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Doctor Jax

Disease Empress
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi, Urban Fantasy, Horror

Venture into the wilds of Siam and encounter wonders never seen by Man....

So says the advert in the newspaper handed out by boys working for pennies on the hour.

Seeking workers for expedition into the unknown! Prior experience overseas preferable. Must be of sound mental and physical constitution, and good temperament. Upon completion of 10 week tour, employees liable for reward of 3,000 English pounds. If interested, send correspondence to Charles Green at...

These sorts of pleas are a dime a dozen. There seems no end of countries to plunder and explore. The blank parts of the map are filling in. There are heroisms to be found everywhere one looks.

And you need the money -- don't you?

The World
There isn't much different about the world. The year is 1898, England is still a juggernaut superpower and trade giant, and steam is the name of the game. Telegraph is the main means of communication across the sea, and letters are still delivered by hand. However, a dark undercurrent flows beneath the goings on of the world. There is war on the wind between Austria-Hungary and Russia as the Russians grow wary of the reaches of the Austro-Hungarian empire. And everyone knows, where there's war, there's crows….

That said, machinery has come a long way. There are now diggers and all-terrain vehicles, tanks and boats made for near every eventuality. War breeds necessity, and it's necessity to have good vehicles and equipment. Steamships and trains are the fastest modes of transport possible, with the fastest steamship able to go from London to New York in little under two days. However, everything runs on steam power, as the gas fields have long been abandoned after the great Egypto-Briton war, with Egypt coming out as the victor. Telegraph is still the main means of correspondence with any kind of speed, though radio waves have just been considered as a form of communication. Much of the world remains undeveloped, though China has recently become an incredibly powerful trader. To the west, America remains a rugged, untested country full of backwater populists and Indian natives, a land of opportunity -- and savagery.

The only country in Asia besides China which has not become some form of colony is Siam, the Jewel of Southeast Asia. Boasting a king styled in Western fashions, Siam remains three parts wild to each part civilized. A small country with many ocean ports, it is heavy with jungles -- and perhaps untold riches. Particularly, the medical trade has become ever more interested in the rainforest and its wealth of plants,
which are used more now than ever in different medicines. It is even rumored that there is a plant in that jungle that can even stave off the ravages of death...
The Job

There are several, actually.

At the moment, the expedition head -- Mr. Charlie Green -- is looking for:
(1) Doctor
(1) Navigator
(1) Chronicler
(1) Cook
(2) Rifleman
(1) Botanist
(2) Machinist

If further interest is garnered, these roles shall be expanded upon and explained.
The Expectation
The story has been kept slightly vague, I know. For those interested: think of this as a Lovecraft inspired "Atlantis: The Lost Empire". There will be, of course, adventure, but heavy horror elements will ensue, and if you are uncomfortable with horror or suspense elements, this may not be your cup of tea (which is perfectly fine, of course!).

I am looking at posts being actually quite short, and I hope to have things run quickly. Edit: After some feedback, this will be a slowburn RP with a posting speed of once every two weeks (or more, I'm flexible). There will be heavy involvement from me with regard to what your character will be experiencing by way of PMs. As always, I am open to questions!

I will only accept a small amount of people! This is due to story, as well as management, concerns. Therefore, applications will be necessary to reserve spots. If you have gotten this far, thank you for reading!
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So very excited for this. Best guess, when are you wanting to get this going, @Doctor Jax?
Also I'm guessing no calling dibs? XD Because I've a character in mind for the Chronicler.
I'm hoping to get this up in the next week, next weekend tops! Also -- yeah, no dibs, though it looks like there hasn't been much buzz for this one LOL.
though it looks like there hasn't been much buzz for this one LOL.
Definitely wasn't asking questions in order to just bump the thread........

Have you asked Elle about making a banner for an ad?
@Red Thunder you know that would actually be a really good idea. I've got pics already to maybe make an ad.

Also-- to people who read this far, is the posting speed a possible problem?
-raises hand- Yepperoo.
LOL yeah, after getting feedback people said the fast post speed was probably gonna be an issue. I'm thinking that it'd be okay if I dialed back post speed to being a slow burn instead.
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LOL yeah, after getting feedback people said the fast post speed was probably gonna be an issue. I'm thinking that it'd be okay if I dialed back post speed to being a slow burn instead.
So long as we're not talking more than once a week, I'm good for whatever.
I may have an unhealthy obsession with RP
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Joan
I can post daily, but more then that might be a bit much for my slow college behind;;
Nah, I had only ever planned for once a week as my baseline minimum, and I don't mind doing longer post sizes/ slower RPs. I'd been meaning to get back to my roots with a lot shorter RPs, but that can be taken care of with collabs instead. Elle's probably wanting to choke me because I haven't answered in days. :P
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Joan

If the posts are shorter, I can go faster. It seems like it's going the other way by consensus, which is ALSO FINE BY ME.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Joan
I'm an idiot for even considering joining a new RP with November just around the corner..... but what the heck. I'm in.
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Is it fair to both say I'm interested, but not necessarily placing my hat in the ring (in the vein of my possibly not being able, that is)?

Lovecraft excites me, and the notion of slow posting speeds is just about the only post rate I can manage presently. Still. I suppose it is fair to say I am, plainly, interested.
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I'm in. Let's get this thing rolling.
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Is it fair to both say I'm interested, but not necessarily placing my hat in the ring (in the vein of my possibly not being able, that is)?

Lovecraft excites me, and the notion of slow posting speeds is just about the only post rate I can manage presently. Still. I suppose it is fair to say I am, plainly, interested.

That is totally fine. This is just an interest check, after all. If you still feel like you have time/interest when the full thing is up, be my guest.
  • Thank You
Reactions: A.O. Taku
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