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young, scrappy, and hungry
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
12:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. (Central)
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Historical, Modern
Welcome to my thread!

This will always be open. It's been awhile since I've done a 1x1. Anyway! I'm out of school for the summer and I decided to take the summer off of work so I'll be on a lot. I'm trying to get back into writing so a RP is usually how I start. I also want to point out that I prefer M/F or F/F.

Well I have lots of pairings I'd be interested in as well as possibly a few fandoms. I'll list genres, pairings, fandoms, and ideas I have a little more fleshed out.

Historical Fantasy
Slice of Life

Werewolf x Human
Werewolf x Vampire
Werewolf x Hunter
Werewolf x Werewolf
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Hunter
Vampire x Demon
Vampire King x Human
Demon x Human
Demon x Angel
Angel x Human
Prince x Princess
Prince x Commoner
Princess x Commoner
Dragon x Human
Pirate Captain x Estranged Wife

The Vampire Diaries
The Originals
Game of Thrones
True Blood


1. An arranged marriage between a vampire who rules a country and another person because they look like the vampire's long dead love. (I'm very iffy about starting this one because I still have an active RP going and it's one of my favorites. My partner is just very slow to respond so that's why I'm interested in starting this.)

2. This isn't an idea but this character was involved with a pirate story line and I'd like to continue something with pirates. She is a princess who is being sent off for an arranged marriage but before the marriage can happen an attempt on her life is made so the king and queen send her into hiding with pirates (who have been acting as kind of mercenaries to the crown).

3. I started watching Mercy Street (highly recommended btw) so something dealing with the civil war where perhaps two people from the opposing side have to deal with one another for whatever reason.

4. Outlander type where someone is transported back in time. I was thinking someone from our time is sent back to the French or American Revolution. They're my two favorite revolutions, well other than the revolutions of 1848 and the ones Les Mis is based off of.

5. I LOVE, LOVE the Victorian time period and the time where Pride and Prejudice is set. Can anyone tell I love history? So I'd love to do something with an arranged marriage or childhood friends becoming lovers or maybe star crossed lovers. Anything with this time period, hell it could involve zombies for all I care.

6. I used to have this 1x1 going on where it was a pirate captain and a higher class woman who were thrown into an arranged marriage to bring the families together. After a year of marriage they split and decided to go their separate ways. Five years later, their ships dock side by side and she's now one of the most ruthless captains, much to his surprise.

Welp, I actually couldn't find any of my old character threads on Figment so...I guess no characters from there. I think I may have some on here but I haven't looked in a hot minute.

Okay! That's it for me! Just drop a comment below or message me. I don't care. Thanks, loves!
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Hey there! I also love history and I would be interested in something like the 3 or 5 you described!

I think doing either a star crossed, an arranged marriage, or the childhood friends become lovers with that old era. I actually have a plot with all of these. Message me if you want to know more. But have you watched Reign?? If not, I highly enjoyed it and would recommend it!
I can go with plot 1 or 2 and have plots myself.
Still open!
I'm not much of a erm. . Modern history? Buff. I've always been into ancient history more, but the Victorian Era was always fascinating. Arranged Marriage stories are always fun, with how many different ways it can go and all. I can play either of the sexes, and love playing multiple characters.

I'm interested in playing anything ancient or fantasy! Let me know if you'd like to plot with me :)
Hey! I used to be on Figment too! Fun place but this is more active and has a lot more people so I shifted here :3 Anyway, I'd love do something with you! I like a lot of your pairings and I'm also a Game of Thrones fan :3 Is there anything specific you're craving?
I'm not much of a erm. . Modern history? Buff. I've always been into ancient history more, but the Victorian Era was always fascinating. Arranged Marriage stories are always fun, with how many different ways it can go and all. I can play either of the sexes, and love playing multiple characters.

I'm interested in playing anything ancient or fantasy! Let me know if you'd like to plot with me :)
Hey! I used to be on Figment too! Fun place but this is more active and has a lot more people so I shifted here :3 Anyway, I'd love do something with you! I like a lot of your pairings and I'm also a Game of Thrones fan :3 Is there anything specific you're craving?

Hey! Y'all can both shoot me a PM if you'd like!
Hey! I posted an idea I had but we seem to have similar interests. If you aren't too busy, check it out and let me know if you're interested!


Lillian's Link.
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