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Dm post Dr. Strange & Nine

"Hmm, what about your future interests me. Lets start with your immediate future Nine. Near as I can tell, your defenses are purely subterfuge. In other words, he gently pokes her, you can be hurt much like an average human being. My associates and I expect this gathering to be attacked by forces opposed to meta humans. We further expect them to have technology to help track meta-humans. I would like to have you listen to some of my associates who would like to recruit several local meta-humans, or enhanced humans, or even mutants into joining a group to help us oppose those who would do harm to meta-humans and mutants alike. If you are interested, please follow me?"

He turns, starting to walk towards the converted warehouse hoping she follows.

  • Ah Seen It
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Dm Post 2 Miss Chen and the X-men...

Listening to Miss Chen's skillful diplomatic reply, Ororro smiled. Even as Cyclops turned his head and spoke into his near silent communications system and got a reply. A minute or so later he turns to Ororro and nods.

"Our mentor is Dr. Charles Xavier. He has a double P.H.D, one in Human Genetics and the other in Biochemistry. He will be along shortly to communicate with you. "

It of course doesn't take long for the Professor as he is known by his people, to come along. He is accompanied by a tall young man and a young woman.




Even as he enters the room, all of the older Meta-Humans acknowledge him in some way or another, showing respect for the older man in his hi-tech floating wheelchair.

(( In her mind )) "Miss Chen, what a delight to finally meet you. I have heard so many good things about you. I will try and answer any questions you have, but try to have some haste, our peace and quiet here will not last much longer. When that ends I will likely be quite busy. "

The tone of his mental voice is gentle. relaxed.

Dm post 3 Spider-Gwen!

"Come back inside then I don't feel all that comfy out here with all the drones, no matter what Nick Fury says about controlling them. "

((Assuming that Gwen follows Hope back inside... ))

"It's like this Gwen, many of my Enhanced friends don't like how things are going with the governments of this Earth. The possibility of the current version of the Accords being strengthened to a point where we all get hunted down somewhere in a possible future. We are hoping to help organize a new group, heroes that might be able to work under the radar. "

  • Ah Seen It
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Dm post 4 Creed & Dr. Banner

" I know my friend ( he flexes his once injured right arm) I can't tell you how many mistakes, scientific and otherwise I've made in the past. Our world, yours and mine is dangerous. But it's my theory now, in order to better control your creature, you need to let it out now and again. I think I have such a possibility for you. We are trying to recruit a new group, to fight against those who would use the accords to get rid of Meta-humans altogether, along with any humans who would take their side. We would need this to be a darker and quieter group, capable of fighting under the radar, without discovery. That is our purpose here today. ( At this point he looks at Walker too) If you decide it's too risky for you, and I'd understand if you did... You'd go back with the Shield people and continue that existence. It's all your choice. "

Dm Post 5, Fury and Nemesis

Fury starts walking back towards the converted warehouse, hoping Nemesis will follow. Eden Haller follows just outside of conversational range, but as Fury walks through the crowd, they seem to mindlessly part ways for him and his crew.

As he walks he talks to Nemesis.

"You want to know what's in it for you. As it happens I did a great deal of research on the period of the turn of the century through World War One in Turkey. A lot of the worst things mankind has ever done to each other seemed to have happened there, the worst during the very first war encompassing nearly every continent on the planet. While I don't know, I can imagine, having seen some terrible things myself over the years. So, I tell you what we think the possibilities are. People who have been born enhanced are likely during the next few years to be captured or killed on such a scale that even you might give a dam. It won't matter to our enemies, small powers, big powers... Their goal is to eliminate them from the gene pool. Now, you say, what's in it for you ? How about helping us prevent what happened to your people, happening to people like you? Meanwhile, my associate will collect your bounty and you will get roughly eighty percent back in U.S. Dollar equivalent?"

As you are walking, you can barely hear Eden talking quietly into some sort of radio. {"Tesla, you have the surveillance covered ? All of it ? Good, keep me updated! "

Eventually the conversation takes the three of you into the converted warehouse, where several other small groups of people are.

Dm post Dr. Strange & Nine

"Hmm, what about your future interests me. Lets start with your immediate future Nine. Near as I can tell, your defenses are purely subterfuge. In other words, he gently pokes her, you can be hurt much like an average human being. My associates and I expect this gathering to be attacked by forces opposed to meta humans. We further expect them to have technology to help track meta-humans. I would like to have you listen to some of my associates who would like to recruit several local meta-humans, or enhanced humans, or even mutants into joining a group to help us oppose those who would do harm to meta-humans and mutants alike. If you are interested, please follow me?"

He turns, starting to walk towards the converted warehouse hoping she follows.


Nine watches the trajectory of Strange's finger, as it prods them. The moment Strange's finger presses into Nine's skin, Nine starts flooding Strange's id with seeds of lust. Nine ponders to themselves, 'A Doctor, a superhero, and...possibly some kind of wizard, given his preference of outfit, old Stephen must have the mental fortitude of Fort Knox. I'll really have to lay it on thick, even to get the smallest reaction out of him. He seems friendly enough, for an old codger. I'm sure he won't mind a small prank.'

As Strange pulls back his finger, Nine's ghastly white gaze returns to Stephen's. Nine quietly listens to the Doctor, turning their head once Stephen starts to walk away. Hands still folded behind their back, Nine turns on their heels to face the Doctor's path, following his gait. Cocking their head, Nine finally responds, "You consider what I do defensive, but I have been told by a number of reliable sources that what I do is very offensive. Reprehensible, even."

With the Good Doctor facing away from Nine, Nine continues their assault on Fort Doctor Stephen Strange's mind, all the while changing their own form into something slightly more masculine, wider shoulders, thinner hips, more squared jaw. Small, subtle changes most wouldn't really notice over Nine's more overtly strange* features. Nine ponders to themselves, again, 'Hmm, I take him for a straight man. I'm sure I could think of a look he'd like; between the sexes, I've never met a man I couldn't distract. But let's see if I can get him to do something silly for one of the ladies in there.'

* (no pun intended)
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I nod once more at Hank and then begin walking toward Hawkeye, kicking off my shoes and letting myself change. By the time I get to Clint and the guy next to him, I'm fully catted out. Thankfully I wore loose clothes today so I wouldn't lose any to stretch-damage, as I add two inches and about fifty pounds during the transformation.
transforming tigra.jpg

"Clint. Are you going to introduce me to your handsome new friend here?"
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Dm post 6 Korvus, Clint Barton & Dr. McCoy

They two men turn towards Greer as she changes. Hank manages to catch her flying shoes.

(( Clint )) " Hello again Miss Grant, this fine fellow is Grady Murtaugh out of Boston. Proud owner of a masters degree from M.I.T... Grady this is... now pardon her odd name, (( he winks )) probably fake you know, Greer Grant. ! "

Hank chuckles. " And I am Dr. Hank McCoy. I knew one of your professors at M.I.T Mr. Murtaugh, I am an accredited teacher myself, and perhaps we might find time to work on your Doctorate. "

(( Grady )) " Wow, you weren't kidding Mister Barton, a beautiful furry woman and a Nobel Prize winning scientist. That is just for starters ! Very nice to meet you Miss Grant, Dr. McCoy. "

Grady is a younger fellow, maybe drinking age... maybe not.

Clint winks at Greer and has a subtle knowing smile. Charles Xavier meanwhile has caught the Beast's attention as he enters the room.
@Michale CS
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"Actually, when I'm looking like this I go by Tigra. I don't exactly keep a secret identity because I spend as much time orange and furry as possible. They frown on it in my line of civilian work. Not many people want their prescriptions filled by a cat person, though now that I'm on the West Coast I may try it, I'm sure Hollywood has seen stranger pharmacists." She laughed, and looked Grady over.

Putting a hand on his arm, she continued. "Besides, Grady, Greer, we're overdoing the Gs there. What is it that you do, Grady, I mean when you're behind the mask? I mean, with me, it's sort of obvious..."

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If she were smart, she would count the 'come back in with me' as the favor. If she were more of a fortune telling gypsy, she would have. But as it is… Gwen hops down from her mount and walks casually just behind Janet.

Her hands fold behind her head as they walk, watching the older woman out of the corner of her stylized mask. She looks down and ahead of herself as Janet starts the proposal. There's a ton there Gwen doesn't like the sound of. Some of it because it hits just a little to close to home for her.

Namely thinking about the Accords ramping up more… and that brings the image of Castle and his War Machine to mind…

They get into the warehouse, and now Gwen's pace comes to a slow halt. She reaches out to Janet to gently grab her forearm to stop her. She speaks very softly to her at first. "If I'm even gonna consider this… can ya not call me by my government name? I know some of these peeps dig the spotlight'n all with their names bein known… but I ain't like that. I need my Clark Kent side." As in a 'secret' identity. She releases Janet from the gentle grip and now takes a step ahead of her. She looks over the small crowd there, frowning hidden under her mask. In her ears she hears the names of most all here, at least the most well known of them. "This's some kinda shindig." She says softly.

Silently she stands there now for just a few moments. Clearly thinking to herself. And then she half turns, her head tilting up a little to look to the taller Janet "So you guys want some kinda rogue call of duty black ops Superfriends? Is that what this is?" She now turns to face Janet fully. "I seen the Superfriends movie, and it suuuuuuucked." she motions Janet to stop, even though Janet didn't say anything "Don't get me started on all that dren." Her hands lower as she continues.

"This seems cool and all, it'd make for a good comic book"
or RP "but wouldn't we be breakin laws? I mean that's what we're talkin' about, right? Doesn't that make us as shady as the baddies we beat down?"
Drake Campbell

Ironically, one of the many things that Drake had learned from his adoptive dad before he killed himself was falling apart. He was thankful that he hadn't landed on the cold ground and was surprised by Bobbys music choice.

Now this was embarrassing.....how to save this was Drake's immediate thought. " Yeah we did, I guess I got my times mixed up and thought I was stood up. Yeah, that was the nickname of the guy. Mine is Electrick Company.... kind of an homage to my adoptive dad."

He hadn't noticed the other woman until she had spoken up and said for him to go inside.

"I can handle edgy......" he replied, crossing his arms. If he had to fight, he would fight. He wasn't going to run like a coward.
Though Creed had built up an impressive physical protective shield it seemed to be lowered with each word Banner said. The doctor knew him well and Creed often was ever since he was able to control Apex a hermit of sorts. As much as one can be in a shield controlled and secured detention block. He often would dream of being out and even being an agent. Like the shows he watched as a kid. The good guys catching the bad ones and being for justice and for all. The nostalgic times of his youth were something he both missed and was reluctant to acknowledge. The blissful ignorance of the future being desirable and the knowing trap laid for if one were to do so. It would happen anyway. Taking a breath creed looked at Banner his arm supported plates now are against the floor leaving a more than visible gap to see his fanged face and armored hide "I understand doctor and i will join. However i wish that Agent Lia be notified. I wouldn't want the Shield agents to think it a breach of containment. The last time that happened the team they sent was less than diplomatic" He had departed the facility and in truth only due to Agent Lia and Banner's words got him even to the door. The requirement at that time he was required to have a tracking chip. Unknown to Creed when he does body changes some muscles are discarded and used biomass ejected. And when they saw his chip had been removed they sent a team to capture or neutralize. More than one had a flame weapon on them.

However nervous Creed felt he knew Banner would never lead him into a trap. Misunderstandings probably, but never to his downfall on purpose. So with that Creed kept his body protection on hand. At the very least flames would take longer to go through thicker chitin armor than his flesh. But at best he could protect Banner and people nearby when the real speaking started. Not the roaring of opinions and protests outside.
Walker had been patiently listening to the two large figures speak. The "mutants" of Earth were impressive to see. He'd seen quite a few in his time on Earth and there was always something special to see. Thought the big green one just seemed to be big and green, but Walker recognized him as the Hulk. A massive ball of chaos that would demolish a city street in one clap. The YouTube video was an impressive sight.

Walker's eyes wandered from his group to the many other people joining the crowd. He could feel the shadows slowly slinking into the crowd, deliberately moving toward their targets, his eyes narrowed. Enemies? Did the green man know them? What about Creed? A trap. Had he made a mistake? The thoughts raced in his mind, but he took a deep breath and caught up with Creed and Banner.

( At this point he looks at Walker too) "If you decide it's too risky for you, and I'd understand if you did... You'd go back with the Shield people and continue that existence. It's all your choice."


Walker, albeit wearing his signature mask, smiles. The squint of his eyes and round lumps pushing up into them, hinting at the ear-to-ear smile he was hiding, faced Banner.

"I mean no disrespect when I say this Dr. Banner, but what life?" In a simple and calm tone Walker replied. "The one where I lived for no purpose? Existed to protect and love no one, that life?" Walker lifted his bandaged arm and gripped his fist. "I trained- No, I fought for this exact mission. After hearing those words, my blade, albeit gone, is yours."

Walker then turned on his heels looking around at the warehouse. He takes greater notes of the groups at this moment and pays attention to how the members in the warehouse were acting, especially those approached by public mutant figures, and can tell those who bore the looks of concern on their face were the ones doling out this mission. For those poor unfortunate souls that happened to be facing Walker, he was able to read their lips to decipher their conversations. However, his eyes fell onto Charles Xavier and Mrs. Chen. It was very clear that conversation taking place, but Walker was perplexed. They couldn't all just be standing over there staring at each other could they?

Walker eventually decided it was rude to stare and faced Banner.
"Now what?"

Dm Post 5, Fury and Nemesis

Fury starts walking back towards the converted warehouse, hoping Nemesis will follow. Eden Haller follows just outside of conversational range, but as Fury walks through the crowd, they seem to mindlessly part ways for him and his crew.

As he walks he talks to Nemesis.

"You want to know what's in it for you. As it happens I did a great deal of research on the period of the turn of the century through World War One in Turkey. A lot of the worst things mankind has ever done to each other seemed to have happened there, the worst during the very first war encompassing nearly every continent on the planet. While I don't know, I can imagine, having seen some terrible things myself over the years. So, I tell you what we think the possibilities are. People who have been born enhanced are likely during the next few years to be captured or killed on such a scale that even you might give a dam. It won't matter to our enemies, small powers, big powers... Their goal is to eliminate them from the gene pool. Now, you say, what's in it for you ? How about helping us prevent what happened to your people, happening to people like you? Meanwhile, my associate will collect your bounty and you will get roughly eighty percent back in U.S. Dollar equivalent?"

As you are walking, you can barely hear Eden talking quietly into some sort of radio. {"Tesla, you have the surveillance covered ? All of it ? Good, keep me updated! "

Eventually the conversation takes the three of you into the converted warehouse, where several other small groups of people are.


Nemesis followed Nick Fury to the building that was its grand opening. It didn't escape her observation that the crowd mysteriously parted for them. Someone is using their powers but who exactly? Swifty though her would-be recruiter had a reply to her demands.

The survivor's body stiffened as Fury referred to what happened in the so-called Great War. She was relieved to be wearing a mask, otherwise her grieving expression would've been evident for anyone. No matter how many years had passed it was like an old deep wound that continues to ache.

Every fiber of her being wanted to shout at Fury to make him stop talking. Yet Nemesis only continued to hear him speak on why she should care. About the threat of genocide and captivity against people for simply having powers. In that moment Nayat Sahakian's vision was filled with memories long buried until now...

Flocks of sheep grazing on a hill in front of the mountains. Children running, playing and laughing through a small village. The scent of bread being made filled the nostrils before she heard music being played by her grandfather. Suddenly it all vanished into fire and the cries of the dying.

Without thinking she squeezed her hands into shaking fists. Rage began to boil. It took all of Nemesis' self restraint to keep herself from lashing out with her powers. Moments later the ravager answered.

"I'll take that as payment. However I want to make something clear Fury…" The Armenian briefly raised her right gloved fist to shoulder level. "I'm only doing this for my own reasons, not for you or whoever your leaders are."

Not long after they entered the warehouse where the others were gathering. At the sight of them all Nemesis still disguised in her begger's cloak whistled. Things are getting more interesting. Nemsis silently concluded, as her curiosity grew.
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Dm posts set two #1 Nine and Dr. Strange

As the odd shapeshifting creature known as Nine, attempts her... Its prank. On the Sorcerer Supreme. Meanwhile the other Sorcerer, simply known as Murray goes into action. Frumpy looking in comparison to his boss, he quickly casts spells to protect Dr. Stephen Strange.

However, these spells and the powers of the Nine seem to be knocked aside by a gesture from the Sorcerer Supreme. .

"Relax Murray, I think it was a little test, and desire to prove itself. Come along you two, we have people to meet. Please behave yourself Nine!"
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Dm posts set two-2. Spider-Gwen and Janet Van Dyne.

"Sorry about the name, mistake on my part. Look, I expect one of the others to make the big speech here. But, I will say a little. What we are trying to do, is the right thing. As opposed to the strickly legal thing. It might be stupid of those of us trying to do this to expect morals to overide the rule of law. Which seems like it will eventually expect us to go meekly to our own doom. Not me lady. You have your own choice to make. I have made mine and I hope when the time comes you will be happy with yours. "

She continues walking into the facility, towards one of the various groups of people.
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Dm Post set two #3 iceman & Drake.

Bobby bends and picks up his fallen earbud. Looking over at the woman for a moment.

"It's okay miss, we'll be inside in a moment. "

He looks back over at Drake now.

"Alright tough guy, just for me now, will you walk with me for a moment. Fighting usually gives me a cold chill up my spine. "

Bobby playfully punches Drakes arm and starts walking towards the converted warehouse.

"Come on Electric Company."
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Dm post set two #4 Dr. Banner, Creed and Walker.

As Bruce listens to Walker he nods thoughtfully.

"Alright, I can't say as I was expecting you, but sometimes that makes the difference. Come along and I'll take you to meet some people. Mister Creed, Mister Walker, remind me again, what names I should be using ? "

In the near distance, the three of them would be walking towards a group of four people. Two older men, one woman, now furry, orange and black and one younger man holding a cane.

"Those people there, two of our program trainers, and two recruits. The young man goes by Korvus if I remember right, the woman is Tigra. "
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Dm post Set two #5

Once inside Nick Fury's little group makes a beeline, albeit at a medium pace walk towards Wasp and Spider Woman. His assistant... Eden trails behind and seems to be talking under her breath.

"Wasp, Spider Woman, hello. I am Nick Fury, this is combat specialist Nemesis. I expect if she agrees, {he looks over at her briefly} She will be an incredible asset to our potential team. Nemesis, this is Wasp, a veteran and Spider Woman who is more than strong, fast and smart. Ladies, feel free to get acquainted. I am going to go talk to a couple of friend to prepare for who gives the speach. "

@Nomad-22 @Camleen
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The mention of Charles Xavier by name genuinely surprised Chen. She was acquainted with his reputation, of course. Beyond his academic credentials, he'd been an eloquent speaker and writer on the subject of mutant rights...a subject near and dear to her own area of legal study. Finding him so directly involved with mutants didn't seem to quite fit his character, though. The man she'd read was passionate about bringing humans and mutants together. Leading a team of mutant enhanced seemed like the kind of direct action that might call his philosophy into question.

Which, arguably, was a very good reason he'd kept all of this confidential.

"Thank you, Ororo," Chen said, giving the black woman a smile after she'd relayed her mentor's message.

Reading a room was integral to the Chinese business character, particularly growing up the scion of a family-owned corporation, so the reaction of the other mutants didn't escape her notice. Then she heard his voice in her head. If the revelation of Xavier's name surprised her, this astonished her. As did the implications, once her mind started working again. Could he project his thoughts only? Or was he aware of hers?

The massive invasion of privacy implications were breathtaking, yet presumably his team knew what he could do and showed no sign of fearing the intrusion of his thoughts. Unless they were mind-controlled. Could he control minds? How safe was she? ...But then, if he were that strong, what chance did she have anyway? No, he'd begun this cordially enough. If he were that strong, she was already doomed, so she might as well proceed as if he weren't.

"I can appreciate your concern around timing, given the crowds out there, Dr. Xavier," Chen said with a polite smile. "Perhaps another time or place would be more appropriate. I suppose the only thing I want to know right now is the nature of your interest in me. Your people and yourself know of me already, it seems. It's kind of you to offer to answer my questions but, if time is short, why not ask some of your own so we can see if further conversation is warranted?"
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