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He was fully charged, and left alone. Looking around this room he saw all of the other marvels of his time. The Mark II Mandroid armor, several sets of it, along one wall. A prototype sonic blaster in a display case. His own weapon systems were mainly offline as they had been deliberately disconnected. His self-repair protocols were also taken offline. It seems his captors had taken every precaution. One thing they couldn't take away was his strength, both in material strength and physical. That sonic blaster and his own fists would have to be his weapons of choice if he chose to make a break for it.

He was considering his path when he saw the red light above the hangar door start flashing, and the warning klaxons begin. With a quick eavesdrop on the local communications network, he quickly found out it was a perimeter alert. Nearby air traffic, they were sending a team to investigate.

Currently there were only two men in the room with him now, currently tinkering on a couple of the Mandroid armors.

[IMG alt="Ringmaster"]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/17/17155.jpg?1611697573[/IMG] Ringmaster


Well, he wasn't going to get out of here without doing something. Very casually, he unplugged himself and let out a metallic sigh of relief.

"My thanks citizens. Say, what's going on here anyway? I hear some kind of humdinger coming our way."

He rose up and began to stretch, absently ensuring his joints and the rest of him was well-cared for.

They were, thankfully enough and he just waved a hand. "Ah, don't you worry. I'll deal with it myself. Juuuust gonna borrow this."

And he walked towards the sonic blaster, smashing in the glass to take it out.

"Sweet boys with toys, I'm feeling a little better for that!"
@Michale CS
When secure ear pieces get passed out, Chen accepts hers and gives May a swift, grateful smile.

The tactical suggestions were even more valuable, though. She'd had a week to practice her powers but the notion of just blinding a target with a flash hadn't occurred to her. Once more, Chen was conscious that she was untrained. She was on a team surrounded by people who were also theoretically new to this work, except every one of them seemed more competent.

It was the first time in...possibly her entire life that she hadn't exceled. At school, in college, in court, and in the training hall where she practiced Wushu, Chen's focus and drive caused her to exceed past all expectations. But not here, where superpowers were the determining factor, superpowers she'd spent her adult life avoiding.

But if Charles Xavier could see into her mind and have faith that she was supposed to be here, the least she could do was to try having faith in herself. At least Agent May was kind enough to offer a training class and 'homework' as options. No matter how this went, it sounded like Chen wouldn't be condemned for lacking skills she'd never had the chance to learn before now.

So she waited, for the two chosen to scout to report back, for someone to tell her what to do. Horrible. She'd been a leader all her life. But the beginning of wisdom lay in knowing what one doesn't know. It was time to learn.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: Michale CS
They were, thankfully enough and he just waved a hand. "Ah, don't you worry. I'll deal with it myself. Juuuust gonna borrow this."

And he walked towards the sonic blaster, smashing in the glass to take it out.

"Sweet boys with toys, I'm feeling a little better for that!"

"Yeah, no. We can't let the project get of this room, man, you know what we gotta do." One tech said, suiting up into the Mandroid Armor.

"But we've only done simulators." Still, it seemed safer to be in armor than to be unarmored so he suited up too.

"Project 13, stand down and power down, this is your only warning." The weapon systems started to whir up, that distinct sound of an Arc reactor spinning up for a repulsor blast. the first guy said, and the other one was fumbling with the interface and finally got it to move properly.

It was probably going to be embarrassingly easy to take these guys down, but there it was, the Big Guy's first challenge.

Meanwhile... as the pair scouted, with Walker literally being Greer's shadow...


There were a group of four armored and armed men leaving the facility and approaching the positon where the Blackbird had landed, but... they weren't wearing any sort of insignia. So, definitely not any official Government agency. It appeared, however, on the gates themselves and around they were trying very hard to look largely abandoned so there were no visible guards outside of that, which meant after they took care of this, they'd just have to look for surveillance

"I can take two out before they hit their comms, you're gonna have to get the other two, otherwise they'll know something's up and this may blow up big. You got that, Walker?"

"Yeah, no. We can't let the project get of this room, man, you know what we gotta do." One tech said, suiting up into the Mandroid Armor.

"But we've only done simulators." Still, it seemed safer to be in armor than to be unarmored so he suited up too.

"Project 13, stand down and power down, this is your only warning." The weapon systems started to whir up, that distinct sound of an Arc reactor spinning up for a repulsor blast. the first guy said, and the other one was fumbling with the interface and finally got it to move properly.

It was probably going to be embarrassingly easy to take these guys down, but there it was, the Big Guy's first challenge.

"Fact. The only thing hotter than Moms Apple Pie is the sting of my fully automated, anti-kaiju round burst shoulder cannon mag. Want a slice?"

And on his shoulder, the cannon opened up, becoming something you'd expect to see on a tank as the tri-prong barrel pointed towards the duo.

Just to distract them as he fired off the sonic blaster, with its less lethal applications towards the direction of the duo.

"Sorry boys."
They were, thankfully enough and he just waved a hand. "Ah, don't you worry. I'll deal with it myself. Juuuust gonna borrow this."

And he walked towards the sonic blaster, smashing in the glass to take it out.

"Sweet boys with toys, I'm feeling a little better for that!"

"Yeah, no. We can't let the project get of this room, man, you know what we gotta do." One tech said, suiting up into the Mandroid Armor.

"But we've only done simulators." Still, it seemed safer to be in armor than to be unarmored so he suited up too.

"Project 13, stand down and power down, this is your only warning." The weapon systems started to whir up, that distinct sound of an Arc reactor spinning up for a repulsor blast. the first guy said, and the other one was fumbling with the interface and finally got it to move properly.

It was probably going to be embarrassingly easy to take these guys down, but there it was, the Big Guy's first challenge.

Meanwhile... as the pair scouted, with Walker literally being Greer's shadow...

View attachment 213327

There were a group of four armored and armed men leaving the facility and approaching the positon where the Blackbird had landed, but... they weren't wearing any sort of insignia. So, definitely not any official Government agency. It appeared, however, on the gates themselves and around they were trying very hard to look largely abandoned so there were no visible guards outside of that, which meant after they took care of this, they'd just have to look for surveillance

"I can take two out before they hit their comms, you're gonna have to get the other two, otherwise they'll know something's up and this may blow up big. You got that, Walker?"


Finally. Something normal. As Greer moved Walker kept pace so that at a moment's notice he could exit her shadow. See for Walker he was in another plane of existence, not seemingly one with Greer's shadow, and could use her shadow like a window or doorway out of that existence. However, this also allowed him to move around and only focus on other shadows approaching Greer like a radar. So before she even spoke he was aware of their presence.

"My abilities will allow me to apprehend my targets from behind. So, I should have no issues. I am now engaging the enemy." Walker explained.

Walker sprinted quickly and currently being in an area of complete darkness he had one free teleport to use before the sun stripped him of his full power. He used this first teleport to appear behind his first opponent and start choking him. He then faced another patrol, trusting in Tigra's words and May's recommendation, that the two other targets would be preoccupied. Walker was skilled in killing, he knew exactly how long it would take for the man he was holding to pass out, so he just continued to stare at the other patrol as he counted in his head. Just as the count finished he dropped into the shadow of a now fainting man. As Walker dropped down into the shadow he used his targets falling body as continued cover.

There could not be much time between his reappearance as he was working in tandem with Tigra. So, within the second he vanished he reappeared behind the other patrol. Assuming this patrol was a trained soldier Walker anticipated some kind of counter attack. He noted that he wielded a gun, a ranged weapon, so Walker assumed the tactic would be to turn and shoot. If so Walker would use the gun as a lever to stop the turn of the soldier, disarm him, and counter attack. This counter attack would just be a series of rapid punches to the patrol's head, body, and shoulders before grabbing the patrol's head and slamming it into his elbow.

Walker then turned prepared to fight even more.
Nemesis was not one to do nothing while trouble is happening. Leaving the blackbird plane she remarked to the others after it was decided who would scout ahead. "I'll watch over our scouts from cover." Privately the ravager wanted in the action as soon as possible but her contractors made it clear how they wanted things to be run.

I don't understand them. Why do they care so much about sparing enemies who are plotting to murder people for being different?

The very thought frustrated Nemesis and she gripped her sniper rifle all the more tighter. Well sooner or later they will wise up and the merc intended to take advantage of it when that happens. Nemesis noted a tree on the left a few yards away, rushing toward.

For a moment her mind flashed back to years ago…

"Come on Nayat please join me. It is a great view from here." A little boy in herder's clothes called out his friend below while sitting on a branch. The latter smiled brightly. "Here I come, Suren." Moments later she began climbing but her smile turned to a grimace when her grip was slipping.

Alarmed Suren quickly reached his right hand to her from above. "Take my hand." In desperation Nayat did so and was pulled up…

The memory disappeared as Nemesis leaped and easily climbed up the tree before finding a concealed position. She softy sighed, her heart aching, remembering her childhood friend. I'll never forget you Suren. Shaking off further self reflection Nemesis spied through the sniper scope of the armed patrol before Geer and Walker quietly intercepted them from behind. She smirked as the latter took down his two targets utilizing his teleportation ability and close quarters melee

Not bad, not bad at all. He would make a great ravager.

Subsequently Nemesis turned the scope to see how well Geer handled her pair of enemies.
Creed held back though he wanted to be with the main scout team. Though this didn't last long he hoped the attempt to restrain himself earned the basics of good will. However in his mind it would be a horrible start to make a good friend then have them die on the first mission. His muscles ached from inactivity as only a second ago he had rushed across a small patch of open ground. He had heard activity but assumed the scout team met some friends. Hiding in a corner he had the perfect spot to ambush. To his left was a door that was closed and looked sealed. But he didn't look close enough in the dead sprint he used to get here.

Having provided by shade as well he wasn't hidden but passable if they were focused on say another distraction. He had spotted the weak point and if anyone wanted to give the scout team surprise notice here would be a good exit point. Though still in his faster reptile form his tails silently split to the four bladed lighting weapons he used them as. Preparing to step out he paused. His head stopping close to the edge of the wall he hid by as humming moved past him.

It felt like the wind was vibrating in front of him. The subtle buzzing slowly moved and he barely could make out what it was. Only seeing the thing for what it was as it shed whatever cloak it held. A boxy quad propeller stealth drone had a small device next to the small protruding barrel under the chasse. A red scanning line moved onto the ground. Sputtering as something seemed to interrupt the inner system. Slowly lifting a tail another drone appeared next to the first. A twin it scanned another spot. It was one of his foot prints and one of the scout teams. Scanning the clawed muddled footprint it stopped scanning giving a garbled negative. The first however scanned the more humanoid footprint and struggled to make audio ques of the result.

However Creed noticed they moved in sync starting to slowly reengage the cloaking tech as they moved in a slow yet progressive pace. Thrusting a tail forward it stabbed into the first drone. The nearest propeller sheared through and making it tilt. It let out a pair of negative tones and turned the barrel. The shots he expected loud bursting shots. But they were like darts a small thud sounded and he felt a sharp pain in his thigh. Using his tails he savaged the damaged drone closing the distance. Two out of the four tails stabbing in the center and prying it apart into a mess of machine parts he couldn't identify.

Grabbing the last drone that was about the size of a human torso he crushed it however heard the quiet thump thump of the mounted weapon. Once the machine finished functioning he knelt back by the wall. He held in a hiss as three shots hit him. Two in the thigh one in the side. Getting on coms he hissed as he began forcing his body to heal. Using the valuable bio fuel stored in him to manage this "Creed here. Keep an eye out ya? Just crumpled a pair of old stealth drones. They hurt like hell so listen for humming or quiet shots" Pulling his hand away from his head he covered and mixed his blood with the dirt. Trying to cover his tracks as best he can.
  • Useful
Reactions: Michale CS
"Fact. The only thing hotter than Moms Apple Pie is the sting of my fully automated, anti-kaiju round burst shoulder cannon mag. Want a slice?"

And on his shoulder, the cannon opened up, becoming something you'd expect to see on a tank as the tri-prong barrel pointed towards the duo.

Just to distract them as he fired off the sonic blaster, with its less lethal applications towards the direction of the duo.

"Sorry boys."
The pair had gotten into the Mandroids, but only one managed to get sealed in, so the second hapless tech fell victim to the sonic blaster, the armor going to its knees.

The other charged up to the Big Guy and, since the arc reactor wasn't fully charged, launched a right hook at him. It connected, even staggered him a step, but there was no significant damage.
"Stand down. My suit is sealed against your blaster, and I was Golden Glove of my graduating class. You will not enjoy this, but it will be over quickly." He fell into a very typical boxing stance and started his footwork.

Oh, this was going to be fun...

Not bad, not bad at all. He would make a great ravager.

Subsequently Nemesis turned the scope to see how well Geer handled her pair of enemies.
Grabbing the last drone that was about the size of a human torso he crushed it however heard the quiet thump thump of the mounted weapon. Once the machine finished functioning he knelt back by the wall. He held in a hiss as three shots hit him. Two in the thigh one in the side. Getting on coms he hissed as he began forcing his body to heal. Using the valuable bio fuel stored in him to manage this "Creed here. Keep an eye out ya? Just crumpled a pair of old stealth drones. They hurt like hell so listen for humming or quiet shots" Pulling his hand away from his head he covered and mixed his blood with the dirt. Trying to cover his tracks as best he can.
"Gotcha!" Greer said as she used a spinning back kick to the temple of one guard and used the momentum as she swiveled around to jam an elbow into the throat of the other, putting them down with ease before rolling to one side, silent puffs of leaves and dirt kicking up where another of those drones fired. "I spotted it. Nemesis, it's at 3 o'clock, about ten meters up. Can you take it out? I'd need too much of a running start to get that high and I'd rather not have holes in me that aren't needed."


"They've engaged the enemy patrols. Also I'm picking up an alert from on site. I know none of you are there, so maybe our presence is giving someone else a chance to use us as a distraction, as we did have embedded personnel there, they just have been silent for about a week. Everyone not already engaged, move out. I'll stay here at the jet in case you need quick extraction. "

@ShiroKiyoshi @Soverign @Ringmaster @Nomad-22 @Epiphany. @LuckycoolHawk9 @BrokenWings
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The pair had gotten into the Mandroids, but only one managed to get sealed in, so the second hapless tech fell victim to the sonic blaster, the armor going to its knees.

The other charged up to the Big Guy and, since the arc reactor wasn't fully charged, launched a right hook at him. It connected, even staggered him a step, but there was no significant damage.
"Stand down. My suit is sealed against your blaster, and I was Golden Glove of my graduating class. You will not enjoy this, but it will be over quickly." He fell into a very typical boxing stance and started his footwork.

Oh, this was going to be fun...

He didn't laugh. Partly because he thought he had a chance and didn't want to hurt his feelings. Mostly because the Big Guy had a sudden thought, eyeing him up and down before musing.

"Hmmm. Yeah, that could work. And good for your son, always nice to see some all-American fisticuffs. But while I would indulge like a gentleman, I actually got places to be. Sooooo.... Could you take a small step to the right-no? Never mind, I'll do it." He did so, and then suddenly the thrusters that he used in the past to fly to an asteroid and punch the shit out of it activated, the Big Guy rocketing forward and avoiding the fallen tech as he rammed in the direction of the mandroid.

"Knock-knock, its FREEDOM!"

And if successful, would use him as an impromptu battering ram through the walls and out into the open, where he'd proceed to fly upwards. And up...

And up.

"Don't worry son. You'll live. And remember, experience trumps any day of the week."

And he let go.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Michale CS
It's almost like a performance she is putting on. Nemisis thought with a new ounce of respect for Geer. She can barely see how the guards were taken down as they fell because it all so sudden. The feline was quite fast and agile like a dancer. Subsequently the drone opened fire toward Tigara.

Hearing the call of aid from Geer's coms the ravager silently turned her sights on the drone.

Immediately she pulled the trigger, a laser bolt flew forth. It struck the drone near the center mass. Upon impact the bot exploded into little metal pieces. Nemesis couldn't help but think. Next target I'll see I will aim for the center or the head. Then their handler updated the whole team about some disturbance inside the factility.

That is rather curious.

Keeping that thought locked in her mind Nemeis answered back. "Acknowledged I'll keep providing cover from my position until told otherwise." Saying that the spacer returned to watching over the Geer and Walker.
Drake Campbell

Drake should have expected things to go south. It was kind of his luck when it came to anything. Sometimes he wondered if this was some sort of curse that had been placed on him. He was silent as the duo left, lost once again in his own thoughts. So, when May told them that something else was using them to escape, he really should have expected it. Missions had a weird way of never going on the plan. He wasn't entirely sure if it was a him thing, a hero thing or a SHIELD thing. Maybe all three. " Heading out as instructed."

He didn't bother with doing anything fancy to leave. Knowing his own luck, he would faceplant on the ground. Drake would take a second to scoop where the nearest enemies were along with the nearest electric source to possibly shortcircuit if needed.

@Michale CS
Moving to where the drones exited from the biovore dug his claws in where the doors met. Hearing metal creak and groan he snarled pulling them open. When finally whatever was holding them closed either broke or buckled he threw one door open leaving the other half open and attempting to close and jam. Now causing a dull thwump each time it tried to close "This is Creed, going in. Will send a report if I find anything else like the drones" Smelling the new environment it wasn't like outside. It smelt of wet metal and some rust. Easily somewhere he could hide in. Which made him cautious. Moving in he kept on two legs choosing stealth over speed. Looking over the halls and rooms they each had one characteristic in mind.

Stopping half way through he peered at a panel. It was set into the wall almost like a vent but around human chest height. Kneeling he knocked on it lightly "Hollow, so something is behind you. Pathway? No to small for humans. Maybe.." He got his answer as a drone approached the panel and it folded open quickly showing the red central eye looking at him. Tails stabbed at the drone out of a fight reflex Creed dove to the side. He heard a small whine and it crumpled to the floor.

Sighing he got on coms "This is Creed. Vents are pathways for drones. Be aware" Turning he heard more exiting vents down the hall. He ran hoping to find a location that wasn't so wide open 'It's just gonna be one of these days eh?'