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Goddess of Death
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Sporadic. I'm online every day, but depending on work it may be early morning or late at night.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
  2. No Preferences
Fandom for right now, or something more mature.
Hi there! I'm looking for RPs set exclusively in fandom universes, but before we get to them, here are some details for you to see if we'd mesh as partners.
  • I only RP over e-mail. I don't mind chatting OOC or plotting over IMs, though; initial contact must be over email. I won't respond to replies to this post or over IMs if we've not previously spoken.
  • I'm open to most types of pairings (including but not limited to m//, m/f, f//, canon/canon, canon/OC).
  • I'll play any gender, and I'll happily double (or more where appropriate), but please don't come to me saying you only play one gender or only play the 'bottom' character.
  • On the topic of smut, I'll admit to enjoy writing it, though it will not dominate the RP. I'm also only looking for partners who are 18+ for legal purposes. We can discuss limits and kinks when you contact me.
  • I am not looking for rapid-fire responses! I would prefer a few posts a week, and I can promise just as many in turn.
  • While I don't really write novella-style posts anymore, my posts do range from 3-6+ paragraphs per character I'm writing, and I'd ask for at least three from my partner. If that sounds like a lot for every post, then I am not the partner for you!.
  • And please, for the love of god, read through the entire ad. I will not respond to any emails that ask questions I've answered here or that link me to an ad of your own. A little respect goes a long way.
And now onto the Fandoms!


I'm mostly looking to play Oswald Cobblepot x Edward Nygma (my preference would be to play Oz, but I could be flexible with the right plot). I have no real interest in writing any of the other main characters from the series (not even for doubling purposes), though I do an OC I've been itching to ingratiate into the thick of things. I would want to include the above pairing alongside my OC who I would want to play opposite an Isabella (and give Isabella a bit more meaning and importance to the story). This probably goes without saying, but please be up-to-date on the show.


Oswald Cobblepot x Edward Nygma (I might be swayed to play Ed)
Isabella x f!OC (I want to play this pair only if we're doubling with the above pairing)

Telltale's Batman

I'm pretty open in terms of characters here; I'd most likely like to play in an AU version of it though, and I'd really prefer if you were up-to-date with the game (including Enemy Within).


Riddler x f!OC
Any canon
(Bruce, Selina, Harvey, Oswald, John Doe, etc) x OC/canon of your choice


I recently watched this series on Netflix, though you should be forewarned I've never played any of the games. If it's really important to you, I can research it on Wiki, though! I'm looking either to double here (I'll be happy with a Trevor or Alucard). Open to ideas!


Trevor x OC
Alucard x OC

**Please note that I will only double; I won't just write Trevor or Alucard for your OC.

Boys Over Flowers

I'm familiar with both the anime and the manga, though I've never seen any of the live-action adaptations. I'm looking for a Tsukasa, and will double up as literally anyone else from the series in turn.


Tsukasa x f!OC
Literally any canon
x OC/canon of your choice

Dream Daddy

I've played through everyone's routes (I've also watched Joseph's secret ending), and I'm really not looking to play canon/canon pairs. My main interests are Robert, Damien, Joseph, Craig, and/or Mary, and I'm very open to doubling here. Please note that I will only play m// with the dads.


Joseph x Dadsona
Craig x Dadsona
Robert x Dadsona
Damien x Dadsona
Canon x OC (I don't want to play canon/canon pairs here)

Life Is Strange

I just finished playing this game through for the first time and would love to set an RP in this universe! I'm open to canon/canon or canon/OC pairs, and honestly, you could ask me for just about any pair and I'd probably say yes, provided it's with a good twist.

TL;DR, examples include but are not limited to:

Max x Chloe
Max x Warren
Chloe x Rachel
Max x Kate
Victoria x Max
Jefferson x Max
Others...? Polyamory...? I'm open to ideas!

Final Fantasy X/X-2

I know the games are a little dated, but I've been replaying them recently and I'd love to play around in the universe! My preference would be canons only. I would personally love to play a post X-2 universe or an AU X, where the main characters from the second game come into play (Paine, Nooj, Gippal, Baralai) after the Den of Woe scenario. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I have no real desire to play f// pairs here. Also, I'm only looking for people who have played both games!


Tidus x Yuna
Nooj x Paine
Gippal x Rikku
Baralai x Yuna
Auron x Paine
Canon x Canon


Another dated anime, but I've been rereading some fanfic and doujin and I find myself wanting to play in the universe. I'm wanting either canon/canon or canon/OC pairs here; please be forewarned I might be a little choosy when it comes to pairs.

Sesshomaru x f!OC
Canon x OC/canon

And I think that's it? If you have any questions or any interest at all, please send me an email ;v;

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Updated; still looking!
Updated; still looking!
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