Kore Wa Resutoran Desu ka?! (Is this a restaurant?!) Take Two.

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Runs with Axes
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
Varies, but often.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Hello all, Red here!

After a bit of chatting in a few discords I've decided to relaunch one of my first works here. With some minor changes to the story and some other things from the first. This RP Will be made given a few others that stated interest, the primary purpose is to see if there are those who weren't in the first part and may wish to join now.

Keep in mind this isn't a "continuation" of the previous story so much as a relaunch attempt. Welp onwards we go;

Set in modern day Ikebukuro, Japan and its surroundings, people go about their day to day business. As with most urban areas they also tend to ignore oddities, or turn a blind eye to things that aren't normal, blocking them out from view. Ikebukuro, has a rather large varity of industry, immigrants and entertainment is a prime location for these ignored oddities.

In this RP you are a normal, or maybe not so normal member of the staff for a Family Restaurant named "The Painted Shark".

Among the "Characters" is the violent, lazy, terrible working Manager with questionable after work activities, Yoriko Nishikawa. She can be trusted with setting shifts and paying on time however.. A monotonous younger sibling who dabbles in black mail and gambling, and his twin sister, who speaks with a monotone voice and has a lack of common sense. Overseeing this all is a man by name of Himajima, Kotaru who is officially the owner second to none but "his" employee. Treating the whole matter as a life and Death struggle, Kotaru carries around a suitcase of trinkets and snacks to distract his true Employer.

Given all of the Employees are part timers, most of them have hobbies, studies or other jobs to carry out during the week. In which case some problems are barely contained or could explode unto the streets once a shift is over at the very least.

To top it all off a rival chain across the street named Slammin Sushi has formed a rivalry in more ways than one with The Painted Shark. More so on a personal level with Yoriko Nishikawa. This can lead to "spies" from Slammin Sushi to visit. And even these oddities could be said to not be the most Unique of the diverse clientele.

But the rivalry doesn't end here as the Citizenry and Police tend to ignore the literal food wars that may break out at night and shady business the Managers and owners of both establishments get up to. For among the staff of both places and its clientele are members of the Yakuza and the occasional good natured soul attempting to keep the peace. Some seeking to contain the damage, others to make a profit. And yet others try to keep away from it all, heading home as quickly or possible, their own problems of concern.

Along the way the staff will have to help keep the place afloat, discover their own stories, perhaps be warry of literal worker strikes coming to pass around them. In this story of live with a bit of Chaos, just how do you fit into all of this?

So there you have it, the point of this RP is to be Slice of Live with a bit of comedy and action, story arcs will deal with not just the rivalry between the two businesses, but the intrigues and hidden history of the Nishikawa Family. Each member has a story their own. However you too will also be part of these stories and problems or issues of your PC could and will factor into the story.

Overall this is a more "casual" setting without a world ending plot or great evil in the wings. While there may be the option of fighting after hours, and the bizarre adventures of the cast to contend with at the end of the day you are still a worker trying to make a living and dealing with your own flaws, or strengths in a world all the little more mad for it.

Should you have questions, wish to talk about character ideas or would like to express and interest then drop me a line here. As I expect it to be asked, I plan to get the OOC up and running tomorrow, we may have a discord server for ooc talk if people would prefer that to a thread. From the day the OOC is up there will be a weeks period to get sheets in and for the IC to be made/posted in, my time dependant.

Thank you for visiting Customer!
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Reactions: EmperorsChosen
Sweet, I shall await the Signups
I'm definitely interested. Gonna have to figure out a character
I'm interested

Not sure boyo's role yet... But I know he gonna have a bad attitude and he'll have a bad upbringing/backstory
I have shown up
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Reactions: RedArmyShogun
OOC link moved to be more noticeable in the RP thread. Hope that helps some of you out.