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The Broken Dreamer
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
During the week for the most part, weekends I am unavailable to make replies but I'm still around for random chatting!
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
I play mostly modern, fantasy, medieval genres. Maybe sometimes modern with a splash of supernatural elements (vampires and warlocks, witches and werewolves, oh my!)
Well, as you can see, I'm looking for some RP partners! I get some extra free time now and then, and with some of my rps having a day or two between posts, I want to find one, maybe two more to start up.

I'm not too terribly picky on my partners, except I would prefer them to be male, or someone to at least to play a male character. I only ask this because I usually like some romance in the story, if it's agreed upon, and I only do straight relationships and I'm terrible at writing as a guy.

I also expect effort. I can forgive a few spelling errors now and then because I know we are not all perfect and mistakes are just a part of life. But if they get out of hand and I can't read what is being written, then I won't be able to enjoy myself and I'll have to drop the story. Also, on terms of effort, I usually write a few paragraphs per post, and would like the same in return!

I do have limits, and we can discuss those in a PM if interested. Otherwise, I'm pretty laid back and just want some effort from my partners. I like modern, fantasy, medieval genres, with a bit of romance, drama mixed in. Heck, even a combo of like a modern fantasy deal! Also, you can look at my blog for some characters and ideas based on them. (They don't need to be exact of what I write on their bios, but close to it would be cool)

That's it! Just comment here, PM me if interested in maybe starting something up. Oh, one last thing. With romance a possibility, I much prefer to keep my partners 18+ to keep within Iwaku rules. Thanks!