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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Beast of Ashes
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Historic Medieval, Supernatural, Horror, Survival, and Romance.

Fair greetings and hello everyone, and welcome. My name is Mournithra, but I wouldn't mind one bit if you'd rather call me Mourn or Paden (my actual name) if it suits you better. Thank you for stopping by and perusing this little thread of mine. Admittedly it's been awhile, so if there is anything which I had left out and you're curious about please ask. I won't bite, unless you ask me to.​

A little about me.

-I'm a 26 year old guy who works the night shift doing floor maintenance at a factory. Not all that exciting, but it's mostly quiet (socially at least) and I've always been a nocturnal person which makes it a win for me. As a fair warning, my hours are a bit strange, and I might not be able to post to you more than once a day at the very least. That's just for the simple fact we might miss each other, and not for any lack of motivation. Although if anything was to come up where I might miss a day or a few, you can be sure I will let you know. Unless I've become deathly sick or something like that, but will be sure to attempt to let you know my status as soon as I could.

-I've had a love/hate relationship with writing since I was 9. Adapting inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen R. Donaldson and others as I grew. So my writing style tends to be dense, poetic, and have an overall darker tone. I favor themes of horror and of fantasy, and am more at home in settings which these themes reign. I have been broadening my craft and I do try at my had at different styles. So I am always open to try new themes or lighter content.

-I'm an absolute sucker for romances however. I'm a hopeless romantic after all, so it fits. I crave to have romance to be a strong theme whether upon the surface or below it in our roleplays. I strongly prefer having smut naturally occur just as though a organic relationship would develop in all of my roleplays. I'm explict, and I do not fade to black. Whenever it comes to the balance of Smut and Plot, I tend to desire a healthy temperance. Using various elements to keep the story thriving and verdant with growth instead of allowing it to grow stale. Sometimes however I may crave more plot in a story, while other times I may crave more smut in another. This depends on the flow, the nature and the theme of the story itself, as well as to the cravings of my partner.

-My main character's tend to always be male. I am most comfortable fitting under their skin and am confidently at my best playing as a straight male character. My NPC's however I am wildly varied with as there in my Npc's I do my experimenting and expanding my repertoire (to add, I always eventually double). Thus I prefer partnering with a straight female main character. I also tend to write in third person, and use high quality artwork as portraits for my character's appearance. If requested I could write in first person, or use either a more anime-ish or a real-life picture if that is your preference.

-Despite my polite way of speaking, I'm honestly really chill. You'll find me to be very understanding and very patient. I'm a southern gent with a big ol' heart, so it'll be a pleasure meeting you. Once I get relaxed and warmed up to you, I'll find a way past my introversion and carry on with just about anything.

-I have 8 years of roleplaying experience in both written and tabletop mediums. I avidly love both Dungeons and Dragons and World of Darkness. Many of my techniques for writing and character development I learned from reading/writing and doing written roleplays goes into my tabletop games, and vice versa. Ah man, I can honestly talk about D&D, WoD and roleplay stuff from dusk till dawn...


Now it's onto a bitter drink, the Rules.

-Literary concerns. Don't provide scarce content. My muse enjoys dining on juicy, meaty substance. Starving my muse will lead to the roleplay's death. I myself strive to post out 3-4 paragraphs minimum. I'd prefer a roleplayer having a writing skill of Adept or higher who is eagerly willing to equally devote towards the roleplay. I have a heart, so I won't put you down or won't be turned off if you happen to make mistakes. I know I'm guilty of making mistakes too. So I encourage you to not stress over it and just relax and have fun!

-Concerns of character courtesy. Mary & Gary Sues, god modding and cross character control I'd strongly rather not see. Let us express our explicit permission and talk about things first, for the instances of NPCs, time jumping, and any other event which would be important to the roleplay.

-Concerns of Communication. I strongly encourage communication during the course of our roleplays. Not only does a healthy leyline of communication informs each other of extensive and sometimes sudden absences, but too does it keeps ideas flowing from both ends. Enticing our muses with succulent scents to come. Not to mention I just like chatting with my partners.

Also on note, I'm looking only for our roleplaying medium to be done through PMs, and our OCC kept separate from the roleplay in some form.

-Requests of the Self. I ask that you be at least 18 years of age, be female, please don't be rude, be ready to roleplay for the long term, and be willing to indulge roleplaying mature content. Most importantly, and this has to be the One greatest, utterly vital rule I have. Are you ready for it? I don't know if you are, honestly… Here it goes… Ready? Mkay. You sure? Alright. Its that you gotta have a good time.

Finally onto nirvana, My Cravings.​


Firstly will be listed pairings I desire, with the bold the character I would prefer where as a pairing with both bold being one which I don't mind playing one or the other. Following will be a series of plot ideas I'm craving for, of which largely was copied and pasted from my ancient post, with some few added. Any with a (*) to (****) is which I currently crave and just how thirsty I am for them (spolier warning, all of my plot cravings I am particularly thirsty for). For avoiding redundancy, I do not include potential pairings with what I have included under plot ideas.​


*Prince x Princess

***Prince x Maid

*Knight x Princess

**Knight x Squire

*Demon x Demon

**Demon x Fallen/Angel

**Fallen/Angel x Human

***Superhero x Villain

***Unicorn x Maiden

**Fae/Fairy x Human

**Human x Neko

**Furry x Furry

***Master x Slave/Pet

*Teacher/Tutor x Student

**Long-time Friends

***Good Girl x Bad Boy

*Popular x Unpopular



-Plot Cravings

***One I've always yearned to do is something concerning the loveable professions of Assassins and Rogues/Thieves. Whether or not we are a pair of 'freelancers' (working together or against), or we are both apart of a Guild/Brotherhood; it would be complete with violence, espionage and other dastardly subtle arts. Conflicts could include strife with competition, with each other (after all betrayal is in our nature), an organization from the outside trying to take down the Guild from within, or the Guild being caught up in a all out 'war' with other forces (like entirely separate rival Guilds), or the small section of the law either corrupt on its own terms or actually pure and unstoppable enough to go straight for our throats, or contracted to systematically tear down a government/kingdom. Too, is the match up between an Assassin and their intended target. Since more professional Assassin's take an extended amount of time to learn about their Target, even taking lengths to get close to their Target, the Target and Assassin my unwittingly be falling for the other.

****Another is being a Dragon. Most of my ideas for plot are a collection of inspirations, but are none the less something I'd want to try out. Ranging from a character of yours being a dragonslayer, to being a dragonrider, a princess, to even another dragon. There are other things which are more plot based; like the world currently being dominated by tyrannical dragons and a rebellion is on the rise aided by myself, or working through the plot from both sides of the opposing forces as different characters. Another is quite the opposite (sorta) with dragons being driven to extinction, which wouldn't be necessarily a bad thing or really a good thing for the world at large, but it would be for my own character. Those are really just a few starting ideas that I am not at all limited to (as the same can be said really for all of this).

****I would really want to play as a pack of werewolves. Sorta like Dragons, I can't get enough of them. Us being in the same pack would be preferred with the conflict of inner tribe strifes and outer forces; but really anything can be fine. This includes Alpha and Omega dynamics, as well as plots to involve a feud between the Werewolves and silver-wielding Hunters. Or just a regular human getting unknowingly involved with a werewolf, whether or not the human was at first a unwitting victim to the prowling predator, or a friend or a lover with a feral secret. There is too the possibility of a clash between the classic trope of Vampires and Werewolves colliding in blood frenzied passion. Too, as an alternative I would prefer roleplaying as a wolfwere who are wolves which change into man rather than the vice versa for werewolves.

***A setting which I've always longed for has been a Viking themed one. It could range from more gritty and realistic to more fantastical with a fantasy backdrop and mysticism holding real power. Whether or not your character is a slave, or our character's are warriors in arms, or apart of separate clans as part of an arranged marriage, or perhaps they live more simple lives in a harsh world.

*****Here I will list two creatures whom are flavorfully the same as 'incarnates of temptation' which I crave to play out. The Incubus and the Vampire. There are too many plot possibilities to list, but the general theme of them would involve my character as either an Incubus or a Vampire would approach yours, bearing the fruits of temptation. Depending on the setting and the story, they may come under a guise, or be forward with what they are from the very beginning. But always they will be suave and domineering. The other theme of plot possibilities comes from not so much as exalting temptation, but of a more 'Master/Slave' dynamic.

*****Speaking of temptations and of forbidden fruits, this comes into my next plot craving. Incestal romance. One of my only few exceptions to playing a possible slice of life. The two pairings out of this type of theme are a Brother x Sister, or a Father x Daughter. I am also alright with the less incestal 'step-relations' alternative. I'm open however to any other pairings involving incest. My only caveat is for our characters to have had a previous history together (even if small), and for us to work out the bare minimum of that past together for their to be context. If anyhow a incestous romance could be tied up in any other plot idea or pairing I have listed, then by all means I'll go for it.

*****Riding upon those same erotic waves, I crave also either a Harem or a love triangle. Choosing to undertake this craving of mine, you would need to have double as at least two of the ladies after my character's heart. Other than that, the craving is fairly straight forward, but not diminished in desire.

***This one I had a idea a long time ago (before I've ever played or even heard of the Tabletop Game Midnight which sounds virtually the same as this), but its one where the great big baddie wins over the good guys in a fantasy world. All of the world is under Its tyranny, and entire cities are made to toil over these colossal, vile machines imbued and powered by blood magic in order to siphon the life from the earth. Our characters would be in these slave/butchering fields and end up trying to escape, but where to? A warning, the world I had envisioned for this is extremely dark and violent.

***Similar to the above world and plot, but our characters in this roleplay would be stranded (through some means) in a nightmarish plane of existence like either the Underworld, the Shadow Plane, the Ethereal Plane, Twilight, the Abyss/Hell, or another place that's entirely alien and horrific. There is lots can be done with this one. It would be interesting having characters from different time periods, or from different dimensions themselves; or even one or both of us playing as a 'native' to this hellish land, working with the stranded to either genuinely help them find their way back home, or want to keep them around for their own means (like for instance, sacrificing the stranded would make a permanent gate for these natives to escape into other worlds). What world exactly you would want to do would be up to what you would feel comfortable with and want to explore. Definitely would want to work with true madness in this one, but if you don't want it then just let me know.

****Playing within a either Drow/Dark Elf, or a Elven community. If there was two environments I wouldn't mind playing a fantasy 'slice of life', it would be these. All the darker toned political intrigue, backbiting and depraved acts of villainy under one vast cavern roof: and or lush elegance, hearts verdant with passion and love of arts and beauty, and a fierce resolve to see their own people and homeland preserved. Roleplaying as any part of their societies, from the lowest slave, to rangers that daily track across the boundaries for intruders, to being apart of raiding parties pillaging other folk, to the highest of their nobilities and anything inbetween the lines that can be imagined. Within these one it would be really awesome to play sorta a magical academy spin to it, but that's just another bit of frosting overflowing from this pie.

***A magical academy is another plot idea I wish to delve in. There is a plethora of inspirations and potential pairings to come out of this, so let our imaginations run wild with this one! But this one would be another I wouldn't mind playing a fantasy 'slice of life' with. To include here is the unusual pairing between a mage and their familiar.

***Alright, now that is over, my next and one of my last is playing as a ghost. I'd wouldn't be adverse to a pairing with a medium or a ghost whisperer. But the thing with playing as a ghost that I'd want to work with is on the afterlife and on the tragedy of loss. Perhaps we are a pair of lost souls that helps either other survive the afterlife or helps each other let go to whatever is anchoring them behind. Or one of us is the guy/girl that the other was ripped away from. Or perhaps we'd want revenge for whatever happened to us, or that we are just angry of how unfair it was. Maybe even we passed on and we are living out our days in the Underworld after we work through passing on.

Thank you all for taking the time in reading my thread. I look forward for us making beautiful stories together, and in meeting you. I hope you have a wonderful day!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Iona
Before someone else tries to scoop it up, I'm going to say I'm interested in the dragon role play as well as the Assassin/Thief idea. I'd be happy to speak more over PMs if you'd like.
Gosh there's a lot of really good ideas in here. I'm not sure what to pick from it all; though I suppose I should tell you a couple things about myself first? Ummm. Yeah. Here goes.. well... everything.

  • I am a 20 year old Canadian of the female sex; she/her or they/them pronouns please and thank you
  • Given that, I actually don't have a lot of experience writing sex scenes (role plays rarely get that far because people poof). I enjoy reading erotica fiction, but I have a lot to work on in the writing aspect of it.
  • Typically my characters are submissive in nature - even when they're hardcover badass killing machines; it only takes a firm hand to bring out their nature
  • Sometimes I flake for a day or two - never more than a week - because of personal issues, or I'm taking care of my husband.
  • As for you working the night shift, that's perfect because I'm also quite the night owl. I tend to stay up late, wake up every couple hours, and sleep mostly during the day.
I'm not sure what else you'd want to know; but you can always ask. I have a lot or original plots that line up with your interests too; and I love to double. Umm. .. anyway. Just shoot me a PM if you're interested ^~^
*pokes head in* Uhmmm So I would really interested in the Unicorn x Maiden and possibly also the Superhero and Villain~

Also omg yes to the werewolf plot idea! I personally have been a sucker for werewolf romances I have to admit if we were to do one of these three I put my vote in doing this the werewolf plot. I am happy to go play as part of the pack or a human getting involved with the pack. I think both would be interesting~

Uhm I guess some little things you should know
~ I am still working on writing sex scenes, I have to admit I am not quite confident with them so my characters tend to be submissive because of this. But I have to practice to be able to get better at it XD
~ I live in Australia and I have terrible sleeping patterns so haha like you said we will probably miss ourselves more often than we will like. But I am used to RPing with others like this ^^:;

Anyway shoot me a PM or whatever if you are interested ^^
Hey, I would be super interested in role playing with you. I am interested most in Prince x Maid or your Teacher x Student.
I hope to hear from you!
Well, I'd be interested in the brother x sister incest. For context we could mash it up with one of the first three pairings list. Prince/maid or Knight/princess could be a bastard half sibling situation. I also like teacher x student pairings.
If you're still looking for role play partners, I'm really interested in several of your ideas!
First off, I'd like to say that I like to write in long paragraphs (3-4 at the very least) and want to go in depth with the plot and characters, regardless of which we would use. I plan on posting at least once every other day, but it will most likely be even more frequent than that.

I love your Prince x Maid idea! I think we could really make it interesting! Maybe even mix in the assassin idea and make the maid an undercover assassin sent to kill the prince.

I'd also like to try something with a vampire too. I could play a vampire hunter of some kind.

The good girl x bad boy could be fun too!
I would be most interested in the wolfwere plot since I've never truly thought about how it could be the other way around. The Master & Slave/Pet would be quite interesting as well as the Exes. I have plenty ideas to bounce around and I'm quite the avid roleplayer who would really enjoy a long-term one-on-one partner. This account is new, but I have been roleplaying for almost 5 years and after a small break I am excited to jump back into it! I'd love to tell you more about me in the PMs.
Hey I sent you a private message hopefully it sent but I would love to do a werewolf roleplay with you. I've been searching for a very descriptive partner and I hope you respond and maybe we can come together and see exactly what you would want in the werewolf roleplay.

Fair greetings and hello everyone, and welcome. My name is Mournithra, but I wouldn't mind one bit if you'd rather call me Mourn or Paden (my actual name) if it suits you better. Thank you for stopping by and perusing this little thread of mine. Admittedly it's been awhile, so if there is anything which I had left out and you're curious about please ask. I won't bite, unless you ask me to.​

A little about me.

-I'm a 26 year old guy who works the night shift doing floor maintenance at a factory. Not all that exciting, but it's mostly quiet (socially at least) and I've always been a nocturnal person which makes it a win for me. As a fair warning, my hours are a bit strange, and I might not be able to post to you more than once a day at the very least. That's just for the simple fact we might miss each other, and not for any lack of motivation. Although if anything was to come up where I might miss a day or a few, you can be sure I will let you know. Unless I've become deathly sick or something like that, but will be sure to attempt to let you know my status as soon as I could.

-I've had a love/hate relationship with writing since I was 9. Adapting inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen R. Donaldson and others as I grew. So my writing style tends to be dense, poetic, and have an overall darker tone. I favor themes of horror and of fantasy, and am more at home in settings which these themes reign. I have been broadening my craft and I do try at my had at different styles. So I am always open to try new themes or lighter content.

-I'm an absolute sucker for romances however. I'm a hopeless romantic after all, so it fits. I crave to have romance to be a strong theme whether upon the surface or below it in our roleplays. I strongly prefer having smut naturally occur just as though a organic relationship would develop in all of my roleplays. I'm explict, and I do not fade to black. Whenever it comes to the balance of Smut and Plot, I tend to desire a healthy temperance. Using various elements to keep the story thriving and verdant with growth instead of allowing it to grow stale. Sometimes however I may crave more plot in a story, while other times I may crave more smut in another. This depends on the flow, the nature and the theme of the story itself, as well as to the cravings of my partner.

-My main character's tend to always be male. I am most comfortable fitting under their skin and am confidently at my best playing as a straight male character. My NPC's however I am wildly varied with as there in my Npc's I do my experimenting and expanding my repertoire (to add, I always eventually double). Thus I prefer partnering with a straight female main character. I also tend to write in third person, and use high quality artwork as portraits for my character's appearance. If requested I could write in first person, or use either a more anime-ish or a real-life picture if that is your preference.

-Despite my polite way of speaking, I'm honestly really chill. You'll find me to be very understanding and very patient. I'm a southern gent with a big ol' heart, so it'll be a pleasure meeting you. Once I get relaxed and warmed up to you, I'll find a way past my introversion and carry on with just about anything.

-I have 8 years of roleplaying experience in both written and tabletop mediums. I avidly love both Dungeons and Dragons and World of Darkness. Many of my techniques for writing and character development I learned from reading/writing and doing written roleplays goes into my tabletop games, and vice versa. Ah man, I can honestly talk about D&D, WoD and roleplay stuff from dusk till dawn...


Now it's onto a bitter drink, the Rules.

-Literary concerns. Don't provide scarce content. My muse enjoys dining on juicy, meaty substance. Starving my muse will lead to the roleplay's death. I myself strive to post out 3-4 paragraphs minimum. I'd prefer a roleplayer having a writing skill of Adept or higher who is eagerly willing to equally devote towards the roleplay. I have a heart, so I won't put you down or won't be turned off if you happen to make mistakes. I know I'm guilty of making mistakes too. So I encourage you to not stress over it and just relax and have fun!

-Concerns of character courtesy. Mary & Gary Sues, god modding and cross character control I'd strongly rather not see. Let us express our explicit permission and talk about things first, for the instances of NPCs, time jumping, and any other event which would be important to the roleplay.

-Concerns of Communication. I strongly encourage communication during the course of our roleplays. Not only does a healthy leyline of communication informs each other of extensive and sometimes sudden absences, but too does it keeps ideas flowing from both ends. Enticing our muses with succulent scents to come. Not to mention I just like chatting with my partners.

Also on note, I'm looking only for our roleplaying medium to be done through PMs, and our OCC kept separate from the roleplay in some form.

-Requests of the Self. I ask that you be at least 18 years of age, be female, please don't be rude, be ready to roleplay for the long term, and be willing to indulge roleplaying mature content. Most importantly, and this has to be the One greatest, utterly vital rule I have. Are you ready for it? I don't know if you are, honestly… Here it goes… Ready? Mkay. You sure? Alright. Its that you gotta have a good time.

Finally onto nirvana, My Cravings.​


Firstly will be listed pairings I desire, with the bold the character I would prefer where as a pairing with both bold being one which I don't mind playing one or the other. Following will be a series of plot ideas I'm craving for, of which largely was copied and pasted from my ancient post, with some few added. Any with a (*) to (****) is which I currently crave and just how thirsty I am for them (spolier warning, all of my plot cravings I am particularly thirsty for). For avoiding redundancy, I do not include potential pairings with what I have included under plot ideas.​


*Prince x Princess

***Prince x Maid

*Knight x Princess

**Knight x Squire

*Demon x Demon

**Demon x Fallen/Angel

**Fallen/Angel x Human

***Superhero x Villain

***Unicorn x Maiden

**Fae/Fairy x Human

**Human x Neko

**Furry x Furry

***Master x Slave/Pet

*Teacher/Tutor x Student

**Long-time Friends

***Good Girl x Bad Boy

*Popular x Unpopular



-Plot Cravings

***One I've always yearned to do is something concerning the loveable professions of Assassins and Rogues/Thieves. Whether or not we are a pair of 'freelancers' (working together or against), or we are both apart of a Guild/Brotherhood; it would be complete with violence, espionage and other dastardly subtle arts. Conflicts could include strife with competition, with each other (after all betrayal is in our nature), an organization from the outside trying to take down the Guild from within, or the Guild being caught up in a all out 'war' with other forces (like entirely separate rival Guilds), or the small section of the law either corrupt on its own terms or actually pure and unstoppable enough to go straight for our throats, or contracted to systematically tear down a government/kingdom. Too, is the match up between an Assassin and their intended target. Since more professional Assassin's take an extended amount of time to learn about their Target, even taking lengths to get close to their Target, the Target and Assassin my unwittingly be falling for the other.

****Another is being a Dragon. Most of my ideas for plot are a collection of inspirations, but are none the less something I'd want to try out. Ranging from a character of yours being a dragonslayer, to being a dragonrider, a princess, to even another dragon. There are other things which are more plot based; like the world currently being dominated by tyrannical dragons and a rebellion is on the rise aided by myself, or working through the plot from both sides of the opposing forces as different characters. Another is quite the opposite (sorta) with dragons being driven to extinction, which wouldn't be necessarily a bad thing or really a good thing for the world at large, but it would be for my own character. Those are really just a few starting ideas that I am not at all limited to (as the same can be said really for all of this).

****I would really want to play as a pack of werewolves. Sorta like Dragons, I can't get enough of them. Us being in the same pack would be preferred with the conflict of inner tribe strifes and outer forces; but really anything can be fine. This includes Alpha and Omega dynamics, as well as plots to involve a feud between the Werewolves and silver-wielding Hunters. Or just a regular human getting unknowingly involved with a werewolf, whether or not the human was at first a unwitting victim to the prowling predator, or a friend or a lover with a feral secret. There is too the possibility of a clash between the classic trope of Vampires and Werewolves colliding in blood frenzied passion. Too, as an alternative I would prefer roleplaying as a wolfwere who are wolves which change into man rather than the vice versa for werewolves.

***A setting which I've always longed for has been a Viking themed one. It could range from more gritty and realistic to more fantastical with a fantasy backdrop and mysticism holding real power. Whether or not your character is a slave, or our character's are warriors in arms, or apart of separate clans as part of an arranged marriage, or perhaps they live more simple lives in a harsh world.

*****Here I will list two creatures whom are flavorfully the same as 'incarnates of temptation' which I crave to play out. The Incubus and the Vampire. There are too many plot possibilities to list, but the general theme of them would involve my character as either an Incubus or a Vampire would approach yours, bearing the fruits of temptation. Depending on the setting and the story, they may come under a guise, or be forward with what they are from the very beginning. But always they will be suave and domineering. The other theme of plot possibilities comes from not so much as exalting temptation, but of a more 'Master/Slave' dynamic.

*****Speaking of temptations and of forbidden fruits, this comes into my next plot craving. Incestal romance. One of my only few exceptions to playing a possible slice of life. The two pairings out of this type of theme are a Brother x Sister, or a Father x Daughter. I am also alright with the less incestal 'step-relations' alternative. I'm open however to any other pairings involving incest. My only caveat is for our characters to have had a previous history together (even if small), and for us to work out the bare minimum of that past together for their to be context. If anyhow a incestous romance could be tied up in any other plot idea or pairing I have listed, then by all means I'll go for it.

*****Riding upon those same erotic waves, I crave also either a Harem or a love triangle. Choosing to undertake this craving of mine, you would need to have double as at least two of the ladies after my character's heart. Other than that, the craving is fairly straight forward, but not diminished in desire.

***This one I had a idea a long time ago (before I've ever played or even heard of the Tabletop Game Midnight which sounds virtually the same as this), but its one where the great big baddie wins over the good guys in a fantasy world. All of the world is under Its tyranny, and entire cities are made to toil over these colossal, vile machines imbued and powered by blood magic in order to siphon the life from the earth. Our characters would be in these slave/butchering fields and end up trying to escape, but where to? A warning, the world I had envisioned for this is extremely dark and violent.

***Similar to the above world and plot, but our characters in this roleplay would be stranded (through some means) in a nightmarish plane of existence like either the Underworld, the Shadow Plane, the Ethereal Plane, Twilight, the Abyss/Hell, or another place that's entirely alien and horrific. There is lots can be done with this one. It would be interesting having characters from different time periods, or from different dimensions themselves; or even one or both of us playing as a 'native' to this hellish land, working with the stranded to either genuinely help them find their way back home, or want to keep them around for their own means (like for instance, sacrificing the stranded would make a permanent gate for these natives to escape into other worlds). What world exactly you would want to do would be up to what you would feel comfortable with and want to explore. Definitely would want to work with true madness in this one, but if you don't want it then just let me know.

****Playing within a either Drow/Dark Elf, or a Elven community. If there was two environments I wouldn't mind playing a fantasy 'slice of life', it would be these. All the darker toned political intrigue, backbiting and depraved acts of villainy under one vast cavern roof: and or lush elegance, hearts verdant with passion and love of arts and beauty, and a fierce resolve to see their own people and homeland preserved. Roleplaying as any part of their societies, from the lowest slave, to rangers that daily track across the boundaries for intruders, to being apart of raiding parties pillaging other folk, to the highest of their nobilities and anything inbetween the lines that can be imagined. Within these one it would be really awesome to play sorta a magical academy spin to it, but that's just another bit of frosting overflowing from this pie.

***A magical academy is another plot idea I wish to delve in. There is a plethora of inspirations and potential pairings to come out of this, so let our imaginations run wild with this one! But this one would be another I wouldn't mind playing a fantasy 'slice of life' with. To include here is the unusual pairing between a mage and their familiar.

***Alright, now that is over, my next and one of my last is playing as a ghost. I'd wouldn't be adverse to a pairing with a medium or a ghost whisperer. But the thing with playing as a ghost that I'd want to work with is on the afterlife and on the tragedy of loss. Perhaps we are a pair of lost souls that helps either other survive the afterlife or helps each other let go to whatever is anchoring them behind. Or one of us is the guy/girl that the other was ripped away from. Or perhaps we'd want revenge for whatever happened to us, or that we are just angry of how unfair it was. Maybe even we passed on and we are living out our days in the Underworld after we work through passing on.

Thank you all for taking the time in reading my thread. I look forward for us making beautiful stories together, and in meeting you. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Excuse me if you don't have to many roleplays already may I roleplay with you cause you have so many ideas that I could never think of. If it is not to much already can we do the MasterxSlave/pet one?
Still looking~
Hi! I saw that you were still looking and was wondering if you wanted to do the long time friends rp. I have some ideas for what we can do with that. Feel free to pm me to discuss the details or if you want to know more about me and my role playing style.
Wow okay. I totally wanna do one of these with you. I like your assassin plot a whole lot, like way a lot but I'm also super fond of your dragon idea and would enjoy doing either of these with you. I don't have a character for the dragon but I can make one easily. (I even had an idea you might be tempted to try) but that aside I do have a character for the assassin one as well. Either way if you're still seeking I very much want to RP with you. (Because tbh you're just the type of person I've been looking for to RP with)
I have a one on one roleplay idea that I really think you might like. Is it cool to send you the link?