Lux Tenebris: The First Act

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The shadow monsters were moving around out there, it infuriated Jarl'eth not knowing why or what to do about it, he almost didn't even hear Nyin and almost forgot to keep watching her. "Ignis, yes" he said with a semi-detached tone "You must have been panicked and not remembered the journey..." he half mumbled, focused on the moving shapes, hearing the screams of other Elynians in the distance.

So, other Elynians were coming here too....Jarl'eth had a spine tingling feeling that almost made him feel nauseous. He needed to get to cover. He turned away from the edge of the building as the wind began blowing. Nyin muttered something about the wind being stronger. Scanning the small roof he said
"Has to do with the temperature of the land and other factors..." he trailed off when he spotted what he was looking for. A trapdoor in the roof, leading into the building. Jarl'eth noticed Nyin's disheveled appearance as he walked by her to twist the handle in the trapdoor and gave it a swift tug to open it. What little light there was in there seemed to come from a small window.

Jarl'eth grunted. It would do. He trudged back over to Nyin and helped her up.
"Come along. We need to go inside." Supporting her so she wouldn't be knocked over by another gust or fall down the little steps, they both made their way down into the attic.
Fajra was never one to be afraid, but something was making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She heard something and turned to see a few of the cannibalistic Elynians had gotten to the roof. Cursing, she ran for the house two roofs over. While trying not to look at the ground below, Fajra jumped and just barely missed the other roof. She caught herself by grabbing the edge of the roof; however, Fajra heard the distinct sound of her shoulder popping out of socket. Fajra screamed in pain and tried to pull herself the rest of the way up. The cannibals were on the ground, throwing things at her.

With a strained cry, Fajra eventually got up onto the roof. The next building was two stories higher than the one she was currently on. Panting, she got herself amped and then started running. As she leapt, she covered her face and fell through the window with a rather unceremonious crash. She grimaced as she stood slowly and brushed the glass out of her clothing. There was blood everywhere in the room. In the corner, there was a baby's rattle with a little bit of what looked like brain matter on it. Fajra grimaced and heard screaming outside.

Hurriedly, Fajra ran out of the room and headed upstairs until she was on the top floor. Finding a door in the ceiling, she jerked it open and discovered it was an attic of sorts. She climbed up into it and shut herself inside. It was dark inside because there was no light, but for some reason that made Fajra feel more safe. Perhaps it was the thought that if she couldn't see anyone or anything, they couldn't see her either.
Magnal was still pondering the golden square on the calendar when a ruckus upstairs caught his attention. He heard the shattering of glass, hurried footfalls and the squeal of hinges as a door was wrenched open and slammed shut. Cautiously, he walked to his setilum and took it back up. He hefted it onto his shoulder and held the bow at the ready. He knew the music was enough to keep the shadow-creatures at bay, but he wondered if it was a shadow-creature at all that produced the noise.

He walked up the stairs cautiously, the wood creaking under his footsteps. He kept his fingers on the strings and his other hand gripping the bow firmly. He was going to play at the slightest sign of danger. Nothing else stirred in the house save for him and all other doors stood ajar. His light painted the walls with a dancing gold streaked with a tiny hint of crimson. It was much calmer at the moment, and Magnal's mind was still quite lucid.

He had fed well, and that kept the thirst for blood at bay. He reached the final landing and there was only one door that stood ajar and a ladder. Through the door was what seemed to be a child's room. There were shards of glass on the floor and the window certainly looked like it had seen better times. What immediately registered with Magnal was the fresh blood that led out of the room and towards the ladder.

He peered up and saw a trapdoor in the ceiling. Through the gaps in the wooden planks, he could see a strange kind of light shining. It flickered like the light of a flame, but it did not seem to be true fire. Nevertheless, he was intrigued. Slowly, he climbed the rungs of the ladder, careful to keep the setilum out of harm's reach. He pushed open the trapdoor and faced the strangest Elynian he had ever seen. She was surrounded by a halo of flames that seemed to not burn anything.

"I won't hurt you..." said Magnal immediately. He did not even realize that the blood on his face and on his arms would probably give others a different idea. "Not yet, at least" he thought. He then drew the bow across the setilum's strings and began playing a lullaby he knew well. The screams were not enough to show this Elynian the beautiful music he had composed. Just at that moment, Magnal heard heavy footsteps on the stairs, as though someone was running up.

He turned around and looked down. There was a man, and panting, he yelled up at them "Come! There is shelter beneath the house!" Outside, the sun was beginning to set and Magnal could hear a thunderous rumble in the distance. Perhaps it was in the interest of survival to go find shelter for now. He had, after all, fed already.

Corvus was in control of the flock now. It had yet to assimilate the others, but it was well on its way. The sun's light was dim enough to let the Tenebra go on the move. There had been a feast promised at Sol. It would not be good if they stayed away from it. Corvus wanted to gorge itself on light. It would give it energy to carry out the rest of its plans.

If this feast was as great as the Voids had said, then it had no quarrel with flying to Sol. Cawing once, it took off and started the flight towards Sol. Beneath him, hordes of Tenebrae washed over the land, a rapidly shrinking perimeter where the Elynians could move around. Once or twice Corvus saw the Elynians, running as fast as they could away from the wall of shadows.
In the quiet darkness, Fajra had used a cloth to make a sling to hold her injured arm in. It hurt like a bitch after she adjusted it back into place; it was after that that she heard the footsteps and the music. She stayed quiet as an odd light grew as did the music. Then she heard someone on the ladder and got her hunting blade ready. It was a man that was obviously a native of Sol; she could tell from the region's obvious characteristics.

Fajra heard the voice below speaking of a shelter. She needed to be safe when night came; the shadows seemed more violent and active at that time. "I think we should get going," she said as she warily looked at his blood-coated face. She probably didn't look much better though. "May I come with you to wherever you're going? We could help each other survive," she said in an almost desperate tone. Fajra hadn't had a companion since leaving her small village a few years ago. "I have a few weapons and instruments if that can help you at all."

With a small grimace, she inched a little closer so she could see him a bit better. She kept her injury away from the man so he couldn't use it against her. At any other time, Fajra would've called herself an idiot for being so terrified; however, in the current situation it didn't seem so implausible anymore. "M-My name is Fajra...I'm from Ignis. Who are you?"
She didn't notice the newcomer slither into the group. Cerily was more focused on the fact that she had found friends after all. When one of them finally spoke, she sighed in relief. Someone was taking charge. There was organization. The rational part of her mind felt safer already, more in control. She smiled at the speaker and answered. "From Ignis, yes." She thought for a moment before speaking again. Not all of them had the same auras, but most seemed to be from Ignis. "Where are you going?" she asked. It was an obvious question; no one would be on this path unless they were going anywhere. In fact, the way led to Sol. But she didn't fully understand why. Yes, Sol was the bastion of light, but it was bound to be overrun also. Why leave one bleak place for one even more bleak? But maybe there was something they knew that she didn't. Or maybe not. Either way, she knew she would travel with them; she craved any semblance of normality she could get, and this was her best option.

(Brain fart. >.< Need to get my gears going again, sorry.)
I glanced around at the people, though they didn't say much of anything. In fact, they looked rather downtrodden and defeated, though they certainly had a right to be. "Ah, from Ignis, my own homeland...I shudder to think of what it looks like now." I said, and moved away from the group a bit. "They've said nothing the entire walk here...It's almost as if we're complete strangers..." I said, finding lying was easier the more I did it. I have never met let alone seen these people before, and they didn't even seem to care that I slipped among them, quite poor security, really. "My name is Solai, and y-" I began, then looked to see that the sun was already setting. "Nevermind. Come with me, the city is no safer than the wilderness." I said, and grabbed the woman's arm, pulling her into the woods.
If anything, the other Elynian looked little better than Magnal, he noted. She looked just as bad as he did, or at least how bad he thought he did. He took a good long look of her and decided he would be able to take her down without much trouble anyway, should she prove to be a problem. He could always use another meal. From what he could see of her light, she looked like she would be a tasty morsel indeed.

Magnal perked up at the mention of instruments. Was this woman a musician like him? Perhaps she would see the wonderful sounds of his music as they are. Maybe she would even play with him. The prospect was tantalizing, but Magnal was careful not to get too carried away. "You're a musician?" he asked. Weapons? He had never heard of such things. "And what do you mean, weapons?"

"I am Magnal. From Sol. Come, we've little time to spare."
Another man much like the one that came for Magnal and Fajra climbed the stairs towards the attic that Jarl'eth and Nayin had entered. The survivors were sending out people to look for more survivors. Underneath the golden-paved stones of Sol, what remained of the population was making a comfortable living, save, of course, for the fear of their shadowy enemies. There was a little food, but it went a long way into preventing the people from attacking each other.

Right now, they all feared for what would happen in two days' time. It was the single most important day, the single most important celebration in Elyne, and now that it was going to happen with the Tenebrae, no one could tell what would come next.
We're safe, for now.
Jarl'eth grabbed her hand which caused her to wince in surprise at first. As soon as she realized that they were safe from the impending doom that was just about to fall upon them was when she began to relax. From the core of her body, the room was lightly lit, but the objects in the room slowly began to grow into frame. It was an art studio, someone's secret little get away before all of this had happened. Nyin could do nothing but stair with awe and walk slowly towards a painting easel and saw that it still had a canvas, ready to create a master piece. Basically on the verge of tears, she looked to the small ledge of the easel and saw a paint brush. Smiling crookedly, she placed her hands onto it's handle and began to sob lightly.

She took one good deep breath in and knelt down in front of the easle, picking up a painters tray, one with a hole so her thumb could hold the tool as it held her paint. She grazed her hand over it's surface to make the colours needed for her to paint what she wanted. For some time, she ignored the other person in the room and began working on her master piece, not bearing in mind that she didn't draw an under drawing sketch of what she was painting, nor caring for that fact either.

Before long, the image would grow clearer and clearer. It was the grand lighthouse of her homeland, Ignis, and it was slowly coming together. Nyin kept her breath silent and slow as she concentrated on her portrait, not stopping for a long time, not until she was finished.


Fajra eased herself past Magnal and onto the ground. She winced as her arm shifted in the makeshift sling. On her back, was her heavy pack. In said pack, Fajra kept her obsidia and a few plants and lava crabs. There was also a carving knife and a bow meant for large game hunting. She shifted the weight of her pack and eyes Magnal warily. The blood on his face and the gleam in his eye gave her a bad feeling, but at the moment, he was her best chance at surviving this nightmare. "It's hunting gear actually. In my settlement, we called our gear weapons. I'm pretty good with a bow and knife. I play the obsidia, what do you play?"

She looked out the shattered window and realized how close night was. Night meant darkness, and darkness meant that those things would come back. It sent a chill down her spine as she looked at the ground below the window. The cannibals were nowhere to be found. Once she got her response from Magnal, she faced him and nodded, seeing the same madness she tried to contain in his eyes. The only difference was that he wasn't even attempting to hide it. "We should get going before those things come back for seconds. You lead; I'll follow."
Issac continued his pained research of these plants, while even eating some in the process. It was risky, but it was safer than hunting, which he lacked the physical capabilities for. He groaned at the horrible tasting plants, but swallowed it anyway. He got up and started pacing. The entire world just went to hell and he just didn't want to deal with this. It would be so much easier to end his life then and there, but he was determined to see this through.

Issac dealt with the screams for a bit until he went back up the stairs to check out the window. Nothing but a couple flocks which scared Issac. He ducked silently back into the basement where he was "safe". He craved something, he craved social interaction. He just noticed how long he's been alone, hiding in basements and houses and not getting out there and helping others. He was always hesitant to do this since he was afraid of the cannibals, but he had no choice. If he stayed here he would go insane with isolation. He decided that tomorrow would be the day he would go out into the open, that is if he lives until tomorrow.
The group was mainly silent. The first one who had greeted her hadn't said anything more, presumably to let the other talk. Cerily didn't notice the slightly confused glances given his way, but they accepted him. "It... it's bad, yes," she said, letting the conflicting memories of her home wash over her; not too long ago it was a place of beauty and wonder, but now it was... a nightmare. As he spoke again, she nodded, looking at the group. They seemed like okay people. It was understandable that they wouldn't talk much, she supposed. The one talking to her was nice, though. So helpful. Solai, his name was. She nodded and just as she was about to introduce herself, he stopped his sentence. She looked to the sun to see it setting. Panic lit in her eyes. The dark, it brought out the scary things. The monsters. She shuddered and looked around frantically, almost taking off to find a hiding place out of habit and survival instinct. Suddenly, he grabbed her arm. One of the members of the group gave a confused cry, but they were already gone. "Hey!" she protested. Something was wrong. Why would he take her away from them? Safety in number, right? But he was stronger than her, and she had nothing else she could do, so she followed him. "Where are we going?"
Jarl'eth locked the attic door and turned around to see Nyin starting to busy herself with painting. She sobbed though at first, and Jarl'eth thought that he should let her have a private moment and so walked to the lone window in the attic and stared out of it. While he watched he noticed not only the shadows moving but other Elynians, a couple small groups moving around at a time. It seemed people were starting to organize, there was more hope than he had been hoping there was. He turned back from the window to look at Nyin when the sound of her paintbrush ceased.

The image was of a lighthouse, the one they had in Ignis. He had not seen it himself in person but had known of it while the city of Sol thrived. It's too bad the lighthouse was out, the shadow monsters seems to fear bright....Jarl'eth had a thought but it seemed moot, he didn't know to acquire enough light to keep them at bay. Letting out a little sigh he walked nearer Nyin
"That is a good painting." There was a pause and then he vaguely gestured to the window. "There seems to be an organized group formi-" He was interrupted by a knock on the door he had just locked, the person on the other side claimed to be part of a group searching for survivors. Letting out a little sigh, Jarl'eth realized he could only make it on his own for so long, and a group was even better than two people, himself and this scared young thing Jarl'eth spoke to Nyin, "I'm going to join this group, I'd advise you to do the same" and opened the attic door.

[dash=gold] She shouted to Jarl'eth, letting the paint brush escape her hand and fall to the floor with a sparkling splatter. Clasping his hand with both of hers, Nyin looked to him and with questioning eyes, watch him open the door to the roof from the attic. She was scared, not knowing what was on the other side of the door, didn't know if it would be one of though's shadow creatures just trying to trick them to open the door.

Nyin's tense body began to shake less when seeing the aura like glow of the person on the other side of the door as Jarl'eth pushed the trap door open. It wasn't a trap after all? she would think to her self, hiding behind Jarl'eth to keep out of the new comers field of view.

"I still know not this 'hunting gear' you speak of," Magnal mused. "Did they help you survive the long nights?" He looked at the stranger again. She was indeed strange for he had never seen one such as her. There were many that came to Sol from Ignis and Allune, but even amongst the throngs of others, never before had he come across one whose light took the shape of flames. It was a strange sight, an alluring one too.

"I play the Setilum" he said, drawing the bow across the strings and eliciting one low, sorrowful note from the instrument. "What is an obsidia?" he asked, curious. He had never heard of that instrument before. He wanted to know if it would make good music with his setilum. He noticed the girl look outside and saw that darkness was descending as well.

"Let's speak later, come." Magnal followed the man to the cellar in the basement. He was getting a bit uneasy. He wondered if he was walking into a trap. Regardless, he was powerful enough to take on a few Elynians. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

The man threw open heavy wooden doors in the basement and gestured towards the inky blackness between them. "After you," he said. Magnal raised an eyebrow but walked towards the doors anyway. He stepped through them and in a moment of confusion and disorientation, found himself sliding down through pitch darkness. The only light that was there was his own, and even then the darkness was so absolute, his radiant light was extremely dimmed. The journey took twists and turns, but it was always downwards. He could only hope that it would end soon.

His hopes were answered when in the distance, by his feet, he saw a perfectly circular hole that let light through. It grew as he approached it and he found himself hurtling through the air. Fortunately, there was a pile of cushions that softened his landing. It didn't make it any better, though. When he got up, Magnal marveled at the sight before him. There was a city below Sol. It was not as nice, the houses and roads hewn from pale rock.

But it seemed able to serve its purpose. A few windows flickered with the light of other Elynians that had taken up residence in some of the homes. Above the city, the rock was carved out into a high vaulted ceiling. Around the city, in an almost perfect circle was a near-vertical face of carved rock. Looking back, Magnal noticed that the large opening he had exited was one of many around the circumference of the underground city.

A few Elynians came to him with water and towels. "There's little, but we try to be as comfortable as possible... At least until the battle begins," said one of them.

"Battle?" he asked them.

"We don't really understand the concept either... but they say we'll be able to drive the shadows away with it."


"You'll meet them later."
"We're going to my compound in the woods. There is food, shelter, weapons...Things from history books and things friends taught me to do." I said, pulling the girl faster through the ever darkening woods. I thought it best not to mention the alliance I had with the Shades just yet, but I made a note to tell her of them before we got the entire way. " We'll be in darkness, no light, just us and the three i live with, total silence, nothing to attract the tenebre like the beacon that Sol has become...believe it or not, light is death now." I said, only half believing the words coming out of my own mouth. The sun was nearly set, and it would be easy for the tenerbre to move around now, and it was time I warned the girl I had taken with me. "There's something you must friends are Shades I've made an alliance with. I feed them, they protect me, and no, I don't feed them Elynians, I feed them from my own energy. " I said, grabbing tighter and expecting her to run off. "It is very important that you not scream, the Shades will protect us from other tenerbre, and will be able to siphon of our extra light so that we cannot be seen. This is the deal I have with them, none of us go hungry." I said, waiting for her reaction while continuing to run.
Issac looked out the window. He wasted this day. The sun was setting and he had yet to go out. The tenebrae would soon be out and he was still isolated. What could he do about it? This was so much stress. He just threw his back against a wall and slid down on it. He curled into a ball, crying his eyes out. This was just so crazy and he couldn't take it much longer. He cried for a bit longer until he just shut up, weary of all the tenebrae who will be about soon.
Sharv raced across the forest ground, his form speeding between brush and trunk. He felt adrenaline course through his smoky body, feeding him with more and more energy, his senses on edge as he flickered his attention to everything in his path. The night was a cool one, and relatively calm in comparison to the scream-filled nights that had been the last few. Sharv knew there were others nearby, but they were all of a single mind and purpose: To get to this "Sol" as soon as possible for the feast. They didn't have time to fight amongst each other and, even if they did, it paled in comparison to an all you can eat buffet of light. The mere thought made his body shake with excitement. The night's air only amplified his excited energy, until he was in a near frenzy, speeding over tree roots on his way to this town.

He had had to wait til night, lest he be found by any Elynians. Sharv hated that he had to be so careful. There was no freedom here, even if his kind seemed to have the advantage. It's not like he would attack on sight, nor kill anyone. He couldn't help that he needed to feed off of them, it was just a matter of fact, one he couldn't control. If only they could understand, maybe then he could work out a way to trade for some of their light. But the language barrier, as well as the fear that the other Tenebra had instilled in them made this nigh impossible. So he had no choice but to act out of character, to attack and steal their light for himself. He hated it, but survival was paramount above all else. Even he knew this.

Sharv knew not how long it took to get to Sol, only the general direction. He slowed into a more manageable pace, now that his energy had died down, and worked his way through the woods. If he could just go in the same direction as everyone else, he'd get there for sure. It also helped that, in areas of higher altitude, one could see the light in the distance on the horizon, as if a way to readjust one's path should it have strayed. The city of Sol, a beacon of light that called creatures of both the day and the night. Sharv at that moment found it amusing that the same light that made these Elynians feel safe was the same light that attracted the Tenebra. But how could they know that what kept them safe doomed them?
As they followed the odd man from Sol, Fajra explained to Magnal in hushed tones what hunting gear was. In Ignis, their prairies were often overpopulated by wildlife, so to make sure all the species were sustained, some people from Ignis hunted or killed a few of the animals. She also explained that this helped the ecosystem thrive, and she even let him observe the pelt of a lava rat, also called a yellow-bellied prairie dog.

When they finally arrived at the cellar, Fajra was immediately wary. Why were there no others here? Wouldn't they be on guard and watching out for any kind of cannibal or shadow? Her question was answered when Magnal suddenly disappeared. She tried to run, but the man pushed her down backwards which no doubt made her trip down a bit more strenuous. When she landed in the underground cornucopia, she landed on her shoulder, making her yell out sharply before rolling the weight over.

Fajra stood with a grunt and heard the phrase "war" from a man speaking to Magnal. She approached them cautiously and looked around at the underground city. For a place that should've been dark, it was filled with a light that came off of everything. Even the air seemed to have some kind of light in it. It was an amazing sight to behold, one worthy of a grand and majestic orchestral piece. Fajra began to conduct something against her leg quietly.

"Where should we go?" she asked no one in particular. "Is there a leader, or is this simply a band of people like those up above?" she wondered. The ones above were destined for doom whether they believed it or not. Strength wasn't in numbers in that case when they were up against things such as shadows.

"Come, we must be quick. If they see us, we doom everyone" said the stranger to Jarl'eth and Nyin. "Be fast!" he snapped, and ran down the stairs as silently but as quickly as possible. Outside the darkness was beginning to set in and before long, the Tenebrae would be able to roam freely, no longer at risk from the light of the sun. The man led Jarl'eth and Nyin to the basement and threw open the heavyset wooden doors.

First he grabbed Jarl'eth by the arm and pushed him into the darkness, but not before the other Elynian resisted. "I assure you, this is not a trap, just a precaution," said the man, managing to get Jarl'eth past the doors. He was quite quickly removed from sight. He grabbed Nyin next and knowing he was probably much stronger, was gentle, but still firm in pushing her down the slide. Looking around, wary of anything that moved, he grabbed the inner handles of the doors and jumped down, shutting them behind him. With that, there were two more who would live for a few more days at the very least.

In a rather unfortunate turn of events, Issac was alone in a basement as the sun was setting and he happened to be sitting not many feet away from a secret exit from the underground city. Fortunately for him, there was a final wave of scouts that were looking for survivors and with a tremendous grating of stone, a square of the rough stone floor not too far to his right suddenly rose and slipped to the side. Out stepped a Radiant Elynian who held his hand out to Issac after replacing the stone.

"Come. There's shelter where I came from."
Jarl'eth had his reservations about going with the man, and was even more reluctant about being pushed down a dark chute into unknown darkness. He felt a moment of stupidity and severe self criticism. How could he just come with this unknown man into such a simple trap. The end of the slide came into sight and Jarl'eth hit the stone floor with a roll and jumped up to his feet, his stone knife in his hand ready to fight off whoever he expected to ambush him.

What he saw though instead he could not believe. A whole city beneath the one he had loved and labored in his experiments to improve, how could she have kept a secret like this from him? It explained some anomalies in some results he had calculated before. Still with the knife in hand he walked forward. The city looked old and the buildings, maybe houses, he could see were of more practical make than the ones on the surface. He looked upward where he saw a dome spanning the distance across the diameter of a very tall cylindrical wall. It made him think about where the light was coming from and as he looked around he noticed the stone all around him was pale and when he stepped closer to a wall it grew bright. Very interesting.

Jarl'eth was brought from his pondering by the sound of some one else sliding down the hidden slide.
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