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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
what i'm looking for
  1. someone who replies weekly
  2. someone who posts a minimum of one meaty paragraph (no limit)
  3. someone who doesn't mind playing the male in a mxf romance
  4. someone who will help contribute to the plot
  5. preferably a person who enjoys talking ooc, but it's not a requirement
what you can expect
  1. weekly posts minimum
  2. contribution to the plot
  3. a realistic character with flaws and shit. ya know, a three dimensional entity
  4. memes. so many goddamn memes.
  5. someone who won't hound you for replies. seriously, i'm super chill.
what i'm looking for in terms of roleplay
  1. romance. i'm in the mood for some kind of romance
  2. i don't mind throwing in other genres such as adventure, action, suspense, angst, etc.
  3. for both of us to throw in npcs regardless of gender and orientation. i would really love diversity
  4. smut will only be involved is my partner is red star
pairings ( left are my roles )
  • - princess x knight
    - knight x knight
    - squire x knight
    - mage x knight
    - princess x enemy
    - peasant x prince
    - princess x prisoner
    - servant/maid x noble/king
    - princess x dragonkin
    - barista/bartender x anyone/anything
    - teacher x single father/mother
    - celebrity x bodyguard
    - "good" girl x "bad" boy
    - single mom x single dad
    - roommates
    - sugar baby x sugar daddy
    - dancer x boxer/fighter
    - prostitute x officer of the law
    - cheated ex x cheater ex (angsty af rp)
    - mermaid x werewolf
    - forest nymph x demon of sorts
    - demon x angel
    - elf x orc/any other specie
    - human x book character come to life
    - smth w/ greek mythology
    - any other pairings!
if interested ( mostly to skip playing 20 questions ):
  1. send me a pm with the pairing(s) you are interested in. or, with any plot you might want to throw my way.
  2. let me know what kind of character bios. whether you like them short or long, if you prefer anime, digital, or realistic images for the appearance
  3. any other questions you have for me
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