Mecha Mash!-OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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The Ball Python Queen
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Depending on my schedule I am on at various times during the week. Usually most reliable after 5, though sometimes I nap. Weekends are a free for all schedule wise.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Possibly Sci Fi

Mecha Mash

Mecha Mash. A game invented in 2045 by a top notch engineer. Robots had finally gained traction and were everywhere from the executive office to your own back yard. And that's when they started to come out. Large man driven pods. The first prototypes were clunky, but the excitement was there. Going back to the gladiator times, entertainment was reborn. Old sports with a ball and a stick
were thrown out the nearest window. What's interesting is the Mecha Mash.

Twenty years after Mecha Mash opened the first training schools popped up. Brawl Academy.
State of the art, new facilities, and a state of the art battle arena. But boy was it hard to get into. Considering it was a sport you could enter starting at the age of 16, these special schools were the perfect place for future and current Mecha Mash champions to hone their skills, and seek out their titles.

And now, the 35th annual Mecha Mash is coming up, and it's all hands on deck. With the sport being originally male dominated, now the ladies are coming in for the kill.

Who will be our new champion? And what exactly goes on behind the scenes?

1.IceQueen is the GM and makes all the final decision for this roleplay. I really ain't that mean so feel free to ask questions if you have any.
2.Posting expectations are at the least once a week, a decent sized paragraph. The more the merrier but if life is getting you down, just let me know. No one liners
4. Be nice in the ooc, we don't want fights happening.
5. Make your characters realistic. No one is going to fall in love at first sight, no one is going to be perfect. Everyone has something wrong with them.
6. Make sure that you are being respectful to all walks of life. Like LGBT+ people, gender non binary, and people of different sexualities though it's mostly not a problem.
7. Be open to GM suggestions, and wait to make sure they know you want a change before you start it.
8. Make sure everyone is on the same page. Confusion leads to stress, which leads to people not having fun.
9. Your post should have something identifying your character that isn't a picture in the IC. Fancy div boxes are nice but sometimes they draw away from the intended content of the reply. It is also harder on mobile users.
10. Make sure to keep in your age group if things get a little smexy, as part of the rules of Iwaku.
11. This roleplay deal with topics such as violence, drama, etc. It may also include topics of self harm, cheating, coming out, betrayal, and other such triggering events. If you do not wish to participate because of this at any time, please notify me at the earliest possible moment.
12. Tag those who you have interacted with so we can all stay sane and keep track of posts.
13. Keep yourself in check. A slow moving RP is never fun. Try and be able to post once if not more a week. If I have to remind you more than once, I will let someone else take the spot.
14. Respect the GM's. This is my roleplay, and my idea. What I say goes. I have the right to reject or accept any character.
15. No more than one character a person for now. Based on the amount of interest I will tweak this rule accordingly.

The City Of Avalon

The City of Avalon


The Center Arena Dome

Arena Types

Brawl Academy

Brawl Academy Student Dorms

Brawl Academy Elite Student Dorms

All Elite Dorms are the size of a small apartment. Includes free of charge breakfast bar, gym facilities, and study halls.
Braw Practice Arena/Facilities

Brawl Academy Arena


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Hmm, may have an interest in this, just dropping my hat in so you know.
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I should be creating a roster, a combat system, and a cs today. Don't hold me too that though
Giant robots are basically magnets for me but don't be surprised if I rip off Mechagodzilla gain inspiration from external sources. But yeah ripping off Mechagodzilla is a guarantee.
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