Legends of Hylia: Conclusion of Perpetuity

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Red Thunder

A Warrior in a Garden
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, SciFi, Modern, Magical
Legends of Hylia
•Conclusion of Perpetuity•

The lands were at peace at last. They had been for the last century or so. Land disputes among minor lords, governors, or chieftains sometimes happened, on rare occasion escalating to violence, it is true. Such events were rare, with perhaps five in as many years at a time, lasting no more than a fortnight and suppressed by superiors or neighbors even more quickly in the interest of maintaining the delicate and dearly won stagnation of hostilities that the peoples of Hyrule had achieved.

It was, in fact, the Centennial Celebration of the signing of the Hylian Peace Accords that engendered this conclusion of war. The event was celebrated annually in local kingdoms and nations, to a lesser extent, but the hundred year anniversary was something to have a real party about, and the Hyrulian King Gustavus Recindus III has invited the leaders of the various kingdoms, clans, tribes, and protectorates to Hyrule City to celebrate: the Zora, Gorons, reclusive Deku, and even the xenophobic and nomadic Gerudo came, for who could miss the chance to celebrate the end of the war?.

Not only to celebrate the Final Peace, as it was known, officially, but to celebrate the apparent Final Triumph of the Goddesses over the Spirit of Evil that had so often plagued the world. It had been half a millenia, possibly longer, since the evil Ganondorf had raised his hand against the peoples of Hylia, and his defeat by the divine champions Princess Zelda and Sir Link were merely badly recorded history, quickly fading to myth and legend. The Final Peace. The Final Triumph.

And so the people celebrated. They celebrated without a care in the world. They celebrated without concern or fear. They celebrated ignorantly. They celebrated foolishly.

They unwittingly celebrated their destruction.


Good morning! This is, as I hope is obvious, am interest check for a Legend of Zelda RP. I grew up on the series, and thought I gave missed Skyward Sword, Link Between Worlds, and Breath of the Wild, I love this series deeply. Hence the RP.

This RP will concern the end of the cycle of violence perpetuated by Demise and the Goddesses against one another, and our heroes role in that end. It could very well go to dark places, a la the Shadow Temple of Ocarina of Time, so please consider that when considering whether this is for you. Similarly, though this will not be marked "mature" for reasons I'll elaborate in the expectations section, it does involved violence and war, which can be traumatizing to some folks. There will not be trigger warnings on each and every post; consider this your trigger warning.

1. All Iwaku rules must be followed.
2. While I do consider the subject matter "mature" due to violence, I am not marking this Red Star. Budding relationships and romances between characters is great, but I will not allow any Red Star material. Fade to black and take it to the DMs if you really must write that. Failure to abide by this is grounds for immediate expulsion.
3. Real Life will always, always take priority for me, concerning both myself and y'all. With everything going on right now, I don't expect people to be able to post super frequently. I do want biweekly posts, and when not possible, just reach out and let me know you'll be late or have to skip, etc.
4. Writing skills needs to be moderate to advanced. I don't expect no typos, as those are extremely easy to make and miss, but I do expect consistency of narrative. Similarly, only 3rd person, past tense. Sorry if this seems obvious, but sometimes things have to be said.
5. Interpersonal conflict between characters is great! No one, especially new acquaintances, get along perfectly. But OOC conflict will be heavily monitored. Please handle it maturely between yourselves, and involve me if you can't. But keep it private.
6. No God modding or controlling others' characters.
7. If you have suggestions, let me know! I love LoZ, but I'm no means the most knowledgeable. If you have an idea or think something doesn't quite work, let me know! I can't promise I'll adopt your idea, but coming up with them shows me you're considering the world, and I always appreciate that!
8. I'm looking for 4-8 players, as that's what I consider to be manageable.
9. Knowledge of the Legend of Zelda series is absolutely not needed, as each story in the series is basically unconnected to each other anyway and only carries over the trappings of of the world. That said, knowing the general setting will definitely help. If you've any questions, feel free to ask!

If I haven't lost you yet, then I hope you enjoyed the read! Let me know whether you're interested below, as well as questions, comments, and snide remarks.


~Red Thunder
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Kuno
Godddd FINE! LOL
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Red Thunder
Considered me interested :D
  • Thank You
Reactions: Red Thunder
Yo! I want in.
I'd be interested as well!
I am interested as well
@Elle Joyner @KatSea @Orikanyo @Chaos.Pearl @Artorias
Welcome! Thanks so much for the interest! With five people, we'll go ahead and get things rolling. I've created a Discord for questions, discussion, and the like, and I hope to have a Character Sheet thread up by Monday, as my weekend is gonna be busy. Please bear in mind, it's not going to be blanket approval.

Feel free to hop onto the Discord and say hi! And lemme know if the link expires; Discord links are not always friendly to me.

I am also interested.
Oooooh this looks interesting! Been in the mood since I started playing BotW again.
Hey listen! Are you still looking for members? I would LOVE to join!
Hey listen! Are you still looking for members? I would LOVE to join!
As yet, we're still accepting applications! Well, the CS skeleton should be up today, anyway, at which point I'll drop a deadline. But yeah! Would love to have you apply! Feel free to hop onto the Discord!
  • Like
Reactions: DekuNightFury
I may be interested as well, are you still accepting new members?
I may be interested as well, are you still accepting new members?
Sure! Applications won't be due until May 30th. In the meantime, feel free to hop onto the sign up thread and the Discord!
I want in i've been wanting to do a Zelda RP for years holy god. *wheezes*
I want in i've been wanting to do a Zelda RP for years holy god. *wheezes*
Feel free to hop onto Discord and check out the sign up thread!