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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


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This is the basic outline for an idea I kind of dreamed for some reason. I'd like to flesh it out with one or two people and hopefully come up with a roleplay that will last for a good long while. So, without further ado...

Character A and Character B have been recruited by a secret organisation whose purpose is to cover up and destroy supernatural beings such as demons. These two are special in some way (yet to be decided), hence their forced enlistment into the ranks. Although neither of them are overly pleased with this servitude, Character A accepts that he is at least doing good, Character B is less willing to take it lying down. He fights their handler at every turn, leading to a bizarre punishment that is unique to the organisation. Insubordination is dealt with by sending Character B to purgatory for a time, bringing him back after he has suffered enough. Unfortunately, this has an unwanted side effect. Character B is slowly losing his mind, his behaviour becoming increasingly erratic and aggressive as he gradually loses his memory. Character A sees this, not that anyone listens to him and so it is up to him to save his friend.

So, a couple more details:

Possibilities for special powers:

  • They are angel/demon/human hybrids of some sort
  • They are angels and/or demons whose memories have been erased and are trapped in human bodies
  • They were subjected to an experimental procedure as infants and left to 'mature'

Whether the two of them know each other before being taken to the organisation is up for discussion. And of course, if they do know each other it's another question as to whether they like one another.

Ideally I would like someone to play additional characters as needed, perhaps with one other named character that will appear regularly. However, this is not a deal breaker.

And finally, I'm up for any gender pairing.

I think that's about it for now guys, so let me know if you fancy it.
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