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Hey, officially set back up on here after like....okay, wow, it's been over a year.

Anyways, I'm looking to start up an RP or few with magical, monster, and/or demihuman characters.

I'm always up for romance, and am down for (but don't require!) adult content/smut/explicit scenes!

Also, I strongly prefer writing/RPing with other queer/NB writers, and I do not do cis m/f romantic plots (I was in one called The Closet for a little under a decade so I think I'm set for life lmao!). Also not into anime RPs. I love tropes/references/callbacks but I gotta go the OC route, myself!

I have a few uh...storyverses? of my own that I can sum up as

'demons are A Thing now and will give you semi random abilities/powers if you sacrifice a part of yourself'

'werewolf civil conflict because Do We Deal With Humans Or Eat Them Or Leave Them Be, Please Make Up Your Fucking Minds'

'demihumans and humanoid creatures immigrate to human cities and towns for college, pizza, and cheap shitty beer'

But if you wanna build up a different setting/story or have an idea you wanna throw down, I'm also majorly open to that as well! If this post is missing anything information-wise, lemme know and I'll edit/add-on (it's been a while!).

My general posting times will be late morning to around 2-3pm and then 11pm until...whenever I pass out, but I'm usually up pretty late. When my work schedule changes are set, I'll be editing those into this post as well.

Thanks, and can't wait to hear back!!!!
You were in a rp for 10 years? ahhh... rare breed @_@

Hi there, Wombat! Are you still searching? That storyverse about the werewolf civil conflict piqued my interest. What were you imagining for this particular story? Like, I'm sure humans would come into play somewhere, but were you looking for werewolf x human or werewolf x werewolf? Just curious. :) I may be open to something like this. I've craving cliche mythical creature rps.

Look forward to speaking with you soon. Take care!
Oh no, I meant I was literally a closeted queer person but I was in a role play that lasted in narrative writing form for 4ish years and still semi-lasted for a few after that if it counts?

But yeah I'm p much always open for RPs, especially if theyre cliche and trashy!
'demihumans and humanoid creatures immigrate to human cities and towns for college, pizza, and cheap shitty beer'

Soo, if you're still looking for a partner, I would be interested! That idea I copied and pasted is definitely something I would love to hear more about.

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