Lurcolm's Perma Search (MXF; FXF)

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Resident Biopunk Enthusiast
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Fantasy, magical, medieval, scifi, romance and action!


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

I fucking hate presentations.

I honest to goodness do.

*deep breath*

Name's Lurcolm, pleasure to meet you all. I want either MxF roleplays with my guy as male, or FxF roleplays because I'm trying to learn how to write as a female. I'm not doing MxM because, quite frankly, I feel too awkward doing that. Same goes with playing a female in MxF

So I've got a massive addiction for the RP, and my current roleplays aren't getting answered as quickly as I'd like, but this ain't a perfect world so Imma just have to deal with it.

Honestly speaking I'm kinda scared to post this thing, because most roleplays I'm trying to start dies rather unceremoniously. It's frustrating because I get up in the morning to post to roleplays, and to theirs I go "Meh. Not in the mood. Maybe later when I'm really desperate" while others I go "LET"S DO DIS SHIT!"

See my problem? I ain't got no middle ground.

So I'm just gonna plunk a few roleplay plots, maybe a few pairings. See what happens.

Don't comment here. Please. It triggers the thing inside me that wants everything as convenient as possible. Also I'm a private guy, I don't wanna discuss it for all to see. It doesn't matter if it's a two year old level innocent thing, i just don't like it.

And if you decide to message me? Give me a clear indication of where you found me, whether or not you wanna rp with me, and the plot that caught your interest or alternatively the plot you wanna discuss with me.

We all in understanding here?

I'm not cocky guy, which means I get discouraged by a long list of rules I have to adhere to. Following this, I'll try to keep it as short as possible (the alternative ASAP)

  1. Be nice, and I'll be nice back.
  2. I'm a needy little shit, so if I get frequent contact with you, expect me to pester you about posts. I don't expect them though, honestly I thought I was acting cute until I lost a partner for it.
  3. Posting wise.... at least three paragraphs. Three Quality paragraphs. Appearances don't count for length.
  4. I want you to actually work with me on the plot. Got ideas? Throw them at me! I'll do the same to you, or ask about details of more you're adding
  5. Take my sarcastic banter throughout this thing with a pinch of salt. I'm not usually like this, but summoning this persona helps me to actually make a good presentation
  6. Summoning this persona can be done with a circle made with the blood of an indigo pelican, a pound of dragon shit, and the tears of an action movie actor (any)
  7. The above rule is for my own amusement

Please note I'm keeping this shit purposefully vague because it inspires the partners to add to it as well. I'm not a Dungeon Master nor am I a Player Character. I want us both to contribute to this.

I seriously need to think of a better name for that. The title threatens to kill you with sheer cheese.

That's what it is though. The main premise is a lone explorer daring the fringes of space in a long and lonely trip. His only companion? The ship AI and various other goodies to keep his mind from insanity. The main thing, however, is his fully sentient AI. I really wanna do this. Expect smut though.

So I recently watched the movie Split. It talks about some convoluted Hoo-Ha involving human evolution and a supernatural being created due to someone having multiple personalities.

That hooked me in doing actual research on the subject, thanks to a nameless advisor, and I actually made a guy for it. He's got half a dozen or so personalities and I really wanna RP with him. Modern setting, otherwise shit will just get overly complicated.

Don't shy away if you have a character with multiple personalities you wanna RP with yourself! I'd play a normal guy or my guy with it myself.

Also, if you've got DID yourself, I'd like to ask you to shoot me a PM, so I can ask the nitty gritty details of your condition and make my guy better.

Hey, so not a lot to say about this one. Your character plays someone who has obsessive love over my character and my character has to deal with it


Koharu no Hibi

See that? That's a romance manga between a guy and a yandere girl. You wanna know what's the most best thing about that?

Nobody fucking dies

Because Koharu-Chan (the Yandere) isn't a homicidal killing machine. In fact Yanderes in general aren't exclusively that! Blame Future Diaries for that shit!

If you wanna do the RP without random killing, I'd be more than happy to try this.

So I've got this idea floating around in my head about a biopunk, scifi future where the Earth as a whole got conquered by an alien species, or maybe a Confederation/Union/Group of them. They favour biotechnology instead of conventional scifi stuff. This means that their assault rifles are living creatures that shoot spines and their space ships are massive living creatures that fuel themselves with their own biosphere.

Originally speaking, I wanted to make this a novel, but couldn't work up the motivation for it. The original plot was my character (The protagonist, originally) to be a standard human civilian who does some sort of job with non sentient drones hooked up to him with a primitive hive mind. (He's either got psionic abilities himself or has a symbiote that grants this attached to the neck all the way to the end of the spine)

Well my character impresses your character, some sort of alien in some sort of big rank in the empire that took earth over. So much so that she enlists my guy into her personal army/servant force/thing. You get the picture. From there we could go internal politics, galactic wars, catastrophic events (like the sun exploding because PLOT)

This is a short story attempt I had a year or so ago.

Exactly what it says on the title. Didn't really develop it that much. I'm gonna be apprehensive adding magic/scifi to this, because I'm kinda scared adding any big elements to it would ruin the romance part, and I want to romance in this one.

Yet another failed novel, this one revolves around a noble who's the black sheep of the family. Said family have a booming business in the Orc slave trade. As a result, he's grown up with a lot of Orcs, and they tend to listen to him more often than not. Originally I planned for his home city to burn to the ground because of foreign invaders and he'd go batshit and develop fire powers.

Then again we could always go the cheesy "SLAVERY ISN'T RIGHT" path and say he leads a rebellion

Also, I'm a ridiculous pervert. I would love to play this as a guy (Guy, because it would be for my own carnal pleasure then) with a very good smut writer with a harem thing. You know what's the sad part, though? Nobody's who's so good as to warrant a pure smut RP with me, has enough interest in pure smut to actually do it. We could add some story elements to it, but expect lotsa smut if you're wagging this in my face.

Let's be honest with ourselves, shall we? A lot of us, including me, really like to write a self-insert of us, but better in a way. We write out how that perfect self of us do things and everything goes right in the end.

The guy I play for this is based on my desire to feel wanted. So he's a shy, awkward idiot that fumbles with "cutesy" clumsiness. I'm not going to let him do jack shit, but he's going to be pretty meek and submissive most of the time.

Feel good with playing a character that'd fit well with him in a Feel-Good thing yourself? PM me. I'm not gonna judge.


Guess what?!

I actually accept other ideas and want to hear other plots!

Crazy, I know!


Honestly? I have no feasible way of putting every single pairing I'd ship here. So I figured out that I don't need to. I'll just explain the kind of pairings I like rather than, you know, filling your web page with a whole lot of Something x Something

So, I generally enjoy playing a male character in a lesser social class as the female

I enjoy playing a male with female characters that are too attached to the male (I'm not even gonna sugarcoat this)

I enjoy playing a female in (Insert something when you actually play enough females to reliably state such a fact)

So I found this pic incredibly inspiring. Simple as that. I'd like to do an rp playing as that steampunk/Dieselpunk thing
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Beesknees
Updated and still looking
Updated once again. I feel proud about how I fleshed this thing out.
Another Update!
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