around, baffled by the pants but seeming to at least understand the tops.
He nodded. Joel followed her as she looked around, feeling unfit even to suggest anything that might look good on her. "Well, if you see anything you like, I'm pretty sure there are dressing rooms around here somewhere..."
She eventually found some shirts and even a few skirts to try on. "There is....very little layers that you wear these days...." she said with a frown. "Where are the dressing rooms?"
Joel laughed. "No idea. My guess would be closer to the back...let's go look for them, or at least ask someone where they are..."
Mariland nodded and they managed to find someone. She was more than happy to help them and actually went through what she picked and found the right sizes and some other items to try on instead. Mariland felt overwhelmed by it all.
Joel put a reassuring hand on her back, not saying a word. He figured she was overstimulated, and speaking would only worsen it.