Knights Of New Gotham

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Ardent is done. Gonna make Apex's background just TBR
Real Name: Ardent "Irish" Crowe
Age: 24
Powers: Elemental Manipulation, Currently only Wind, Electromagnetics and limited at that along with even more limited Fire manipulation, barely able to be a human lighter. Wind to increase speed and acrobatics and Electricity through his weapon. Great potential. His current offensive power is to project an electrical current of various intensity from his rod and even use it to create a electromagnetic shield to stop small arms fire. All require the rod however.
Skills: Acrobatics, Savate, Street Brawling, Crude form of Jittejitsu, Lockpicking, Rudimentary Chemistry and detective work, Filching, able to craft some armored clothes with what he can get.
Weapons: Elemental Rod, seemingly a mix of an overly large collapsible baton and a Jutte. It works just like that but also used to conduct Ardent's powers as he cannot project energy like fire or electricity by himself properly. It gives him much better control over it and is less likely to go out of control.
Gear: Armor mostly made out of various contact sports pads, a leather mask and goggles. Home made and piecemeal.
Personality: Ardent is a rather serious man with a bit of a temper. He has his intentions in the right place as he wishes to protect the lowlier streets from thugs and drug runners in the best possible way while also adhering to the word of the law but often times he finds the law get in his way. He does not kill unless it is an extreme circumstance and even then he is prone to hesitate. He does not like guns all that much unless they are loaded with rubber bullets.
History Summary: Ardent was born to a family descendant from Irish immigrants and his parents didn't exactly make it big in America. They lived in the ghetto in the bustling city and where crime was rather common place. Ardent himself even indulged in crime as he reached his teen years and even more so as his meta human abilities manifested with his puberty. He kept his abilities a secret from his family which wasn't that hard as his father was a drinker and his mother was the one putting food on the table. Ardent had no siblings so the only one he really needed to think about was himself. Despite his grades being decent he was a temperamental child and got into a lot of trouble with some of his classmates, mostly those who saw themselves in charge and were just bullies.

He was seventeen when he turned away from his criminal behavior when he had spent six months in juvy for getting caught stealing from an electronics store storage. During his time in juvy he had thought hard on what he was doing with his life and once he got out and to school, he saw some assholes selling drugs to kids. That is when he decided to fight the crooks on the streets, starting by beating up the three assholes with an electrically charged rebar.

He used the cash he had gotten in the past, fencing and pawning his stolen goods to take martial classes and he paid more attention to his education, managing to graduate from highschool but never attended collage.

During all that time he explored his meta abilities. His first manifestation was merely static electricity but he found out that he could do it almost on command but it was rather erratic. What he could do though was to channel the electricity to make something like a stun baton. He found out he could also manipulate wind to some degree one time he was stopping some guys who thought it would have been a good idea to hold up some poor sap who took a wrong turn down the wrong alley. He used wind to be lighter on his feet, run faster and jump higher and longer. He theorized then that it wasn't the only thing he could do so experimenting one night he could manifest a tiny flicker of flame.​


Appearance: Height: 179cm or approximately 5'9"
Weight: 85kg or 187lbs, 140kg or 308lbs, 200kg or 440lbs
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Violet Glow

Overall Description: Majority of his body has been replaced with cybernetic augments and synthetic tissue, even his hair is not actually real hair. He is fitted with advanced lightweight external and sub dermal armor, making him just about impervious to conventional small arms. Not a meta human on his own but subject known as Apex has been created to be in their league and take them out when necessary. Various implants heighten his natural and artificial senses and others allow him to gain increased adrenaline and dopamine.

Just about every organ in his body has been replaced with an artificial one such as liver, lungs, vocal cords and kidneys to name a few. His liver is highly resilient, making him able to withstand numerous toxins and his lungs are capable of filtering most harmful gases. His heart has also been replaced with an artificial one and actually has three smaller organs throughout his body that function similarly and one is ruptured it closes itself off, removing the threat of internal bleeding. His movements do become more sluggish ones a heart has been ruptured but it gives him more of a chance to retreat.

Only his right arm is completely cybernetic while the left is synth muscles and armor plating over actual bone. His right arm is there for somewhat stronger when it comes to grip and holds multitude of gadgets.

With his skeletal augments, synth flesh and armor plating make him quite durable while the neural implants heighten his reaction speed. Increased muscle density and lightweight stealth exo skeleton increase both his speed and strength though he can put on a secondary heavyweight exo skeleton to increase his strength even further. He can, on command, shed his armor plating to become lighter and faster, most apt for retreats and stealth operations.

A miniature computer implant allows him to focus less on his surroundings and more on the immediate situation while the computer, fitted with a low artificial intelligence of its own, analyses and advises Apex.

All his cybernetic systems are very well insulated, keeping anyone from frying him down with EMP attacks unless they use a very powerful pulse. This does not however translate to his heavier exoskeleton.

His combat training covers various forms of grapple and aggressive fighting styles, using his already aggressive nature to his advantage to devastate and annihilate his opponent. His firearms training covers just about any modern personal ballistic weapon and his AI companion can give him a crash course on most others that are not highly top secret and more complicated than "Point and Pull the trigger"

He is trained in vehicular combat as well, jet fighters, motorbikes and automobiles.

His mental state is extremely dangerous. With his increased cybernetic augments and harsh training, his psyche is broken, making a psychopathic murderer for hire who revels in battle and bloodshed. He even indulges in cannibalism having taken up some sort of delusion of barbaric custom of devouring his enemies to gain their strength. This is far from the truth though he collects grotesque trophies such as teeth, scalps and even fingers and tongues. This has made him quite unpopular though sometimes sought after to perform brutal assassinations.

Character Rundown

Powers: Superhuman strength, Peak Human Speed, Peak Human Intelligence, Superhuman Durability and Endurance.

Main Fault: Psychotic Tendencies and sociopaths behavior.

Favored Weapons: Blades, Claws, teeth and heavy side arms.

Loyalties: Those who pay him and let him have fun.​

Who else still needs to post their character?
Almosy dne, just gotta finish my Voidwolf

You still need to message me to help me with my history Stry x3
Otherwise I can't make Mina's form
Thanks sweetie ^3^
That green lantern origin story seems to fit better if she were a Red lantern.
It really depends what you are trying to go for. Becoming a Lantern right after seeing your people burn alive really doesn't shout Green UNLESS there is warfare going on and she is overcoming her fear to save others. That is the only way I can see for the scenario to work.

Green = Overcome Fear through Will and Fortitude
Yellow = Instill Fear
Red = Murderous Fury
Orange = You are one greedy asshole
Blue = Hopeful as hell
Indigo = compassionate
Star Sapphire = Loving

White = All of these combined

Black = Death

She cannot just "get" the green lantern for no reason. The Lantern Corp chooses someone that has shown specific attributes that are fitting for the corp. If not, they aren't getting a ring.
Waiting for Stry to help me with my history, but he keeps forgetting xD

Minami "Nyx" Ikitsuki

Hero/Villain name:
Given to her:
Silver Chain
White Devil


Minami has long white hair, amber colored eyes and a pale skin. She has two leathery wings that she can hide when she needs to, two white horns on her head and a long white tail. Around her wrists are shackles with some broken chains on them and she is usually wearing a turtleneck dress with two leather bonds around her upper arms.
Later she will be dressed in a hooded shrug, black top, skirt and thigh-high boots.
In her human form she has shortened her hair and changes her complexion to give her a slight tan. Her eyes remain an amber color however and her hair is also still white. She dresses usually in short dresses, skinny-jeans and skirts.
Minami also has a demonic alter ego, which calls itself "Nyx", hence her second name. Her demonic alter ego only comes out when Minami becomes extremely distressed, fearful, angry or saddened and can only be forced back by knocking her out. In this form Minami doesn't change much, only her eyes become a dark purple and become covered with a blindfold, her tails, wings and horns become black and her attitude makes a complete 360. She also wears a leather collar around her neck.
There is one final form that Minami can take on, which will only come out when she is on the verge of death. The appearance of this form is unknown, yet it will hold such all consuming power that it will most likely tear everything to shreds.
When the love of her life died Minami exerted just a tiny bit of this form's true energy.

Human form






- Darkness manipulation
- Summoning (Creatures & Objects)
-Chain manipulation
- Electricity manipulation
- Psychic abilities
- Healing

Obtained with alternate ego:

- Blood manipulation
- Bone manipulation
- Hellfire manipulation

Obtained in final form:

- Disintegration/Self-disintegration
- Dark matter manipulation
- Gravity manipulation

- Excellent at sneaking and climbing, though she can also fly.
- General survival.
- Quick learner; has learned numerous skills from just watching them.
- Martial arts.
-Weapon mastery.

She holds no weapons, though can wield one after seeing somebody do it.

Her clothing.

At first Minami was generally innocent and slightly naive about the world around her. She was quite curious and often got into trouble, but always got herself out of it. She could sense people's intentions by feeling their energy, but this could be masked so she could get easily get tricked. In general she saw the world in a black and white kind of fashion until she met the Titans.
After falling in love with Mason, or Recluse, Minami learned many emotions she had never experienced yet. Anxiety, jealousy and paralyzing fear of losing him being one of them. When Mason died, or presumably died, Minami fell into a deep pit of despair, in which she destroyed a large part of the city.
She managed to be calmed down and fell into months of depression, staying inside and wallowing in her sadness. At this time her friend Viran managed to pull her out of it and made her feel a bit happier and she developed feelings for him, which in turn caused her to feel extremely guilty towards the memory of her lost love.
At the current point in time, she is extremely confused and lost in her own emotions.

Raised in a laboratory, Minami's origins are unknown to everybody including herself. She was raised to become a weapon, but her innocent nature and understanding of life and death kept her from doing as the scientists told her. One day, when she refused to murder an innocent animal they decided to show her how it's done, sending in a child created from the dna of a symbiotic creature that tore the animal to shreds. At this time Minami lost all control and her alter ego took over, destroying part of the building and killing all scientists close by.
After sating it's blood lust her alter ego reverted back to her and she found herself wandering an unknown city, where she was eventually picked up by the Teen Titan Raven, who she considered to be her mother in time.
She spend around 8 years with Raven until she decided to go out on her own and went to live on her own outside.
Minami first met Viran, an alien that had fallen from space. She decided not to stick around after setting his fallen pod to the ground and moved on, soon meeting Recluse another hero. At this time Minami wasn't self-proclaimed hero, though she did do some good deed.
In time she developed feelings for Mason and fell in love, which for a long time allowed her to experience true happiness. This changed however when Mason was apparently killed in battle and she at first fell into rage, destroying part of the city before falling into depression.
Not only did she grieve for the loss of her lover, but she also had the deaths of the people she killed on her consciousness. It took many months, but eventually she regained some sort of composer with the help of Viran.
In time she felt closer to Viran again, which caused her to develop feelings for him and caused her to feel guilty towards the memory of her deceased lover. She is at a loss right now about what to do.

May add in things as I recall more of the plot.

Finished my form guys ^^
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