Long-Term Harry Potter 1x1 (non-canon)

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  • Yes!

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Um, no...where are the canon pairings?

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Haha...too much work...

    Votes: 1 5.6%

    Votes: 6 33.3%

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Queer as Fuck
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Light Romance, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Fandoms (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel/DC)

Why, hello there! Do come in!

Alright, I'm just going to cut straight to the chase. I'm looking for someone to roleplay LONG-TERM with. I know that most of us think we plan to stay, but please think hard about whether you're willing to commit to this. That being said, I do have some requirements!

1. Please be 16+ and have some good experience in roleplaying. I may ask for a writing sample if I'm completely unfamiliar with you, but don't let this scare you off!
2. I post at least three paragraphs, and I would love it if you could match or even exceed that. However, the occasional single paragraph is okay as long as you're not leaving me wanting too much more.
3. This roleplay will require NPCs, supporting characters, and two main characters. I would truly prefer to play the female main character; however, I am willing to compromise.
4. I don't expect more than a post a week, so don't stress about that. I'm super, super patient as there will definitely be times where I'll be AWOL for a little bit due to RL business. You could not post for a month and a half and come back later, and I'll be ready to pick back up where we left off. Please do let me know if you're going to be gone for more than 10 days, though.
5. Please have a firm grasp on the English language. Occasional grammar/spelling mistakes are fine, of course, but I don't want to see your post riddled with them. Your only excuse is if you were super psyched to post back but couldn't get on a computer, so you used your phone. In that case, I'll be more lenient but still be willing to proofread. xD
6. I have some vague ideas about where I want to go with this, but I would truly like to collaborate with you on the finer details. As such, you must be willing to put in quite a bit of creative energy into this before we really get the ball rollin'.
7. For romance, I don't do smut no matter what age you are. I prefer and will probably end up requiring a MxF pairing, as that is simply my area of expertise and what I'm most comfortable with.

That's about it! It seems daunting, but I really am a lenient person. I just want someone who's willing to match me and put in the effort to make this as wonderful as possible!

Without further ado, here is my basic idea.

Before the days of Harry Potter, before the darkness of Lord Voldemort, there still stood that glorious castle of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students enter those halls with the hope of success, and they are almost sure to succeed at this prestigious school.

But...something is amiss. A darkness has overshadowed the Wizarding World. All can feel it, none can identify it. The students of Hogwarts are carefully guarded from the ominous dread befalling them all, and the newest first-years are no exception. But alas, it may very well be the students themselves who will have to fight this evil.

Prepare yourselves.

*dramatic music*
So there it is! To break it down for you, I plan this little roleplay to be pre-First Wizarding War, pre-Voldemort, pre-Dumbledore, yada yada. I'm thinking Victorian era, perhaps? This will be semi-AU, so disregard any prominent figures associated with Hogwarts during that time period. If you have any ideas about the time period, feel free to let me know! We'll also be coming up with our own source of evil, and our main characters will be starting out as adorable little first years.

My PLAN is for us to roleplay their ENTIRE Hogwarts career, possibly leading up to a climax similar to the Battle of Hogwarts (i.e. final battle against evil). This, of course, won't be a willy-nilly, skip-through-the-little-stuff type of roleplay. It will take time to come up with characters, NPCs, etc. and it will also take time to actually roleplay seven years of Hogwarts. Romance may or may not happen! If you can commit to that, great! If not, please don't message me in the hopes that I'll do this with you, as it would disappoint me greatly to even set up a little part of this and then be dropped. :*

And, for those of you hoping for some sort of canon pairing...

I mean, c'mon, it was in the title.

Also, excuse the odd formatting choices, I don't want to bother with it, and I want to make sure the important stuff is nice and noticeable. :)
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Hello, if you're still looking for a partner, I'd definitely be interested. As a roleplay, I consider myself fairly descriptive and detailed, and I greatly enjoy extremely long-term roleplays. Many of my ongoing roleplays have been going on for over a year, now and have no signs of slowing down. If interested, feel free to shoot me a PM. (:
Alright, I know I have a bluestar, and yes I saw 16+ rule, but for the love of all that you have faith in, please make an exception. I have been doing World Building RPs for the past three or four years now, and at this point I have come to love building things from the ground up. One of my best characters to date in a game went from an orphan with a stick to a wizard who plotted the downfall of tyrants (not something to brag about really, literally just had good friends in the game/community.) As well, I'd rather not have to wait a few months until April when I turn sixteen to come back and type out yet another post of interest for this (not that I wouldn't, if you make me.) I'll also mention that I have a fandom craving for the Harry Potter Universe, so it'd take a lot for me to just drop something as big as you're describing, or at least what would be as big. So, please, at least consider RPing with me, I like to think I am an exception to the age stereotype on writing ability.


(Literally the only way I could express how massively interested I am in this. PLEASE I WANT THIS SO BAD.)


You already know my capabilities to a certain degree (even though I am slow as thick maple syrup). I can do three paragraphs but it won't be consistent in length. It could be three paragraphs each with five sentences or one massive paragraph and two smaller ones. You get the gist on that one. I can show you some examples though (if it's needed). I already have several harry potter characters that I can use for this role-play, but they'll need some minor tweeking. I also have older characters that I can recycle into hogwarts characters, but that might take some more time. I can also make new characters entirely, and of course that would take me the longest to do.

I already had a vague elaboration to the concept you've given as well, so I'd love to do this with you. ; w ;
WOW. I did not expect so much interest! I've got you guys plus someone through PM. As such, I'm definitely going to have to close this one. Because I'm so interested in this, I'm willing to work with all of you. I will be asking just a couple of you for writing samples through PM since I don't even recognize your username. xD

Another great thing about being vague with a good portion of this is that the details can be unique even if the idea is recycled with five people, so I hope you guys are as excited as I am. Though Vio, you seem to plenty excited so don't cause an explosion on accident.

PMs are on the way!
I'm reopening this because of reasons. :D

To the people I'm currently collabing with, I'm going to get caught up with you guys this week. It's just been hectic with work and such.
If you were still advertising then yes I would like to place myself into that open slot. This did grab my interest quite a bit, and you seem like a nice person to be a roleplay partner with. And fun fact: on this site this would actually be my first time doing a 1x1 with someone so I would hope that I do well enough to match your standards. I do have experience playing multiple characters if need be because I can't contain myself to only having just the one ya know. And long term things are my loved speed of roleplays because it allows you to truly enjoy just what its all become at the end of things, but the journey is not to be slighted either. Whether you accept me or not its been a pleasure interacting with you.
If you're still open to a partner, I'd love to collaborate with you. I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter franchise, and the way you wanna go about this RP is extremely interesting. If you're not looking anymore, I will understand though!
If you are still looking for someone to do this with, consider me interested. Very interested. I have been looking for a non-canon HP partner for... god, ages. Everyone always wants to do canon. Shoot me a PM if you're still interested, I'm sure you'll find I meet all your requirements and have more HP knowledge than I am proud to admit.​
I'm closing this back down due to the sheer number of people I have going for this at the present time. I may reopen it should people drop. :)
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