Last one To Post Wins Volume 22: Fall Edition

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may I offer you a raspberry in this trying time?
Oooh raspberries
I love raspberries
Dude, I have like three jars of raspberry jam
Lol. I hate raspberries, how strange. My husband loves them, tho.
More raspberries for me
Oh hell yeah blackberries are delicious!
Blueberries are the only good berries, and only if they're guaranteed sweet (which they never are. I compare eating blueberries to playing Russian roulette, lol).
LMAO that's honestly the best way to describe eating blueberries!
Some are sweet, some are juicy, some are really tart, but you never know which you'll get until you take a bite
It drives me nuts, because I LOOOVE the sweet ones and hate the bittersour ones. My dad figures you might as well just eat handfuls, because they'll balance out, but that just makes me SAD.
blueberries are my least favorite 🤣😅

rarely are they as sweet as i like them!
I dislike the texture of blueberry skins
I like all berries
I like most berries, even the ones that aren't berries.
til a pumpkins and cucumbers are berries, and raspberry isn't a berry.
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idc for the classifications, I love them all and this reminds me of the fact that I have a whole pumpkin in my fridge that I need to finish up before the end of next week.
I actually don't like pumpkin. When it comes to pie I prefer sweet potato and I don't really eat pumpkin anything other than pie.
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