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Oh hello there are you one of the young Kiasthi's that have been brought in? Well I welcome you to our academy and I hope that you enjoy and learn a lot from us during your stay. Please sit down and make yourself comfortable I will show you the academy and the layout.

Here is the academy, we are a small academy and to make sure no one finds us we make sure to stay hidden away from preying eyes. Hence the reason that students need to meet us a different location. We the staff come to pick the students up from that location before bringing them to the academy. There are several processes to make sure students are safe.

Your safety is our priority.

There are three levels, the bottom level is where most classes and school related activites occur The Common Room is placed in the bottom level as well.
In the second level is the dorms for the students as well several lounge rooms for students to enjoy.
The third level is for staff only and it is prohibited for students to enter the third level unless it is to see the principal in her office.


Level 1 - Ground Floor

The Common Room

This is the main area for students to gather and join with one another in discussions there are several dinning tables that are placed around that corner where you can see one table there are more along towards the right but hidden behind the wall in the photo. Above in that balcony (the second floor) there is a similar set up of lounges and table counters, the only difference is there is a large screen TV up there which is not placed downstairs.

The Common Room.jpg

The Hallways

Just so that you can see what the hallways look like throughout most of the academy it can be seen that there isn't too much room for students to gather and congress within them meaning that they tend to move towards their desired location during this time. Staying in the hallways creates congestion.

The Hallways.jpg

The Classrooms

Apart from some of the special classes such as Ability Training and such we tend to make our classes very open and free. Hence the reason for the lack of traditional tables and chairs placed in rows. As staff we prefer to interact with students one on one and create an environment where they can truly be their selves.

The Classroom.jpg
The Library

This is the place for students to go if they want some peace and quite and enjoy some time for their self. There are books on nearly every subject you would like and some more. Apparently there is another secret library that is filled with records on past Kiasthi and theories on the origins.

The Library.jpg

The Sun Rooms

There are several sun rooms scattered amongst all the three levels of the academy but on the first floor are the most beautiful rooms due to the scenery that can be generally be seen outside compared to the second floor.

The Sun Room.jpg

Surrounding the Academy are thick woods to make sure that no preying eyes accidentally find our precious students


Level 2 - Dorms and Social Area

The Dorms

This is the area where students sleep and enjoy time with the dorm members, the age ranges differ and not all of the members within the dorm will actually be of different grades. With four students within each room, there are not too many dorm rooms due tot he small amount of students.


There are also bathrooms within the dorms


The Lounges

Infront of the dorm rooms there are lounges for the students to enjoy and relax in. There are more than one of these lounges scattered amongst the second floor with one of them even having it's own ping pong table.


The Kitchen

For the students that enjoy their time cooking and creating tasteful masterpieces there is an area for them to cook a small meal if they want to.


The Home Movie Theatre

We know how to spoil our students, one area that is saved for mainly the weekends with weekly saturday movies for the whole academy to enjoy students have access to a home movie theatre with a selection of movies that they are able to enjoy.


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