Man Made Gods OOC-Signups open as of 09/14/2021

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Always tired
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
12am EST Mon-Fri. All day Sat-Sun
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi. I'm partial to Modern day fantasy as well.
If you are interested, you're free to post character sheets here. All that you need is under the 'Character Building and Expectations' tab.

In Character

When we first huddled around fires in caves, hoping against hope to fight off what lay in the dark, we told stories. They were simple then. Small, pointless. Stories of strange animals, of wandering spirits. We did not understand the world, and so did our best to make sense of it.

How poetic then that those things that lived in the dark needed us to make sense of the world.

It's not known where they come from. It is not known why they're here. Their answers are vague, and some say even they don't know. It matters not. What was once unknown became bound itself to our words, our dreams and perceptions. They had no form until we gave them form. They had no purpose until given purpose.

They needed us. They still need us. There exists in the Human mind the capacity to find shape in the shapeless. And so when given shape, they were given power. And when given power, they sought to gift it to us in return.

And so began an exchange borne from fear, but slowly edged out by simple curiosity. They saw us, strange and fleeting. And they learned from us. Kindness, clemency, and valor. Our Warriors of old, our Heroes long written down. You've heard the tales, haven't you? Of men that could strike down a thousand foes in a single blow. Glorious figures that defended weak from evil. From Monsters.

Monsters, yes. Because they learned from us. They learned greed and avarice. They learned hatred.

You see, Good can exist without Evil. That it can't is a lie borne of our inability to admit fault. And it was because of that inability that they who embraced Evil would never question its existence.

Human History took its natural course. The great wars, the crusades. The trials and burnings. Suddenly, suddenly. They had no place in our world. Evil, we called them. Monsters, we called them. Creatures of our own design. Beings who were but a reflection of our will.

They saw this. They believed this. Somehow, they believed us. And they started to disappear. Retreating into the forests and seas. They confined themselves to temples long forgotten, letting the world pass them by.

And eventually belief in them died out. We had no need for monsters, spirits, or even Gods. All lay forgotten in the annals of History collecting dust, and Daemons were right there with them.

Just like everyone else, you found yourself trapped in the hellscape of late stage Capitalism. Everything costs more money than you have, and since you're not a Trust Fund Baby, the future isn't looking too bright.

You could have accepted it. Submitted yourself to the slow grind of day-to-day life. If you played smart you might even carve out a passable existence. One of countless niches filled by people like you.

But that never happened, did it?

Maybe you saw a flyer slapped on some wall out of thousands in the city. Maybe you'd seen them on television. Standing rank and file, gleaming as if they'd stepped out of the page of a fairy tale. Most likely, you'd seen the massive tower looming at the edge of the city, and wondered what kind of asshole ruins a skyline like that. Whatever the case, the gaze of Apex Implementations was hard to escape. Always sitting just at the edge of your sight in the most annoying fashion possible.

Getting in the door wasn't difficult. If you passed the interviews, and the written and physical assessments, you were in. They did training on site too, and the pay was better than everywhere else in the city. Thing was, that was only on the outer limits of HQ. A massive wall circled the perimeter, and it was behind it that the real benefits lie. They didn't let just anyone past those gates; it was obvious. They gave those hopefuls who ranked higher than the rest a shot. Although it was rumored that Apex would take on people who seemed to possess some unseen potential, not obvious to everyone else. Whatever the case, what they were doing at the center of the campus worked. And it set the employees inside the wall far from the ones outside of it.

Most were content to remain outside the wall. Getting placed at various office buildings all over the city. Watching rows of monitors night after night. You could get paid a real livable wage for very little effort.

But is that what you wanted? Sitting in the shadow of that massive wall, content in your own mediocrity? Weren't you just a little curious? Maybe getting to wear a suit of armor didn't pull you in. But the astronomical rate of pay, and the chance to actually do something had a serious draw. At the very least, you'd get the chance to travel a bit. It was certainly better than the alternative.

Naturally job openings were scarce at Apex, and they preferred to list them en masse, rather than one at a time. And so when the doors opened once more, you found yourself in a crowd of hopefuls. Most hoping to simply land a cushy spot outside the wall. There were a notable few that wanted to go beyond it, however. Whatever the reason, it drew these people to those gates and what lay behind them.

Perhaps that desire showed plainly on them during examinations. And perhaps it showed plainly on you, too. Because weeks later, when it seemed sure that you wouldn't be getting a call back, you did.

It was strange. There was no discussion of whether you passed. Where you'd be placed, if at all. Only directions to make your way to a nondescript building outside the wall. Odd, and a little suspicious. But you showed up, one more addition to a small group of equally confused people.

That wall loomed over you, and the towers behind it loomed higher still. What lay behind? What lay at the very top?

You didn't know, but as the door to the building swung open, it was clear that you were about to find out.

You've made it this far, so you must be interested! Or you're looking for the tl;dr. I don't blame you.

'Man Made Gods' has gone through a number of changes over the years, but the core concept remains the same.

A "five minutes into the future" setting, supernatural creatures of unknown origins roam the world, always avoiding the human eye if they can. The Daemons take on a slew of forms and possess powers unheard of. So naturally, an international arms dealer started collecting them.

Amassing power is the primary goal of Apex Implementations. But for slightly less questionable reasons beyond not wanting to pay taxes. Daemons vary in power as much as they vary in form, and some of them are incredibly powerful. Too powerful. Apocalyptic event kinds of powerful. An obvious problem that Apex wants to solve without scaring the hell out of the general public. Daemons are the key to this. Through them, the world can be saved. But they need help. And that's where Handlers come in.

More importantly, that's where your character comes in.

Be it for money, power, or the need to do what's right. Your character stands as one of many Handlers committed to protecting Human life from all threats. Be they supernatural, or all too familiar. With a Daemon at their side, a Handler comes to understand the meaning of power. And to understand what it means to be a monster.

There are a few things you'll have to do if you're interested in throwing your hat into the ring.

-This is a setting for 2-5 players. I am open to more depending on certain conditions.

- There is an info dump, but god forbid I make you read it all. The only real required reading is the Daemon Physiology section, which has a tl;dr at the top. and the Power Types section as that's integral to well...your power. I'd also highly suggest skimming the different daemon phenotypes, but honestly, I can inform you what you're working with there. That said, your daemon's threat level starts at A-class. A-class daemons typically range from the size of an average human to about the size of a draft horse. You can find all of this under the Daemons tab.

Both Links have the exact same information, it's just formatted differently.
Google Docs Version For if you don't have/want to log into a Microsoft Account. Lot's of scrolling.
Microsoft One Note Version Better condensed. Need a Microsoft Account.

-All characters are new hires at Apex. They've all been gathered for an orientation of sorts. But they have no previous history with the actual company. Other than that, their employment history can be what you like.

- All characters will be given a Daemon upon their employment. You still have to list them on your profile, however.

- The standard that got your character accepted into Apex is something unseen to everyone else but them. Your character's skills in combat and firearms training can range from novice to expert. They still should be in good physical condition, given the requirements of the job. Everything else they can learn, but feel free to consider skills that would be helpful to your teammates and daemon.

-The human profile should contain the following.

name: first and last. nicknames optional.
Place of residence:
They're a Handler by default. But feel free to choose a secondary specialization from the 'jobs at apex' page on the infodump linked above. Except for Templars. Those are more of a narrative tool.
End goals: optional

-The daemon profile should contain the following.
For narrative reasons, this will be 'a' by default.
Major power type: pick one.
Minor power type: pick one.
Powers and skills: a brief description of the powers the daemon utilizes and the skills they lend to a handler.

-Don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm always excited to info dump, and if it makes the process easier for you, I'm glad to be of help!

-I work full time and so I cannot post multiple times a day. Posts on weekdays will come after 12am EST. The story will move at the pace determined by general involvement, but I will inform everyone of changes ooc.

-I expect a minimum of 1 post a week.

-This is a medium level to advanced rp. 2-3 paragraphs at minimum. I'm willing to give wiggle room on that based on how the plot is progressing though. Literacy is expected, but I'm not going to ream you for a few grammatical errors.

-If you intend to drop out, please say so. I seriously won't mind. I can simply shelve your character and open recruitment back up.

Name: Nikhil Bhattacharya
Age: 34
Occupation: Head of Research and Development. Apex Implementations.
Place of Residence: Studio Apartment within the Business District.


Nikhil is a soft-spoken man and is not one to be overly emotional. He does, however, tend to ramble on excitedly when speaking about his points of interest, and will easily talk the ear off of anyone that will listen. Nikhil's research into Daemons and all corresponding technology keeps him very busy and he often has little time for socializing. Though he is well mannered and polite, Nikhil can be overwhelmingly blunt to the point of rudeness. Despite this, or because of it he is well respected among his peers. His candor allows for an efficient work place as he'll waste no time in dancing around issues. Something of great importance when dealing with dangerous supernatural entities.

A brilliant Mechanical Engineer and self-proclaimed Daemon enthusiast, Nikhil Bhattacharya heads the Research and Development division of Apex Implementations. Despite being responsible for a great many technological advancements concerning Daemons, Nikhil shows a degree of humility that seems out of place for a man in his position. Nikhil is brusque, but not impatient. And he understands the importance of what Apex does. To prepare for the future, one must be willing to teach as well as learn. Things impossible if one's own ego is in the way.

Nikhil is not a combatant by his own choice, though when he was first hired Lorette did stress the importance of learning the ins and outs of self defense given the nature of his work. Even if he is not the most athletic person, Nikhil has attained a mastery of Channeling that is unmatched. Perhaps due to his endless hours of research, and in part due to his dedication of delving into every mystery Daemons have to offer up. His Resonance is very high, and a few have gone on record to express their relief at Nikhil's desire to be left to his studies overriding any other ambitions. Should the man ever turn on his peers, there are few who boast the strength to stand against him.


Nikhil was not always an employee of Apex Implementations, and at one point even worked for one of their competitors. Word of the man's work reached Lorette and she grew interested. A fresh MIT graduate, the young man was making breakthroughs that made his older contemporaries envious. The CEO of Apex was always on the lookout for fresh talent, and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the young man would be an asset of the highest magnitude.

But she also knew that a man such as Nikhil would not be swayed by offers of more money, or a large lab. No, he would need more. In addition to Engineering, the man had a deep interest in the subject of Metaphysics. Something that explored ideas beyond the tangible world. And Apex had proof of such a thing. Just as well given that Nikhil was prone to a certain sense of mysticism, making him an oddity in the scientific community.

Calling a meeting with him under the premise of hiring him on as a consultant for another project, Lorette revealed to the young man the existence of Daemons. She demonstrated their power and knowledge of things no living human could know.

Nikhil's interest in them was both immediate and all-consuming. Sensing an opportunity to delve into one of the greatest mysteries ever set before Humankind and attain knowledge unheard of, Nikhil resigned from his current position and immediately signed on with Apex Implementations. The power offered by Daemons intrigued the man greatly, and he saw within Lorette the opportunity to be at the forefront of any of Humanity's advancements made in that regard.

While Lorette might have been enthralled with Nikhil's work and enthusiasm, her Chief of Security was not and he openly questioned where Nikhil's loyalties might lay. His brilliance was obvious and Richard knew full well how much of an asset the man would be to Lorette, but he also wondered if one day Nikhil might betray her in turn as he was so quick to leave his last employer without a backward glance.

Nikhil swore to Lorette that all he desired was to continue to hopefully usher in a new age of technology through the study of Daemons, seeing this as the single greatest opportunity that he would ever receive in his life. Swearing lifelong fealty to Lorette and that he had no desire to work anywhere else, Nikhil has remained with Apex ever since, always under the watchful eye of Richard

The Engineer dove into his new work immediately and with newfound vigor. Under his direction, the R&D Department has flourished, and Nikhil has made great strides in the field of Daemon Technologies. He is responsible for the advancements that allow for the scanning and containment of Daemons, technology that is becoming more and more necessary with each passing day. With the help of his Daemon partner Eson, Nikhil has delved into the sea of mysteries that surround Daemonkind and strives every day to delve ever deeper. His enthusiasm on the matter is always a note of concern for the Chief of Security, however, and Richard worries that Nikhil would go so far as to sell his own soul if it meant uncovering every secret that Daemons hold.

Name: Eson
Phenotype: Shen-Humanoid
Class: S
Major Powers: Spatial Manipulation-Cognitive Altering
Minor Power: Invocation


An oddity even by the standards of Daemons, Eson is known to be both infuriatingly vague and prone to overwhelming others with mountains of information at the same time. Like Nikhil, Eson is remarkably brilliant and seeks knowledge unheard of before.

Eson is like most Daemons in that their interactions with Humanity were shrouded in a certain Spirituality. The Daemon has been called everything from a Devil to a God, and makes no distinction. Humans simply give names to that which they do not understand and the Daemon doesn't hold that against them.

Despite their intellect, Eson never tires of Human media. They are especially fond of Dramas, and despite each revelation being as plain as day the Daemon watches eagerly. According to them, it's not the secrets being spilled that engage them, it's the chaos that always follows.

Like Nikhil, Eson does not engage in combat often and devotes their time to study and research alongside their Human partner, only fighting to garner information used to further the pair's study on the capabilities of Daemons in general. In battle, Eson uses their many limbs to grapple opponents and deflect strikes, but prefers to manipulate the gravitational force and pull of all things to harm opponents. If it is within Eson's sight, the Daemon will see it condensed to almost nothing or flung into the distance. A danger when they're surrounded by inanimate objects to use as weapons. And outright lethal when used on the human body.

Eson also has the uncanny ability to peer into the future, though the skill is not as straightforward as many would think. They can see many futures. Hundreds, thousands. Some good, some bad. Fate goes where it will and we are ushered along. Lending this power to Nikhil the pair will peer into the dark to observe the threads of fate and attempt to choose the best possible future based on current events.

In combat Nikhil will utilize this sight and choose the most probable future to react accordingly to based on his opponent's current state and actions.

When they are not manifesting a physical form Eson will retreat into a simple Tungsten ring that Nikhil wears on his right hand.
Name: Audrey Kinniard
Age: 26
Occupation: Lancer. Apex implementations.
Place of Residence: The Gym, bro.


Hot-Blooded and unyielding, Audrey Kinnaird is a force to be reckoned with on and off the battlefield. The woman's crass manner is abrasive to many, but those that truly know her speak highly of her loyalty and unwavering conviction. Audrey is significantly more casual in manner and behavior than her coworkers, often not bothering with honorifics or titles, much to the chagrin of her superiors. This makes her quite popular with others in her rank however, and the woman is always glad to make new friends.

While loud to talk and quick to boast, Audrey is not a rash individual by any means. Though she believes that actions always speak louder than words, Audrey is never one to punch first and ask questions later. Preferring an easygoing approach to all interactions, the woman would prefer to get a read on a person before making a snap judgement.

A practitioner of several Martial Arts, Audrey is a Lancer of unquestionable skill. Her fighting instinct is the woman's greatest boon and her body often reacts before her mind can catch up. This extends to her Channeling, and the woman is able to utilize Sanzir's flame as easily as if it were second nature. The bond she shares with the bold Daemon is indeed her greatest asset in battle, and with his ever burning flames Audrey lashes out with hands and feet wreathed in fire.

Instinct can only get one so far, and while neither a fool nor incompetent, Audrey isn't big on thinking too hard about things that don't interest her. She preforms the clerical aspects of her job as well as expected of her, and nothing beyond that. Time spent filling out paperwork could be time spent training, and Audrey is quick to say so whenever a new stack finds its way to her desk.

Audrey is quick to state that she is nothing special, and indeed her life was fairly standard for a woman of her age. Previous to her employment with Apex, Audrey was an amateur MMA Fighter and possessed some skill. However it wasn't quite enough to get her the recognition she desired, much less a sponsorship. In addition, the woman desired more from her fights. She had no desire to cause people undue harm, but there came a time when Audrey seriously questioned if her strength was being put to good use.

The answer came in the form of an ad for Apex Implementations. She'd seen them on TV all the time, and beyond a basic interest in their tendency to dress like Knights, she ignored them. In her small, and admittedly dingy apartment, Audrey was struck by a sudden desire to join those gleaming ranks. Perhaps she was caught up in a grand fantasy, an escape from her less that brilliant life. But it was something. It was better than where she was.

The application process was arduous, and had she not possessed any hand to hand combat skill, Audrey was positive that she'd never have been hired. However hers was a skill borne of years of practice, and didn't develop overnight and Apex recognized that. It would take less time to teach the woman how to shoot.

She wasn't sure what prompted it, or when it started. But Audrey garnered a certain notice from her superiors that went beyond mere interest in her talents. The woman had something that Apex could use, and Audrey had no idea just what it was.

Rather than tell her, Lorette decided to hurl the woman headfirst into a situation out of a nightmare. Audrey was a woman of instinct, that much was clear. It became time to see if the Daemon clinging to her was too.

While patrolling the lower levels during a night shift, Audrey was set upon by a monstrosity she could have never imagined. A Daemon loose in the halls. In truth it was no danger to her, merely a test of her resolve and it had no intention to hurt her. But Audrey didn't know that.

Rather than run, Audrey pushed through her shock and threw herself forward into what she assumed would be her last fight.

In a sense it was. It was her last fight as a regular person. And her first battle as a Handler.

Sanzir's flames manifested before she'd even closed the gap and together they assaulted the Daemon. Once more shock suffused her, but it was of a more subdued form. The Daemon's presence was somehow familiar to her and Audrey felt as if its power was an extension of her own skill.

The Daemon fled, and the pair pursued. They rounded a corner and almost slammed right into Lorette. The enigmatic CEO seemed utterly unphased by what was happening. Something further confirmed by the Daemon who'd assaulted her sitting calmly at Lorette's side. Audrey knew immediately she'd been setup and with no prompting punched her employer square in the face.

Lorette, nose streaming blood admitted that she deserved it in full. And without missing a beat asked Audrey if she wanted a promotion.

Looking up at the large bird at her side, the pair shrugged and agreed. They didn't have anything else going on.

Name: Sanzir
Phenotype: Mythological-Phoenix
Class: A
Major Power: Invocation
Minor Power: Physical Augmentation

Sanzir, much like Audrey is very friendly and they are quite empathetic to others. A chatterbox to the core, the large bird will talk to anyone and everyone, regardless of if they're listening or not. Sanzir is best described as a 'creature driven by emotion' and they feel very strongly about many things.

Never one to do anything halfway, Sanzir fully believes that if one gives all that they are, others will do so in return. This is very well illustrated in their personal bond with their Human partner. Sanzir understands Audrey in a way no one else can and vice versa. They play best off of each other's feelings in the midst of battle, and such is their connection that Sanzir does not require verbal commands or even gestures to understand what Audrey requires of them.

The truest representation of a Phoenix, Sanzir's flames are ever burning. Capable of reducing his foes to ash with a beat of his mighty wings, the Daemon shares this burning might with Audrey, allowing her to call upon his flames and make previously normal unarmed strikes lethal.

Despite spouting flames near constantly in battle, Sanzir heavily prefers to use his body in combat in a rough mimicry of Audrey's own skills. Working in sync with his Handler, Sanzir will kick at foes with razor talons, and each of his Handler's punches is accompanied by a sharpened beak.

When they are not manifesting their physical form, Sanzir retreats into a tattoo on Audrey's back that depicts a Phoenix with wings outstretched.
Name: Lorette Lècuyer
Age: 53
Occupation: CEO of Apex Implementations.
Place of Residence: As far as everyone that knows her is aware, she sleeps under her desk.


Fiercely ambitious and dangerously cunning, Lorette at first glance seems to be rigid in her bearing and possessing a rather cool demeanor. Not a stretch of the imagination given the nature of her work. The upper echelons of society spares no room for weakness, and the woman has taken great pains to forge a prickly armor to deter would be usurpers. Past outward glances Lorette is in actuality, surprisingly pleasant and enjoys speaking openly with any that would ask for her time. In spite of her unscrupulous morals, Lorette believes fully in the potential of others and takes great pains to nurture that potential to the fullest in all that serve under her. Anyone can refine themselves into something greater if they have the drive to do so, and Lorette would rather that potential be brought to fruition rather than wasted.

Of course, that is to her own benefit more than anyone else's. Good talent free of an exorbitant price tag is incredibly hard to find in the Corporate Sector, and Lorette has refined the sort of perception needed to spot it among the shuffling masses. Potential not in her hands is potential wasted in her own opinion, and she has no interest in seeing it in someone else's grasp. Predictably, the woman has little patience and fewer words for anyone she deems worthless.

Nothing worthwhile has ever been earned through haste, and Lorette embodies this in her seemingly boundless patience. She approaches tasks and decision making carefully, not wanting to worsen things with misguided actions. This in turn makes her frustratingly slow to act in some cases. Though she can act with unsurprising alacrity should lives be on the line.

That limitless patience, however, hides a deep-rooted vindictiveness within the woman. All slights, no matter how small, are committed to Lorette's memory. Never forgotten and allowed to fester within her heart. She weighs each crime, internally compiling a list of offenses for one and all. The higher the count grows, the harder Lorette works against her foes.

Despite her particularly ruthless methods of dealing with anyone that's crossed her, Lorette is an incredibly honest and dependable individual. Good customer service is the crux of good buisness, and Lorette takes great pains to ensure that everyone with the money to spare gets exactly what they pay for. This is a matter of pride, more than altruism, however. Lorette isn't in the habit of half assing anything lest her competence be brought into question. Such discipline makes her a nightmare for her foes and that honesty can lead to scathing words, but Lorette understands the virtue of teamwork and can be counted upon in even the most dire of situations.

Never one to shirk duty, the woman finds a lack of drive to be a great offense. Sitting around and waiting for Life or Death to do its thing doesn't sit right with her.


How Lorette came to acquire Apex Implementations is crouched in both mystery and conjecture. Before taking the helm as the corporation's CEO, Apex had been a family owned business since the day of its inception. At some point before his death, the aging CEO David Buckley saw to it that all of the Company holdings and assets were turned over to Lorette the current CEO of the smaller Private Security Company, Waylight Security. In the process he passed over his four children, leaving them angry and confused. But none more so than his eldest son, Harlan Buckley. The ensuing legal battle was incredibly ugly, but Lorette never once faltered and was ultimately victorious.

Legally, the acquisition was airtight, and despite their digging, the Buckley family could not find a single loose end. On paper, all it seemed was that one CEO had passed his assets off to a qualified candidate within the same business as him.

Behind closed doors, the rumors only flew.

Lorette was both a stranger and an outsider. And never before had she been observed doing business with David Buckley. Her appearance around the time of his death and subsequently absconding with his business was a severe point of contention. Lorette was presumed everything from the dead man's Mistress to his Illegitimate Daughter and whatever could possibly lie between. Her silence on the matter only served to infuriate the Buckley Family even more.

And yet despite all this Apex Implementations only continued to grow and flourish under Lorette's guidance and remains a major force within the Corporate sector. Lorette's own company, Waylight Security is now the main subsidiary and has become the Security force within Apex while the business branches out into other avenues. David Buckley's family had long since grown silent, but some wonder if they might return again. David's eldest son Harlan swore that he would one day take back from Lorette what she'd stolen. Thus far he has yet to act on that promise.

Lorette met Tasosael over 20 years ago while on a business trip to China. It is currently unknown what transpired between the two of them while she was there as both refuse to speak on the matter, but an accord was met and the Daemon has not left her side ever since.

Name: Tasosael
Phenotype: Shen-Leonine Humanoid
Class: S
Major Power Type: Invocation-Physical Augmentation
Minor Power Type: Cognitive Altering

It is currently unknown how old Tasosael is, but he is suspected to have existed prior to the birth of Abrahamic religion. The Daemon's form is reminiscent of a snarling Gargoyle, invoking fear in his foes and inspiring courage in his allies. His head, adorned by a magnificent mane of platinum fur always seems to be touched by a shifting breeze. His is a grand and noble visage, and the Daemon has a demeanor to match

Tasosael has witnessed firsthand, the greatness that Humanity is capable of and believes that it far exceeds their faults. However he feels Humans misguided and detached from the greatness inherent within them. The Daemon believes that this detachment is what leads to Human selfishness. If individual Humans cannot see their own worth, how can they see the worth in others? Humans must then, be led onto a path that will deliver them to this greatness, though the Daemon is not so naive to believe that they will go willingly. Bloodshed is inevitable, but the sorrowful price of change.

While a great lover of combat, Tasosael believes that unless it is for the sake of protection, fighting is a sport that should inspire zeal in all who participate. To bring one's strength to bear against a worthy opponent is one of life's greatest pleasures, and Tasosael will become broody if not allowed to fight in what he deems to be a thrilling battle.

Maintaining one's appearance is integral to a valorous image, and Tasosael takes great pains to keep himself well groomed. He prefers, however, when Lorette brushes his mane for him.

As a master of the Gale , Tasosael's winds herald great change, and greater destruction. Lorette is capable of channeling this power to tremendous effect. Divine winds are brought to bear to lash at foes, act as a howling shield from projectiles and can even be used for increased mobility. It is not unheard of for Lorette to throw herself from great heights, and utilize conjured air pressure to cushion her fall. Unsurprisingly, it stresses everyone out. To avoid the headache, Tasosael will carry the woman and fly her to were she needs to go.

Tasosael doesn't merely look the part of a Lion. Great fangs, and mighty claws rend foes as if they were paper. His size belies astounding grace, a power that allows Lorette to move far more agilely than a woman her age should.

The Daemon's noble roar is enough to frighten friend and foe alike into action, lest they find themselves on the receiving end of his ire. Lorette's own shouts are of a lesser intensity, but command the same respect.

Should she be pressed enough, the CEO's glare can coerce others into doing what she says for a short time, though it leaves her stricken with a furious migraine. As a result, Lorette has little, if any interest in using the ability in combat. She has on occasion used it when disciplining employees however.

When he is not projecting a physical form, Tasosael retreats into the Tactical Sword that Lorette keeps tied at her hip.
Name: Matsuko Oshiro
Age: 28
Occupation: Lieutenant Security Officer. Apex Implementations.
Place of Residence: She has a nice apartment in the Entertainment District like the Hipster she is.


An energetic and clever woman, Matsuko serves as the Lieutenant Security Officer and Richard's 2nd in command. Where Richard maintains an easygoing air about him, Matsuko is a little more sharp-tongued. The woman is prone to flinging barbed insults towards any that would rouse her ire to the point that subordinates will flee the area should she be observed to be in an especially foul mood. Richard in complete disregard to personal safety, claims that her height, or lack thereof is the cause for the woman's rage.

Matsuko is infamous for drilling Apex's security forces to exhaustion, demanding excellence from each and every one of them. Always willing to put her money where her mouth is, Matsuko will not be observed slacking and bears the pain alongside her subordinates.

While a longtime practitioner of Kendo, Matsuko also boasts an affinity for dance and utilizes her experience in ballet to supplement an already deadly skillset.

If Richard represents the eyes and ears of Apex, Matsuko bears the teeth and claws. She meets any and all opposition with a surprising level of ferocity, and like her superior Matsuko is unwilling to release any prey caught in her grasp. Her pugnacious attitude can come off abrasive to many, but none that have met her can doubt Matsuko's skill in battle, nor her commitment to her work.

In a complete turnabout Matsuko is significantly more approachable when she isn't at work. The woman has stated that what happens on the clock stays there and vice versa. While no stranger to pulling long shifts or coming in when she's not scheduled, Matsuko does not like to approach her personal life with the same intensity that she approaches her job.

While eager to see the future that Lorette wishes to bring to pass, Matsuko holds a great deal of skepticism. Not for the CEO or her ambitions, but of the idea that any would be worthy to see it. She remains silent on the manner, doing as she instructed, but Matsuko holds no qualms about disposing of any that are deemed unfit to see the future ushered in by Apex, and will gladly dispose of anyone deemed unworthy with the efficiency and brutality that she has come to be known for.


Matsuko's service to Apex Implementations is marked by her meteoric rise through the ranks. As a fresh faced recruit at Apex's Tokyo location, Matsuko approached her training and job with great dedication. Her pursuit of perfection in all things led to the woman's obsession with keeping up with and eventually outpacing her fellow employees in most areas.

Unfortunately, her physical strength was outclassed by many others. And while she understood the logic behind this shortcoming, something within her could not accept it. Though Matsuko was skilled in many areas, and her swordsmanship the envy of many, it was not enough. There was always more to learn, more room to grow and Matsuko knew that she could not truly give her all of held back by physical limitations.

It was this desire to break free of mortal boundaries that drew the attention of Matsuko's superiors. Candidacy as a Handler was not typically awarded to newcomers. Employees first had to display a resistance to the stresses of their regular duties, in addition to the mental fortitude required to deal with the supernatural.

Matsuko's Resonance was below average, and yet Apex saw fit to grant her Sagaron's strength anyway.

The results were as expected. What Matsuko didn't know, she learned. And what she couldn't learn from others she taught herself through constant trial and error. In that time, she developed a deep fondness for Sagaron, and he for her. Despite being so different, each of them held within them the desire to give only the best they had to offer and nothing less. And her Resonance with the Daemon grew alongside their blossoming friendship

It was for that reason that Matsuko took on assignments without question, she learned through the expenditure of blood, sweat and tears what it truly meant to call herself a Handler.

And so when HQ sent out a call for a Lieutenant Chief of Security, Matsuko answered without hesitation. Many were interested in the position, but only one would be granted the honor.

Richard granted her that honor. Her competition was older, more experienced. But with that age and experience came a certain level of complacency. They felt no more need to grow. They had forgotten to deal with failure. Matsuko understood both, and her energy delighted Richard. She was skilled, she was tough, and she was a little mean. He didn't see many Daemons being able to stand up to her.

Matsuko has stayed as Lieutenant ever since with Sagaron at her side as a constant reminder of the value of dedication.

Name: Sagaron
Phenotype: Divergent-Aquatic Quadruped
Class: S
Major Power Type: Physical Augmentation-Cognitive Altering
Minor Power Type: N/A

Despite his otherwise fearsome appearance, Sagaoron is a very mild mannered Daemon. He speaks softly as if worried that he may frighten others and keeps close proximity to Matsuko at all times. The Daemon has a habit of 'swimming' through floors, walls, and ceilings to get from place to place, but will pull himself on land and propel himself forward with powerful limbs.

Much like the Orcas that he resembles, Sagaron is very curious and will playfully bat and nudge objects that garner his interest. Unfortunately for foes, this behavior extends to battle and the Daemon is prone to playing with any prey that he catches. It is a habit that Matsuko often has to put a stop to, given that it serves no purpose and wastes precious time. Sagaron in turn will resort to sulking when forced to relent.

Sagorn is rather simple in that he asks for and desires little. He prefers Matsuko's company above all others, but is perfectly happy to socialize with anyone else. He gets on particularly well with Sanzir and the two can often be found playing together.

Sagaron's ability to 'swim' through solid objects isn't quite the truth. The Daemon is able to collapse his physical form, filling microscopic spaces in the materials that compose these objects and phase through them. This makes him invaluable for recon as much as combat, as the large Daemon can slip into places unseen despite his bulk.

The Daemon bears more than a passing resemblance to an Orca, and hunts like one too. Lurking just beneath the surface, Sagaron will circle his prey and strike when granted an opening, usually by Matsuko.

This is aided by a natural sonar used to find and identify prey that when channeled by Matsuko, can be used to stun and confuse foes, leaving openings for her to strike.

Sagaron has proven to be just as slippery on all four limbs as he is when swimming. The Daemon's limbs aren't merely for show, and he will launch himself at enemies with teeth bared to grapple with them. Should the Daemon feel that his Handler is in danger, he will place his great bulk between her and the threat to allow her a chance to either recover or retreat

By far his most obvious trait is his great strength, but Matsuko utilizes this strength in an astounding way.

Rather than using it to simply move greater weights the way others would, Matsuko puts Sagaron's strength behind her sword strikes. Things that would once have turned her blade are cut as if they're made of nothing. Even when tied shut in its scabbard, the blows are capable of fracturing bones. When used in conjunction with the fine control of her body that years of dance has granted her, Matsuko becomes a veritable whirlwind of steel. If the edge of her blade doesn't find her enemies, the point of Sagaron's fangs will.

When he is not projecting a physical form, Sagaron resides within the sword that Matsuko keeps with her.

Name: Allister Schoen
Age: 27
Occupation: Personal Assistant to Lorette Lècuyer.
Place of Residence: Nicer than yours.


An eccentric even by Apex's standards, Allister carries himself with a level of refinement befit more for a Prince than a personal assistant. Polite and affable, he makes for a great conversationalist and is quick to invite other to chat over tea.

Allister has a deep appreciation for beautiful things and tends to be fastidious in the manner in which he dresses and conducts himself in public. This along with a particular charm tends to draw people to him like moths to a flame, something he is glad for. He would describe himself as 'charismatic' but close friends often refer to him as an attention whore. This coupled with his insistence on maintaining a certain aesthetic causes Allister to bump heads with less than refined employees of Apex, and on more than one occasion Lorette has had to step in and reign in his behavior. Despite this Allister has nothing but the utmost respect and trust in the capabilities of anyone under Apex's banner, knowing that they wouldn't be there if they were incompetent.

Strangely, or unsurprisingly given his job description, Allister is also responsible for wrangling Lorette should she look to be heading towards trouble. Something that he's gotten quite good at given that the CEO attracts it without even trying.

His even temper and refined attitude would not cause one to immediately peg Allister as being combat oriented, nor does he carry any weaponry like other Apex employees but this does not make him any less dangerous. He and his Daemon are both of the opinion that fighting is not an act of violence, so much as it is an artful display meant to be observed by all. A display that Allister is more than happy give whether the recipient is willing or not.

Due to his upbringing, Allister is a capable ballroom dancer, and like Matsuko utilizes the balance and strength gained from such a skill to compliment his combat abilities. On occasion he can be seen practicing dance steps with Matsuko, and each often loudly criticizes the other. To everyone's confusion, neither has made an effort to find a different partner.


Allister was born to a considerably wealthy family, and though he never really wanted for anything, Allister's life was far from the perfect facade his parents put forth. An abusive Father and an emotionally distant Mother were more than enough to make Allister and his sibling's life Hell.

Every word, every action was practiced and preformed with the fear of reprisal looming over his head should he make a single misstep. Nothing mattered so much to the Schoen Patriarch as saving face in public, and his punishment was swift and merciless should he feel that one of his children had embarrassed him.

He suffered in silence, and his siblings fared no better. Despite his attempts to remain close to them, Allister could only watch in quiet sorrow as his brother and sister grew to be just as awful as his parents. Caring for nothing more than the perceptions of a public that certainly had no concern for them. Allister could only play the part of a pristine set piece on a stage he never wanted to be on.

In some way that stage was his salvation. Since meeting her, Allister has wondered if Lorette possess a precognition to rival Nikhil's. Her uncanny ability to be where and when needed always seemed to border on the supernatural, and given what she revealed to him down the road perhaps it was.

Lorette's previous assistants weren't exactly bad at their jobs, but they lacked a certain something that made them difficult for the CEO to trust. A problem when taking in mind what she did beyond the public eye. Allister never understood what she saw in him. One of many false smiling faces at a gala he couldn't be bothered to remember. Maybe she saw nothing at all, though she claims otherwise.

"Your smile was as fake as anyone's there. But I could tell you wished it wasn't."

Strange words from an even stranger woman. A strange woman that led him into a strange life. But it is a life bereft of the false veneer of his upbringing. The reality revealed to him was darker yes. More terrifying. But that terror was not without reason.

Moreover it was a terror he could finally strike back at.

Only in recent years has Allister begun to mend the wounds left in the wake of his volatile upbringing. His fastidious mannerisms are in part, a relic of that and he's made an effort to lessen their intensity around others.

Name: Faendr
Phenotype: Animalia-Stag
Class: A
Major Power: Invocation
Minor Power: Physical Augmentation

This Daemon takes on the form of a ghostly Stag, and indeed his passing is marked by an ethereal fog settling over the area. Like Allister, Faendr is overly concerned with keeping appearances and dignity. As such, Faendr strictly judges other Daemons based upon the physical forms that they choose to take and has no love for those deemed too hideous or unrefined for his company.

Faendr can be somewhat stern, and is rather standoffish towards anyone that isn't Allister. Unlike their Human partner, Faendr will not be seen speaking at great length with anyone over tea, though he does like the attention of others, especially any kind of praise. The Daemon enjoys being in the spotlight and showing off and so he will not be found turning down the opportunity to fight. Faendr sees the battlefield as nothing more than a stage and will dance around his foes in combat, striking with diamond hard hooves and sharpened antlers.

His elegant form belies a hardiness enviable by even armor clad Daemons. Faendr's powers of Invocation allow him to create crystalline structures that act as barriers. It is an ability that Allister puts to great use, dashing and weaving around walls of his own making to strike at foes left stumbling through an ever growing maze.

The form of a Stag is one of grace and agility. A fine compliment to Allister's athletic form. Leaping over barriers, and bounding across gaps too great for other humans makes Allister a difficult foe to catch up with. Or, escape from.

When they are not manifesting a physical form, Faendr resides in a Stag shaped pin on Allister's lapel.
Name: Richard Solberg
Age: 55
Occupation: Chief of Security. Apex Implementations
Place of Residence: Like Lorette, he probably sleeps in his office.


Tall, deep-voiced and a little foreboding, Richard Solberg cuts an imposing figure; as to be expected from the man bearing the title of Chief of Security at Apex Implementations. He maintains a stern and commanding presence within the offices of Apex HQ, a veritable army of Officers at his beck and call. The everyday stresses of Richard's work are not overly evident to many, as the man is nigh unflappable, to the point that it's become a running joke within the office. No one can ever recall in recent history, a point in which Richard didn't meet an incident with a sort of detached interest. Richard maintains a rather cool demeanor in the face of disaster and seems to view even the worst of problems as nothing more than minor inconveniences. Many assume that this stems from years of Military training and service, though Richard is quick to assure any that care to listen that he simply cannot afford to lose his temper with so many people relying on him.

Gruff demeanor aside, Richard is a man of kindness and empathy and takes great strides to get to know the people that serve under him. Preferring to cultivate bonds of loyalty and trust with his subordinates, rather than the detachment that his Service drilled into him years prior. Richard is a man that leaves his door and ears open to any that need it, even while he works diligently to maintain the safety and security of the building and all that reside in it.

A perceptive and cunning individual, it is said that there is nothing that escapes Richard's gaze. While this has earned him the respect and admiration of his subordinates, Richard's unwillingness to allow any that have roused his ire to escape his grasp is a source of fear for any that would oppose him. The Chief of Security is not one to release any prey that has caught his eye, and will chase his quarry into Pits of Hell if need be. It is this obsessive trait that can and will cause the man to lose sight of his true goals. Fortunately, his Lieutenant is more than happy to beat him over the head should his attention stray too far.


Richard did not always have the distinction of serving as Apex's Chief of Security, having served in the United States Military for years prior to his employment there. Richard's Military history is not particularly decorated or notable, his career being rather normal for men of his age within the service. He did not gain much notice until he returned to civilian life and began work in the Private Security sector. Well known for both his commitment to the job and tenacity, Richard's ability to foresee, and subsequently stave off danger seemed almost supernatural at times. Little, if anything escaped the man's notice, and he seemed bereft of blind spots altogether. This did not escape Lorette Lècuyer's notice, as the woman always eager to find talent wherever it might flourish and claim it for her own.

Lorette, instead of behaving normally in her life just once did not approach the man with an offer. Instead she trailed him on a journey to a another job site. Something that didn't escape Richard's notice.

While no stranger to the intrigues of the Business world, the man was very much not in the mood. Pulling to the side of the road, gun in hand, Richard began to approach Lorette. And following suit, the woman exited her car and attacked.

What ensued was a battle both confusing and enlightening to Richard. The country roads were dark and well wooded and crashing through the trees he found himself beset upon by not only Lorette, but Tasosael as well.

Afnet, as ferocious as they were arrogant would not let that stand, and manifested their form in an effort to defend Richard. The two Daemons locked in their own struggle, left Richard and Lorette to contend with each other.

It was then, that Richard encountered a problem he never had before. Fighting another person with a Daemon. He was aware that other Daemons existed. And he wasn't foolish enough to think no one else had had the same idea as him and partnered with one. But Richard had grown used to dealing with normal foes, mortal men and women with no real power to their name.

His foe was not such a woman.

Where Richard's strength and Afnet's Ironclad scales should have deterred her, Lorette managed to draw blood. The first person to do so in a very long time.

Richard knew then that he'd been thrown into a fight he wasn't sure he could win, and the thought excited him more than it scared him. Steady work gave him a comfortable life. But the challenge of battle had long since left it. The thrill of meeting an opponent who didn't buckle under the first blow was immediately addictive to the man.

He threw himself back at Lorette, matching the woman's ferocity. The exchanged no words. Only blows. What Lorette had to gain, Richard didn't know but she seemed to be enjoying herself. It seemed, that she was like him in many ways.

All things end eventually and so too did their battle. They had reached an impasse. Afnet's many necks binding Tasosael and threatening to crush him. And Lorette's sword to Richard's throat.

All things considered it was the oddest job offer he'd ever received.

Odder still that Richard could go from trying to kill a strange woman in the woods, to sitting in a diner at 2am and discussing the details of his new job in depth. Their bruised and battered appearance drew only a few curious looks. In the middle of nowhere, people didn't bother with anything that seemed out of the ordinary. That only brought about trouble.

And the pair sitting in the booth were the worst kind of trouble.

Name: Afnet
Phenotype: Mythological-Hydra
Class: S
Major Power Type: Cognitive Altering-Physical Augmentation
Minor Power Type: Invocation

A strange creature to be sure, Afnet's many heads and voices provide a constant source of confusion for all that come in contact with them. A lover of pranks and jokes, Afnet has a tendency to pop out of walls and floors, startling people for amusement. As to be expected of a creature with seven heads Afnet talks a great deal and is a source of near constant headaches for Richard.

Prideful, bold, and yet ever cheerful, there is no silence so long as Afnet is around. The Hydra will do their best to draw noise from people, be it laughter or scathing words. To them, all are pleasing to the ear.

Capable of mimicking any voice that they hear, the Daemon has drawn many to their doom by pretending to be a friend or loved one. Afnet's necks can also warp and stretch to a great length. This allows Afnet to be in places that they conceivably should not be and they act as Richard's eyes and ears, relaying information back to the man and allowing him to move in and strike.

Afnet is at their most dangerous when they choose to sing however. A walking chorus, the Hydra's hymns are sung in a language that no earthly creature can replicate, much less understand.

The songs when turned on foes, instill terror unlike any they have felt before. Those betrayed by their own bodies, unable to flee with the rest are the first to be struck down. In the ears of his allies, each verse sung by Afnet lessens all bodily pains while instilling calm in the mind, and courage in the heart.

These blessings are all in the mind however, so susceptible it is to outside influence. Typically Afnet prefers not to sing for the benefit of Apex, as they know the dangers of overexertion. For their enemies they have no such qualms.

Even when not singing, the amount of noise Afnet is capable of emitting is tremendous. If fear will not halt their foes, shattered eardrums will.

As expected for an oversized lizard, Afnet's scales are particularly tough and the means of killing them are known only by a trusted few.

For Richard, the scales are a fine addition to his arsenal. Acting as a second skin, they make an already sturdy individual even sturdier. A good compliment to the man's stubborn nature.

While growing a full neck is a time consuming process that renders them immobile, Afnet can sprout smaller necks in various numbers. Richard prefers to use them as a means of striking foes out of his reach, or binding them. Naturally, people get a little freaked out when a man starts sprouting talking snakes from his hands.

Richard isn't much for bladed weapons, and will reach for a gun before a sword. He's a good shot. Or in his own words. Good enough to hit whatever has pissed him off.
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I am all caught up now on reading the posts. Do you think it is possible to have that 9am time for Bethany be another group or for the few stragglers? If not I will figure something else out.
I am all caught up now on reading the posts. Do you think it is possible to have that 9am time for Bethany be another group or for the few stragglers? If not I will figure something else out.

That depends on what everyone else is doing. Regardless of if they decide to place their characters in the main group, the 9am meeting with Lorette will still be happening. It's just a matter of determining who will be there.
Gonna see about doing a small post tonight if I'm not too tired. I'm also working on the Discord and hope to have it up some time this coming weekend.
i can whip up a discord for you real quick if you want
>> 25 - 5'11" - 180 lbs.

Born and raised in Arnvista to two immigrant parents, Alex had a pretty uneventful childhood. After war had broken out between their home country and a neighboring one, Alex's parents had decided to immigrate to America in search for a better future. Alex's father had been a lawyer, and a pretty good one at that, and as such it only took a short while before they were able to properly settle in and return to some semblance of normalcy.

Alex had been around 10 years of age at the time of their move to America, and for a good 6 to 7 years everything went as one would expect. It was only at the 8th year that things took a turn for the worse.

At that time Alex's father had been working on a pretty big case. He and his team had been on the cusp of collecting enough evidence that would serve a definite conviction against one of the top dogs of a local crime syndicate. As one may surmise, said syndicate did not like that one bit, and things soon started to become pretty dicey. First came the gifts and bribes, and when those failed, threats followed shortly after. Inasmuch brave as he was foolish, Alex's father did not budge in his convictions, but neither would the syndicate and so, in situations like these, one side had to give or break at some point.

In the dead of night, the syndicate carried out an operation targeting both their home and his father's office, an operation that summarily left Alex with no parents, home or belongings. If not for him having spent the night in a friend's house, he would've also been robbed of his life.

With no home, money or family, Alex became a wanderer for a couple of years, living off food stamps and/or thievery. Of course he was caught, as they all do at some point. He ended up serving 2 years on a petty theft charge, after which he decided he'd had enough of wasting away the life he'd been so lucky to keep.

He put his head down, busted his ass off and within 2 years, Alex had managed to not only stand on his feet again, but return to the same quality of life he had enjoyed before his parents' deaths. He had made it; he was certain that his parents would've been proud of him and his accomplishments, especially after what he'd been through.

His would have been a success story. Of how to rise from the ashes of a destroyed life. Yet Alex felt... off. Empty. Two years felt more like ten to the young man who had only recently turned 24. The daily grind, the routine of waking up, going to work, returning, eating, shitting, and sleeping again, it all felt mechanical, meaningless.

It would seem bizarre, even outright insane, for a person like Alex to then drop everything that they had worked for, everything they had built up until that point - from nothing, mind you - to become a private contractor for a security firm like Apex Implementations. Well, that's just exactly what he did. Why? No one really knows. What is known is that Alex is usually very good at what he does, whatever that may be.
We are swept ever upwards by our ambition, with no thought of what awaits us at the peak.


>> INVOCATION [both Major & Minor]

Humans are fickle, one moment they think one thing, the next they might think another, and especially towards something like the stars which they have, time and again, put labels on; names and titles; descriptions; bunched up in constellations; broken up said constellations; used them as tools for navigation and time-keeping; called them unlucky or the bringers of destruction; and many more.

Throughout all the aforementioned, one thing would never change and that is the sense of serenity, of being just a small part of something bigger than them. Born from the minds of humans, Ankewelt is the embodiment of wonder and amazement towards the unknown of the stars, of what could and is out there in the far reaches of space.

Taking a page out of her origin, Ankewelt's personality is one of constant change. She never really settles on things; her mood, opinions and interests generally keep fluctuating depending on external forces like her Handler and/or events that take place around them. At one point she might appear excited and eager to try something, only to discard it after barely putting her hands on it.

She is always ready to learn new things, see new places, smell new smells and taste new tastes [no one really knows where the food ends up, so don't ask], and so as one might imagine any form of containment can rapidly throw her mood off. Ankewelt is known to quickly fall into hibernation during containment due to this, if not to rest then to be unable to process the huge amounts of boredom that she would feel whilst doing nothing.

Fitting of her origin, Ankewelt powers stem from the unknown of the cosmos that can appear as magical to the unaware. This Daemon is highly specialized in Invocation, making her quite the useful asset to have in a team which might lack the abilities a Daemon like her could offer.

>> Dimensional Storage [Invocation][Major]
Ankewelt can create a pocket dimension the size of 1 cubic meter, within which anything bar living beings can be stored. The laws of physics are frozen for any items stored inside the cube. This means things like food spoiling/decomposing & ice melting do not take place within this space. Items in this space can be stored or retrieved by simply focusing on the image of the item and willing it inside or outside.

>> Projectile Reflection [Invocation][Minor]
Ankewelt can use the same dimensional storage ability in order to absorb and redirect projectiles aimed at the Handler. This is done by essentially enveloping the Handler in a human-shaped, protective film of energy. Any projectile that comes in contact with the film gets ported into the storage instead. The Handler can then redirect said projectile, since the laws of physics are frozen inside, the same momentum, velocity and speed that the projectile might have before entering, it will have upon exit.

As one might surmise, a Handler would require a certain level of mental and physical tenacity in order to use Ankewelt's specialized ability set to an efficient level. The secondary ability, Projectile Reflection, is essentially useless unless being fired upon, something that's relatively unpleasant in the grant scheme of things.

Here's my guy @Ramjammer
Tell me if there's anything you want changed.
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Gonna see about doing a small post tonight if I'm not too tired. I'm also working on the Discord and hope to have it up some time this coming weekend.
i can whip up a discord for you real quick if you want
Already working on it but thanks for the offer.
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All right, I'm looking forward to it!
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I'll try to get my post up today
Posting now! Let me know if there is anything I need to change. I took a small liberty with a phone call but tried to keep it as minor as possible. Going back and adding a picture to Rowan now.
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Posting now! Let me know if there is anything I need to change. I took a small liberty with a phone call but tried to keep it as minor as possible. Going back and adding a picture to Rowan now.
Oh no that's okay about the call, sometimes when adding people in the middle of things you kind of have to wing it lol.
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Can you believe it? The prologue is almost over? What's in the future for our heroes?

Bad stuff. Lots of bad stuff.
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A million apologies to everyone involved. It is not like me to join a RP and then disappear and I sincerely apologize for it. Real life intruded and I simply wasn't able to get in touch much less post. At this point, with all that is still going on around me, I don't intend to jump back in to this RP. I hope that everyone can understand.

Again, I apologize for the absence. 😢
A million apologies to everyone involved. It is not like me to join a RP and then disappear and I sincerely apologize for it. Real life intruded and I simply wasn't able to get in touch much less post. At this point, with all that is still going on around me, I don't intend to jump back in to this RP. I hope that everyone can understand.

Again, I apologize for the absence. 😢
That's okay I understand where you're coming from. I'd prefer that you handle your own affairs rather than worry over an RP.
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