Mariana Lockdown: Sector Zero

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Paolo Delucci

The guards were at least kind enough to leave Paolo with only chains around his ankles. He was slowly dragged along to the cafeteria, a crowded morass of thugs and madmen. There was almost an art studio of tattoos galore, and the ones featuring the names of victims were all the more unique. "I got better things to do than watch you, pal." the guard spat onto the steel flooring, leaving Paolo to fend for himself. Maybe that was how the guards dished out favors. Being left alone in a room like this, however, was a rather fatal endeavor. Snipers waited above in perches placed along the ceiling. They were daring anyone to step out of line, if only to ease the boredom. Paolo gave them no such gratification, instead opting to move over to the nearest empty table he could find. "Hey, is that the Chain Noose? How'd he get down here?" "I bet that Delucci thinks he's tough. We should teach him 'therwise." mumbled some faraway brutes. At least Paolo knew his reputation was intact.
Cass was roughly pushed into the cafeteria by the guards. One of them left while the other quickly and begrudgingly undid her cuffs. Once done, the other guard left and Cass sat on the ground, rubbing her wrists. "Blasted fools... leaving me here with a bunch of criminals." She groused, standing up. She caught sight of a good looking man who had entered before her. Smiling at the prospect of getting a new puppet. She quickly had tears brought to her eyes and she quickly moved to him, crying. "P-please help me. I don't belong here!" She cried into his back.

Paolo Delucci - @Uncle Legens Legentis
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Paolo Delucci
Paolo, once again staggered by something unexpected, held onto his chair so as not to fall out of it. A woman approached him, her hair was long, flowing, and the darkest black he had ever seen. Her eyes were no less of an anomaly, purple-shaded, and even then there was something about this girl that Paolo was unsure of. She cried out to him with the most well-replicated sincerity. The Italian crime lord believed every word she said, no matter how much it went against his better judgement. No matter how vague. "Woah, slow down! Can you tell me who you are?" Paolo straightened his back, hoping to look comforting, but also confident. After all, some of the other inmates were staring. Someone had to make sure these brutes didn't get their hands on an innocent girl.
Cass looked up at him, sniffling and making sure the water works were in full swing. She heard his question as clear as day and held onto him tighter. "M-m-my name i-is C-Ca-Cassandra F-Flint." She cried out making it seem as though she was trying to calm down, only to start crying again. "I d-don't b-b-belong here!" Her cries sounded genuine to the ears and her acting was top notch. She would have this guy doing her bidding soon, if she had anything to say about it.

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Paolo Delucci - @Uncle Legens Legentis
Paolo Delucci
Cassandra Flint, Paolo thought to himself. So that's her name. "Listen, everything's gonna' be fine." the blond mobster uttered as he was being coiled around by the girl's arms. Slowly but surely, he could feel the air being squeezed out of him. The girl's tears stained Paolo's bright orange jumpsuit, and with that, a sense of guilt overtook him. He was many things; a murderer, a fraud, an arsonist, but there was something about the idea of innocence that made Paolo tremble. "What can I do to help?" he said with genuineness, and the hope that Cassandra would stop suffocating him. The other inmates were probably going to beat him down for acting on kindness, but that wasn't going to change anything. There was an element of shock to it all; seeing a ruthless killer named 'The Chain Noose' being hugged to death was irony at its finest.
Cassandra Flint

Cassandra forced herself to calm down and loosen her hold on the blonde man, pulling away a bit to let him breath. Just a little bit more and he would become her little puppet. She knew she had seen the guy's face somewhere but couldn't remember it off the top of her head but Cass would worry about that another time. She rubbed her eyes with the sleeve of her orange jumpsuit, wiping away her tears but also forcing some out to keep up appearances. "I.... I'm sorry. I know that you probably can't help me..." She said, her voice small and meek. "I was wrongly accused of a crime I didn't commit. But no one believed me." She started to cry again, ignoring the fact that she and the blonde male were surrounded by bigger and possibly more dangerous criminals.

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Paolo Delucci - @Uncle Legens Legentis
Paolo Delucci
Paolo's lungs took in as much air as they could, free at last from Cassandra's vice-like grip. He was plenty grateful to be alive. If only for a brief moment, the young woman looked at his face, almost holding an expression of déjà vu. "I believe you," the mobster confessed. Still, he couldn't get over the impression that trusting anyone in this underwater pit was a bad idea. "My name's Paolo Delucci. I'll try to help you, but I'm not sure how." he chose to be honest with Cassandra. Paolo felt the greatest pity for her, after all, Sector Zero wasn't the place you could ever walk out of. Most inmates deserved to be here, but it truly seemed as though this purple-eyed girl was innocent. Before Paolo could say anything else, the roar of an announcer boomed throughout the cafeteria.


A television-shaped hologram beamed across the walls, their image containing a massive arena, filled to the brim with spectators. The Italian mobster was stunned at what followed. There were inmates featured onscreen that he had never met before. They all wore faces of pain, terror, and exhaustion. In the corner of the screen, Paolo observed that the footage was a recording, displaying the victims of the Sinful Circus. While previously he had only read of it, now he could truly examine its horror. A referee supplied two convicts with small daggers, with which they would attempt to kill their opponent. Paolo was mortified. He turned his attention back to Cassandra, more concerned for her well-being than his own.
Cassandra Flint

Cassandra turned her attention to the hologram and gasped at what was being shown. She had heard of these events but this was the first time she had seen it with her own eyes. Inwardly, she was glad to see such a display of death and murder but she had to keep up the mask of an innocent girl. She could be a fan of this back in her cell. Still acting the scared girl, Cass turned and buried her face into Paolo's chest and clung to his orange prison jumpsuit. Another thing that hit her was that she was conversing with the famous 'Chain Noose' and she was able to wrap him around her little finger! Guess it was true about Italian men having a weak spot for cute girls. "How can a place like this... how can something like that.... exist?" She asked in a quiet voice, trembling for added effect.
Riley Vex
A red-haired figure was found to be standing tall and looking rather unharmed and holding one of the referee's daggers loosely on her hand. 'He'--for it seemed like a guy, since one couldn't really see 'his' face--observed the dagger with a disgusted face. 'He' then looked up towards the camera, and 'his' face was revealed to be feminine, and then one would notice the way 'he' carried 'himself' was confident but not like that of your average guy, and from the look in 'his' eyes 'he' was actually not a guy, and because of the danger radiating even through the screen one would immediately reverse their opinion and admit, if a little weirded out, that 'he' was actually a she.

The announcers didn't even bother to introduce the two prisoners before a bell rang for the start of the first round. A grin crept onto her--for her name was unknown--face as she sprinted in the direction of her opponent. Barely ten seconds within the first round, and following a blur of motion, the opponent was dead on the ground with a terrified expression and the girl's dagger buried in her neck.

"Give me a sword, next time, will ya?" a voice called out, obviously a girl's with the way it was pitched, and this further reinforced the person's gender. Finally, the announcer guy revealed the victor's name.

"Riley Vex wins, yet again! She's on quite the streak, going undefeated for two months!"

As the Sinful Circus moved on, Riley was seen several other times, and each time she defeated her opponent with ease. The crowd was getting tired with the repeated success, though, so a challenge appeared.

A horrifying, mutated creature that looked like it might once have been a dog stepped out of one of the cages ringing the pit where the mock-gladiators fought. It was frothing at the mouth and its eyes were dull with disease--one bite from it and Riley was sure to die.

This had the crowd interested once more, and the bell rang for the last round to begin.

The dog-thing launched itself at Riley, who was now holding a sword as she had requested, and who sidestepped and easily swiped a section of the dog's tail off. The creature howled in pain, whirling on Riley with fury.

Anyone who knew anything about fighting knew that Riley was much more relaxed with a sword in her hand, swinging it with speed and precision. The sword was in unusually good condition, likely reserved for Riley after her repeated wins.

The spectators were yanked back to the battle as the dog reached out with deadly claws, only for Riley to leap up and onto the dog's back--for it was much larger than it should have been--and buried her sword into its neck at a diagonal angle so as to pierce its windpipe. The battle was over.

Spectators cheered loudly for Riley's win, and the screen eventually flickered off.
"Fucking hell!" Snarls a guard off to the side, watching over the prisoners with a group, judging by the armor and gear they were Riot Squad, though they seemed more interested in the TV screen than the prisoners.

"Ahahaha...ahh pay up, Grant." One of the riot troops says flicking a zippo lighter for a smoke. With a dagger like Stare Sara scoffs. "Eat shit Johnson, before I throw you off the fuck'n side.." Crossing her arms, looking at the collection of prisoners she sighs. "Always have to bring these guys in with chains, can't trust em ta be good little shits?"

The Guard from before grins, taking a wiff. "Well, you always make bad bets, lets just save both of us some time you know I'll be waiting on my pay. And shit some of them I would sooner shoot, more so that italian fellow, and ahh that Korean bitch. Gives me the creeps." At that notion another guard interjects. "What? Her, shit she just smiles all day and messes with plants. She makes good te-" Before he can finish Johnson shakes his head angerily. "Thats cause you have shit all for danger sense, seen that bitch slit throats while talking, you're just fuck'n lucky."

As if to speak of the Devil, Sara stares down below as a new prisoner is brought in with a straight jacket, and a almost commically heavy and large leg weights. "Well now..Anyways you guys go about your circle jerking, I'm going to go talk to those apes, see whos likely to slit my throats." And to grease my palm.. She doesn't say aloud.


Smiling lightly and humming a song to herself she found the weights an annoyance, almost as bad as that TV that suddenly went off. "Hey! Hey You, yeah, you hey, guard....release me..I just want to talk and walk around yeah? C'mon! I won't kill yah! Hey You're a tea buddy yeah?"

The Guard sighing motions with his submachinegun while a partner stands back. "Its not me I'm worried know the Rules Tokko, you are lucky we don't just off you here and now.." Sighing a bit he motions for his partner, while he keeps his submachinegun leveled, with a slight hesitation he motions his partner forward. "Alright Mark, remove the jacket, weights to keep her strength moving other parts of her body.."

Smiling a bit more sinisterly as the jacket is released, Tokko begins rubbing her wrists in either hand, laughing to herself as she takes in a bit of made wasn't like the surface at all...she hated this place..hated it so much, but it was a nice vacation as she thought of it. Looking around the room nothing had interested her as of yet. "Hey, how much time do I have? Hey listen, hey Speak!" Looking at the man as her feet drag the weights, she never bothered to correct the thinking that a simple 75 pounds would slow her down.

The Guard startled slightly takes a step back as his armed partner sighs. "Relax, and fifteen minutes..don't kill anyone..just sit to yourself, eat and shut up, and I'll see about getting you some Earl Grey, that sound good?" Nodding her head to him in agreement the guard exhales as Tokko wanders off with a happy hum to get whatever was being served today. Noticing one of the Riot troopers on the floor, he could rest a little more easy, psychopaths to a man, but they were good for putting down any..unexpected events.

(edited for errors I missed)
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As the prison bus ground to a hault outside of the facility, Allora smiled. The guards who had been assigned to her were jittery, and rightfully so. The last prison she had broken out of had been maximum security, and rumors were spreading around that Allora had done it by killing a female officer with her bare hands and dressing up as the officer, then acting so convincingly that she had been allowed to walk right out the door. Apparently the camera that they had placed in her isolation cell had been covered, and by the time the guards realized something was up, Allora was out the front door. She had then proceeded to go on a killing spree, murdering officers of the law and civilians alike. When she was finally caught, and escorted by an armed guard into the court, then asked why she had done it, she had smiled and looked at the judge, then spoke to, irrevocably simple words.

"For fun."

Thus had started the long trek to her new home. The police had taken out all the stops, and she had literally been wheeled into the facility with a mouth cover. Apparently she had killed multiple times by merely jumping on people, then biting them in their throats, watching as they choked to death in front of her, as she admired the "pretty red bubbles" they made with the holes in their necks. They finally got her to the elevator. They were forced to send down two guards with her, just in case. She had a record for killing anyone that escorted her alone, and they were taking no chances, especially when they were so close to putting her away for good, in a place that she couldn't escape. Others before her had screamed on the way down this tube, the final step in the path to a fate arguably worse then death, Allora just casually hummed on the way down.

This will be just like being in that insane asylum all over again. The judge said I don't belong there, but I think I do.... so many nice doctors... so willing to get close.... So easy to bite them. I wonder if I can pretty up the grey of this place with some red.... That would be nice.....

These were the thoughts that went through her head as she was pulled down towards her inevitable punishment.

I wonder how nice the doctor in this place will be.... Maybe they let us draw!

It seemed that even though she was twenty two, her brain had never fully developed similar to that of another inmate's brain, allowing her to keep such a bright outlook. The elevator would soon hit the floor of sector zero, and then the true fun would begin for Allora. Allora was certain that the doctor of this prison would either be disgusted or fascinated with her history, especially with doctors and therapists. Not that it really mattered to Allora either way. She was certain his facial expressions, if it was a he, would be amusing.
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Spectators cheered loudly for Riley's win, and the screen eventually flickered off.
The screen flickered off, not acquiring much attention from a certain young man who sat with serious face at his food. The man wasn't eating, nor did he even hold the cheap utensils given to the prisoners there. He wasn't paying attention to anyone else in the area, not even the young girl who seemed to be panicking nor the known mob boss that he as well planned to confront at one point. He had only arrived within the day. Perhaps he was simply still in shock or frozen in fear at the realization of where he was and where he would spend the rest of his days. He sat there, staring and in deep thought with his eyes darting to and fro around the room accompanied with an anxious bouncing of his right leg under the table he sat at.

So many... there were so many around him here... and yet he could do nothing. So much prey for him to hunt. Trash for him to remove. Targets to be eliminated. Scum to be cleansed from this world... but he could only sit here and tolerate them...

The Devil's Judge himself; stuck in a prison filled with the very garbage that would typically make the top of his hit list. There was some irony in that. Someone was probably laughing somewhere... Caine didn't find it nearly as amusing though. It wasn't even the fact that he was considered just as bad as those he disposed of. It was that he was in a position where he had access to the worst kind of pieces of shit and yet said position also negated dealing with him. That was where his problem lie; he couldn't kill any of them, only watch... and allow their very existence to remain in this world...


By now, Michael likely appeared to be trying to break his own teeth with how hard the two rows were clenched together. It definitely didn't display an expression of welcome. The insane widening of his eyes and constriction of pupils didn't help much either. It certainly portrayed his instability well though.
Paolo Delucci

Even as Paolo turned his head away from the projection, the sound was all too prevalent. Someone named 'Riley Vex' had been thrown into the Circus, and for some peculiar reason, the Italian mobster believed it to be an arena nickname. There was a certain ring to it that Paolo regarded as familiar. Afterwards the snarls of a wretched hound pierced through the air, only to be followed with the echoes of a blade slicing into the creature's throat. Paolo then understood the true purpose of the Sinful Circus. It was to set an example for the poor sobs watching the screen. All one had to do was observe the losers, and you'd make sure to play by the rules. It was just a game. Just as Paolo believed he had seen it all, Cassandra, once again, buried her face into his jumpsuit. The man doubted that she would have been able to block out those sounds, the ones that caused nightmares in all but the sternest of killers. "I don't know." he whispered. "But I promise that will never happen to you."
Cassandra Flint

Cass smiled a bit and sniffed, happy to have this man as her puppet but covering it as a sign that she was happy that he would do that for "little old her". She looked up at him and gave him a sweet, innocent smile and wiped her eyes after freeing on hand. "Th-Thank you, Mr. Delucci." She said quietly, still trembling a bit as the sounds from the circus echoing in her head in delight. "You are kind..." She mumbles a bit under her breath so that only Paolo could hear her.

Allora was shortly processed and taken to her cell. After receiving a set of vaccinations from the doctor, her face mask was removed, and she was taken to the cafeteria, where she was pushed inside, along with the simple warning:

Don't try biting anyone, or I swear to god you won't have teeth anymore."

She just walked forward smiling back at the guard who was trying to do his best to intimidate her with a stern look, not that it mattered to her. At least, that was the single thought she got through her head before she walked straight into a man and woman, one of them whom she recognized. Paolo Dellucci. A man that she had actually copied once, at least, as far as killing went, utilizing a chain to strangulate a victim of hers, though she hadn't found it quite as satisfying as choking them to death with her own bare hands. She had grown a certain knack for it. After all, she had to, since most of her victims had been stronger then her. She calmly recover from into the pair, and simply waved at them.

"My apologies, I didn't see you there, I was too busy waving at the guard that was trying to intimidate me back there. My name is Allora, how do you do?"

Allora hadn't even waited for them to recover, she had just launched into the greeting nonchalantly, as if they weren't in a prison deep under the ocean's surface. More then a few inmates were starting to talk about the newcomer, simply because more then a few recognised her. After all, she had been all over the news of America, and the way she had killed hadn't made it easy to forget her. She had picked up a knack for carving numbers on the faces of her victims with whatever object was lying around. The number equaled the number of victim they were. Her latest one having been carved with the number fifty two. She had earned herself the title: Body Count Killer. Not very fancy, not a lot of flair, but it suited her murder style perfectly. She kept up her smile, and waited for a response from the pair.
While Tokko does pretty much what she was told, well more or less..she glances at the TV briefly, then at the others, and yawns. Maybe it was as if to say they bored her, Which maybe they did. Regardless it was of no important to her. Taking a seat to herself at the back of the mess, Tokko simply hums while eating a sandwhich of some sort, her weighted foot tapping the floor in tune. Her eyes dart around from time to time, as if..searching or absorbing information, but all the same she seems rather normal..well inspite of the murderous vibe she gave off.

Sara for her part makes the rounds, matching faces to name, or as best as she could from memory. There was of course the War Criminal, the Italian Mob Boss, and the Serial killer, grinning at that, to Sara it sounded like some sort of absurd bar joke.

So, A serial killer, mobster, and dictator walk into a bar.. Then she took note of the Vig, now that was a cruel twist of fate..or more likely than not, purposeful designs. He would make for a good first test. Walking over to the table Michael was seated at, the riot guard places her left hand on the table and leers over at him. "Hey, you alright there, looks like you broke a fuse..have'n some problems huh? Some people you try to kill around here?" Staring down at him, she narrows her eyes. "We dont tolerate violence in harm anyone and I'll...Ah just kidding!" Laughing at that the riot trooper remains standing.

"I don't give a shit what you do. So long as its not to me. Someone like you will likely end up in the circus no harm in...overlooking a few...weapons infractions if you get my meaning, ehh Punisher wannabe?" Fishing for a reaction she stares pointedly at him, but keeps the conversation low enough so other more..honest guards won't hear, though she takes note of the distant war criminal as she pauses her song, clearly listening in.
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The surrounding area was rather loud with the conversations of people and arguing over bets lost and won, however the vigilante managed to unconsciously tune them all out with his inner thoughts and plots. What broke him out of this, although it didn't look like it from the unchanging expression that represented "I'll kill you", was a hand entering his peripheral. Only hardly glancing up to the woman, who from her outfit seemed to be from a division differing from the average guard, Michael listened to her mock lecture which betrayed that fact that she was well aware of who he was.

Well, at least if she were honestly chastising him, it wouldn't have earned her his ire. If that were the case, she would simply be trying to protect those around them... even if they were worthless gutter trash... But her following statement revealed that she was just as much garbage as everyone else in the facility...

But what she was offering... Then again, she might simply sympathize with his cause. Yes, that would be quite plausible, wouldn't it? Regardless of if Caine believed that train of thought or not, the criminal-killer was going to use it as a viable excuse.

Lifting his head up from where it originally leaned against his hands clenched together and standing upright, his forearms lowered and rested on the table in front of him as the man fully looked up at her.

"...What... exactly are you offering...?"
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Sara taking notice in both of the pair speaks frankly...or rather crypticly in a frank matter like a mob boss almost. "Well you see, prisons are yah know funny places, the lord works in mysterious ways. Prison guards aren't as fine tuned as my beloved Marine Corps. Sometimes a guard might need to take a shit, some shipments get missing, searches don't turn up things..yard time can be changed around...hell contriband turns up time to time, and we overlook it, as keeping prisoners in good spirits keeps us from having to crack heads. You understand?" Pausing for a bit the Riot Guard switches to a more direct line of conversation.

"Some people end up dead outside of the circus you know. The Lord rewards the faithful.. So you scratch my back, I scratch yours, course you rat on me, I'll just say your a liar, or shotgun you in the fuck'n face, throw your body out a decompression hatch. A number of guards are like this and will turn away, most just ignore it. We all are trapped down here, just you'll be here longer, so why not make life more...easy. As the good book says..render unto Caeser that which is Caeser, and unto God what is Gods..heh..Defense is a right from god to us all no?" While this was a clear cut case of corruption, she seemed to be more on the side of good with her offer...though mostly her own good. "Lets just say I know of a humble Messanger of god and merchant of the needy." Not stating who that was, while she was skilled and could set up situations so she would only get a minor right up at the worst..well so far, she wasn't stupid enough to do business directly in the open. More of to dangle a hook in the sea, seeing which fish would bite.

Upon finishing her saying, the woman ahead of them, or rather behind the man laughs briefly, before returning to her hum and tapping. That was a likely customer for sure..though that one would likely be going to the circus..then again she suspected all of them would..though in that case her support would switch from weapons, eventually provided food and medications, or yard release. The people that went down their normally had varrying living conditions, from good to regardless she would still be of use. Not that she wouldn't shoot all of them without a momments hesitation of course.
Riley Vex
Apparently, as very few realized, being the 'prized possession' of Challenger Deep's Sinful Circus had its perks, like not being experimented on, and being able to leave the gruesome fights whenever she felt like it. Although, she knew that the moment she lost she would be sent to the labs, and that would be unfortunate..
Riley's attention was yanked away from her thoughts when she caught sight of one of the riot guards--well, look who it is--talking with a crazy. Riley wondered if that was the one who she had heard about, the kid who kept going around and killing criminals? Oh, boy, how Fate would be laughing right now!
Riley was also aware that making a deal with a crazy like him would be a very, very bad idea; Riley was pretty good at reading people--had to be with the place she grew up in--and saw, just barely, in the crazy's face that he would kill the guard whenever he got the chance. She wasn't overly worried--her beloved Sara was tough--but it would be best to make sure the guard was aware. Riley didn't want her main source of entertainment to vanish, after all.
Despite knowing that Sara would hate being interrupted making one of her 'deals,' Riley walked on over, plopping into the chair across from the 'hero'-crazy and giving a friendly smile. "Sara, been a while, how are ya? Must be good, if you're goin' around again. I'd watch out for this one, though, I think ya can tell he'd stick a knife in your back because he thinks he can still purge this place of 'corruption.'" Riley paused to chuckle before turning her attention to the crazy.
"And I hope you know that you're a corrupt, too, so if ya wanna get a head start, tie a rope around your neck and jump off of the rafters in here. Make a scene. Cripple everyone just a bit more."
Riley's voice had darkened, showing only a hint of her true insanity. She leaned back on the back legs of her chair, placing her legs on the table and getting comfortable, not to mention she could easily move from this position if she had to.
Listening to her long-winded beating around the bush was a bit annoying for the mass-murderer. After all, with the amount of time the riot member spent speaking about god in roundabout ways, they could've already worked out some kind of deal. A religious corrupt cop... that was something. Though Michael himself didn't hold anything against religion or God himself. That was where he got his reasoning, after all; "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth".

Unfortunately, before he could question as to what the payment would be for speaking with this Messenger of God, the two were interrupted by another woma-I mean trash. This one was recognizable as the scum seen on the screen not long ago. Apparently, even while Caine was losing it, he was still very observant and paying attention. This one as well seemed to know who he was and was going to sabotage him as much as she could likely, albeit without doing too much work or going too far out of her way. The red-head seemed lazy and not to be taking him very seriously. Perhaps she was confident in her own abilities. Maybe she wasn't aware of how many people exactly like her he'd shot, strangled, stabbed and lynched. Regardless, it was foolish of her to treat him like some weakling... and even more daft to suggest that he himself were as corrupt as any of the savages in this facility.

Him? Preposterous. Of course, he didn't expect much of trash to be able to comprehend or perceive things all that well. He wasn't a total hypocrite.

"Then give me something... We'll see what lump of garbage's back it enters first," Michael warned coldly with the knife's target evident in both his tone and eyes which have moved over to focus on Riley.

He also apparently thought she was the equivalent to garbage, but that wasn't all that insulting. Michael is, after all, unstable and thinks the same of everyone else here.
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