Marvel's Academy Alliance

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Simon laughed, despite himself.

" That isn't as funny as you think it is, but I'll have to admit I laughed. At least it's still early. Go find the counselor Ben and get your schedule straightened out. For my Electives, I took Band and Theatre by the way. I'll see you at the meeting after school ? "

"Yeah," Ben said smiling appreciatively to Simon, his cool- from the past friend. "See ya," he lifted his hand in parting, and headed for the counselors office, though he took his time, and made sure to have a long, fun chat with the counselor.
During their PE, Ben thrived even more. He probably showed off, and challenged his fellow students, being competitive and all. Ben was flexible, strong, and fast. He succeeded in sports, and did well in team work at first, as he got easily carried away in the end, resulting in him pushing his team mate aside when jumping to save a ball. He apologized later though, and didn't seem to have any ill will. He showed a discreet hint of impatience to bad players, though other than that he encouraged and motivated others to try their best, should they be close to him that was.
Should any of his superpower friends risk revealing their powers, he was quick to find a way to help them hide it. In regards of secrecy, Ben could always be relied on. He treated his friends like equals, and others like peasants, where he was King.

Smelling beautifully after a shower, Ben hurried for chemistry class. That was something he'd chosen with gusto! He loved chemistry, and was fascinated as much as gleeful of explosions.
Having shoved all his books into his locker Ben marched to the debate team class, having finally managed to choose one elective at least. Benjamin listened more than he debated, really. When asked his opinion however, he often served interesting ideas or questions. He could almost seem like a mix of a Buddhist, hippie, and a painfully honest comedian.

Facing Matt after debate class, Ben said "You know what, if I provide red tinted glasses, and you, me and Simon come together, we can debate our way to justice with style! Simon, my room mate has similar glasses," Ben explained in case Matt hadn't picked up on that- being blind and all. Ben continued "...and I think they look cool on you guys." Walking down the hallway Ben continued happily "You both look so cool, and smart. I'm cool and smart too, so I need those glasses!" Closing in on the dean's office Ben said to people passing by "Woah, blind person, coming through. Move. Move."
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As the bell rung and students shuffled their stuff together, Tony glanced over his shoulder to Reed. He had sat behind Tony during their history class, only because the two seats to his sides were already taken. Tony stood up, ready to go. He liked to be ready by the time class came to an end, which always seemed to bother his teachers. He was constantly being lectured about packing up before the class ended but... if his work was finished anyway, why did it matter? Tony never saw the point in waiting for the bell, and so he refused to do so just because someone a little older than him got their feelings hurt. Once Reed was ready to go the two exited the classroom together, Tony smiling at his teacher as they passed. She was young and beautiful, so she could expect a lot of similar smiles from the teenage boy in the year to come.

Once out in the hallway, Tony looked to his friend. "You don't have a class next period, right?" He confirmed. They both had an off hour together, which Tony saw as the perfect time to get this 'talk' out of the way. "I don't think anyone is using room 34B, I haven't seen anyone in there all day," He went on to suggest, nodding in the direction that said classroom was in. "We could go hang there for a second. It seemed like you really wanted to talk this morning."

Truthfully, Tony's curiosity was peaked. Was there something wrong with Reed? Or did he just have some modification to suggest about Tony's Iron Man suit? Reed had been one of the few people Tony showed his Iron Man suit to, and was still one of the only people to knew of the superhero's alter ego. He even played a minor part in the suits' design. Tony recognized Reed as an intellectual equal, so when he came to Tony with a 'genius idea' Tony actually gave him the time of day. The same could not be said for many others.

Reed had quietly gone through the first day, so far no teachers pulled a jerk move and given out homework on the first day. Still it gave Reed time to think about other things during class. Possibly too much time, as when Tony came up and suggested the two go have the talk Reed wanted. The young man suddenly had second thoughts about it. Tony was a popular guy, what if he wouldn't want to hang out with Reed anymore because of the mutation?

"Well…" Reed awkwardly scratched the side of his nose, glancing away from Tony before he stood up. He rubbed the back of his head trying to decide what to do. He didn't have a ton of friends, so losing Tony would hurt horribly. Especially over something Reed really didn't have a say in happening to him. Well he did have a say, but his stupidity made that decision and now Reed had to live with it.

"Uh… I guess." Reed finally agreed, looking back at Tony and giving him a taint nod of the head. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach getting more frantic as Tony led the way for them.

Tony could tell that Reed was nervous. Frankly, he'd been acting weird all day. Okay, probably nothing to do with the suit, then, Tony decided as he began to lead Reed through the halls. He hated weaving through the school halls, they were too crowded. Public school hallways would probably be a nightmare for the stuck up teenager. At least here they weren't jam packed. Just, more packed than Tony would prefer.

When they arrived at room 34B Tony looked through the window on the door, making sure the lights were still out. Yup, the room was empty. He looked up and down the hallway, scanning for instructors that might try to stop the two boys. The coast seemed clear, so Tony pushed open the door and went in. He flipped just one of the light switches up, so that only a third of the lights would turn on. He didn't want to draw attention to the classroom, but he also didn't want to hang out with Reed in the dark. That would be weird...

Tony slid onto one of the desks, facing Reed. "So, what's up?"

Reed followed Tony through the hall, though more than once had to glance around. Almost looking for an excuse out of the situation he found himself in. It was one thing knowing it was Tony, a friend. A friend who basically had a miniature nuclear like reactor in his chest no less. But Reed knew Tony had a bit of a shallowness to him. So if one of his friends now resembled more cartoon character than human would he still want to be around them?

Eventually escape was no longer possible, Tony was right in front of him and the two were in a classroom all to themselves. Reed fiddled with his fingers and looked down at the tile floor. "Well… you know about the whole experiment in Latveria right? The one that uh… didn't go so well." Reed anxiously asked Tony to start.

One of Tony's eyebrows lifted as he watched Reed twiddle his fingers. What was up with this guy? Tony held onto the desk he was sitting on, leaning forward slightly. He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes when Reed brought up Latveria. He'd heard about this already. And, although Tony could relate to what it felt like to fail, he wasn't going to indulge Reed in a pity party over something that happened months before.

"I remember," He said, leaning back now. "So sometimes experiments fail, it's not a big deal." Tony shrugged his shoulders, sounding unconcerned. But this was Tony's way of trying to comfort his friend. That was part of being a 'scientist.' You fail, recalculate, and try again. It sucks, but trial and error was how most things just had to go.

It was kind of a moot point asking Tony if he remembered it. When it happened Reed practically emotionally drained himself about it to his friend. Although Tony was sympathetic then, he's pretty apathetic about it now. It was a few months ago and Tony's mental toughness was stronger than Reed's in a lot of ways.

Still Reed paused, more trying to figure out how to phrase the next part to Tony. "Well… something else happened." Glancing at himself Reed finally just held up a hand, with the index finger sticking out. "Here… pull my finger." Reed paused for a moment, and in just that brief second. He realized what he just asked Tony to do. A nerd like Reed might not be up on all the hip kids talk, but he realized how Tony was probably taking the command.

With a nervous chuckle Reed blushed, "No I mean I won't like excrete gas or anything. But… something else did happen to me and I'm not sure how else to explain it right now."

Tony's eyebrows knit together, his gaze shifting from Reed's finger to his face and back multiple times. Is... he serious? This was by far the weirdest thing anyone has ever asked Anthony Stark to do. Looking into Reed's eyes, he could tell that his friend was dead serious. Clearly unsure, and a bit uncomfortable, Tony reached up and grasped Reed's finger. Then, he gave it a gentle pull.

As soon as Tony's clinched in on Reed's finger immediately something was off. It lacked any and all firmness, almost feeling like bread dough in his grip. As soon as Tony pulled though it only got crazier. As the finger began to pull out further and further with Tony's tugging. It didn't feel like at any point the finger would finally start showing any resistance. Instead it kept stretching out until finally Tony let go, and immediately the finger snapped back to normal on Reed's hand.

Reed further demonstrated the power as he clenched his own arm, tugging it rapidly out and back as it showed the same gummy like property. "Now I guess to answer the first question you have…" Reed started as he let his arm snap back to normal. "It affected everyone but differently. Susan can now turn invisible and make force fields, Johnny can light himself on fire and fly, and Ben can change in and out of a rock… monster like form." Reed explained as he subconsciously took a step back from Tony.

Reed glanced away, "Susan and I have been trying the last two months to figure out a way to reverse this but neither of us even know where to start. Nothing about any of this makes sense in the way you or I understand the human body genetically or biologically." Finally Reed glanced up at Tony, and it became clear in Reed's expression and demeanor what the fear he was showing was about. It was became clearer in his body, his overall state. Reed was struggling to understand something he didn't. Something he hadn't really had happened to him before. Not just in terms of physically but mentally as well. Reed hated not knowing something, and his entire being was now a puzzle that was confounding him.

"Now…" Reed began to look defensive in front of Tony. "I get this can't be a thing you can just accept suddenly. Outside of the four of us and maybe one or two others no one knows about it, not even our parents." Slowly Reed stepped to the right, his body no longer blocking Tony's immediate access to the door. "So if this changes how you see me in too much of a negative light… don't worry about it."

Tony watched Reed's display in complete shock, wide eyes following his movements. It took a lot to shock Tony, and Reed had found a way to do it. His mind was racing, trying to make sense of what Reed was able to do with his body. He was a machine person, but it didn't take a biology major to know that the human body was not supposed to stretch that way. Tony swallowed hard.

"Uh," He started. Reed had done something few others had been able to do: Shut him up. Finally, Tony was able to put together a complete thought. And then came complete sentences. "No, no. Uh, yeah, no. Doesn't change things... uh, negatively."

Tony leaned forward on the desk, still clearly confused. "Just, uh. Trying to make sense of it. I guess. What... what exactly is this?"
Reed paused, glancing down at his own hands before back up at the shocked Tony. "Well… neither Susan or I have come up with a through explanation yet but…" Reed scratched the side of his head to try and figure out how to put it. Even with someone as smart as Tony, it was still a complicated situation.

"When we used the teleporter, it was designed to use this parallel dimension to essentially rapidly dissolve and reintegrate whatever is being transported to its new location. So at this point there can be something to the dimension that we haven't quite fully explored yet, and there's also a possibility that with the methods used to transport through the dimension there could've been some kind of modified radiation effects."

Reed paused, finally shrugging with a shake of his head. "Or whatever… right?" He awkwardly threw in to sound normal… ish. "Either way it has been kind of hard to control at first, like waking up and looking like a spaghetti mess in my bed. I have it under control now, and have even been able to conduct some quite fascinating studies on what I'm capable of. Oh, and you know that special cloth material I gave you to line your suit with? Turns out, it perfectly stretches with me when I wear it! So I made a suit to stretch around in, very comfortable to work in too I'll add. I even made underwear out of the cloth to wear here check it ou…"

Tony's brown eyes followed Reeds hands as his friend reached for the waist of his pants. His eyes widened as he realized Reed intended to pull down his pants, and Tony waved both of his hands. "No! No..." He said quickly. "That's okay. No need to show me your underwear." Tony cleared his throat, only feeling relief when Reed took his hands away from his pants.

Tony stood from the desk he was sitting on, needing to move around a bit to truly process what Reed was telling him. He'd moved past the initial shock by now, but his brain was still trying to work out the science behind it all. Actually, his curiosity was peaked. When Reed and Susan finally figured it out he definitely wanted to hear about it.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Tony suddenly asked, adjusting the strap of his backpack. "I told you about Iron Man. It's only fair."

Reed paused confused until it finally dawned on him what exactly he was doing. With his pants already almost halfway down his waist, Reed quickly cinched them back up and zipped up properly. "Heh..." Reed awkwardly tried to chuckle away. In all his embarrassment, he swore he could hear a muffled giggle.

As Tony clearly changed topics as fast as humanly possible, Reed glanced away for a second in shame before glancing back. "Well I think I just let my imagination fly in how you would take it. We swore to one another to keep it a secret but I had considered telling you for a while now."

Reed folded his arms, glancing back up at Tony with a shamed look on his face. "I guess maybe I just underestimated you." Reed answered honestly.

Tony nodded his head in agreement. Sure, he could be a judgemental asshole, but Reed was his friend. This was weird, no denying that, but it wasn't something Tony would stop talking to Reed over. At the very least he would stick around to figure out how he had come to obtain this mutation.

"I'm not going to stop being your friend, or whatever you think," Tony said, finally standing still again. "Unless you try to undress for me again. Then we might have some problems."

Reed meekly chuckled to himself, his cheeks glowing a mild shade of red as he glanced away. "I mean it is a nice pair of underwear…" Was all he could muster before the nearby door into the classroom opened.

Margaret Rogers strolled in looking quite bemused, arms folded as she had the smirk of someone with blackmail material to last a long time. "You know Tony I always knew I'd catch you undressing with someone like this. But I didn't expect it to be like this." She teased coming up next to Reed and patting him on the shoulder. "Of course Reed I wouldn't expect you to do anything perverted like that…"

Reed looked on stunned a moment before coughing slightly. "Uh no, I mean wait what?" He weakly threw out.

Tony's brown eyes followed Margaret as she strolled in, his lips curving back into a coy smile. Had she heard everything? He wondered, though he didn't show any concern on his face. It was obvious Margaret had heard everything underwear related. But what about Reeds mutation? Or Tony's Iron Man secret?

"Why don't you join us?" Tony suggested, leaning against a desk and crossing one leg over the other. "I wouldn't mind seeing your underwear." His eyes flickered over to his nervous friend briefly, amused.

If Reed wasn't already completely embarrassed Tony's blatant hitting on Margaret only made things worse. Slinking away from the two by a step or two Reed hid his face from them because of how red he was getting.

"Oh good, the bastion of sexual harassment is still in full swing..." Margaret snipped back at Tony, already hating the possibility he joins. Meaning she'd have to try and wrangle in this horny dog. Still the firepower he'll bring is too strong to ignore. So she had to suck it up and be nice.

"So I should get to the point... Reed, Tony. I know about the suit and your powers." Margaret just came out with, causing Reed to immediately look back over in shock. "Now before either of you say anything, I've known about both long before this conversation the two of you had." Margaret handed the two a pair of envelopes of the SHIELD information packets for the project. "I was hoping the two of you would be willing to lend me those powers for a little project."

Maragaret's insults did little to Tony's ego. After all, he liked a girl who played hard to get. He flipped through the contents of his envelope, eyebrows knitting together at what he saw. A lot of very personal information, about both Anthony Stark and Iron Man.

"What kind of project?" He mused as he skimmed over one of the reports. "And, how exactly did you come to obtain this information?" He had considered for a very short moment to play dumb, but it was clear Margaret knew more about him than he about her. What he really wanted to know now was how he was found out.

He'd been so careful with his secret identity. More careful than he'd ever been, actually. And a lot of Stark Industries money has gone into keeping things under wraps.

Watching the two go over the paperwork provided a showcase in how different the two were. Tony looked frustrated, irritated at someone knowing so much about him and the thing he had been keeping secret. Meanwhile Reed leaned back against one of the other desks, looking almost fascinated at the information as he stroked his chin. Occasionally adjusting his glasses with a delicate pair of fingers.

"Well to be honest it's not completely my project. Let's just say I'm working for some friends in very high places." Margaret started, knowing how mysterious she sounded, and how much it was going to frustrate Tony more to her joy. "Basically a task force to save the world whenever needed, and take down any evil forces at large."

"So like the Justice League?" Reed asked, still peering down at his paperwork.

"Not nearly as publicly known hopefully but something to that extent." Margaret answered with an index finger to Reed. Who didn't see it still reading his files.

Tony glanced up at the mention of the Justice League. "Superheroes?" He questioned, his amusement by the idea clear in his voice. "What are we, twelve? Get real." He shook his head, closing his envelope. Though he didn't hand it over. No, he wanted to read it thoroughly. Know exactly what Margaret's "friends" knew about him.

"Sorry, but I'm a one man show. Don't really plan on sharing the spotlight," He continued, looking to Margaret now. "And even if I was, I wouldn't join some freak-show full of people who dare to publicly call themselves Superheroes." Tony scoffed, reaching for his bag. "I'll catch you two later," he said, strolling past Margaret and towards the door.

Reed remained awkwardly quiet as he watched Tony strut out of the classroom. Especially as Margaret was staring daggers through the billionaire's son. "Oh and his humble too ladies..." Margaret hissed mockingly under her breath before she reached out. Clamping the paperwork from out of Tony's arm.

"Oh no you don't. Don't play ball, don't get to keep the confidential information!" Margaret scolded Tony, dangling up the paperwork in her fingertips towards Tony.

For a moment Tony didn't know how to react. He didn't like getting things taken away from him, and he had been excited to read all about himself. So he just stared at the teenage girl, trying to figure out how to best handle the situation. He was looking for a way to convince her to let him read them, but all his ideas just led back to joining her silly little group. "Whatever," He finally said, turning and strolling out of the classroom. Not like I cared that much anyways, he told himself in an effort to not get butt hurt. A failed effort.

Watching Tony Margaret could only shake her palmed head in disbelief. Not just in the immature way he acts. But the fact it had started to rub off on her with the way she was acting! All it did in the end was remind her that the team was better off without him. Pausing to remember the other figure in the room in Reed. She turned back brushing some of her hair aside to go back to look presentable for the young elastic genius. "I'm sorry its just… I know you're friends with him but I can't stand the guy. Damn creep." Margaret muttered to Reed.

To his credit Reed gave her an assured nod, defensively holding up his hands. "Hey I know how he can be. It's okay." Reed was disappointed Tony wasn't interested, of course Reed and anyone else who was friends with the guy knew his ego was going to be the end of him one day. But Reed still couldn't deny Tony's ego wasn't deserved with his intelligence. Just wished he maybe show some sense of humanity. Finally returning his attention to the conversation at hand Reed glanced back at the paperwork of himself before backup to Margaret. "So… it's clear you know what happened to us, well besides Victor but… did you guys ask the others about this?"

Needing a moment to remember Margaret scratched her chin, "Well, yeah… but Susan and Ben both said no. Johnny was going to join but well… Susan 'convinced' him to say no too." She noted. Remembering the scene vividly…

"Johnny I swear to god you better not join this crazy crap!"

"But it sounds awesome sis! Come on it'll be rad as Hell and the ladies will…"



"Seriously shouldn't have to smack the back of your head to make you think clearly…"

Reed meekly chuckled, "Yeah that sounds about right." He said to Margaret.

Margaret though turned her attention back to Reed. "What about you though?" She asked.

Pausing to think about it Reed seemed like mentally he was almost elsewhere. Looking off at an angle away from Margaret in thought. A saddened expression on his face before he looked back at the paperwork one last time. "You know… my dad told me something when I was a kid. It always stuck with me. 'The goal of a scientist is to make the world you leave a better place from when you entered it.' I always wanted to live my life according to that rule."

Standing back upright from the desk he looked Margaret professionally in the eyes. "So I'll join… under two conditions. I don't know what kind of organization it is you're with. Clearly though its big, and something that can help me out."

Margaret was interested, "With what exactly?" She asked curious.

"Well…" Reed pulled out of the paperwork the page that talked about the failed experiment in Latveria. "Help finding Victor for one thing. He is still a friend and I'm worried not just because he's missing. But if what happened to us was any indication he might be in even bigger trouble than any of us realize."

Margaret nodded in agreement, "We can do that, what's the other thing?"

Seeming a little more unsure about this request, Reed slumped his shoulders a bit. "Uh… I'm sure you guys probably have a seriously good resource department. Would it be possible to request equipment and other such things for any experiments I'm working on? Within reason of course."

Margaret smiled, and reached into her pocket to pull out an ID card. Showing Reed's face and the words SHIELD on top. What struck Reed the most was the bottom stating clearly "Research and development department". "We were hoping you'd ask." She told Reed confidently. "Now as for this, we have a meet and greet with the rest of the team after school at the dean's office. I do expect you to be there." She added.

Reed nodded, but paused realizing something, "Um… don't suppose I can swing by my place before the thing actually starts? I have a suit to wear when I'm using my powers so I don't end up uh… nude." He asked blushing a bit again.

Margaret softly chuckled, "We can arrange that." She assured her.
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Nico glances over her shoulder as she hears Ben call out to her. She just shrugs a little and looks ahead of herself once more, proceeding down the hallway. Nice guys, but still kids. In her opinion. And in her eyes, the only thing she has in common with them is being in the same room at the same time.

School… she thought she was done with it. Forever. She's a witch (in training)… what does she need school for? At least normal people's school. As far as she knows, Hogwarts isn't enrolling people. So if she has to go to school it has to be crappy normal people school. In her mind, though, she's less here to learn and more to be a part of this project. Which she still isn't perfectly clear on. She hopes it's not a 'hey let's take over the world!' kind of project.

She's already seen that sort of thing, wasn't cool.

And so, the day progresses… slooooooooowly.

Class the first: World History. Seems she was right, the planet does have history. See? She doesn't need school. She's smart enough. The teacher went through about 10 topics they would be going through during the school year. Most of the kids didn't want to be there, it seemed to Nico. Sheeeeee could understand that sentiment. She half pays attention to the teacher, and half writes in a small black leather notebook she has. Just a single line is written during class time.
'When I can't even read my own feelings, what good are words when a smile says it all?'

Zweite klasse (second class): Science (Biology).
So now they're getting into something Nico can at least feel a little spirited about. When she was a little girl, she had aspirations of being a marine biologist. Somewhere in the back of her mind, that's still something she thinks she could really go for. But like most classes, this first day is just an introduction. Just a feeling out process. While Nico does pay more attention than she did in her first class, she is still writing lines in her notebook. Another line..
'speak gently to the little child, its love be sure to gain.'

Third On The Hitlist: Creative Writing. So, it seems the second, third and fourth periods will be fun for Nico. As much as a downtrodden (practically) emo chick can be. Creative writing, she can get with this. But when the teacher goes over the basic curriculum… Nico finds herself a bit dissapointed. They're going to learn to make brochures and flyers? A traffic accident report? The teacher does say they'lll eventually get into free writing… legends, myths and your own tall tales… and Haiku. So it won't be so bad. Like when you're watching your fave TV show.. sometimes you have to sit through the crappy parts to get to the good stuff. She can be patient. Oh, she can write about this… if she were speaking to you, this is where she would clear her throat.
'A girl sits in class
Girl not wanting to be taught
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji'

Close enough!

Bring on The Meat! (4th Period): Lunch. Nico sits by herself. She writes most of the time. And eats carrots.
'I've seen the moonbeam's shining light. I've watched the lamb clouds int the night, as stars shone clear and bright.'

4th Period + 1 = Algebra. Guh.
Math sucks. That is all. But it gives Nico time to jot down another random line/idea in her notebook.
'She lives a prisoner within the four bare walls of her poor room. In the bright world she walks no more, yet cheerfully accepts her doom'

6th Quarter/Period: Physical Education.
Gym by any other name is just the same. While some of the girls (its an all girl class) are busy gossiping and not watching the stupid video the gym teacher is showing on the ancient looking television, Nico sits at the top of the bleachers by herself. To her credit, she did change into the shorts and t-shirt she was required to wear. Shorts and t-shirt that will mysteriously disintegrate later today.
'Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been'

Fingerpaints and Clay Ashtrays (7th Period): Art.
Once more, she finds herself more comfortable in a setting where she is free to express herself. Even if she has to follow the curriculum that will be presented… she can still put her own little spin on all of the projects she might be making here. Like putting little skulls somewhere in all of her projects: painting, sculpting, drawing, whatever. It can be like a little competition for her, see how many hidden skulls she can put into her projects before someone says something.
'Make me too brave to lie or be unkind'

Finale (8th Period): Literature. Another class she can see she might enjoy. Though she would suspect she has already read most of the things they might be going over in this class. But still.. it might be nice to talk to other potential booknerds. Huh… she wonders if there's some kind of literature club here at the Academy…
'For one brief space she played a tragic role; there is no mask to hide a lonely soul'

The day's classes come and they go. But things seem to drag on for Nico. Each class, she's just anxious to get to the next class. And then the next. And then towards the end of the day. It feels like a short eternity, to her. She remembers her instructions as she exits Literature, holding her black leather notebook under her arm. Her other hand grasps the strap of her backpack, her eyes (as they have been all day) cast downwards as she walks. She memorized the map of the school's layout (she's good at that sort of thing), so getting to the Dean's office is no mean feat. And as she approaches… she hears a downright…. chipper… voice. The voice of Raven. Gods… it's the cheerleaderish chick from this morning. She's going to have to turn her into a mushroom or something, isn't she?
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So, classes...Simon is just smart enough that most classes aren't a particular challenge. Economics was never something he studied so he has to pay attention. English isn't easy, he had forgotten just how much he didn't enjoy it. So that was a bit of a struggle, which he wasn't used to. Trig... a breeze for Simon's math oriented mind. Band, saxophone tryouts, a breeze, something he really did enjoy music. Theatre caught his attention, his imagination. P.E. too was a bit of a struggle. He had to not use barely any strength or anywhere near his normal hand eye coordination. In exchange, he looked a bit like the nerd he new himself to be.

By the end of the day, the psychological struggle of dealing with crowds of kids, a practice largely in social avoidance for the moment. He thought he would probably get used to it, but it would take a while. Navigating the school also was something that appealed to the particulars of his mind. He had an exceptional memory before the accident and it was even better now. He got to the Deans office a bit early and sat nearby where he could watch for a few minutes. He found himself nervous, seeking social acceptance from his fellow special students. Though he hadn't seen anyone enter yet.

He went through what some of the people at the Shield facility had told him about social efforts. Fitz was not really helpful, but said, be true to yourself always. Phil Coulson too had said something similar. Concentrate on doing what has to be done first. With your eyes and ears open before making any judgements or actions. Then worry about people.

There, here comes Nico ! Odd name he thought to himself. So, Simon Graham Williams finally got up, walking up to join Nico.

" Good afternoon Nico, how was your day ? "

@LocalAreaMan @Ms.Ezra @Camleen @The Wanderer @Laivindur @mr_pibbs @Brea
Matt Murdock

His classes were uneventful as expected for a blind person. As most of the teachers either gave him easy work or no work at all. Which he didn't mind much, he was still annoyed enough to tell the teachers after class to give him some actual work. It would've have to be modified for his disability.

When lunch rolled around, Matt got his lunch and ate it in peace. The food being kind of bland in his opinion. Gonna have to be bring my own stuff. He thought to himself. Thanks to his enhanced senses, he could pick up some people making comments about the fact he was wearing sunglasses inside. Although many ceased upon the sight of his cane. Or at least, that was what he thought caused them to stop.

His next classes were even more uneventful.

Save for when Ben started talking about his glasses. "Hm, if we all get red shades. We can call ourselves the red glasses debaters." Matt joked. Ben seemed to be a pretty chill guy. And this Simon sounded like a similar person.

Following Ben to the Dean's office, with Ben clearing the way for Matt. Which he didn't mind. Though he could've easily navigated the halls filled with students, with ease due to his enhanced senses.

Time to meet the other members of the team...
Nico And Simon's Little Conversation

Nico stops short of the Dean's office proper, seeming to hesitate wanting to go inwards. She watches Raven out of the corner of her eyes, remembering how much she disliked people like her. Maybe it was a jealousy thing. When she hears her name, she looks towards Simon, her gaze partially concealed under dark locks of hair. She just eyes him for a few moments, as if trying to decide if she even wants to respond to him. Come on, Nico. No need to be bitchy. She just shrugs her slim shoulders, her hands now holding her notebook in front of her stomach absently. "In order of appearance… boring, hopeful, promising, filling, agitating, annoying, promising again, not so bad… and now I'm here. How'd your thing go? Any fun classes or whatever?" She says in a light tone.

Simon smiled despite himself. Nico's facial expressions and her bluntness were rather entertaining to him. Simon is a fairly tall fellow with dirty blond hair, still wearing his red shades. .
" Well, math and the electives went well. P.E. and English were... challenging" he laughs to himself here. " It's hard to adjust for human norm, when your range of physical ability goes so much higher. Not meaning to brag miss Nico, but what a pain "
For some reason, the cranky seeming Nico made him feel comfortable, an extremely rare thing for the usually introverted Simon.

When Simon starts to respond, she has to admit her mind starts to wander a little. Her mind goes to a few more random lines that she has to remember to write down sometime. Her eyes even drift closed a little, but then they blink as she looks towards him with an odd expression. That.. was a weird thing to say. "Wait… that was a weird thing to say." She speaks abruptly, almost cutting him off. She half turns towards him as she studies his face, and then his glasses. "Are you some kinda alien or somethin? What do ya mean 'human norm'? That makes you sound freaky, dude." Her head tilts to one side as she watches him, her eyes squinting a little. "Wait… you're here for the project thing too, aren't you.."

Simon is still smiling as she reacts, containing himself not to laugh. " Yes, I'm here for the project too Nico. My roommate Ben, probably Matt the blind guy. Certainly Margaret. There are likely a few others too. "
His smile finally faded a bit.
" Did you see a kid in a red outfit swinging out by the front of the school this morning, hit a car while swinging on some sort of line, then he ran off. "

Nico listens to what Simon says about the others being here for the project. She looks towards Raven… even cheerful preppy girl? She keeps her eyes on Raven as Simon continues. She then starts to speak as she slowly looks back towards him. "Yeah, the guy on the rope. Reeeeeally weird way to show up for first day. Not a grand first impression. And" She now looks at him full on, her eyes watching his… well his glasses. "Don't try to redirect a conversation with me, man. I do that with the best of 'em, so I know when it's happening to me. Why did you word that the way you did? Are you an alien or somethin?"

For the first time in the conversation Simon has an expression of concern or sadness. My father was a scientist, specializing in alternative energy production. I used to help him in his lab. One day it exploded. He died in the explosion. My body has changed somewhat since that day. I'd rather not go into the details until we have our.. meeting. I figure since Margaret went so far out of her way to get you a roommate, and you are here... you were part of this project. " He seems to take a deep breath and sigh, relaxing again.

Simon… suddenly lays a lot on Nico. Her expression gets more and more confused with each passing word. Scientist.. alternative… energy.. production… exploded… eeesh. Part of Nico wishes she hadn't asked. It's a very small part, but still. "Uh.. wow okay. I'm sorry about your dad, man." She says in a genuine tone. She looks a little away from him, seeming to now feel bad about making him spill all that. She does want to go into more depth with it.. like how his body was changed. Did he get like Superman powers? Or Flash? Or… some other comic book character she hears people talking about? "Uh.. yeah I'm in the project too. I guess." She shrugs once again, a faint smile upon her dark lips. "Margaret kind of came out of nowhere to fetch me. Gave me a nice pad. So here I am."

" They are nice aren't they. Kind of weird to have a guy roommate though in my opinion, even if he is blind. Yeah, I didn't go into dad's lab that day intending to be a comic book thing. It just happened. Been quite a bit to deal with frankly. I rather miss my life. As for Margaret, There is more to her than meets the eye. "

Nico shrugs a little with the suggestion of awkard roomies. "Ah.. I've had roommates before with penises. Nothing new there. The blind part will be a new adventure, though." Her eyes have been watching the office rather intently, as if waiting for something to happen. Or someone to show up. But she does glance at Simon… thinking how much Molly would love that his powers were born of a lab experiment. That kind of comic book thing is right up her alley. And she finds herself smiling wistfully as she looks away from him. "Miss the old life. Yeah, I can get with that." She then shakes her head a little, glancing around to see if Margaret was within earshot. "Yeeeeeah she had a lot of intel on me. Things she shouldn't have known. Frankly that's about the only reason I half listened to her shpeel.."

Simon watched her carefully, noting her tone of voice. . " I have spent several months with the people she works with. They are very capable. Some of them can be very nice too. I needed alot of help with some stuff and they helped. Perhaps we should go inside Miss Nico ?"

Several months? That makes Nico think.. is he one of them? Does he already work for this.. project thing whatever it is? When he says he needed help.. was that connected to his new abilities? Or was it something else? She feels like all she has are questions now, and little beyond that. She doesn't even know what precisely this project consists of. The fact she seems to be kept in the dark about a lot of it.. it makes her wonder. And it makes her suspicion grow. Nico nods faintly with his suggestion, now slipping her notebook into her backpack. "Yeah, let's head in. And don't call me Miss Nico, man. Just Nico's fine."
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Character Sheet: Here
Location: School Hallways, Classroom, The Deans Office
Mentioned: Steve Rogers, Agent Coulson, Classmates
Interactions: Agent Coulson, Steve Rogers, Classmates
Outfit: School Uniform

Things seemed to fly by without much time for Peter to process it. He managed to avoid being spotted by Gwen easily enough, but he had the sinking feeling that this wasn't the first time they would encounter one another that day. But the line moved quickly and he eventually got his school supplies, at which point he headed for the assembly. Though it was mostly the routine dribble, there were two things that stuck out to Peter;

1.) Steve F**king Rogers was just as much of an American hero and a badass in person as he was in pictures.

2.) Steve F**king Rogers had a daughter?

Despite that all, Peter was pretty unimpressed with the assembly as a whole, but his attention was focused mostly on Captain America, which prompted much internal fan-boying from the young teen. But after the assembly ended, Peter raced off to his locker to try and put away his things. but as per usual; the 'Parker luck' kicked in and around the time he finally managed to get his stuff sorted out, the bell rung, signalling that he was already late on the first day. With a frustrated sigh, Peter raced off to his morning class.


The rest of the day proceeded fairly normally for Peter; he found he wasn't hating the school as much as he thought he would and most of the students seemed pretty cool. He didn't seem to have any overlap with Gwen or most of the other students he had seen coming into school that day, but occasionally he would spot a handful of them as he moved from class to class. But sooner than expected, the final bell rang and Peter let out a sigh, knowing what was coming next; the 'special meeting' with the Dean.

Though it was going to be quite the experience being in a room with Steve Rogers, especially in such tight quarters (close enough to shake his hand), Peter wasn't looking forward to it. Something in the back of his head was telling him that this wasn't going to be a fun evening. But as he pushed onward into the room, he saw two prominent figures; Steve Rogers, and Phil Coulson. The room was also filled with a few other students, including (ugh) Gwen. He glanced around momentarily, taking everything in before he offered up a meek smile and said "Hey everybody.", narrowing his eyes a little to try and hide his discomfort.
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Benjamin's heart beat faster and faster the closer to the dean's office he came. There would be no question about how much this meant to Ben. Should Matthew have learned how to read emotions from a person's heartbeat, he'd know Ben felt nervous, and excited. Fear accompanied these emotions, but he was suppressing that most of all.
When he entered the office with Matthew, Ben said nothing, but stepped a few steps inside with his backpack hanging from his right shoulder. Stopping at a safe distance from those he'd not yet met, he surveyed everyone, and smiled coyly from under his pair of electric blue, attentive eyes. His smile would have grown wider had he not felt so nervous. As his eyes landed on Steve Rogers however, his back straightened. His heart pounded with awe and anticipation. Was this the man who was going to grant him access to more power? More opportunities? This group, this man, even Margaret, could open up so many new doors for Benjamin Baker. This project, and the collaboration of remarkable people would finally grant Ben the life he deserved! Fame! Glory! Power! Friendships! Love! Redemption! This was the start of-... Not getting ahead of himself Ben looked back at the crowd and lifted a shy hand saying "Hello."
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Raven hears the approach of someone else, and turns around to see Nico. She had seen her earlier outside the school, and after skimming the file from earlier knows she is also in the project if not the details of what exactly she or anyone else can do. Her hand rises to wave, mouth ready to smile, but then another student comes up and catches her attention first. One of the handsome boys specifically, which internally makes Raven fume.

What does this Nico have to get his attention first? Do they know each other already? She thinks and fights to prevent her emotions from being expressed. All the two see is a look of curiosity.

The girl listens to the first part of their conversation, but decides to enter the office before she can catch the rest of the conversation, the more interesting parts really. It is rude to eavesdrop after all.

At least in such an obvious way as right then would have been.

Coming into the office, Raven says to Dean Rogers "Hallo again, Mr. Rogers." She gives him and everyone else currently in the room a big smile "And hallo everyone. I am Raven, I am from Germany, nice to meet you." She says in her pronounced German accent with its staccato pattern intact, looking around at everyone with her beauty pageant smile turned up to ten. She was not about to be ignored if it could be helped at all.
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Character Sheet: Here
Location: All throughout the school --> Deans office
Mentioned: Peter ( @mr_pibbs ), Everyone @ the deans office
Interactions: Raven ( @Ms.Ezra )
Outfit: School Uniform

The first day of school seemed to whizz by. One minute Gwen was standing in line to get her schedule and other papers, the next she was sitting beside Raven- her apparent new friend- listening to the Dean give them a speech. Truthfully, she didn't think much if it, and even zoned out towards the end. There wasn't anything special, just your usual beginning of the year pep talk. Before she knew it Raven was bidding her a goodbye, and the two parted ways.

Each class went by just as quick as the speech seemed to. Most of it was generic first-day type stuff. Go over what they were going to learn this year, make sure everyone was in the right room, yadah yadah yadah. Gwen just wanted to get to the actual learning. She'd been given the opportunity to learn at one of the best schools around, and she wanted to use this to her advantage. If being a part time superhero was the price she had to pay then she thought she got the better end of the deal.

Mostly, Gwen stuck to herself. She wasn't a shy girl, but for today she was really just getting used to her new surroundings. Friends could come tomorrow, today she just didn't want to be the kid who realized half way through the period that they weren't in the right class.

Finally, came the end of the day. The part she was really looking forward to. The meet-and-greet with her new team mates. She was excited to know which of her classmates had superhuman abilities. Eager to start saving the day with them. As she walked through the hallways she couldn't help but wonder which people she was just passing by that she would later discover were like her.

When the dean's office came into view Gwen felt a little nervous. She hesitated for a moment, before pushing through her feelings and making her way to the room. She hesitated once more as she reached for the doorknob. Swallowing hard, Gwen closed her eyes and pushed her way into the room. Nothing to be nervous about, she told herself.

Inside, there were a lot more people than she expected. Then again, Gwen didn't really know what she should have expected. Her blue eyes swept around the room, and she pulled a friendly smile onto her face. Between all of the other teenagers in the room, Gwen only recognized two.

The first, of course, was Peter Parker. There was no surprise there. After seeing him in the parking lot that morning she would have been shocked not to see him there. Obviously they were both offered the same opportunity, why else would he had transferred to this school the same time as her? Just to annoy her? Well, that is a possibility...

Raven was the other person she recognized. This one did take her by surprise. What were the odds? The only person she had really talked to the entire day ended up being a part of her exclusive team? Did Raven know this and plan ahead? Or was it purely coincidence? She couldn't be sure.

Deciding to make some small talk- since it seemed like they might still be waiting for someone- Gwen went over to Raven. Since she was the only person she'd already been friendly with it was only natural that she would flock to her. "You're a part of this too?" She questioned, though the answer was admittedly obvious. She waited for Raven to answer, and then looked around the room. Her eyes briefly landed on Peter, and she could feel her spider sense annoyingly going off for him. Her gaze then moved on. "Is this everyone, or are we waiting for more?" She was mostly asking Raven, but asked loud enough for anyone to answer her.

Character Sheet: Here
Location: School --> Home
Mentioned: Reed & Margaret ( @LocalAreaMan )
Interactions: N/A
Outfit: School Uniform

After his talk with Margaret and Reed, Tony couldn't stop thinking about what had been proposed to him. He'd been given the chance to join a superhero alliance, and he laughed in their faces. Did he make a mistake? What was he going to be missing out on? Truly, what did he have to lose by trying out a group?

Iron Man's reputation, for one. His own self-respect. The glory that could belong solely to him.

At least, this is what Tony kept telling himself he could lose. But then, why did he keep thinking about the group? About that file filled with things no one should know about him? It kept gnawing at Tony, eating away in the back of his mind. It's all he could think of the rest of the day. He was lucky it was the first day of school and none of his teachers actually had anything planned except to talk their students ear's off.

When the end of the day came, Tony walked through the hallways and towards the entrance alone. As he passed the deans office, he couldn't help but pause. If Margaret was a part of the superhero group, and she was approaching people at school, and her dad was suddenly the new dean of the school, Tony could only guess that her father was in on it too. Maybe he could...

No, Tony thought, shaking his head and laughing at himself. Why was he so interested? He already said no to joining. Tony went out the front doors and straight to his car. Still, even as he pulled out of the parking lot and started his commute home he couldn't help but think about that stupid superhero team.
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As it turned out, after sharing the class with Tony. Reed also shared the last period being an open one with Margaret. Though he had planned on using the time to experiment in an open lab. He instead spent it in the lunch hall with Margaret, talking and going over details about the project which all made Reed more and more excited. Especially the small details, all the ways the others got their powers. The fact that her father, and the school's new dean, was the legit actual Captain America!

He did ask if he could procure a small sample of Steve's blood for research. Causing a chuckling Margaret to suggest he probably will need to ask the man himself.

By the time the final bell rang Margaret and Reed kept talking. He had to admit, Margaret seemed like a pleasant girl. He had only really known anything about her from a distance and occasionally sharing a class together. The two kept up the talk as they came through the crowd of other students leaving. Until Reed saw her in the distance. A mixture of feelings overwhelmed him as he sunk behind Margaret. Who's cheery demeanor quickly changed in confusion.

"Whats up?" She asked.

"Well uh…" Reed muffled as he frantically adjusted his glasses, "Lets just say Susan is nearby and I think she saw us and you know how I was joking about her reaction to me actually joining? Well I think we're about to find out what that reaction actually is which terrifies me if I do say so myself…"

Susan had been having a relaxing first day. Though part of her was still thinking about the summer disaster, and Reed...and lastly Margarets' project. Susan had told Margaret that there was no way she would allow her impulsive brother Johnny to join . Susan felt responsible for Johnny as it was, it seemed dangerous to allow him to join a super powers club. It didn't matter to Sue that there was some sort of shady government organization involved.

Just then as she was taking the slow walk home with a shortcut through the lunch hall. She saw Reed talking excitedly with Margaret. Was he was going to join after all? She sighed deeply. This was going to make things impossible with Johnny. Her younger brother would try and leverage Reeds participation into his own. Worst case he would simply go find Margaret and volunteer.

She then developed a plan. But it involved some sacrifice on her part. She walked towards where Margaret and Reed walking.

"Good afternoon, Margaret.... Reed. I have some questions regarding your volunteer group Margaret. I would like more information."

She didn't look at Reed, she couldn't help wondering if Reed liked Margaret though. He was acting weird, guilty even. She didn't want to discuss anything with him yet. The situation was still too fresh yet.

"Listen Susie whatever it might look like I assure you…" Reed peeked out from behind Margaret only to be cut off by the girl herself. Giving him an assured hand and quietly telling him to relax, she's got this.

Turning back to Susan Margaret was a bit surprised that Susan was showing interest. She could remember the one brief moment she had with Johnny alone. They were talking about random stuff when Susan and Reed both came up. Johnny noted that he wasn't the only one who felt like the two had something together. Something that couldn't just be excused by their long standing friendship.

Still Margaret folded her arms, trying to avoid showing any of the non-existent lingering bad feelings she had over Susan's rejection. "Sure, what's up?" Margaret asked as Reed finally slipped out from behind her. Sensing the danger of Susan seeing him not only joining but with Margaret having gone away.

" I find myself in a position to consider volunteering. But that being said, I cannot condone my brother joining. I take my responsibilities seriously regarding Johnny. He is only a sophomore, but if he sees Reed joining.. It will be impossible to keep him away. He is quite impulsive that way "

She takes a moment to gather her thoughts.

"So, I was thinking I would volunteer with the idea that you would not put Johnny on any kind of active roster. Training only please. "

Finally she looked to Reed.

" As for you mister Richards, I feel privileged to know you as well as I have. But this last summer's adventure still haunts me. I keep thinking I hear Victor screaming when I dream Reed. I thank god that Johnny came back to this world with us. You are a brilliant man Reed. But now I think of us all as having the beautiful wax wings of icarus and heading up to the sun."

Reed looked on concerned about what Susan had said, she wasn't wrong with any part of it. Reed hasn't exactly been a bastion of sanity since it all transpired either. Still Reed glanced back up after a second's ponder and gave Susan an assured smile. "Yeah but… why use wax wings when we could make high tech ones out of lightweight, sturdy materials!"

Margaret paused, stopping her focus on Susan to glance over at Reed. "...huh?" She asked, very confused where that came from..

Reed froze, realizing that the train of thought he just had went in a completely wrong direction. "Well I mean…" Reed paused, "Oh right no listen Susan I hear you. But… at the same time Tony and I were just talking and… it's time to move on." Reed sighed, shaking his head for a moment.

"What's done is done. Margaret's people can help us find Victor, but what we should be doing is maybe… taking what we have and do something more with it. Look Susie, I live my life by my dad's motto, and doing something like this is how I live by it." Reed told Susan. Margaret supporting Reed by giving Susan a nod towards helping find Victor.

Susan sighed softly. She admired Reed, she really did. She also had made up her mind regarding this project, if they... Margaret's people... agreed to her request. There was something both tiring and exhilarating about this project.

"True enough Reed, what's done is done. I will try and ignore the nightmares as best I can and start over. What about you Margaret? Do you think the request is too much or something? It's really something I need, I can't risk losing my brother again."

Susan relaxed, this conversation brought back many memories of happier times. But as Reed said, time to get over it and move on. If he could, she could too right?

Reed smiled warmly as Margaret pondered the request for a moment to herself. "I mean we don't really have anything in place with this program for just training people without having them run field assignments…" She asked, trying to consider a possible deal that she could work out.

Finally with a snap of her fingers Margaret beamed to Susan. "What I can do is get Johnny personalized agent training. Something to do on the weekends or something like that to keep him busy but in a safe, controlled environment." With that Margaret extended out a hand to Reed's friend. An assured smile adorning Margaret's face. "What do ya say? Deal?"

Susan smiled at the other girl, relieved. She extended her own hand and shook Margaret's.

"Deal. You do understand right? We lost our parents, I almost lost him in Latveria. It would kill me to lose him now. "

She sighs again, getting herself together.

"Anyway, is that it? I should call Johnny and let him know where I am."

As Susan called Johnny, telling him she had just made plans, leaving out the important details of what said plans were for now. It left Johnny enough to assume it was something "nerdy af" and not bother asking. Still after she hung up Reed took it upon himself to help her with her backpack. Carrying it along with his own as they followed the confidently striding Margaret. Not only was this going to be her big debut as Captain America, she was going to handle everything like a pro.

When Margaret got to the front door she politely let Reed and Susan come in first. Reed simply gave a meek wave to everyone before realizing another one of people in the room was that guy from at the start of the day. Quickly Reed slipped over to Peter Parker, extending out a hand. The hand stretched slightly outwards as Reed let himself relax a bit. "Hey you're the guy from earlier right? Did you find everything okay? Well I suppose you did because your here but still!"

Margaret started to walk in, trying to make sure she had the proper aire of 'I'm the leader, and you'll respect me dammit!' to her. A small puff up of her chest, she opened the door for herself and…

"And hallo everyone. I am Raven, I am from Germany, nice to meet you."





Margaret's once powerful stride stopped dead in its tracks the second she saw and heard her voice. The troublemaker from earlier?! What the hell was she doing here?! Did she… did dad... . Already Margaret's head started to throb from the sudden news, and made all the worst when she realized that everyone in the room just watched her walk in, and suddenly go from go-getter to shocked goofball who's complexion had died a hasty death.

Quickly Margaret did everything she could to regain her composure. A cough, a quick adjustment of her hair. There, all good to go right? Whatever, it had to do for now. "Alright hey everyone!" Margaret started as she strolled further into the room past everyone. "Okay so it looks like everyone is here? Cool we can go ahead and…"

"Well actually…" Her father tried to politely interrupt her, only inadvertently rattle her nerves further. "We do have a pair more but they're in the bus waiting for all of us. I have a special little area arranged so we can all get to know one another and about what the plan is going forward with this initiative."

Margaret felt her eye twitch slightly, "Cool…" was all she could let out like a sad, slowly deflating balloon.
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The office was suddenly getting crowded. Nico's head bows down a little as she puts just a faint hint of distance between herself and… everyone. She doesn't want to intentionally be unfriendly to anyone. But she does want to be cautious. Being betrayed by to many people in your life makes you paranoid. Always just waiting for the next person to rip out your heart. So in light of that particular expectation from one of these 'friends', Nico Minoru takes mental inventory.

Ben… waaaaaaay eager to be everyone's pal. Seems to want to start a conversation with everyone. So that must me he's super insecure. Or just trying to hard, and that makes him suspicious. He feels funny, too.

Matt… her roommate. Once more she hopes he's not a serial killer. That's a bummer trait for a roomie. Her dark eyes linger on him as she stands silently, hoping they get some time later to figure out the apartment.

… nice guy. Weird. He and Matt wear red shades. Weirder. But again a really nice guy, one that is holding something back from their conversation.

Raven… apparently she's from Deutshland. Pretty girl with a pretty accent.
How annoying.​
And who names their kid Raven? Unless her parents are birds, then that's odd.

Gwen…. relatively understated hot chick. She and Raven are probably on the cheerleader squad or something else nausiating. She and Raven were even talking to each other in the morning. So yeah they're probably besties by now, or at least have exchanged makeup tips.
But Gwen does remind Nico of someone she used to know, someone that her heart aches about.

Peter… she doesn't know his name, or if he's even in the right room. He seems a little on the puny side. Someone needs to get that kid a sandwich or something. But he seems.. distracted. But why? Dean Rogers? He's just a guy, guy.

Nico hears the door opening a final time, and she kind of steps away from that general direction, looking discretely towards it to see who else might be coming. A skinny dude with brown hair, who slips in and talks to the kid who's name she doesn't know (Peter). Wow he is talking fast. Reed stops to say a few words to Peter, and then another girl walks in. One Nico hasn't seen before. Another pretty blond. Gawd they're everywhere. But her attention goes almost immediately from Susan to Margaret when she enters behind the group.

Wow, Margaret is carrying herself like she's totally in charge and….. nope. On a dime Margaret's who constitution seems to change, but why? Well clearly she was surprised by something. Was she not expecting so many students? Nico's gaze seems to avert from Margaret, but she watches the young girl out of the corner of her eyes discretely. She is rattled. When the Dean speaks, Nico doesn't look away from Margaret. She likes to consider herself a pretty good judge of people (even though many of said people eventually betrayed or tried to sacrifice her to Gods or something), and she sees Margaret is already taken down a few pegs.

Why does that bother Nico?

The dark haired girl glances down, and then she takes a deep breath. Her eyes draw towards the Dean, and she nods a little to him. "Then we can get going." She then looks to Margaret and motions to her. "You're the top dog here, want to lead the way to the bus?"
The moments before being approached by Gwen, Raven was preoccupied looking around for any sign of her introduction having any reaction from the others. The Asian girl she can guess is surveying everyone the way her eyes are moving around. Keen eyes note subtle twitchs and shifts even from across the room that betray one of her favorite reactions: annoyance. Adoration was preferable, but annoyance was fine.

Raven can't help but think about how many boys are here. And most of them looked to be quite the catch, even the smallest one. Even if she is one to talk, being just a hair over five feet in this appearance, she judges Peter as small not just in height but presence.

When Gwen does approach Raven in the corner of the room to the opposite and to the left of the Dean's desk, she does give the other girl a real smile. "It would appear I am. I am glad you are too, Gwen." And she responds to her other question with a shrug " do you say....ass...assume we are? Is that the right word?" She says/inquires and giggles "I do not know all English very well."

At the arrival of others, Raven watches them carefully. The boy she saw earlier with the other, more confident one coming in and he goes right to the small brainy-looking boy.

Now the new girl is something else. There is more to this one than a pretty face, she can tell. Everyone here has to be watched carefully, if the war hero Steve Rogers has deemed them worthy of a clandestine program; this one and Margaret she makes a mental note to watch more than the others.

Speaking of Margaret, Raven is very amused to see that Margaret is surprised and not happy to see her here in this room. That combo was very familiar for Raven, and no surprise given how she came to be here. At the news they would all be better acquainted elsewhere, Raven looks at Gwen "Seatmate?" She suggests.
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Ben was like a tall, calm pole standing in the midst of the room, surveying everyone's first impressions, and greetings of each other with a friendly smile. At first, he approved of the group, and looked forward to getting to know them- both as persons, and superhumans. With the information Benjamin took in however, a sting of jealousy hit like an unexpected breeze. He couldn't fight it on his own, so he looked at Simon, whom cleared up Ben's worries right away. Simon was a friend, and Ben was sure he would have many more after this. Reassured, and taking it easy, Ben smiled once more to Raven standing next to him by the Dean's desk. He didn't say anything to her though, but simply reflected his approval of her, and understanding of her situation. Even though Nico didn't seem too invested, she still regarded Margaret as the top dog. Ben did too, and offered their captain a compassionate smile when picking up on her disappointment. He had her back no matter what, and he wanted her to know that, and trust in him. He only wanted to do good after all, and this was his perfect chance.
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Susan Storm

Having made her call to Johnny, who was all to eager to avoid whatever nerd-o-rama she was getting into, Susan followed the other two to the Dean's office. It took her a moment while she was walking to remember the new Dean was Margaret's father.

Upon entering the room, it was already crowded. A brown haired girl with a German accent seemed to startle Margaret and throw her off her in charge attitude. The poor girl started to regather herself when her father the Dean interrupted again. Now Susan knew the connection with the Shadowy Government organization was in fact Margaret's father.

She put a hand on Margaret's shoulder, whispering into her ear.

" Don't worry, the dust is still settling, plenty of time to establish yourself. "

Susan was an excellent people person, good at reading body language and recognizing patterns of behavior. She stepped back, leaning against one section of wall for a moment to briefly watch some of the others.

Reed gravitated towards a youngish looking guy and already started excitedly talking with him. Now, that meant one thing for Reed Richards, the other fellow was likely considered worthy of talking with on a mental level. The German girl was talking to a blonde. Dark haired girl seemed very confident, the blonde more tentative. Three boys on her other side, one brown haired boy with red sunglasses with his head slightly tilted, but no looking at anything. The next tallish, long hair, incredibly bright eyes. Eager and inquisitive, only briefly bothered by something but comforted with a hand on his shoulder by the next boy, even taller, well built with another pair of red sunglasses. This one was looking around though. Near him, a dark haired girl of Asian descent, she seems ever so slightly bugged about something.

The dean spoke of a bus and moving to a new location. Then the Asian girl asked can we leave yet, in so many words. Ten students in the room. All of them likely to have powers of one type or another with another couple in the waiting bus. Susan believed in her instincts, said instincts told her that Margaret was going to be fine, but it wouldn't be easy. For the time being, Susan stuck to herself, keeping an eye on the others as they all waited to head to the bus.
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Character Sheet: Here
Location: Deans office
Mentioned: Margaret ( @LocalAreaMan ) , Everyone @ the deans office, Agent Coulson
Interactions: Raven ( @Ms.Ezra )
Outfit: School Uniform

The question of whether or not they were still waiting on someone was answered almost as soon as Gwen asked it. Three more people entered the room, two girls and one boy. Gwen's attention was drawn to Margaret, who she remembered being pointed out as the dean's daughter during the assembly that morning. That makes sense, she thought. Since their organization seemed to be ran out of the school she was not surprised at all that the daughter of the dean would be super-powered as well. Might even be the reason they chose the school as home base.

It also became very obvious that she was meant to be team leader. Though, Gwen got the sense that she was as new to all of this as the rest of them. She could tell the other girl wanted to present herself as head of the group from the get-go, but something was throwing off her game. Was it her father? Something else? Gwen dismissed it, Margaret didn't have to worry about her following orders. Gwen believed she understood her position in the group, and if her job was to take orders from Margaret she wouldn't let any sort of 'first impression' prevent her from doing what was expected. She was the type of girl to get done what had to get done, despite personal opinions or beliefs.


The question brought Gwen's attention back to Raven, and she pulled a friendly smile onto her face. "Sure, I don't see why not," She responded with a slight nod of her head. Gwen wondered where they would be going. Perhaps they had a real secret base? Something more practical than the dean's office in a high school? Gwen was hopeful.

She wondered if she'd get a chance to try on her new super suit today. Agent Coulson had gotten into contact with her once more before her first day of school, without the other agents, where he pretty much told her that her makeshift super suit would just simply not do. Fair enough, it was just a leotard and tights. She had a say in her color scheme but beyond that she was told all would all be 'taken care of.'

Once more, Gwen's gaze shifted around the room. This was a lot more people than she was expecting. What kind of powers could they have? For the first time she really wondered how many super powered individuals there were on the planet. What about just in the state? Already there were more of them in this room than she had believed there to be throughout the entire country. For the first time since she got bit by that stupid spider Gwen didn't feel at all unique or different. It was a nice feeling.
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Simon had followed Nico into the room, gazed around. He was calm and only a little nervous. Shortly thereafter Reed, Susan and Margaret came in. Simon didn't particularly pay too much attention to Margaret's social misstep, but he did notice Susan being comforting. When Ben seemed ill at ease, Simon put a hand on his shoulder, to remind him he wasn't alone.

Simon isn't generally the type to gaze too much around the room. He finally took his red tinted glasses off. He worked for a moment to adjust his big contact lenses and sighed. He had been trying to adjust to his body, his new life for several months now. His body was incredibly strong and tough, his sight was much keener, seeing much better in the dark. Like the Superman of his father's youth, he could leap over tall buildings. Fitz, one of his friends at Shield told him he would probably be able to fly eventually. To say his journey since his *recovery* has been strange is an incredible understatement. In some regards since last night, part of him is overjoyed to have achieved his one friend and roommate.

In time, he was certain, he would make deep friendships with some of these people. In his initial time with Margaret he thought now perhaps he had made a mistake by insisting on getting a couple of older style items during the purchasing of his new clothing. She was not impressed and rather let him know with a pointed eye roll. He had for a while, been concerned about it. Upon coming in here, he decided it wasn't going to make a difference.

He did notice Nico having some sort of issue, but what he thought that perhaps she needed space right now. He rather liked Nico, her flaws gave her character. But he wondered if sudden attitude shift had come from their conversation.

He leaned towards Ben, whispering to him.

" Keep calm pal, I think this will be great for you ! But do me a favor, keep an eye on me, make sure I don't do anything stupid Okay ? ! "

It was easier to comfort a friend than to solve his own insecurities sometimes.

Simon did keep an eye on the Dean. He knew Dean Rogers as the man who befriended him while he was at the Shield facility. A very good man indeed. By extension, he was ready to give Margaret every chance to prove herself too.

Having spent considerable time in a Shield facility recently, he wasn't surprised that they might have a different location for the teens to prove themselves. That in some ways made him more comfortable.
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Ben held back a laugh at Simon's discreet request. He was just too adorable. Wanting to take him seriously however, and stand by him, Ben made sure less to no one looked their way when nodding his answer in return. It was funny how they seemed to have these secret conversations when in a group. Smiling a little mischievously Benjamin lifted a hand to briefly linger on Simon's hand on his shoulder. It seemed to be of a friendly, reassuring nature, though Ben guessed Simon would retract his hand in embarrassment, seeing how he was kind of old fashioned about things. It would only amuse Ben further.
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