Land of Aereos (Bounty Hunting/Damage System/Big Monsters)

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Neko Smasher of Iwaku's Walls
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
Online Availability
Florida Time: 5:00 PM
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Anime, Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic, Action/Adventure, and Dark. Sometimes I like to do Edgy things, but it has to be played out right to work for me.
The land of Aereos is an RP based in a fantasy dystopian world where people are trained up in magical schools to survive in the real world. Your story will not be that of young and prospering schoolgirl/boy. No, you have been thrown out into the fuckery that is Aereos. You have quickly found that work is hard to come by and that danger is ever present. Their are various clans trying to recruit either forcefully or cunningly. The magic that the world once celebrated has fused with the wildlife creating the monsters you were trained to kill and even some humans in cases. As you've explored the world you have found that the closer you get to the beasts that roam the earth the farther you are from the protection of civilization and the even closer you have come to the territory of lawlessness.

However, being the person you are. You don't care. If there is a wanted man in lawless territory you become the law, if a beast wanders into civilization you're gonna introduce him to your friend -- or two. Though, there is one thing you do care about, the one law no one escapes. It doesn't matter what race you are, your background, or even if you're human. Everyone bleeds, so don't get over your head because you might wind up dead.


Hi, I am Shiro Kiyoshi! I am an avid lover of superheroes, anime, and ninjas. I play games like Borderlands, Apex Legends, and League of Legends. My favorite animes are Sword Art Online, Rise of the Shield Hero, and Clannad. Now why is all of this important you ask? Welllllllll because it influences my entire world. I love characters that are gritty and sometimes hard to determine whether they are good or bad. This is not to say I expect the same from you, by all means add your pink haired loli that likes rainbows and unicorns because I also love to see creativity. I like to see what people do when given something which makes GMing very fun for me.

Now back to Aereos. What is it? Aereos is a world that once was a normal magical wonderland until a sudden explosion at one of seven magical shrines decimated the world. This explosion -- known as Heavenfall -- is the cause of the monsters and anarchy roaming about. Your job as a bounty hunter is to slowly acquire land for your respective schools, but aside from the monsters that plague certains hexagons of our map there are also bandits and rebel groups that have spread their influence. Your team's goal is to acquire as much land as you can and have an amazing adventure. The Big Bad Evil Guy will be determined on your own morals and how your characters (as well as you the player) see the world.

Is this expansion across the world a good thing? It brings stability and order, but at what cost? Though is that cost significant or is it just a ripple in the water? You won't know until you cast the die and try surviving against all of my lovely flying birdies of death. I should mention that our world is that of low Tier 9 characters. As I want you strong enough to take on a dragon in epic fashion, but not strong enough to just get stepped on it without being dazed or immediately made into a pancake.

This world, its important NPCs and its factions will be developed more (though they already exist) as the mechanics of the roleplay draw closer to completion and I receive more interest. At least 4 people. Excluding me.

I am currently creating a roleplay/game. The idea is that you will have full character customization from the way your abilities work visually to how you interact with the world. However, I will limit the number of abilities you have access to, how often you can use them, and the effectiveness of these abilities numbers wise. In this way you can be whatever badass you want to be -- or not be -- allowing that creativity to flow, but keeping a structure underneath the story so that their is a system keeping everything in check.

Currently I am running two systems. One is a system where there is only flat damage. You do whatever attack, but that attack will only do a certain amount of damage. I have made this system in such a way that you can adjust the damage at the cost of losing attack turns for a set amount of posts. For example;

Beefy Creatures have 250 HP, Players have 400 HP, and Bosses have 750 HP. Players in this current system have a default damage of 17.5 HP per attack. Meaning a boss dies in 11 full rounds and an above average creature/grunt/etc dies in 4 full rounds. However a player can choose to become a cannon and increase their damage by multiplying it up to three, but the multiplier of the damage determines how many posts until they can attack again. The player then decides the reason for this delay through their character sheet.

The other system is far more sandboxy;

In this second system I have set only rules.
  1. Each player has 5 points (or star) of HP and cannot excede 0 or 5 points (stars) of HP.
  2. Each player is given free reign on how their abilities work
  3. I will decide the damage/effectiveness of these abilities
  4. All characters have a level 1 speed
  5. Abilities will be assigned a post cooldown
  6. Character can make normal weapon attacks outside abilities for 1 points (or star) of damage.
The idea was to give complete freedom in how things worked and based on how an ability was described I would assign it damage effectiveness, healing effectiveness, buffs, enemy debuffs, self debuffs, damage descriptors (describing whether this is acid damage, fire damage, blunt force damage, etc.), and its cooldown. In this way you are able to create very unique interactions with the system such as an ability with DoT damage that ticked for however long before freezing an opponent or your standard lightning fast katana unsheathing attack (also known as Iaido or Iaijutsu) that does a flat damage amount. I wanted to see what a player would think up and then basically create a class tailored to their imagination.

Thoughts? Input?
I'm curious to see where this goes. More people, get in here!
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We got three so far. Just one more and we can start.
Though it I am waiting on that fourth person I am gonna go ahead and work on the extra information, character sheets, etc. Since the idea is that none of this information will really be something present you have to worry about. Like Im never going to reveal health, youre just going to be roleplaying as usual and when the fight scenes come Imma have to pull out my excel sheet and start keepin track to determine what happens.

So its a lotta BG info that I dont folks to have to wait for.
Good, good. Say, would it okay to play a pair of twin fighters who are functionally one character, stat wise? They would share a single pool of health and damage or just each have half the stats everyone else has; I would just describe a single attack as a coordinated maneuver.

I have another concept if you say no, but I thought I'd ask rather than assume.
Good, good. Say, would it okay to play a pair of twin fighters who are functionally one character, stat wise? They would share a single pool of health and damage or just each have half the stats everyone else has; I would just describe a single attack as a coordinated maneuver.

I have another concept if you say no, but I thought I'd ask rather than assume.
Never gonna say no to an idea. I handle balancing so nothing will be overpowered. Go for it.
Also figured out my damage system. Made it so epic encounters will be longer (about a page or 7 turns of battle) and smaller encounters will be easier -- only two to three turns of battle. Now this is dependent on how you guys build your characters. So beefy guys or damage heavy gals whatever is your cup of tea.

Secondly, story is officially set. Expect a post for that here sometime soon. That way you guys can start making the background for your characters and establishing them in this world.

That's all the news I got. I am uber excited for this. :3
Well, that's four people. I was working on the lore of the world so I will have that done in a sec.
Lore and Stuff
This link will take you to an additional info thread that I am currently putting info for the world in. I have three home locations you can choose for your character to have started in or be creative and figure out a different way they came up in the world. Just mind you, I haven't written it yet, but these are generally large or huge numbers of monsters. Living on your own is not very feasible in this world.
Dude I would love to play as a Raven being taken in by one of the schools...if that's a thing XD
@chaosheart13 @CoffeeCake @Zackymas @Boo Girlie BoomBoom @MYTH*


I am making a PM for each of you so that you can discuss your character sheets with me. You will soon find out why, but its because I dont want you guys knowing a bunch of information about each other. You will be limited to only what your character can actually see. Some of you will have access to abilities that bypass this depending on how you build your characters.

There is more info coming, but that is things rewarded to you based on how you make your characters. I can start the story and keep updating the lore while you guys roleplay. OOC coming soon.