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Original poster


In the year 2189 ARC the battle tested galactic community once again found itself pressured by racially driven conflict. Just three years after the ultimate sentient beings known as the Reapers tried wiping out all organic life in the galaxy, the Batarians infuriated by their lack of standing in the Citadel following the invasion announced a full retraction from Citadel space.

In exchange for absolute solitude the Batarians intended to cut off all contact. With the entire galaxy still healing the scars left by the Reapers, the council had no choice but to accept their conditions and allow a peaceful recession. The Batarians true to their word, disappeared.

Now 2212 ARC, it has been nearly twenty-three years since direct contact was made with the Batarians. The Council in direct violation to the treaty sent STG cells into Batarian space and they've recently returned with disturbing results. Not only had the Batarians strengthened their fleet but they also managed to also uplift Yahg and develop a way to control them. With resentful ties towards the Council and now a large army bolstered with thousands of the incredibly violent and improved Yahg, the Batarians are now a threat to galactic peace and the creation of the TIGER SQUAD, the Council's first and -- if things go accordingly -- last response.


Tiger Squad is the call sign assigned to the elite infiltration team formed by the Council following the revelation of the Batarian race's activities over the past two decades. One of the driving forces behind the Council's decision to break the treaty's obligations and consequent discovery of the Yahg's upliftment was the insistence and pressure shown by the sixth human Spectre Aleksandr Markovich. Because of this dedication and bravado Commander Markovich has been appointed to spearhead all Tiger Squad operations.

Commander Markovich has been given full clearance in regards to recruiting procedures and has his eyes on individuals of varying races and rank. The team he will lead as well as the amount of crew aboard the Tempest will be smaller than average but they will have to be the best in the business in order to complete the tasks at hand.

Determine the likeliness of an invasion and deal with the matter accordingly.
Hello everyone, Bear here! So the way it's going to work is quite simple, YOUR playable character will be one of the talented individuals that Commander Marko has chosen for the mission. All races are viable choices aside from Batarians, Yahgs, Hanar and the Elcor (though aboard the Tempest is an Elcor Requistion Officer by the name of Randy -- long story).

Shizuochan and I have done away with the traditional class system of the series in favor of the writer having each character flesh out specific strengths and weaknesses of their character. You are free to optimize your character as you please, modelling them after an engineer or adept if that's you want, or going for something in between!

If there are any questions don't be afraid to either post down below or PM me or Shiz!

  • YuNPFAm.png

    Commander Aleksandr Markovich / 39 Years Old / Rebellious Spectre​
  • y7Xfn2A.png

    Seargent Decimus 'Dec' Caeril / 36 Years Old / Team Dad​
  • AeQkCUT.png

    Operations Chief Annabelle Hensick / 24 Years Old / "Run and Gun"​
  • K9v7Z62.png

    Druin Thail / 22 Years Old / Young Drell​
  • UuuD7jT.png

    Emeris V'Nasava / 127 Years Old / Scarlet Marked Asari​
  • rAozQTv.png

    Field Engineer Kalo'Sul Vas Neema / 25 Years Old / A Quarian Boy and his Robot​
  • 4xzOHM2.png

    Sresk of Clan Foric / 50 Years Old / Forward Thinking Krogan​
  • qa1Pewn.png

    Corporal Osar Eui / 16 Years Old / Mad Salarian Scientist​
  • SIyepwo.png

    Shar Tempest / 32 Years Old / Human Justicar​
  • IkHEf0e.png

    Executioner Durge of Clan Raik / 1132 Years Old / Ex-Warlord​
  • QPerBsb.png

    Chacho / 8 Years Old / ?????​


The Tempest is designed to be small, stealthy and fast, trading off heavy armor and a main gun to excel in these. It is capable of covering 13 lightyears per day in FTL. The Tempest's size allows it to land on planets with little trouble, much like the SSV Normandy and unlike the larger Normandy SR-2.

Four main thrusters provide its propulsion and it has four additional downward thrusters to stabilize its descent: two below the frontal wings and two below the main wings. It is equipped with an array of scanners for determining groundside conditions.
I. Each member of the RP should be comfortable with communicating. With some of the people we already have, there's going to be a lot of chatting in between posts in the Discord. Don't be afraid to join in! We don't bite well, except maybe Shiz.

II.While I may not have a specific length requirement for posts I expect those who join to be capable of giving the other writers enough to work with while replying. We will be working with a courtesy system rather then a posting order. You'll need to be able to post every few days but if you join but life comes and hits you up, just PM me or Shiz and we will figure something out!

WORD FROM THE GMs [SIZE=2]BearEnthusiast[/SIZE] & [SIZE=2]Shizuochan[/SIZE]

"I'd like to thank everyone who shows interest in this RP! I'm a pretty avid fan of the series and will do my best to make sure that this universe holds up to the ME universe we all love while at the same time making it something new and fun.

Also thanks to The Philosoraptor because the timeline I'm using is originally from his ME: CONTINGENCY RP that was made around June last year." -- BearEnthusiast

"Have fun and bear sucks" - Shizuochan

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Even given the infinitesimal depths of space and time alike, the adage of 'history repeats itself' has endured. The Krogan race of Tuchanka, having been cured of the infamous genophage largely thanks to the efforts of legendary salarian Mordin Solus, is a deep, intricate case study of whether the adage holds true.

On a positive note, Tuchanka's reconstruction has gone splendidly, in no small part due to replenished numbers and assistance from other Council species. Urdnot Wrex and Urdnot Bakara ('Eve') are leaders with rationality and reason rarely expected from the race. In an incredible step forward for the Krogan, the race was offered a seat on the Galactic Council, filled by Urdnot Bakara, who - although a stranger to the fullest depths of deceit Citadel politics has to offer - has proven to be a shrewd politician in her own right.

Not all is well, however, for the Krogan are - as ever - Krogan. Turian and Salarian detractors of Mordin's legacy will note - justifiably so - the dangers in restoring an inherently militant race's impressive fertility. While Urdnot Wrex has implemented measures to regulate Krogan birth-rates, it is not a cause he has devoted his full will towards. He is wise enough to understand the dangers of a skyrocketing Krogan populous, but is equally loathe to enact stringent birth-measures so closely removed from the horror of the genophage.

While Wrex has done admirably to direct portions of the thriving populous towards the task of rebuilding Tuchanka, he of all people is aware of the innate Krogan need for combat. While he has done his level best to steer the Krogan's mightiest towards Citadel-approved causes, the Eclipse, the Blood Pack, and the Blue Suns have all claimed their fair share of Krogan service, as in the days of old.

Most ominously, however, are voices of dissension amongst Krogan society, clans that remember what the Turians and the Salarians delivered unto them, memories tinged with the bloody coloration of vengeful yearnings.

Krogan NPCs of Note:

Urdnot Wrex:

Urdnot Bakara: also known as 'Eve'.

Urdnot Solus: As it happens, Urdnot Wrex did eventually cave to Bakara's requests of naming their firstborn after the Salarian scientist who gave his life for their people. Still young, red-blooded, and eager for the fight as all Krogan are, Wrex's son has taken to heart the meaning of his namesake. Solus understands the burden and meanings of responsibility and accountability, and has a particular interest towards the sciences, namely biological. Many consider Urdnot Solus to be a fine Krogan to assume a position of leadership after Wrex decides his time is through.
The fall of Thessia was the most devastating day of the Asari's long history, what was once the galaxy's crown jewel rendered to oblivion.

With that said, Asari was first of the Council races, and for good reason. Technologically brilliant, and the finest of diplomatic minds, the Asari have continued to traverse their way in galactic standing where they - as ever - remain the foremost of the Council, all the while turning their focus to a more insular objective: rebuilding that which has been lost.

Miraculously, Councillor Irissa has retained her position in spite of what befell Thessia, and maneuvers with prodigious skill to ensure the will of the Asari is upheld. To that end, she is a calm voice of reason who prefers tranquility over chaos, but with enough instinct to ensure that what occurred on Thessia will never occur again. Armed with cold logic, she has nonetheless performed admirably in allowed the Asari a stable environment in which to rebuild.

Still, a race of brilliant diplomats, vengeful justicars, and generational biotic adepts will never be far removed from the universe's affairs, no matter where one may go.
One of the most unexpected developments of the Reaper crisis was the reconciling of Quarian and Geth upon their rediscovered home of Rannoch. The uniting of Quarian and Geth culture has been one of both symbolic and practical purposes. Geth programs assist with Quarian in daily activities, as well as serving to condition them - via envirosuit - to outside environments, with the aim to strengthen their immune systems. One could go so far as to say the relation between Quarian and Geth is symbiotic. Indeed, newborn Quarian are partnered with newly created Geth programs to form a lifelong partnership, living and growing as one.

The Flotilla, the giant Migrant Fleet once known as the only home of the Quarian, no longer exists as it once did. A smaller version, consisting of around two thousand ships, is still home of many a Quarian, a mobile home. It is a testament to the rise in standing of the Quarians that this group of ships is allowed a significant amount of freedom roaming within council space. The Admiral of the Flotilla is one Tali'zorah vas Neema (formerly vas Normandy), who - along with her Geth counterpart Phalanx - also serves as the Council representative of the Quarian-Geth, who were granted such representation five years after the end of the Reaper crisis.

Even prior to becoming integrated with the Geth, the Quarians were known for their capabilities of fleet-strategy. With their stratagems and technology augmented by the Geth, the Quarians can be said to have the greatest armada of any of the Council species. Interestingly, the Quarian-Geth race are well-known proponents of peace, and prefer to demonstrate such a galaxy-view by rendering support to planets in need through the Flotilla.
As ever, the short-lived species proves to be the Galactic Council's foremost provider of technologies and information alike. While mostly secretive and insular - a fact well illustrated by their council representative Dalatress Esheel, forceful and obscuring in equal measure - it is nonetheless a well-known fact that the STG are a great boon for galactic society, and crucial to the efforts of discerning the Batarian threat.
The Third of the Council races, the hard-working and ethical Turian race have maintained their impressive standing within the Citadel, and for good reason. Their disciplined military is arguably the finest force amongst the Citadel races, and their eye for public service is demonstrated everyday through the work of C-Sec. Council Representative Quentius is a man of honor, although perhaps not the finest at the game of cutthroat politics.

The animosity between Turian and Human since the First Contact War has more or less dissipated completely given the race's cooperation against the Reapers, exemplified perfectly by the now legendary partnership of Commander Shepard and the esteemed Garrus Vakarian.

On the Council, the Turian Quentius serves as a reasonable and amiable military adviser, and an avid advocate for interspecies cooperation (earning friends in the form of Tali'Zorah and Bakara), though is more reluctant to choose sides on the Council. His honor tempers the underhandedness of Council politics, but often backs him into a corner when it comes to picking his allies.
Humans have remained mostly the same since the Reaper Crisis, but have situated more comfortably into galactic society. Having shaken the stigma of progressing too far and too fast, humanity has been allowed to grow unmolested.

Their replacement for Donnel Udina is Jefferson Moreau. His wisecracks and wit have not been lost with age, though they've become tempered with time and experience. While irritating to some, they are useful at pointing out what some refuse to see, while also diffusing tense situations. He is friendly with most of the other Councilors, especially those he served with in the past, but views Irissa as having "a stick up her ass the size of a Thresher Maw", and Esheel as being simply distasteful.
While known more to some for their offering to the cinematic world in the form of 'Blasto the Hanar Spectre', the Hanar are nonetheless a well-regarded Citadel species, due in part to their contribution in the form of the Drell. Otherwise, as the species is not particularly well-suited to life outside their homeworld, and their trade relations are decidedly minimal, the Hanar are a notable exclusion from the Council.

The Drell remain in harmonious accord with the Hanar as per the Compact. Known primarily as foremost assassins, a precedent was set during the Reaper invasion when the hanar navy - supplemented by drell specialists - came to the assistance of their allies. Drell presence has increased in Citadel space, with Hanar families more willing to loan the services of their subservient Drell.

Ever since the stories of the Prothean that served upon the Normandy surfaced, an effort to discover the 'enkindler' - who has gone missing since the days of the Reaper invasion - has gone underway, with Hanar and Drell operatives on the task.
The Batarians true to their word disappeared following their recession from Citadel space. It is unclear how exactly they managed to transport multiple Yahg into Batarian space as well as what's their method of controlling the otherwise vicious species.

TIGER SQUAD's objectives include finding the answers to these questions.

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Name ll
Age ll
Race ll
Rank ll

Strengths ll
Weaknesses ll

Equipment ll

Physical Description ll
Praesent volutpat, ligula a pulvinar dictum, nulla est tempus ligula, euismod fringilla sem sapien ac quam. Curabitur id lacinia purus. Aliquam sed malesuada nunc. Etiam gravida ligula et justo fermentum rutum.

Psychological Profile ll

Brief Background ll Nullam porta, felis at convallis convallis, urna metus faucibus nulla, eu rutrum lorem ex ut felis. Nam felis ligula, malesuada et augue quis, rhoncus auctor ipsum. Nulla porttitor, turpis ut consectetur auctor, felis orci rutrum eros, eget congue libero odio ac justo. Vestibulum dapibus est ut lorem ultrices vehicula. Maecenas suscipit, mi eget ultricies mollis, enim eros dictum ante, ut dictum eros mi vel purus. Cras tincidunt urna vitae tortor accumsan maximus. Nullam sem tortor, mollis nec tempor a, dictum eget felis. Donec id mattis dolor.

Keep the information in your sheet concise. The specifics of your character's personality and background will be explored during the RP.

If you are inexperienced with coding, feel free to message me your completed but not yet formatted sheet and I'll place it it into the code for you.​

[CENTER][div=height: 640px; width: 330px; padding: 35px; border: 1px solid; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; border-radius: 15px 50px 30px; display:inline-block; background-color: #c2c2c2;] [div=height: 250px; width: 300px; background:url(https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=28&txt=300%C3%97250&w=300&h=250); margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; border-radius:25px; display:inline-block; border:2px solid black]
[div=height: 350px; width: 405px; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: justify; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black; padding: 2px; overflow-y: scroll; margin-left:1px; margin-right:2px; opacity: 0.9; font-size: 11px; color:#000000;]
[SOLID=goldenrod][size=6][COLOR=#d9af07][CENTER]CHARACTER NAME[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][size=4][COLOR=#d9af07][CENTER]DOSSIER[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][hr="border: 0.5px solid #000000;"][/hr][FONT=arial][B]BASIC INFORMATION[/B]
[b]Name ll[/b]
[b]Age  ll[/b] 
[b]Race  ll[/b]
[b]Rank ll[/b] 
 [hr="border: 0.5px solid #000000;"][/hr][B]PHYSICAL INFORMATION[/B]
[b]Strengths ll[/b] 
[b]Weaknesses ll[/b]  

[b]Equipment ll[/B]

[b]Physical Description ll[/b] 
Praesent volutpat, ligula a pulvinar dictum, nulla est tempus ligula, euismod fringilla sem sapien ac quam. Curabitur id lacinia purus. Aliquam sed malesuada nunc. Etiam gravida ligula et justo fermentum rutum.
 [hr="border: 0.5px solid #000000;"][/hr][B]MENTAL INFORMATION[/B]
[b]Psychological Profile ll[/b] 

[b]Brief Background ll[/b] Nullam porta, felis at convallis convallis, urna metus faucibus nulla, eu rutrum lorem ex ut felis. Nam felis ligula, malesuada et augue quis, rhoncus auctor ipsum. Nulla porttitor, turpis ut consectetur auctor, felis orci rutrum eros, eget congue libero odio ac justo. Vestibulum dapibus est ut lorem ultrices vehicula. Maecenas suscipit, mi eget ultricies mollis, enim eros dictum ante, ut dictum eros mi vel purus. Cras tincidunt urna vitae tortor accumsan maximus. Nullam sem tortor, mollis nec tempor a, dictum eget felis. Donec id mattis dolor.
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Hello, co-GM and better-GM here. A few things I'd like to add.

1) In accordance with the Quarian section of the lore, the Quarian are typically outfitted with an accompanying Geth program. Feel free to slot it into the character sheet in whatever way you see fit.

It's possible there may be exceptions (a lone Geth, a lone Quarian), talk to me and we'll hash it out.

2) If you can come up with a better name than Tiger Squad, I'm personally open to suggestions. :^)

3) The Volus, etc, aren't listed up above in the race list, but they're present, so feel free. I suppose EDI-esque AI is as well.

4) pls no mary sue me and be gud at everything

5) Bear is legit suck.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Hexatech
Do we post the signup here?
Yep. After it's been written and coded it goes here. Alternatively you can message me the finished sheet and I can put it into the coding if you don't know how/don't want to mess it up.


Full Name llAnnabelle Hensick
Age ll 24 years old
Race ll Human
Rank ll Operations Chief

Strengths ll Annabelle is an advanced user of shotguns and pistols, being able to use them efficiently in most mid to close range situations. With this, when in combat, she wears a set of heavy armor which allows her to take quite a punch, and in turn, give one. Hensick has a mostly offensive style, which can prove to be effective in many situations.
Weaknesses ll Despite her ability to take and receive a heavy punch, she has reduced mobility, which makes her an easier target for faster enemies. Secondly, due to her offensive, 'run and gun' style, she is also a target to more defensive enemies. Moreover, she has no other abilities than being extremely well-experienced with shotguns and pistols, which can also prove to be much of a disadvantage for her.

Equipment ll
- Set of heavy, well-shielded, sturdy armor
- M-27 Schimitar
- M-77 Paladin
- Multiple frags

Physical Description ll
A young, lean, physically fit caucasian woman standing at 5'10 with shoulder length light blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. She would be quite lanky, carrying strong, long legs and long arms, which are covered by an atypical tight black suit, normal of the Alliance. Her uniform would be covered with multiple patches and markings, such as her rank insignia.

Psychological Profile ll
A head-strong, mentally stable and capable, soldier, who is able to handle large amounts of pressure and emotional stress. However, when overloaded majorly with both pressure and stress, she is subject to small mental breakdowns, which can cause her to completely stop what she is doing, especially when on the field.

Brief Background ll Born to a small, yet wealthy family, Annabelle Hensick was birthed in the Citadel. She studied like any other normal student, though exceeding in subjects such as liberal arts and science. Despite her success in education, she moved away from it as she enlisted in the Systems Alliance and began to serve. She made her way up to the rank of Operations Chief, before having been chosen by Commander Markovich.

@Fragrance's character sheet. ^^
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If you'll have me I'd like to poke my nose into this and create a sheet when I get back from work.

Edit: Work took LOOOOOOONG today so all my carfully laid plans are for nadda
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  • Like
Reactions: BearEnthusiast


Full Name ll Aleksandr Markovich
Age ll 39 years old
Race ll Human
Rank ll Spectre / Commander

Strengths ll The unrelenting confidence "Marko" holds in both his abilities and the men he leads show that despite a rebellious streak, he's a capable leader. Aside from that he's determined, passionate and an incredibly talented combatant.
Weaknesses ll As physically capable as he is, Marko is still heavily susceptible to both biotic and tech based powers. Following his return from the the Terminus systems he's also become an alcoholic and it could affect his ability to perform.

Equipment ll
- Heavily Modified Alliance Onyx Armor
- M-76 Revenant
- M-77 Paladin

Physical Description ll
Marko's body is large, masculine, and well maintained. His brunette hair is messily kept, grown out and almost always fixed into an unorthodox bun that directly violates Alliance ship etiquette. He dresses mostly for utility and comfort, constantly wearing some variation of tank tops, military pants and combat boots. Marko has tattoos all over his body -- the most notable being an N7 symbol on his right shoulder.

Psychological Profile ll
Aleksander, while talented, has been known to display behavioral problems. While apart of the Alliance there were multiple instances in which he went again mission protocol. These decisions were made based on his opinion of the subject matter and were often morally questionable. His lack of respect for protocol and mission parameters became an extremely concerning mark on what would be otherwise an exemplary soldier.

Brief Background ll
Aleksander was born on Earth and watched as the Reapers killed friends and family alike without an ounce of mercy. He was just fourteen when the crisis was brought to an end. Orphaned, Marko turned to a life of crime and was later given the choice of prison time or enlisting when he was arrested. Marko chose the latter and straightened up enough to become a soldier. He than rose through the ranks rather quickly, making his name as a strong combatant and an even stronger headache.

Skilled and with the results to prove it, Marko was extended an offer to join the Spectres and spent most of his later adult life as one. He maintained his rebellious streak however and was finally punished when he made a wrong call that got an entire STG cell killed. Following this he was disgraced and stripped of his rank. Marko was supposed to return to the Alliance but instead fell of the grid by running away to the Terminus system.

A year after disappearing, Marko returned to Citadel space completely unannounced. He charged up the steps of the Council Tower with irrefutable evidence about the Batarians. He was reinstated and placed in charge of the mission in exchange for the critical information he held. But returning to old ways by adding onto the Council's headache, Marko refused to explain how he received the accurate info in the first place.

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Full Name ll Druin Thail
Age ll 22 years old
Race ll Drell
Rank ll N/A

Strengths ll Druin's strengths are in assassination and surprise. Using the shadows as a friend to conceal themselves as he preys on his target. Fighting a single person is more up his alley than a whole group. He is a capable sharpshooter as well. Some assassinations need to be taken care of from afar after all.
Weaknesses ll He is still a young Drell, naive in the way most people are and how the Galaxy works. Killing people is simple, but talking and working 'politics' is hard. His eidetic memory can also become a hinder on his mental state from time to time.
Equipment ll
- Standard Drell Attire
- M-11 Suppressor
- M-98 Widow
Physical Description ll
Druin's body is lithe and athletic. A drell's muscles are wiry, so they maintain a thin appearance while still being stronger than they appear. His skin color is a lighter blue.

Psychological Profile ll
Being young and taken in by a Hanar to be trained and accepting the Compact. His mindset has shifted towards what the Hanar have taught him, and that killing for a price is acceptable. He has never questioned those who hold rank over him, only doing as he is told which could potentially cause physiological damage later on in life as he learns more about what he is doing and how it actually affects people, and his eidetic memory would keep all those kills locked there, in vivid detail.
Brief Background ll
ruin was born on the Hanar Homeworld, where he was taken in by a Hanar master who offered him the Compact. He was young and it was rare that a Drell would ever say no, and he could always leave the Compact if he chose to do so. Trained young by the Hanar, nothing was different or special about the way he was trained compared to the other Drell that were experiencing the same thing.
He completed 3 assassination's before wanting to leave his Compact and travel the Galaxy to learn. He has only been on his own for a year now.



Full Name ll Druin Thail
Age ll 22 years old
Race ll Drell
Rank ll N/A

Strengths ll Druin's strengths are in assassination and surprise. Using the shadows as a friend to conceal themselves as he preys on his target. Fighting a single person is more up his alley than a whole group. He is a capable sharpshooter as well. Some assassinations need to be taken care of from afar after all.
Weaknesses ll He is still a young Drell, naive in the way most people are and how the Galaxy works. Killing people is simple, but talking and working 'politics' is hard. His eidetic memory can also become a hinder on his mental state from time to time.
Equipment ll
- Standard Drell Attire
- M-11 Suppressor
- M-98 Widow
Physical Description ll
Druin's body is lithe and athletic. A drell's muscles are wiry, so they maintain a thin appearance while still being stronger than they appear. His skin color is a lighter blue.

Psychological Profile ll
Being young and taken in by a Hanar to be trained and accepting the Compact. His mindset has shifted towards what the Hanar have taught him, and that killing for a price is acceptable. He has never questioned those who hold rank over him, only doing as he is told which could potentially cause physiological damage later on in life as he learns more about what he is doing and how it actually affects people, and his eidetic memory would keep all those kills locked there, in vivid detail.
Brief Background ll
ruin was born on the Hanar Homeworld, where he was taken in by a Hanar master who offered him the Compact. He was young and it was rare that a Drell would ever say no, and he could always leave the Compact if he chose to do so. Trained young by the Hanar, nothing was different or special about the way he was trained compared to the other Drell that were experiencing the same thing.
He completed 3 assassination's before wanting to leave his Compact and travel the Galaxy to learn. He has only been on his own for a year now.

Do we post the signup here?
Since @Shizuochan barely does any work, I'll be the one to officially say that both of you are accepted! Welcome to the Tempest. :-)

Maiev Jeong

Name ll Maiev Jeong
Age ll 28
Race ll Human
Rank ll Second Lieutenant / Internal Audit

Strengths ll A good soldier with a keen eye for detail, skillful at creating plans of attack, both in and off the field, and then executing. An adept navigator of the battlefield, aided by prodigious usage of his jump-jets.

Additionally, well-versed on customs of various alien species, with surprisingly facility with ad hoc diplomacy. Generally a boon in inter-species operations.
Weaknesses ll Failed L2 implants have left Maiev with bouts of crippling headaches, without affording biotic ability. Body constantly expends the energy necessary for manipulating dark matter, with no actual result. Recommend kilo-calorie restriction to be increased.

Equipment ll
- Propulsion pack.
- Lancer Assault Rifle.
- Omniblade.

Physical Description ll
The product of much genetic-tampering, Maiev is conventionally attractive, strong features tinged with feminine grace upon a fair complexion. Tall, at 6'4, groomed like a soldier, and honed like one as well. Dressed as according to his duty at all times. Clearly Eurasian descent.

Psychological Profile ll A consummate soldier who is able to balance both the mission and the well-being of his comrades, although with the grit to be able to prioritize the mission should such a choice be necessary. Naturally genteel and soft-hearted; it remains to be seen if a critical choice will weigh unduly upon his mental status. Prone to fits of irrationality due to his L2 implants. Upbringing likely to be indicative of underlying psychological issues which – by all accounts – seem to be repressed by Maiev.

Brief Background ll Born to perfectionists, his conception had been tampered with since the very beginning. His mother and father engaged in genetic tampering and enhancement far beyond the typical human norms, wanting to create the perfect specimen to further their bloodline. Went so far as to install the L2 implants, for hopes that the rumored 'spike' in biotic energies would allow him to become a foremost biotic. As it happened, Maiev's effectiveness is essentially nill, able to levitate a pencil for perhaps around ten or so seconds. Immediately considered an afterthought by mother and father alike after this failure.

Enlisted within the Alliance, where he has served with distinction.

This just in; I abhor div.


Feel free to add in sections to your dossier if you feel it would help to explain your character's mental, background, operational skillset, what have you.

(if frag wants to do that I'm sure Bear can toss you the code)


Name ll Emeris V'nasava
Age ll 127 years old
Race ll Asari
Rank ll ------

Strengths ll Like all asari, Emeris was born a natural biotic; she spent years honing the innate abilities of her race, keen on developing new, powerful ways to utilize her biotics. Emeris' abilities are both defensive and offensive, though when she is surrounded by allies capable of dealing damage, she falls back onto more protective powers. Her biotics give her a pass on hauling around an exceeding amount of equipment. Because of so, she's nimble in combat.
Weaknesses ll When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, Emeris is at loss -- throwing punches or kicking down doors is far from her level of expertise. She tries her best to avoid taking damage, but when an enemy lands a hit, she certainly feels it. In group combat, Emeris tends to linger toward the back of the fold, and on solo missions, she's damned if a quick, brute-forced enemy gets their hands on her.

Equipment ll
-Light Colossus Armor
-Raikou Pistol

Physical Description ll
Emeris, just hitting the height of 5'5", leans on the slimmer side of average. Though she's far from the embodiment of raw, physical power, Emeris has picked up some light muscles in her time spent in combat. Scarlet markings are etched onto the contrasting blue of her face, her eyes mirroring the hue of her skin. Four scars run down the right side of her face thanks to a botched mission from years ago.

Psychological Profile ll
Emotionally-driven, Emeris typically makes choices on the basis of morals and circumstance. She's an out-spoken asari, inquisitive, and, admittedly, a tad impish. The responsibility of having others depend on her is a responsibility that may weigh heavily on her shoulders, being terrified of failure, since she's accustomed to working solo where her mistakes' consequences rarely impact anyone aside from herself.

Brief Background ll
Emeris was born on Thessia, and it wasn't long into her life that she decided she wanted to pursue enhancing her biotic abilities. For a time, she was determined to find herself among the ranks of the asari military -- the dream was short-lived. Their strict disciplines were ill-received by Emeris, and after snuffing out any kindle of hope she had for joining the military, she left Thessia. Still, she was resolved on making something of her biotics.
She was twiddling her thumbs at a Citadel bar when she overheard two krogans talking about a bounty -- one they intended on snagging. They never did. Emeris ripped the bounty from under them, taking out the leader of some small up-and-rising gang, albeit messily. After collecting her reward, she hastened to swipe up another bounty. The cycle continued for many, many years, and as her biotic prowess grew, as did her reputation on the Citadel.
Nice. I actually didn't hear anybody musing about an Asari, so this is pretty cool.

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