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the bat and the cat.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fandoms - From TV shows, movies, anime, and manga. Different pairings. Insane asylum. Anything that involves kidnapping. Yeah, I am strange like that.
I am up for doubling in fandoms mentioned. The characters that are listed is my request for you to play as one, and I will play a character of your choice (if doubling happens).
For original pairings: the bold role is who I want to be. If you want to be a female, we can double up in these pairings so we can appeal to each other. We can talk about this further in a message.

I rather roleplay with people 18+ even if it is not a mature role play.
If you are over 18+ please let me know right off the bat if you do not wish to indulge in mature themes, I do advertise on the red star connections so I can get confused.

Please give me at least three to four solid paragraphs with detail. I have been in a writing kick lately. Help ease my boredom.


Vampire Diaries - I have seen all eight seasons, so plot away!
Klaus, Elijah, Damon, Enzo, Jeremy

Harry Potter
Draco, Severus, Remus, Sirius

Sirius, Remus

Lord of the Rings
Haldir, Aragorn, Faramir, Legolas

Once Upon A Time
Hook, Peter Pan

Arabian Princess x King of Thieves
Gypsy x Archdeacon (Think Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Pirate x Mermaid
Prince x Servant
King x Queen's Handmaiden
Mob Boss x Jazz Singer (1920s)
Mob Boss x Rival Mob Boss' Wife
Bounty Hunter x Target

PM me if interested!
Hey there! I could play Remus for you if you like :3 I'd love it if you could possibly play Harry or Draco for me in a doubling scenario. :)
Hey there! I could play Remus for you if you like :3 I'd love it if you could possibly play Harry or Draco for me in a doubling scenario. :)

I can certainly be your Draco! Shoot me a PM. :)
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