Looking for a partner in crime...a bit literally

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Horror, fantasy, romance
Well you read the title and here you are. I have a rather specific craving right now, so it get's its own search thread. I am looking for a roleplay about partners in crime. Like Bonnie and Clyde. I pretty much only play males so it would either be M// or MxF. Now, I have no problem with cursing and violence, but I don't do smut, so if you're looking for that you're looking in the wrong place.
I did something similar years ago and quite liked the whole idea of it (it died fast though), but it's been in my head for a while now. Anyway the power went out for about an hour and I was bored so I came up with a character design and most of a character sheet for one I'd like to use for this.
Now I think anything else that needs to be discussed can be done if you actually have any interest in doing this with me. So yeah knock yourself out.
Oh also here are some music videos to get you inspired
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I'm interested
So yeah, the aforementioned character is coming along nicely.
Well people show interest in this yet no roleplay has even gotten to a starting point, so still looking.
I'm intrigued, but I'd like to know a bit more- what is your preferred post length, and other than the crime subplot, what is the setting and their motivations?
I'm intrigued, but I'd like to know a bit more- what is your preferred post length, and other than the crime subplot, what is the setting and their motivations?
Alright well as far as post lengths go mine usually start out fairly long but once the roleplay gets going it evens out to about 2 paragraphs, or more if necessary. I'm flexible though. And plot wise....originally I had it in my head that the characters were a new couple, either living together or newlywed, struggling to make ends meet. So one of them suggests they use illegal means, most likely robbery, to get by. Of course once they do they get a taste for crime, like it, and it just escalates from there. It's not as much of a plot as it is a place to start really.
Alright well as far as post lengths go mine usually start out fairly long but once the roleplay gets going it evens out to about 2 paragraphs, or more if necessary. I'm flexible though. And plot wise....originally I had it in my head that the characters were a new couple, either living together or newlywed, struggling to make ends meet. So one of them suggests they use illegal means, most likely robbery, to get by. Of course once they do they get a taste for crime, like it, and it just escalates from there. It's not as much of a plot as it is a place to start really.
Okay....sounds good then! If you want to rp, go ahead and pm me and we can discuss details?