POSTING GAME Last One To Post Wins Volume 24: Still Winter 2024 Edition

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Idk I just like the word Yeet!
I'm a silly!
I ran out of things to talk about lol.
Same, I'm probably gonna head to bed in a minute
I'm playing Hades rn
Good morning!
Man, today has sucked. I woke up to like sad news and I'm just down today.
Oh no! Do you want to talk about it? It's okay if you don't!
Eh, just been bombarded with rejections in the past few days. I'm trying not to take it so personally when people don't feel like we mesh or should write together but it still affects me a lil.
I feel that! I was getting upset to the point of crying over rejections, but in the end its just rping and not everyone is gonna mesh well
It's like a minor sadness thing over it is all.
Fair, I hope you feel better ❤️
I'm over it mostly. Like yeah it sucks but whatever. I cannot control other people. I just control me, and it's not super personal.
I'm still me. It doesn't mesh and that's not my fault.

Of course everyone had room for improvement, but you shouldn't feel pressured to do so!
Idk, I'm good. I think I'm a good writer and most of my partners agree, so why stress over something so small?
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